The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 24, 1905, Image 5

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ami Die--- Ilat-
1st. Door East of NinwoJmcr's
Thursdsiy's Daily Journal.
1'iof. Tool, violinist.
'Phone Go.
r A. Eeardslev vsj
co to Genoa
1'raznonl' v Uolumbnp nest Sunday
afternoon. Gnme called at cnal nonr.
Jsilze Post nnd .7. C. Freydis wen:
to Genoa on bonnes? thi afrrrnoon.
Dr. Chas. II. Platz, homeopathic plij
siciau and sarwin, iotofIice bnildine
Frank Schanf came in froai Minne
FOtR to inv enronte home to Fuller
ton. Albert Colhnan came home yesterday
from a med'eal ;-chool in Lincoln for
a vacation
Mis? Grace Jones of Cedar liapictf-
who na oeen vi?iinr menu? nere
returned home yes terdny
Mi-;-hl-i:Ernspr returned fromLin
coln 7e.-iirday wheie fhe spent a few
dttytf viitinp iriends in the capital
Mrs. Kt::i tJri-wold. dacchter of
A. Anderson, arrived in tne city touny
from Fort Collins. Colorado for an ex
tended Tiit.
Ex -Senator Jakr I'nistead of Nance
was in the city a feu- bonr today.
Ho was rPinmiuq from Omaha to hi?
liome in Fnllertcn
Barred Plvmonth Iifck and Koe
Cjmb Brown Leghorn ecp? for sale
at I..V for 11 or ..30 for :50. t'olnm
bns Poultry Yards, 31. Schilz, prop.
Charlsv Fineey i back to the old
home asain. lie has been for the
pat three monrhs master mechanic
on tiie Urd Journal and returns to
the old haunts ot childhood days
hale and heart v.
- Mr and Mrs. Hickock entertained
the nndny school teachers ot the
Consieational church la.-r nipht.
Kefxvhraeuta of iierbet ami cal:
wore served and the evening oven
larc!v to tkincs of a social character.
O J r.aekmaster returned to
Croiehtou last evening Darinj: his
shorr stay in oar city .Mr. Huckmastor
made mr.ny friends who will repret
his demrrure and who will be plad to
hear of his suecess in hi new loca
tion. Mr. ana Mr? E. O. Carrctt and two
children of Fremont were in the city
between trains today. They were
te- ri " irlrtfk1riciclririrk-1fkirkick-k-kiiii
Home Restaurant
The best of everything in the eating
line. Meals at all hours, day or night
Fresh Fish every day during Lent
Kersenbrock & Burke
ar --
1 Henry Ragatz & Co.
Of the First Quality
A Full Line of Staple and Fancy
Provisions, Queensware, Glassware and
Fancy China.
Our "Richelieu" in bulk gives entire
satisfaction at 30, 25, 20 & 15c a lb.
The following in tins
"White Kou?e" - - -
Chase & Sanborn's "Seal"
Lipton's - - -
"Richelieu" - -
j& TEA
.Ja'an, Gunpowder and English Breakfast in bulk
and packages, the finest grown and Guaranteed
to crive Perfect Satisfaction.
i -
? A full, fresh and complete assortment J
ot everything usually sold in our line. We J
- buy our gooas airect irom nrst nanasior
? cash, and consequently buy at the VERY
: LOWEST PRICES. We can and do sell the
.: ' are confident we can convince everybody of
: that fact who will give us a trial
Henry Raptz & Co.,
Pitaska P3iii 29. Iiipsiiut Pfencs 29 ail 229.
0 bt
which Mr. Garrett i
bokM for
Kd-lrccS and SriCCarfctt
fc: a
sole. . d
- -A X
StirotrderirSoa- at aoruuc Ne
iraiue builains" from the ritet
the new n;ai-. biuk cpildiac utoiw
located. Workman are buy .slacking
lime and setting everything ib read
ine?E for tha erection of one of the
prett-t cornern in the city aad one
of the most substantial bank buildings
in the state.
The Misses Emily Pjjpatz, Margaret
Zinnecker and Louis Davis entertain
ed about twenty-rive of the immediate
friends cf Misses Emma and Jennie
Jones last night, at the Ragatz home.
The reception was in honor of the
Misses Jones who will depart for
Denver about June 1. Simple refresh
ments were served and the evening
was occupied with flynch and music.
The Lauies Aid society of the
Presbyterian church have arranged to
give a concert on May 29. at the Pres
byterian church. Prof. Poole will
have charpe of the program which
will consist of orchestra, violin,
oiauo and vocal numbers. The draw
ins feature of this concert, perhaps,
will be the first public apperance of
Prof. Poole's janvenile string or
chestra. The program in full will
be announced in a few days.
Will Halt will co to Norfolk to
nisht to look over a book and station
ery business with the view of having
the same if it proves satisfactory.
Mr Hall has been assistant manager
of the book store of L. W. Snow for
the lnt five years and has proved
himself not only and efficient young
business man, but he has made him
self iwpular with the young people of
the city who will regret to see him
Mr and Mrs.
elaborate eight
night at which
engagement of
P. J. Hart gave an
conrse dinner last
was announced the
Miss Vera Kramer,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kramer,
to Mr M. J. Kelly of Chicago. The
announcement was made by Mr. Hart
in a few well chosen words. Those
prel-enf bi.siles Mr. Kelly and Mias
Kramer were- Mr. and Mre. Carl
Kramer, Miss Florence Kramer Mr.
and Mrs. H. A. Clarke. Miss Ethel
Gall-y. Miss Metta Hendey.Mr. Mark
Rathtmrn. D- Mark T. McMahon
and Mr. T. Fnedhof.
Friday's Doily Jomraal.
Dr. Panl, dentist.
Dr. L. C. Vo33. Homeopathic physi
cian. Columbus. Neb.
A new shingle roof is being placed on
tne Dussell store building.
Attorney W. I. Allen, of Schuyler
was attending court here toiay.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
(.Truenther.ThniFday.May l a daugh
ter Miss Margarete Becher- was a pas
and Meat Market i
- 1-lb 2-lb 3-lb
- .40 .75
- .40 .75
- .40 .75 1.00
.40 .75
oo their sy.JW'3-' l
Hotel Merz...
...Old Grand Pacific Remodeled
- Now Open to the Public
$1.00 a Day
Evarj thing New New Furniture New
Plumbing -Electric Lights -SteamHeat
teoger over the B.&M.east this morn
ing. Mayor Joe McCleland of Follerton
was in Colambns today on legal bus
inees. Chas. Dack has disposed ot his auto
to th Simes boys who live north of
Drs. Martyn, Evans, Evans & Martyn
Jr., office three doors north of Fried,
hors store.
Jndge Post returned on the evening
train yesterday from a legal engage
ment at Genoa.
Mrs. Leonard Hohl of Albion arriv
ed in Columbus today and is the guest
of Mrs. 1. Gluck.
Attorney Cornelius las gone to
Platte Center in connection with the
Specht bankruptcy case.
JudgA Post has been attending the
lgal matter for the Irrigation people
at Genoa a few days this week.
J. Berney received a steam thresh
ing outfit yesterday from J. I. Cane
company. It is sold to aPlatte county
The Union Pacific has a gang of
workmen busy laving new steel rails
on their line leading west from Co
lumbus. F. D. McMullen is busy repairing
the brick wall which was washed out
by the heavy rain at the rear of
Asche's store.
Sheriff Will Davis came down from
Fullerton today noon and remained
in the city a few hours before going
on to Lincoln.
Bert Galley and E. H Jenkins re
turned from Grand Island this noon
where they have been attending a
meeting of the state G. A. B.
County Treasurer W. F. Prowett,
of Nance county, came down from
Fullerton last evening and attended
lodge with brother lodgemen of our
Ed. Reynolds, a Fullerton grain
buyer was in Columbus today. He
had been in attendance at the G.A.K.
meeting at Grand Island. He was
accompanied by his sou Clyde.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Kinyon of Ful
lerton were in our city last evening.
They were on their way home from
Lincoln where the doctor had spent
several days on business and other
Guy Button, grandson of Geo. Gal
ley arrived the first of the week from
Grandville, N. Y., and will remain
here with his relatives fur sometime.
Since leaving his home he has travel
ed considerably "through Canada and
as far west as Spokane, Washington.
The Ninth graders of the Columbus
Inch school will hold a grand picnic
all by their lonesomes at McPherson's
all day tomorrow. Miss Segelke and
Prof. McCoy of the faculty will ac
company the merry-makers. They
have no rain on their program.
A newly married couple lefc on
No 5. last evening for parts unknown
west. Some of their friends gave
them a shower of rice as they boarded
the train which afforded much amuse
ment to the crowd present. We did
not learn thier names but the way they
acted seemed to feel happy though a
little nervous. We wish them all this
land affords.
Sstmraay's Daily JamrmmL.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath. Barber block.
Prof. Sike, teacher music Barber bide.
Perry Davis, a Belgrade stock man
remained in the city last night and
left for his home this morning.
This afternoon Mrs. G. B. Speice is
entertaining forMrs. Axtell of Omaha.
Mrs. Will King is suffering from an
attack of laryngitis.
Final papers of naturalization were
granted today to A. A. Terpager and
Nels A. Terpager.
Mesdames Howard, Boen and Rob
inson entertained yesterday afternoon
at the Howard home.
Blake Maber returned today from
Fremont where he has been reporting
for Judge Hollenbeck all the wees:.
Mrs. Leonard Hohl, of Ablion, who
arrived here yesteraay and was the
gaest of Mrs. L Gluck, left for Omaha
this morning.
Surveyor Bossiter went up the
branch this morning and will do a little
work in his line along an irrigation
ditch near the looking Glass.
Miss Sarah Milet came down from
Genoa yesterday aad will spend Sun
ir.y here with her sister. Miss Ger
trude Milet.
ilias Mabel Thompson, one of Platte
county's most efficient school teachers,
was in the city yesterday and called
on Sup't Leavy.
Rev. uash returned yesterday from
Omaha where he has been at tending
the annual council of the diocese
J. E.Kaufsaann is tearing down his
old lumber sheds on Eleventh street
aad will replace thesa with a fine two
story structure.
Attorney W. L Allen aad Chas.
Zerma returned to Schayler this
morning. Mr. Alien had been attend
ing to court Batters here the past Jew
Mrs. Margaret Bartom casae ap from
Lincoln last erasing. Mrs. Barton is
a sister of Mrs. J.F. Belford aad will
-visit the faauly for aa indefinite time.
The A. O. H. society gave a social
dance as the Maaerohor hall last sight.
Nome hat sMsahau aad their families
Mia lassie
has returned to Columbus and will
epend a part of her -acation with her
B ib Liadeberry, U. P , brakeintn
on the Spalding passenger branch is
enjoyine a few days rest fron; daties
and will visit his parents in Humph
rey. Joe Ray is fillinn his place on
the run.
iliss Stella Garten, typo on the ar.
Edward Snn arrived in the city today
and will visit Mis Frances Maynard.
Sunday the two young ladies will go
to Schnyler where they will visit ar
the home of Miss Mnynard.
Painters and' paper hansers have
been busv the last day or two cheer
ing up the inner walls of the Palace
saloon. It is now one of the most in
viting places in the city.
Supt. W. M. Kern and W. W. Waters
returned today from Lincoln where
they attended a meeting of the school
masters Club last night. One hundred
guests were present and Chancellor
Andrews delivered the principal ad
Workmen are busy erecting the new
grand stand at the ball park. It will
ie ready for use tor the pamo tomor
row. It will comfortably seat 300
people aid will be safe and substan
tial in every way.
"Tink" King came from David
City today and will leave on No 3.
this evening for Portland, Oregon
where he has secured employment as
guard dnrinc the exposition there this
Bring your tinware to Roeile &Lan
genegger and have it repaired. They
make it as good as new for little
money. JJ
Thursday afternoon Miss Florence
Kramer entertained twenty-eight lady
friends. Refreshments were served,
and Miss Kramer, in one of the neat
and witty speeches for which she is
famous, proposed a tcast to her sister
tera and her luture brother-in-law
Mr. M. J. Kelly who was absent. The
company divided their time between
the house and hammocks on the lawn.
Tin work of all kinds done on short
notice by the new tinner? west of
cold storage. 11th St.
The building occupied by the Zin
necker barbers has beenremoved from
its old location to the lot recently va
cated bv the F. T. Walker land com
pany. During the moving the barbers
continued to remove whiskers with
out pain and trimmed up bunches of
alfalfa to a nobleman's taste.
Little Merceline Flynn, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. FJynn, gave a party
to a number of little foi&s at her home
in north Columbus this afternoon.
The occasion being the tifth birthday
for the little lady Games and light
refresMnents were much enjoyed by
the company present.
The ladies of the Columbus demi
monde are apparently becoming re
conciled to the edict of the mayor that
they must remove their abodes with
out the corporate limits of this city.
They have protested to rbe mayor and
the city attorney, but to no avail, and
the orders to the chief ot police stand
as before to see that all scch -persons
vacate the city by June 1, r.KNJ.
J. D. Stires has riled a suit in dis
trict court against the First National
and Columbus State banks. The cae
is in connection with the bankruptcy
proceedings cf Garrett Hulst.and con
cerns a payment of 39 per cent of 87,
130 which was allowed to the First
National. Tne State bank claims to
be entitled to this amount in accord
ance with an agreement betwt-en the
two banfcs. Mr. Stires. as trustee,
asks the court to require the two de
fendants to settle their respective
claims and that he be allowed to pay
the money into court.
Louis Schroeder S: Sons landed an
other nice contract Wednesday at
Platte Center. Since the village in
stalled a water works system the on
cials have been bothered more or less
by the walls of the engine room caving
in and during the rainy season the
floor of the pump room being flooded.
They have decided to raise the machin
ery and place the plant in a more sub
stantial way. The raising of
the machinery and rebuilding the
walls has been let to Scnroeder &
Sons which is a guarantee that the
work will be first class.
Monday's Daily Journal.
Judre Reeder and Irve Spiece went
to Schnyler today.
Julius Phillips went up the branch
to his home in Genoa this morning.
Dr. Macbeth of Osceola was a pnest
at the home of G. O. Bnro& Sunday.
Frank Clother of Platte Center and
P. E. McKillip of Hnmphrev are in
town today.
Miss Stella Garten, left this murn
ing for St. Edward after a short visit
in the city
Mr. Henry Hammond and sister of
Fremont were guests of J. H. Kerson
brock's Sunday.
Will Jeler, a Fullerton barber wa
in town today for a few hours. He
was on his way to Shelby.
Judge Howard and Marc Perkins
were seen to board No 10 this noon.
Don't know how far east they went.
Sheriff Davis of Nance cocnty was
in the city last evening and returned
to his home in Fullerton this morn
ing. Wm. Farrand who has been attend
ing school at the Wesleyan Univer
sity came home Saturday on a vaca
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly are mov
ing into the a part of the house now
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Rath
burn. J. P. Maple. Jake Fullmer, Halite
West, Joe Smatland and Geo. Busch
ail of Schuvler attended the" ball
game here yesterday.
Messrs. Carl'Becker and H. Kersen
brock accompanied by the MissesRnby
Rasmuseen and Blanche Xiewohner
drove to David City Sunday. '
Fireman Buck Taylor left this
morning for Genoa where he will
work a few days on the Albion branch
daring the vacation of the regular
freeman oa that line.
Stanley Maly, well known here bat
t. Vx
Icon awry
bouts SaturCav and last evening on
his way to and from Schuyler where
he tpent Sunday with relatives.
Ladies Wanted Monthly salary for
writing at home. No canvassing or
other work. This is no fraud. Xtb.
Alma Walters, IUj E. 75th street,
Chicago, UL Send stamps for full
Art Jones, brother of Jimmie Jones
and who was some time ago reported
to be seriously ill. dead and wounded,
returned to Columbus yesterday and
was able to be out to the game a
rootin for Columbus
Mrs. Becker, who spent the winter
in Morrison. Ill , visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Weaver, returned home Sat
urday accompanied by her daughter,
Mrs. Weaver brings her infant on
with her.
Lester Belford and Floyd Drake,
members of the Daily Journal force
spent Sunday in Platte Center. The
attraction in the hub city for these
two yonng men is not definitely
known bnt friends have a good guess
A couple of large cans of cream
billed for Omaha over the I. P. din
not reach their destination yesterday.
The contents were spilled on the
gravel walk while other express was
being loaded. No blame is attached
for the aocident.
Frank Keller thought he had lost
a bicycle Saturday night. He left it
at George Winlsow's livery barn and
when he came after it it wasn't there.
After an alarm had been sent forth,
the missing wheel was found at the
barn where it had been all the time.
Somebody had set it inside the gran
ary. The opening concert of the Colum
bus band last Friday night was a
credit to Martin Schilz. the director
and to the whole organization. The
largA and cynipathetic crowd that
greeted the boys is ample evidence
that their excellent work is apprecia
ted by the people of Columbus. The
boys are playing some pretty difficult
music and they play it with a skill
that would do credit to protessionals.
Yi-sterday" Daily Journal.
Mrs. C. S. Raney went to Lincoln
Honisr Robinson went to Omaha
this afternoon.
W. I. Allen of Schuvler was in Co
Inmbas last night enronte to Lincoln.
At North opara house. Friday Mav
2C the Troubador. Don't miss this
Adolph Groteluscben was in the
cily roday. He called on the Journal
folks while here.
Mrs. Emiline C. Saley who has
been quite seriously ill lor somo days
is getting better.
W.M. Cain of Schuyler was an over
night visitor in Columbus last night
en route to David City.
J. Panaeld of St. Edward was in
the city today consnlting physicians
concerning his wife's health.
Mrs. Leonard Hohl of Albion will
return tonight from Omaha and will
visit in Columbus a few days.
Miss Kelso has just rerurned from
Chicago where she ha- purchased an
entirely new line of ladies and Misses
and children's hats.
The Tornado Season is now at hand.
Insure your property against loss
by having Becher, Hockenberger and
Chambers wrire your Tornado Insur
ance. Therf will be a business meeting of
the Columbus high s-chool alumni
Wednesday evening. May 24, at 7:30
in the high school building.
House for sale in good location;
must be sold quick. A bargain if taken
at once, as parry is leaving the city.
Beciicr, Hockenberger and Chambers.
Officer Schack and Sheriff Carrig
expect a man to stop when they say
"halt." Just to see whether they
would practice what they preach a
small sized citizen this afternoon
when he saw them driving in the
sheriff's road wagon, waited till they
had passed when in a sharp voice he
shouted 'halt.' The poor horse that
Sheriff Carrig was driving never knew
before how quickly it could be stopped
by the strong arm of its driver. And
the citizen sn far has escaped.
Frank Simms, the old colored te
tainer of the Hulst family has filed
a suit in distrct court against George
Hulst, Garrett iiulst and SarahC'hase.
Hz alleges that he was left -t,000 by
will of Mr? NancynnUt ; that r. later
will made no prcvi.-ion for this be
quest; but that the heirs agreed
among themselves to probate the for
mer will and not the later one ; that
he was not given the I,000 which by
the former will was bequeathed to
him out of the estate worth loO.OoO.
He sues for the f 1.000.
Gus Schroeder and Dan Bray, dress
ed in their good clothes for pur
poses of disguise, and carrying their
suit case and gun cases left the city
on the local this morning. A rigid
cross examination brought to light
the fact that they were billed for
Clarks ; that they were out for a day's
play at the traps; and that they were
especially delighted because they were
going to Clarks as the guests of their
fellow shooter and friend and all-round
prince of good fellows. Will Douglas.
Their host is known by the ooys in
Columbus as "Little Willie" or"0
Be Joyful'- for short. "Little Willie"
is a good shot, aad a good judge of
good fellows, who believes in the old
fashioned philosophy that one of the
chief pleasare of life is eating aad
Ed Niewohner is tne best man in
town He admits hiauelf that it was
not always tiu6, but he has the word
nf agdod Christian that it is so sow.
The mau who holds to this opinion is
a traveling philanthropist bv the
name of Crosby. He struck town the
last of the week and announced that
he vras in the business of collecting
and dispensing charities for the Door
and needy. He struck Mr. Niewobmr
for a dime, and got it. The prompt
ness with which Ed coagned up. aided
probably by his benevolent counten
ance, led the itinerant gentleman to
deliver a lengthy address, the baxden
of which was that he felt that be had
seen face to face the best man in the
world. Later he again visited the
Niewohner store, and as Mr. Niew
ohner wan ont he left a quarter with
Miss Rasmuseen with a reqaest that
it be turned over to Mr. Niewohner
for distribution among the poor. He
also called on Dr. McMahon and gave
him a dollar which he wanted deliver
ed to the Catholic priest for the poor.
He did not remark any evidences of
excessive goodness in the doctor.
f-2-200 of Platte County Independent
Telephone Co's. 5 year G per cent
bonds are yet offered for sale at par
with accrued interest.
I-'OO of these bonds were taken by
investors in three lots of f 1000, 1000
and $500. Names of parties will be
furnished on request. They consider
them first class after careful investi
gation. If you are getting less than
(' per cent on your money you should
by all means investigate this invest
ment opportunity.
Remember these bonds are in
denominations of f 100 each and are
ust as good for the man with tlOO to
invest as the man with 1000.
We are also now offering on the
same terms 3000 of 10 year bonds
due May 1, r.H)o. These bonds are
just a wife auu draw the same rate
of interest and will appeal to those
desiring a more permanent invest
ment. We now have over 40 orders for tele
phones on our books and can with
ease increase our, present list 100 dur
ing the current year.
G T. EVERETT, Sec'y.
Journal Specials.
FOR SALE. I have for sale nice
elm. ash and maple trees suitable for
door yards. Albert Stenger.
A BARGAIN A scholarship with
the International Correspondence
School for sale. Write or inquire for
'R, " care of Journal. tf.
I have pasture for 300 cattle. Run
ning water, and plenty of salt.
David Thomas,
3tw Columbus. Neb.
For fine corn fed meat go to M.
FOR SALE. A fine second hand
organ, same as new. Must be sold at
once. Inquire Journal office. tf.
For fresh fish and oysters go to M.
new geese feathers for sale cheap.
Ind Phone 2433. Geo. RaudalL tf
WANTED : Women willing to work
in their home town for $1 per day.
Address Novelty Shear Co.. la La
Salle. Chicago.
WANTED sewing girU by the day.
for chickens at Ernstic Brock's. Phone
.K tf
WANTED By Chicago manufac
turing house, person of trust worthi
ness and somewhat familiar with local
territory as assistant in branch office.
Salary -IS paid weekly. Permanent
position. No investment required.
Business establised. Previous exper
ience not esseutial to engaging. Ad
dress, Manager Branches, 323 Dear
born St. Chicago. ntw
Creeping; Death.
Blood poison creeps up towards the
heart causing death J. E. Sterns,
Belle Plaine. Minn., writes that a
friend dreadfully injured his hand
which swelled up like blood poisou
ing. Bucklin's Arnca Salve drew nut
the poison, healed the wound and
saved his life. Best in the world for
buns and sores. 2." cents at Chas.
Dack's-drug store.
The Troubadours will give a grand
concert and dance under the auspices
of the Maccabees. Friday evening.
May 20. The concert will be given at
the North opura house and the dance
at Orpheus hall immediately after the
Throngh Echo. Webster and Ogden
Canons, bristling with marvelous
scenes of wp-frn grr.ndr-nr across
great Salt Lki., down th Humbolt
valley and over wondroualy beautiful
Sierra Nevndas via Union Pacific
every day on " TheOverland Limited"
electric lighted. The finest train
across the American continent. In
quire of W. H. Benham.
People having a dog aroand their
premises should obtain a tags or have
the dog destroyed ; for there is trouble
ahead. It is a disgrace and a anisaace
to have dogs around as they am
allowed by some citizen'. The dog
police will not be paid for his time
but for the parties he brings to
Now is the chance to saake the de
lightful trip to Californiafor jmst one
half of the ezpease incurred in Bak
ing the trip at any other time. Don't
postpome.for yoa may not soon again
be offered the low rates of 125 00 to
SaaFmncisco, Santa Barbara. Los Am
getas,Saa Diego aad ssaay other Cali
fornia poiasa. Litenetare ahoat Cali
fornia fW oa aantteatiaa to m n.
bibbbV 9k sVjiiiBBaRaws kbiir 7
Pluck-lot Liick
....Built This
It takes plnck to earry a full assortment or everything we want to
sell you. It means investment of money; weeks, months und even years
before the goods nrt placet! in your hands.
It takes plnck to plunge sometimes that we may get discounts and
thns make savings possible for you.
Low prices, coupled with goods of known quality, prove -an lrresist
able attraction.
It takes pluck to get on the inside of the wholesaler's regular price.
Our interests auu yours are identical and if you are not satisfied, we
are dissatisfied.
We want you to trade with us and intend to make it an object for yon
to do so. Take care of the pennies and they will make you dollars, nnd
dollars areeasier to take care of than pennies.
If we can save j mi a few pennies oa small articles, what then can we
'save you on larger articles? Send your "Buster" to our store for small
things. We can always save you a few pennies, and if you don't want
them, give them to the child nnd make it happy.
It takes pluck to buy in large enough quantities to insure you this
saving, yet we are most always assured of an outlet, since we give you the
same advantage in price concession as we get. Our constantly increasing
business is ample evidence that we, are r. practical utore for a practical
people. Winsome goods at winning prices. tvaick sales and small profits.
Closing Out Sale!
I will close out my entire line of Second
Hand Goods at cost and below. Everything
must be sold within 30 days. Furniture,
Stoves and Queensware at prices that can
not be duplicated.
Bedsteads from 50c to -Springs
from 25c to
Stoves from S2.50 to -
We will continue
50G street
C', Nebra-ka
Real Estate
Choice list of Lands for sale.
We are prepare i to supply the
spring demand for dwellings
and lots. We have money to
loan on real estate in small or
""ft- umuuuu- - -.."
A Ckeaply Made Wagon
Will Waste Enough
Grain to Bay a
Good One.
Oar wagons - Do1 scatter
yourjfrain wbn-'& inroad to
market or overtax yonr horses
with needled ne:.ry draught.
We keep onlv the Latent and BEST in
Biggies anil Carriages
All Eisil tr
Onr hone shoes stick
aad doa't lame your horses
2.00 each.
1.00 each.
5.00 each.
to store stoves.
ft. M. POST
attorney : at : Law
GohMHbus. Neb.
DR. GtiflS. H. PLflTZ
Physician and Surgeon.
P.O. Elock : Colnrnbr.s
2 S!
21U W
i&W &i
C lUiibU-ir
grim oucnia
Sand aGc&SI.CO
Tj" ?"
Free Trial.
Sorest and Quickcsc Cure for all
J5he Troubadours
Umler the nistlc of
A dance v. ill he hehl in (rjlieu
t Hall after the concert, the miwc
leiiH: furnished hy the players.
Tickets 41 per Gftuplt, fid-
-gr "'iTlw
; H
t m i u i n 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 m ! 1 1 1 1 u im 1. 1 1 u u ti x'C
t wi'-5MCBj: