S5g?K?5ff"aB 5&3S55S aaKsaeaBESS&aiaasu iMgsBSasasssssi3aaaaa V M; SECRETARY WILSON TO MARRY. RIOTING IN STREETS OF CHICAGO DURING STRIK1 Wedding Cay Set for Some Time in Month of June.. Residents of Des Moines, Iowa, were WOMAN UN POSSESSION OF SECRETS OF BEEF TRUST J surprised to hear that James Wilson. secretary or agriculture, is io ue mar ried in June. The news came from Mr. Wilson's old home in Iowa. The name of his fiancee is being kept secret even from his boyhood triends, although the prospective bride is ""ST nA 4 isra ,4SL3Tf!S& ? fc-r " rV?fV fggfii' w'LX - r KSBJI K- " i 5 1 "f B Vc 4 w.ZQ M a Wf-Jl bV. Ikhbt - V H AvA VAv ay r - - Qualified for the Witness Chair. "You Lave heard the story of the Spartan boy who stole the fox and hid it under his shirt until it tore him to pieces?" said his friend. "Oh. yes." replied the trust mag ne. "I have always admired that toy. He would have been just the sort cf chap to send up before an In vestigating Committee." The Real Scheme. "There's alwa's somebody bobbing np with a scheme to extract gold from sea water." "Their real scheme Is not to extract from sea water." "What then." "To extract gold from lobsters." MAYBE Why did Miss Antique take to the Because a bow goe with it, I guess." Trouble for Pa. Eobbv "Ma. what do folks do with typewriting machines in opera houses?" Mamma "Why. nothing. What qncor ideas have ou got in your head new?" Bobbie "Well. I lie:""'1 I)a teIll"S Mr. Hoggs that he had a great time with his typewriter at the show last night an' " Papa "Bobbie, go to bed. Clee- land Leader. Wanted a Blanket Policy. Pausing uncertainly before a desk in the big insurance office, the Hiber nian visitor said to the clerk: "Oi want to tek out a pawlicy." "Life, fire or marine." drawled the dapper 'clerk with inhnitc sarcasm. "All three, O'im thinkin'," retorted the applicant. "Oi'm goin' fer a stok er in th' navy." Puck. Why She Differed. "What are they quarreling about?" 'V.e says she is the best looking girl in the town." "Does she deny it." "Indeed she does!" "That is strange." "No; she likes to hear him argue the po'inL" Illinois State Journal. Knew How. "What's the matter. Stanley?" asked the mother. "I haven't heard you say a word in half an hour, and Lil lian's tongue has been going inces santly." "Oh. we're just playin we're man and wife!" came from little Stanley Yonkers Statesman. His Little Joke. Joakley "It's funny that so mwy farmers are swindled by bunco mc." Coakley "Oh. I don't know. Farm ing isn't calculated to make a man shrewd." Joakley "But to be a successful farmer one has to be sharp as a rais er." The Mean Man. "Oh." says Mrs. Gossip, "what a beautiful spring hat your wife has! Isn't it a dream?" "On the contrary." replies Mr. Tight phist. "I happen to know from ex perience that it is a perfect night mare." Tacoma News. Handicapped. Clever "You say your grandfather had three doctors and they were un able to agree as to the nature of his diase?" Gyer "Yes. You see, they were unable to get together and hold a consultation." Caution. "Don't you want to leave a few footprints on the sands of time?" "No." answered Senator Sorghum. "Footprints are 'notorious for furnish ing clews for the detection of things ou don't want known." Washington Star. - Liquid Burden. Myer Did I understand you to say fhat Swiggs had a stroke of paralysis day before yesterday? Gyer I don't know what you under stood me to say. but I merely said he was badly paralyzed. Soft Fellow. Miss Ascum Have you really bro ken off your engagement to him? Miss Flytie Oh, yes; I just had to. He was getting too sentimental; be gan to talk to me about matrimony. Perhaps That Was Why. "Miss Solo's singing drives me dis tracted." "I thought jou had an ear for mu sic?" "Well, what's that got to do with it?" Houston Post. Might Have Saved Money. De Grippes Great heaven! There's going to be a collision and we'll all be killed. Tightwad Just my luck. I went and bought a round-trip ticket! Couldnt Fool Her. "But, my darling, won't you marry me? Won't you have confidence in "So that is what you want, eh?" said the wise young woman, a con fidence game ? Well Worth the Money. Blanche Didnt Mr. Smith have an expensive funeral? Grace Yes; his wife probably thought the "end justified the means." fttaeetoa Tiger. His Luck Charms. "To what," asked the quail, "do you attribute your luck in always being aide to escape from dogs and hunt ers v 'Well. I'm not very superstitious." answered the rabbit, "but I've always attributed it to the fact that I carry four rabbits' feet." Leaves the Holes. The Gourmet "I tell you. I certain ly am fond of Swiss cheese sand wiches." The Dyspeptic "Oh! that's the cheese with the holes in it. Very in digestible." The Gourmet "They are, eh? Well. I never eat them." SO. violin?" Swapping Compliments. "I have just invented a new sau sage." said the butcher, handing some to the pout for him to try. "Ah!" exclaimed he, "it is a poem! By the way, have you read my latest poem?" "Indeed, yes," replied the butcher, wuii a iigjit of appreciation in his eyes; "it is Post. a sausage." Houston Cautious Fervor. "When the crowd cheered Kloseman quite forgot himself for the moment and tossed his hat in the air with the others. "You're mistaken. He didn't forget himself quite. It was another man's hat he tossed up." A Dead Reckoning. The Lady "And what are these ropes called?" The Sailor "Them's the shrouds, mum." The Lady "How grewsome! I sup pose they are used at the wake of a ship?" On an Ocean Liner. Mrs. Plate Who is that chesty man who looks as if he owned the boat? Mr. Plate I guess that's the janitor of the ship. Yonkers Statesman. Ups and Downs of Weather. "Looks like a heavy rain was com ing up." "What I'm afraid of is that it may be coming down. Wise. 22d birthday," said "Did you know it?" promptly replied Miss "This is my Miss Passay. "No, I don't,' Pepprey. WISE Cf ' ri ffb UbU IJLBL rWSf Sunday School Teacher What must we all do before we enter heaven? Willie Die. Sunday School Teacher But what must we do before we die? Willie Get sick and send for the doctor. The Sooner the Cheaper. J His Dig. 4 i . - Father You have debts amounting to S20.000. eh? Well, I'll have to look . .. a . A 1-..!- I into things before 1 give my consent. Suitor But. my dear sir. the longer you wait the more debts there will be to pay. Fliegende Blaetter. Bent and Broke. Rubber "Were any of your family ever bent on farming?" Cumback "Yes. my oldest brother. First he was bent on it. and then he went broke on it." Washington Post. Woman, Lovely Woman. "Don't von know." said Miss Over seven, "that I am really feeling young er to-dav than I did a few years ago? "Yes." replied Miss Inerteens. "I ve noticed of late that you are getting quite childish." Monster of Fearful Mien. First Russian Had a terrible night mare last night. Dreamed I was at tacked by a giant. Second Russian How big was he. First Russian Big as a Jap Life. The Fan. "I think," said the first Washing tonian, "that our senators should be selected by popular vote." "G'on!" exclaimed the sporty one. "What kind of a ball team could we Sit that way?" With Her Foot. "The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world." "Sure." replied Pat, "the hand that rocks the cradle at our house Is a foot." Houston Post Family Jars. Mrs. McBride "You have insulted my mother!' Mr. McBride "I guess I have." Mrs. McBride "You will be bitterly sorry for it!" Mr. McBride "That is quite possi ble." Mrs. McBride "She is going to leave this house forever!" Mr. McBride "Thought you said I'd be sorry?" Her Cther Eye. "Let me see," said the Boston ocu list, "it's your right eye that troubles you, is it not?" "Oh, no." replied the lady; "it is quite true that my right eye causes me some annoyance, but I am both ered more by my 'alter ego. " Worried Over His Investment. "Deah me, Chawley, heah's a scien tific French fellow who says that the future man. don't you know, is going to be legless as well as brainless." "Good gwacious, and I've just gone and invested in a silvah-plated trou sers stretchaw!" Uncomfortable. Hercules was twisting and wrlg- gling in the shirt of Nessus. "What's the matter." he was asked. "Isn't it comfortable?" "It is as uncomfortable as my first pair of pants!" growled he. Hous ton Post. Triumph of a Millionaire. Tainted steel magnate What's Stonyfeller goin around so uppish about? Tainted beef magnate I dunno. Tainted oil magnate I do. He suc ceeded in giving away $50,000 last week. Can Handle a Broom. She I see by this paper that the housewife of Finland buys a new broom every morning. He That looks as if the husbands of Finland have a pretty warm time when they get in late at night. His Impression. Uncle Josh What do they mean by a codicil? Uncle Silas That's somethin law yers add to a will. I s'pose if they think yer will is too strong to break they git you to put in a codicil to give 'em another chance at it. Both Sides of the Question. "There are many things you can't do with money." said the man who af fects philosophy. "Yes." answered Dustin Stax. "But there are a whole lot more things you can't do without it." Not on the Water Wagon. Pat "Did you say Dennis went out hunting?" Mike "Sure, I did." "And did he have any luck?" "The best of luck; he came home i 'half shot, shure!" Where It Hurt Worst. Johnnie Mummie, I just feel ill all over, somehow. Mother Where do you feel It worst? Johnnie In school. Half-Holiday. Must Have. C'inton "Hear about the weather man? He had a stroke of heart failure." Streater "Gee! At what? Forecast come true?" WILLIE. jonn, co you think this man Atkin- Crr 1C i-vl- n.? A son is right and that a woman should be able to dress on $63 a year?" "I certainly do." "Well, can you let me have my $65 now?" Houston Post. Tommy Learns. Tommy Figgjam-"Paw, what are oaths of office?" Paw Figgjam-"They are the lan guage man employs when he finds out that he's to lose his political job." Not an Extravagant Wish. Stewardess-Madame is unreason able. I know she is seasick, but she wants too much she asks for im possible things. The Sufferer-It's cot true all I want is the earth. Talks of Work. Patience I guess from the way Will talks he's not afraid of hard work. Patrice-No; talking about hard work never killed any one. A Hammer Duet. "That fellow Fibbers." m? t... contemptuously. "He seems to J afraid of the truth." T11; yU know'" replied Billson. it is always best to be cautious of strangers." He'll Certainly Walk . "what kind of exercise would you suggest, doctor?" "Oh. riding and walking" "Very well; 111 get an automobile." Yonkers Statesman. -W X . Vv . . 1 . S. f Ft II V flB--llC V4IIMHM1 II XA i I'k'Mn lr4 -l-SJj4aF3l5ERHk?--.a -- XX-VVN . ;r '-Z H II l III '! Ill ! ir'iJ3 ii ii i iij i v:waL-;- .irck. mj r "ii y. m y PJOT..AT SOUTH VATTJ? &TDEZT ojxy amemro The contest at cnieago between the Employers' Association and the strik ing Teamsters' union has been mark ed by much violence. Our illustration depicts a scene at one of the princi- ALL DONE BY "MACHINE." Progress cf Race Determined by the Number and Efficiency. Civilization from its very inception has been "machine-made." says David Graham Phillips in the Reader Maga zine. It began when our remote an cestor snatched the bough of a tree and decided thenceforth to walk erect, using the bough as staff and club that is, as a machine. Every tool of every kind has been a machine, and the progress of the race has been determined by the number and effi ciency of its machines, both those de signed to compel peace and those Ie signed to further the arts of peace. If you wish to measure the actual value of any civilization vrlue in producing healthy minds in healthy bodies you need only inquir.- into the kind and number and efficiency of its machines. Why? Bec:.u-e the ma chine represents the effort of man to adjust hinelf to his cT-wronment, his environment to him'lL ll gives power to himfrwrotxer he may be; that learns to use it; it leaves him who docs not avail himself of its aid, whether through idleness or ignor ance or intemperance or incapacity, about where he would hare been cer tainlv no worse off than he would have been had mankind remained in the helpless, machineless "state of nature." Consignment of "Volunteers." During one of the frequent revolu tions in Hayti the commander of the government forces at port au Prince made a requisition on the authorities at Cape Haytien for men to aid In put ting down the uprising. After a some what rough experience of two or three days the authorities got together the required number of men and load ed them on board ship. Then the fol lowing message was sent: "Command er Government Forces. Port au Prince Sir: I send you per steamer Sagi naw today 100 volunteers. Please re turn the ropes with which they are tied. Commander at Port Haytien." Why Italians Stay in Cities. One impelling reason for the settle ment of Italians and other immigrants from Europe in New York and other large cities of the east is that when they reach this country they are com pelled to find work at once, and the daily wage offered being so much in excess of anything they have known they settle easily in the rut. adding to the congestion. If given an oppor tunity to reach other parts of the country, and especially if given the opportunity to cwn land they would cladly seek fields more promising and better for the country as well as for themselves. Atlanta Constitution. Consul Gowdy Coming Home. Word comes from Paris that John K. Gowdy. American consul general at the French capital, is happy in the thought of returning to his Indiana home next fall. Mr. Gowdy is show ing signs of ace. but he continues very active and enthusiastic in the affairs of his office. He has mastered con siderable of the French language dur ing his years in Paris and he speaks it fairly well. He will return home in October next. He will be relieved on Sept. SO and will start for home a few days later. Chicago Chronicle. Fleas and Red Tape. A custom-house decision on fleas has been rendered in Switzerland. A package marked "Trained Fleas" reached Geneva. The nearest analogy the officials could find was that of June bugs, which had been ruled to be "edibles." The case went from one official to another till it reached head quarters at Berne, whence after much investigation and deliberation the con clusion was reached that the fleas came under the head of "wild animals in a menagerie." Letter Written by Jefferson. John Wirt Randall of Annapolis, Md., a descendant of William Wirt, has in his possession the original let ter written by Thomas Jefferson offer ing to the distinguished Maryland law yer the position of president of the "University of Virginia. Cuts Route to 'Frisco. Via Cape Horn the distance between New York and San Francisco is ap proximately 15,000 miles. The cut at Panama will reduce this to something less than 5,000 miles. fl f-V-l' fjg CLU& U&BO AV LOtlOEO T - . . ?&, 10 :.,', v & HiaflONTeffitue trctiumau&s nm TCP crimen: pal street crossings of the city, where a caravan of wagons driven by import ed negroes is interfered with by the union men on stril . Public opinion condemns the importation of negroes. MANCHURIA AFTER THE WAR. Future of Province Promises to Be Magnificent One. Writing ot the probable develop ments in Manchuria when the present war in the east shall have closed, a critic says: "First of all, Manchuria, with its vast capacity, is but sparsely peopled. Therefore, the immigration of Chinese into Manchuria, too long discouraged by Pekin, will be utilized to create a mighty barrier against future aggression from the Amur, in the shape of multitudes of stalwart yellow men. Had this been done long ago Russia, in place of deserts, empty steppes and great, lonely rivers, would have been met by a teeming popula tion, which would have made it im possible for it to push southward to Port Arthur. "Japan's future policy is to see that these vast solitudes of virgin soil are thickly colonized by Chinese, with a judicious leaven of her own people, officials, soldiers, advisers and traders. Under these conditions the future of Manchuria should be a magnificent one. "In a few years It might easily be come the greatest wheat-producing country in the east, the greatest lum ber field, the greatest gold 'mining center." Queen Has Eye for Beauty. Queen Helena of Italy is essentially feminine and loves to see her children in pretty though simple attire. She has a special fondness for what in American woman would be likely to term "cunning" effects. Her little daughter. Princess Yolanda, has a cart and pair of pure white Sardinian donkeys, the whole turnout being pret ty as a picture. Wearing an immense sunbonnet, the princess, though less than three years old, drives her little carriage very well, though carefully watched by a groom, who walks along side. Yolanda always wants him to go away, and when her entreaties fail she tries to whip up her steeds. Her blows are no more than caresses, of course. State Highway Commissioner. Paul D. Sargent has been appointed highway commissioner for the state of Maine by Gov. Cobb. Mr. Sargent is a civil engineer and is to receive $2, 500 a year, with $1,000 for an assist ant or clerk hire and not exceeding $1,500 for expenses. His duty will he to inculcate correct principes of road building throughout the state, and he can be consulted by county and city and town authorities as much as they . wish. Commissioner Sargent, aided by the county commissioners, must hold each year one good roads meet- j ing in every county of the state. Jail for "Auto" Speeders. "Big Bill" Devery. formerly chief of police of New York, thus delivers himseif regarding auto speeders: "Them people that's got enough dough to own autos don't care no more for a fine than they do for a spot of gaso line on their pants. This thing of finin men that have fun makin' peo ple do kangaroo jumps on street cross ings is a comedy. For them, jail. If these swift boys was to stack up against that grub on the island for a few days they'd put drags on their machines in the city streets." Safer Games Than Chess. Checkers is a less dangerous game than chess. Few checker players go crazy, although many are crazy to play. A safer game than any of them is seven-up, and there is nothing the matter with four-handed euchre. And then there are cribbage and sixty six, both of which are almost entirely safe, as very few cribbage or sixty-six players ever get more than half crazy, and then only when they lose seven or eight games in succession. Lafayette (Ind.) Journal. Birthdays Well Chosen. Sam White of Riverside, on the Klamath river, in California, has a boy born on Feb. 29, and in addition has one who was born on Washing ton's birthday, one on inauguration day, two on all fools' day April 1; one on Thanksgiving day and one on Feb. 2 ground hog day. Also three more boys born on other dates. Wages in Japan. Sixteen cents a day is now good pay for unskilled labor in Japan. Ten years ago it was 6 cents. known to be a department clerk. Miss Wilson will not return from Europe for the wedding. Good Times for Young America. The boy and his bat is one of the cheerimr signs of the day. He is out for tin- game of games. He gets into the o;ien and sans mit. sans mask, and usually sans everything which makes up the player's equipment, he goes into the sport as though the destin: ) his world hung upon his succes ou can find him in the clear aftf noon on every vacant lot. You he his lusty cry and see him with eve muscle in action. Physically and m tally he is the better for it. He pands. His brain is stimulated. 1 tendons hardened and he emerge from the contest bright-eyed and ros. cheeked. This is just as it should b What the American boy needs h good, wholesome play in the bracing air, and there is no play as good for him as baseball. Philadelphia Tele graph. New Terror for the Fourth. Such is the degree of personal liberty in this great republic that a man may manufacture what he will, except distilled spirits, and in some states cigarettes, even to instruments for the torture of his fellow-citizens. Thus the head of the physics depart ment at Lehigh university, evidently with intent to join the increasing band of millionaires, has invented and will put on the Fourth of July market a cannon which may be fired 5.000 times at a cost of but 5 cents. A peculiarity of the instrument is that, however acute may be the sufferings of those who cannot get beyond reach of the sound, the boy who does the firing is in no danger of death or injury save at the hands of the distracted neigh bors. Philadelphia Ledger. Arabian Nights and American Days. Stupendous were the marvels Alad ("in wrought with his wonderful lamp. Stupendous till the hour of Rocke feller and the lamp filled with Stand ard Oil.- Stupendous till the moment of Edison, whose lamp is a glass jar and its tlave the tiny electric spark. Stupendous till telephone days, when at last the very walls have ears and distance lends enchantment to the voice, no less than to the view. Stu pendous if we had not seen the Roent gen ray penetrate a solid body, giv ing us glimpses which make us astounded at the modest imaginations of antique bards. So far has fact outstripped fancy in the race between the real and the ideal. Boston Globe. Typical Book Agent. A confidential clerk in George Gould's office the other day broke his reserve under an impulse to part with this story: A man with a silk hat and oily smile tried to get a personal in terview with the millionaire. "You can't see Mr. Gould." said the clerk. "I would advise you to write a letter and ask for an appointment. That is the best way you can do." This letter was duly received: "My Dear Mr. Gould: Please meet me at the corner of Broadway and Forty-second street. I have a very fine edition de luxe Shakespeare; would sell it to you on installments." To Preserve Paul Revere's House. Prominent residents of Massachu setts, including Gov. Douglas and Pat rick A. Collins, mayor of Boston, are taking steps to preserve the house of Paul Revere in North square, near the old North church in Boston, from which he started on his night ride to arouse the countryside way up to Con cord and Lexington. April Id. 1775. The place was about to be torn down but a number of citizens have under taken the task of raising $17,000 to buy the property. It will be put in good condition, restored to its colo nial dignity and preserved -as a revolu tionary relic. American and British Banks. The banks of the United States hold deposits to the amount of $10, 440.782.094: those of Great Britain, $4,303,055,000. It is not surprising that a country with S0.000,000 people should be able to make a superior showing in this regard, but the tre mendous rate of the growth of depos its in this country compared with that of Great Britain is striking. In this country the increase since 160C has been $5,278,657,124; during the same period British deposits increased only $515,250,000. "Revival" That Is Real. A friend in Newcastle. England, writes: "There is an extraordinary revival going on in Wales just now. I am not much on that hind of thing, but it has put money jn my pocket. We have dropped a good deal of mon ey in Wales for the last few years, and wrote off a number of our ac counts with some Welsh firms as bad debts. Within the last fortnight we have received payment from all the defaulters with interest to date. I be lieve in that kind of revival." Trouble for Legislative Chaplain. The chaplain of the Hawaiian House of Representatives, the Rev. S. L. Desha, is in trouble because he prayed aloud in the House that God would forgive the members who had voted for the new Sunday bill and passed it over the Governor's veto. Chinaman Is a Detective. A Chinaman who was formerly a lay reader in the Methodist Episcopal church is now a detective in the em ploy of the New York police department. Mrs. Mary E. Marcey. the stenogra pher who furnished packers letters and secrets to the Chicago grand jury in the beef trust inquiry, is now in Kansas City. "I am sorry I cannot tell you all about it," she said, "but the District Attorney told me that I must not tell anything about my testimony. You know there are a whole lot of people to be examined yet. and some haven't I-een subpoenaed. If I told all I would like to tell they would all go away b-foro tho subpoenacs could be sered. "I had to promise to keep still about wh.at I told the grand jury, but I can tell all at the trials. They said I would have to come back and testily when they have the trials." "Then your testimony will help to cause new indictments?" "I suppose so. That seemed to he what they expected. Anyhow, they caid I would have to come back." READS LIKE A PROPHECY. Richard Cobden's Deep Insight Into Russian Affairs. A letter by Richard Cobden. written after a journey through Russia, is of much interest at the present juncture. The observation on the personnel of the Russian fleet has a very pertinent application. The letter, written on Oct. 15, 1S49. is as follows: "It is not possible in a note to do more than indicate the grounds of my opinion upon tho subject to which your letter refers, the power of Russia. I wivh the alarmists about the vast resourcos cf ihe czar could all take a trip, as I have done, in tho interior of that country. Russia is a succes sion of villac'-s. composed of Ioghuts widely scattered over an Intermin able pine forest, in a country whore coal does not exist and where the w inter last half the year. People con found In their minds the defensive force nnd the angressivo i)Owir of Russia. She is invulnerable against foreign attack by land, because no large army car. be concentrated with in her borders (unless it be m Mos cow or St. Prfi-ahurg). for want of accumulated stores of food. etc. She j has. it is true, a large force of ships of war. but they are manned by serfs taken from the villages of the interior, who are undeserving the name of tail ors, and it i nr ty certain they would never enture into an engagement viith an English or American Heet, and if they did it i quite c rtain they would be taken or destroyed." Profited by Hint. A British o!!cr. in his expense list -n government serviro, put down: "Porter, 2 pence." The war office, in a verbose letter, pointed out that refreshments, while in the execution of public duty were not chargeable to the nation. The officer replied that the item did not represent refresh ments, but a fee to a carrier. The officer replied: "You should have said porterage,"' The officer treasured the hint. Next time he had occasion to take a ha?kr.ty coach he put down in his accounts. "Cabbage, 2 shillings." Jockeys and Toreadors. The gains of a first rate jockey are large, but it may be doubted whether they equal those of a Spani.-h toreador of the same grade in his calling. This reflection is strongly suggested by the retirement of "Bombifa." perhaps the greatest, as he Is also one of the very youngest, of the toreadors. He with draws finally from the arena at thirty years of age, with a fortune of 3100, OijO, without counting jewels worth about $50,000 more, presented to him by admiring enthusiasts. Add to Municipal Debts. Every town in England is in pawn, and instead of paying anything off our old debts, we are constantly adding new burdens at the expense, directly or indirectly, of the unhappy owners of property. London Gazette. Long Newspaper Career. Col. Stephen N. Winslow has been connected with the Philadelphia In quirer for sixty-three years and is still In the business, beginning as a night reporter in 1842. The colonel Is SO years old. Mrs. Mary Marcey, the woman, who, as a stenographer employed by. Swift and Armour, claims to have secured copies of incriminating letters written by the Beef Trust chiefs, is shown in the picture above. FOR INVASION OF ENGLAND. Member of German General Staff Dis cusses Possible War Plans. In an interview, a member of the general staff discussed in an outspo ken manner the chances of Great Britain if she were attackeii by Ger many, says a Berlin special to the Kansas City Journal. "A conflict with Great Britain." he said, "must be considered by Ger many, for a powerful, progressive Ger man trade forms for the power of Eng land at least as great a danger as 'lie progress of Russia toward India. Eng land's weakness lies in that factor which constitutes our strength the? army. The English army corresponds neither in quantity nor in quality with England's position as a great power, and does not even correspond with the size of the country. For England feels convinced that invasion of her territory can be prevented by the Heet. That conviction is. however, not at ail justified . "Theiefore. in case a war with Eng land bliould be thieatening. Germany should endeavor to throw part of her army on the English cnnM. and thus shift the decision from the sea onto the enemy's country. As our troops are far superior to the English troops. England's enormous naval power would not have the slightest influence upon the final decision." His opinion of the English volun teers is shown in the following state ment: "The first object to be aimed at in invading England would be the Eng lish field army. The second would be London. However, in all probability, both objects would be attained simul taneously, as in view of the small value of the volunteers the whole field army would be required for the de fense of the fortifications of Iondon." Hapsburg's "Bird of Evil." It is not generally uiiown that the Hapsburgs have a Iiorroi of the raven, which has always been a veritable "bird of evil" to the house. Wnen Emperor Francis Joseph accepted the Austrian crown a flight of ravens passed over Olmutz and sent a shiver through his supporters. Before the ill-fated Maximilian started for Mexi co a raven followed him and his wife through the grounds of their castle of Miramar and fluttered on to the princess' train. When King Alfonso's mother, then an archduchess. left her native country for Spain a raven es corted her to the railway station. More remarkable still, a huge raven flew into the face of the late Empress Elizabeth the day before she was as sassinated at Geneva. Tho raven, which was the bird of hope and vic tory to the vikings, seems to attend the Hapsburgs as the precursor of misfortune. Sorry for Russell. A fri'nd of Mrs. Charles Theodore Russ-el! (the mother of the late Wil liam E. Russell) was a frequent visi tor at the Russell borne when the late governor of Massachusetts was a boy, and had undoubtedly at some time been the victim of a boyish trick or two. When on a trip around the world she arrived at Shanghai, and was en thusiastically greeted with the news that William E. Russell had been elect ed governor of Massachusetts. Her reply was: "I always knew that Biliy Russell would come to some bad end." Offers $7,000,000 for Education. Sir William McDonald, the million aire tobacco manufacturer and educa tional philanthropist, of Montreal, has informed the Protestant council of nublic instruction of the province of I Quebec that he has a tchr-me which is said to involve me expenuiuire or $7, OOO.OuO. In addition to an agricultural college, which he will build at St. Acne de Bellevue, Sir William pro poses to endow a normal school in close proximity to the agricultural col lege for the training of teachers. Tcbacco Decreasing Men's Size? During the course of a recent lecture Rev. Dr. Anna Shaw stated that for a long time woman's stature has been increasing, while that of man has shown an opposite tendency, and she attributes the decrease of the men's stature to the excessive use of tobac co. Statue of Senator. In memory of the late Senator Or- ville H. Piatt of Connecticut a statue costing 115.000 is to be placed in the state capitol or in the capitol grounds. V L - sjy