The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 07, 1905, Image 8

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    Qui1 lieighboping ToWq$ and Villages
(Saturday's Dally)
W. E. Kent hits been 111 this week.
R. 8. Dickinson wns in town yes
terday. Thomas Regan of Ht. Edward is
Tliiting bti tmrent nml other rein
Htm ftt this place.
Vincent Mnckun of Golniiibns spout
Wednesday in town.
MIm Emma Snyder of Plat turnout h
li visiting hor Hrnnduiotlier. Mm. E.
U. Morrow.
Mill 8tncin Oronln hnn n:cedeil n
postion m clerk at thn Twentieth Cen
tury drug storo.
8. A. Wetlilnll arrived Tuesday even
ing on a visit to Mr daughter, Minn
Mra. Mark (Jarrfthrr visited Iter htm
band a few days this week.
John Matter ha oui!oyed a man to
assist him in hi liarlmr shop.
MIm Franco Hughes oloeil her
term of ichool in tho KrniiKn diHtrint.
A picnic was held at the nchocl to
day. MIm Kittio Oentleiuan closed n
auoceMfnl term of school today two
miles north of Humphrey and will
return home thia evening.
MIm Joule Olother is seriously ill
with typhoid fever.
Mra. Oliaa. Wnrdeninu of Otilumhus,
who haa been a Ruost at the home of
Mr. and, Mra. LncliRingnr, left for
Humphrey yostordny morniiiR.
Miss Julia Btnrrett of 1 'aimer. Noli.,
ia visiting at the Uonsidinn home.
Win. Kent hna recovered from IiIh
recent illnoss.
F. 8. Leoron wont to UoIuiiiIiuh Inst
M. 1). Thomas, of the (Inn of Thorn
aa & Ooaaairt of Itattln Creek, Nub ,
and Mra. Tbomaa are in town.
Miaa Marguerite Regan lliiishetl her
term of aohool laat Friday nud return
ed homo Saturday.
Kichland anifvidnity.
Welcome to may Juno.
Uornflelda are beautiful to aeo. The
early planted corn la king.
Mrs. M. O. btovenaon spent the jmst
week with frlendi in Uolumbua.
Rer.II. H.Millard of Uotumbna will
preaoh here Sunday evo June II.
Ed Swaason snnt Hundny with
f rienda near Leigh.
Mra. Dan Condon will booh com
mence tbe erection of a commodloua
reaidenoe on ber 340 aoro farm north
weat of Rlohland.
Allen Abart anil Fred K holer apont
Bunday in Leigh with their beat
aboea ahinnlng.
Mra. W. Price and Mlaa Nina Greaap
wore out driving in tho northern port
of the township Bunday.
Frlenda of Mlaa Alice 1'lnm rntun in
and aurprlaed hor Friday ovtumiir. An
enjoyable time was spent.
JoeDlaohner nud Dick Boifking each
delivered corn hero laat week.
Ohaa Wert, visited his father near
Bohuyler Buudav nud reports hi fath
er as stilt very low with dropay.
Someone remarks, that atrnwberriea
are not as high as usual, but the
bottoms of tbe boios are.
John Roll ami family ate Sunday
dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tnr
hoi.. The ico cream social Friday night
was a success iu every way. Tint
youug pnoplo of tho Literary sooloty
feel grateful for the nHNistnuun re
ceived from friends who helted make
it a suouoas.
Friends hero have received n curd
from Miss Laura Rluat, nniiounclng
her graduation from the Kovelund,
Iowa, high aohool, Fridnv Jnuo ,'.
Try Poesch's fine imported bakery
line. The best of everything.
J. F. Dinoen shipped nuo car of
bogs and three cars of initio mat
Wednesday. Ho loaded at tho Win
slow swltoh.
1'at Murray abolloil corn lust Fri
day. Jack Dlueeti Is pniutlug hi house
this week.
Frank Hugji returned yeatordnv
from the woatern part or tho state.
Wm Will marketed hogs last Sntur
day. Tbe Monroe Independent Tolephone
Company has poles set from i'lntte
Center to the farm of Henry Kiuover.
Tbe finest, freshest angel food at
t'oech's, 'JO cents a cake. Try a sam
ple, free.
lata Union Pacific.
Samuel 8. Riokly today brought suit
against the Union Pacific Railrcad
asking for damago In tbe sum of Itfiooo
for iujsries allegel to have been re
celveil laat Ootober while be wan
working as a ooromon laborer with a
structural iron gang. Tbe complaint
lieges that a largo derrick broke,
oreaklng some timbers one of which
truck the plaintiff, breaking bis an.
kle, collar bone and one arm. Tbe in
jury is alleged to lie permanent and
that It ia a result of tbe defendant's
Mra. .Tullua Kngela who wont to
Omaha laat week to bo operated on is
ropnrted na doing nicely.
0. A. Nnsh wont to Omaha laat
Wednesday to have an operation mr
fortnod in hi ear, he ia doing aa well
aa can be expected.
Mr and Mra. Plbol, parents of Mra.
S. Kaatraan loft Saturday for their
homo in Wheeler county. Mr. Kant
man mid children accompanied them
for a Months vlait.
Mr. Hert Hniue, the piano runn
placed three plnno while here, ono
nt tho home of J. A. Wilaoii, one nt
Mlaa I.eona Harbota, and one nt Mr.
Suttonr, ho nlMi hold two orgau,nnn nt
the hotel and tho other nt Mr-. Oiiin-
The grndi'ntlou nvnrulses laat I'rlitny
wore well nttended, the ball being
packed, many rnuld not got in. The
four candidate Indite Ml' Flossie
llaliert, MiaaAiln WeMiiitt, MIm Then
Wo arc headquarters lor
everything in Drug sun
dries, Paints, Wall Paper
and Painter's Supplies.
Prescriptions a specialty
(' -- St t-'S-S i i i.i.i.j,;.!,;.;.;,
Norden nud Mnatrr (Jeo. Wllaou.
Theao four young people hnvn worked
hard tho past few month, to nbtnin
the honor jaat oonfered tion thorn,
and Crouton iooIn justly proud of their
endeavor to improve thomaolvoH and
in helping to uphold tho edurationnl
aidn of life. Hem's congratulations
grnduntON, nud may tho stnrt in life
you have inndn help to smooth out
the wrinkles in ynnr future plana.
The base ball gamo laat Sunday bo
tween Ijiudany nud Croatou, on the
tatter's grounds roaulted In n victory
for Oreston by a snora of la to III, it
wna a good gamo both iiIuoh playing
good ball, our boya any It la a pleaHuro
to play with anoh n gentlemanly ant
of boys na tho ones who cnum last
A loy waa born nt tho home otOhaa.
Sohelfflor, two in ilea anuth of Mad
lann. Dr. Jones roportH all roncorned
do lug well.
Mr. Wrignt Is tho name of our new
hnrtmr, if ho likes tbe place ho will
Mlaa l'oatlo and Mr. l'eroy Nichols
visited Miss Iicoun Hnrbort nit Sun
day. Tho UrestonPhnrnincy put up n new
rolle r nwuiug thia week.
Thia is ice crenm weather beyond
n doubt.
Rev. nud Mra. Harry Mcflonnghnn
arrived Wednoadny from Crvatnllnke,
North Dakota to make an extended
visit with Mrs. McClennghnu'N moth
er. Mrs. M. U. Cliue.
Invltntinua hnvo been laaued fnr tho
marriage of Miaa S. Kilalmth Hall to
Mr. Wm. J. Jiiukiuaon, Wediieadny
evening, June II, at t'.io home of Mr.
and Mra. S. ('. Terry. A'jout ono
hundred nud fifty gnosis nre invited.
Miaa Kiunin Stuynr left for KedOak,
Friday whom she will make nu ex
tended vlait with her undo, F. Y.
liar nea.
The infant ami of Mr. nud Mrs..!. II.
Smith died Thuradny night after a
prolonged lllueaa. The reiuatiis were
taken to St. Edward for burial. A
general aervtco was held nt tho reai
denoe here Sunday morning nud au
nt hor nt St.hilwurd Suudnv afternoon.
Iuterinout was made in the St. Ed
ward cemetery where they hnvn an
other child burled.
The Delia l'rlugle Company who
presented tho Hotel Half Hark in tho
hall hero about ton day a ago got in
trouble flnnuolnlly laatTueadny. They
played to n amall nulileure in Hum
phrey, At tho close of the entertain
ment they found that their uinimgor
nud nil the fuuda had loft town. Wed nftaruoiu they drovo tn Mon
roe, having loft their bnggngo nt the
hotel by request. They made aevernl
tiuauoceaafut attempta to secure flunu
clal backing whilo liero. On Saturday
night they tried to put nu their piny
hero ngin nud had no audience. They
left town enrlySundnv morning travel
ing in the aame man iter ns our fore
fathers were moat accustomed tojtravel.
Dr. W. V. Frank wna In Columliua
Tho high water of Inat month wnah
od away tho grado and both approach
es to the iron bridgo acroaa tho Look
ing Olnaa creek juat south nt town.
S. C. Terry who owua rnnaidernble
land south of the creek tried to have
tho bridge repaired Inat week and was
Informed that tbo bridge was to bo re
moved and the road ahaudoned. Mr.
Torrv made a trip to Columbus Mon
day to oonault nu nttorno- All null,
cntlnua now point tn the repair of the
bridge nud n bettor road than before.
R. F, Fonulmoro of the Western
Seed and Irrigation Company was in
Monroe Monday on buslucas.
O. A. Flnecy of Columbus who is
employed on the Republican, ajasnt
Sunday at home.
J. F. Siema waa hero to-day with
bia automobile.
Norris Fifield, accompanied a ship
ment of cattle to Chicago Saturday
West Adatnson was In Monroe Tues
day moving the remainder of his farm
Implements to the farm whloh he pur
chased recently near Fullerton.
Mra. R. M. Cave and children of
Humphrey are viaitlng Mrs. Caves
parents, Mr. and Mrs Cbas Cummins.
II. C. Evens returned from Kearney
thia week and reiumod hia pnaltion
In the Humphreys drug store.
The board of directors of theMuntoe
Iudeiieudent Telephone Company held
a meeting hero yesterday ami made
nrrntiKinents to put in n uew switch
board iu the building recently leased
from F. If. (ierrnrd. The subject of
having Mime one In charge of tho cen
tral office waa diacuaaed nt consider
able length and the contract wna given
to Miaa Lawrence who now hna ohnrge
of tho work
From J. H. Reed.
( I'iicwIii) ' Hilly)
Tho following from a loiter to Mr.
C. If. Sheldon from J. II. Reeil of
Rivnraido Cnl. and from tho River
fctdo Dnilvl'rt'fN will be of Internat
to the low if friend of the Reed
fniuilv among tint readers of the
Mr. Rood Is in better health than
for years. Mrs. Reed, although blind,
Is happy and In usual health The
1'lckett family are well.
Since going to California anil en
gaging in raising 'oranges and lemons
Mr. Reed and bis son Frod dovotod
thomselvos to careful study of the
bualneas with moat gratifying success.
Fred is cousidnrod onn of tho best
horticulturists in tbo Rivorsido dis
trict and Mr. Rood's careful and en
thusiastic study has proved a benellt
o tho fruit growing Interests of Cali
fornia, ns lasbnwnbyanartlclo tn the
In shipping fruit from Riverside to
tho Atlantic coast the loss from de
cay am ounted to from ten to fifteen
por cent, which was considered ono of
tho neceaanry expenses of the business.
Mr. Rcnl begun invcsttiMtlons and
concluded that the loss oonld bo ma
terially lessoned. After a year's
effort ho interested Department of
Agriculture in tho matter, with the
result that it has boon fouuil that by
improved methods of handling and
refrigerating a aivlug of over a mil
lion ilollnra a year can be effected.
At n banquet, given recently at
R ivoraide, to ropreaentatives of the
Department of Agriculture, the toast
rousttir in introducing Mr. Reed paid
him a generous compliment in which
bo gave htm credit for bringing about
tho investigation that is proving
such a benefit to tho wostern fruit
growers. Although delighted with
their now home Mr. Hoed loses nono
of his lovo for Nebraska and bolievoa
there nre great tbiugs in storo for this
part of the country.
(TiiiiI.i'h Dully)
Todny, nt U'tfOnt tho homo of tho
bride's parent a, occurred tbo marriage
of Miaa Gertrude. Whitmover and Mr.
Kriinola Howard (leer. Mr. (leer, who
ia juat graduating from tho electrical
engineering cnurao ot tho University
of Nebraska, camo up from Lincoln
Saturday. Mlaa Whittunyrr arrived
Vundny from 1'nrk City, Utah, where
the has been teaching.
Rev. (!. A. Munro of tho Congre
gational ohuroh, spoke the words
which united the llvos of these two
prominent ynuig people.
Only tho bride's immediate family
were present, and the wedding waa
a complete surprise to tho friends of
tho cnuplo. They loft today ou tbo
ono o'olook train or Linooln where
they will remain until after the uni
versity commouoomont. Thou they
will go to Los Angoles which will be
their placo of residence. Mr. deer's
parents, Dr. and Mrs. F. II. Oeer,
live In Las Augeles. Mr. Ueer has
a position aa electrical ouglnoer await
ing htm thero.
Refore going west, Mr. and Mrs.
(leer will return to Columbus for a
visit. They have both lived all their
Uvea In Columbus, and they repre
sent two of the oldest and most highly
eateomed families of this oommunitr.
Tho youug people themselves have
legions ot friends hero who unito in
heart leat wiahea for their hnpplunaa
nml posporitv.
A Runaway.
(Yesterday's Dnily)
(Jeo, Wlllard, jr., and Cornie Egan,
both of St. Edward, had au exciting
runaway yesterday oven Ing after drlv.
ing from their town to Columbus. Aa
t hoy came Into town their horse be
came unmanageable and ran into Geo.
Scott's buggy which was standlug by
tho (Mother house. Two spokes were
knocked out of Scott's buggy, ami tbe
runaway proceeded until tbe buggy
collided with one of the Olotber bouse
trees and stopped. Tbe bono con
tinued on his way rejoioiug. Tne
boys wore not hurt beyoud a little
shaking up, but the buggy and har
ness weer pretty well demolished.
Harry Romance.
We always knew tt took courage
and persistence to successfully con
duct a country newspaper, bat here Is
a story that caps the olitnax for serve
on the part of a printer. The soeae
was at Elgin only a few miles from
Leigh. On May 1 Mr. L. H. Davis,
a printer of ability, while assisting
to subdaea flrn.aooidentally had an ar
tery In one of his legs severed. More
trouble followed. The first time Mr.
Davis put his weight on the Iniured
member, the wound broke open and
be was confined to bis bed again.
Tbe second accident brougb bis sweet
heart all the way from Mlssiouri, and
her visit had kuch a healing effect on
Mr. Davis that they were united In
marriage Sunday evening, while Mr.
Dnvla was still confined to his cot
lloth of these people displayed more
nerve than is usually found In human
ity and in thia case lovo must bo tho
"tie that binds. "Leigh World.
Adjudged Insane.
(Tuesday's Daily)
Joseph Boullllere an old Platte
county citizen who has resided near
t'latte Center waa judged insane to
day by tbe lusauity board and taken
tn Lincoln for confinement In tbe In
sane hospital. Mr. Boullllere waa at
one tlmo confined in the Norfolk
asylum but was released about six
years ago. Recently ho has become
demented again, growing gradually
worse. It la a sail case aa he realizes
that ho is demented and feels the
Mow of having to go to 'an asylum.
Business Houses to Close.
C. C. Uray resolved tbls year to
make the Fourtb a holiday for tbe
business men as well as tbe rest of
the people. Accordingly hn started
nut with a paper to get tho merohanta
to agree tn close all day on the Fourth.
All the leaillug merchants fell into
Unit with surprising cheerfulness.
This action of the merohanta la said
to bo a record breaker in tbe history
of Columbus.
Fallowing ta tho agreamm:
We the undersigned will not open
our places of business on July 4tb,
keeping closed from the evening of
the :trd until tho morning of the Ctb.
Uray Mercantile Co., Herman P.
H. Oelricb, Henry Ragatz & Co., Fred
W. Herrlok. Friedhof & Co , F. L.
Asche.Carl Roello & Co., Carl Froemel,
Orieseti Rros , L. London, J. H. Ker
sonbrock, Frlsnbolz Bros. , FrankOlark,
Louis Held, Mnrpby & Keating,
Henry Gass, Rudolph Ulsln, Rothle li
ner & Co., J. H. Ualley, Wm Bobllz,
Ed. J. Miewboner, Ed. Fltzpatrick,
D. Kelso, J. O. Fillman, Mrs. W. 8.
Jay. Cloose & Ublelng, P. J. Hart,
A. tirodfuehrer.
(Krom thu Dmiiocrat.)
Mrs. Frank Enls of California Is
visiting her many relatives and frlenda
here. She arrived ou Thursday last
with children.
Looking over tbe recent discussion
of tbe Supreme court, he must put
lok the Porter.
Humphrey Is not tbe worst but we
could Improve our streets.
Supervisor Bender waa In town last
week ou hla way oast in his district
looking after and attending to the
bridges that during their rainy season
bad drowned or washed away.
F. M. Oooklughatn was an atten
dant of dlstriot court of Madison
county Inst Thursday.
Friday the case of tbe State of Ne
braska vs Peter Runing wna held on
several charges. Tho court found him
guilty nn two-fifths ot the charges
and Pete thought he could show the
district court that bo was not even
that little guilty so appeals tbe case
to district court.
W. E. Reed of tho firm of Allen &
Reed, Madison was in attendance at
justloe court Friday.
Qus Teake ot Madison county shipp
ed several car toads of stook from here
Monday night. Qua went down to
Omaha with them and if market does
uot suit will go oo to Chicago. He Is
contemplating next year to make
shipment of soveral loads to Liver
pool requesting your correspondent to
go with him on tbe trip.
Saturday Attorney F. M. Cooking
bam. Mike Fischer and Mart Clausen
took tbe noon train for Columbus.
Sunday F. F. Klebber, Geo. Ed
dington and John English, tho three
R. F. D. carriers of tbia town mot at
Plat to Center and organized, elected
otlloers for tbo ensuing year. We are
told tbo beef trust was not present.
The ball game between Humphrey
and Platto Center played here on tbe
fourtb was grand, up to tbe end of
the tilth inning where tbe teams stood
1 to 1. One more Inulng was played
then some one suggested that tbe um
pire was too large for tbe diamond
and suggested bis removal. Being a
truo Platte Center man be gave tbe
game to tbo Centers.
Pcesob's big ice cream business haa
forced him to Import bis bakery goods
for a wblle. Tbey are the beet in tbe
I HAPTI8T.-Tbe subjects for the
Suuday discussion are as follows:
Mornng, "Asceudug"; evening" Ulti
mate Justice to All."
Pocket Picking
2 An unknown man, suspected of being
a pickpocket, and another unknown
who is charged with the crime of be
ing drunk enough to have bis pockets
picked, are in the city jail awaiting
John Tober was coming down the
stairs of tbe First National bank
building today when be encountered
two men sitting on tbo slops. Ho
asked them to allow bim to Ma, and
one ot tbem got up remarking that
the other man was too drunk to move.
He also aked Tober who the drunk
man waa, but Tober could give him
no Information. As Tober pass9d on
be looked back and obaerved thnt the
polite stranger had his hand in the
pocket of the peacefully sleeping
inebriate. He went and informed
Officer Jim Nelson and tbey returned
to find tbe suspected pickpocket cone.
Following tho trail they found him
at the Thurston hotel and he was
identified by Mr. Tobei, although be
bad got a hair-cut and some clean
He waa put under arrest and taken
to tbe jail along with tbe supposed
victim although he protested vigor
ously that he wna an innocent victim
of a high-handed outrage. He did
not glvo his name or any information
exoept that bo 'was going to Omaha.
Tne otber man looks like nn elderly
farmer. Both are strangers to Co
lumbus people.
Corn as; wheat 84; oats siT; rye fi.-.;
barley 25; eggs II ; butler II to IS;
potatoes !j0; hogs U.Sft.
Dra. Mnrtyn, Evuiih, Evhiih ,v Mnrtyn
Jr., office throe doom north of Fried
hof's etoro.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chlcniro. June II. -Ili'poit of itnmnce tn
the Mhi'iit irup of i:uruM liuit n ImiIIMi
effect ou the wliciit market licre Imliiy.
At the elciBc the July option huh up (,(.
Corn wiih up p. lint kImuviM ii kuIii ot
l. I'rorUloiiH were WM0u higher. Cloa
Ins price:
Whcilt-Juljr. RSo; Sept., KVti' Pee., H.
Corn-July, MVju; Hop!., mv, lire., iV.i,.
Oata-July, aie; Hi-pt., : lice., IWJJ.
I'ork-July, $1'.'.77'j: Sept., $1:1.117.
l.Mrd July, $7.4'4; Sept., $7.iK.'l4.
nilm-Jul). $7.4'.': Stpt., f 7.117 ';.
Chli-iiRo Cn ah I'rlcea Nn. 'J luiril wheat,
tl.OKnl.OJ: Nu. :i hunt wheat, !Kl?1.00;
Nn. 'J i'iihIi eorn, fiJV: No. 2 rimh oat I,
aOKftaic; No. 'J whltv oats. KWaXle.
Chlcsgo Live Stock.
Ohlrnfo, Join- A. rnttle-ltwolpts, S,
800; dull, nliout Mrmly; good to prlinn
stwra, $."i.4V((il.;i.'; poor to medium, $4.ui't
O..Vi; Mocker mill fl'l'lllTH, $L'..W(."i.O0;
eowa, $'.'.UKi.nO; heifer. t'.'.riOii.VJ.V, ('tu
ner. $l..vr(iLMi0: hull. $-J.7.vt4.tin: mlvea,
$3.ft)'aI.M. HoN-UccelitK, 11,000; Sc
higher: uilieil ninl liulclier, $..l.Vj(.i.45;
good to eholre henvy, f.Viarji'.V-l.l: roiiR-li
heavy, 4.7.vr:.oo: uKiit. $:.:Y,t:,.i:; imm
of salea, $..:i.Vnfl.40. Slipep-ltecelpt. 14,.
00l: weak, In 111I11 Htemly: eoml to rlioles
wither. 4.7.Vii.VOO: fair to choice mixed,
4.I1K 1,0,' ! western nlieep, $:i.:Kl l.ftt; na
tive IiiiiiIh, $4.'ivI(UM0; wi"lern laiuba,
South Omaha Live Stock.
Booth litmiha, Juno ft. futile- Itecelpti,
0,000; 10c lower: unlive xtccri, tl.mKii.Y7.V,
cow nml helfcrN, f:i.'.l.Vir4.7.i: wcxtcru
steer, $U.4m)((V.U); i-nmierx. $J.liO((.t.j:i;
storkrrs run! feeder, $J.7.".'ii4.7."i; calve.; imiix. nhik. etc., i'Mv,i .no.
flort-ltecelptN, 14,000; Hondo to fte hliiher;
henvy, S.V'J'JMdVi.IM); mixed, $.VJJWk.V.!;,
light, $.VJiVi'i.'.7'. pig. II.OKi.-..on, hulk
of Mle. $.i.'."Vr.'i.'.'5. Sheep lleeclpt. 3,
000; tcndy, lower, wrati'ina, 94.lSK(;
wether. $4.V!Mi4.80; ewe. $!.00'u4.00;
lanba, $5.60a.l.V
Ksnsas City Live Stock.
Ksnan City, June fl.-Cnttle-llccrlpt,
lO.HOO, Mil Tie lower; choice beef Nicer,
$3.i!5W.D0; fair to good, tl.'JMtr..:'.-.; went
era fed atcera. ti.Wa'uW; xlncker ami
feeder, $.'t.0tM)i4.0l; cow. IJ.'.'.V.H.U), hHf.
er. M.'iVnC.oO; bull. $'.'.7.V.M.N; calve.
$.'l.noi'ua..'iO. ling lleeelpt. IL',000; opened
Hi higher, advance Inst: lop, $.i,40. bulk
of aalea, $.i.:HKi(Ci.:i:i; henvy, S.VMVij.t.r.;
packera, $.Y:Kr.-,.4); pK nml light. I.V.W
5.:i7,4. Sheep-, Itrrrlpt. iJMt: Mcwly to
10c lower; lamb. $.'i.7.Vd7.rii); fed eare and
yearling. 4.,JSio.M); Mocker and feeders.
Poesch's Bakery
fln Extra Fanou Line of ;:
thnt I import on account
lniine.s in Ice Cream thnt
Gall and See mu Line and Get a Free p
Sample of Angel Food and Devil's Food 5J
Our Brad is the Beit in Town.
oris Cif Fdn
' ; f',I.S7' flAHIS.'
We wnut aa 10011 na posalbie, to place
the Journal on ncnJi in-advance basis.
We wnnt your help nml we will make
it worth yonr whilo to do it. Here is
our inducement
1. We hnvo n few three-page wall
charts worth Hi tncli. Not half enough
to go nround nmotig our subscribers.
If you nro In hind with your sub.
acrlpttoii, pny the back amount and
ll.oU for lltio Venr' Rnhanrlnflnn in n.l.
vanco und wo will send you tbls wall
chart free. Don't wait. We haven't
half enough for you all.
'-. If you don't wnnt the chart, send
us in addition to your back aubacrip
tion, $1 Pad tho names of two of your
friends who are not subscribers, nml
we will receipt yout subscription for
one yenr in advance.
This liberal offer is ojion only onn
week, till Juno in. Act quickly. Voti
can save six months subscription by
starting the cnih-in-nilvntico plan thia
Boys in Trouble
(Tumlnj'H Dull))
M.O. Cnaali: hud nn experience with
some Polish boys this morning. Aa n
resnlt two nf tin, hnn am I.. 4.11
. ...,, , ,., ,,, jnll
They wont to his aluaghtor houan
this morning, and proocodod to out
and muitlato a 400 pound hog wbirh
sT - . .
oar. unssina men nml butcheroil.
Then thoy nro said to hnvo got nwny
with the tools they hnd used for tholr
Work. Mr. final! ii rnnmla.l !. 1...
... v, ........ .w....,.it, i,i7 tjuyn
up, got the tools nud called an officer
School Land Auction.
The following described land in
Plntto county will bo offered for lonso
At public auction at County trenn-
urors" otllcn in ColnmbuN. Nobrnakn,
Wodnosilny Juno astli, nt ',':00 p. m.
Terms of tensing nml ntinrniaina :
vnluo may bo hnd on nppilcntiou to
commiaalniterPublin Lnnda and llulld-
ings nt Lincoln, Nobrnksn. or to tho
County Irrnaurer nt Columliua. Thia
land ennnot. ho redeemed nfter aecotul
iasun of nilvortlaement. All :S)S-l7-:i
11. M. Enton.
Com. Public Lauds nud IMdga.
No. Msii,
At Columbus, hi tin' Stiilc of Ntbrvsi
nt tliv rliw of tiitaiiivxs,
Mini :'.', 'wo;.
Uuiiih nml discount $'.':!,.i,IJH pi
OtenlruflN, KiK-ureil mill iiUKeeiirnl. 7.1.(7;
U.S. ImiiiiIh to MiMiro clrciiliitlim ::il,oo(l no
I'lemluiiiHon U. H. IkuiiIh I.'.'oiMM
lloiiilx, HeciirllliH. etc. nu in
liaiikitm Iioiimi fiiriiituro nml lixttiri't. n.Tilo eo
inner rein eniiuo iinniii
Dun frniii Niitlonid I Inn k (not ri'MTe
:',(MKi hi
Dun from iipprtiviil rexerte niteiiln.
ClnvkH nml ntlier ciikIi items
:i'.,7r. .in
Nolo of other Nntinimt HiiukH
I'nictluiml piMr currency, ulekelHiiuil
Ijtuful .Money ltiierii In imnk, vli:
JHiHi'ln ll.7li Hi
I U-yul-tendiT notiw H,ii7u nil
lliilomition fund with I). S.TreuMiicr
i-ii ii
l.Hl.'i U
HI 7'.'
(. xr cent, or circiimtionj in)
$.l7i,n.i II
Cnpltid xtoek paid in $ Mf.nm no
SurpbiH fuuil 7,neo iu
Undivided lirolitH, lexx e.t en-en nnd
tHXI-H IMllll t.liiil r.s
Nntiomil Hunk noteH outntiinilimt :io,ii no
ItiillMiluiil ilepOHiiH Hiinjeci
Demiitiil ci-rtificnli'H of de
Mlxit Tiine certltieatcH of ilcnnit.
$ mi,ti;ii h'i
17 Mil '.".!
. Hl.l,l7tl II
W7a,0.!7 II
I'liunty of Pintle
I utility of riiilln )
l. llmilel ricnriiin. c;ih
iiuiel Hclirnui, riiNlilcnif thiMioine uiiunil
lunik, ill Mileinnlt HUeur Unit Hie iilmke hlnle-
ment iHtiuetn llielx'Kt of my Knowledge nml
Dmi:i. H.MiiiMl('iu.lder.
H. C. Illiw. I
I". II. Hun.iMiN, ' DlrectorH.
,1ns h Wki.iii )
HuliHcrilNsI und Hworu to Ufnre mo HiIh i'iIIi
diiyof June, llm'i.
V. M. I'tiiiNrillT'i.
Notiiiy 1'
ComuilMKiim nxpircN .liimiury -I, I'.ill,
id' tho lar;;o sliiiiin
I liuvo to look alter.
Nebraska. W
t 4