The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 14, 1905, Image 5

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,t1 I
ThnioitiiyV Dally Journal. J
l'rof. Tool, vmlitiiMl. 'Plume ..
Dr. Vallier, Oiteopath, llnrlir block.
Grim Smith of Hclgindn was in the
city today.
Judge Post returned today noon
from St Paul, Minn.
Miss Suruh Mllot iuiiI brother Frank
w re In the city tniuly,
Tim roof of the elevator roller mills
Is receiving n now font of paint.
Dr. Chun. II. 1'liilK, homeopathic ph
Hiiiimi iitid tmrgcnii, postnlllco building
Mrs. Fred Kleiner Irfi jrntcrduv lor
Omiilin where Mm will lsit friends
for n fow dins
Mls Marion Smith and Miss Gwcii
tlolyn Gnrlnw went to Kchuylcr yes
ordny on a shot! visit.
Mrs (.). S Hudson wont to Chicago
this moriiini! to Imr sister. Mni.
K. M. KUoiniiuu, lor M'vcrnl wrukp
Mrs. ,luper Nichols mid two chil
dren arrived brio todav from Vavnc
to vUit hir mother. Mrs. Paul lloppen
Mrs. .1 I. Hooker is giving n Kn.
siuglnu this afternoon for hor dnugh
tor, Mrs. W K, Weaver of Morrison,
Kil. lloiirn hist live head ol rut tie
tills week. Tlmy liml lieen pustnting
on tainn (.tusk utid evidently gor mi
ovor itiiMt.
Mi-s Kinlly (Joo!; or Lincoln j liere
.ii.iling her .'Inter, Mi I,. K. l(i.
Woll Miss Cook luis liin'ti teaching
nt CnMcn the pnht year.
Misses Katie mid Colia Ktcngrr have
issued Invitations to n parry tomorrow
evening, in compliment to Misses Do
ford itndMiifser who tiro visiting liere.
Haired Plymouth Kocl: mid Hose
Comb llrown Leghorn eggs for sale
lit s?l..'iO for l.'i or .fi.fio for :t(i. Coltim
bus Poultry Yards', M., prop,
J.'O. Kchols and Henry Kogntz have,
boon in Omnlin thin week attending
Rrand lodge nf the Alasnns .T. K.
Nortli also attended the Masonic Vet
erans' association.
Mth II AI Winslnw left yostordny
afternoon for a three months visit to
Imr childhood homo at Amherst,
Mass. Klin has two brothers mid n sis
torresHinghoio whom shelias not vis
ited for about twelve years
Henry Ragatz & Co.
Of tho First Quality
A Full Lino of Staple and Fancy
Provisions, Quecnswave, Glassware and
Fancy China.
j& COFFEE j&
Our "Richelieu" in bulk gives entire
satisfaction at 30, 25, 20 & 15c a lb.
The following in tins-1-lb 2-lb 3-lb
"White House" - - - - .40
Chase & Sanborn's "Seal" - .40
Id'plon's .... .40
Mlicholiou" - - - .40
"Katfatz" ....
j& TEA j&
Japan, (lunpowder and English Hrcakfast, in bulk
and packages, the finest grown and Guaranteed
to give Perfect. Satisfaction.
A full, frcsli and complete assortment
ol ovorything usually sold in our line. We
buy our goods direct from lirst hands for
cash, and consequently buy at tho VERY
LOWEST PRICES. Wo can and do sell the
arc conlidont wo can convince everybody of
that fact who will give us a trial.
Henry Raiatz k Co.,
Nebraska Phona 29, Indpsndep Phones 29 and 229.
Mayor .Toe McOlelland and John
Islington ot Fnllerton wrre iu the
city vpntonlnr. Mr. McClollnml wim
on IiIh way to Hollovtm whem he nt
teitdcd coiiitnencouient exorciips of the
I'ollrRO there andMr.KdliiKtoii ntopppi
in Otnalia on busliH'UK.
James Nnvels of this oity has been
lionored by i ro-electlou to the oflloo
ot uresidieut of the Nebraska Hetall
liiiiuor Dealers' asuoclntion, n place
wlilah ho 1ms hold for the tins year.
Mr N'evels ispvldently as otiuIar with
the brethrpii ot his liHsluess thronph.
out the state as ho is with tho home
bnj s.
Captain Hurry Lolir lost his homo
last tiluht. We intmn his old home,
where pa ami ma lives. Ho came in
on his run hue last evening on the
Spnldiui! branch mid as usual after
train work was through wont homo.
The old plnce whoro Hnrry had in his
boyish davs played marbles nml ilium-Wo-jipk
wns deserted, uo mother Kreet
ed him nt tho door, nor wns there
others of thn family to say "hello:
Harry ts that youV" It happened that
Harry forot that tho family had
moved into now quarters in tho north
pint of town tho same day nud before
he thought of tho change ho traced
tho sime steps of voarii boforo. Ifo
admitted to n Journal reKrter that
he was lost nml said It snoiund strange
Hint after sevontoeu yearn of living
in one piano In our oity Hint fooling
should catch him now. Ho found
his new homo nil right nml tho soft
pillow wns hi its proper place when
he found himself ready for rost.
Friday Dally Jortranl.
Dr. Paul, dentist.
Foil HUNT good clean rooms Mrs.
Oushlng 101 nth St. Reasonable
W. A. Monrdsloy wont to Fremont
this afternoon on business connected
with his inarblo works.
Kditor Htrotlior of the Monroe Ho
publican was in tho city a row min
utes this noon and loft on No It) for
Miss Lonlso Younger loft for Den
ver, Colorado yesterday, whoro she
will visit relatives nml friends for tho
Mrs. J. lituwn, formerly Miss Huby
Heusloy.arrlved Unlay for a vlsll with
hor parents, Mr. ami Mrs. V. N.
l'rof. H.I.Hrltcll is attending to tho
records of tho Equitable UnildliiK nml
Loau ii'sooiation (luriep the illness of
J. G llucher.
W. F. Prowott nud John Kditifttun
worl in Columbus to day. They wore
returning from Omaha to their homo
in Fullorton.
Miss McCleland ot Fullorton and
Miss Konnsdy of Genoa were in the
city today on their return homo from
Bellveue college.
Charley Flncey returned from Mon
roe this noon where ho has been (he
past week overseeing tho mechanical
doinrtment of tho Monroe Hepuhlican.
Mr. nml Mrs. dims. II. IV. ok left
vesterdny lor Shenandoah, Iown,
where thev will visit friends. Mr.
Dark will return in about n week but
Mrs. Daek will remain for n month or
Another exceptionally long train
went went last night, consisting of ll'J
refrigerator cars, pulled by two mi
glues. Long trains nro getting to bn
tho order of Hie day over tho Union
Tho l'lntto County Poultry nml I'et
Htock association will hold n meeting
next Sunday nt the water works
station to consider tho matter of tho
uoxt exhibition which will bo hold in
Deeomber of this year.
Mrs. Alfred Triswohl, who is visit
ing Mrs. A. Amlsrsou here, received
n surpriso virit from her husband from
Kort;OolliiiH. (Jol. tho fore part otthis
week. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs.
Triswold are visiting In St Kdward
Tlie Kensington nt Mrs. ,1.1' Decker's
yestorday afternoon given in honor of
her daughter Mrs. V. K. Weavor was
largely attended and grontly enjoyed.
Inventions woro issued to nearly I Ml
guests. A luncheon was f ervod in two
Sstnrdajr's Dally Journal.
l'rof. Hike, teacher miiBie, llnrlier hldg.
Ohris Wflbbor of Spalding is in Co
lumbus today.
S. . Hickly loft this afternoon for
Council IHulVs.
Mayor MoClellan of Fallerton was
in Columbus today.
Dr. L. C. Vohh, llomeopathio physi
oiiin, ColumhuR, Neb.
Mrs. A. J.Smith went to Omaha to
day to visit for severnl days.
Lonuio Gutzmer enmo down from
Norfolk to visit over Sunday.
Leonard Hnrst of Madison is hero
to visit friends and rolativoi for n fow
Dr. Cook has been in and around
(Uarkson this week doing vetorinary
Dm. Martyn, Kviiiih, Kviiiir .v Murtyn
Jr., ollice three doorH north of Fried,
hof 'h utore.
Judtio Ueeder went to Fromont to
day, nml will go from thorn to Omaha
J. H. Cartor nud Deputy ShorilT
HonryLaclinlt made a trip townrdUres
ton yesterday.
D. J. (Mark and wife and A. W.
Olark and wife spent tho day InGenoa
visiting at tho homo of Mr. ami Mrs.
L. L. Oroou.
Mrs. W. N. Hensley left today for
West Point N. Y. to be present at tho
graduation of hor son from tho na
tional military academy.
Harry Hlnman, who has boon em
ployed in Pollock's drug store, left
this afternoon to nssumo n position in
the First National bank of Genoa.
Oliarles I3uck, a grnduato of tho
school of tolography of Cincinnati,
Ohio was in town today on his re
turn homo to St. lid ward for a short
Frank MoTairgott has ient tho
last fow days iu Columbus visiting at
his old homo and mooting his many
friouds. Ho is traveling for anOmuha
wholesale olothtng firm.
Seasons change, moil and women die,
othors take their places. Hut Petor
Sehmitt's flour occupies tho samo
warm piano in the hearts of Plato
county house-wives. It is the same
yesterday, to-day and forever. tf
WANTKD-Uright. Inmost young
man over IK from Columbus to propaio
for posit I on in Government service.
Good pay ami chance for promotion.
Address immediately VY. Pox one,
Cedar Rapid, Iowa. It w.
John Nelson has a lino patch of new
IKitatotiN which nro big enough now
to bo put on tho market. The sample
on exhibition at tho Journal ollice
weighs about a hundred karats and
at tho prevailing price oupht to
bring about forty cents.
A croaiiiory light is on at Crest on
between the lieatriceCreameryCo. and
tho Harding Creamery Co. A local
representative of one ot the companies
has made some written statements
about the other which promises to
develop into a damage suit.
It is now settled deliuitely that Co
lumbus is to have a celebration of the
Fourth. Mayor Dickinson reports
that about (00 hits been subscribed
to pay the expenses and there will be
big doings. We may expect good dele
gations from several of tho surround
ing towns.
In county court today Judge lUtter
man held Henry HnlTuor to tho dis
trict court in the sum of fMH. The
charge wns assault on the person of
Fred Koch with intent to do great
bodily harm.
Hilly Wells, at one time a printer
an the Argus here, and lately witn
tho Ord Journal, went through here
today on his wav to Omaha. He re
lorts that he ami Norman Parks have
purchased the Nortli Platto Democrat
nud will take charge soon. Mr. Parks
has sold his interest in the Ord
Journal to his partner, Mr. Dnvis.
Charlie Gibson of St. Kdward went
through Columbus yesterday evening
on his wav home from the druggists'
convention at York. Mr. Gibson
captured several of the prizes which
Were oll'ered for the athletic events.
When tho keys of tho oity wore pre
sented to tho visiting plll-nilxers.each
key was found to be n corkscrew. A
good (i mo nml lino hospitality nt the
hnnds of tho York people are reported.
Now is tho chance to make the de
lightful trip to Callfornlafor just one
half of tho expense incurred iu mak
ing tho trip nt nuy other time. Don't
IHiitnouo for you may not soon again
bo offered tho low rates of f.Ti.OO to
SanFronolseo, Santa Barbara, Los An
geles, Sau Diego and many other Cali
fornia points. Literature about Cali
fornia free on application to W. II.
Honhain. I ','(
Monday's Daily Jnurnnl,
Miss Louise Davis went to Norfolk
this morning.
Kditor Kavauaugh of tho Spalding
Enterprise was in Columbus Sunday.
Mrs. W. S. Fox of Norfolk spent
Sunday here with her parents, Mr. mid
Mrs. Jonas Welch
It. F. Williams of St. Edward went
through Columbus today on his wav
home from Omalio.
Miss Lent Hilgor, bond lady typo
on tho David City Ilauuer drove over
for the hall gamo yosterdny.
W. M. Kern left yostorday for
Pierce county whoro ho will teach in
tho count v instituto the comiui week.
J J. Graham, a Helgrado stcck and
grain dealer was in our city today
onroute homo from Omaha where ho
had marketed cattle.
Mrs. Vincent Mackin lett last night
for Denver to be present nt tho grad
uation of her daughter Mainio who is
completing a conrso in a Catholic col
logo there.
Friday evening Hazel From was
surprised by a number of her young
friends who dropped in and spent a
very enjoyable evening with her.
About thirty-live were present.
Twenty-llvo young friends of little
Miss Loroua Evans attended a parly
nt her home Saturday in colohratioii
of her so veil th birthday. Numerous
presents were brought by the little
ones and they had a happy children's
Platte county teachers are coining
In today for tho institute. About forty
wero enrolled today at noon. The be
ginning of the program will be a re
ception touigut at the high hchool
Geo. Andrews, vice-president of the
Dolgrado bank was In Columbus to
day. He was returning to his homo
from Hot Springs whore for the pas!
fow weeks ho has been receiving
treatment for rheumatism He toys
ho is much improved.
A man with n silk plug l:nt n little
shorter than n stove pipe boarded
the branch trnin this morning. A
Journal reporter wns unable to gain
an audience with either the man or
tho hat. There was no evidence of
gold bricks or corn euro so we suppose
tho strangor felt just as comfnrtahlo
uudor the lid as a country editor does
when a delinquent subscriber pays up.
Al Giger, tho drayman, made a
forced trip up Washington avenue
Friday that would make some of our
nutomobilists look like ten cents
had they seen it The horse Al was
driving got frisky and started without
the driver's consent ami continued for
sevoral blocks. The IS. & At. train
happened to be out of the road just
as the hnrfo struck tho crossing. Mr.
Gieger was able to comb his hair
this morning without dilllciilty for
the lirst time since the spin.
Dying Of Famine
is, in its torments, like dying of
consumption. The progross of oou
sumption, from tho beginning to the
very end, is a long torture, both to
victim nml friends." When I had con
sumption in its first stage," writes
Wm. Meyers, of Coarfoss, Mil., "after
trying different medicines and a uood
doctor, in vain, at last took Dr.Kiuu'k
New Discovery, which quickly and
perfectly cured me. " Prompt relief
nml sure cure for coughs, colds, sore
throats, bronchitis, etc. Positively
prevents pneumonia. Guaranteed at
Chas.Dack's drug store, price no cents
anil l per bottle. Trial bottle free.
. '
These arc cool silk gloves of
fine quality and perfect in fit
and workmanship. Every de
tail of the finishing is beauti
fully done. But the special fea
ture which distinguishes them
irom an otner silk gloves is that they have
double woven finger tips, which insures the
double wear and yet does not make the fin
ger ends bulky as is tho case with ordinary
silk gloves which nave an extra piece sewed
in. A guarantee ticket with every pair of
"Tasma" Glovcs-a guarantee which will be
redeemed with a new pair of gloves in case
the finger tips wear out before the rest ol
the glove does.
. . "
DO not nut OfTbUVimr for nrninruino am
the first half of the crOp is always the best.
They arc coming in in fine condition.
Croy is largo and price very reasonable. We
handle only the stock from tho best growers.
Leave your order with us and wo will take
care of you in quality and price.
Mason Fruit Jars
in glass or stone. The stone are the best
und are made in the same sizes and use the
same rubbers and caps as tho glass are
more durable and less liable to breakage and
exclude the light.
Jewel Gasoline Stoves
Have never yet been excelled.
HerricK and Alaska
Are strictly sanitary.
Ice Cream Freezers
That require little ice and little labor.
The Ladies Aid society of the Meth
odist church will give no ice cream so
cial on tint church lawn Wednes
day evening, .lime 1 1. tt'
A Bad Scare.
Some day you will get a bad senro,
when you feel a pain iu your bowels,
ami fear appendicitis. Safely Hon iu
Dr. King's Now Lite Pills, a suro euro,
for all bowel ami stomach, billlous
uess; costiveiiess, etc. Giiaiaiiteed
nt Chas. Duck's drug store only lift
cents, Try them.
Vlnlpf WlelM-rmtrlf.
The yeai-V prctVivnco for Ibliign In
the HhaileM of purple nud violet In being
extended even to the furniture, and the
delicate slmilc:i of violet iii wicker
work will lie welcomed by Hewo people
who have long ndonied their wuIN with
paperH In violet designs, hii.vm a Hilton
Herald roiioHpondenl. I am nut sure
that one would not get tired of It, nud
It N a very trying color with which to
surround oncolf. tml llicic u every
thing In knowing that y, an satisfy
your ilexlre If you want to. ami tho
purple room may hi me n thing point-
il out by fiiRhlon us eminently deslra
file. llui- llluo.Mt ApiiiiriiliiH.
II' iiicii wen- id'Hlgni-d lo Use on one
parili'iilnr nIiukIhkI 1 1 f . such iim cadi
I'm i I I'.olilM tllllll.K In1 linn discovered,
they wniild lui a simple, hlruightfor
ward (lliii'stllw appaniliiH, calculated to
deal with such a diet without limine
couiplc.Nlty 01 verlappiiig." On the
contrary, our iIIkiMIm' apparatus In
llko our tccili, chiirncicrlxtlfiilly oinnlv
orouH. Pepsin Is only one of nt least a
ib:'.i n illU'ereiii IVriiiciilx, some of
which can mly act In alkaline medium,
olhcni only in mi acid medium, others
only iu tlif pivM'iin' or such nud tiiich
ii bo ly, othen only Iu lis absence. This
otrnonlliioi, complex apparatus was
not roii iti'iieted to pro Mo prolilcuiH for
p!iy iIoIokMs or to e iiihiiiiio Hiiperllu
otis It :il ciiciy Its plain inclining
If people urn mi tin lodioul fur iiieau
lugs is that the iiioro complex, adapta
ble mid vailed the apparatus the litter
In Its owner to survive Iu all dietetic
emergencies.-Pull Mall duetto.
for Canning
Journal Specials.
Journal add bring retails.
FOK HALK.-A linn looond haud
organ, same an new. Most bo sold nt
once. Inquiro Journal oflloo. tf,
for chickens at Krnit&Hrock'i. Phono
MM. f
FOUND-HnnoU of milk tickets near
tho residence of Mrs. M. K. Turner.
May mth. Owner may got them at
Journal oflloo by proving property
und paying for thU notioe. , tf
FKKHI! MILCH COW-for aale. Carl
room houo, one blook eontb oftyaopntl
ward school. Kreil Heuning. d-'lwk
WANTKl) A anml olrl fn
housework. Hmall family. Write or
inquire, Journal.
Tho Tornado Beaton is now at baud.
Insure your property against loss
bv having llecher, Hookenboriier ami
Chambers wriro your Tornado Insur
Pceseh's big ice cream husiuoss has
forced him to import his bakery good
for a while. They are tho host ill tho
One of the best oiitiinnoil ootioal
olllces on tho went will bo oponedJuno
th Li the front room over Pollock'
drug store by Dr. Torry of Omaha.
LUST A point lace handkerchief
at tho opera homo at oommenoement
exercises. Finder will return to Mrs.
H. H. Millard or to tho Journal office.
Dr. Terry in now permantly estab
lished In Columbus, ollice days, Mon
day, Tuesday ami Wednesday of each
week. Spectacles and eyo glasses
sclentillcally lltteii. Compilation free.
Tho finest, freshest angel food at
Pooch's, i.u couts a cake, Try a urn
pie, froo.