m bti mm mmw MrfM B0,: M ,. mT DOttKIl, MAIN !.!!.. I!, C'liiciwro Holnl 4, Atlnntti' K'tiii It, North Pintle Ijk'iiI 10, int .MMI. No No No No No. A. KiiKtcrii Kiiri-H No. 2.1lTirlMitl l.fiiilltHl No, i, Um'kI r'ri'lM . WKnr IMIIINU, mmn l.lMr, No. 5, CnllforniK nii.l Ortm r. .. No II, Colo. Mini-lnl No. V, r'w.1 Mull No. l,0trlMicl Utnltcl No, t, Colnriulo Kirinn . , No. 7, .North I'lntt.' lioiil No, 21, Imi'iil KrvlKlit .,;!, a in tint it. in, i:l i. in. I?"l i. Mi. 2Siii A in . ill ruH, in 7 Ml 1 1 in III HI ii III 11.1.'. H. III. Uslll p. Ill :.':. i. til 11.411 n. m. i 7:K) a. in NOIirol.K lillN(lll. l)-lnrt , t-i . in . 7ir. ii, in Arrivn ,IMr... in 71 IU t HI No. 29, l'aaarnitr No. 17, Minil No, 80, l'MMtriRir No. 7s. Mltwl AI.HION A.lll Hl'.ll.iusii iiiiAnoii. Ilotmrt No. SI, I'Mwnnor a:!.'.i. in No. 711. Mliinl 7.IMII III Arrlv No. ii, I'wwonitnr U' l- ". No. iw, Mliwt rllli. III. Norfolk tMMnKir train run .hilly. No trnlna on Athlon nn.l Hi'iil.lliw hritrirti Hab.lajra. All rrmln linn ihhhiikt tmltiH ilullr. W, II. HiNiiAM.Afffint. H ggQ Time Table Lincoln) Omaha, Chicago, t. Joaeph, Kanaaa City, t.Loula and all polnta Bait and outh. COIjUMHUH. N'Klt. Denver, Helena, Butte, Bait Lnko City, Portland, Ban Franclaco and all polnta Weat. THAINN I'HAIIT. No. 22 I'ntMinKiir, .IhII) mrit HuiKlny TM n, in No. I'i ArroiiiiiitHlntinii, ilnlly mi-npt tlaturilar 4.80 . in Tiiainh Aliliivr. No, 21 l'iiMnKir,iliillynir.it Hnn.lny, H.M . m No. II AwoiiiiiiinInIIoii, ilnlly m.'i'i' Hanilny 1:110 i.u Rlnls-Kyu Viuw .' tlm (Joliiiii- bin ItiVIT An rtttrnotivo t(iii;riiiliimil niiip, in oolorn, (fivinKin:()Miirolioiiiiivr iiloiinf tlio onuritry on nn.l tributary to tlm Colinu tiia Kivor. Thin iimp jh in fnlilur form, on the raverao hIiIh rontninii un inturwit iag ileHuription of tlm ('.iliiinliiii llivnr route. Coiiiiw Hunt frrn by 1'). Ii. !( MAX.O. l'.Jfc T. A. U. 1 11,11 CO., Omaha, Nebr., on mwipl of four ami In pontage. Cheap Excuruoni. Uheap rutea otto way to OrUlfornla. Paget Bounil ami tlm NorthwuHt coun try, daily until Mav loth. Low lioiun Mekor'a ronntl trip ratna Mitroli 'IhI to eMtern Colorado, th IUk Horn Ha In autl North I'latin Vallny whnrn there la an eioollnnt ohnnro of KnttliiK in on the ground lloor nhnnil of tlm orowil and pink up ImrgalnH in irrlgnt eel land. KA8TKHN TIUPS. If yon am non- templatinR an eaatorn trip thin npriiiK better write run for Information. Wo will probably tin nblo to oil or you money Having RUggflRlloiiR. L. W.Waknly, (Jnn. I'ann. Agnnt. L. F. Mentor Tiiikot Agnnt. A LAID OF W0NDER8. Teacher's Imtltuto Tho Platte county Teacher' IruM tuto will cotiTono in the High School Httililing, Colurohup, Nebraska, Juno I',', IW."i at b:30n. in., ami continue in nexoloti ono wook. A. K.Wlptiliip of llontou, Mann, will bo hrn the full week. Dr. Witmblp In a motiibur of tho MnMnolnmetta Htnto Hoaril of Ktlucatiou ; iilitnr of 1 lie ' Journal of Kdiicnt ion ," author of mivnrnl books; nan luutn lironlilotit of Now Knglantl Kilttnrlnl Annonla tion; of Ihn Kilucntinual l'nM AmooI atinn of Anioriuu; of thoAinoricnu In Htitutn of Inntruotion, ami in active In niiuiy pnlitiu-Hpirihul ttHsocintloun, cluliH nuil innvmiiniilH, 2 In M'curiug tlm rmrvlroH of Dr. Wlnnhip Mr. Lnavy Ih curlntnlv for tunndi. O. V. (larrot, Olty Snpl. of tlm Hno Oily iiublic hcIiooI who Iiiih ilomi much itiNtlluIn work in Nnhnihlcn mill town will iilno Im Imro. Hup't. Manvillc tnys of him. "Ono of tho very bout in Ntlltito liiHlrunlorH I over kimw. Ho in un iiiNplrntion, ami n pownr. Ho loavoR n Htrotig hnpri H-.ion, wlmt he li'iiiiliKH Ih cnrrtiiil into tlm hcIiooIm tl lii'iUH fruit, Im in IiunIui'nh In linn up-lo-ilutn way." MInh Aiiiiii Vnntlor Took who ha lirini iiiHtlltilo liiNtruclor in thlr tonii ilillVrnnl coiiiilli'H In NidirnNkit, in ninlit of which idm Iiiim mturimd lo lilt Kiirouil nud third iugngniimntN, will liiivo chiirgn of Urn primary work. All pnrMitiH who urn to teach ill I'lntto county tlm ensuing your are oxpicl(d to bo prcNniit. With thlH oxcidlcut rorpK of InntructorH, tnnclmrN cmiunr nfford to iiiIhh thin itmtituto under any circuniHtmiccH. Tlm reception to tenchcrit und their invited frientln will bn held Monday evening, June I'J. Tim exmuinntioiiHwill lie held in tlm High School niMcinly room Juno IU, ,'OSI, 'ii. The nverngnu required will bo tho Hiunn oh previoiiH yenrn. L. II. LKiWY County Sup't. Road Overieer'i Salaries. A few days ago a Jpurnnl rejorler met J, K. Morrow, road overseer, oponiiig up a road from tho Hengglcr hay meadow about two miles north of Uotumbus. Dldcumlng tho extra work imtiofcd uion tho rond overreor by tho heavy rains, Mr Morrow, xnid Im tlid uot believe there was a olear understanding on tho rt of road overseers, as to how much they were Iteruiitted by Inw to collect for their norvlcoft. For the benefit of these officers in Plattn county, the Journal iiuntes from the law on this subject : "The overseer shall be nllawd '.' per day, including the lime ueceiisnr lly spent in notifying bauds, superin tending the work of ronds ami mak ing tint his return, but ho shall receive uot to oxceetl tlm sum ot$:!l) in nuy one yenr, which sum shnll Im paid from the district rondfuinl." COUNTY OFFICERS. ItflKeSontlltlvp JoSKyVJlMllfB .lerk JoilNOlur illPtW l'llAKLrJ.!AHHIrt .JuiM-rliiteiiilimt ....I,. II. Iirivv AMHmor John J. (Ia!,i.m In.ltf John lUrrriiMiN Attrti.. ... , I- H. Mtium 1'nwmiriT Dihk A. Ilrmisti fh-rkof DiKttlut Court r.Sl.lliiiitNTiirii C.roti.T ,....i:.ll. Mm Hurv.')oi II. I,. IIOXHITKH HOAIM) OK HUI'KHVIOIIK. Dlfct. t InilN (lot r. DIM, 2 1't.rfii HrMiiii lllM.it - ...John Hwani. Jirt.4 PlItNK KlMINAN, I lillllltllili Jlfl.R ItlTlMII.I-ll I'. Miri.t.rn liUt.rt-j I.OUI ltit.it. K. J. Kiium V. ri. Sk.n k i ic I. II. Mllli.nl, Khmr J. Ilur kt'tt Alr.Miu.it fr roNdiirHH. ai IIintiiiut, J. J Mc"r"" HrAIKtlKFIt'KKH. (J.ni'riinr, John II. Mlfki'jil.lHit.'liiitit llov. rriinr, K. II. Mi'lllltolii Mii-n-mry HIhIh, A. (Iiil ixhii; Amlltor, V. M. S.-iitlr, Jr.: Tii-nMircr, I'l-n-r Jlorli-iin'ii; Alloriii-y lli'iii'lnl, NorrU lln.un. Millutritillillll.Mlt I'lllllll' llll-lrlll'tlllll. J. I, M.'llrii'lr, ruliiliilhnliilii'i I'ulitU lili.ln, II. .M. Il.iliili. . ,. ., ,. .. Jllluili llril JtUHCIM UlHllllOT -('. Ilnllnn iHi-k.J.ll. Iliiili-r. Sknahih IIhuIi IIiiuIii'k, IImiimi.ni iiivk-JIiii IliMriilni J.W.II.-tiilot Ki.or llrriitHK.srxrnK Y- Hour. Tli igataaar FlatU Many Thlag oi IitiNit In tialtforaU. Ualifornin linn nunierotiH niituriil bridgee, oaveti, etc. of no little in to rout. Tho Mnmotli Cuvo of CidnveriiH, dm covervd by iiiinorH in 1K.M); the AlubiiHler Cave; the Crynlul l'ldnco Cave, coiitiiiu iug a uuiulier of iittrnelivu Hiililerrmieun apparliiientH, eueli iih the bridal Cliuiii oer. tho Chryetnl I'nluoe Uooiu. Aeiiri- oueappartiuent culled MiiHie Hull, where lu Uep.wilH or n.UiHiiiH origin not only take tho form of organ pipee, Hoiiiidiug boards etc., but emit, when Hlrtick, iiiiihi calaonudHund vibrutioiiH, Near IIiIh enve are two natiind hridgoii which the tour let oau viriit and return lo the rail rood within half nu hour. The only niituriil way to reach tliemi sceneH of iutoroNl jh Via "The Overliind liitnited, Ibuite," ooiuprimng the Union I'mutlcaiid Soiitli eru Pacillo, now roily one line. The only lino running through trniiiH to Han FraneiHco from Oiiudiii, iIh fiiHt trniiiH, arriving Hixtimn liourN idieml of nil coin petitore. I'liiuphliitH and miipH ilencrib ing thu wondiTH of t'ldifurniii, and full information about the moHt comfortalil and direct route to the I'liciltc CoatH.cne be obtained of l' I,, hoiunx, (I. P. -T. A, Uiiiaha. Neb. Real Estate Transfers. Umik of Hn.ll Mills to (Jnrl Hansen It :i blk U Crexton Aug.CMillet to KmilyOHborrr It r. & f. blk ill SteveiiH ad to Co wd C F lUodeilorn to Hloreilorn Hlllsahock Lbr Co sw uw, hw so :i(l-IS-'J w wd Mary Henry to V. Ternsinskt w III It I blk IIS Col Ag'n't Joollnuor toltnsltta Hchneliler It. blk I IT Col wd H C HaiiHen to Ma McCrnu It 7 blk 0 Cornloa wd Dora NnthicNscn to U F Huh- uiniin It ii blk !l (Jrostnn wd .Totdnh Kley to C F lluhmnnn It II, blk 5, (Weston wd HughtlughcH toMnryMnhalVey It l.V'J blk I.HniltliH ail to Co IKK) (Mi () Htor. ot al to K HLenoh Its r. - iiblk II liockners 1st nil to Hum special w d C llSheldnn toClintouWilbur It !l-1 bk Hi Plattn Ceu Fred Meedel to LouisaMeedel nn ne, uw lie, nw uw, nw nwlh-IT-'J Kllza Wilnun to Wm Ulpp pt se m I'-i-lH-'iw wd lly Chrlstenseu to Mich (inN- Nirs It r, (I, 7, sblk III IiuIh Mils Blunt. MIhh Olive Hlunt, sevnu yearn a teacher and missionary In Japan now winking in connection with tho Mate W. O. T U. will speml Hiinday mid Monday in Columbus with following appointments: Sunday II a. m. ml drew on Japan at Kaptlst church and then nt the Congregational church !l p. in , a uinxM meeting for children. Sunday evening Sterenptlcan illus trated aililrexH on Temtiormico nt same place. .Moudny :: p m. add reus to W. 0. T. II. Monduy availing sloreopticon views on Japan. Miss Ullvo M. Hlunt, who comes to Nebraska for two months and whom I met nt tlm National Convention in Philadelphia, is an attractive, Chris tian woman. Wo have tho finest tes timonials of her work from tho Htate Prcidilniit and Fieri Hncrntnry of Kan as and elsewhere. Having given seven years to missionary work in Japan, she is especially fitted to inter est in tlm tomperaucn and missionary work. With her stem ptlcou she will especially please the young people. Her temperance work nmnng children is very effective. Dora V. Wheolock, President Nebr. W. C. T. U. GHURGH DIRECTORY. CUNIIUKdATIUNAIi Mnhlmth wI.im.1, U.I'.u. hi. rii'iu'liitii!, II ii. in. nuil .' .. in. H.-iili'i r.iul.'iii.ii, i im . in, I'riijt-r iiifa-iuu; Uiiirxilu) nl i. in. IjuIii-h Aiullliiiy IitkI WiiIii.i-.Iii) In .m'li month lit p. in. IjiiIIi Minxiomir) h.K'll'U I'trt Wcllicwlilj ill CIII'll tlllilltllllt :i l, in. (I, A. MliMiio, I'lmiiir. IIKIIMAN i:VAN(li:i.ll'AUI,lt(ir.Hl'ANI- Silli.l.i) M'hiiol, V:MI ii. in. I'n-iii'hlim mtUci', III..MI it. in. iiiili I'colil.iV MiH-lel), i-erj lo w.ikx, Miinilii) MMI . in, Irfiili.'x Al.l S.x'li'l), tuM Jhurfolii) of t-iicii in. inlli, J :H . m. I'iiio-l-llllll M'll.Mll, Hi.liii.lii) ! to I'Jii. in. t'otiliriuii ti.ui rliih", 'I'liitmliiy iin.l t'ri.M), ' to H p. in. IIKV. II. nilll HIKHI, lliniiir. I'ltllHIIVI'KUIAN Kiililmth HrliiHtl, VX n. m Korinoii. IliKlii. in. Hi'iilor i:ii.lfiior, 7ml . in. Kvi'iiliiM Mriiin,soi. Prnn-r iii.m-IIiii! nn.l Mini) of tlixMnlilii.tlim'h.Hil li-t.Mii.N.liili. in.'llilirH.lii). Uiillini MlM.liiuiiry i-orl.1) InM I'rl.liiy of vwn nth. Iji.II.-h Al.l iilleriiiiln W.iIiiiimIii) of imii-Ii inoiiih, W i.rru N. II vikkv. I'uMor. Protected by Block Signals The first railway in America fo adopt the abso lute Dlock System in the o)cration of alltrains was the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. The St. Taiil lioad was the first railway lo light, its trains by electricity. The St. Paul Koad was also the first to adopt the stevm heating system. Tree through daily trains to Chicago from all points on the main line of the Union Pocific Railroad. For time table, special rates, etc., see Union Pacific Agent, or write F. A. NASH, Qin'l Western Agent, 1524 Farnam St. OMflNft. NBBRA&Kfl. MCTIMtniSr I'riwliliii:, IddSn. in. nml HSJ ii. in. Hiili.ln) hflnMil, ViM in. Junior liiKiie. d.an p. in. Kiiwnrtli l'iiieif, .( I- in. I'n;)i lll.t't IUK, Tlllllwlll) . N til l. III. Illlll All! WH-I.'I) i.i.ry other WihIihwIh)-nt !lM'-in. ,, , I,iiin linn Hk Woi.r, TuMor. IIAPI'IHI' Hiiiitlnywliool. llMiin m. UTinon ll:im ii. in Junior II. V. V. U., IIWI p. in. Henloi II. V. I. I), nt :"" l- m. Hi-rmtiii, "! u in. Prim-r iim-llnuTlmrHlii), Mill p. in. ItfV. !:. J. Ul.MKii, I'uMor. (i;ri co aoo.oo 1500.00 1MM) 00 MM (M) tti (Ml icr. oo IS00 00 jr.iu IN) 100 00 1 00 18ft 1H I KMI (HI Homes For Children. Miss Carrlo Htownrt, Ornuil Island District Huperlntendent of tho Nit braska Children's Uomo Society will be locntetl with Mrs. W. A. Way, ftlft West 10th street, for about two weeks. Miss Stewart asks tho co-operation IIIIAtT: KI'IHCUI'AI, Low n.hlirnlloti, Si ii. in. Him.lii) Si'h.H.I, IIHl u. in. 1'r.iirhliiK, ir.lniii. in. Keiiliiwrvlrii, Hjm p, in. rt. An ilri.H HiotliKri., m-i-oiiiI lurrtlii) of ein-li nioiith. IllUIKlitrrr. or tlm KIlIK, mh-oIi.I 'llH'whl) of i-iwli moiith. IjhII.-m (IiiII.I, h mil WiMn.'wIiiy ol .mil, inniilli. ll.V. W. A. Cahii. lt.Hl.ir. (IMIIMAN I.UTIIKIIAN - I'nwlilint, I0ln. in. .Sninliiy Hi-lnml, - I'- in. Iji.II." Sm'IMy imww nun Tlmrwliiy in imm'Ii inoiijli. Ukv. II. Mikhni.rii, I'nMnr. HKIIIIIIANI.KIl ClltilU 'II OK I.AITKU DAYHAI.Vrrt Knhlmth hch.Mil, lllu. in. I'limi-li. Iiim wrvlei'. It ii, in. Hiii-riiini'iitiil wrvleo liml Hiiii.Ih) In i'im'Ii mouth. llyolioK W. (l.M.l.KV, KUI.tr. MT. IIONAVKNIUIIA CATHOLIC -Hnmliiy wrvlr.'H, iiiiihh nml wrinon nt n, ti nii.l l.iW oVl.H'k, Hnnilny miIiimiI nml Im-iihIIi-Uoii lit J oVI.H'k. Thxtlo'rliH'k iiiiirh i Kiv.'ii III I'oliMi iin.l tlm HoVlmk iiiiihHiilt.'riiiitolyiiilli'riniiiiiiiiil KnuliMi. Wit'k ilny iiiiii-b ci.-ry inornlliK lit nVlock. KriiliDH ill ail'. nVlork, MntlouH nn.l iM'ii.Mirtlon. t'liiifwitioiiH liiiinl from 4 lo ..'..l..L viil,r,l.iv,i nml friiin 7 to II on nlllnlllt of the church mid lienevolent people of momliiK. CoiifiwlmiH nlwi Hnmlny mornibit Ui- l.ininiinn.1. IIILnr., Tho Journal lor news No Secret About It. It is no Niinret, that for ruts, burns, ulcers, sores eyes, IioIIh, etc., nothiiiK Is so effective as llncklenV Arnica Halve, "If didn't take Ioiik to euro a bad soro I had, and it is all U.K. for Noro eyes," writes 1), li. (IreKor.v, nt Hope, Tex. '-.'ft cents nt Uhas. Hack's tlriiK store. Oolntnlius in her efforts for the home less, ilestttuto nud deiiendent children of Nobrnska. Anyone knowing of OhrUltan homes deniritifr to receive nun of these little Htrnnuers, or of children nendltiR tho attention ot Mich nn organization, will klnillv re liort to Bliss ate wart or to any one of the Local Hoard members, ns follows : Mrs, U. A. liiiiHtrnm, pros; Mrs.Jas. Babcock, vice pros. Mrs. W. A. Way, sen; Mra. Stlres, treas; Mrs. Tiffany. One of tho best equipped optloat offices on tho weat will bn opcned.lono 5th in tho front room over Pollock's drnR stoie by Dr. Terry of Omaha. Dying Of Famine. Is, In Its torments, liko dying ot consumption. The progress of con sumption, from tho beginning to tho verv end, In a long torturo, lmth to victim anil friends." When I had con sumption in Us Unit stage," writes Win. Meyers, of Uearfnss, Mil., "after trying different medicines autl n good doctor, in vain, nt last took Dr.Klug's Now Discovery, which quickly and perfectly cured mo." Prompt relief nud snrn euro for coughs, colds, sore throats, bronchitis, etc. Positively prevents pnoumoula. Ouarauteed at Chas. Dnck's drug store, price ftO cents and 91 per bottle. Trial bottlo free, l-'A'lllKII rilirollAI.ll KAt.AMA.IA, l'rliwt. V Have You SOMETHING TO SELL ? Try our wnnt columiiH. Some body wants what you wnnt to Hfll. Do you want tnhuys'omothitiKV Ask for it in our want cnliimiiH. Somebody hna wlmt you want and will sell cheap. Wo Runran- tfii satisfaction. If our work doesn't please you, toll us nlmut it; wc'il take pleasure in innkuur it ri;;ht. Do yon need some Btnoionory? If so, call ua up on cither phono and n Journal representative will call on you, or como up to tho office nml we will lit you out. Golumbiift Journal Go ATTRACTIVE COAST TOURS Take the Burlington from Columbus to I'nrtlun.l.Kcnttl.'. Tiii'oni.iiin.lli.'tiini. (lliicctli.iiil.'M, llaily fmni Mny'."'l .VIG.OO r.irtlaii.lnii.l It.'liini. (One Wnyslu ('iilifoiiii i. Mii Z. L'l, i:. '.. ,:n. ::t,,liino I.U. ('. il. 1 1. I.'., lit. SI. -M, i.7. 2. Hil. !!ll. .1 illy 1,2. !!, 11. 7, S, In, 1 1, IU. 1:1. "T,, -y,, !, A.lili timuil ilnti'H ill AliKU.st liml S.'iti'inlMT .. . fid (HI Snn ('riinrlxro, l.twAiiKi'lfHiiiiil It.itnrn, (llii.-i t Itontrs) Ahov.- l:iln ftfi.OO San KmnclNni, l..i:i AnirrlcHiinil lli-tiirn, (Dlrvrl Itontii.) Mn IKi. lid. Ill, .liinc I, Am-- nst in, it, ii;. i:i. ii,ociuiHriT. w. v.i. .-ji.i!i nu.no Tlii'M' r;ite apply over the llinllnvliui'- iliir.t lini' to iriiii, theii.e tlmiiitrli Si-onii- t'oloinilii :mil ,di l,:il,c ritv. AIo owr Hi.' lliiiliiiL'liiii-N'oitliiTii I'ni'ilii' iliri'i't ii(itlir-l ruiilr to I'y.'rl Siiuinl nml Poitl.iiiil. The liiiinl i'eiupielii'iikle Inlli nl' tile I'.nilir ro.Kl, liirluiliirr (Mliloinh, -li:il:i lioiilc, I'oitl.uiil Kiolliiili. 111 "it-1 MHIliil litii-, V'iliiiijloii .mil .Miint:in:i i'iiii he luiiili) ll- in-r Hie ;iioll Itiu linuUm M.iin l.ll The llinliimtnti i lln only line by whli-li uil r.in t.il.o in Hie I'.l.i.l, IhlU mid IUl' I lot ii iiiiiiitrviti iiitiiie.'tiiiii with HiN nip nil Ii no .iililliion:il '-iiiir Ilnlly throtiirli I'tillnimi i:iuilnril -I.Tpi-i to .m I i ,i mi --o ii Mcumm, Si-i'iile Cnlornilii mm S:dt l.uke. Aiily liilhi' Uliilcri-'liril I'm t'ottliml I's pniit mil lolilrr, ('Mlil'oriiin liiliter, TnlllNt i'Milli(iii I'.ilili'i, lui ln'illi-, ilifiuin :illiin, HiUi'N, rtc. I ! itx- jour iinpo"i'il trip Mini let nic ,nlii' jnu I In- lc:i-l I'li-t mill the lic-t nay lo in:il;i' it. L. F. HECTOR, Agent, Columbus, Nebr. USST- 4fTi m csawivvvp mmm LHLHaHBaVLHBSKLIBBlmaBASiliBHHBVHK ... 'Sk fi Mu.4tTu r i&fc&'s. Kansas City Souiiiem Railway i Slraictit ns tho Crow I'ller." KANSAS CITY TO THR GULP MWWamMMWMMMMWiMBiiiii mitwamtrjmMn . PA83INQ THROUGH A GREATER DIVERSITY OF CLIMATE, SOIL AND RESOURCE THAN ANY OTHCR RAILWAY IN TH WORLD, FOR ITS LENGTH AlnnKlt4 llniiro tlir flno-it Irtiul'.ntllcil furi'MiM liut.-iiiKill itinln rum Hi' r.itt.in; fin .'iminicr.i.il itiil. unci "'a- Ii uu'li'tiili, f-ir otliri fiiuti nml I . ties; for i-mniuiTi'liil rilliluloilli.i, miiiiI.i, luiiiitt.i Hint '.nrinl It ut-K f'liin tor minrtriHiie hikI riciMMilil vnil. m; fur iiu-rrlmiiliilil.' tliul-t-r , lor riiihii.t Jiurdi's, in ulc j, emtio, line, Kli.-., pmiltry nn.l A npirit i;uutH. Write lor Information Conc.nlna FREE GOVERNMENT HOMESTEADS Niw Colony tocatloni, Impronert Farmi, Mineral L.inils. Illcii Land nml timber liiuli, and lor coulet ol "Current Evnl," V usinotti Unnarlunitiis, Hlco Book, K. C. S. Fruit Bonk Chciiprouii.UrlpliouitijreUpu' ticket on kuln llrdt slid third Tiii'.uliiy.i nf eiii'li nioii tli. THC 8HOHT LINE TO "THE LAND OF FULFILLMENT" . sl . IfliltlEV MOCACEC CAUSE ONE-THIRD OF MUHEI UiaEROEO THE TOTAL DEATHS. When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. 9 corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases In every form, tones up the cured of BMQttrs disease. whole system, and the diseases that have Mr. Robert Q, flurk, Klnora, Saratoga Co., N. V.. wrltrat 1 am (tad lo hava an oppor tunity of telling what magnificent mult. I have had from ualna fOLBY'S KIDNEY CURK after havlni triad other advartlard m.-dlclnra and aevrral phvalclana. Before I began It I had to net up from it to 10 tlmta each night to relieve my bladder. 1 we. all bloated up twllb dropay ana my eye.lght wae ao Impaired that I could ecarcely aee one of my family acroaathe room. In fact. I waaao badly u.edunthat I hadalvenun hope of llvlna when I wae urged by a friend to try POLKY'S KIUNKY CURK. One jo-cent bottle worked wan dare, and before I had taken the third bottle the aupr rrluoue fleah had gone, aa well aa all other oymplomo of Kidney trouble. My friend, were aurprl.ed that I waa cured, aa they i triad It lui failed to bo benefitted. K. O. DUTTOJT, Trnv. Pass. Afft. . . WABNBB, O. X'. nuil V. A. Kanaaa City, Mn. Kannun City, Mo. T. V. XOnnttCB, Vvav. ruiia. anrt Imlrf'n Aif t., Kantian City , Mo. paajggjpjpMajgjgjge, II thought I waa going to die. livery few daye aome one cornea from mllee away to learn the name of the wonderful medicine that cured me of Urlght'a Dlacaee, and not one that MM I resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, because the cause has been removed. Com mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at the first sign of danger. Do not risk having Bright' s Disease or Diabetes. Twd 8lzs, 60 Cants and $1.00. SEVEN WONDERS ol' tin' Aini'iiciiii Cniitiiii'iit: Yi'lliiwMniii' NuliiiiKil I'iifl;; Tin- (imit Slinli(iiio I'uIIm Tlii'l'iilum- liiu Ivivi'r; Mount llnml; Tin- lii'l'u'i iit'l'tilit'iii'iiitiiTlif YuM'iiiitc; Lui'iii "'ut M1"' iii'iiKs fJri'iil Still htiki 'A.v am. m: .m:i:n in a ti:ii' nvu: nu. UNION PACIFIC AMI rtiNM:iTin.rt TO nu: LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION PORTLflND. ORbOON, Junn I to or.!. IS. I90G inquirn of W. II. ItENlIAM, Aftont. SOLD AND REQOsUENDED IY McCLINTOCK & CARTER, Columbus, Neb