The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 26, 1905, Image 6

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The Columbus Journal
News in Brief
The Mexican mints have now been
definitely closed to the free coinage
of silver.
The French government has taken
every precaution to secure the obser
vance of the neutrality in French
water in Indo-China.
The executive committee of the Na
tional Association of letter Carriers
has completed arrangements for hold
ing the convention in Portland in
T. C. Haynes, secretary of the
Band, McNally Publishing company,
Chicago, shot and killed himself in
his room at the Marquette club. He
was almost 80 years old.
Governor General Northcote, of the
commonwealth of Australia, it is said,
will invite Secretary of War Taft and
party to visit Australia during the
party's forthcoming visit to the
The stockholders of the United
States Steel corporation, in session at
Hoboken, X. J., re-elected the eight
retiring director? and ratified the pur
chase by the steel corporation of the
Clairton Steel properties.
The once mighty Winnebago tribe
Is facing a miserable end, though it
has $900,000 with the national govern
ment to its credit. The Indians are
dying by scores of consumption, and
are heavy expense to several towns.
Miss Susan B. Anthony declares
that divorce is a refuge for women,
but her plea does not prevent the Na
tional Women's Council in Washing
ton from adopting condemnatory re
solutions. A crisis in the Russian revolt is
expected on May day and the people
are much alarmed. I-arge quantities
of l)ombs and arms have been smug
gled in and bloodshed on a large
scale is expected.
Hammond I-amont. managing editor
of the Xew York Evening Post, has
accepted the invitation of the Uni
versity of California to become a
member of the faculty during the
Rummer season, from June -j to Aug
ust 4.
Secretary Barnes of the Kansas hor
ticultural society, has received re
ports on the condition of the fruit
crop of the state. The indications are
bright for a big apple crop: also a
good crop of pears, cherries and
J. II. Gwinn of Pendleton. Ore., sec
retary of the Oregon Wool Growers'
association, will be installed as sec
retary of the National Live Stock as
sociation, with headquarters in Den
ver, May 1, succeeding the late Chas.
F. Martin.
Loaded with 10.000 tons of goods
which Russia would consider contra
band of war, the steamship Man
churia has set sail for Japan. The car
go includes food stuffs and heavy
machinery for the railroads and
bridges in Manchuria.
Gypsy, a huge elephant in Lincoln
park, Chicago, will be operated upon
for appendicitis. Physicians are pre
paring an aparatus. The elephant will
he dieted for weeks. Over a barrel of
ether will bo used to put Gyspy to
sleep for the ordeal.
A dispatch to the London Exchange
Telegraph company says that the
Jews are leaving Kishineff and other
south Russian cities because they are
afraid the Russians will take advan
take of their Easter religious cele
brations to persecute them.
John M. Thurston, former United
States senator from Xebraska, has
been retained to press claims for in
demnity on account of the massacre
i)f several Americans by Yaqtii In
dians in Sonora, Mexico, January 19.
The claims will aggregate $450,000.
Several of the ten pension exam
iners against whom Commissioner
TtfaFher has preferred charges, hand
ed" fh their resignations. Commission
er Warner will report to the secre
tary of the interior on the case short
ly. In the meantime it is understood
that all ten of the examiners will re
sign. The supreme court of the United
States affirmed the decision of the
United States circuit court for the
Eastern district of Kentucky, in the
case of the city of Covington vs. the
National Bank of Covington, holding
to be invalid the Kentucky law re
quiring national banks of that ntate
to make return of all shares for taxa
tion purposes.
An American. J. G. Jenkins, who is
relinquishing the premiership of
South Australia in order to become
the agent general for that state in
Ijor.don, will enjoy the distinction of
being the first man who was born a
citizen of the United States to repre
sent a British colony in London. He
is a native of Susquehanna county,
Spotted fever is proving a mystery
which puzzles doctors, who are seek
ing a remedy.
The weekly trade reviews report
Improved conditions due to the good
crop outlook, the opening of ,'ake
navigation and the increased use of
Joseph Jefferson, veteran actor, is
critically ill at winter home at Palm
Beach, Fla.
Former Senator John M. Thurston
declares that he will make good every
dollar contributed to the Maritime
League if any question is raised as to
the use of the money.
The contract is let for the construc
tion of a new island to be part of the
Ellis Island immigrant station at
New York.
Howard Kennedy, sr., one of
Omaha's oldest settlers, and the first
superintendent of the Omaha public
schools, died last week.
A general strike for more wages
has broken out on the largest sugar
plantations in the Ponce district in
Poroto Rico.
By direction of Postmaster General
Cortelyou, the exposition station of
the St. Louis postoffice will be dis
continued April 30.
The mandate from the supreme
court in the Northern Securities case
to the circuit court of the United
States for the district of New Jersey,
commanding it to dismiss the bill filed
by E. H. Harriman and others against
the victorious Hill partisans, was is
sued. George W. Thacher of Dayton, O.,
pleaded guilty in the United States
4istrict court in Cincinnati to three
counts in indictments charging; use. of
the mails to defraud by means of what
k called the "Mercer" estate in Eng-
which he declared to be raised
Compicte List cf Bills Passed by the Recent
Session of the Legislature.
(Continued From Last Week.)
Senate file No. 31. by Jackson of Gage,
a bill providing regulations for the forma
tion of sewer districts in cities of from
5.000 to 23,000 and allowing a majority of
tiie residents to sign the petitions to
create said districts. Signed March 30.
S.e,V.ate fl,e No- 'M- b Fries of Valley,
a bill permitting farmers to organize ir
rigation districts under the government
Senate tils No. 230. by Sheldon of Cass,
a bill limiting the state levy to a mills
and the school levy at not more than
lft mills.
Senate file No. 43. by Senator Meserve
of Knox, a joint resolutioc authorizing
the governor of Nebraska to enter into
and sign a compact with the governor of
Soutli Dakota, as agreed upon by a com
mission appointed by the governors to lix
the boundaries between the states. Emer
gency clause. Signed February 3.
Senate file Xo. 3. by Senator Good of
Nemaha, n bill classifying property under
the revenue law and authorizing the state
board of equalization to rait-e or lower the
valuation by classes. Under the revenue
law property could not be so classified and
a raise in a!uation by the state board ot
equalization had to be implied to all
lroperty, pro rata, within the county.
Emergency clause. Signed February Zi.
Senate tile No. 14, by Senator Jennings
of Thayer, a bill allowing m-Iioo! districts
having 1W pupiis to erect school houses
wortli $.",Wl and to vote bonds therefor.
Undet the old law the limit was $d,l"id for
each .J0 pupiis. Emergency claute. Signed
February 23.
Senate hie No. 57, by Senator Cady of
Howard, a bill for the relief of Daniel I..
Juliiioii. The bill allows tiie board of edu
cational lands and funds to surrender to
Johiuon a lease and issue a certificate of
purchase for the southeast quarter of
section 36. township 13. north of range 12.
west of the sixth 1. ,I., at tiie appraised
value of $:l.Wu. Johnson was the victim
tf a clerical error in the lease. Signed
J.tarch b.
Sen-ate tile No. C, by Senator Mockett of
Lancaster, the juvenile court law. This
law implies to all children under 16 years
of age, who are inmates or any state in
stitution or any training school for boys
or girls, organized under tiie laws of tiie
state. A dependent or neglected child is
defined as any destitute or abandoned
child under 1C. Parents are declared to
be negligent when they allow their chil
dren to be surrounded by vicious or im
moral influences. Children under the age
of S who sing, play or peddle on ttie
streets may be taken from their parents
and placed under tiie care of a guardian.
District courts of the counties of the state
shall have jurisdiction in all cases aris
ing under the provisions of the bill. Where
tliero is no district judge tile county judge
shall .have jurisdiction. In counties of
more than 5o.v the probation officer shall
have two deputies. Probation officers shall
receive $3 per day fur the time actually
employed. Children under 12 years of age
are not to fie committed to jail nor con
lined in any building with adult prison
ers. Parents are responsible for tiie sur
roundings of their children and may be
punished lor neglect. The st.ite board of
charities shall have jurisdiction over the
st.ite institutions and shall visit all chil
dren confined therein. The probation of
ficer is tne executive official of the court
and it Is hi d.ity to visit, prosecute and
report on all delinquent children in the
juiisdiction of the court. Emergency
clause. Signed llarcli S.
Senate file No. y. by Senator Thomas of
Douslas. A bill exempting from the ien
alties of embezzlement any agent or at
torney who shall retain the amount due
him for fees, commissions or charges on
collections. It shall le no defense to a
prosecution for embezzlement that the of
fender was entitled to a commission out
of the moneys appropriated. Tiie bill
amends suction 121 of the criminal code.
Signed .March 9.
Senate tile No. 02. by Meserve of TCnox.
A bill forbidding attorneys to practice in
the state withqut being admitted to the
bar. A fine of $lt is provided, or impris
onment in the county jail not exceeding
thirty diiys, or both, at the discretion of
the court. Signed March 'J.
Senate tile No. OT. by Senator Jones of
Otoe. A bill exempting lioundury streams,
with the exception of such portions as are
within 1( f;et from the mouth of an
Ft renin tributary thereto, from the oper
ation of the lisli laws of the state. Emer
gency clause. Signed larch 9.
Senate tile No. 0U, by Senator Jones of
Ojoe. Hequ'ires tlio County board of equali
sation to hold a session on tiie first Tues
day after the second Monday of June in
each ear to equalize the valuation of per
sonal property. Every four years, begin
ning in IIKH, the valuation of real prop
erty must bo equalized. This affords re
lief, particularly to certain counties where
whole precincts bad been over assessed by
error of the as.- ssor. Provision is also
made that in ease of division of real es
tate assessed ns entitb s the board shall
apportion to each i arc-el its just propor
tion of assessed valuation. Signed March It.
Senate tile No. Au. by Senator Shreck of
York. A bill requiring railroad companies
to issue return transportation to shippers
pf live stock. One man may accompany
two car: two men may accompany six
cars. Signed March X
Senate file. No. 2t by Senator Cady.
grAntnTg graduates of osteopathy schools
authority to practice osleopathy in Ne
braska. Signed March 17.
Senate file No. 44. by Senator Gibson of
Douglas, the South Omaha charter bill.
Emergejicv clause. Signed March 17.
Senate file No. 125. bv Thomas of
uougias. a bin
the neglect of
ffTTaraians may
fl.OOO or Imprisi
Douglas, a bill prescribing penalties for
or cnuaren. J'arenta or
be fined not t5 exceed
ImnrlGnnpil (fr- sit mn.B .t.trA
fine ycir.. Emergency clause. Signed
ai a re n zi.
Senate file No. 34. by CJiflfen of Dawson.
Authorizing publication of the biennial re
ports of tne state board of irrigation.
Signed March 28.
6enate file No. 17. by Cady of Howard,
transferring $2.34f.15 from the peniten
tiary special lalwr "fund to the genera!
fund. Emergency clause. Signed Marcii 2S.
Senate file No. 12S. by Epperson of Clay,
permitting the wife to be a witness
against the husband in desertion cases.
Signed March 2S.
Senate file No. 120. y Epperson of Clay,
providing for remitting the sentences in
desertion cases when the husband pro
vides for the support of the wife. Signed
March 2S.
Senate file No. 19. by Epperson of Clay,
a bill to confine inebriates, dipsomaniacs
a.nd narcotic fiends in the asylums of the
state. Commissioners of insanity in each
countv to hear the application, which
must be made in wiitinV by a relative or
person who knows the dipsomaniac. Tiie
bibulous habits of the erring one must
be proven and the dipsomaniac Is con
fined in the asylum until cured. He ma
bo paroled on promise of good behavior,
but must be instantly returned to the
asylum should he lapse into drunkenness.
Signed Marcii 2S.
Senate file No. 63. by Jackson, a bill pro
viding for the redemption of tax sale
certificates and applying only to Gage
county. Signed March 2S.
Senate files Nos. fi4 and OT open the
Missouri river to fishing at all seasons
bv the use of seines or other legal meth
ods, but except so much of the river as
is within 100 feet of its tributaries. There
fishing is prohibited during the closed
season. Unconstitutionality is avoided by
terming the Missouri "all boundary
streams." Emergency clause.
Senate file No. 7S. by I-iverty of
Saunders, a hill allowing the fish commis
sioner to have charge of spawn. Emerg
ency clause. Signed March 2S.
Senate file No. 111. by Meserve. a bill
making adultery a teiony and providing
a penalty of imprisonment for a term of
two years in the penitentiary. Signed
March 2S.
Senate file No. 123. by Thomas, a bill
repealing section 4465 of Cobbey's statutes.
This section authorized country attorneys
to cmplov legal help in tax litigation.
Emergency clause. Signed March 23.
Senate file No. 11. by Sheldon of Cass.
In Defense of Husbands. One Method.
Complaint is made of the men be- "How may men become more pop
cause thev do not take their wives ular with the women?" asks a maga
flowers as they did in their court-
ing days. But every woman Knows
that If" her husband brought home a
costly bouquet she would tell him it
would have been more sensible to
have brought home a new teapot or
a ham. Exchange.
When you notice a vague accusa
tion you "give it a reality and turn a
shadow into a substance.
The Finest Virtue.
The time to teach truthfulness Is
childhood. And the way to teach it
Is never, never, never to make your
child for an instant afraid to tell the
truth about anything whatever any
thing he does, anything he thinks.
Saturday Evening Post.
He who boasts that he never kiss
ed a girl may be telling the truth,
but aobody envies him.
Fear not the bold man who uses
kto tongae instead of a sword.
revising the list of fees for the justices
of the peace. Signed Marcii 30.
Senate file No. 13. bv Laverty. a bill
prohibiting the illegal expenditure of
public funds. Boards in villages, cities
and counties are forbidden to let con
tracts when the funds for the payment
of the expenses are not available or au
thorized. Signed March 30.
Senate flie No. 15. by Gibson of Doug
las, a bill providing penalties for jurors
or referees who receive bribes. Imprison
ment from one to five years In prison is
provided. Emergency clause. Signed
Senate file No. 143. by Thomas of Doug
las, a bill allowing the secretary of the
Omaha board of education to be elected
for a three-year term. Emergency clause.
Signed March 30.
Senate file No. 152. by Gould of Greeley,
fixing a speed of eighteen miles an hour
for the transportation of live stock to
market. Signed March 30.
Senate file No. 42. bv Senator Thomas,
the Omaha primary bill. This measure
places the primaries under the direction
:,.t,ie. unt- officials, prescrilies pen
alties tor the Violation ot the rules nnn
regulations and in addition pledges cacn
" who participates in the primary to
...,..; u i iii? results. l-::iell
must at least thirty days before the pri
mary file a written application with the
proper authority, leouesting that his
namo be placed upon tiie official primary
ballot and pledging himself to abide bv
the results of the primary. These appli
cations shall be filed in the office of tiie
eity clerk, for city offices and for mem
Srsn0f boards of education. For offices
wholly electio in one countv. except citv
oriiees. the papers shall lie filed in the
office of the county clerk. Tiie filing
tees shall be computed at 1 per cent of
the emoluments authorized by law for
me nestled office during the term for
which tiie candidate would serve if elected
and must be paid at the time of filing the
petition. No filing fee shall be less than
510, except for offices without emolument,
in which case no tiling fee is required.
Delegates to a convention shall pav a
tiling fee of 50 cents for each delegate.
Nomination papers my be tiled for non
partisan candidates. Separate primarv
election tickets may be had bv anv poli
tical organization represented on the of
ficial bullrt Ui last preceding general
-ni.wuii. ii anv oi us candidates receive
1 per cent of the total vote cast at the
last general election In the state. O" the
sample ballot the names of the eandi
i esi . earh of shall be arranged
alphabetically, according to surname, no
name appearing more than once on the
same ballot. When printing, the form
shall be set up with the names in the
order In wiicli they are placed upon the
sample ballot. In printing each set of
tickets for the various election districts
tile positions of tiie names shall lie
changed in each office division as many
times as there are candidates in the of
fice division in which there are the most
names, as nearly possible an equal num
ber of tickets being printed after each
ehange. The primary election shall be
held in each district at the place where
the registration of voters occurs for the
election next ensuing. . mimnrv ex
nor more than $Tfr or imprisonment in '
fie countv iail for not less tli:m sivtv !
penses shall be paid out of the treasury V...!.? J revive aid from counties when i,ome at p(.,ini Beach and had
ii tne eiiy or cotintv. lv the sanie officers ''"""" ,Jin-"-- "vi-oiims nave oeen iiie-.i. . .
as in the case of elections. Penalties for I,;,Illire to do this within two years results recovered his strength from the
committing any fraud or wrong tending '" i1' -c :.,lia ,xyciition ot the propertj w,jci. milled htni down
to defeat the result of a primary election ;,ml ,!l jmetuig of all titles In fee simple "L "" Incu
are fixed at fines of not less than .!, t,: tho county. Emersrcncy clause. spring, he was over-confident
days 7ior more than one year, or both at :,,1(1 damaged persons may recover for
the discretion of the court. At all pri- J?nHng and the damages m-iy be assessed
mary elections the polls shall be open in ",v three disinterested freeholders. Emer
cities at S o'clock ii: the morning and ency clau-e.
close at 9 o'clock in the evening of the. h nate tile No. 191, by Good of Nemaha,
same day: in all other places from noon111 ''ill allowing the deputy state superm-
untii :i o clock in the evening. In cities
where a registration of the voters is r
quired by law the city authorities in
whom by law is vested tiie power to ap
Ioliit registrars, shall appoint two resi
dent electors m each precinct to serve as
clerks of the primary, one of whom shall
be appointed from the party castipg the
largest vote at the last general election
in the state, and tho other from the party
casting the second largest vote. The reg
istrars shall act as judges, but shall re
ceive no additional compensation for
their services. Any person desiring to
vote at a primary election must first
state to the judges what political party
he affiliates with and whose candidates
ho supported at the last election. A first
voter need not state Ids past political af
filiations. Emergency clause. Signed
Marcii 31.
Sen7it6 file No. 1.7". by Jones of Otoe
A bill forbidding the killing of red fox
or gray timber squirrels or for maiming
or wounding them between the season of
January 1 and August -31 of each year.
The penalty for the violation of the act
is a fine of $",. Signed Marcii 3d.
Senate file No. PVS. by Epjnjrson of
Clay A bill abolishing theoffice of state
architect. Emergency clause. Signed
Marcii 3.
Senate file No. IS, by Gilligan of Holt
Forbidding horse racing, liall play
make estimates of school district ex
penses when the school districts fail to do
so. Emergency clause. Signed March "
Senate file No. 1S1. by Gould Allowing
a tax ot twenty-five miles for a road
fund in townships where the freehold
ers desire it. Sinned Marcii 30. .
Senate file No. 232. by Hughes of Platte;
oFibiddmg hotse racing, hall pia
ing or any game or siort on Decoration
da v. The penalty may lie a tine not ex
ceeding $100 or imprisonment not more
tlm thirty days or both. Signed March
Senate file No. 2S1. by Beghtol of Lan
casterMaking the. county surveyor of
i ...wviKter ?mi Doiurl.'is counties ex-of-
ficio inspector or bridge-3 and judge of
tio material in county bridges. Signed
March 30.
;vf v
Senate flic No. 74, by Thonias of Doug
las. auHiormillg the use oi voting uui
cliitiM ahd allowing counties to buy the
machines and expend the difference of
the costs of elections for payment there
for. Emergency clause. Signed April 1.
Senate file No. 90. by Wall of Sherman,
a bill giving district courts instead or
county commissioners jurisdiction over
cases where charges are preferred
against officials. Emergency clause.
Signed April 1.
Senate file No. 13S. by Tucker, a bill to
quiet the title to land which has been
platted and laid out in lots, alleys,
streets and parks. The bill applies to
cities of the second-class having less
than 5S1Q inhabitants and to villages
where conveyances have been made with
in the last twenty-live years. Emergency
ClSenate file No. 174. by Gould of Greeley,
a bill fixing the poll tax in cities of $o,nKl
or less and providing that 12 may be
paid in cash and the money to be ex
pended in improving the highways ad
jacent to the city or the village. Emerg
ency clause.
S'-nate file No. 122. by Epperson of Clay,
a bill requiring the tabulation of the
vote on constitutional amendments on
separate sheets and that the results be
sent to the legislature to le canvassed.
Senate file No. 75, by Thomas, a bill
codifying all the negotiable instrument
laws "of the state. The revision of the
statutes was made by the American
association and all the laws concerning
negotiable papers are arranged under con
venient headings. The bill takes effect
August 1. 1?05. Signed April 1.
Senate file No. 148. by Hreseo of Sheri
dan, a bill to make uniform the laws for
the' laving out of roads. Grounds or
llower gardens are exempt from condem
nation for roads, and no roads are per
mitted to be laid out when the existing
roads meet all the exigencies of travel.
Signed April 1.
Senate file No. 101. by Meserve of Knox,
a bill allowing small estates to be settled
without the expense of administration.
The estates must be free from debts of
the decedents. Emergency clause. Signed
Senate file No. 149. by Thomas of Doug
las, a bill to distribute the funds col
lected under the terms of the defunct
Higli school law. The funds are to be re
turned to the school -districts which have
maintained free High schools for non
resident pupils proportionately to the
number of non-resident pupils instructed
and the length of the time of such in-
zine writer. By being half as patient
at a social function as they are in a
poker game. Washington Post.
Removing Fruit Stains.
Fruit stains can be removed with
pDwdered starch, if applied at once.
Some men never wander from their
own firesides because they dwell in
steam-heated fiats.
Inconsistent Man!
When a girl of 2, her father is
pleased when she goes into his pock
ets when he comes home nights;
when she is 10, he is irritated, and
when she is 30 he gets mad. Atchi
son Globe.
When a man is financially embar
rassed he is apt to feel sorry that he
has friends who only feel sorry for
him. .
A man who gets his pay in advance
never 'works overtime.
structlon. Kiiirriii'itcy elmcn, Mlgund
April 1.
Senate file No. IT.t. I ItlnuMy of How
ard, limiting the fee ot tll kiUr or tln
district com In. if lh teen ex.'ied l.rtt
ill counties bavin-; piqinlutlon of Ion
than 23.oot, fcl.uii In count lei tiiivliw mom
than that number, or i.f.fc" In .ountlcM
having less than &. and $.'..M In coun
ties having more than tm.uo the clerk
shall turn such excels Into the county
treasury. Reports must be iniido to the
county commissions of all fees io
celved. Senate file No. at. bv IMmerv of Seward.
a bill raising the salary of the deputy
game warden from J1.2IM to JI.W0 a year.
Signed April 1.
Senate file No. 222. by Jones of Otoe,
a bill permitting school officers to as
sume the duties or truant officers out
side of cities. Complaints may be tiled
against parents who fall to send their
children to school. ,
Senate file No. ItS. by Tucker of Kicli
ardson. The bo.tid of canvassers in elec
tions must prepare a list of 5 voters.
From these lists the grand and petit
jurors are drawn. Emergency clause.
Senate file No. 1W. bv Cady ot Howard, a
joint resolution for a constitutional amend
ment creating a l ailway commission. I he
commission is to consist of three mem
bers to lie elected by the people and to
havj general authority over railway
traffic. .
Senate file No. 2'. by Dimery.
to permit the leasing of state property
which may become vacant.
Senate file No. l.rt. by Epperson
of Clay, amending section S12 of the code
of civil procedtiie so th..t three referees in
nartition must be unpointed. Under the
old statute the court was directed to ap
point "referees."
Senate file No. 7. by Sheldon of
Cass, providing for a 1 mill levy to pay
the state debt. The money derived from
taxes must be used to pay interest and
principal. Emergency clause.
Senate file No. IS. by Gibson of Douglas.
a biil defining the crime of jury bribing.
This is stated as any overture which will
affect or bias a verdict. Any person who
offers such a bribe may be imprisoned in
the penitentiary for not more than five
years. Emergency clause.
Senate file No. 150. by Thomas of Doug
las, a bill revising the statute for burg
lary and incorporating the statutes for
housebreaking therewith. Emergency
Senate file No. 141. by Meserve of Knox,
a bill regulating water works in small
cities and village and requiring a two
thirds vote instead of a majority to issue
bonds. Emergency clause.
Senate file No. 211, by Cady of Howard,
relieving small eities fioin damages aris
ing from defective sidewalks unless notice
has been previously filed resrardinir the
condition of the walks. Emergency clause.
aeu.ite me o. 213. by Meserve of Knox,
to relieve small estate's of the oxnense of
administration when notice of the death
of the intestate has been given and tho
statements of indebtedness published.
Senate file No. 2.X by Epperson of Clay,
a bill allowing county agricultural so-
-'nate file No. 1SS. by Gibson of Douglas,
the South Omaha charter bill. Citizens
lenucni and me deputy attorney general
to give
bonds for ilO.oDU. Emergency
Senate file No. 250. by Epperson of Clay,
a bill allowing an action against an insur
ance company to lie brought in the county
in which the cause for the suit originated.
Signed April 1.
Senate file No. 255. by Hughes of Platte,
requiring a three-fifths vote instead of
two-thirds of the voters to change the
county seat of a county. Emergency
Senate file No. 23t'. by Meserve of Knox,
permitting licenses tor fishing to be Issued
to non-residents for $2. The price was $10
under thu old law. Emergency clause.
Senate file No. 1OT. by Harsh, a bill
amending the Kamsey elevator law and
providing for a site on railroad right of
way for an elevator with a capacity or
15.CO0 bushels. The bill requires that "cars
be furnished pro rata to all shippers with
out discrimination. Emergency clause.
Senate- tile No. 171, by Gibson of Doug
las, requiring the redemption of trading
stamps at their face cash value and pio
hihUtng their u: unless so stamped.
Emergency clause. Signed April 1.
Senate file No. 210. by Gifiin of Dawson,
to allow credit to Lincoln countv for tho
money paid for the maintenance and sup
port of insane- patients who were not resi
dents of tiie county.
Senate file No. 217. by Thomas of Doug
las, a bill making judgments good for five
years. This is done by declaring that judg
ments in Nebraska do not outlaw until
they are barred by the sintnies of tiu
state in which they
in which they are secured.
Senate hie No. :;. b Sneidon of f.iss
requiring railroads to keep depots open
and to stop all local trains for pas
seiigeis. Senate file No. 187, by Gilligan of Holt,
allowing the state to sell the Tiovd county
lands to the settlers. This bill Is de
signed to end the dispute between the
state and the "squatters."
Senate file No. 23S. by Meserve of Knox,
allowing guardians and executors to
maintain suits for damages for trespass
on the property under their control.
Senate file No. 2$. by Bresee of Sheri
dan, requiring the state reports of the
departments to be distributed to the
county clerks to be circulated among the
people. Emergency clause.
Senate file No. 233. by Meserve of Knox,
giving the county court the authority
to let guardians sell the real estate of a
ward. Emergency clause.
Senate file No. 223. by Sheldon of Cass,
limiting the senate employes to forty
eight. Emergency clause.
Senate file No. 27;. ty Gould of Greelev.
compelling live stock comiNinies to unload
the v stock consigned to them within an
hour and a half. After that time a
penalty of $2.50 per hour per car is as
sessed. Senate file No. 21 1, by Thomas, describ
ing the conditions under which real es
tate may lie sold for taxes.
Senate file No. 215. by Thomas of Doug
las, providing for the redemption of prop
erty sold for taxes.
Senate file No. 2W, by Cady of Howard,
allowing cemeteries to own eighty acres
of land in small cities and in villages
and permitting the municipality to own
such property for cemetery purposes.
Emergency clause.
Senate file No. 271. by Saunders of
Douglas, revising the procedure in ob
jection suits against assessments
Senate file No. 2C2. by Sheldon of Cas
to allow the us of standard gas and
electric light meters in cities
Senate file No. 51. b- Sheldon" of Cass,
allowing the majority of the resident
stockholders in cemetery associations to
hold elections. Emergency clause
Senate file No. 1S5. by Ciidv of Howard,
repealing the 7-miII lew limit of the
revenue law. Emergency clause.
Senate file No. 2S1. by Mockett, allow
ing insurance companies to tile an an
nual instead of a semi-annual report.
Emergency clause.
House roll No. 3S4. by Andersen the
Omaha charter bill. This measure em
bodies a thorough revision of the exist
ing charter, provides for an increase from
nine to twelve councilmen. consolidates
county and city treasurersliip makes
county assessor city tax commissioner
and abolishes the board of public works,
giving more power to the mavor and city
council. Emergency clause."
Senate file No. 40. by Heghtol of Lan
caster, providing penalties for cruelty to
animals. Overworking, torturing and tor
menting animals may be punished bv the
fines and penalties for misdemeanors.
Emergency clause. Signed March 30.
Ill-Omen for Family Dinner.
We should feel sorry for any home
whose daughter has no higher ambi
tion in life than to paint a stork
standing on one leg. Exchange.
The Egg Tree's Farewell.
"The darkest hour," as the chicken
remarked when the colored man re
moved it from the roost, "is just be
fore dawn."
Nothing beats a good wife except
a bad husband.
London Firemen Are Slow.
A new fire station was opened In
London the other day, and to show
what they could do the firemen made
a record" turnout in twenty seconds.
Extremes in Temperature.
Water freezes every night through
out the year at Alto Crucero, In Bo
livia, while at noonday the sun Is
hot enough to cause actual suffering.
Some men were born about a hun
dred years too soon to salt their
Body to Dc Taken to Buzard's Bay,
Mass., for Burial. Nation Will
Mourn the Loss of a Widely Known
ihmiIi Jefferson, the eminent actor,
died nt his home. "The Reefs." at
I'nlm lleach at fi:15 Sunday evening.
Tho end came after a day of tincon
nclottsness and after a heroic struggle
of days which had exhausted his vit
ality. At his deathbed were his wife,
his sons, Charles B. and Frank Jef
ferson: his nurso. Miss Mabel Bing
ham: Dr. R. B. Potter and his faith
ful old servant, Carl Kettler.
The end was not a surprise to his
family. Ever since his last sinking
snell. which came after a rally on
Thursday morning and was followed
by ari apparent improvement until
Friday, the family has been waiting
for the end. Mr. Jefferson's condition
Saturday night grew steadily worse
and the family, which had retired, was
summoned and Dr. Porter called. The
patient's condition continued to grow
worse all through Sunday and tho
brief bulletins from the bedside con
tained no words of encouragement.
The sickness of Mr. Jefferson
which ended in his death, was con
tracted, it is believed, while on a
recent vist to his son. Charles B. Jef
ferson, at Hobo Sound, a few miles
above Palm Beach, where he went to
meet his friend, former President
Cleveland. It is believed that from a
slight indiscretion in his eating he
suffered an attack of indigestion.
Since his return to h'is home his con
dition grew worse, with slight rallies,
until the end.
The body of Mr. Jefferson will-lie
taken to Buzzards Bay. Mass.. leaving
here Monday afternoon, accompanied
by all his family who are here. It will
reach' New York Wednesday.
It was on April 1 that Mr. Jefferson
went to Hohe Sound to meet Mr.
Cleveland and other friends at the
home of his- son. Charles B. Jefferson.
The party spent about a week there
and during that time there were fre
quent fishing expeditions. During that
time Mr. Jefferson appeared active,
but as he had been resting at his
over-exerted himself. It, was at a sup
per thero one night when ho ate
something which it is thought brought
on the attack of indigestion. When
Mr. Jefferson became ill he returned
at once to The Reers and was taken
to his room on the second floor of the
cottage, which is only 100 feet from
the ocean, where he could watch the
sea. The weather was favorable
throughout his illness. Dr. Porter, the
family physician at the Florida home,
lived three miles from The Reefs and
went occasionally to the bedside of
his patient, feeling that his patient
might survive. But when the first
critical period occurred he spent
most of his time there and called Dr.
Worley. a specialist of St. Augustine,
for a consultation. Dr. Worley went
to Palm Beach, arriving there last
Monday and leaving there the follow
ing Monday, thinking that Mr. Jeffer
son might recover. It was the heroic
fight the veteran actor was making
against death and his great determin
ation to survive in order that he
could reach his northern home that
resulted" in the few temporary changes
for the better.
Announce Backing by Gould.
SAX FRAXCISCO The local pro
moters of the Western Pacific Rail
way company make a formal an
nouncement that George J. Gould and
his overland railroad system are be
hind the road, which will be con
structed without delay, from Salt
Lake City to San Francisco.
March Compares Favorably With Any
WASHINGTON The March health
report of Colonel W. C. Gorgas. chief
sanitary officer of the Isthmian canal
zone, received here, shows a steady
improvement in conditions there.
There were about 9.000 employes of
the commission at the end of the
month. The sick in hospitals number
ed irS. and the total deaths for the
month were only eleven. This is equal
to a rate of fourteen per 1.000. a
rate which Colonel Gorgas says would
be considered favorable anywhere.
In the thirty days ended with
March there had been four cases of
yellow fever throughout the whole
isthmus, of which one was in Pana
ma. In the previous thirty days there
had been twelve cases. Each house
in Panama City has been fumigated:
a great many of them several times.
Fete for th German Emperor.
MESSINA, Italy The German im
perial yacht HohenzoIIern was pro
fusely decorated with flowers and
plants on Sunday in celebration of
Easter. Dr. Goens. the German court
chaplain, came from Berlin expressly
to perform servics in the chapel of
the yacht in the presence of Em
peror William. The imperial family
and their suites and the staffs of the
German shins at present in this har
bor. At the conclusion of the ser
vice the emperor delivered a sermon
expounding a text from the bible.
Pope Celebrates Mass on Easter.
ROME Pope Pius X on Sunday re
ceived many Easter greetings and
celebrated mass in the hall of the
Consistory in the presence of many
people, to whom his holiness gav
communion. The Americans who
were admitted included Martin Ma
loney and daughter, Helen, of Phila
delphia and Mr. and Mrs. Shripon and
family of Baltimore. Afterwards the
pope confirmed two sons of Senor
Ivancicy, the consul general of Port
ugal here. King Victor Emmanuel
suspended all state affairs.
Palma and the Opposition.
HAVANA As the result of a sec
ond conference between President
Palma and the opposition leaders, the
latter have agreed to suspend the anti
administration demonstration pro
posed for April 23, and to assist the
government in its investigation of its
charges against local officials. The
president has reiterated fat It s his
purpose to see that strict, unpartlsan
justice is done and he has invited the
advice and co-operation of his poli
tical opponents In all matters where
grievances appear.
Actor's Pleasant Ways Endeared Kim
to Townspeople.
BUZZARDS BAY. Mass. The prog
ress of Joseph Jefferson's last illness
was followed anxiously in this, his i
mrto?L1fri,rt"'roX",0nr,'hlV,'AS LOU"! W PUBLIC AFFA1HS
genuine sorrow by the townspeople, to
whom he had become a familiar tig- A Ma" Peculiarly Representative of
ure during fifteen years of Miniinvr
residence here.
The usual spring preparations at
the Jefferson summer cottage, at the
head of Buttermilk bay. have been in
progress for some weeks, it being Mr.
Jefferson's custom to take up his resi
dence here "about the middle of May.
The house which the distinguished
actor occupied is the second which
he built here, the first -having been
destroyed by fir April 1. 1S93.
Mr. Jefferson's pleasant ways en
deared him to the people in every
part of Cape Cod. who were always
proud of his residence among them.
His sons, Thonias and Joseph, built
cottages herre and Mr. Jefferson also
built a cottage here for his daughter
So popular was Mr. Jefferson on
Cape Cod that he had served for
many years as president of the Old
Colony 4lub. the summer driving club
of the cape, whose annual repasts,
principally of clams and other sea
food, have been attended by many dis
tinguished men.
With former President Cleveland he
enjoyed many fishing excursions dovn
Buzzards Bay and along the brooks of
Bourne and Sandwich. His principal
pastime, however, was painting. He
took deep interest in the affairs of
the town.
Rule That Will Apply to Rojestven
sky's Squadron.
ed Press is informed that no repre
sentations have been made to Russia
through the French embassy here on
the subject of Admiral Rojestvensky's
stay at Kamranh bay. There is no
direct telegraph line to Kamranh bay.
and the fact of a violation of neutral
ity would have to be established be
fore any definite response could be
given to Japanese or French repre
sentations on the subject made to
Russia. Admiral Fe Jonquieres, the
French naval commander at Saigon,
has already sailed from there for the
purj-ose of investigating the matter.
The following .statement on the sub
ject was made :"If Rojestvensky is
stili at Kamranh bay. or contemplates
remaining there until Xebogatoff joins
his ships, he will remain outside the
three-mile limit, as he did during the
long stay off Madagascar. Naturally.
Japan will file a caveat. just as she
would file one with the United States
if Rojestvensky should approach the.
Philippines. Japan's protest is in the
nature of a warning. The facts yet re
main to be established."
German Doctor Compares Longevity
of Germans and Americans.
WIESBADEN "Americans are
shorter-lived than Germans." was the
conclusion reached by Dr. B. Iiquer
in his paper on social hygiene in the
United States, submitted to the Inter
national Congress of Medicine, now in
session here.
"Although more temperate in the
use of alcohol than the Germans, and
working an average of 10 per cent
shorter hours, the Americans are"
said Dr. Laquer, "exhausted earlier in
The doctor gave these figures for
each thousand of the population: The
number of persons from 50 to CO
years of age are. in Germany. 170; in
America. 170; persons over SO, in
Germany. 7S; in America. 5.
Dr. Laquer did not undertake to
explain the facts. He simply gave
them as the result of inquiries which
he made during a visit to the United
States in 1904.
Can Travel 100 Miles on Three Gallon-
of Gasoline.
ST. PAUL. Minn. A practical test
of the railroad automobile as an in
spection car has been made by Assist
ant General Superintendent Brown of
the Great Northern road. Chief En
gineer Davis. Superintendent Jenks of
the road's northern division, and Di
vision Roadmaster Lockland. They
traversed the northern division with
a car, which is now in the St. Paul
union depot yards. The new moans
of transportation enables the inspect
ors to view the tracks and roadbeds
at close range, to vary the speed of
the car on short notice, and to look
with equal ease in all directions.
So satisfactory was the tost that
Assistant Superintendent Brown wilt
henceworth use the car during all his
inspection trips. Four persons can bo
accommodated on tho car. It can make
much more than thirty miles an hour,
although that rate is considered best
for practical purposes. It can travel
100 miles on three gallons of gasoline.
No News of Russ;an Fleet.
LONDON Beyond the report that
from Kamranh bay the Russian sec
ond Pacific squadron proceeded
northward, there is no further news
of any kind nor confirmation of the
reported firing off Kamranh bay.
There have been rumors recen'ly that
a portion of Rojestvensky's squadron
was at Hainan, near the promontory
of Liencham. If these rumors are
true it is supposed the whole squad
ron may reassemble there and en
deavor in Chinese waters to continue
Standard Oil Discrimination.
TOPEKA, Kas. Attorney General
Coleman said that he is willing to
institute suit under the new antir
discrimination law against the Stan
dard Oil company for the alleged
discrimination in the price of gaso
line made by that company at Em
poria and other points if he can se
cure the necessary evidence. It has
been alleged that the Standard com
pany made a wholesale price at Em
poria of 9 cents a gallon, while at
Topeka and other points in the state
it remains at 134 cents.
WASHINGTON The interstate
commerce commission refused W. J.
and H. W. Koch, Harrisburg, Pa.,
millers, an order compelling the Penn
sylvania & Pittsburg. Cincinnati, Chi
cago & St. Louis Railway companies
to grant them the privilege of mill
ing grain en route at the same freight
rate as a through shipment of grain.
Ohio and Indian shippers enjoy the
privilege, but the commission decided
conditions there may be different.
If they are filled with gratitude
there is no place for benefits forgoLl
New England Ideas Funeral Will
Probably Be Held on Tuesday, April
WASHINGTON? Conn. United
States Senator Orville Hitchcock
Piatt of Connecticut, died at his sum
mer home in this, his native town, at
8:53 Friday night from pneumonia.
The end came almost unexpectedly,
the immediate cause being the break
ing of the abscess which had foimed
in the right lung and which produced
strangulation. Only a few minutes be
fore, Dr. Ford, the family physician,
had prepared a bulletin from the sick
room to the effect that if the patient
did not have another sinking spell,
such as had come to him during the
forenoon, he would probably live
through the night.
The funeral will probably be held
next Tuesday, though the date has
not been conclusively fixed.
By both temperament and feeling
Senator Piatt was peculiarly the rep
resentative of New England ideas and
of the old Puritan integrity and con
science. Senator Piatt's last public utterance
was at the state capitol on March 21.
when before the general assembly he
delivered the eulogy over General
Hawley. whose body lay in state in
the corridor below. He spoke as if
from a heart that was overflowing
with grief and in words that touched
deeply all who heard him. telling of
the personal side of his long relations
with General Hawley. rather than of
the political battles they had fought
with varying fortune for the party to
which they both had life-long adher
ence. At the time it was noticed that
Senator Piatt seemed to be of impair
ed health and this was attributed to
his arduous labors in flie senate and
added responsibilities thrown on him
by the recent death of Senator Hoar.
Senator Piatt succeeded Senator
Hoar after the latter's death as chair
man of the judiciary committee of the
United States senate. Later he was
made chairman of tho special commit
tee of the senate appointed to conduct
the Swayno impeachment trial and
this was followed by his appointment
as presiding officer of tho senate, sit
ting as a court during the impeach
ment trial. That was his last high
public duty before returning to his na
tive state to assist in paying honor to
the memory of his late colleague in
the senate. Genera"! Hawley.
He was elected to the senate in
ISflO to succeed Senator W. H. Bar
nnm, a democrat who had been elect
ed to the vacancy caused by tho death
of Senator Orris Ferris. His last re
election was in 1003.
Senator Piatt was born here July
19, 1S27, and was nearly 78 years of
Resignations Called fcr by Commis
sioner Warner Are Accepted.
WASHINGTON Nine of the ten
pension examiners constituting the
Board of Review were separated from
the government service. Commission
er of Pensions Warner referred the
the nine resignations to Secretary
Hitchcock with the recommendation
that they bo accepted, and Mr. Hitch
cock took the desired action without
delay. The resigned examiners assert
that representation were made to
them, purporting to come from tho
commissioner, that should they hand
in their resignations matters would be
relieved and restorations would be
made at some date in the near future.
Commissioner Warner, however, made
no such representation to the secre
tary. The difficulty involving the
Board of Review was its approval of
several pensions to applicants whose
only claim was enlistment in a Penn
sylvania and a New Jersey regiment
of volunteers for service in the civil
war. but the services of whom were
never availed of by the government.
Steamship Manchuria Sails for the
Mail steamer Manchuria sailed for
China and Japan via Honolulu. It
is understood she will stop at. Mid
way Island for advices regarding tho
war situation in tho orient, as she
carries a large quantity of machinery
and other freight for Japan, which is
alleged to bo contraband.
Among her passengers are W. W.
Rockhill. formerly assistatit secretary
of state, who succeeds E. E. Conger
as minister to China. Ho is accom
panied by Mrs. Kockhill and hor
daughter and Captain Henry Leonard
of the marine corns, who goes as
military attache of the legation.
President Serds Regrets.
WASHINGTON. Conn. A message
of condolence and expressive of his
grief over tho death of United States
Senator Orville II. IMatt came to Mrs.
Piatt ' from President Roosevelt Sun
day afternoon. It was sent from
Glenwood Springs. Colo. Tho mes
sage also contains an expression of
regret at the inability of tho presi
dent to attend tho funeral. The text
of the message will not bo given out.
in accordance with tho w'shes of Mrs.
Piatt, who also says the body will not
lie in state.
Union Pacific Bid Accepted.
CHICAGO Officials of the Union
Pacific and Southern Pacific railroads
in Chicago were notified by govern
ment authorities at Washington that
the bid of these lines for the move
ment of enlisted men of the new re
cruits and men of the marine corps
to and from the Pacific coast ports
had been accepted, and that all troops
would be sent over these lines from
July' 1, 190r,, to July 1, 1&0C. The bid
of the two roads was $2f per man
from the Missotiri river to San Fran
cisco and $35.25 from Chicago.
Denies Writ to Appleyard.
BOSTON The application of Ar
thur E. Appleyard for a writ of habeas
corpus, to prevent his extradition to
New York was filed Tuesday by Jus
tice Morton of the state supreme
court. The extradition which was re
cently authorized by Governor Doug
las was asked for by New York au
thorities in connection with the in
dictment of Appleyard for alleged
grand larceny from the German bank
of Buffalo. Counsel for Appleyard an
nounced that be would take an P -
peal to the United States court.
One Who i:rke Down from Six Tram of
OirrnnrkTcll.H KnirMip Krnjed
Misery of Enforced ldlene.
"I hail been teaching in tho city
schools steadily- for six years," said Miss
James whose recent return. tttliu work
from which she was driven ly uervons
collapse 1ms ut traded attention. "They -were
greatly overcrowded, especially in
the primary department of which I had
charge, ontl I hatl been doing the work
of two teachers. The strain was too
much for my nerves and two years ago
the crisis came.
" I was prostrated mentally and phy
sically, sent in my resignation and never
expected to be able to resume work. It
seemed to me then that I was the most
miserable woman on earth. -Iwas tor
tured by nervous headaches, worn out by
inability to sleep, and had so little -blood
that I was as white as chalk.
"After my active life, it was hard to
bear idleness, and terribly discouraging
to keep paying out the savings of y wars
for medicines which did mo no good."
"How did you get buck your health J"
"A bare chance and n lot of faith led - '
mo to a cure. After I had suffered for
many mouths, and when I was on tho
very vergoof despair,! happened to read
an account of some cures effected by -Dr.
Williams Pink Pills. The state
ments were so convincing that I somt
how felt assured that these pills would
lu-lp mo. Mot people, I think, buy only
one box for a trial, but I purchased six
boxes at once, and when I had used
them np, I was indeed well and had no
need of more medicine.
"Dr. Williams Pink Pills enriched my
thin blood, gave mo back my sleep, re
stored my apietite, gave nic strength to
walk long distances without fatigue, in
fact freed me from all my numerous ail- .
incuts. I have already taught for several'
months, and I cannot say enough iti .
praise of Dr. Williams Pink Pills."
Miss Margaret M. James is now living
nt No. I2.'6 Clay street, Davtou, Ohio.
Many of her fellow teachers have also
used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and are
enthusiastic abont their merits. Sound
digestion, strength, ambition, and cheer
ful spiritsquickly follow their use. They
are sold in every drug btoro in the
The "marriage collar" so many hus
bands wear is. naturally, one of the
"turn down' variety.
This bank wns organized in ISSt
and has been In continuous operation
since. Through the trials and vicis
situdes of the last twenty years It has
proven to savers that its system is
thorough and its security unquestion
ed. It is governed by stute law and
supervised by the State Ranking.
Board, its purpose is to assist tltoso
who are systematic savers. How thor
oughly it Is doing so is evidenced by
the V0i people who are its customers.
It pays 1 per cent, interest on depos
its and maintains strict secrecy in
Its relations with its customers.
If you desire the opportunity of
laying aside a bit of money and re
ceive a liberal rate of interest for it
or desire to conduct your business
j through an old established bank
where it will receive prompt and sat
isfactory attention, write for particu
lars to the City Savings Hank, 201 So.
ICth St., Omaha. Nebraska.
The winds of adversity have caused
many a love match to flicker out.
I am Mire IMso's Cure for Consumption saVd
niy Iff thp'e years a-o. Mas. Thus. KoitlilNS,
Map e Street. Xorivicli, N. V., Vvt. 17, wa.
Trust to
luck if you want to gt
Do Your Clothes Look Yellow?
Then use. 1 e!iance Starch; it will
keep them white- PI ounces for 10
It doesn't take
low to butt in.
a headstrong fel-
t 1-
the next morning t peel bttght and mew
M !octi.r Burn it arM K-ntlf .n tli tnmcb. Iir
n.l fci.t.-h-j, ami in !-.nnt Iij.ti. TSin drink i
mvlf from hrl.x. ami i- ir-r-ir-.l use s ui!t aa
t.. ltiical!!.,.iir1Vair -
l.tvrU rarli ,. n ,.,, t ,, ,,,,, t,'
DH"""'- A.Mrw. O. F W,Mlwr.j. I. K-,y. .N.V.
The mechanical Cream Separator lias
become a vital feature of every home
dairy just as of every butter factory.
Its use means much more and much
letter cream and butter, as well as
buving of water, ice, time and room.
The difference in results in not small
but big. Few cows now pay without a
separator. Dairying is the most profit
able kind of farming with one.
SHfJ of the creamery butter of the
world is now made with De J.aval
nuvhines. and there are over 500,100
farm liters l.eides.
Send for catalogue and name of nearest
local agent.
The De Lav.u Separator Co.
Randolph A Canal Sts.
74 Corllandt Strati
The most desirable thing in wall
Covering is opacity (covering power).
Nest to that is ease of application.
In both of these Alabastine stands
pre-eminent. Then there are other
points the firmness, the perman
ence, the binding qualities, and it is
mixed with clear, pure water. Ala
kastine is not dependent on sour
paste, nor smelley glue to bind it to
the wall, it is an Alabaster cement
that sets on the wall. It is the paresu
the nicest, the best wall covering
made. The most beautiful color
effects, the most beautiful color
schemes, the most beautiful designs
are possible in wlabasMse.
ALABASTINE is specially soluble for
church and school boose work. Write
ms for color ideas (or sack work.
The best dealers sell it. If yoars J
doesa't, send us ais aasssaad we'll a
tir ttr- rrnppJixL
e- ?m.. A .u . m .. M
wv, uibi KaMea. Mh
.- ,
M .jLnJSf Jj3'n C .