' ' I.UV.WQJ&JI VEtf!- J-2"mva !.' " "HW 4 4 1 . 1 I 1 "! T Thursday" XJaily Journal. Pc! ?.-'Iie.i. 'Phone Go. Iljiaer Rama-cn returned ca um- bar 5 last Mat Rev. Xr.crr;r-n and Htcry Sultcn of Schujer r.n in tiie city today. Dz. Chii. li Plaiz. bam-opamir pby fiiciHa and acix'rou, jotoScc building Jl F. William- of Si Kdwnrd was in the ci:v iar mzbt rerurmaj: troni Oinsha Cspfain h: I:'- and vrifp re . turned to iu-ir nnat' :uHuuiihrT lu.st V M. i ira-liu-. aud Edirar Howard roturned frtwii U:cfiiia la-r uitb' on Number ' Carl Knsnur r-torned thi- morning ironx tJjnaa wutre he ha? been a delfisate to tbe K. P. Grind Lortce. Aiics r.orence xvamuojer enter tained tbe Ycsnc People's- Card ("inb la?: nirbt. Mi EthelGallpy and Hr Cha Dck -won the pr:ze?. Barred Plymouth Rock and Roj-e Goxab Rrowrn Lchim esr: for sale at -Jl .V for 1", or ?J.50 for "". olum-bn- Poultry Yard?, 31. Scbilz. prop. ill?? Lillian Keetms 'wbo ba been viiinc triends in Oniaba few d3y, left there rbi? niorninsr tor Monttcello, Iowa to visit i!r.-. Brown, formerly Mi-? Minnie Tannebill of ibis citv i!rt. Perkin- wpnt to North Bend today Sne is the lady whom the Journal mentioned intending to locate ! and cmidae a bonrrimj: bon-e. Sbe wil. return later if suitable 'jnarters can t hrni. lyinnr Donovan ot jLidison retcrn ed troni Omaha yesterday and took lb 2orf ilk branf b for bi borne in tbe evening H hai been in atten dance nr the stctr meetinp of the A O l W loose. O. A Kellocb. who re.-izned hi also the leadinp light in school matters position as mcnt clerk at the Mend- j there and for the past dozen years has iau las: week, has accepted position j been instrumental iu bringinp Fuller with tne Geneva Nursery represented ion schools to their present hich m f 'olnabus by D Kellocb can sell us o '. Scbaff. Mr. :r nur?erv stock Will IIoi-in:in and Everett Carrick returnel from Fremont thr first of the week where they completed a larpe 0t of lathing Tb1 boy? are becom ing skilled at their trade and are soneht after not only nrc but m Other tmvn. Tbronpb Ecb. Webster and Opden Oauons. bristling with marvelon scenes of western rrandeur acres rrear Sjilt Lukes, down the Humbol: valley and over wondron-ly beautiful Sierra Nevada via Union Pacific every dav on " " TbeOverland Limited" eltxiiric hebted Tbe finest train ncross th- AmerKnn continent li Ienha:n. in- qnire oi V. ill?- Mau..t- t-lt-y wh- nr;;ri?eii by n namlH-r '.f n. r tneiid Monday PVfouii: w n .:riyft: la and prrent el her with n haKiiiuiH -iui t ru.c aa iu-tjir irrn t'-i La-ivMacc;iHe-of which i-:'ir Mi- VViiv ha- ' '-it T'2trl fc ' i will l-av .-n rtlv "- Homo Restaurant 3-- The best of everything: in the eating Hue. Meals at all hours, day or night Fresh Fish every day during Lent E Rersenbrock &t Burke I - 9 9 9 9 w 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 -! Henry Ragatz & Co. i i ALWAYS ON HAND Of the First Quality- A Full Line of Staple and Fancy Cr.v wX'xTV.x J-VJ Provisions, Queensware. Glassware and Fancy China. j& COFFEE j& Our "Richelieu in bulk gives entire satisfaction at SO, 25, 20 & 15c a lb. The following in tins- 1-lb 2-lb 3-lb "White House" - - - - .40 .75 " Chase & Sanborn's "Seal" - .40 .75 J Lipion's - - - - .40 .75 1.00 "Richelieu" - - .40 .75 "Ragarz" - - - - .50 I j? TEA j& Japan. Gunpowder and English Breakfast, in bulk and packages, the rlnest gTown and Guaranteed IC to give Perfect Satisfaction. CANNED FRUITS, MEATS, VEGETABLES J A full, fresh and complete assortment 3: ot everything usually sold in our line. We buy our goods direct from first hands for ? cash, and consequently buy at the VERY : LOWEST PRICES. We can and do sell the t BEST GOODS lor the LEAST MONEY, and f are confident we can convince everybody ot i that fact who will give us a triaL Henry Raiatz & Co., Nsbraska Piaie 29. Ii.pudeit Pluss 29 aid 229. jXififm T.r ! r A f r tbe West. nnl her pia.ce a recoid kteper has been rilled by tbe election of Mrs. Barclay Jones. Lih: refreshment- were servm. Matt Thomas, tat- xellow wto drive tbs ciprrss wajou from tne D. p. de pot was a tirtim of a most rrnel trick vesierdiy, lunevcTet. and planted fcy tbe other employees in the oce. Tboroas is a bepmner for tbe ex press corporation and as customary in all tradei- an initiation is usually in order before a fellow becomes real bandy to tbe work. A heavy box s-as packed and labeleuC.OD .directed to a certain party in the southwest part of town and -J0 was to be collect ed for" fame. Tbomas delivered the coods and not until he had been the victim of all siuds of nonsense did be tumble tna: somethiuf; was wronc in Denmark. He returned the sup posed treasure to the depot and now is not feclinp toward tbe other boys as he use I to. Mayor-elect Joseph E. AlcCh-IIand of Fulierton was in the city Last nieht and returned to his home this niorn mc Mr McClelland wa. this spiing elected mayor of his citv by a hand some majorty after as warm a battle a? ever was foupbt in a city the ize of Fulierton. McClelland was elect ed on a hiph license ulatform. That town has fteen for the past two years the home of a dozen bootlepeers and at tbe same ime been conancted by an ant i -licence administration A half dozen of th lawless have been arrest ed tne past year for the dispensation of booze without license but it seems that everv action resulted in the costs br c; advled to the taxes of the citi zens The more enterprising people decided to chance matters and today Fulierton with McClelland at head will in time get back to where she once was in business and improve ment capacities. Mr. McClelland is standard. Mr. McClelland is well known in olumbus and beinp a lead inp lawver alto ranks hijrh in Lis pro fession in the state. Friday's Daily Jonraal. lr. Paul, dentist. Oea. V. Wertz of Schuyler was in the city today. Lr. L.. C. Voss. Homeopathic phyei cinn. Columbus. Neb. Mr and Mrs E. H. Jenkins re turned today from Loup City. Rev. Moore of an Omaha M. E. church was in Columbus today. .Tudce Ratterman is in CedarRapids fi : a few day- lookinc after his farm tbt re ?i!i- Lizzie Mall came down today from Monroe on n vi-it to Miss Hester Hif. Jniipe Reedtr w--nr in Fulierton f i afternoon to hear some bootlepp lnr cast t fc and Meat Market i f i " , I j ; t I t a. 4 4 i i 1 1 1 1 111 U 1 I.I 1 1 1 1 AAA.Aaa New Summer MILLIN&RY ! A- The newest things iii mid-summer millinen- just arrived. D. KELSO I 1st Door East of Niewohner's MMMf WVMFVVVVV VT. A. Mc Williams was down from Monro Ian evening returning home this morning. Mrs. E. H. Stephens of Albion and Mrs. Geo. WiUson of Genoa are in Columbas today. Miss Eulalia Eickly accompanied her father to Omaha on his return after a short visit. Mrs. 11. C. Boyd went to St. Ed ward yesterday to visit Mrs. Alfred Palme, her daughter. Mrs. Tom Die:s and daughter Efiie of Fulierton went through Columbus today on the way to Omaha. Ralph Wipgins will leave tomorrow for Kanass Jity, Kansas where he will spend the summer with his broth er, John " Mrs. SI Cannon of Genoa has this week visited friends nere. She leaves tomorrow for South Dakota ro join the family. ' Zuelow. the Schuyler tailor, will make you clothes: that fit well, wear well and look well as long as a piece of the cloth remains. The Tornado Season is now at hand. Insure your property against loss bv having Becher, Hockenberger and Chambers wrue your Tornado Insur ance. House for sale in good location, must be sold quick. A bargain if taken at once, as parry is leaving tbe city. Becher, Hockenberger and Chambers. ', Miss Holloway of New Y'orfc who has been the guest of Mrs C.D.Evans for several weeks, left this afternoon for Omaha where she will visit for three weeks before returning to New York. About a hundred Italians and Aus trians were shipped in yesterday to lay the new 6teel rails on the Norfolk branch of the U P. They are in camp up the line a short distance from Columbus. George Rodehoret, son of Henry Rodehorst, left this afternoon over the B A:M. for Washington state. He was accompanied by Joe Aulbric who will settle at Spokane. M Rodehorst will go on to Seattle. ! E M. LaGrange. theFullerton luni- , ber king, was in Columbus today. He was accompanied by Dr. McMillin of tbe same place. Ihey hal been m attendance at tbe state meeting uf I the A. O U. w. in Omaha. j Lee Bennett brought suit in Justice ' I Falbaum's court this moraine against a man by the name of Church, for ! alleged wages due and unpaid 'The i amount involved was tmall and tbe case was settled outside of court Louis A. Raney has received notice from the Post Office Department of his appointment as substitute clerk in the Columbus post office. Mr. Raney is one of the twelve who passed the civil service examination here hist month Mr and Mrs. Pierson D Smith and son Pierson of St. Edward .were in Columbus , between trains 'today on tbeir return from Omaha. Mr. Smith is president of the Smith National bank of St. Edward and one of the wealthiest land-owners in Nebraska Captain Harry Lohr is making a few extra trips on the Norfolk pas senger in the absence of the regular brakenmn. Harry has a melodious voice for callinc stations, and when it comes to helping the ladies on and ofi" trains the other brakemen must tip their hats to him Sheriff Carrie went to Big Springs tbis afternoon in quest of Schulz, rue hired man of John Wurdeman who is suspected of taking the roll of money from Meyer, the solicitor for the Mo Killip Mercantile Co , while the two men were occupying the same bed- room in Wurdeman's house. The officers think they have the right man. Marc G. Perkins returned from Omaha today where he has been since Sunday working for the office of Grand Receiver of the A. O. U. W. Mr. Perkins was defeated by a Falls City man, Mr. Greenwald. It would have been a good office to bzing toCo lcm bus as it would have brought the deposits of the grand lodge here. It is therefore a matter of regret thit Mr. Perkins did not land the office. Saturday's Dally Jonraal. i Dr. Tallier, Osteopath. Barber block. Prof. Sike. teacher music Barber bldg. Char. Wurdeman went to Humphrey 1 vesterdsv. Homer Robinson and went to Omaha today. H. S. Elliott Prof. Bnrwell, of St. Edward, was in the city last evening. Miss Olga Knechtel of Fremont is the guest of Hue Ethel Elliott. Ed Grissom.Geo. Novak and Everitt Biggs, of Schuyler were in the city last night in attendance at the dance in Orpheas hall. Why is Peter Schmitt bo popular with the ladies r Because they like the floor he makes. To try it once is to use it always. wtf Bev. F. A. Thompson, of St. Ed ward, was in the city today. Ber. Thompson is on his way west for a few weeks Taoation. Thft new Erag building on Twelfth street is completed and it is a rery creditable bmildiag. It is mnderstood that it will be meed as a peel hall by Mr. SaelL Miss EmilTRorer who will gzaiaate fxosa Doaae college this spring, has been elected to the position of assist ant principal of the Hewaan Grove high school. The rooms of Misses Jacobson and J Turner in the first ward gave a very interesting Bird Day program yester day afternoon. About sixty visitors w:mesed the program Miss Aurusta Nelson ofPlatre Center was in tbe citv yesterday. She return ed a few days ago from her homestead near Pierre, South Dakota. A colony of eleven people from Platte Center owns claims in the same locality. Four of the claims corner one another. Miss Nelson, her sister Anna, Miss Consodine and B. H. Schroeder own these four claims and have their houses grouped together Miss Nel son says that she and her neighbors have ail made gardens and that while she is completing her term of schoul, her sister will take care of her pro spects. She expects to Fpend the summer months there The new rail road is being extended near their res idences. Monday's Uaily Journal. Henry Carrig went west on Number ') last night. Will Hall departed this morning for a visit of two or three days at Fre mont and Omaha. Judce I L. Albert and AugustWag ner went to Lincoln this morning. The Judge will return Wednesday Miss Elizabeth Reid who has been attending business cullece here, left for her home in Cedar Rapids today r"J. PrattTeditor of the Hnmphrey Democrat and Representative John W. Bender made this office a pleas ant call today Miss Hester Hill departed for ber home in Monroe today after com pleting her Etudies at the Columbus business college. Chas. Wurdeman went to Humhrey this morning where he will spend the week superintending the building of a school house at that place. W. E. Reed of Madison was detain ed in Columbus over yesterday bv the wash-out on the Norfolk branch. He came in Saturday irom the west ex pecting to go out the same evening to Madison. S. J Kennedy, editor of the Boone County Advance, formerly one of the editors of the Journal was in the city Friday and Saturday. We acknow ledge a f -aternal call from Brother Kennedy. I". P. train No. 2 due here Satur day afternoon at o :40 did not arrive until yesterday evening over forty hours late. The train was tied up at Juiesburg owing to washouts along the line west of Kearney G. W Phillipps nas been pressed into service as deputy assessor, during i lhe illness of J. G. Becher. Mr. Becher is suilerinc from a sort of nervous collapse that may keep him down for some tim to come although this morning his condition was report e.i to bQ improved. Dr. Kinyon ot Fulierton accompan ied by his wife iassed through the citv todav enronte for Lincoln. The doctor is a little leary about getting to his destination owing to high wat er, but even if he doesn't wilt findCj lumbus a most comfcrtable place in which to rest for a few hours. We have just a little tbe best city in the west. The heavy rain Saturday did manv serious pranks. Roth Brothers, con tractors had just completed a brick building at PLitteCenter and returned home to bepin other work when yes terday they weie told by phon? that the walls had tumbled down and it would b? necessary to rebuild the structure. They looked up their tools and drovo to the Center yesterdav ro complete the work. A Creeping Death. Blood poison creeps up towards the heart causing death. J. . Stern?. Blle PlaiDe. Minn . writes that a friend dreadfully injured hi:- hand which swelled up like blood poiscn inc. Bucklin's Arnca Salve drew out the poison, healed tbe wound and saved his life. Best in the world for buns and sores. Dack's drug store. 25 cents a: Chas. Yesterday's Daily Journal. The Troubadors Friday May 2f.. Blake Maber went to Fremont to day. Geo. Lehman went to Omaha yes terday. See the flexible curtain rods at Seth Braun's. J E. North went to Monroe this morninc A. D. Hiuman of St. Edward was in the city yesterday Mrs. R W. Gentleman came down from Platte Center today. Miss Mamie Sheehan is in Kearney visiting Mis; Bessie Brown. Chrstian Peter Nelson received his final naturalization papers today. At this rate the Fourth of July will get here about the middle of Septem ber. U.S. Dickinson came in oa the Nor folk train, returning from a business trip. Night Hostler Brcnhober is laying off this week owing to an abess on his hip. Representative Hoare came down on the noon train today from Platte Center. Drs. Martyc. Evans, Evans & Martyn, Jr., office three doors north of Fried hofs storr. Attorney Holderson and Dr. Munk of Newman Grove returned home this morning. Ben Bowman, a prominent Boone county farmer, called at the Journal office today. At North opera house, Friday Hay y the Troubadors. Don't miss this attraction. Flexible curtain rods are the latest thing out for lace curtains. See them at Seth Braun's J Hesdames . H. Chambers and Homer RoDinson went to Humphrey last night to visit Mrs. B. R. Cowd ery. W. D. Wilson of Oconee and W. W. ' 5 X X Hotel Merz... Old Grand Pacific Remodeled Now Open to tbe Public $1.00 a Day i Everything New New Furniture New '. Plumbing Electric Liehts SieamHeat Mannington of Monroe, both jurymen for this term of court, were excused and returned home hist night. The case of Theodore Wolf vs Nick Hofuer, in district court, was decided by the jury tbis afternoon in favor of the defendant, the verdict being "No cause of action." The music iovinc people of Colum bus will appreciate the appearance of the Troubadours at the North opera house Friday May 26. They come un der the auspices of the Maccabees and will be well worth hearing The Misses Emily Ragat?. Louise Davis and Margaret Zinnecker will entertain a few friends tomorrow night, in honor of Misses Jennie and Emma Jones, who will depart for Denver in a few days with their par ents Mr. and Mrs. R E Jones. The Troubadours will give a grand concert and dance under the auspices of tbe Maccabees, Friday evening. May -2;. The concert will be given at tbe North opra house and the clance at Orpheus hall immediately uf ter the concert. Now is the chance to make the de lightful trip to Californiafor just one half of the expense incurred in mak ing the trip at any other time. Don't postpone for you may not soon again be offered tbe low rates of $25 CM to SanFrancisco, Santa Barbara. Los An geles, San Diego and many other Cali fornia points. Literature abcut Cali fornia free on application to W. H. Benhain 4-2G Several changes of residence are taking place this week. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Nichols are now in their home on Fifteenth street which has been refitted throuehout and is one of the most attractive residences in the city M. D Karr is movinc into tbe Dack property on Fifteenth and Olive, and the house which he vaca tes is being occupied by C S. Raney who recently purchased it from Capt Haicht R. W. Hobart is moving from the Walter Scott house into his own property which was formerly occupied by Mrs. Russell- Saved by Dynamite. Sometimes, a fiaminc city i saved by dyuainitinp n space that the fire can't cro-- Sometimes, a couch hanps on so lone, vcu feel a.- if uothinp but dynamite v. .uld cure it . T Gray, of Calhoun. Lta , writes :"Mv wife bad a very aggravated conch, which kept ner awake nignts. Two physicians could not help ber so she tock Dr. Kiuc's New Discovery for consump tion, couphs and coid- which eased her couph gave ber sleep and finally cured her " Stnctlv scientific cure for bronchitis andLaGrippe. AtCbas. Dark's druc store, price 5.' cents and $1 guaranteed. Trial bottle tree Journal Specials. i FOR SALE I have for sale nice elm. ash and maple trees suitable for door yards. Albert btenger. A BARGAIN A scholarship with the International Correspondence School for sale. Write or inquire for R," care of Journal. tf. WAXTI.I) CATTLE TO PASTURE. I hfiv. pasinre for :&ki cattle. Run nicir writer, tiad plenty of salt. L.vit Thomas. :;tw Columbus. Nb. For fine corn fed meat co to M. Cassiu's. FOR SALE. A fine second hand organ, same as new. Must be sold at once Inquire Journal office. tf. All kinds of fresh and salt meats at Kersenbrock A: Burke's. Otto Zuelow, tbe Schuyler tailor ! ha a large stock of woolens for the . spring trade. j GEESE FEATHERS 2r, pounds ' new geese feathers for sale cheap i Ind Phone 2;.W. Geo. Randall, tf 1 Dr E. E. Nauman. Dentist, 13th St Ladies Wanted Monthly salary for writing at home. No canvassin2 or other wore This is no fraud. Mrs. Alma Walters, f.i E. 75th street, Chicago, 111. Send stamps for jfull particular.1-. For fresh fish and oysters go to M. Cassin's Special fe&u nnf. WwU Excursion Sates Milwaukee and return June lu t.-!-. Return limit July 25th. Rate, one fare plus fifrv cents. Cleared for Action. When the body is cleared foractior, by Dr. King's New Lite Pills, you can tell by the bloom of health on the cheeks ; the brightness of the eyes ;the firmness of the flesh and mnscles : the buoyancy of the mind. Try them. At Chas. Dack's drug store 25 cents. Cheap Excursions. Cheap rates one way to California, Paget Sound and the Northwest coun try, daily until May lath. Low home seeker's round trip rates March 21st to eastern Colorado, the Big Horn Ba sin and North Platte Valley where there is an excellent chance of getting in on the ground floor ahead of the crowd and pick up bargains in irrigat ed land EASTERN TRIPS. If yon are con templating an eastern trip this sprinc better write me for information. We will probably be able to offer yon monev saving saggetions. L. W.Wakely. Gen. Pass. Agent L. F. Rector Ticket Agent luwinr BANK EXAMINER TESTIFIES IE FORE GRAND JURY AT CHICAGO. INDICATIONS OF INDICTMENTS Wives of Two Employes cf Swift & Co. Placed Under Bond of $10,000 Each Held as Witnesses in Case They Are Needed. Chicago. May 16. Members of the federal grand jury Investigating the business affairs of the beef packing industries learned all the details of the manner in which officials of the Aetna Tradins company kept their books. This company, it is said, was the means by which the packers sup posed to form the beef trust transact ed their secret business. National Bank Examiner Stareck. who for nearly two mouths has been 6tudying over tbe books found iu the six trunks taken from the First National bank building safety deposit vaults, has completed his task and was before the inquisitors. Through these books found in the trunks, it is asserted t-at the secret ystem of the Aetna Trad ing company has been revealed and all persons connected with the opera tion of the company are known. Mrs. Richard W Howes, wife of the manager of the casins department of Swift &: Co.. and Mrs. Irvine A. Vant. wife oi the assistant treasurer for the same concern, were placed under $10,000 bonds each. The bonds are to insure the presence of the two women in Chicago as witnesses in the event that indictments are returned by the grand jury. SAYS FIGURES DECEIVED GARFIELD Omaha Packer's Man Declares Profit on Steer is $8- Omaha, May 1C. That the packers, by a peculiar method of bookkeeping and by juggled figures, deceived Com missioner Garneld into the belief that the profit nn-a beef steer did net ex ceed 9S cents, is the published state ment of a confidential man iu a South Omaha packing concern. The actual profit, he declared, is IS. Comparative tables are given, show ing the debit and credit accounts on a bunch of seventy-one cattle actually sold in South Omaha Friday. The first table shows tbe figures as they appear on the packers' books and in the second table, tbe figures are re vised to show the actual values. The differences appear in charge for labor, which is declared in the second table to be 75 cents per carcass, instead of 52.75. as in the first, and in credits for the byproducts. According to the packers' figures, tbe offal is credited at C5 cents per carcass, whereas, the mar. declares, "one beef liver alone is worth niort- than the credit allowed for all th- oSal.' Prcfsssor Ripley Testifies. Washington. May 10 William E. Ripley professor of economics. Har vard universitj. was before the sen ate committee on interstate commerce. Hf claimed that under existing laws there was nothing to prevent discrim ination between localities and com modities. He favored civing the inter state commerce commission power to fix rates. George B. Robbins of Chi cago, president of the Armour Line company, explained in detail the busi ness of refrigerator cars. He assert ed that these car lines were not en gaged in interstate commerce. The agitation tending toward the confisca tion of private cars had deterred his company from increasing their facili ties. The Armour car lines did not now deal in produce, save to a limited extent in butter, eggs and poultry The witness denied that the cars were used to secure rebates. BAPTISTS WIOGET T06ETHER Join: Sess.cr. af Northern and South ern Contentions at St. Louis. Kansa- City. May 16. One- of the last acts ; the fiftieth annual gather ing of the Southern Baptist convention, which adjourned sine die. was tr.e adoption of a. resolution lastrtuting its officers to r-present it in the con vention of Nnrtnern Baptists at St Louis, "with a v.-.w of closer tellow ship." The convention, which will Leuin at St. Louis today, will be the firs joint gathering of the two bodies, representing the Baptis: churches of the north and south, evr held. It will, it is said, be the greatest gather ing of Baptists that has evtr met in this country. Besides deciding not to chanse its name and selecting men to manage its various mission boards for the en suing year, the convention listened to several interesting reports on home missions. One report which aroused much discussion was that presented by Dr. C. A. Stakeley of Alabama, chairman of the special committee which had investigated the neero question as it relates to the church. In the report Dr. Stakeley criticised tht Baptists for their meager work in behalf of the negro. BQWEN INQUIRY IS ON Minister to Venezuela is Given Copy of Charges Made by Losmis. Washington, May 16. The formal trial of issues between Acting Secre tary Loomis and Minister Bo wen be gan here when Boweu presented him self at the white house, where he was imrccia-c'.:. received by the president, who toi.i h:m that as he had como in ar..- r io h.i rz-ir-ons " would be pleased to have the minister call at once upon Secretary Taft. When Boweu called upon Taft the latter turned over to him Loomis answer to the charges and the hitter's counter charges against Bowen to the effect that he had instigated the circulation of unfounded reports against his su perior officer, involving malfeasance in office. The secretary advised Bow en to prepare at once his answer. Bowen returned at once to his hotel and began his task. T. P. A. in Session at Savannah. Savannah, Ga.. May 16. The na tional convention of the Travelers' Protective association was opened here. The address of welcome was made by Mayor Herman Myers and the response by Horace C. Starr of Indianapolis, president of the T P Addresses were made bv Congress man W. G. Brantley of Georgia, J Rice Smith of Augusta, ex-president of the T. P. a.; E. W. Dunham of St louis and Rev. H. T. Wilson of San Antonio. Tex chaplain of the order. There are some 700 delegates in at tendance, representing practically erxr-Mte in the union. BBBBBBBBBBBBSk KMl. bSBBBBBBi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBf BBBBBBBBBBBbV CASH Jewel Me Stores... and rightly nam ed, as they are jew els in every kitchen Ask the users. Jewels were awarded the Grand Prize and Gold Medal, high est award at Chicago, Buffalo, - 1893; - 1901; We have sold during the past 15 years nearly every Gasoline stove made and we have found that the JEWELS are the only Gasoline Stoves that do not give us any trouble. Always stay sold; always ready to burn; do not need constant repairing or ad justing and excell any other line in this class and cost no more. 15 different sizes and styles to select from. REFRIGERATORS. We have an excel lent line. Weather too cold yet to talk this line oi goods. Wash Fabrics.... The surpassing beauty ot these dis plays, and there is no doubt that they are the most interesting of all that we have ever offered at this season, is due to the effective ness of the new designs and colors and to the great number that is being shown. Many oi the handsomest patterns are exclusive. White Goods An immense showing of India Linens, Persian Lawns, French Lawns, Nansooks, Long Cloths, Dimities, Cambrics, Organdies, Swisses, English Waistings, Pique, Linen, Shrunk Duck, Linen Finished Cambric. We can please the most fastidious in our line of white goods. Buy a pair oi our teRough and Ready" Boy's Seamless Ribbed, Guaranteed Hose. Misses "Nomend" hose, best made for the price. Stove Storage... Get your winter stoves out oi the way. Notify us and we will call and take down your stoves and store them for you until you need them. Our prices are reasonable. Dris H Ha BEGH&R, HOGKENBE.RGE.R & CHAMBERS Re (Estate Insurance Loans Choice list of Lands for sale. We are prepared to supply tre spring demand for dwellings and lots. We have money to roan on real estate in small or large amour.:- for from 1 to 10 vears. DONT WASTE GRAIN! A Cheaply Made Wagon Will Waste Enough Grain to Buy a Good One. Onr wa' yoarcrii c- - .:; not scatter :. !-n the road w ..--:;.! your bors We keep or. :n- Latsst and BEST ic Buggies and Carriages A-; -drof- FARM IMPLEMENTS. asr Our liore shoes stick and don't lame your horses TIM J'ilfcA. LOUIS SCHREIBER. STORE j.tlya n;ijegyfgS 5t I Paris, - 1900; St. Louis, 1904. i ft. M. POST Attorney : at : Law Columbus. Neb. DR. GiiflS. fi. PLflTZ HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. P. O. Block Columbus CATARRH tLY's Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Cive Satisfaction. CIVES RELIEF AT OMCI. It cleans, soothes, heals, and prote3 tire lta. d mes-Drane. It cure Catarrh and drives a-arav a Gold in the Head qtucklv. Iiestores the Sensed of Taste and SinelL Easr to use. Contains no injurious clrusa. Apphl into the nostrils and absorbed. Larce Size. 50 cent3 at Drusssta or bj mail ; Trial Size, 10 cent3 bv mail. ELY MOTHERS, 5 Karrsfl'SL, Ntw Yfriu KILL the COUCH AND CURE the LUNGS wna Or. King's New Discovery fohO rONSUMPTlON Priee OliGHS ant! 50c & SI. t0 Free Trial. )L03 Sorest and ttoiciceat Cure far all t 1ES, or aXOMIT BAOL In u Vi i r Hyafa--Ui; 13J