The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 10, 1905, Image 8

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    Ls&3S!aa8?5ISR3K9fc-' gj
mm m iu i n' i " 'JIC ' '""irr-li1
EflES-w - r PM
' - "
YOU may know our
store and know that
we sell good clothes
for men, but we believe
there are other facts con
cerning our merchandise
which would benefit us both
if they vere better known
to you.
We contend that our
clothing embraces about
all that the word "clothes"
implies. It is not mere
covering for the body for
hot and cold days, but it
is a recognized correctness
for garments for dress ; it is fashionable apparel, up-to-date
attire. We are herewith illustrating our
Smartsac, a distinctive-cut sack suit for men and young men, a
suit combining features of importance in this day of tailored
clothes ready to put on. These suits are made of rough and
smooth faced fabrics, full of distinctive points of modern tailor
ing, in which you are sure to find absolute satisfaction, not alone
for service, but for correctness as to present demands of high
quality tailored garments.'
Real Estate Transfers.
JamesEXorth toEnimalinscho
el-:: It 7l)lk.7.,VColnmbm-5
H. A. Hansen to MI. P.ushmim
w se&sw no l-17-l w wl
r.H.Hnslnwin to AsnbrosoOa-
liriel jr., samo as abovo
c;o.Starec to Alb FPanrocki
b!ks -,r:i&-l CoL.w a
Mary Pechanec to Win Knefer
Its :Wfcl blk 2:5.1 Col wd
Consumers Gas "o to J JSull-
ivan w2 It S.l blk l l'.tOol icil
J Sullivan to Paul Hoth Faun
as abovo qcd
AEPriost toWm Webster Its 7
Sblk "F" Monroe wil
IJonjIIarpor toFMLcach no of
1S--J0-1 w vl
1 -..'00.00
Mary Cramer to C ('Hardy vl
0 -j lots 7&s blk i::o Col wl
.TMCiondring to JE Siems lt8."i
C. blk lit Stevens ailCol
JSWVUs to E M Dillon Its 1'-':!
1 7 blk 1 !.", Col wil
WFMiller to AujjCadeko It 10
xv2 1 lb lkl." Corrarus ad Co
1'ioneer Townsite Co to J Ec-
gleston It s blk-' Creston
F A Connolly to W H Deaan
pt lot 10&11 blk 7 Lindsay
State of Neb to J HHellbnsch
w2 nwl :-20-l Ufted
Sophie Siems otal to Henry
Fitttjo so it o sw I 10-18-1 w
Dan Brooks to E II Leach wd
o-J nw 20-20-1 w wd
Sam Gass to Henry Gass jr.,
lot C, blk 111 Col., wd
II A Hansen to JO Regan It 1
bl 10 1st. ad to Platto Cen
Ella Denion to ThcoSholdon
jr.,nw ofl0-20-2w qcd
E II Leach to Henj Harper o
nw 20-20-1 w wd
Gott Krauso to Hy Krause e
nw &n sw r.-iu-i o wd
Gott Krauso to Louis ICrnuFo
nsw:i0-20-l o wd
Wm. Koufs jr.. toChiisIILeo-
Mer,lts 2;,27,2s blk r. Ilopo
ml to Lindsay.
Pioneer Townsito Co to Win
Koufs jr.. samo wd
Do to John rtluckc It:: blk7
Cornlea wd
Do to do
CaroiinoLabon. oral toFranccs
Labflir. Its 11 12 blk 1 Gt-rr-
ards :ul to O
Seth l.rann to E. Von P.erjjen
s2 foI 2 1-1 7-2 wi
C M VanAllnn to II AHansen
It 12 bik 10, 1st ad PI Cent
II A Hansen to.TG llpgan same
JG Regan to PeterCarey samo
United States to MajorChrist
mas se of 20-llt-2 w Patent
State ofKenr to Hosinaivi;j)ln
w so 1 0-7-1 1 o deed
Stella niaser to W S Elliott
sw w so 2.'M l-.5 w end
COO. 00
lit.".. 00
IV2G. 10
EdithPursell to same samo tied .S-J.'MM
John lentter to Geo Clark k
se IS I w wd
Jonh Mucuht toPeierlienilnra
jr. 2 :5 bl 7 Cornlea
J Byrnes Sheriff toA Paproick
lt7 s bir. 17 Co Sheriff deed
D T Dicinson to Fr Echholt
pt7. all s bl i:t LocknerR 1st
Add to Humphrey wl
F K Strother to Thos Bryant
all sec 21 :5l-17-2 w wd
Stare Nobr to C CJacobson w
swl 5-ll-l w wd
E S Marsten to A Kyffeler su
w lfi 2 w wd
Janes Fran to.Theo Bryant 2i
172 w wd
Thes Bryant to .Tohu Engel
H S Elliott to L Lightner sw
w so 2:-i0-: w wd
Hy Chrystensen to H Yrzal It
22 23 blk 11 1st Lindsay
Paal Varwckor to M Morgan
ltl 2 blk 2 Lindsay wd
Thos Yaneske to FT Walker e
ne n se sw so 7-lfi-2w wd
22.",. 00
0720 00
1 J 00. 00
2.t0 00
Znelow, tho Schuyler tailor, has a
largo line of spring and summer fab
-IMfc. Alwav n-IiabJe. li.a.sUPran:ist Tot
tWl-MnTER- ESULIHH in Btrd auJ
nieuajic boxes. M-alt-rt with blue nbbia
WMMtttfr. t-nikr4masera-Mi'Mti-
l-aifalia. IIuyofyourDntssis
urseiid 4e. m Ranips for Partiralar-. TU-
F" '."'" ""i1 6rtler fmr UttT in letter,
"yf""""""". . TesuiHoiutU. bold by
all JJnigipvta. '
. tnHMJkWJL,
.w -. & Afet & o ei
AG9 17 LJ' !.
smsmsmimimimflBmimbmW iff t.'-- "5ij?ajfe x4
Journal Specials,
FOB SALE. I have for sale nice
elm. ash and maplo trees suitable for
door yards. Alliert Stenger.
A BARGAIN. A scholarship with
the International Correspondence
School for sale. Writo or inquiro for
'"It," caro of Journal. tf.
I have pasture for :00 cattle. Run
ning water, and plenty of salt.
D.vvm Thomas,
:;tw Columbus, Neb.
For fine corn
fed meat go to M.
real good furnished rooms to rent nt
reasonable prices. Mrs. C. Cashing.
Ind. Tel. 2s2 tf
FOR SALE. A fine second hand
organ, same as new. Must bo sold at
once. Inquire Journal ollico. tf.
All kinds of fresh and salt meats at
Kersenbrock & Burke's.
Dr.Chas. II. Platz, homeopathic phy
sician nnd surgeon, postoflice building
Tho closing musical event of the
season at the Omaha auditorium will
be the appearance of Madame Gadski,
the famous singer, and tho Pittsburg
orchestra on Tuesday May H5th. This
great combination will give two con
certs, a matineo nt 2 :30 nnd an even
ing concert at 8:15. Emit Paur, the
celebrated pianist nnd director of tho
Orchestra, will appear as soloist at
the afternoon performance nndMudamo
Gadski will present three numbers
on tho evening program. ThcOmahn
Festival Chorus will assist the orches
tra and Madame Gadski at the even
ing performance. A largo number of
pcoplo aro going to Omaha from Lin
coln. Fremont, Columbus and other
surrounding cities to bear these famous
artists. Tho reasonable priced nt
which the tickots have boon placed
i a great inducement. For tho mat
inee the reserved seats are ."0 ancf 7"
cents and for the evening 1.C0 nnd
$1 "0 Seats may bo reserved in ad
vanco by sending check to J. M. Gil
Ian, Manager Auditoiium, Omaha.
St. Edward.
I Fnim tin Ailvancc.
A small twister demolished several
buildings near PrimrocoMomiay evun
ing. Mrs. C. A. Gibson nnd son Fred are
visiting relatives nt Columbus.
After the special bond election last
week, immediately preparations were
made for another election. A mass
meeting was called for last Saturday
evening and a good represenlation was
present. E. W. McFarland was chosen
chairman of tho meeting nnd J. II.
Eurwell was chosea secretary. The
following were appointed a committee
to formulate nlans for a now election:
E. W. McFarland, R. F. Williams, J.
C. Wilson. E. C. Hall, Hugh Squair.
N. C. Blackburn. Tuesday forenoon
the committee mot and after discussing
the matter thoroughly decided to pre
pare a petition calling for a special
election to vote for 10,000 bonds.ray
able in fifteen years with the option
of paying all or any part of the bond
after five years, roto of interest not to
exceed fivo percent.
Mrs. Samnel Fonda is attending tho
meeting of the grand chapter of the
Order of Eastern Star in Lincoln this
Mrs. P. Ashenbrener and children
and Mrs. Geo. Fitzgerald and children
left Tuesday for Now Salem, X. D..
where they will join their husbands
who have taken claims in that country
and now have their new homes ready
for their families.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo E. Willard left
Monday fo- Colnmbus where they will
reside. Mr. Willard's property inter
ests are all in or near Columbus and
this move has been made that he
might be in a better position to attend
them. While St. Edward has sustain
ed a loss in the removal of this estim
able family, their many friends are
pleased to know the have moved to a
city where they will bo received with
a warm welcome.
Albioa -
(From The S m-.-x
Crawford Kennedy came in Mony
evening to spend a portion ot'
catioa with friends here. He "
holds the position of postmasterof the
U. ? t-ctia'.t.
We hear just a.-i v go ti ptehfe that
Pete Koontzmau. h young man about
IS years ot ace, is lying ar the point
of death with -pinal meningitis, at
uis fcotm; jai-t Fouth of ovu.
A delegation frcin ihe Coagrepa
tijnai church loaristia:.' of i A.Hos
foi!, ";r.-.Ecswoith,Mis Florrie Key
and Rev. Towniend. went to CInrks
Montlav to attend District Association
of Congregational churches.
H. Kice arrived home last Saturday
from his trip to California. He re
ports Ins mother minn netter. in
says evtiry turn- Jr- iroes uway he
come back better Mitis-fid with Ne
braska. Souther" Cihfnruia is a
beautiful place to visit, but would
not suit him for continual residence.
Aftr Mr. P. A. Burows reached
Lincoln last week -ho was taken ill,
and it developed ilmr he had the
small-pos. Sue was taken to the de
tention hospital whero she now is.
She wps pret'y sick for a time but is
now apparently well again, but will
bavo io remain in seclusion for a time.
E. H. Need ham arrived back from
his trip to California last Thursday.
"Irr. Neidbam is visiting in Omaha.
He hays he vnjoyed the winter very
much in tho balmy atmosphere of the
Pacific Coat He also visited Wmh
iuuton t nd Oregon. He thinks the
north c nutry presents the n ost in
ducements for bnsiues?.
Tha Boone Conuty Teachers meet
ing held at the hij:h school building
Inst Saturday wns very successful aun
interesting meeting, .about 7 teach
ers wero present, and quite n goodly
number of patrons nnd others inter
ested in educational work. The pro
gram was carried out as arranged with
only ono exception. A new feature
was exercises by pupils from different
Anton Schad and Miss Lena Mortield
wero married Tuesday morning at V
o'clock ar the Sr. Lit maid Catholic
church byRev. Father Stanislaus. The
young couplo will make thoir homo
in Cornlea wl ere they will conduct
the hotel lusinuss. Wu wish these
young pcoplo abundant prosperity and
Dan Holleran went to Omaha Taes
day, and from there he will go to Cali
fornia with a pirty of friends who
are going to the roast. Uncle Dae is
merely taking n pleasure trip for the
purpose of seeing tho wonderful west
A pleasant snrprise was given C. E.
Charnquist last evening bv a large
number of his friends. Progressive
whist was tne main featnro of amuse
ment for tho evening. Refreshments
of ico cream and cake wero served at
(I'rotn tlic Ki'iiillir:in.
Noris Field lost a horse lust week.
Fred ICeellcr took his cattle to their
ranch last Friday.
Born, on April 2", to Mr. av.d Mrs.
J. T. Evans, a daughter.
John Heuschen wns the first one to
start planting corn May 1.
A. W. and Goo. Lamb nnd Geo.
Thoma.iu drove their cattle to Lor
etto Monday, to pasture this summer.
Mr. Van A lien wns qnito sick lost
week, but is now able to be out. Their
daughter Fern, who was sick last
week, is getting better.
Very few farmers are listing this
year. They are plowing tho ground,
and soiho say that whore it has been
listed for livo or six years it is like
breaking prairio.
John Porock is one of tho largest
farmers on tho route. Ho hns six
three horse teams in tho field nlowing
and will pat in :;00 acres of corn and
ha small grain in proportion.
The Misses Augsta Nelson and Mary
and Stacia Crouin have a vacation this
week while thov are in South Dakota
plowing and planting potatoes and
sui-h work as they have to do on a
Platta Center.
I I'n.nt tin- Signal. I
A bright boy camo to gladden the
home of Mr. and Mrs. August Jnnsen
last Friday morning.
Several herds of cattlo have passed
through hero this week, being driven
to pnstnro in Wheeler county.
Mip- Alico Zinpg, who taught
school in tho Regan district, closed
the term last week Thursday. A short
program was rendered nnd tho pupils
were served with ice cream and cake.
"liss Ztupg has accepted tho school
for next
Mrs-. John Maher was taken to St.
Marv's hspital ar Columbus Wednes
day for treatment. Mrs. Mahcr's ill
nefs originated with an attack of grip
last winter from which she hns not
recovered nnd it was thought advis
able to trv a course of treatment at
tl-.o hospital.
The school board put some men to
workMonday morning at tearing down
tho walls of the old school house. They
aro separating the whole brick- from
the broken ones and will save a great
many thousand bricks that when clean
ed will bo practically ns good as new.
They are finding ready sale for the
broken ones at twenty-five cents a
On Tuesday a new featuro developed
to our citizens in tho J. M. Specht
bankruptcy matter when Sheriff Carrig
arrested Specht on a warrant obtained
from the connty court on complaint of
J. H. Kersenbrock, charging him with
obtaining and retaining money un
lawfully. A bearing on the matter
will bo had next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoare arrived
hero Saturday evening from their
wedding trip. They proceeded very
uniotly to their home, bat somehow the
boys heard of it nnd went up see about
it. As their stay was brief it is evi
dent that Fred did the right thing by
Louis Mence was taken to the hos
pital at Colnmbus againTnesday even
ing. Ho spent a time their several
weeks ago. receiving treatment for
rheumatism, and came homo some
what improved, but of late his trouble
increased and he was taken back in
the hope that he may again be bene
fited. A sad bereavement settled upon the
William O'Callaghan household when
death came to Phillip, the -youngest
member of-the family, his pe beR
12 years and 4 months. Sunday even
ing he was in the stable caring for the
horses when one of them kicked him
in tho abdomen. He went to the
bouse and told his mother what had
happened but at the time it w rot
thought that hf was soriont-1- injured
At ten o'clock that uight Dr. feutbaik
Ww tuxnmoueri. hut he grew uorse
and Tuosdav morning Dr. Evans was
culled trutu tj'oluiiitmx out m relirf
could bis ciTei-trd nnd ho i tossed away
at 2 o'clock that afternoon. Tho fnu-
ral was to bavo been held Thnnday
mo uiug. but word was received from
tiie sons, William at Cleveland. Ohio,
and James at Pierre, S. D., that they
would arrive Thnrsduy evening, so the
time of tho funeral was changed to
Friday morning at i o'clock from St.
Joseph's church.
Terrific Bace Wth Death.
"Death was fast approaching.'
writes Ralph Fernandez, of Tampu.
tU , describing his fearfol race with
death, "as a result of liver trouble
and the disease, which bnd robbed me
of sleep and of all inteiest in life. I
had tried many different doctors and
several medicines, bn got no benefit
until I begun to ufs Electric Bitters.
So wondetful was their effect, that in
three days I felt like a new man. and
today I am cured of nil my
Guaranteed nt Chas. Duck's drat; More
price 0 cents.
From trio lpwipr.
A. K. Shindlebower nud wife ex
ited to depart this week overland fcr
Burko, South Dakota to join SI. Can
non. Mrs. Cannon will go later.
Frank Ames came up from Colnm
bus, where he has been attending bus
iness college to visit his parents in
this city, on Tuesday last.
Robt. Anderson and Elbert Vangh't
have secured the contract for patting
in a number of fascines near the Lonp
Bridge at this placo and are at work
on the same.
O. E. Green and Will Irish ro turned
from Gregory county. South Dakota
Saturday last where they have been
building a house on the farm to lie
occupied by M. Cannon.
The High school base ball team went
np to Cedar Rapids Friday last and
played two games of ball with the
High school team at that place and
lost both games. The first by a score
of 10 to 7 and the second 2 to 1.
Burglars broke into the hardware
store of Kennedy Bros, on Sunday
night. They entered the back room
through a window and then secured
entrance to th store by boring through
the back door. They took a number
of chisels, revolvers, knives and ra
zors and broke open two money
drawers and secured a few nickels
nnd pennies. The front door to the
City Meat market was found open but
nothing was missed from there.
A number of Woodmen went to Co
umbos Tuesday night to attend the
state meeting of Modern Woodmen.
About three hundred candidates were
initiated fromColumbusand surround
ing towns. Among those who attend
ed from here were G. Shoemaker, Geo.
Chase. Chas. Ressler, T. Green, R.
K. Hoton. Wm. Kennedy.Chas. Peterson,
Wm. Hickey, John Vanght, Fred Hor
ton and Otto Peterson.
(From Tlio Times-)
Miss Pert Honey, the young lady
who teaches the Dry Creek school, re
cently adopted a novel care for tardi
ness. She offered a kiss for the first
nnival at school each morning. The
next morning nt " o'clock throe yonng
men were seen roosting on tho fence
and by 0 all the boys of the school and
two directors had put in appearance.
Bill Heater who has been working
down nt the month of Dry Creek for
John Twist, came in this morning
with twenty-three wolf scalps ex
pecting to get a dollar bounty for each
scalp, bat the fellows at the court
house were onto it that he is raising
wolves for the bounty and thoy kicked
Bill and his pelts into the street. He
cleared fc'.OO Inst year over on Coon
creek but he can't work Dry Creek
(From tlu Democrat.)
Mrs. F. J. Pratt ana son Kenneth
left Monday for a week's visit with
relatives nt St. Joe. Mo. They were
accompanied by Mrs. E. T. Walker of
The wind Wednesday afternoon did
considerable damage to propartv in
the conntry northwest of town. Sev
eral windmills are reported blown
down. At A. Hackstock's place north
of town, several window panes were
broken in his honse by hail, and four
large ash trees were blown oat by the
roots. la towa very little damage
ws done. Albert Wilde's well ma
chine at the town well was blown
down and badly broken.
Justice Schenth's court was occupied
for a time Wednesday afternoon by
a case between Peter Raffing and the
town of Humphrey. The trouble
grew out of Peter being arrestedTaes
day night on the charge of being drank
and disorderly and also for leaving hi
team on the street for an unreasonable
time without food or water. Peter
did not propose to stand being arrested
for violating the laws of the village
of Humphrey, so no employed Senator
Allen of Madison and Attorney Cook
ingham of this place to defend him
against such unjust ( ?) attacks on the
part of the officials of the town of
Humphrey. After considerable hot
air had beea let loose on both sides it
was decided that the case sbouid be
continued until the 2nd day of Jane.
Drs. Martyn, Evans, Evans & Martyr,
Jr., office three doors north of Fried
hof's storr.
Dr. Terry, the eminent eye special
ist and expert optician ofOmaha. will
be in Columbus Monday. Tuesday and
Wednesday. May 1. 1(1 and 17. Don't
miss this most excellent opportunity
of consulting an expert about your
JfM Special ledoced
WOP Excursion Rates
Milwaukee and return Jane 16 tol9.
Return limit July 2tb. Rate, one
fare p!s fifty cento.
Ad Tfcea There Was TreaMe.
"They said all sorts of unkind things
about you."
"Such ns what?'
"Well, they said that you married for
"But yon didn't believe It, did yon?"
"Not until I saw your husband."
After that there came an estrange
ment between the two dear friends.
Wine t of Cardui
Cured. Her;
213 South Prior Street,
Atlaxta, Ga., March 21, 1903.
I suffered for four months with
extreme nervousness and lassitude.
I had a sinking feeling in my
stomach which no medicine seemed
to relieve, and losing my appetite
I became weak and lost my vital
ity. In three wteks I lost fourteen
pounds of flesh nnd felt that I must
find speedy rei'ef to regain my
health. Hav-r heard Wine of
Cardui praised by several of my
mends. I sent for a bottle and was
certainly very pleased with the
results. Within three days my
appetite'returned and my stomach
troubled me no more. 1 could
digest my food without difficulty
and the nervousness gradually
diminished. Nature performed
her functions without difficulty
and I am once more a happy and
well woman.
telM Attlf fttday KlfK CMfc
Secure a Dollar Bottle of
Wine of Cardui Today.
Real Estate
Choice list of Lands for sale.
We are prepared to supply the
spring demand for dwellings
and lots. We have money to
loan on real estate in small or
large amounts for from 1 to 10
jiLvs Cream Balm
This Remedy is a Specific.
Sure to Cive Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and
drives away a Cold in the Head quiekly.
Restores the Seuses of Taste nnd SmelL
Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into the nostrils and absorbed.
Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by
mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warrtn St, Nw Yrk.
.The best i5 the cheapest
Ask vniirriftilprfhrrhpm
ill 3
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away,"
drifting towards Bright s Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms.
i jr
KILLthe couch
and CURE the LUNGS
"H Dr. King's
New Discovery
0U6HS and
50c a $1.00
Fret Trial.
Surest and Quickest Cure for all
fl. M. POST
Attorney : at : Law
Columbus. Neb.
1). BTIKKtf.
Otto. OH- 8t.. fourth ifc-or oorth of Finl
Physician and Surgeon.
I. O. Block : : Colnmbun
Ottiee over
ColumtKitt Hiute Rank
Galumbus. Neb.
I. Cheaply Made Wagon
Will Waste Enough
Grain to Buy a
Good One.
Our wagons will not scatter
yoitrj;rain whileon the road to
market or overtax yonr horses
with needless heavy draught.
We keep only the Latest and BEST in
Baggies and Carriages
All Kinds of
rjmuw iuiiU.Uiu.
Atallf !! wm I AMOik till im o4 .ill. I
and don't lame yonr horses OJIIWItHI. NEBRASKA. j
MfapnTI Touris Cars pPu,ar
B HVVllw H The idea that an inferior clas.-i of people j3f
U BT H k the tourist sleepers is an error. On many trip'J r
U HB 1 VA only the host class or travelers are found. Kf
K I'n'fllln' ' B Uhey inon-ly men K
u nl HsSII A h :ood who v
H makes the best bread, of the H U $S
fl best flavor, you ever tasted. H m this manner and :io a "ni: sum Sft
H Yeast Foam is the yeast H K of money to lie ned elsewhere. It is he
H that never grows lifeless, H m irinniiiu to lie understood Unit it is hy no Lm
H stale or sour, but is always H m necessary for the tnvelor to :j end a la rye 1
fresh, sweet and ready for B m Bum or money in on!T to enjoy u trip to the eo.-st vk
L use. H LW wb
Yeast Foam is the best LW K If you cross the continent in ouetf the tourist k
M and most reliable yeast M K sleepers or the
m made, regardless U mW
U W"B Lm Jfew. H you will enjoy the trip ami naue cim-idcraliio H
I CtHAOi'f-AND -J maww I A m
I C3rstetmjyj& jj I L Iniuire of m
I ' tJjP 1' I HEXHAM, m
fa a dry, compressed k
K yeast, compounded of A a
K malt, hops, corn and other a
healthful ingredients, in the V
U sweetest and cleanest factory
in the world. No matter how "r
ff lone vou liave kept it, east
mm Bal T7-Ln f nlntnatf 1 - k BaV
r H A'Udtu A3 uw9 ivr (v aaaa VVYI P Y
I bread that can he made. I TRY I IIU I II 11 1 II 0 1
MThe secret is in the yeast I 1 JlU U Ulll llul
h ah grocers sen u ai 5c h
A a pickagc. Kach pack- km
L age contains 7 cakes U
A enough to make 40 V
H loaves. Send for our H
Mmvmji A ,nnn Smnkp hY ra Fiup .vm
h inacaiai. uuu uiiiuiiu iniiu iiiiij uic uiu
stops irrenilarities. strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues
of toe kidneys so they wffl perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out
the imnurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and
the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body,
causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action etc.
If you hare any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY b
KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a
fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.
Yoa can easihr determine if toot kidneys an
oat of order by setting aside for 24 hoars a
bottle of the ariae passed epoa arisiar. If
apoa firti- it is doady or ailky or has
abrick-dast sediment or small particles foat
aboat ia it, yow kidaeys are diseased, aas
FOLEY'S KIONEY CURE shsaU be takes
Settlers' -Etes
West and Northwest
D&ily March 1st to May !5th, 1905
Prom Columbus, Nebraska, to
Puget Sound California,
Country, San Fran
Portland Dist. cisco, Etc.
$25 $25
m,..llK0UGI1 TOUUIST Sl-EEPEUS .Inily to California terminnln
TUAIN NO. :i via Donver. wills ilr.yliKht r:,Io tlirouch wnif Colormlo
ainl Suit LakoCitx; Tourist Sleeper excursions THURSDAYS and FRI
DAYS are personally conducted.
TO THE XOKTHWEST: "The I5urlinj.-ti.n-Xortl.ern Pacific I'-e-press"
is the joint. t!iron;li train and tune saver to the whole Northwest
region Montana. ITpper Id.dio. Washington and I'ucet Sound territory.
It cnrris all classes of hij;h grade equipment.
roiuers anu iicscnptive matter,
tion of
L. K RbCIOR. Ascent, Columbus. Nobr.
Protected by
Block Signals
The first railway in America so adopt the abso
lute Mock System in the operation of all trains
was the
The St. Paul Road was the iirst railway to light
its trains by electricity. The St. Taul lioad
was also the, first to adopt the stevm healing
system. Tree through daily trains to Chicago
from all points on the main line of the Union
Pocific Railroad. For time table, special rates.
etc., see Union Pacific Agent, or write
F. I. NiSH, GeiTI Western Agent, 1524 Farnam St.
. B. BurhaMTostifiM After Four wears.
G. B. Borhans of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes:
"About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had teen entirely
cared of aerere kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of
Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick-dust sediment and
1 ' -.a .. .ri,Mn.u .... ritunnearsil. 1 am clad to say that
I have never had a return of any of those symptoms curing ine lour
tSrSt have elapsed, and f am evidently cured to stay cured, and
ISShH recmendPFoley-, Kidney Cure to any one sulfenne from
kidaey or bladder trouble."
SbM, SO Caato aai SI-OS.
IfllaWairi IY MaWml
- Columbus, Neb
Spokane Dist.
$20 $22.50
rates, reset vntione and all info
Milwaukee k Si. Paul
of those symptoms during the four