The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 03, 1905, Image 1

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I hero is no morn convenient way
of carrying monoy than a ilmft. If
yon go abroad the tr:ift is juil in tho
ourriMiov of tho ronutrv jon nro in.
If von loma tlo draft payment can ho
ftopix'il and another issued to you.
i'MioK drafts in all nmountR. Thoynro
jjood all over the world. If you intend
traveling. The Firt National Bank
will ! lad to l of gervino to you.
Ti,c First National Bank
Renun:sc2:ire of Geo. V- Galley, Sr.
I !!:!' Dailj i
'iinn 1 litj-r paw this countrv in
ls.-,l" -,'u.l C.vo. W. Gallov. .r.. tho
other Jav, "there was nor a white
man in it. Tliero was no settlement
wo.-r ol JCansns Uitv whieh was an in
fipuiJIranr little town. Thoro worn
10s tejiius in the party with which 1
laiiii'. I drove a team of oxen. Ko
lirnslca. or rather tlm territory whieh
later liecame l:nown as Nebraska, was
the most dangerous nart of onr trip for
this was the home of tho Pawnees.the
most .-avao tribe in tho middle west
The Sionx in Those davs wern friend lj-.
V" kept on tho south sido of thePlatte
and I it 1 1' did we dream of tho nines
like I'ol nmhtis that were destinod to
.vprinj; uj jii a few short yfars from
the wilt! Indian country. When I re
turned from Utah in lS."iS Columbus
was hurts 1 nt it was not much like
tho Columbus of todav. Tho town
jonsisted if a low shacks near the
river on wiiit is now Seventh street.
There was only one storoand that store
was poctofliTC, saloon and everything
1m that earlv settlers demanded. 1
was a count v commissioner when the
hist bridsro was built across thoPlatto,
and M. K. Tnrner and I walked to the
bridge and examined it to determine
whether it was built according to
contract. Tho Columbus Journal was
tin tin-t paper in this part of tho state
and I have not missed an issue of it
since it started Tho illustrated edi
tion which you cot onr last winter,
(.hows an. entirely different Columbus
tntiii the Columbus I tirst know."
It is a-real pleas'nro to have the old
st tiers liko Mr. Galley drop in. Their
hiories aro interesting, too interesting
to keep from .Tonrnal readers. Wo
shout 1 HL to have one of thom for,'
Hut .lournal overy week.
,. ;. UAL' ICY.
At the meeting of tho board of ed
ucation last evening, .7. 11. Galley,
ptcsident of tho board, madn his final
appearnnro as a member. After a
.-or ico of twelve j'ears Mr. (Galley
retires by Ins own desire, and tho
ood wishes of the entire board, all
the teachers and all the school patrous
ko with him.
S.'rvico on tho school boaid is not
a smecuro for tho member who nas
t he Rood of tho schools at heart. There
are innumerable demands on the time,
' enemy and judgment of tho members
ami the cfiice carries no pay. Mr.
Galley, with all his varied business
interests 1o look after, has always
been active ami zealous in his work
fur tho schools and has held to the
iniiin standard of absolnto ionesty and
Mrnijihtforwnnlnes.s that hn observes
in ill his business affairs. Every
man who has children :n thcColumbus
public schools owes n largo measure
of gralitndo to ,T. II. Galley.
Zuelow, tho Schuyler tailor, has a
large lino of spring and summer fab
rics. Mrs. Frances Russell.
(Monda"s Dailj )
Mrs. Frances Kussell did yesterday
" evening ai her homo in Coluir.bns of
paralvsis, aged Cd years. Mrs.Kussoll
wr.s born in Now York, her maiden
name being Fraucrs Ivellev. Sho was
married :51 years ago at Liberty Cen
ter, Ohio. With her husband she to Nebraska 1? years ago, and
they resided here until 110- when they
moved to Uabiuiaislowa. Mr.ltussoll
died three years a?o.
Threo children are. living: Mrs.
Gertrude Waters, a teacner in the Co
lumbus Commercial college; Earl
Ucssoll of Dnbnqno :au-.l K. B. Kufcl!
of Maeppa. Minn.
",-vjres or r thf rnains -.vro held aft.rnoT. nr one o'clock at the
residence by Kev. DeWolf, and the
body sent to Dubuque for bnrial.
! When All Become Lost.
When all the toeth become
lost tho deficiency should be supplied
by artificial teeth. Nothing that is
worn upon the person is of so much
importance ns tho set of artificial
teeth. They require for successful
results, artistic and mechanical skill,
patient labor and experience.
Wo guarintee you snccessful re
sults. Nearly 14 years experiencr m
saccessfnl practice in Colnmbns.
'mf " $ZS. Dr. H. E. Nmimm.
au?r " J
Tho Stat-3 Cam n cf tho Modern
Woodmen rlofeil today after one of
tho largsit an 1 most successful meet
ings in :h iusor- of tho organization.
Edgar Howard of Columbus was one
of the :; delegates chosen to co to fcfce
Huad Camp at Milwaukee June 20 and
E. II. Gerhard of Newman Grovo was
honored with a place on tho committee
on transportation.
Nearly l.'0 accredittd delegates
wero pre?cnt ; ."0 candidates wero in
itiated; aid visiting members swelled
tho total number in ntteudanco to
imro than TOO ponplo. Tho urogram
this morning attracted morj Wcoilmen
than could find scats on tho fin-t floor
of tho large North Opera House atd
tho music furnished by the Second
Regiment Rind and tho speeches ly
Supreme Organizer Ralph P. Johnson
and others mnro than repaid all who
w?m present.
The visitors wera unanimous in
voting Columbus a first rate conven
tion rity. And tho enple of Colum
bus aro unanimous in voting the Wood
chopiwrs a first rato convention crowd.
After tho parade last night the vis
itors witii tho .10 candidates repaired
to tho North Opnra House where they
woro initiated by ono or tho best
teams that ever had charge of an in
itiation. ( I'ncMl.iyV H.iily)
Colnmbns is filling up with dele
gates. At noon tho hotels were crowd
ed. What will ho tlono with the hun
dreds who came in on tho special train
this afternoon is ar present an open
question. Ono Neighbor explained
that tho most of thom would need no
hedc tonight ns tho entertainment at
tho North would last all night and be
too gocd to miss.
Tho big men are all here including
A. It. Talbot, head consul: Ralph E
Johnson, supremo organior; W. H.
Latham, sta o consul : Frank C. Nich
olson, s-tate clerk; E. F. Hlair, stato
physician ; and E. E. Kester, the 6tate
deputy who has made himself so pop
ular in Columbus.
Tho chief attractions in the parade
touicht are tho Second RegimentBand
of Osceola and tho Lincoln Forester
Team under tho comnuiud cf Captain
A. O. Hcrrick.
Tho Journal joins the good people
of Columbus in extending a hand of
welcome to tho visiting Woodmen.
The Journal's latch key is on the
For tho convenience of tho visiting
Woodmen and others tho Journal is
publishing a complete list of the dele
gates to the state, camp to-morrow.
Goring, L. A. Tyson and J. A. Pollard.
Johmon: W. 13. Jones.
Lancaster: Jas. H. Amos, Geo. W. ,
Losey, E. E. Kester, A. A. Hyors and
Arnold Egger.
Otoe: F. C. Nicholson and J. E.
Pawnee: Gilbert Potter. " ""
Richardson: J. M. DuWnld.
A. Merriaia. .7. M. Tr.tbot, C F.
Dennis, J. S. King, C. 15. Newton, E.
D. Miller. J. M. Leidy nud Jobn
Sarpy: P. J. Langdon.
Washington: E. J. Farr.
Roone: J. II. McOlinlock.
Run : Dr. L. Phil Ross.
Cedar- A J. Williams.
Colfax . F. J. llrubosky.
Cuming: Wm. II. Hill.
Dakota : A. E. Waldvoglo.
Dixon: C. Bisbeo.
Dodge: J. C. Howson and C. C.
Knox: F. Huffsmith.
Madison: E. H. Gerhart
Merrick: H. F. Hooper.
Nance: W. E. Kennedy
Pierce: Jns. M. Rurke.
Platte: Edgar Ilowatd.
Stanton : A. A. Antics-
Thurston- Ray R.Rogvrs.
Way no: L. W. Roe.
Fillmore: S. F. Ashlev ana Henrr
Gcgo: C. L. Reed nnd S. D. Cole.
Hamilton: C. S. Hull.
Jefferson: EdAyors and F.T.Pierce.
Polk: J. E. Hill
Saline: T. A. Clements nnd S. C.
Saunders: James Kudnin.
Seward : Chas. L. Swart.i and. Chns.
Thayer: Henry Allen Brainerd.
York: J. C. T'etrson nnd J. E.
Ctiase: A. Claylmrg.
t'lay: A. Bower ana L. Humphrey.
Dundy : W. It Sampson.
Franklin : A. A. Hadden.
Frontier: Earl C. CarsteasfB.
Furnas : J. G. Pace.
Gosper: W. L. Reynolds.
Hall : Arthur Mayer.
Harlan: Geo Heaver
Hayes: John W Gnll
Hitchcock : C. J. Wilcox- " "
Kearney: L M Miller
Nuckolls: .T F Day
Perkins: O. Schumann
Phelps: Wr A Stragey
Red Willow: John M. Smith
Webster: L H Fort
Blaine : Kollie Cos
2 Box Butte : O Barnes
Boyd : D A Sinclair
Brown :"L Smith
H. L. Tingley and K. C. Crow,
Cherry: Mas E. Viertel.
Cheyenne: C. P. ChiUHherr..
Custer: F.J. Drum ana P. H. Bettor.
Dawes: Vet CaalieltL
. v.vwvs.
S. Harrii, V
Keva Paha: Win
Lincoln: H. T. Pitchard. A
Loup: lr A vanderTeen ' x& i.'i
MePherfon: W. K. Renter. '-, V
. - "L M f
Rock: C C Luce
Scot's Bluff: Edward Scriven."
Sheridan: W. N. Ford. t.
Sherman : George Gibson.
Sioux : J. H. Wilhermsdorfcr
Thomas: OE West
Valley: H N Davis
Wheeldor : C E Dnangst
Hew Hardware-
The .Tonrnal has another itnportaut
business change to annonnce this week.
The new hardware stock of O. J.
Buckmaster on Thirteenth street has
beenNsold to the firm of Cloos and
Uehling who took possession yester
day. The new firm is composed of
John J. Cloos who has been engaged
ouccessfullT in the hardware business
in Fremont, Nebr. , for years and of
Ed Uebling who has been engaged in
the banking business at Hooper.Nobr.
The pew firm will occupy the build-
fiag formerly occupied by Mr. Buck-
master nntil they can scenre larger
rooms in the new bank building soon
to be erected by G. W. Phillipps and
others. Mr. Bnckmaster's departure
from oar city will be regretted by the
many friends he has made here He
is not leaving because he dislikes Co
lumbus or the business opportunities
here hot because be thinks he has in
mind a location where a successful
business does not require so large a
capital. He will remain here about
two weeks.
The new firm expect to put in a
very large and complete stock and do
business on a large scale.
Such firms will receive a warm
welcome to oar city. Large invest
ment in any legitimate business con
tributes to the prosperity of the whole
The Journal welcomes the new firm
of Cloos and Uehling and takes pleas
ure in calling attention to their an
nouncement in another part of this
Kesisted Arrest.
Chief Schack can put up a good
"scrap" when he is pushed. John
Swallow a Polander living north of
Columbus fonnd this our yesterday
afternoon when he resisted arrest.
John had been in, the city since Mon
day and bad keen drikig a little be
yond the limit set by the Slocum law.
Finally be got into a quarrel with
Barney Micek in SouthColumbus, and
nearly toro off Barney's shirt in an
attempt to lick him. Barney having
only one arm was handicapped in the
struggle and called for an officer.
Chief Schack was soon on tho ground
nnd took John beforo tho police judge.
Micek refused to file a complaint so
the chief filed a complaint of drunk
enness. John's wife was in the city
and the Chief thbnght she would pay
the fine and take him home. But in
that he was mistaken. Mrs. Swullow
said John got drank every time he
came to town and that this time he
had been away from home on a two
days drank. She said she didn't care
if he did go to" jail fhe would never
pay any money for him.
John insisted that he was not drank
and therefore said "not guilty" to the
charge. He demonstrated that he was
not drank by showing that ho could
walk, with many staggerings to Le
sure, but witbont "lying down." And
here was where Chief Schack 's fun
began. John refased to go to jail.
The Chief insisted,. John fought and
pulled back. A part of the distance
Jobn was carried in the brawny arms
of tho Chief, bnt he had to go. At
nine o'clock this morning he was
taken before Police Judge Curtis
bv whom he was fined
The Daughters of theKing met with
Mrs. Carl Johnson Tuesday.
Dr. T A. Leach of Broken Bow is
visiting his brother Dr. C. E. Leach.
Zuelow, the tailor is in Columbus
every -week See him about that new
Harry Hinman accepted a position
this morning with Pollock and Com
pany. Store fixtures and show rassp for
sale at reasonable prices. Wrin nnd
Sons. Itw
The Woman's Auxiliary of the Epis
copal church met this afternoon at the
homo of Mrs. A. Anderson.
Postmaster Kramer announces to the
pnblic that the stamps and money
order windows will be open all day.
Ed Jenkins is one of the people who
is especially happy over City Delivery.
The first visit of the carrier brought
him two papers, three, letter and
26. lfKB Money.
Mrs.'F. T. Walker went to St.
Joseph, Mo. yesterday. She was met
;J in Omaha by Mrs. F. H. Pratt of
Humphrey. They expect to be absent
about two weeks.
Now is the chance to aake the de
lightful trip to Califoraiafor just one
half of the expense incurred in mak
ing the trip at any other time. Don't
postpone for yoa may not soon again
be offered the low rates of 125.00 to
SanFrancisco, Santa Barbara. Los An
geles.San Diego and saany other Cali
fornia points. Literature about Cali
fornia free on application to W. H.
Benham. 4-2C
Otto Zaelow, tbe Schuyler tailor
has a large stock of woolens for. the
spring trade.
Dawson Jdmb H. Btfsju
Grant: E. B. Weavw, ,
Greeley: Geo. H. iiit.c
Holt: B. E. Sturderirrf. .
Hooker: C. M. BarM?.
Howard: F. E. Pope.
Kimball: C.A.Fostlinsr aul naki
Shirt Waist
Everything new
and Staple. Solid
Gold Sets; Sterling
yer Sets; Oold
Mmxm. ocw, .uaiiu
ited Sets; Pearl
The much
Pearl Neck
Just in.
. ...
TIm ftweler
Clarence Wilaokjborn
(Monday's D !y)
Clarence Wilber ClayLrn died bwt
evening at eight o'clock the home
of his fathor, H.Clayborkvear Platte
Centor. Tuberculosis WMjjrycRuse
of death. He was SI yeara.., he
funeral will be held tomorrot the
Congregational church of Pbitlen
tcr, leaving the home at 10 o'oltr.
edition of
Journal. Order finier
for as many pie.
, Jj, In tbe evening a band of juveniles
A few moro copies of the illutrul2i-fli1n.1 thft Hn(.kenberirer home with
as you want. Toll ns where tc,Ttt lmlMi,out of delicacies from the
uiDiu nun we win ou mo rent.
For Horses, Cattle,heep, Swine and
all Live Stock. The btsi and strongest
dip and piseniectant ki.ovn. Ask for'
Chas. H. Dack,
New Postal Service
Daily mail delivery in tho city will
start next Mondny. The necessary
changes in the postoilico fixtures will
be made Sunday.
The boxes for the reception of mail
which have been posted on tho var
ious street corners aro not to be used
before Monday and any mail that is
put in them will not bo collected and
taken to the pestoffico before that
Tho pnblic should also tako notice
that with tho establishment of free
delivery all "drop" letters, that ip,
sealed lettors addressed to persons in
tho ciiy. will require two cents post
ago instead of one cent as heretofore.
Woman.s Club.
(Suturdav's Daily)
The entertainment given last night
in tho K. P. hall by the music and
art deparments of the Woman's club
was a very successful affair and netted
tho treasury about $?." Tho musical
program was of seven numlters: two
songs by the chorus of tho ladies muf
icale ; piano solos bv Mrs. Jaeggi and
Miss Slater; vocal solos by Mrs.
Gleason and Miss Galley; and a piano
duet by Mrs. Garlow and Miss Whit
usoyer. Tho art program was the represen
tation by living pictures of six cele
brated paintings. Ijhese wero as fol
lows: Hope, by Miss Vera Kramer;
Duchess of Devonshire, byMiss filoiso
Roen ;Baby Stuart, by Master Dickey ;
Colonial Girl, by Miss Elise Brngger;
Reverie, by Miss Paulino Elias; La
Rornoise, by filiss Iteua Turner.
Refreshments of cake and sherbet
were served, and everybody had an
enjoyable time. About lf0 people
woro present.
Carrig. Copper King.
(TJiurHlaj's Daily)
H. C. Carrig received a largo piece
of copper oro this moruiug from the
Beaver mine at Encampment, Wyom
ing in which Mr. Carrig holds a chunk
of stock.
The sample in question was broken
from oro which assayed (52 1-Spe'r cent
copper and showed gold values of from
$4 to & a ton. Sincn the besr copper
mines in the world how only from ;
ner cent to S per cent or copper. Mr.
We have bought the Hardware stock of 0. J. Buck
master on 13th street. We solicit the continued patron
age, not only of Mr. Buckmaster's friends, but we.also in
vite the public to call and get acquainted.
We are bringing nearly twenty years of experience
in the hardware business, and are ready greatly to enlarge
our present stock as soon as we can find larger rooms.
Thus we can promise our patrons all the advantages
that come from long experience and the economies of
handling a large and complete sf;ock.
.Vedding Frolics.
(Tlmixlay's Dailj )
Following the Hockonberger-Nich-ols
wedding yesterday, tho wedding
guests had a joyfnl time starting the
happy couple on their bridal journey.
Train No S was an hour late and Mr.
and Mrs. Nichols barricaded them
selves in a cab in the middle or the
muddy street whither the mob could
not go in their wedding finery. They
had to content themselves with heav
ing rice at long range at Clyde Scott
who was driving the cab.
When an opportunity was fouud tc
storm the fortifications, Mr. Nichols
put up such a gallant article of resis
tance that the glass door of the cab
was brocen and Mr. Nichols' hand was
slightly cut by -the glass. Dr Platz
was ready with first aid to tho injur
ed and the battle proceeded. Having
! spilt blood in defence of his bride, Mr.
Nichold boat a retreat from the cab
to the train which bad arrived mean
time. The fleeing couple were delug
ed with rine and pursued by the whole
company into tbe car. The colored
porter, who in his mine's eye saw
himself sweeping up a bushel or two
of rice the next morning, declaimed
eloquently against the foolishness of
wedding parties in general.
Another newly weddtil couplo were
at tho depot to take tho same train,
nnd they wore generously given a
share in the cereal distribution, a
courtesy which they did not app re-
ciate at all.
cow bells and other instruments of
hnrivsri. nntil ther were anneased
I Vddiuir feast
Carrig is more than pl.edwith the
outlook for his holdings .'eho Heaver.
The Beaver mine, Mr. Cif rig v says,
is reached through a tunnl JO.feet
in length and TxlS feet in htghS and
width. The tnnnel pierces thtmoao-
tain from the bottom of a deep nnas, sinh m "M,z- sacKs are patrol.
Biniplilyinc the wcrk of excav,tW !l!g ,he Stroets of Warsaw bv comP
and making it much cheaper. &
-pi.- ... u s.. r !..;uiAl
, " " . . .r " of the rtoa'l were working people. In
ed for 1 1.000.090. A majority of tl, acconlIng lo an oftlca report
shares is owned by Columbus, Sontb.N'SrHjr women were killed.
Omaha nnd Chicago parties. Seventy vEd tu;iion an.i danhteTandMrs.
live of tbe stockholders livo iu Oo- , W Brodfuehrer and son visitod
lumbns. It is evident therefore, that ; frrA and relatives in Platte Center
if tho Beaver turns out to be as par
ing a property as tho sample sent
Mr. Carrig promises, Columbus will
sharo lagely in the profits of the
" strike. -Tae railroad is steeling
for Encampment nnd wher. it getB
there the Beaver -will have a .leans
of outlet for its ricb ore.
Base Sail.
(Monday 'b Daily)
Tho baseball team of the Columbus
high school defeated the Schuyler
high school team on tbe home grounds
Saturday afternoon by a score of 20 to
It), -ji'he Schuyler boys wero out
played at every feature of the game
Both sides wero stranger at the bat
than in fielding, as the score indicates.
Tho Columbus team was made up of
the following, players: Worden, 2b;
Neat or, p; J. Rettorton, lb: Ira Bet
rerton, ss; Boettcher, cf; Hayes, 3b:
Hngol, If; McCloud, rf ; Ratter man,
c; Linstrum, rf.
Yesterday afternoon the Columbus
.Tuuiors swiped the earth with a pick
up team from Schuyler on tho hew
Columbus ground?. Tbe final score
was 23 to 0 in favor of the borne team.
The Columbus lioys put up a good
articlo of ball, Dolau being an espec
ially strong man in tbe box. He
strnck out thirteen men. Jimmy
Jones umpired the game which was
witnessed by a good crowd.
The receipts amounted to about f -".
Better games are promised for the
future. The Schuyler team was pain
fully outclassed, only one man getting
as far as second base in the entire
Tho ( 'olumbns players were as fol
lows: Glur, 2b; Eecher. lb; Kumpf,
rapt., p.; Dolnn. p; McKarland. 3b;
Drum, If; Taylor, rr: Sampeek, cf :
Graves, rf.
!i? ID. I iii
Many of the Victims, of Czar's Cos
sacks Arc Women and Children.
Popular Irritation Not Concealed
and More Trouble is Expected.
Warsaw, May 3. Tho May day
death roll totaled sixty-two, including
ten persons who died in tho hospitals
during the night. Probably 200 were
Crowds gathered at the Tenth dis
trict police station, whero thirty vic
tims, men nnd women and three chil
oren, were awaiting identification.
Sonic minor disturbances occurred in
different sections of the city, but co
casualties have yet been reported.
All day long infantry and cavalry
patrolled the streets, which were
crowded with people, who did not
pare their criticism of what was gen
erally termed unnecessary slaughter.
The popular irritation could not be
concealed. The soldiers evidently
were nervous and open outbreaks, re
mitting in a repetition of Monday's
terrible scenes, were only averted by
the evident desire of tho authorities
to prevent a clash, coupled with the
ftnr inspired by the soldiers' bullets.
The population is most bitter against
tbe military and government officials
expect many attempts at revenge on
the officers, all of whom are known.
The workmen at all the factories
have -struck and great efforts are be
ing made to bring about a genera!
strike, but this is not likely to be suc
cessful. The people have not recov
ered from the exhaustion and losses
resulting from the last strike. Re
ports conflict regarding the beginning
of Monday's encounter In Jerusalem
street. According to the most gen
erally accepted version the authorities
had forbidden workingmen marching
in proccssicn to carry red flags, but
the workmen, however, decided to
ignore the order. When the proces
sion reached Jerusalem street tho po
lice ordered the workmen to stop, but
they refused to do so and a police of
ficer thereupon fired a revolver, giving
a signal for the infantry to fire. It
appears that in other cases the demon
strators were the aggressors, but that
in this instance the soldiers fired first.
The industrial population is deeply
exasperated over the sanguinary re
mits of tho encounters. The strikes
inaugurated on a large scale here, at
jtny. and in other cities are rapidly
spreading and 75.000 persons are on
"" -VT-- ""- "--
""""' uvmiuiucuis. iic- majority
Frifiewad Saturday.
Hs avd Mrs. DeWoir went to Lin
oolu tui9 morning to visit Mrs. De
Wolf's parints. Mrs. DeWolf will re
main about two weeks. Mr DeWolf
will return Friday.
We desire to correct a mistake made
in the report of tile last proceedings of
tho city ooencil The appropriation
of $o0o - m&da i ot for the M street
case, but tu rjnv tLat judgment and
costs in theJVagn rrfcmfa'case, re
sulting from a deft t?re'sHowalk.
Dr. J W. Ternritne oxpeir opti
cian of Omaha will te at the Merd
ian Hotel parlors Moin.y. Tuesday
and Wednesday, May fo, IB and' 17.
whero he will be pleased to ,rve you
and your friends. Consultation and
examination free. w2dt 3 ."
Tho annual-meeting of the Colum
bus Congregational Association is
meeting in C'arks three davs this
week, beginning today. Colo m bus is
represented br Rev. Mnnro, Mesdataes
Brugger and Sparhawk andMisaBe.sRio
Sheldon. Rev. Mnnro will address
tie association om tho subject: "The
fathor 's place in home and church."
Rev. Pestron of Monroe and Roy.
Smith of Leigh were with the party
that left Colnmbns Isat night.
Following is the program of the
Platte County Sunday School Conven
tion to bo held at Monroe, May i:t anil
14 It is desired thit every Sunday
School in the county send delegates.
Those who plan to attend should write
Miss Fannie Weeks, Monroe Nebr.,
that eut ertainment may be provided.
Saturday p m.
Enrollment of delegates; Devotion
al Service, Rev. G. Heide; Address
of Welcome. W. Talbitzer; Response,
A. G. Wolf: Music; The Keeds of
Sunday School, Rev. E. J. Ulmer;
Training of Sunday School Workers,
Key. Angell; State Work. Prof. H.
M. Steidley; Report of Officers and
Miscellaneous Business.
Saturday evening:
Song and Praise Service. Miss
Fannie Weeks; Address, Mias M.
Hanes .
Sunday morning :
Devotional Service. :45; Model
Sunday School conducted by Miss M.
Haines. 10:00: Address, Prof. Steidley.
11:00. '
Sunday p. m :
Devotional Service. Rev. Angell ;
Things that help our Sunday School,
Key. Wm. Brient; The Primary
Standard, and Round Table on Pri
mary. Miss Haiaes; Round Table.
Prof. Stedley ; Election of Officers.
Sunday evening:
Praise Service, Prof. R.Alcock; Ad
dresses by Mies Haines and Prof Steid-
Cty Council.
(Saturday's Daily)
The performance of the city council
last night while for the most part of
a business character, lino ugh of
the spectacular in it to hold the
breathless attention of tho audience
till the curtain was rung down at'
Tbe spectacular acts of the council
began with the appearance of two Co
lumbus saloon keepers to whom City
Attorney Cornelius read tho liquor
law and declared the temperament of
the city council iu tones not soon to
be forgotten and closed with a iithct
io scene in which was vividly portray
ed tbe death struggles of tho Colum
bus Telegram in its lost battlo for tho
city printing. Intermediate between
these acts 60iue vdti.ou.s of South
Columbus appeared ami asked tho
eity council to abolish certain licensed
houses in the city.
The only featnre lacking to prop
erly roand off the performance was
the absence of Edgar Howard and
Hubert Barrnss. There is a wide
spread suspicion that they wero in
secret meeting somewhere fixing np
a joint bid for tho city printing
Tho session of tho council lasted
threo hours nnd a great amount of im
portant as well ns routine business
was disposed of.
Skornpa nnd Valasek appeared be
fore the council in response to an in
vitation' to explain some trouble
that occurred in front of their saloon
one night last week. Mr. Cornelius
oondncted the examination and ho
used some very plain English. Among
other things he said, "tho council
does aot propose to bo trounted with
many more complaints about saloon
keepers selling to drunkards. These
complaints against yon will bo thor
oughly investigated, nud your license
will be revoked itrshort order if yon
fail to observe tho law nud the coun
cil's instructions".
Fred Scholz nlso appeared to ex
plain the fight which occured in his
saloon last week iu which Dick Sief
kon played a part and was fined.
W. D. Benson, Al Duncan and C.
A. Beardsley appeared in person nnd
complained of tho two "houses"
south of tho track. They said that
the piano music and dancing at. all
hoars of tbe night, and the uso of
indecent language by tho people who
patronize those places as they pass
along the streets, exert an evil in
fluence on their families, which as
taxpayers they felt they had right to
resist. Councilman Chirk said that the
citizens of that part cfCoIumbns paid
taxes the same as other people and
that their homos should have the
same protection. No action was tafcon
on the complaint becausu it was not
made in writing. It was understood
that the complainants would file a
written complaint before the next
meeting of tho council asking to have
tbecse places closed.
A petition signed by Jacob Glur
and fifteen others nsking to havo an
old barn and other obsti'uctnins re
moved from block i'3 was referred to
the proper committee.
W.W. Whittaker was awarded tho
contract for street springing at s".0
for the year.
Applications of tho Commercial Na
tional and the Columbus State Ranks
for the city funds according to ordin
ance were accoptod and tho banks
directed to file bonus in the sum of
115,000 each to protect said deposits.
Dray bonds of Thos. McTaggart,
Geo. T. Michener llcnry bip and
Albert Giger were approved, al-o tin
bonds of water commissioner and
On motion another policeman was
voted to serve from noon till mid
night, subject to tho direction ot the
chief of police. Tho council voten
3'..j to bo used to pay tho judginenr
and costB in the 21 Street case.
The city nttornoy was directed by
tbe council to draw an ordinance to
regulate pool balls.
The council granted tho request of
L. G. Zinnecker to move his bnrhorM
shop oast on Olivo street during tho
construction of his new building which
he thouht would be completed in six
Councilman Gray called attention
to the importance of insisting on the
strist enforcement of .lie ordinance
which i elates to Mmlitv and width
of sidewalks. 111; positiou was sec
onded by othersi He called attention
to tho far reaching effect on tho city's
future of permitting cheap an 1 care
less work. This qne.-diou was perhaps
the most important of the session.
Just before the council adjourned,
Councilman Gni-en got tho floor
and read a resolution naming the Co
lumbus Telegram as the official paper
of the city to be paid for advertising
50 per cent of th b-gal rate, and pro
poseing that the city job work be
awarded to the lowest local bidder.
The Jonrnal had called attention last
week to the fact that tho former Tele
gram resolution calied for not only
the legal advertising, but nlso the job
work of the city as a part of the
"spoils." The flreiten resolution
last night recognized the point raised
by the Jonrnal. by separating tho ad-
vertisng from tho job work. It wa?
evidently thought that this concession
would trap councilman Clark, who it
was known, favored placing the print
ing on a business basis. But u didn't
work. Clark. Gray and Galley stood
together and on motion of Galley,
amended the Greisen resolution so
that it required the soliciting of bids
for both the advertising and the job
work. Greisen, Dietrichs nnd
Zinnecker voted for the Telegram but
Mayor Dickinson decided against
them. Thus died the Telegram's
utraigthforwnrd, honest business
motuads aro bound to win. Wo cm
ploy first that sort of methods in our
Banking Business.
Wo may bo called "slow" or "old
fogy" but we prefer conservative to
"wild cat" Banking. If you do busi
ness with us., you'll not bo worried or
dissatisfied. Wo solicit yoar account.
Bo it large or small, wo, will give yon
cencrons nnd gentlemanly treatment.
Interest on timo deposits. Locns on
good approved piper. Drafts on nil
parts of tho world.
Columbus State Bank
"spoils" progrnm. Tho three defeat
ed councilmen accepted their defeat
good natnredly and they will doubt
less join the other members in giving
the printing to tho lowest and best
bidder. It matters little, however,
what course they take. Even if there
should bo no official paper, tho print
ing will go to tho best bidder and
Councilmen Galley, Clark and Gray
will ho credited by tho citizens of Co
lumbus for, tho signal victory they
have won in favor of a non-part iean
administration of the city's buinness.
Tho state treasurer reports that
there is iu tho general fund of the
State of Nebrabka tho sum of livo
cents. There is a fund that wo know
how to sympathio with.
e e -
Of course we don't mean to draw
any inferences from it, but every day
as we amble homewards wo iass two
parsonages, side by side, occupied
by two ministers of tho gospel : ana
there is a high, tight board fence bo
tween thom. Why should this ba
tuns? J
House cleaning is a nuisance and
mosquitoes are a nuisance and side
cats are a nuisance nnd other peoples
twins nro a nuisance, and thero aro
others. But it is our conviction that
tho biggest nuisance on earth is tho
old familiar form of theological dispu
tation, to-wit : on ono sido a profesror
of philosophy who comes homo from it
German university and announces that
ho has investigated tho mater and
finds tho fnct to bo that our old favor
ites, such as infant damnation, eternal
torment, fort ordination, etc., etc., aro
all mistakes nothing in if. And on
tho other bide tumo goml preacher who
thinks wo should tako literally every
v.'oni if thoFO old Hubruw sacred
poems which havn been translated in
to literal English to form tho Old Tes
tament. Thcsn discussions always
remind us of those six blind men of
Ir.itostan who went to see the elepliau;.
What these learned theologians would
bo reminded of If they should think of
us. wo don't know.
Our closing out salo will last but
one week more, after which wo will
move our stock.
You can still soenro some very do
sirablo bargains. Wo quote a few
prices: Any patent flour. $1.15 pur
sack. Potatoes 15 cent-! per bushel.
Rock salt, 50 cents per hundred ONE
WE.EIC ONLY. Wriu and Sons, Nth
Street. It
Frank Simms brought suit yester
day iu county court against Georgo
Hulst and Farah ChaMi to recover
money alleged to be due him. Tho
complaint 6ets out that Mrs. Hulst,
decensrd, made provision for tho
plaintiff; together with the defendants
in a cortaiu will. Afterward nnothor
will was made in winch no provision
was made forplaintitf. AH the parties
ngrced to content tne will. The will
was contested but it i alleged the de
fendants got tho monoy and failed to
pay tho plaintiff his share. The court
decided in favor of tho defendants.
Simms is a character in Columbus.
He was a slave in the south and lived
for many years with the Hulst family.
Frank T. Pearce of Diller, Neb.,
publisher of the Diller Record, made
this office a fraternal call this morn
ing. ! Dr. J. E. Paul, Dentist.
One of the largest and best
equipped dental offices in
the state.
Vitalized Air lor Painless
The kind that is safe and never
Come in and have your teeth
examined and icct our estimate
on your work. It will cost you
nothing; and we give a useful
souvenir to each caller.
All work guaranteed.
(her'a cor. 13th anil Olive SU.
S.IE. corner ofii'ark.
Both Phones.
VW Jsi
H ' . --"M