The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 03, 1905, Image 8

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    V J - -
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Eminent Eye Specialist and Expert Optician
Of Omaha
Will be at the MERIDIAN HOTEL PARLORS three
days, Monday, Tuesflay and Wepnesday, May, 15, 16 and
17, where he will be pleased to serve you and your friends
Owing to the large practice Dr. Terry is doing in
Columbus, it is necessary to have more room. Therefore
I have arranged for Dr Terry to in future have the parlors
at the Meridian Hotel, where he will have room to use
many of the Optical instruments necessary to deal with
the most complicated defects of vision. All his work is
guaranteed satisfactory.
Meridian Hotel, Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, May 15, 16 and 17, 1905
Don't ir.iss this most excellent opportunity of consulting an export
about jour eyes. Consultation anil examination free.
., Te-reler.
St. Edward.
Tho question of bonding the district
for .?10,OOD for enlarging and repairinc
the St. Edward kcIiocIb, met with an
overwhelming defeat, at the ppecial
election Wednesday afternoon.
A. Powell Fold his residenco prop
erty to Henry Jlosencrantz last Friday
for a consideration of $.v"(00. Mr.
Powell will buy lots nearer town this
summer and build. Ho has not yet
decided just where his now homo will
be but expects to locrato oaer of the
Mr. Farrow of P.ennet.Wis., arrived
Wednesday on a visit to Mr. and Mrs.
G. P. Clark. Mrs. Farrow is a twin
sister to Mr. Jtalph Vorhees and Wed
nesday they celebrated their eightieth
birthday anniversarr.
A party of about thirty lady and
gentlemen friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Goo E. Willaid surprised them at
their homo last Saturday evening to
hid them farewell. Refreshments
were served and a very enjoyable time
is reported.
St. Edward friends of Miss Jessie
lingers received telegrams Tuesday
from South Tend, Ind., announcing
her death at that nlaco that forcnoon.
Tho news came as a shock to the
peoplo hero who for tho most part
were not aware that Miss Rogers hail
leen ill. MissKogers grow to woman,
hood .hero and enjoyed a large ac
quaintance and friendship. For a
number of years sho had made Jier
homo wiih Mr. and Mrs. A. Ingersol
of South Bend, Intl., where she had a
splendid position as stenographer with
the studobakor comiuiny.
Platte Center.
I l'mm (In-
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Emit Krings of St. Ant homy last
Announcont of tho approaching
marriage of Mr. Patrick Langen and
Miss Lena Pahrman was made nt St.
Joseph's church last Sunday.
The hardware and implement bus
iness of William Rtoedorn has been
sold and was this week transferred to
Frank M. Carraher, of Madison nnd
M. A. Carraher. of Aurora.
Mrs. Henry Griesen of St. Anthony.
was a Columbus visitor Thnrsday.She
was aecomjauied by one of her young
er sons.
Miss Ilene Kavnuangh of Columbus
pjpent a portion of this week :n Platte
Center with Miss Katie Gentleman.
Mrs. A. lirunuer lias neon receiv
ing a visit from her mother. Mrs. F.
Krumiiii, of Columhns, tho past week.
Harry Lamb returned homo from
Creighton Medical College, Omaha.
Tuesday evening for his summer va
cation. Several days, ago Fred Zing hnd a
large splinter of wood rnu into the
inside of one of his hands and it made
a very sore affair. Tho surgeon's
knife was used on two occasions. It
is getting well now.
. .-- . t-,
j meering oi iuo srneKiiouiers oi
tho Platte Center ball club was
held last evenint and an organi.ition
effected. Ma Hruckner was elected
president: P.F. Lnschinger treasur
er;.Tohn G. llean, secretary; Lew
Hoare. manager of tho club.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clother moved
up from Columbus Monday and will
in a few days tako chargo of tho
Clother hotel. M. E. Clother and his
son and daughter will move into thoir
residence in tho north iwirt of town.
Two of tho pluckiest schoohna'ams
in the country aro Miss Anna Webster
and Miss Alico Coasidine, who drove
the former from Cornlea and the
latter from near there, through the
mud Wednesday to cast their votes on
the school bond question.
Mrs. .1. II. Fr evert and son Howard
left on Tuesday morning's train for
their homestead on tho 1'ouesteel res
ervation. J. H. went nn there last
week to complete tho houso commen
ced last fall but bo will return here
before tho first ofMay rind conduct his
saloon the coming year. Mrs. Ferr
vert and Howard will livo on the
claim until fall, at least, atid Howard
expects to nut in a portion of the time
breaking prairie. Their post office ml.
dress is Bcrke.
Dan Hollean left Tuesday for Cal
ifornia to visit relatives.
The" Woodmau dance last Friday
evening was a social as well as a
financial success. Eveybody had a
good time. Chas. Charnquist, Paul
VanAcken and Mr.Hisse of Humphrey
furnished tho music. Over one hun
dred tickets wora sold.
Anton Schad of Lindsay and Miss
Lena Mofielri of Oornlea were united in
the holy bonds of matrimony at the
St. Bernard Catholic church at St.
Bernard r.t nine o'clock high mass.
The bride was heaatifaUy attired
in a drees of white mohair. Dinuer
was served at 12 o'clock at Cornlea
a the 'home of the bride and a dauce
was given in the evening. The mar
ried couple W'H reside at Cornlea
where Mr. Schad will be proprietor of
the hotel.
Hr. ami Mrs. Mosgrove left Thursday
(or York.
Henry Christensen sold his house
last week to Paul Verzal for II 100
sad his livery barn toMichaelGaspers
- for $1400. .
Bon, to Mr. aad Mrs. Hersaaa
and Mrs,
las; Monday, a son: to Mr.
Petor Luch, last Saturday,
a son.
M. Racmakers made
to Humphrey Monday.
a business trip
Mrs. Pryor and Maude visited at
Newman Grove Sunday.
Henry Lacbnit of Columbus at ended
the Woodmen dance hero last Friday
Humphrey won a game of ball from
Lindsay last Snndny.
K. F. D. No. 4.
H. J. Aden is hauling lumber
a new barn.
E. W. Hoare is improving his house
with a coat of paint.
Miss Mabel Campbdll went to Nor
folk, supposedly to vipit hor sister.
But Cupid took a shot nt. her heart
and she and Joe Larson proceeded to
Columbus where they wero married.
J. J. Barnes has taken his cattle to
P. Thomas' pasture.
Beekwith and Sons began planting
beets the first of tho week. They
will plant nearly 200 acres.
L. N. Hitchcock finished husking
corn last week.
This is quite a send off for Nebraska
where the soil is so rich that it pro
daces such abundant crops that it takes
two years to harvest one year's crop.
Frank Bueg was transacting busi
ness at the county seat Tuesday.
The wedding of Patrick Lanagn of
Platte Center to Mi6s Lena Parhman
who lives near Oconeo has been an
nounced to occnr in St. Joseph's
Church at Platte Center.
Sam Carler who has been working
for Lee Draper, returned homo last
week whore ho will remain for tho
balanco of the season.
Chas. Shaffer has plowed np partrf
his nastnro and will sow it to bine
J. A. Kilborn is tho first man on
this route who has had grit enough to
plant corn this spring.
Dr. Terry, the eminent eye special
ist and expert optician ofOmaha. will
lie in Columbus Monday. Tuesday and
Wednesday, May !.", 10 and IT. Don't
miss this most excellent opportunity
of consulting an exjwrt about your
eyes. w2td-l -:!-
Jfcianrt Scars go.
(From flies of Journal May :t. 1S7I )
A. C. Turner has purchased of Airs.
Margarotha Gottschalk aboat an acre
of ground two blocks north of tho
postouice, hero ho will erect a dwell
ing. Olson & Mannsnn nro building a
dwelling for Rev. E. J. Eliotr.
Married, April 2S, at the residence
of lly. Wollman. Martin Brettner nnd
Annie Knnge, Elder Hudson officiat
ing. The Clot hers havo laid down side
walk east of their hotel nnd added to
their hotol business a livery stible.
This number nf the Plntte Journal
closes the first volume. Tho Journal
is the only publication in this comm
and we wish all citizens tn feel at lib
erty to discuss public matters through
its columns. We shall continue to
devote onr space mninly to the settle
ment of tho county. agricultural topics
Two hundred families will soon
reach Nebraska from Michigan. This
is but a prelude to what is beforo us.
The tide of immigration is set to
ward this stato and thousands of
families from the middle and north
ern states are already moving this
Journal Specials.
WANTED A good girl for general
housework. Small family. Write or
inquire. Journal.
FOR SALE. I havo for sale nice
elm, ash and maplo trees suitablo for
door yards. Albert Stenger.
A BARGAIN. A scholarship with
the International Correspondence
School for sale. Write or intmiro for
U," care of Journal. tf. .,
I have pastnre for .?0t) cattle. Run
ning water, and plenty of salt.
D.vvin Thomas.
:'tw Coluiuhus. Nel.
For fine
corn fed meat k" to M.
FOR REST. Down stairs front
oom nicely furnished, close in. En
quire at Journal Offlce. tf.
real cootl furnished rooms to rent at
reasonable, prices. Mrs. C. Cushinj?.
Ind. Tel. 282 tf
FRESH COW A Rood fresh cow
for tale. Inquire cf J. A. Gntznior.
Zuelow. the Schuyler tailor, will
make you clothes that fit well, wear
well and look well as long as a jiioce
of the cloth remains.
For fresh fish and oysters go to M.
(Froai the Dt?raicnit.)
Dr. Condon observed Arbor day by
planting between 500 nnd 000 trees in
his park.
C. H. Swallow andBruceWebb went
down to Hartford, Kansas, the tiret of
the week to look after s-Jine real estate
John Steffcs was yesterday released
from small pox quaruutin. No new
cases have developed. o is is thought
there will bn no furtn&r trouble on
account of tho di.eao.
F. A. Fisse was ! to Tarnov
Sunday and organ iy t a band of 10
pieces for tbar lirrlo burg. Tarnov is
certainly forging "to the Tioif
Harry Jerome of lntulms. has ac
cepted tho pisitioa f stenographer
Mclvillip & Swallow Harry Young
who has held th piMtinn for somn
time, has resinned si:i will probably
goto Marysvil! Kan., and accept a
similar p-isitjon
The ladies whi.-r. dv.'-t met withMrs.
Difis Tnesdny evening of this week.
Tho gentlemen were aiso invited and
a very pleasant evening was enjoyed
by all. Mrs. Fred VauAckern and Mrs
.T. Walker cut for i-ulie head prize, a
sonvenir spnou and Mrs Walker won.
F. VauAckern and V. C Jens cut for
gents head nno. n pocket knifo. nnd
it wav won hv Mr Jens I; T. Anselme
am! Miss Li.zio roll- won the ronsn.
Iatinr. prizes a diminutive loaf of bread
and sack of Hon-.
i i'Voiii tin Ki'piiMit'.'in.)
Dr. W. W. Frank returned from
Joplin. Mo., Monday, whej-o he was
called !y tho sickness of liis brother.
G. T Everett. T. J. Cottingham
and C. J. Garlow of tho PlatteConuty
Independent company 'were in Monroe
N. P. Peterson vvnit to Chirnco last
Saturday last. lie accompanied a
shipment of cattle mndn by the Kant
Cattle company from Gnoi.
Married, in Columbus, on Thursday
April 27, Miss Inane I Campbell and J.
D. Larson, County Jndco Ratterman
performing tho reremnny. The couple
aro well known in :his locality and
have a host of friends who extend con
gratulations. Word has been received fromGeorge
Shnmau saying that he bought a half
interest in a drng sjoro at Arcadia,
Nbr.. and is gettinc alone nicely.Kis
many friends in this localitv will he
pleased to hear of his mccess.
Tho Mourne Indepenlont Telephone
Company aro extending their line
east, enough stock having been sub
scribed to build a liuo to Oconeo. The
company is having a healthy prowth,
an nverngo of a subscriber a day be
ing added to thn system. Their great
est drawback at present is tho delay
in getting poles, but it is hoped this
will soon ha overcome.
H'min the World
Ubba Louis Frozen nud Miss Helen
Daniels, both of tho vicinity north of
Leigh, were married Tuesday fore
noon nt tho Leigh German Lutheran
church. Rev. Winter officiating After
i he ceremony, tho bridal party retired
to the hnnto 'of thn groom, on Gerd
Asc.ltc. jr., farm one mile north of
town where sumptuous wedding din
ner was served.
Onn of tho largest funerals thnt has
levn in Loigh for a long tmo. was
that, of J'on Burger Sunday. J. F.
Smith delivered an impressive sermon
and tho choir rendered some appropri
ate mnsic. The floral offerings wore
nnmernns and beaut if nl. The three,
lodces of which tho deceased wn'A
member, namely, tho Odd Folic.
Sons of Herman nud WodernWoodAion.
each contribute:! a handsome wcath.
which boro the emblem of tnofospoo
tivo orders. Tho Odd Followind the
Sons of I h r man attended hn body
and marched from tho ebch to tho
cemetery. Mac!: order wj)P or carried
regalia, appropriate for seh occasions
At tlio giavo the Odd' Fellows had
charge and their Invial service was
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Conant, of Co
lumbus visited relatives in Leigh this
u eok.
A twelve pound sen was horn to
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Philson on Turs
dav Anril ZTrtiVCt.
Mrs. M. h Hatcher, who has been
visiting i.'lntive.s, frionds and old
neighbors m Leigh and vicinity the
pv;f tew weeks, returned to her home
near DesMoines. Iowa, yesterday.
Tliis was Mr. Hatcher's first visit
hern since moving awav three years
ago and it was a pleasant cno.
Mrs. Martin Bnrk left Wednesday
for Santa Barbara, California, "where
she will make her home. Mr. Buck
has located there.
Tin Easter program given by the
Sunday school nt tho Presbyterian
church last Sunday morning rellectcd
sreat credit upon tho children and the
officers or the Sunday school.
Saved by Dynamite.
Sometimes, a flaming citv i" saved
Iy dynamiting a spaco tha tho tiro
can't cross. Sometimes, n cough hangs
on so long, you feel as if nothing hut
dynamite would, core it. '.. T. Gray.
of Calhoun. Oa , writes :"Mv wife had
a very aggravated ronh, which kept
lier awake nights. Two physicians
cculd not help her so sho took Dr.
King's New Discovery for consump
tion, conghs nnd colds which eased
her cough gavo her sleep and finally
cured her." Strictly scientific care
for bronchitis andLaGrippo. AtChas.
Dack's drutr store, price 50 cents arid
$1 guaranteed. Trinl bottle free.
!HrriBi-S?i.12b,i'v t".sk nreortst for
r:vr ""-. reaioti wiui blue ribbon.
tatcronit tUI-
. lttivof vour DniSHl.
or ih! iV al. Uuvi
iMIUft nn.l '.. -T -""'-"- -'-
" . M .
ivlun. ,.r.""r MjuUm." in letter.
all UruRKLsui. Testimonial, bold by
zimll8IH ch'cai. co.
""" raiu. pi.
Cutlcck for Spring end Winter Wheat
Is Very Promising.
Washington, May 3. The weather
bureau's weekly summary cr crop con
ditions is as follows: While the tcni
lerature conditions of the week end
ing May 1 were much more favorable
than in the previous week complaints
of slow germination and growth are
cry general in the Missouri and Red
River of the North Valleys.
In most of the principal corn states,
corn planting has made slow progress,
Lut extensive preparations for this
work have been made, and with fa
vorable weather much will be planted
during the first week in May. Plant
ing is generally finished in the south
ern states and is nearly completed in
the southern portions of Kansas and
Practically all reports Indicate that
winter wheat continues in unusually
promising condition, the temperatura
of the past week having been more 0?
'orable for the advance of this crop.
Dry weather has been unfavorable
fcr the germination nnd growth of
spring wheat in the Dalcotas. Tho
early sown in South Dakota, however,
and in Minnesota is doing well. The
c utlook for spring wheat in Iowa, Ore
gon and Washington is very promis
ing The general outlook for oats contin
ues favorable in the most important
oat states. In Kansas and Nebraska
the crop Is recovering from the ef
fects of previous cold. In the Dakotas
and a portion of tho lake region ger
ninaticn has not been satisfactory.
Lswson Case Taken From Jury.
Boston, May 3. A hearing of tho
suit brought by Coudert Brothers of
New York against Thomas W. Law
son to recover $223,000 fcr stock said
to have boon subscribed for Lawson,
was opened in the Massachusetts su
preme court. After the opening argu
ments had been made Judge Knowlton
took the case fiom tho jury on tho
ground that there was a possible error
in tho plcai'iag. which, according to
the counsel for the defendant, would
place their client at a disadvantage
in the trial. It is possible that tho
case will not be heard now until fall.
International Railway Congress.
Washington, May 3. The special
train conveying 500 foreign delegates
to tho international railway congress,
which will open in this city Thursday,
arrived from New York and Philadel
phia over the Pennsylvania railroad
The delegates attended the railway ajj
pliance exhibition at noon. The for
mui opening oi me congress win
place Thursday, at 11 o'clock, at the
new Willani hotel. Vice President
Fairbanks will make the opening ad
dress, v
Andrews on "Tainted Money."
Lincoln, May 3. In an address to
the students of the University of Ne
braska. Chancellor E. Benjamin An
drews decried the spirit which pro
motes people to refuse gifts of "taint
ed money" from ricljf men. Ho de
clared that the acceptance of such
gifts was proper and that the good
done by the benefactions far out
weighed any moral objections there
might be to the acceptance of such
Bnsaball Results Yesterday.
National League Boston, (I; New
York. 7. Rnxiklyn. .1; Philadelphia, 8.
Cincinnati. S; Chicago, 1. American
League Philadelphia, R; Washington,
5. TCew 'T'orl;. 4; ISoston, 9. Detroit,
4; Ft. Louis, 0. Western League St.
Joscphtl; Sioux City, 1. Denver, 7;
Otr.n.n. V Colorado Springs, C; Des
Mod'es, lf2
Features of the Day's Trading and
' Closing Quotations.
Chicago. Slay 1'. A IIIhtjiI decrease In
tin win Id's vlsil)Jc supply had a strenKthcn
iiiK i'R'i'ct on the wJi':ii ninrkL't htru today.
1'alliiiK oir in primary receipts nlso temled
to advaini pr'i-i's. At the close, July
wheat was up -e. Corn was up c. Oats
showed a gain of 9Vi$c. 1'rovlxions were
a shade to vio IiIkIi.t Closing prices:
Wheat-Slay. IH'c; July. 83ic; Seit..
Corn-May, 45", :e Jnlr. 40Kc; Sept., 4fi.
Oats-May. 2se: July. 2c: Sept., 28ft.
fork Slay. ll.NO; July, ?i2.i2Vi.
I.:nd-May. ?7.d: July. $7.J2..
Itilit SIn.. ?;.S7A: July. $7.1"V.
Chieaso Ca-'h I'ricrs Xo. 2 sprlnjr wheat.
jvk'.Cm-: Xo. :: spiing wheat. .ssv7:r..': Xo. 2
cksIj corn. 1!c: Xo. 2 vaU oat-, ::)ic.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chle.iR. Slay 2. Cattle Receipts. l.r.0():
s:tcaIyi: good to prime steers.!.iri:
poor lo in.' Hum. $l.:90f7.'i.lO: stoekers and
t ..ler-. S2.7.V'r.2."i: cow. UKi."i.2.': heif
ei. syii.i.riO: cannery. ?l.nTi2.!0; hulls.
$2.iK I : calves. .;MKVrri.7."i. HoKs-Ke-(tip:-!.
i::.i: r.c higher: mled and huteh--.
JC'.l.'If."; ."": good to choice heavy. $5.10
O." ::7'-i: n.vzU heavy, gl.soft.'.u'i: llRht.
5VC.irr.-i.): liiilk of .--.lies. ?r..lO',.-,.:. Sheep
- Kiceipts. irt.mrt; steady: b 1 to choice
v ethers. l.lo.-.0O: fair to choice mixed,
S".l.yit7,.'Si; wc-tern sheep. Sl.OOfiri.OO; mi
t'e huiihs. S4.UKiB.2Ti; western lamhs not
ihoin. .I.T077.23.
South Omaha Live Stock.
Soi'.tli niii:ili:i. May I'. Cattle Ucoclptt,
r. "1)0; Wv lii-;hT: native strrrs. $t.:i"Wi.:!3;
nvrf ami lit'lft'it, $"..W5r..0rt: western
Heer. S.'l..VKi."..lo- canners. $1.7.Vfi:t.i".;
tntl,or and feeders. .Uo.Of); ralvos,
?2.Mr;i:.00: ImlN. staps. ote.. $irK4.40.
H: Keet'lntH. 10..V10: steady: heavy. $."..10
;." 1.": mixed. .r..l(VTi.yiiUV, HK,t, $.-,.0714
.".l.": ls. Sl.0or..O0: l.ulk of snv, fr,.io
C7.V2'!.. Sht-ep-Keeeljits. ."...VM); slow. 10c
lower: westerns Jl.t.'i.'.Ti; wethers. ;.10
(!": owes, $4.Wi4.."rf; hirnht. $.".23C.T0.
afotice to Defandants.
Cornelias Steenis. "Mary Steenis,
Anna K.Parker, Frank Parker.
.Tane V. Sathff, William Sntliff.
Wiilinm Bcrcbers, John J. Steeuin, a
minor over fourteen tears of age and
J.imps Steenip, a minor under fourteen
years of age, defendants, will take
notice that on the 14fh day of April
lihO.l. Jnlia Borcbers. plaintiff herein
tiled her petition in the district court
of PIti'te county , Kebrarkn. aKaint
snid defendants, the object and prayer
of which are to have a partition and
accounting for rents' and profits for the
east half of the northeast quarter of
the northwest quarter of section eigh
teen, township twenty, north of range
one. east of Sixth Principal Meridian
in Platte county, Nebraska; also a
tract of land situated In OutlofA" of
the village of Creston. Platte county,
Nebraska.described as follows : Bound
ed on the south by the north line of
KIm street, on the west by a line par
allel with and distant east sixty feet
from the extended east line of Sec
ond street, on the north by a line
parallel with and distant north one
tnodred and forty feet from said
north line of Elm Street and on the
east by a line parallel with and dis.
tant east one hundred and eighty feet
from the said extended east line oi
Second Street. That if partition of
said premises cannot be had, that said
premises may oe soia uu we iu
ceeds dividod among the sereral par
ties as their interest may appear-Yon
areretinired to answer said petition
on or before the tweaty-ninth (29th)
day of Stay. 1905.
Jnlia Borchers. Plaintiff.
By McAllister and Cornelius, her
Dated April 19, 1905.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kan Cltr. May 2.-Cattle-Reeelpt. 5.
nieem, f5.40fffi.Si: fair to trood, f4.25e5.33;
rteadv to 10c higher: choice bee
western fed uteer. f4.-ufi.oD: rtockers
and feeders. f3.OfWtf.00: cows. $2.255.00:
hclfera. f3..Wft5.50: bulls. f2.7SlT5;
calves. fS.5ftSK5.25. Hogs Receipts, R,a00:
2Uff.v higher: top. f5.27: hulk. 93.1M
f.J25; heavy. fS.'JO(S.27K: packers, $5.10
f.25: pigs and light. f4.2TH5i5.20. Sheep
F'celpts. 7,500; steady; lamb, f5.506.00;
fed ewes and yearlings. f4.25Q6.00.
"TOE body gets its Kfofcom f
food properiy uigcoww.
Healthy digestion mesns pure
blood for the body, but stomach
troubles arise from carelessness
in eating and stomach disorders
upset the entire system. Improp
erly masticated food sours on the
stomach, causing distressing
pains, belching and nausea.
When over-eating is persisted m
the stomach becomes weas
and worn out and dyspppsi
claims the victim.
Thedford's UlacK-uraog"-
cores dyspepsia, n a "?
stomach and bowels of congested
mattpr and rives thf sf.omach
new life. The stomach ufquickly
invigorated and , the natural
stimulation results i a gooa
i . with the power to tbar-
,,... r - ,- .
i 4tmwhir ttttroar rrmu.
I vukiui B"" rr I i 1-
Ynn can build up our Biomacn
fwith this mildjond natural
'remedy. Trr Thford'8 lac
I Draught today. Jl ou can buy a
'VafTA from jf our dealer for
, 25c If ha doeFhot keep it, send
i the money t
e Chattanooga
1 Tenn., and
package will oe
' I mailed yo
Real Estate
Choice list of Lands for sale.
We are prepared to supply the
spring demand for dwellings
and lots. We have money to
loan on real estate in small or
large am nts for from 1 to 10
years, ou
aiLYS Cream Balm
This Remedy is a Specific,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and
drives away a Cold in the Head quickly.
Restores the Senses of Taste and SmelL
Easy to use. Coutains no injurious drugs.
Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed.
Large Size, SO cents at Druggists or by
mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warrta St, Ntw YfriL
Ask Vrtiirrfpalprrnr thpm
lull 5
Will positively cure any case of Kidney
op Bladder disease not beyond the reach
of medicine. No medicine can do more.
strengthens the urinary organs,
builds up the kidneys and invig
orates the whole system.
TWO SIZES 60c mmi S1.M
tun 4M3D?lrlE LJINCfii
. T
50c ft $1.00
Free Trial.
liGHS and
Sorest tad QuicJcest Cure for all
ft. M. POST
Attorney : at : Law
Colbmbus. Nab.
vf, O. HTIiKS.
OtHiw. .')iv. 8t., fonrth dixr m.rth of tW
Nf tionnlKnnk.
Mi,UMirH. nkim:hk
Physician and Surgeon.
1. O. ltlock : : Guliimbne
Olliro over
ColuiiibuA S.nto Ibink
Columbia. Nb.
. Cheaply Made Wa;on
Will Waste Enough
Grain to Buy a
Gcod One.
Onr wagnna will not scatter
ymirgruiu whileon the road to
m.-trketor overtax yonr horsee
with needlees heavy draught.
We keep only tho Latest and l:i:ST in
Kugirs and Carriages
t& Onr horse shoes stiek
ami don't lame your horses
The Wonderful Yeast
If you want
to make
that is
Yeast Foam Is the yeait
that took the First Grand
Prize at the St. Louis Kxpo
itlon. Hold by all grocera
at 5 cts. a package enough
for 40 loaves. Send a postal
card fur our new lllugtrated
book "Good Itread: How to
Make It."
s m -h- riiHO-
Journal Job Printing
-Styles are always up-to-dato.
Work is gnaraiitceil.
Prompt delivery.
Reasonable prices.
If we haven't it we will
men money ou printed
cards for s-oeiety people;
Journal Sale UHls brinir
bring business. Try us.
Only Daily in Columbus.
Far West and Northwest
Daily March fst U Kay 151 h, 1905
Prom Columbus, Nebraska, to
Puget Sound California, Uuttc-Helcna
Countrj', San Fmn- Districl.
Portland DUt. cisco. Etc.
$25 $25
TIIKOUCI! TOUKIST SLKKl'irSih.ily t. Culirorma triuiiinln
TItAIN NO. '' via lVuvr. with tl:iyli;ht rnl tlimuli' (lor:nl
nnd SJalt Lsske City; TtniristSltvpor
1AYS are percomiiiy romlnctcil.
TOTURXOUTIIWai.ST: "The Kiirlinutou-Xorthern r-icifiV Ex
prcei is th joint, through tram nnd timo Bavcr tt tht whoIi Ntirtliut-Ht
region Montana. 1Jpior Idaho. Washington aint Piiyft Sound ttrrittry.
It carries nil cLihsos f hijih ndt t'mpjnont.
Folders and dcpcriptivo mutter, rates, reservations and alt informa
tion of
L. F. RECTOR, Agent, Columbus, Nebr.
Kansas City Southern I
Straight as the Crow Rics " -.
Alon-: IN line arc the finest InmKsuitM for Kn-.vlnfiRiii:illraln porn.lli .. Wb
euUtiii; for citnimerrialappleaiitliieaeliiiri'hartls, for t.iher fruits nml i-r Yt
rli's; ."ort-ornmercicl enntal.Mipe. Ktato. tomato r.nd Ke'ieral true!, furm-, i
for bUKartMiit and rice cultivation; for merchantable tlml-er. Ii.r raiMii fcx
hor&t.'d, luuled, cuttle, hoKS.heep, poultry ami Angora goata. SK
write for Information Concerning
Haw Colony Locations, l-rproteti Farms. Mincnl Lands. Rire Lands a.vl Tlmhrr
Lantis. and lor copies ol "Current Events." Business UsnortunttiLS.
Rice Cook. K. C.S. Fruit Book
Cheap rounil-triphOKesecUTtU-lcta on sale II rat and thirtlTue tLiy.sof
eac' month.
H. D. DUTTOJT, Trar. Pass. Afft.
Kansas City, Mo.
T. S. BOESU:iS. Srs'.v. Vtiss. natl
Tourist Gars
Tlio ivn Hint an inferior cI:ih uf tii;lt p.tlroiM.v
tin' tourist HlttiitrK iri ;tn tmir. On m.iiiv
tnlv tln li.-sl, tl;ifs nf tniVflt'rs ;iri- f :rui.
'I'liy ant Tiicrt'ly ini'ii atwl v. i(
oii.l i.-iisi' ulm '.voulil rallit'r f r.i.-l
TO 6fLSF0RiIfl
in this manner ami k.ivo a ftuii; f.i.m
Of IIIOIH'V ttl I). USI'll I'liflvIltTO. ll l.'.ll-
iriimiritr t ! iiiitliTstood Hint it ih U f.o
moniHnet'orisary for tli travclor ts:il lar"
Hum of uioiii'v in orIiT to enjoy a tri to lln ttivsi.
I f you crof.q Ilio cnntiiit'iit in tiui th tottriKL
b1o'Jt.S of tho
yon ui II enjoy the erinm mih ronhitlir:ill"
I:ii!iir. of
Passtf StMt Mi Graft! With Excruciating Pains
A. H. Thurnes, Mgr. Wills Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, O., writes:
"I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, pass
ing gravel or stones with excruciating pains. Other medicines only
gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE the resuk was
surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stones, etc.,
and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man.
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has done me $1,000 worth of good."
N Hfctr RM.y Cm Ctwpare With E
Thos.w". Carter, of Ashboro, N. C, had Kidney Trouble and
ne bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure, and
he says there is no remedy that will compare with it.
order it.
Vre can save Iuiiu
we ran it ,rj.-aVL'd
belter s
tylesat lower prin-s.
. Journal Letter I loads
Help us push.
Journal 60.
Spokane Dist.
$20 $22.50
'ttin;io'is I'll UIJSIH tf uiiti FlCf-
mmm fe
S. G. "W.-.EinrS. C. I nvO 'f. r . !
JCrasasCity SIo. Vl
Tiaiz'u ?. , Uan::a Cily , ?.T-. !.
II -- v m
JiWlflWi fc Jfe4s t - "Jfc-. 0
M --