The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 10, 1905, Image 5
sSfWpPWpptfpps ifS V I V & 5 I.CS Thursday's Doily Journal. Alvm E. I yul. violinist. "Phone V. C. Jen? of Huniuhrey is in the city. Mrs. J G Retder weut to Fremont this afternoon l,r a brief visit. Sir. and llr Lander of Genoa are gnests of m the city today. Mike Hagel went to Omaha tcilay to accept a position with the Cudahy Packing Conijiauy. Misse- Jennie and Emma Jones re tuaed today from their vi-it to Genoa, ISuarop and St. Edwntnr Mr. and Mrs-. J. E. lvnsffmnnn went to St.iplehar.-t this morning called by the now of the death of Mr?. Kantfinann - fa'hcr. G::irie Manro went to Humphrey yesterday white he ha? secured a po sition n stenographer with the First National bank of that place. Mr. and Mrs. K. Hockcnbercer and Mr. and Mr?. Win. Cornelin will entertain the Evening Card Clnb to night at the ho'tie of th" former. Mesdnnio? Frfvd::: an i Naumnuu onteitained tho Ladies Aid Societv ol the Presbyterian chnrch at the home of the former yo-terday afternoon. Ed. Johnson, manager of the Uonr ing mill-- at Fnllerton wa- in Colnm bus yesterday He attended a dis trict meeting of miller, held here Mr. iind Mrs E E Kester returned to their home in Lincoln todav Mrs Kester will return in a few clays to organize a camp 01 Royal Neighbor.-. li:i-r'd Plymouth Rck and Jio-e "j:iii lirowii Leghorn egg- for 1 at f! " f-r 1". or f- "! for .;. (olui:i bu. PtiuPry Yard-. M. Sehilz. nrop. K m:i Hergen It-It todav f.jr Omaha r bogji: Ids work with the Ca-penrei Paptr Comjiany. He will go on the a- travelling talesman in a short time Mr. and Mrs P. E McKillip were in our city a short time la-r evening Th-v arrived from the e.nt and went to their home in Humphrey on the Norfolk branch. Dr. C. 1). Evan.- and .Tame- North are m Omaha today to attend a meet ins: of Scottish Kite ma-ous at which Mr Kic.hard-on.head of that branch of m-i-onry in the United States, will le pre.-ent. Ev county Judge T. D Robinson was circulating about our city yester day on He joined the great lainiiy oi Journal reader, anil will J mixv gt the new? from the cfmntv j peat :i- it occur.- on record. I Mrs W W.K.ithbiirn lias entertain-i eil two out of town guest this week j -ir , i, iMiii H rnmrose ner ' guvt daring the Woodmen convention i r.nd Mr-. Clin- Stoops of n.ivn! Cirv arrived vo.-t-rdav for a lew dav.- visit i Dr M T. McMahon, Ed Fitzpat riek. Jx. and F J. Gerharz returned ye-toidi from Lincjln wheie they had been n at a- delegates to theStato Gouucil nf the Knights of Columbus. Mr Fitjhifrick who is -tate secretary. ! Home Restaurant The best of everything: in the eating line. Meals at all hours, day or night Fresh Fish every day during Lent Rersenbrock & Burke Yt- - f - J'V? Henry Rag ALWAYS ON HAND Of the First Quality A Full Line of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Provisions, Queensware, Glassware and Fancy China. j& COFFEE j& Our "Kichelieu" in bulk gives entire satisfaction at 30, 25, 20 & 15c a lb. The following in tins 1-lb 2-lb 3-lb "White House" ... - .40 .75 Chase & Sanlwrn's Seai" - .40 .75 Lipion's - .40 .75 1.00 J "Richelieu" - - - .10 .75 "Rairatz" -;"0 ..I i .. .-- j& TEA .& Japan. Gunpowder and English Breakfast, in bulk and packages, the finest grown and Guaranteed to rive Ferfect Satisfaction. CANNED FRXHTS, MEATS, VEGETABLES : A full, fresh and complete assortment ot everything usually sold in our line. We buy our goods direct from first hands for ? cash, and consequently buy at the VERY ? LOWEST PRICES. We can and do sell the BEST GOODS tor the LEAST MONEY, and are confident we can convince everybody of that fact who will give us a trial. Henry Raptz & Co., Nebraska ?im 29. Impendent Phones 29 and 229. 7. . . . lllTT-----T l I I ' 1 .av- ' 'l ' ves- State Council will meet is Colcmbus the first Tuesday of ii"St May Ahy is r.-:.r Schmitt so popular with tiie ladi' Because they like the tiiur be Makes To try it once is to n- it always Htf Cel (ico E ie:i::3ssnd his daugh r, Miss Emuy J-uhins, were guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. 0. D. Evans during the Woodmen conven tion. Miss Jenkins will continue her visit a few dsys. Yeteruay there wa a district meet ing of miller.- frnni this jart of the -tate Thry met at the oltice of the Elevator Roller Mills and considered matters pertaining to the god of the order The family ol J M. Gondrmg left lor Lo.-Ancelp- last night where they expect to make their future home About a hundred of their Columhus friends went to the train last night to bid them good-bye. Mr Gondrmg occupies r. warm in the hearts of the legal and bnsine.-.- fraternity of Columbus and hi? family will be greatly mi-sed Friday Daily Journal. Dr. Paul, dentist. W. Siems is registerr d from Platte Center. Leo. Geitz.'n came u on theNorfolk branch this noon. Dr. T. A. Leach of Hroken Bow called on his brother Dr. E. A. Leach today P.orn. to Mr and Mrs V II Ben ham. Wednesday Dighr. May J, a laughter Miss Emily Jenkins r f Fairburv is a gue-t at tho home of Dr and Mrs. c 1j tvau.- this week. Rlake Maher came down from the "enter this noon and is among his numerous friends in our city today. Jndge Katterman today married Georg" Henderson of St Edward and Allie Baer of Bellwood at the conrt house. Mi.-s Lida McMahon. matron of the Girl- Industrial school at Geneva, wno has been in Columbus on a visit to relatives, returned yesterday. u. E Halt a prominent hardware man of Grand Maud is in the city to day, lie came in with an automobile from Omaha ami will remain until to morrow. Henry Ua, jr returned last night Mrs. Gass will re- They were called the death of Mrs. from Staplehurst main a few day- hn I"-' by Gas - ' grandmother .ticnt wnguer. atter a ond run rught No 11 east this innn. Don't know wiiere he went but quite likely ua- a bnsine;-!- trip or he would not jhae bucked time quite .-o hard. 1 "Ca-h" Jones is home from a trip ' r,y tbe branch. They snv "Cash" i will leave soon for the balmv clime of the western slope, having lately dis-po-ed of much of his real estate here. ami Meat Market 1 - - f :-? atz & Co. A i - ----- ,, lMl..lTnllTnTlAAj Miss Marion Smith went to Lincoln this morning for two days visit. Mrs. Sarah Brindley will also go down this evening. Frank Larmer. a Fnllerton barber was in our After twenty- years of lviug in that city he has caught the western fever and in two weeks; leave Nebraska for Portland Oregon A larjre delegation of Workmen from UolumbuB will go to Omaha Sunday and Monday to work for the election Marc G. Perkins to the office of rand Receiver, for which he is a candidate. Hester Kewburn'of'Schuylerrage thirteen, was broupht to Columbus today for treatment in St. Mary'sHos pital. She was brought in a rocking cha-xma complexly Reinless condi tion. She is afflicted with dropsy. John Dires, a Fnllerton merchant was in Columbus a iew hours today. Mr. Diers is one of the leading busi ness men of his town and was return ing home from Omaha where he had visited the large wholesale houses there. In mentioning the name of promin ent Chicagoans who visited Colnm bus yesterday, we ommitted mention of John McCarthy, assistant cashier of the Continental National Bank, which carries deposits aggregating 50 or M) millions. (.'has. Reynolds, clerk of the dis trict court of Wayne countty, passed a few hours in our city before leaving for Fnllerton where he will visit relatives. He is one of the few demo crats who succeeded in seeing first base in the election last fall. The U. P. board 4)f examiners will be in Colnmbns this afternoon and to morrow to take the various employers here through a general course of epronts. All the railroad boys here seem to be a husky set anu the report sent in to the headquarters will no doubt bo O. K. About a dozen friends of Mrs Amanda Saffron surprised her yesterday after noon by dropping m to celebrate with her the sixty-first anniversary of her birthday. They brought her a number of presents as souvenirs of the occasion and the afternoon was sfient in a very pleasant manner. Yesterday Leo, the four year old son of Frank Gerhart, in a fall among some rongh timbers ran some large splinters nf wood into his leg and a physician had to be called to remove them. It will be several days before he can walk with tbe injured member. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hockenberger and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. tjornelins enter tained the Evening Card Clnb last night at the home of the former. Tnis was tho hrst meeting of the club since tbe lenten season. The prizes were won by Mesdames Arthur Gray and H. I. Murdock and Judge Sullivan and Mr. A. Anderson. Invitations have been issued by Mr. anil MrrJ. M. Jenny of Sherman town ship, to a double wedding on Wednes day. May 17th. Their daughter Anna will wed Mr. Henry Dascnbrock and their son Rudolph will be united to Miss Mary Gigax. The wedding will be at St. Panl's church. Sherman township, and the wedding feast at the Jenny home. O.A.Kelioch the popular night clerk at the Meridian Hotel quit work to day. Mr. Kelloch has hld the posi tion for three years and one month and has not missed a night or a call in that time. He is a general favorite in Co lumbus; every man who meets him becomes h's fast friend. The boys on the road as well as the boys in Co lumbus will regret to see "Dad Kelloch go. It is hoped his future plans will keep him in Columbus. This afternoon the team of Chris From, while standing hitched to a dray by the creamery, wandered np to the excavation on the corner where the new bank is to be built. They got so close that one horse slipped down into the hole, pulling the other horse and the wagon along and spill ing several cans of miik that were on the dray. They were untangled and got out with no damage to team, harness or wagon. I Sstardsy's Daily Joaraal. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block. Prof. Sike, teacher music. Barber bldj;. Miss Edith Peitch went to Geuoa today. Otto Zuelow of Schuyler is in town today on business. Everybody is going to the circus and to the minstrels today. Mrs. J. C. Dawson of Oconee is registered at tbe Clother today. Dr.Chas. H. Platz, homeopathic phy sician and surgeon, postofGce building Attorney Win. Rose of Fallertou was in the city today on legal busi ness. Colonel Joseph A. Storch, of 1st regiment N. X. G. was in Columbns today. Miss Ida Egger is taking a rest for a clay or two from duties in the Tele gram ofiice. Mrs. Com Ifedberg and son Floyd left yesterday for a week's visit with friends and relatives near Srromsburtr. Dr. D. T. Ifartyn. Sr. returned home this morning from bis visit to Chicaco. Miss Petite is extending her visit for a few weeks longer. Miss Nellie Maynard, arrived today from Schuyler and will spend Sun day with her sister Miss Frances, the machine operator in this office. A few more copies of the illustrated edition of the Journal. Order quick. Send 5 cents each for as many copies as you want. Tell us where to mail them and we will do the rest. Hi Henry's Minstrels drew a good crowd today as they always do. There has been a large sale of tickets to night and the house will be packed to nee one of the best Minstrel shows on the road. When the show pulled in this morn ins the usual crowd of men, women and children were at the depot wait ing to see tbe elephant. A reporter noticed a preacher aaoajr thn anxious gathering also. 4- J - New Summer MILLIN&RY ! The newest things in nnlmi! nier millinery just aniveil. D. KELSOJ 1st Door East of Niewohner's The Woman's Club are entertaining this afternoon at the home of Mrs C. J. Garlow in honor of Mrs. H. M. Bushnell of Lincoln, president of the State Federation of Woman's Clubs Mrs. Bnshncll will remain in the city until Mcndny. Campltell Brothers' street parade today was much larger than it was last year and those who attended the show this afternoon say it is much batter, in fact that it is a first class perform ance that the residents of Columbas should not fail to see. Rev. Haley will go to Fulletton to day anl on Sunday will occupy the pulpit in tbe Presbyterian church at that place. Rev. Houseman will arrive from Fnllerton Saturday even ing and preach to tne congregation of Rev. Halsey's chnrch. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clayborn, in Lost Creek township is experiencing considerable more than their share of sorrow. A day or two ago the parents buried one of their children and following closely to this loss, another of the children met with a servere accident. Two of the little girls were handling a rifle and the old story that the gun was not loaded, proved auother victim and now one of the girls is lying very low with a bullet in her body A Platte Center doctor was called and the child is get ting along very well. Monday's Daily Jonraal. Frank Mire's has gone to Omaha. Rev. Millard returned home on the branch today. Tcm Miner came down from Fuller ton this noon. Mrs. Ben Walter went to Omaha today to visit her mother- Eliror Donophan of tbe Madison Star-Mail came down to-day. J O. C. Shannon and family returned yesterday from a trip of a week in ( 'olorado. Drs. Martyn. Evans, Evans .t Martyn, Jr.. office three doors north of Fried hofs storr. E. H. Chambers went to Loup City today on business that will detain him three or four lays. Miss Emily Jenkins of Fairbury who has been a guest of Mrs. C. D. Evans the past week returned home today. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shoemaker returned this morning from California where they have spent the past six weeks. Clarenco Sheldon ami O. L. Baker left this morning with l."0 head of cattle for Belgrade to be pastured by Walt Butler. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jenkins went to Loup City to visit their son, Lee, who is helping Bert McKinnie hold down a ranch. Carl Kramer went to Omaha this afternoon to attend the meeting of tbe Grand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias tomorow. Jndge Reeder was bnsy today read ing the docket and assigning cases for trial for tne May term of court which is to begin next week. Mrs. C.C.Goodrich of (.'edarRapiis, Vkho has been the guest of Miss Florence Whitmoyer since Saturday returned home this afternoon. Miss Mabel Robertson ofGeno who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Werener Schupbach and other rela tives here, returned home today. Frank Blake came down from Fnl lerton today. He is a cigar maker by trade aud will try to secure em ployment in some of the factories here. E. Schostag our hustling and ever enterprising cigar manufacturer left this noon for a short trip among his customers in various towns about the state. Miss Florence Kramer met her cousin. Miss Edith Kramer of Grand Island at the train this afternoon. Miss Edith was returning to Chicago to live. Mi6s Lottie Cummings has resigned her position as head waitress at tbe Clother and today left f orOmaha where she has secured employment at the U. P. depot resturanr. G. Launer returned today from Excelsior Springs where he has been for several weeks. He expresses him self as much pleased with his visit and improvement in health. Mrs. Perkins came in from St. Paul this noon and will, remain in our city a few days. If suitable quarters can be secured she will remain in Colum bus and conduct a boarding house. Attorney Jim Nichols came down from Mat iso n on the Norfolk branch. He did not say what his mission was but an attorney generally has some thing in his bonnet when he packs his grip and goes somewhere. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Robinson of St. Edward, passed through Colum bus today enroute to Lincoln where Mr. Robinson will attend as uelegate a meeting of tbe state photographers' association which meets there this week. O. B. Legg of Fnllerton is in the city today. Mr. Legg will be th first to open after two years of strenuous dryness in Fnllerton, a place where the citizens can appease their thirst on everything that is generally kept be hind a mahogany bar. Tbe Tenth grade of the Columbus high school has made all necessary arrangements for a big time at Mc Pherson'q lake next Saturday. Tbe gathering will be in tbe nature of an entertainment expressly prepared in honor of the Senior class. A program has been carefully prepared and if the weather permits will eclipe anything yet givea a: the lavor'te camping place. Lunch baskets will be jammed to iverflowing witn toothsome edibles and every game imaginable will be bad. It is seldom that a want ad in a newspaper costing but twenty-five cents bring over twenty-five dollars returns. Well it did just the same and it was a little five line ad in tbe Tournal that did the bmines.. It will be remembered that Miss Collius lost a gold watch a few evenings ago ou the streets of our city and quite awhile passed before she thought of advertising for the lost article A friend advised her to go to theJournal and have a mention made of the loss. The ad cost her 2o cents and now she has her watch. The watch was a gift from her father who lives inFcllerton and the value she places on it cannot be estimated. The finder is to be praised for his honesty. Yesterday Daily Joaraal. I Mrs. J. E. Paul is ill. Dr. L. C. Voss, Homeopathic physi cian, Columbus. Neb. E. M. LaGrange of Fnllerton was in the city last night. Mrs. K. S. Dickinson returned home tooay. Blake Maher will go west tonight on real estate business. Dan Cabiil of St. Edward was in Columbus this morning. Geo. W. Williams of Albion was in the city between trains today. Mr. ana Mrs. Kennels left for a two weeks visit to Sioux City today. Miss Lottie Becher has been kept from her work yesterday and today by illness. At '::0 last night AlfyHeintz raised money to pay his fine and was releas ed from jail. There will be a special meeting of the M. W. A. at the K. P. hall next Thursday night. Rev. Moore, formerly a Methodist minister in Columbus, called on friends here today 1 Roy Watson was in tho city last nigh? and retnrned to his home in Fnllerton this morning. The marriage banns of Mr Martin Schilz and Miss Rebecca Brock were published last Sunday at the Catho lic church. Mrs. C. A. Gibson and son Fred of St. Edward who have been visiting Columbus relatives a few davs return ed home this afternoon. Dennv Roberts, the Shell Creek politician and statesman, was a guest of our city last night. He retnrned to his home in tbe Center this morn ing. Mrs. Gus. Becher left last night for an extended trip to California. She will stop inlJenver to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. Adams. She expects to be absent all summer. Mis Clara Licbtenberg, assistant principal of the St. Edward high school, who was a teacher in the Co lumbus schools last year is here tak ing a week's vacation on account of illness. Judge Ratterman issued maniage license this week for Rudolph E. Jenny, Leigh and Mary Gigax. Co lumbus ; Henry Dasenbrock and Anna R. Jenny of Leigh ; John B. Law rence and Minnie Johnson of Illinois. A valuable horse belonging to Ernest Rodehorst took suddenly sick last evening and the animal was brought to town and through immed iate attention of the veterinary was saved from the boneyard. F. T. Walker left for Cambridge, Nebr., this morning to be gone two or three weeks. Mr Walker is Sec retary anil General Manager of the Republican Valley Land Co., and goes to look after their interests at that point. The man who was arrested yesterday under the name of Jorgensen, tnrned out this morning to beCIarence Woods, who heretofore has borne a good rep utation. Several of his friends raised money to pay his fine and the dam age done to Asche's show cases, and he was released. James Gadsden of Schuyler stopped oft here this morning enroute from the west. Mr. Gadsden was interesting himself in the Wertz-Sprecber case in which he is a witness and desires to draw the indictment quashed. The case comes up in tbe district conrt here next week. Fred Gregorious of Columbus, was in town Thurday on business connect ed with the NebraskaTelephone Com pany. It is understood they intend putting in another line running north from Schuyler to connect with a num ber of farmers who have been running a system of their own. Schuyler Sun. The Sophomore class is not the slow est class in the Columbns HigbSchool. They ha7e proved that before in the various hair-cutting contests in which they have been engaged. But now they have proved if by rapturing the High School banner which is a reward of scholarship. The Seniors had tbe banner one month. The Juniors have held it all but the two months. Patrick Igo, a railroad engineer from Council Bluffs, aud a member of the Catholic church, preached for an hour on Niewohner's corner last night to a more or less interested audience- Pat insists that people don't get to heaven through any of tbe churches and he thinks he has been Hotel Merz... ...Old Grand Pacific Remodeled Open to the Public for Supper.Saturday May 13. $1.00 a Day Everything New New Furniture New Plumbing -Electric Lights -SteamHeat .. r Lime or Amman ia in food maaa witn Calumet Baking Powder -MOT IH THE BAKIHB P0WDEK TRUST It makes pure food. "called" by the Lord to preach the true way to his tellow men. He re fuses to accept any offering on the theorv that the Lord will provide for those wl o preach tl.e free gospel. Patrick says he has a family bnt he does not explain whether the Lord has "called" him to provide for them or not. Little Hazel and Harry Shannon' two of tbe brightest little ones who have recently gained celebrity upon the stage, are spoken of by their friends as being the mos.t talented children nw before the public as stars aud ibis view is taken by the most critical. These little ones are native products of Michigan, making their home in Ludington, where they pass their vacation in a beautiful home purchased from tbe profits of their tours, ihey probably being the youngest people who have by their own individual efforts secured so fine a property. Little Harry, who is a most manly little fellow, was not con tent that himself and sister should live in the house that their parents owned and insisted that their earnings .should go to buy a "home of their very own." Being backed by bis sister they were enabled to convince their parents that such was the proper course, the result being that they now occupy that" home of their vervown" and a beautiful one it is. In their tours they are accompanied by their parents. To their mother, who is a proficient musician, being a very fine pianist and an actress of note, they owe much of tbeir proficiency. Their edu cation is looked afer by their govern ess who travels with the company. Manager Saley takes pleasure in an nouncing that "The Shannons" will be seen in tbe powerful scenic produc tion. "The Banker's Child" at The North Opera house for one night onlv Thursday May 11th. Cleared for Action. When the body is cleared for action, by Dr. King's New Lite Pills, you can tell by the bloom of health on the cheeks ; the brightness of the eyes ;the firmness of the flesh aud muscles ; the buoyancy of tbe mind. Try them. At Chas. Dack's drug store '?." cents. Now is the chance to make the de lightful trip to Californiafor just one half of the expense incurred in mak ing the trip at any other time. Don't postpone for you may not soon again be offered the low rates of 2." 00 to SanFrancisco, Santa Barbara. Los An geles.San Diego and many other Cali fornia points. Literature about Cali fornia free on application to W. H. Benbam. 4-2(5 Harry Shannon's powerful Comedy Drama, "The Banker's Child." As tbe apple blossoms fall in the spring after a shower of rain and the wind has blown through the orchard, so do the tears fall from the eyes of the spectators during the production of the "Banker's Child. "And just as the sun follows the rain, so does laughter succeed the tears in the rendering of tbe play. It is not an affected storv, but a simple tale woven around the lives of a few people, among them a man who deserts his wife and little child, tbe principal incidents of their lives tied together with beautiful language. It is just a stage poem with all those things which make tears and laughter commingle. This great play will be presented by The Shannons, suported by a most clever cast. The play is from the pen of Eunice Fitch. At the opera house for one night only. Thursday May 11. Saved by Dynamite. Sometimes, a flaming city i caved by dynamiting a space that the fire can't cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so long, you feel as if nothing but dynamite would core it. Z. T. Gray, of Calhoun. Ga . writes :"Mv wife had a very aggravated cough, which kept her awake nights. Two physicians could not help her so she took Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds which eased her cough gave her sleep and finally cured her." Strictlv scientific cure for brouchitis andLaGrippe. AtCbas. Dack's drug store, price ."0 rents and 11 guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Notice to Defandants Cornelius Steenis. Mary Sreeni6, Anna K. Parker, Frank Parker, Jane W. Sutliff, William Suthff. William Borrhers. John J. Steenis, a minor over fourteen vears of age and James Steenis, a minor under fourteen years of age. defendants, will take notice that on the 1 1th day of April I'.XVi. .Tulm Borchors. i JaintilT herein. tiled hr peMtioti in thr district court of Platte county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to have a partition and accounting for rents and profits for the east half of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section eigh teen, township twenty, north of range one. east of Sixth Principal Meridian in Platte county. Nebraska; also a tract of land situated in Outlof'A" of the village of Creston. Platte county, Nebraska. described as follows : Bound ed on the south by the north line of Elm street, on the west by a line par allel with and distant east sixty feet from the extended east line of Sec ond street, on the north by a line parallel with and distant north one hundred and forty feet from said north line of Elm Street and on the east by a line parallel with and dis. tant east one hundred and eighty feet from the said extended east line of Second Street. That if partition of said premises cannot be had, that said premises may be sold and the pro ceeds divided among the several par ties as their interest may appear Yon are required to answer snidna'tition on or day of before the twenty-ninth iaakh May, 1905. Rw vtrxml1 Bori!,,2.r' pniW Dated April 19. 1003. CASH mil Women's Spring Suits ..And Silk Shirt Waist Suits.. Just the kind of togs that give the great est satisfaction. The kind that meets the requirements of fastidious feminine wearers The kind that has merit, goodness and dura bility combined with style. The kind that shows good workmanship, the best of trim mings and the newest fabrics. Every suit we show is a model of perfection, faultlessly tailored and perfect fitting. Every gar ment the very best of its grade, true to fashions and at less price than it is possible to find at any store in Columbus. Special Friies for Friday d Saturday Ladies' Cloth, l'egiilnr S1..C1) Hint at SI.''.."i0 Ladies' All-Woi.l I'la.-!: Voile S1."IH Suit at i;.7) Ladies All-Wool Client Suits at ijj Ladies Silk Shirt Wui&t Suits .M. - VrA) Ladies Silk Shirt Waist Suits in lilue. I!ro:vn and I 'lack. Specials at l.'.OO WESTERN MILLERS ON STAND Complaint Is Made cf Ra:5 on Com ., ,. -.u - -., M--.! Compnrcd V,.th . ne on -,.!. Chicago. May li. Cu:.;pls:a:j "-' hv minors ni" Mipf iiri Tl" r against railroad rates on irn i-r ' nets from Missouri rier psints Fouthcrn Texas were tne siihjcrt of -n investigation hegun hrre hy the ir.t1. Etate commtri-f cjnimirion. The sertion is mai'i that rati-s discrim inate in favor of the Texas r.nd I.ou.r iana millers. C. A. lavis of Kansar City was the firit vitn jr. Mr. Dais fctated that at Missouri liver point." there are twenty-on" ereal mills v operation, representing an invoftmenl ot 52J.'H'M,,. Ho s-ata tw- mills liau j been in operation n.r siten year ' fhippin? tin manufactured produc f Texas and Atlantic coaM pom-. gcrding tho rate from Kansas City :. , Texas on Mr. Davm u-rtiiit ll . that the freisht chart:,- en m.-al a? 31"'j cents to the southern part : Texas. Tho rate on corn to the sam points, he said, was "'. centj. Th" difference in rate. Mr. Davis declared, thus gave an undue advantage to Tex as manufacturers. Evidence of millers who l.nv lodged complaint against the rai!v.-nvs which they patronize in making ments to Pac.tic coast points was ""' itm.T ...u l.n.,l Tl.,., ,. r.;.w.;....l1.. I. J rted in Nebraska, complain that a 10 cent increase in tho rat on corn products over tho rate on corn is er - 1 . , , ..... cfssiveand shows a discnmination -n uie ii. i l ui me uii.i.i.o m Hum ii "vaiuiH 1.I..IH4I ... iiu.-is. .... .. ..xiij of Beatrice. X 1., was, th.- chief wit ness against the railroads and de clared that the millers did i't demand to much a redm Mon in the ratv ac its equalization , Ml . .1 me iduicuus .-.- uj m-ir h-jmuw obtained o' I. L. LoriKii, G. P. ic for maintaining i he present rate-that; T. A, Omaha, Neb. "" a greater risk i- incurred in iiftm-i, -?! corn nroducts than in carrvir.n t corn, because .i the greater liability of damage to tl product and '!-. f the railways i:. raying for the dam age. Finkbine Onr.cscs Rate Lcci;lation Washington. Muy 0. K. P IJacon oft Milwaukee appeared before senate interstate com' rce commie. Mr. lidcon said trat person- sufferin from excessive rat. s pn. under th " r is. Elkins act. pr- hibited from secur.n.; redress, it ,. i imnn:t.'li!ft f.- r .- . J J ..l'v. f 1V.1 t .. committee to fix rites in the who!" country, he di-ared. but the coirmi - sion should be mpovcr'd to crd r un- just rates cha'i-ed. la the yi fie years ne said !. re "ad oeen .a'.g' - m classificatH r. r'-uumg in an a: vance of 21 p r -'nt. Te-t.nny '" posing anv rh: -e in the pre rt co- rition was gi-t- '? E. C. Finkbin. -Des Moin- ar-d sev ral othtr. French Army OfT.cerc on Tnsl Paris. May 9 F..- persons, it id mg Captains Tar.-urina and V-'.r-rt. were before th. pe court -varged Tith plotting a n-piracy a-ri u-t the state and having a their l"s,!sion militarv enu:pn.. nt and ammunition. Several offl't-r- t-stifled that Captain '"amburina had proposed the seizure o' President L-ri't and the ministers, the palace of the Elysee and other ; ublic buildings The accused denied .v ,..m. nt The uniforms and l,-.fnn the accused claimed, f lljiimmnv" uniuua, "- was the roaauo - '-"''-IftTDriE;.- - iitisea embank-1 1 ri STORE ' Cheap Excursions. Cheap rates one way to California. . fJ Sound and the Northwest conn- ' V' IUly UUtl1 MftV inth- LOW ,,O0- .. r(mn(i to eastern f-?nlnm.i ,i.. u:- ..- , .. ....w. lut IJI UUIU J- fin and North Platto Vallev where there is an excellent chance of cettinir in on the ground floor ahead of tho crowd and pick up bargains in irrigat ed lauds. EASTERN TRIPS. -If yon aro con templating an eastern trip thin sprine better write me for information. We will probably be able to ofTer you nioupv saving suggestions. Ii W.Wakely. Gen. Pass. Agent. L. F. Rector Ticket Agent. A LAND OF WONDERS. ltl"lTl.CIl. T- m. Interest in California. (i,iiflirnn .nc ..., .. . vuiiornia lias numroti3 nnttimi I vwiiuujj.4 u.-ib numerous natural bridge, caves, etc. of no little interest The Mamoth C.IVe nf fT:i!riv..r;.B .1.! covered by miners in 1K7J; the Alabaster Cae; the Crystal Palace- Cave, contain ing a number of attractive subterranean appartmente, such as the bridal Cham ber, the Chrystal Palace Room. Acuri ou&apparttiifQt called .Music Hall, where the deposits of aqueous, origin not only take the form of organ pipes, 6ounding boards etc.. but emit, when st mob- m; cal sounds and vibrations. Near this cave .... .Uv. .luiiiuuu?. - ear iuib cavO are tWu mif.ll ml dm !n lfl.l.k .1.,. . 13t ,caa,vV"t aatl r"m to the railroad '? MaIf ;!n ,our- The 0'y natnral V.; "The n J rf T? "! ,lnt1'!rMt , V1'1 Iu tnerland Limited, Route " comprising the Union Pacific and South- 'era i acme, now n-alv one line. The I . .l.. i. . - . - w -lutr oui line running through trains to San Francisco from Urn.dia. its fast trains, arriving sixteen hours ahead of all com petitors. Pamphlets and maps describ ing the Wonders of Californju i.rwl ..11 , information about the most comfortable . . it.iu VUlHf.Ciin anri mreor rntirt. .. ,.. i'-.,...; .. 3 K i2 J jj & Tr Try our v. m columns. Some- fl Ixxjy S sejj want.', v.hat you want to Do you want to buy something? Ask for it in our want columns. Somebody has what you want and will sell cheap. We guaran tee satisfaction. If our work doesn't please you. tell us about it; we'll take pleasure in making it right. Do you .iced some, staoionyry? If so, call us up on either phone and a Journal representative will call on you, or come up to the office and we will fit you out. Columbus Journal Go r I ave You I SOMETffjVGj a i ! EHI BFZC riJ- Atl'bMHMMMBI