The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 17, 1905, Image 7

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P'ea fop Light in Houses.
Arnther mistake is to have too lit
tle liclt. "Why darkness and gloom
should l)e sought in any portion of a
house where people must live, has al
ways lieen to be an unsolved prob
lem. MysTrious corners are in order
in a eobvebbed attic 0r an under
ground cellar, but they are seriously
out of place in a pleasant room into
which visitors are ushered, and -which
is supposed to be a rallying spot for
the family. Ext liange.
Modern Hunting.
In shoot inz. as in other sports, thor
ough liruiriousness is now regarded
by modern shooters as a prime neccs
sit of enjoyment. They have their
loading done for them, their birds are
driven to them and in greatly increas
ed numbers, their luncheon hours are
j devoted to the best in many courses
, of food and wine and they get home
by motor as quickly as possible after
shooing is over. London Country
Author of "The Bank Tragedy"
Copyright. lf3. foj lee and Sherard
"I wll go with you a little way,
she said.
"0 mamma, will you, how far?"
asked Perley.
"Perhaps as far as the Essex House.
I want to see Mrs. Fry. She is at
work in the laundry this week, I hear.
I must see her in regard to cur wash-
! J I must see her
a! Ins."
J But most of
something aboi
1 spoken to her
Prefatory Note.
country, romantic and unusual, for the
mere neea uut utile explanation ot .OI,sp irsplf nic hinlt nn h;t, j,,.,...,.!
the follow Irs i ase. ixco.t that the 1'c"be usel1 was uullt "Sn ground
fctranse incuitnti- aie the t.ue oner,, and
the details mot oj n lo conjecture have
a bast, in tcjentinc lact. as et fortn in
tlie lecords of the Societies for I'svchical
Hescarch. JIAKY It. I. HAi'CII.
Pf CHI 11
British Foxes Made Abroad.
j The purcnase ot ioreign iox cuos
' from importers of wild animals is at-
'tended with serious dangers. Wolves.
COld Affected Head and Throat jackals and such like creatures are
Attack Was Severe. J f ?ilv fen-ln ;he, cub stage for
foxes and now and then have been
Chas. ISmnnan. 1st Lieut, and ' oh in England as veritable children
Alju 4tb M. b. M. Car. Vols,., writes f "r'er Fox. This is the true explan-
froin I.anhain. M1.. as follows, : I ation of those sensational outbreaks
Thoiiirb soinewbataieite to patent of sheep worrying during the past few
iiictlicines, and still more averse to be- j years. London Dailv Mail.
eoiiiiny a professional ailidavit man. it I "
seems only a plain duty in the pieent I Scattered Kindness.
liisUmeu to add mv t-.perienee to the . ,. , .
c.himns alr.-adv written concerning ' Thcro are ,,vea of weansoxno mono
thecuratho powers of 1'eruna. , 'ony which a word of kindness can
"I have been particularly benefited 'llve. There is suffering which
by its use far ceslds in the head and words of sxirpathy can make more en
thniat. I have been able to fully cure durable, and oftn in the midst of
myself of a must severe attack in wealth and luxurv. there are those
forty-eight hours by Jts use according , who Vl lon aml ontr 5n vain for some
to uirecuuns. i use it as a preventive
Constance went straight to the win
dow overlooking the street which led
to the station. Far adown there was a
spot where her husband would cross
the street (unless he had crossed it
already) to go to the train. Fronting
the crossing was a hotel known as
the Essex House. She might see him.
she thought, at this point. If so. she
would just take one look to counteract
the malignant effect of having watch
ed him out of sight.
Witt, ovnoolnnl .n.-nn .J I. 1 n .l
SrchTaenadh,ed'w T" ? K t"K in
mrches and brown-skinned maples are th str(ift vMnh ha ... , ..t
losing their distinctive Aryan and Se
mitic types under the green robes May
is weaving for all. Contradictorv ele-
A Mysterious Journey.
It is the middle of May, 1S79. Like
a living creature the sentient earth is
Pulsing with the rush of vitality so
long withheld by the reluctant season.
The buds are ready to burst, the grass
mems are abroad this morning in the
weather; at all events here in Grove
dale. New Hampshire. There is a stiff
i the street which he might, or might
not, have passed. Ah! there he was,
just as he left her. walking briskly.
With a sign of relief Constance was
about to turn away when a woman
stepped out from the hotel door, and
11U ..,;.. :.i - .... ..
northwest wind, a wW9pWbi. f- . "m,"s .'ll ILK1- n me bieps. an-
-- ---0 o ' HI r.HPhOil hnr hitobnttil 'n- w-i1.1
t! Cm Clin . i: -. i --v-x iix. imiJUftlUli ItliilU tUUlU
whenever threatened with an attack.
"Members of my family also ust- it
for like ailments. We are recommend
ing it to our friends.1 C. W. liowiuau.
Pc-ru-na Contains No Narcotics.
One rca-son why IVrnna lias found
permanent use in so many homes i.s that
it contains no narcotic of any kind. It
can be used any length of time without
acquiring a drug habit
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus.
Ohio, for free medical advice. All cor
rejHjudexice held strictly confideutiaL
expreion of disinterested kindness.
Fiances Ridley Havergal.
Old Castle is Ruined.
Ilossbrin Casue, once a stronghold
of the O'Mahony clan, on the coast of
West Cork, near Schull, having with
stood many a storm, was almost eom
pletely demolished in a recent rale.
A breach made in the walls during a
siege by Sir George Carew in Queen
Kli7abeth's time proved the weak
point during the late gale.
Try me just once and I am sure to
come a"ain. Iicfiame Staicli.
F:rst Trade in the World.
Two blacksmiths were once convers
ing as to which was the first trade in
the world. One insisted that it must
have been gardening, and quoted from
Genesis: "Adam was put into the
Garden of Eden to dress it and keep
it." "Ay, John," retorted the other,
who had stood up for his own trade,
"but wha made the spades?"
Happiness isn't confined to the hill
tope, hut is often found in the violets
of the valleys. Atlanta Constitution.
Private Car Lines.
The railroads seem very willing to
hai-e the private car lines brought
under the jurisdiction of the Inter
state Commerce Commission. A rail
road president is authority for the
statement that lines are paid mileage,
without discriminat'on, and the ques
tion of excessive charges is a matter
for the shipper to settle with the car
lines, so long as there is no law to
govern their rates. Car mileage pay
ng has been decided to be as legal as
he payment of rental fo- proper? v
A man convinced against his will
will tell you you are right and then
resume the argument.
Willi li.e Sun strn-rnlinrr 1n Innk
through it. and a sky that looks like
rain. If the sun comes out it will not
be directly, and it is uearlv time for
the seven o'clock train whistle. After
that a half-hour, and then Mr. Hamil
ton must go, if he go at all this morn
ing. Mcanwhil", his wife is trying to con
vince him that he would better wait !
yet mmuie-ageii. they stand aVthe win
dow of the dining-room lookj; out,
rather than at each other. A packed
valise rests on a chair, and the break- '
fast table is Irt to the children, a hoy j
and a girl. Mr. Hamilton carries a I
light overcoat on his arm, his hat and
gloves in his hand, and yet his wife ,
declines to see that he is ready to go,
but talks idly about the weather. He
answers in the same way, though it is
evident to both that underneath their
she want of him, she a stranger? or
was it some one else dewn the street
she was coming to greet? No, it was
Mr. Hamilton. Constance was breath
less now with interest and curiosity.
The woman was evidently a stranger
in Groxedale, young and pretty, if
the distance did not lend undue en
chantment, and she greeted her hus-
until to-morrow, it looks smuch like I uanu ab " M,e Knew mm weu ue"er
rain. A fair, handsome cYanle not I inan ner islJana Ke her. tor he
aici'i'eu uucK a jiacc or nvu as luougii
surprised or not well pleased. There
appeared to be but few words between
them, and then the woman with slower
step returned to the hotel, and Mr.
Hamilton turned the corner, but not
until his wife, remembering her object
in coming to the tower, shrank back
until he was out of sight.
The fulfilment of her design did not,
seem to have given Mrs. Hamilton un
mitigated satisfaction, for she sank
words there is deeper meaning, which !nto seat besIde the, telescope while
. -.--, .v r ?,--, ST, Mated during the winter. Doctor R. V.
rV.-i-'VL't JV'SrV.- Phtco. the founder of th Invalids'
&4 itVZ&ttjafrSfe ' Ho.to1 !. Surgical IiMituf. anil a phy-
r-- J KJ!&iy.1ltf$(&Zt' - "' ,,f large experience and pracfee.
"'--VTi? ' S&'?S.$2$&t&tt&$l:i wa" th' ill to "lk,, "I- " itllinm;c
(J- ?V -irliri -""" f root.-, herbs and b-irk-. wini-
L.' 'VT 'p-'sVii' WS' olT A WI!1'(I-k or Al.lollol. k x.m:-
lv .r.C I i -t.. vlS l?S3ii' orir- wlueli mri1iiw tin. 1.1, ..1 .....I
'Vv'S-i x2i3f -& 2S?iXi tn .... t... c, .,..... i .i ..
-- ..:'-. " - M 9Wn .'...' . . ,.i .-..r... vj. (IIJVI til.' f'lll ,1.'
neither wishes to make apparent.
"Must you, when it looks so much
like rain?" she asks negligently, re
tying the ribbon which confines her
morning dress, and picking out the
bows before looking up.
"Like rain, Constance! Why, who
ever knew it to rain, with the wind in
the northwest?"
"That is the way it comes lately. It
has been remarked. Vane, by a great
many people; and if you should get
wet you would get cold, and with your
weak lungs "
"Pshaw, Constance! my lungs are
as strong as a horse, and so am I."
"But your mother died with con
sumption." "Very true. But it isn't going to
rain, mark my words; the sun will be
out in less than an hcr.r, and, if it
should rain, 1 am neither sugar nor
salt, to dissolve with the first drop.
Oh. ou may depend I shall be all
I risht."
"IJut ou are not as well as usual.
You are more nervous. You talk in
T.- J -t."?- -""ii. .lh(7.lXi .".!
Itill VUU V B4WVI411V14I
Extracted Prom Forest Plants
-Wem in Natures own way. The
"lioiiUn Medical I)i-coi ry " is "just the
ti-Mie buih. er and tonic" you require
when rccmering from a "hard cold,
crip, or pneumonia. No , matter how
strong tin constitution the stomach is
apt to be "out of kilter" after a lone,
hard winter: iu consequence the blKxl is
disordered, for the stumach is the labor
atory for the constant manufacture of
blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery strengthens the stomach puts it
in shape to make pure, rich blood helps
the ller and kidneys to expel the in
sons from the lody. If you take thie
xvrruAi. in ooii rrniFinu axi toxic
ym will assist your sstem in manufac-
turing each day a pint of rich, arterial
bliKNi.thut is stimulating to the brain and
nerves. The weak. nerous, run-lown,
dehilitatl condition which so innnv
i people -perieiav at this time of the vear
I is usually the elTect of poisons in" the
Natures tows are perfect if wo obey bloml; it is often indicated hv pimples or
them, but disease follows disobedience, boils appearing on the skin t lie face be-
!n straight to for the cure, to the comes thin vou feel "blue." Dr. Pierce's
forest : there are m stcne here that we Golden Medical Discovery euros all
can fathom for jou. Take the bark of blood humors as well as being a tonic
th wild-cherry tn.e, the rKt of man- that makes one vigorous, strong and
drake, stone root, queen's root, bloodroot forceful. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
and golden -':. make a scientific, non- Discoery staxps aloxe as the tnn
alcoholic extract of them w ith just the medicine for stomach, liver and blood
right proportion a ud ou have Doctor disorders that ha-the ingredients printed
1'ierce s Golden Medical Discovery. uikjii the w runner of ovorv lv.tti.,,
It took Dr. Pierce, with the assistance the great laboratory at Buffalo. N" Y
of two learned chemists, eight years of which tvirtv, in nature's own wav'not
hard work experimenting to make this onlv does it staxi ai.o.vk in fesnect
euT'kauie nii.ui uiiu aiiuauic ui toe
greatest efficiency.
.lust the sort "of spring remedy you
need to make ricii. red blood, and cure
that lassitude and feeling of nerve ex
haustion. Dr. Perce"s Golden Mdic::l
Discovery hears the stamp of mine
aitkovai. and ha- sold more large! v iu
the past forty years than any other blood
purifier and stomach tonic. The refresh
tug influence of this extract is like
Nature's inlluenee the blood is bathed
in the tonic which gives if to the bhtod
the ital Iire of the body burn bright r
and their increased activity consumes
the tissue rubbish which has accumu-
fcer thoughts flew backward to the be
ginning of her married life, slowly re
viewing the years until now years of
mystery, every one of them. Its en
tity impressed her at this moment as
never befote.
Eight years ago when a girl of twenty-two
she married Vane Hamilton.
How well she recollected the first time
she met him! She, the niece of the
wealthy mill owner, Mr. Carter, who
had but lately come to Grovedale; he
soon to have an interest in the same
business, though he did not know it
In a year from their first meeting
they were married. Vane's mysterious
journeys began the spring after their
marriage, and they took place always
in May. How well she recollected her
own chagrin at not being invited to
accompany him; she, almost a bride.
to be left while he went alone oa his
Worst of all, he never told ler
where he was going, nor his object in
coin'' and from that time until now-
all she wished to learn
about the woman who had
her husband. How she
wished she had looked at her through
the field glass she had in the tower!
But it had not occurred to her at the
time. As it was. she had only a
rather x'ague idea that the woman
was oung and pretty, and the uncom
fortable conviction of jealousy on her
own part, which she must try to rid
herself of speedily. What better way
than to learn something about the
woman, and her object in speaking to
her husband? She would not ask
foolish questions, but if the desired
information came to her, well and
(To be continued.)
to its ingredients but also as the onlv
spring tonic and reconstructive which
alsolutely contains no alcohol.
"I was taken with a severe cough, weak
ness In m.r hack, a 'glimmer over the eyes,
had a bad hrcath. and stomach was out of
order." writes H. Gaddls. of 14.3 South Tanna
Avenue. Tacoma. Wash. "I felt sluorish.
did not care for anythinc. had no life. It was
almost misery to nice, apin-tlte very poor.
I read I'r. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser and went right away and purchased
two 1 1 Willi's of ids 'Golden Medical INcov
erv and K'fore I had taken all of one lottle
I felt letter If any doubt the truth of this,
testimonial they may write to me."
Dr. Pierce's Pellets Cure Constipation.
h tmi 0Ll iw
i' taSSm imsSi: i,v IWs
w,'-.'- zl fiftftATMuu tYti r. . jfai. 'ir.irr xuirin r viim' 'f
' ' r a ZTJ-Mmms&mi ViMjrv.Tt uw SAJ''-''.rw
fQf:.7S5SF ' 'assft? W'0j.m&aL a, m
'I II I trI'SEfV. I i TfrtnB, I i.iiii i w'HK fnnHfc ,s "u
t nr ' f ' v "-ii
Fascinations of Baseball Shown
New York Incident.
Baseball has a charm all its own.
Last Saturday at noon a promoter
started down Wall street to take a
steamer for British Guiana. With him
was an Englishman who had never
seen a ball game, having lived all his
life on his estate bordering the Esse
quibo river. Tl.e promoter was going
down to buy from him for a syndicate
a vast tract of forest land.
A pack of youngsters from Water
sfeet, chased by a policeman from
their native heath, began to play base
ball on narrow Hanover street, just
when the promoter and his friend
should have been increasing their
pace. So they stopped along with
hi'ndret's of others, from bankers to
push cart men.
The field was a narrow one; the
eight-year-old batter faced the City
bank; right field was blocked by
Rrown Brothers, and left field by the
Custom House. The catcher's back
stop was the United States Lloyd's
The play was scientific. The Eng
lishman was an apt student and
joined in the roar as a three-bagger
into an iron shutter of the Custom
House cleared the bases. Then fol
lowed a home run into an apple cart
en Wall street; those who chose to
celebrate the play by picking up ap
ples and eating them did so.
The promoter finally dragged the
Britisher away. They missed their
steamer at that, and it took a lot of
persuasion plus a yellow note to get
a busy tug boat captain to give chase.
Off Bay Ridge they boarded their
liner talking baseball. New York
t '
Tl (
"It is best that I do not explain at present.'
Troths that Strike Home
Tour grocer is honest and if he cares to do so can tell
vou that Lo knows very little about the bulk coffee he
sells you. How can he know, where it originally came from,
how it was blended or With WFiat
or wheu roasted? If you buy your
coffee loose by the pound, how cat
you expect purity and uniform quality t
necessity mnlform In qvallty.
strength and flavor. For 111 A
Mirmt or a CEvrriY. lion COFFEE
f5'4r31 has been the standard coffee ln
millions of homes.
UON COFFEE f earetany ckc
o Bt aor laetorlea. aad natll eoeaed la
)eu home, has ao chaacr el betas adal
tcratca, or el coat lag la coatact with 4aat.
41rt.aerau.or aaeleaa haaaa
In each package of IION COFFEE you get Ofl full
pound of Pure Coffee. Insist upon getting the genuine.
(Lion head on every package.)
("Save the Lion-heads for valuable premiums.)
P t- These Shoes were Awre aarn
h faal Craai Prize at St Look WorWs Fat aaaaalJVl
am X W Taa aaaa iC-aai
! M Tb PATKIOT SHOK (or Ken la Bad fron all Iwtken. B ' flM
hfClXa tnmt stylish jet eoatfortabla Uats. to at say foot. They ara A Vaf
IvVril ooodrear wait, waica awaaa flaxibla aoles.vtta ao waxortacka KVv Jaal
I VkVJl tAtrrStata th foot. Tka aUTTLOWEa SHOK tor Woawa aaf laai
IJII MaMdelavltaaBlliadtaiaa. la atyliah. dorabla ana coatfortaMa. BT IjL
laaTVBl Ask roar oaaler for taaau It ha doaa aot aaadl thaaa ahoaa. B iiWa
rKe aa airect. They will pleas yoa aad yoa wUl aar froa M f f
Be fhaj caau to $LM par pair la prices aasallr charged for shoes of B A W
K faai thia character. Wmf
our sleep, and your appetite has fail
ed lately."
"The more reason why I need a
change. The fact is. my business is
too much for me this debilitating
spring weather. I suspect I am a little
bilious, and since Mr. Henderson and
our uncle have chosen to leave the
mill business so much to me, that
with my duties at the bank, has worn
me down. They will have to take the
reins in my a?sence, and Tony will do
very well at the bank for the two
weeks I am away."
"Always two weeks," murmured his
"Yes; and I am sure it seems like a
"Then why do you go?"
"Because I must. You would not un
derstand. It is best that I do not ex
plain at present. There goes the
whistle. What shall I bring you,
Claire?" going to his little girl's side
and stooping to kiss her.
A small face, framed in golden hair,
with big. dark eyes looking out from
under fluffy bangs, was raised to his
as she sprang to her feet.
"Oh. a ring, papa a gold ring,"
"All right. I won't forget. And you,
"A writing book, if you please.
Mine is all written through."
"Very well." kissing the boy as he
had his sister.
"And what shall I bring you Con
stance?" .he asked, returning to his
wife's side.
"Just yourself, and let it be scon."
looking eag.:Iy and earnestly into his
"I shall be back soon, never fear.
Constance, you are more beautiful
than you ever were, and I love you
better," he whispered. "I wish I were
at home again. I will be s"oon," And
kissing her hastily he took his valise,
after putting on his hat, gloves, and
overcoat, and left the house.
His wife stood by the window
watching him until he was out of
sight, when a thrill of superstitious
fear shot through her.
She bad watched him out of sight.
Away back in her childhood a maid
en relative had so strongly impressed
her mind with the malevolent influ
ences of such an act that she could
never, despite her common sense, get
rid of the belief.
But she was cheered the next mo
ment by recollecting her tower. She
sped quickly upstairs, then along the
corridor and to another flight. This
brought her to the foot of the tower,
which was built at one side of the
house, and rose fifteen feet above it
There were windows in it on all sides,
and it gave a commanding view of the
it had been a mystery. Among the
townspeople they were looked upon as
business trips to Boston, but she her
self knew that he went elsewhere.
And he stayed from home two weeks.
Once he left her quite ill. though out
of danger, the physician assured him.
Another time she asked him to take
her with him and he refused. Always
there was an air of secrecy, a grave
abstraction. rn intangible difference
in his mann'r. as if called about an
irl-sonie business
Meanwhile, Clare and Perley were
added to their home, and they had
been happy ilirough the eight years
of their married life despite the mys
tery of his yearly trips. For she
trusted him. She was sure that he
loved ner: but each time as the middle
of May approached she grew nervous.
and in various indirect ways tried to
hinder his going.
Just at that moment the sun burst
out. The most unbelieving could not
call the weather into question, but
still the cloud sat on Mrs. Hamilton's
brow. "Some women." she whimpered,
for she was quite alone, "would sus
pect their husbands of wrong-doing, to
go away as Vane does every year so
mysteriously"; and then she went
slowly downstairs to her own room,
pausing on a stair to listen to the
children's voices in the dining room.
"I have them at all events," she
Going straight to her mirror she
gazed long at her own reflection, not
ing the clear, colorless complexion,
the dark luminous eyes, the rich
brown hair with its gleams of gold,
the tall, graceful figure, and the in
tangible charm which blent them all
together into a charming personality,
her own. She loved her husband
deeply, and was not insensible to the
compliment he paid her when going
away. "Why did he go, if he did not
wish to? Surely business did not de
mand his absence. He had no rela
tives. He did not go for his health;
besides, his trips were yearly. A wave
of color sped over her face and she
clutched her bands nervously.
Just then the children came rushing
in, and Perley said, clasping her hand,
"I am glad you are pretty, mamma.
I should hate to have a homely one,
shouldn't you, Clare?"
T should get used to It In time, I
presume," said the precise little maid
en. Mrs. Hamilton took them both in
her arms and hogged them tightly for
a moment Then she made them tidy
for school, but Instead of letting them
go off alone, she put on a street dress
and went with them.
Moscow's Baby Farm.
The higs:e-t baby larin is at Mos
cow, which is said to ha,-e an annual
crop of 14.0(10 babies, with a branch
farm at St. Petersburg, which has
SKio more.
The Moscow fnundlintr asv'mn was
founded by the I'mpres-, 'atheiine II.
and is maintained by a tax on plajing
f-ards. Servants in royal red livery
stand at it.s doors, and ii.- accounts are
at .ited by oliicers of the treasury de
paitn.ent. The lofty buildings stand
In a hollow square, lound a garden
with tr.m lawn and trees, which forms
a playciijuiid for the children.
Little ones of all sorts and sizs.
from tender nurslings, who in the in
cubating rooms are just struggling
into life, are tended by careful nurses
and are sur oi as good attention and
good food as any baby can need
About filty new babies are received
every day, and after four weeks the
nurses take them to their own home;
in the villages.
His Reference.
In the course of a conversation be
tweun two men at the club last nighl
cne of them jokingly remarked thai
a man with a "cheek" could get anj'
thing he desired, and he backed up
his statement with the following
One of his friends, a merchant, had
advertised for a porter. A big, burly
Irishman applied for the job. After
looking him over the merchant was
satisfied with his appearance; the
only objection was the question of
references, and the Irishman did not
seem to have a very good one. "Can
you get no better reference than
this?" asked the merchant. "O vis,
Sor; I kin git je the very best kind
of a wan. if that's all ye want. Sir;
and I don't have to go far for it. either.
Me farther and me morther, Sor. live
down the tthrate. and they've known
me all me life
And he landed the job.
A Penurious Deacon.
The late Rev. Dr. Fay, once settled
at Leonminstr. when in charge of
another parish had a close fisted dea
con who occasionally loaned money
when he could get e:worbitant rates of
A poor widow who owned a small
homestead applied to the deacon for
a loan, and he let her have it. The
intercut mentioned in the note was 9
per cent.
Dr. Fay heard of the transaction
and took the deacon to task for the ex
orbitant demand.
"When the Lord looks down from
heaven, deacon, and sees that note,
how can jou justify your act?" he
"Dr. Fay. if the Lord should look
down from heaven, that 9 will look
like a C."
A Sharp Voice.
"Mr. Eomong has a rather sharp
voice, hasn't she?"
"Sharp? Well, it's a voice that
never needs any honing. She was at
the theater one night in a box party
and talked as usual all through the
play, and finally the manager got so
mad the piece wasn't drawing very
well, anyway that he came out be
fore the curtain and said that if the
saw filing in one of the boxes didn't
cease the play couldn't go on, and the
audience applauded wildly."
"What did Mrs. Bomong do?"
"She was so mad that she cut out
the last two acts and then cut for
home." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Sounded That Way.
Yeast "I see a Russian ice-breaking
boat is called the Ryeshtrinkoff
viteh." Crimsonbeak "Did yen say an Ice
breaker? Sounds more like a jaw
breaker, doesn't it?"
Prefers a Heavy "Tombstone.
Mrs. Hanks What sort of tomb
stone shall we get for dear mother'
something elaborate or plain one?
Mr. Hanks Well, I think something
good and heavy will be best Cleve
land Leader
Either Loved or Loathed.
Red hair is either loved or loathed.
Artists from Titian downwards ex
press a preference for painting it;
but. then, artists are uncertain guides
as to human beauty. They have been
known before now to admire cream
chees complexions, blousy hair and
clothes which looked as if they had
been made in a machine for chopping
turnips and put on with a rake. The
A Watershed.
Many of us have a very hazy idea
of what is meant by a watershed.
Here is somebody's unsuccessful at
tempt: A watershed is a thing that
when the soil in part of a river stands
straight up on one side and slants tre
mendously the other side, the water
is obliged to go up the soil on one
side and come slanting down the
other side that is what they call a
In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE.
A powder. It cures painful.smartiDR.nen--ons
feet and ingrowing nails. It's the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for
sweating feet. Sold by all druggists, 25c
Trial paxkage FREE. Address A. S.
Olmsted. La Rot. K. Y.
Do Net Haed Plea.
A new soprano was needed to fill a
vacancy in a Xew York church choir,
and there were many applicants. Each
chose her own music, the idea being
to allow the candidates to show of to
the best advantage. One young worn
an sang a "piece" which began. "Turn
me not away." She was. notwith
standing. guaranteed interest semi-annuallv on all
investments, in tropical plantation half as
larce as Rhode Is.l.uid.40 profitable products.
Active managers and atrents wanted. E.
Moore.'Jll Odd Fellows' Bldg.,St.Louis,Mo.
Actual Sterility In Women Is Very Rare -Healthy
Mothers and Children Make Kiappy Homes.
t tstrJ' WdSSmKlfSt-mT wn e-"Bf fr V'2i33 Mil
luf UIMr va WTi:K w Bv-vtx-'--?." CV till
luff-- TKJSJJii Vl$VvnSvi ilfiiv- H VjJ iJr?"MU
MVMTflssrviflr JoLJKk" -iTaC Scl"-!?
Dcg's Birth Certificate.
In support of her contention that an
unlicensed dog, on account of which
she had been summoned, was not six
months old, a oman in East Grin
stead, England, produced in court the
dog's birth certificate, signed by a
veterinary surgeon.
Mm. f inciow'a BoottUnc Syran.
For children teethbuc. cofteo the curt, rrdoi
Samniktluo, !!; pain, cures wladculta. 23c bottle
Air in Vein Causes Death.
Air getting into a vein while he was
undergoing an operation in St. Thom
as' Hospital. London, was the cause
of the death of Frederick Thomas
Kennedy the other day. A verdict o!
"accidental death" was returned.
"Dr. ItoTid K?nn!y'a Farnrito Rrmrdr
! niT ll.V I had ilt-iln ami U'inry Jlwwf.
Kk Senator AlUrt Xerrllt. 1'ark 11am. V Y. (1 a bottlv.
Many women lontr for a child to bless
their homes, but because of some de
bility or displacement of the female
organs they are barren.
Preparation for healthy maternity is
accomplihetl by Lydia E. riukham's
Vegetable Compound more successfully
than by any other medieine. because it
gives tone and strength to the entire
female organism, curing all displace
ments, ulceration and inflammation.
A voman who is in good physical
condition transmits to her children the
blessings of a uood constitution Is
not that an incentive to prepare for a
healthy maternity ?
If expectant mothers would fortify
themselves with Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, which for thirty
years has sustained thousands of
women in this condition, there would
be a great decrease in miscarriages, in
suffering, and in disappointments at
The following letters to Mrs. Pink
ham demonstrate the power of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in
such cases.
Mrs. L. C. Glover. Vice-President of
Milwaukee business Woman's Associa
tion, of 614 Grove Street, Milwaukee,
Wis., writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkhvn:
" I was married for several year and no
children blaed our home. The doctor said
I bad a complication of female troubles and
I could not have any children unit I could
be cured. For months I took his medicines,
trying In vain for a cure, hut at List mv hus
band became dL,gusted and sutfrcsted that I
mqt Waass Hare Been BoKfited by
j try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegi-iabte Cora
iininii; mis i um, ana i impnntii su-mmy is
health, and in lev tlipn two years a beautiful
child enme to blcs our hntne. Now w har
something to live for. tin 1 nil the credit ia
due to Lydia E. l'inUham' Vegetable Com
Mrs Mae P. Wlinrry. Secretary of
the North Shore Oratorical Society.
The Norman, Milwaukee. Wis., writes.
D."ar Mrs. rinktiam:
" I was married for live venrs and gav.
birth to two premature children. Lydia E.
l'inkham's Vegetable C'onioiind n n "recent
ineudett to me. and I am o l'id I took it. for
it changed tnofroiu n weaV. nervous woman
to a strong, bappv and healthy ouo within
seven months. Within two xcirs a Ioely
little girl was born, which is"th pride ami
joy of our liousehof I. Every Ky I nless
Lvdia E I'liikliain's VvgetnbleCuiiO(itil for
the liuht, health and happuiess it brought ta
our nome."
If any woman thinks she is sterile,
or hasdonbts about her ability to carry
a child to a mature birth let her write
to Mrs. Pinkhaiu. Lynn. Mass.. whoso
advice is free to all expectant or
would-be mothers. She has helped
thousands of women through this anx
ious period.
Women suffering with irregular or
painful menstruation. leueorrhuea. dis
placement, ulceration or inuauimatioa .
of the womb, that bearing down feel- .
ingor ovarian trouble, backache, bloat
ing or nervous prostration, should re-"
member that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound holds the record for
the greatest number of actual cures
of woman's ills, and accept no substi
tute. -;
re. PirtkaaVs Aivfce mwi
Regarding Honesty.
"Honesty is the best policy." re
marked a plaintiff in the court of
Judge Addison, of London. "May be."
replied the judge, "but I know some
people who seem to have got along
very well without it."
Lewis' "Siimle Binder" straicht .Tccicar.
The highest price ,V eiirar to the dealer
and the hitrhet ou.ility for the smoker.
Lewis Factory. Peoria," 111.
Odd Way to Earn Living.
A woman who was a plaintiff in an
action in a London couit said she
earned her living by lending out bilk
skiit. hats and feathers to working
girls for holidays.
KniM Mnkrr ia V-r.
Tut out .tRruin' PrttlU.
Pon't think of buying a piano with
out llrst Kettin;; our cutalo';. jirlce- anl
term's on Hit f.unous "AlULller" planoa
and 20 other makes.
I'imiit Jliikrra.
Omatin. rli.
Produces Most Mica.
India is the leading producer of
mica and supplies about one-half the
world's requirements. London Engineer.
English Idea of Humor.
When two well-to-do English men
or women laugh, it is obvious that a
misfortune has happened to a third.
Some men. according to a woman
writer, can be conquered with tears,
while it is necessary to use a hatpin
on others.
It is true that the man who in
vented the gold brick is dead, but a
new purchaser is born every minute.
Every man may have his price, hut
it differs greatly from what his neigh
bors think he is worth.
A woman may drive a man to drink,
but she can't make him take water.
i If you have cream to separate a good
i Cream Separator is the most jirotitahle in
vestment you can pos&iblv make. Delay
means dailv waste of
time. lalor and product.
$ 10.- per cow er year
everv year of use over all
gravity setting systems J
and $a.- per cow over
all imitating separators.
They received the Grand
Prize or Highest Award
at bt. Louis.
Baying trashy cash-in-advance sepa
rators is penny wise, dollar foolish.
Such machines quickly lose their coot
instead of saving it.
If you haven't the ready cash
DE LAVAL machines may be bought
on such liberal terms that they actually
pay for themselves.
Send today for new catalogue and
name of nearest local agent.
The De Laval Siparator Co.
Randolph & Canal ott.
174 Cortland! Sired
New York
"S'fTIOBpiWl's Eft WtliT
w II I kin hi tft
Acgefable PrepatationforAs
similating iheFoodondlteguIa
ling the Stomachs andBowels of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Comfort Economy
A Cool Kitchen
KoMmlIinmtorhoi no-lirt Hndnkitrtivn
ns t'omfort.ililt- n th rilliuir rmim ttnal'a
Vn.A--.brii wu jiua turn tin- valit- trik m
matin onil )nu h ir ln.t'tiit!y a re! hot !irr
tunl in iMui. LriMk'U't riMiljr. And itcuata
itlm-1,1 mfi.u; J.irfuil. iC tofrmlijr.
iin'j nil r. :.. .. u. .. .. .....I ....
...... ...a. .v n jun. .tn mt... t t. ! u
wiiu Mfuii oriiaHrT ' rent ii iu'iii.
If Nlui!t noonlim; to th i.i
miriuuM.otlu'siJ.i tUi hav
In ere it ioaM wnr 1
tbir full ta:ijfm.tioiu
Th Quirk Mtulniv"sl
hnlf an hntir ! ni
t7rr ninriiiiiiint eer
wmuoh tiniMiiiririiritilar. lO'iran mil It In
tooar Iiaiiirf Kcorn if 3 on rt fr-r whtn rr
you u- tlie iuiri 3I nl. our room reiuaiiui
clfiiti. kniI tiwl 'iiUituiiU:
Vui ttlioul 1 huvo a V'tfc JiVal ia Your
If your denier locsat carrj It, tell u. and
vr'isell jou.
Would Yoa like a Present?
W will Pml you ttniat tliirut ntrfut wmo
thina yon'll tiU if jim'll Nimplr tH u jiur
TMAUE nit i"iwF- iii- nn'i y wnftnrr or
...w v... .v..... DIHr.
I'j'Mirnnme pi'iiniimttunprfrnr
1 win n maru 10 Tvuin ua bhiuIJ.
Elngta B'.o Co.. Slv. Uakm
4ISM.tkHL. M.Lmft
Mmi Rites
Round Trip '
I j ivuiuiba iiguuuikvuxuur jb m mM UMM
I Opium .Morphine nor GneraL M 01 lLf
I KotNarcotic. AiWir'
gfc j 1 1 iV' In
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa- M I M t& U 5 U -
lion, Sour Slomach.Diarrhoea HI 14
Worms.Convukions.Feverish- HI XT V. Tmmmm
ness and Loss of Sleep. )MJ ffli UfUl
H Facsimile Signature or
!ISsi Tll,'rty Tears
Xintrar.i KilN N. Y.. tit-kets sold
Jlv 17 is V
Toronto iit, tickets sulil Jims 13,
lt. M .'
Inlian.iili- Irnl., tick)-ts sold June
VJ. Ji. -'1 -'-
Aslmrj I'irk X. J., tickets sold
Jun- - ." .''., July 1st.
Balitmor- iil . tickets ull Jiilj- 1.
Dirrr.-iio. X. V. tickets sold July 7.
S. 1.
I.on;r limit stop-overs and many
other fe.iturt-s can ! offvreil In
connection u 'th th almvu dates.
Write int and let rne send jou
maps, d" r ptlv- matter, folders,
rates fr"ri) either Omalia or Chi
cago and II other Information.
A:ili:ih It. It.. Oiuuba, rbr.
Three cf t pnf'ilt haveasaln Khowrondrfol
re-uit1- tr" 1'ree Liul ot WetBm
CanIt thl- year. firm crfpIowIaK la their shirt
lleeve" la tac inMJIe of November.
"Vlare l.onml tnhf nio-- 'Saa tfwa with tbs re-u" .i'uk pti.tta-M n" Iiarv enti." KxtracC
CoI, wcxx. water In abunJance. S-cbooU,
ChurcHs, markets cmvetleat.
Apply for lnfrm:!n t Sarxrlnteat f Imm;
rra::n. (Ktaxit Canada, or t"author!zi-a Caaaitlna
Government Acent- . r.enn-tt, '-A Xew VorU
Lifts IJuiMIn (inatiaeLri!k.
Please ay rere yoa saw this aJvert!ment.
NO 7
The Occidental Building & Loan Association
. i
of Omaha, NebrasKa,
will furnish money to help to build homes, which can be
repaid in monthly payments. Anyone desiring a home
should write for information as to our plan of loaning
money. Address. 1523 Douglas St., Omaha, Nebraska.
T' t J I
A.y f-3fr
X . I P,
mm Cty, Xo., Oaulta, Hb., Sioax 7lla, SJH
B BMnst daaler or vriu for ciresUr.
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 201905.
BBMCC0agb8mipL TaatnGood. Va
Mntlma. Solo by drnagim. pJJ