The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 26, 1905, Image 2
T, ,? r- Wiift' v . -'v.,.. ---LJ Mistress Rosemary Allyn By M1LL1CENT E. MANN Copyright. 1004. by L.CCAS-LIXCOLN CO. CHAPTER XIX Continued. "I do not know," she said, and shook her head. "I am sorry if Mar tin annoys you, sir; he is restless to day Icancot quiet him," she. added. i"?oor devil," I ejaculated, as hold ing my heavy head tightly between say hands I was able to follow what he was reciting. "Oh, God! Oh. God! 'How wsary, stale and unprofitable' 'Get thee to a nunnery' 'Alas, poor Yorick' 'He poisons him in the garden.'" "Poor devil!" I repeated; "a mad Hamlet truly." Turning to Alice I said courteous ly: "I see in some way unaccount able to me I have intruded upon your hospitality I am waiting to know why?" "I will tell you if you promise to talk no more, only listen," she added. I assured her of my willingness to listen, and she becan: "It is now going on the fifth day since Martin and I found you all un conscious dead, I thought but I will begin at the beginning. You eee, Martin and I were coming into Lon don I know. sir. it is risky but I did so long to see the town before I left it never to return, for you must know we are on our way to Bristol to sail for America. I thought I could easily stay hidden here for a few days." "You mean to say that 70U will burden yourself with a daft person in a new land?" I found myself asking. "What else can I do, sir?" she quer ied; "I could not leave him here alone he has no one else in the world save me it would be cruel to leave him alone." "Nothing else," I replied, not will fng to spoil her fine charity. "We had not come into London 5iet, when a fog closed in upon ns such a fog as London had not seen in many a day," she said. "We were heavily laden. Each of us had a pack our little belongings. I was fearful as we trudged along, groping our way from street to street, lest we be set upon and our few possessions taken from us. A fog in London's a fear ful thing! Hardly a light anywhere save the few lanthorns carried by provident wayfarers. You shrink from everyone and everyone shrinks from you. Gentlemen carry their naked swords in their hands. Men and wo men prey upon one another. All is fear! We had reached the end of Bow Street when Martin stumbled over something huddled in the road "Enter the ghost he and fell. I lighted a taper I recog nized you!" I thought (my head was clearer now) of Rosemary and our wild ride through the fog that night as con trasted with this poor woman's wan derings with her daft mate; of Rose mary as she stood at the door of the inn. her cloak half slipped from off her; of the petals which lay on her shoulder, shaken from the roses low sn her hair, nestling against her aeck. Ah. there was no one more beautiful than she! And so thinking. I lost the thread of her discourse. When I came back from soaring near to heaven I beard her say: "I tied a bit or ribbon on one of the spikes of the gate, so that I should know the place, and because we had to hide our bundles beneath the hedge ?o as to be free to carry you. When I went back for them I learned who owned the place and who lived there, dunking that if you recovered you might wish to know. The house is on Bow street surrounded by large grounds, inclosed by high brick walls, Ivy frown." "I know the place," I murmured. "We carried you between us," she continued. "Often we had to stop nd I would leave Martin and you a madman and a corpse and go to in quire the way of the first passerby I could meet, my heart thumping in my breast for fear I should ask some evil inclined person and be directed wrong. Thus, after hours of wander ing hither and thither within a radius Sf a few miles, we came to Mag's. She is a charwoman," she explained, "who used to clean at the old Drury when I acted there. I was once able j to do her a slight service, ana ior tne sake of those old days she took us in." My brain was not idle the night of the fog after I had left Rosemary I bad been struck upon the head and rendered unconscious- Before the miscreants had attempted the dastard ly deed, however, they had made sure of the identity of their victim, for I remembered a light being swung be fore my face, and an unknown voice crying. "It is he." Who had struck the blow? What was the object? I had been searched I saw from the wall where my clothes hung some of the pockets still lay turned out For what? Not money, Alice was positive, for there was plenty in the pockets which had been left in their original position. For the paper given me by say father? I had told no one but the King of that I bade Alice bring me my coat when I recollected that I had given the locket with the note still tatact within it to Rosemary. For the other paper, perhaps? Well, I casckled with satisfaction. If it was p. paper they were after, they got not what they wished. T thank yon, Alice." I. said; "but Jsr 70a and Martin I might be by asw food for the worsts. Again I tkaak yoa. for I honestly believe that I owe ms life to yoa.' -On. sir." she erred, tears starting ta ner eyes ther seemed arer ready start ,M 77' Tv x ' I - to flow upon the instant "I am not worthy to take it Did I not steal from you and you so good to poor Martin and me?" "That is past and done, iny girl," I said. "And as it happened you did no harm." I grasped her hand. "From now on I am your friend, I added. While speaking, for Alice, seeing that it made me more excited not to talk, had let me have my way, we had paid slight heed to Martin, who still spouted Shakespeare, now Hamlet, now another. Suddenly he came toward us; he strode with the stage glide of the vil lain. As he neared us he pointed to the window and said: "Enter the ghost he comes, he comes make way, ye slaves." A shadow spread itself upon the shade of. the window and faded away. Alice put her finger upon her lips to silence Martin, while she went to the door without a sound and stood listen ing. CHAPTER XX. A Wager and What Came of It A sword handle fell heavily upon the door, wielded by r.o slight band. "Open, it is I Gil Monte; open I say," cried a voice, and again there was a tremendous banging at the door. "Open," I too cried "It is Gil." "Yes, yes." Alice answered, s she wade haste to unhasp the latch, and Gil rushed in. "At last! my lord, at last!" he cried, as he hastened to my side. From the break in his voice I understood plain er than words could have told me the anxiety he had passed through. "It is as I feared you have been hurt?" he questioned. "Not much, a crack on the back of the head," I replied, "and this cut" "It is enough, from your looks," he said dryly. "Tell me how you succeeded in find ing this hiiing place?" I asked anx iously. "For what you have done others may do and so Alice's safety be ipiperiled." "Ah! 'pretty Alice Lynson' more petticoats." Gil said, laying his hand upon his breast and bowing low be fore her. "Poof! You!" Alice cried scornful ly, and swung round on her foot, pre senting her back to him. He gave a perplexed look at her back and then turned to me. comes, he comes!' "When you did not meet us at the marsh as agreed," he said, "I sent all the men on to Long Haut. except Torraine and your linkman. Pat. We came back to London by separat? ways and ever since have been searching high and low for j-ou. It did not take us long to find that you had been hurt or killed, we knew not which, near the Bow Street mansion. Then what had become of you was a mystery I could learn nothing. In despair I hung about the Duke's the ater" "A risky thing to do," I interruptod him. "Perhaps." he acknowledged; "but I kept my hat slouched over my face, and I put me on a wig, and long coat; you see it alters me somewhat?" I smiled a babe could have seen through the trick. But no doubt my enemy, he who had been instrumental in my hurt, thinking me dead, did not care to molest him. "At last, desperate. I asked the services of both Lady Felton and Mistress Gwyn they could ferret out nothing new," he continued, "and I was about at my end. when it is hardly an hour agone I received a whispered word, 'Back alley, foot of Chune Street.' Although I was after her like a flash it was a woman she escaped me; hid herself among the wings or stage gim-cracks, where I came near to being lost As soon as I found my way out I lost no time in coming here." "It must have been Mag," Alice put In. "Who is Mag?" questioned Gil. "The woman who rents these rooms and lets us stay here with her," she replied rather tartly. "That settles it." said he. "Did I not say that all the mischief was con cocted by the petticoat army?" "You did indeed," I could not help smiling at his manner. "But they also perform good services, witness what Alice did and would you have been any the wiser as to my where abouts if Mag had not informed your "What did Alice do?" he quickly asked. "She dragged me here from where she found me on Bow Street and has since cared for me." I said- "K it had not been for her, Instead of find ing a quick man, you would have found a corpse, if anyone at all." "Em!" he muttered. "I care not they serve best where best paid. I must get you hence I 'will send for Torraine and a stretcher. Who knows but it may be a trap? "Beast!" ejaculated Alice. "Know, sir, that Mag would do no one a mean trick." she added to me. I reassured her with a smile. The madman, Martin, whom she had taken care of as a mother her sick child, came out of his corner at her raised voice, and laid his hand timidly on her arm. "Pretty Alice Lynson pretty Alice Lyasoa," he murmured, "I know where violets grow the color of your eyes roftemary. too. sad feaneL anr here's rue for you. Why do you cry? I will get you some." And he started for the door. "No, no," she said, "Alice is not crying you must stay with Alice." The madman hesitated and looked longingly at the door. "Alice will cry. Indeed, If you leave her," she said. Thereat he came back, and went into his comer, from ! whence the crooning began again. Gil watched the couple with shamed eyes, but he was not satisfied and muttered: "I think it best to go and call Tor raine. I kept Pat and him with me, sir. for they could go into places that I dared not venture for fear of recog nition. I will be back with a stretch er In a wink." He would have gone, but I called him back. "It is early yet, Gil, be In no haste," I entreated. "My lord, I have much to tell you, he pleaded. . "Tell it here and now, I com manded. He gave a sigh of resignation. "Do you know' where the locket is that you wore pinned upon your coat the night you left me?" he queried. "Yes." I replied. Had I not given it myself to Rosemary? , "Where is it?" he demanded. "It appears to me, Gil. that you are busying yourself about something which does not concern you. My God!" I started up only to fall back again. "How many days have I lain here?" "Five days, sir." replied Alice and Gil in the same breath. (To be continued.) WEAR GEMS OF PHARAOHS. London Society Women Proud of Jew els From the Pyramids. Happy the woman of to-day who owns some gem worn by a princess of Egypt when the world was younger; joyous Is she who adorns herself with any ornament taken from a mummy, for such jewels bring the best lnck, women firmly believe at the moment, and they all yearn to wear them. Mrs. Clarence Mackay of New York possesses a weird carnelian necklace that decked a daughter of the Phar aohs and Mrs. St. John Broderick re joices over some quaint, priceless jew els that shone by the Nile. Many fashionables are wearing a little pend ant or charm made of New Zealand jade, the Pounamu stone, which al ways bestows good fortune. Sarah Bernhardt's favorite mascot is a necklace of gold nuggets which the admiring miners of California pre sented to her. An English actress. Miss Irene Van Brugh, pins her faith to a girdle of splendid turquoises. The "Has Been's" Retort. An amateur champion of two sea sons who had made himself unpopular with some of his clubmates had just been defeated in a sculling race. The beaten man rowed back to the float and. contrary to what had been the custom when he won, nobody offered to help him out of his boat. Instead there was a look of infinite delight on the faces of several of his so-called friends. As the sculler reached down to take his boat from the water a young mem her of the club who was noted for his long arguments on the science of row ing. but who has no record to show that he ever won a race, stepped for ward and said: "See here. T ' you have become a 'has been. " "Well, it is better to be a 'has been' than a never wa.s" said the sculier, and the chesty youth is still wonder ing wh everybody roared with laugh ter. All Right, But the Ring. Yarnall Abbott of Philadelphia, who though an amateur, is admitted to be one of the very best photographers in America, collects wun inucn zesi stories about the camera. "A North Ninth street photogra pher," he said the other day. "told me this morning of an odd and amusing episode. "He said that a young woman brought back to him a dozen cabinets that he had made of her the week be tore. " "What' he exclaimed in dismay. "Briitging them all back? I thought they were very successful.' "The young woman reassured him with a smile. "Yes.' she said; 'oh. yes. They are successful. I only want you to touch cut the ring. I've got a new young' "Salt Lake Tribune. Music vs. Diplomacy. Mrs. Patrick Campbell, at a lunch eon in Philadelphia, said, apropos of diplomacy: "I have a diplomatic friend. She lives in New York, in an apartment bouse near Central Park. In the apart ment adjoining hers there" is a piano, rnd morning, noon and night this piano used to rattle and clatter away. "But it is played more softly and more rarely now. My friend's diplo macy brought this improvement about. "She made the acquaintance of the piano player, and found her to be a woman of thirty, with a daughter ot six or seven years. She waited for perhaps a week, and then, after she had got on quite friendly terms with the woman, she said one day to her, in her sweetest voice: ' 'Your little one plays remarkably veil for her age. I hear her practic ing everj- day.' " First Aid to the Injured. On a rock-strewn beach on the Cor nish coast the fury of a violent storm was just abating. A vessel had gone to pieces on the rocks, and after a dis P'ay of much heroism on the part of !he villagers all the crew and the pas sengers had been saved, with the ex ception of one man. He had been washed ashore apparently drowned, and the new curate knelt at his side en the beach endeavoring to restore his circulation. "My friends," he said, turning to the villagers, "how do you usually pro ceed in these cases?" As one man the simple folk replied: "Search his pockets." Harper's Week ly In Lent Henry M. Flagler, at a dinner party at Palm Beach, said, apropos of Lent: "A clergyman told me one day in Lent how, the Sunday before, he had preached from the text, 'All flesh is grass.' "The next day be met a parishioner of his, a lowly laboring man to whom fasting was anything but congenial. This man said to the clergyman with a smile: " I much enjoyed, sir, yesterday, yer sermon about all flesh bein grass, and I wish to know whether, in this Lent en season, I couldn't be after bavin' a small piece of pork wv f al- ar- Mistress Rosemary By MILLICENT E. MANN CHAPTER XX Continued. "Five days!" I repeated. 'This is the night when I am to meet Lady Felton and receive it back again. I must get up help me, Gil." "You cannot; you are not able," said he. "She will think I do not care, I pleaded; "I must get up." "It does not matter, my lord; the lady is not In London," said he. "Ah, yes. you said that you had seen her where has she gone?" I asked. ' "I do not know," he returned. I fell back exhausted from talking, big drops of sweat stood upon my face. I made a motion for him to ex plain. "Three nights ago," he began, "at the close of another day of unrequited search, tired out, I was dozing In my chair. You see, sir, I have not slept in a bed since our parting." "Poor Gil!" I murmured. I remembered how he had ridden to and from Long Haut without rest, and now this wearying search. "You were right It may be some consolation for you to know there is nothing to beat this looking after young sparks for taking the pounds off one. hey Gil?" I said drolly. "You will be as slender as our friend, Noel, when next you meet" "I had not finished my supper," he went on, heedless of my interruption. "I intended to go out again as soon as my cloak was dried; and, as I said, I fell asleep in my chair. I was awak ened by Torraine, who came and said that the lady was at the lodge door. You will know that I am not at the Blue Boar, but in an old house on the fringe of town." " 'What lady?' I asked him. "'The handsome one that came to the Tabard,' he explained. "I hurried on my clothes to be decent and went down to the door, where the fool had left her standing. I begged her to come in. She was timid pale big black rings were un der her eyes." '"Your master.' she faltered 'Have you found him yet?" "'No,' I replied, 'and I have searched everywhere.' "'I am afraid,' she said, 'that he i dead.' Her voice broke and died awai in a sob. "'What makes you think so,?' I asked, stubborn enough still to contest the thought with anyone th J Jfou could be dead. " " 'Yes, dead,' she repeated "and a woman's vanity has been tVe cause!' "I thought, if so, she wculd not be 1 VrS?-:'" la 0 - 1 ' " " v. c-? "'If he is dead,' I violently cried, 'you have killed him!'" the first woman to do a man to his death by the same. I restrained my self, however, and gave her no hint of my thoughts." I could have smiled any other time, he took so much virtue to himself at that restraint, but anxiety consumed me and I motioned him to continue. "'You must know,' she said, 'that my cousin. Sir Raoul Dwight. laid me a wager it was to be a pair of jew eled gloves against my carol ring that I could not get Mister Waters to loan me that locket he wore upon his brea. I could not let the wager pass; and that was the reason why I came to the Tabard instead of send ing someone to see him and to coax it from him.' "I will tell you that her voice lagged in the telling of this" "No side remarks, if you please, Gil." I interrupted sharply. "'The night of the ball, the lady continued, 'I wore the locket; it hung among the lace ruffles which encircled my neck. At once Cousin Raoul saw it I knew he saw it, although he said nothing, and I flirted my triumph in his face. Tired of the minuet, someone proposed a country dance. I like them not they are rough. We were in the midst of one, where the gentlemen hold their swords up and the ladies pass beneath them. In a moment, I understand not yet how it happened, we all got bunched togeth er. In the mix-up my dress was torn and the locket Mister Waters' locket fell to the floor. Raoul Dwight's foot in an instant covered the bauble before the gentleman with whom I was dancing had time to stoop for it Cousin Raoul was handing it to me (he had been the quicker to pick it up) with a low bow of mock humility, 1 bewailing his awkwardness and mak ing other profuse apologies, when he discovered that the mirror was brok en, shattered into a thousand tiny bits. 'A bad omen, ma cousine,' he said, 'a death!" His face glowed with the liveliest interest, and malignity was not far off. I twitted him with being spiteful because of losing the wager I was not gentle with him. "I may say I believed her, for upon the telling of the circumstance, her eyes sparkled like glow worms on a summer's night," was Gil's comment "He dallied with the locket, the lady continued her narrative, In a dis dainful manner, turning it now this way, now that while I waited his pleasure. Finally he gave it an extra fillip and the thin gold partition, which backed the mirror, fell out and with it a bit of paper folded into a tiny square to fit the locket. Again there was a scramble, and again Raoul Dwight was the successful one. In spite of my expostulations, he opened and read what was written on tha paper aloud the dishonorable hountt A love letter,' he cried mock ingly; a rendezvous, too!' He then held It ap so that all the dandles pres ent might see. I was in distress, for aow I thoatht I aaderstood why Mister Waters had been so solicitous about the locket he should have trusted me if it is of any value to him. It is not mine.' I cried, scarcely knowing what I said. I see it Is not, cousin," he replied, 'for the date on the billet doux, although almost indis tinguishable, antedates your birth by some years and I beg your pardon, coz,' he added. The men's muttered cries of 'Shame.' helped him to fasten his slipping temper. '"Then he hastened to hand it to me, for he had seen what I too saw; my father watching ns. You must know,' she explained to me, 'that I have a father here in London, al though 'tis little indeed I see of him, living, as I mostly do, at Lady Dwight's. My father now came to ward us, pushing back the crowd debonairly. I forestalled the words on his lips by crying gayly to Raoul Dwight: 'I have won the wager; the gloves are mine.' But my father was not so easily to be put to rout 'Al low me to see the paper, Mary,' he re quested. But I courteseyed low be fore him, and replied, 'You must ex cuse me. sir; it would not interest you. Moreover, it does not belong to me I placed tne paper DacK m tne locket and fastened on the gold back. "'The men began making apologies for the fracas, and Raoul Dwight. as if to- make amends for his rudeness, born of pique, and as I afterward learned, desire to see if the locket which Mister Waters habitually wore contained the pledge of my hand, ling ered to appease Lord Felton. I un derstood that Raoul Dwight was ex plaining about the paper I heard him say (my ears are keen) words to the effect that it was naught but an old love letter written to Elaine, of which Mister Waters must be choice indeed, since he treasured it so; and if it were ever to come again under his notice he would destroy it And his information was punctuated with maliciouschuckles. Which proved to me that it was of value to its owner, and tUat Raoul Dwight had either seer or heard of It before. I prom i.yif mySlf that, as far as I had the e Laying, f "'h w,l couli ifjj walked .laying, he should never see it again. did not look at my father, but d feel his eyes follow me as I alked down the ball room with my partner, and I knew that he was furi ous at being thwarted in his inquisi tiveness. That was not to be the end of the affair. There is much more to tell, much more! "'I thought to escape an interview with him that night by spending it at Lady Dwight's. I had hardly entered the hall of her house when Lord Fel ton stood before me. After many pleasant words and compliments, for my father knows how to be most gracious when he chooses, and he can be the fiend incarnate when he pleases, also, he asked to see the bil let doux. Again I refused graciously but firmly. He was at a white heat with anger, and I was afraid that he would use force to wrench it from me. I should have known him better than that. He recovered himself and in his 'most suave manner said slowly and impressively: 'You are wasting your strength, my dear; better build a new fire upon the ashes of this old one you will never see Quentin Wa tersyour lover again. I think that you will not care to go unloved, no. not unloved, you could never be that, but unloving to the grave. Moreover, have your maid prepare your clothes; to-morrow I am going to take you away with me. I have left you too long to your own devices; and your lovers.' "'You have called Quentin Waters my lover,' I replied. 'I am more than happy to introduce him to 3-ou as such. When a father gambles away his daughter's hand in a room crowd ed with gamesters, holding her name as light as a thistle down oh, I hate the thought of it! he should thank her if she meet him in any spirit whatsoever. But if she acquiesces in what he has done, something more than thanks, are, I think, her due.' 'Of course he told you that?' he said. His aplomb was admirable. 'And you believed him?' v,. wmoc ue mu uui ten me mat, I retorted. 'He only lately became aware of the fact that Lady Mary Fel ton and Rosemary Allyn, whom he had seen at Castle Drout, were the same person. I saw and possessed the paper the day he won it I recog nized my father's writing!' He winced now, and the blood came to the sur face of his face. 'Then to make as surance doubly sure, I asked one who had witnessed the proceedings that night at the Lodge, and from him I learned the facts of the case. You and Cousin Raoul need not have been so anxious about the paper, since It has been in my possession all the time. Quentin Waters is not the man to force an unwelcome bride.' "'I'm afraid hell have to take a bride in heaven,' he said harshly; 'hell get no earthly one. "Then will I be that bride, I re turned. Seeing there would be no end to the argument, he left me, after requesting my presence at home on the morrow. " 'He had hardly gotten out of the door before Raoul Dwight put in an appearance. I had undergone my limit that night; patience not being a cardinal virtue with me, and I had no words for him. I was passing to my room, when he barred my way. 'A moment sweet coz. I would have a word with you,' he said. T pray yon grant oardoa for what haimeasd at the ball to-night I wished to know what thai locket contained; I have found out At that I cried, 'You dared make a tool of me for your base deeds?' 'Everything is excusable in love and war, he answered. 'Again I crave your pardon it seems there was no need of such rough measures, for I am confident that Quentin Wa ters is dead.' "If he is dead. I violently cried, 'you have killed him!' He answered, 'I would have killed him joyfully in a duel, face to face, but I am no knave to stab a man in the back.' 'No?' I tauntingly questioned: 'but perhaps hire men (and there are plenty about town who ask no better way to coin money) to do your delicate work for you. He retorted. 'I think you would not care to know, if such was the case, the name of the man in whose brain the plan was created.' "'I looked scornfully at him and cried: 'Coward! You not only make light of a woman before an assembly. but strike in the dark the character of one older than yourself better not tell him your suspicions coward;' 'Peace, cousin, peace.' he said. I have proof that Quentin Waters was struck from his horse, and then mys teriously disappeared. At first I thought his man. "Gil the ape had taken care of his body. But he has been hanging about the Duke's the ater, obviously as much at sea as the rest of us as to the destiny of his master. I firmly believe that he is dead. Sweet coz, turn your thoughts from a dead man to me, a quick one. who has loved you for years am I never to be rewarded for my fidelity?" (To be continued.) JUDGING BY THEIR COLOR. Fisherman Employed Somebody to "Break In" His Shirts. The late Capt Alfred Rice, the noted shad fisherman of the Delaware river, was no less remarkable for per sonal cleanliness than for his un equaled handling of the mile-long shad seine. Capt. Rice was not only clean and neat himself; he insisted upon clean liness and neatness in his men. If a new man proved to be a sloven, he very soon mended his ways under the captain's criticisms, or else he sought another job. There was a new man. one shad season, who always wore a dirty white shirt. In shad fishing it is best to wear a black jersey. If, however, a white shirt is chosen, there is no rea son why it should not be a clean one. So, at least, Capt. Rice thought. He stood his new man's dirty white shirts for a month. Then, calling the fisherman up to him, he said: "Friend, who the deuce is it that you always get to wear your shirts the first week for you?" Los Angeles Times. Trembled for Papa's Safety. Jennie's father is a preacher, so whether she wishes it or not Jennie is dragged to church every Sunday morning. As a rule she finds more food tor reflection during these or deals in the multi-colored angels over the altar than in her father's sermons, but on a recent Sunday his opening sentence threw even the angels into the shade. "Let him who is without sin among you be first to cast a stone," announc ed the clergyman. -iiiat challenge, hurled thus boldly at the concregition. took Jennie's at tention, and iiom then on until tne end of the sermon she watched and listt-ned with intens-o earnestness. Not i mil the entire congregation had turn ed their hacks on the pulpit and were surging toward the doors did the ptixious look fade from her puzzled little face. Then, seeing that the service was at an end, she fell back in a corner of the pew and breathed heavily with relief. "I'm glad." she said to her mother, "that nobody chucked rocks at papa." Sane or Insane. "Is there any sure test by which to tell the sane from the insane?" in quired a student of the famous French Ailenist Esquirol. "Please dine with me to-morrow at 6 o'clock." was the answer of the savant. The student complied. Two other guests were pres ent, one of whom was elegantly dressed, while the other was rather uncouth, noisy and extremely conceit ed. After dinner the pupil rcse to take leave, and as he shook bands with his teacher he remarked: "The problem is very simple, after all ; the quiet, well (.ressed gentleman is certainly distin guished in some line, but the other is as certainly a lunatic and ought to be locked up." "You are wrong, my friend," replied Esquirol with a smile. "The quiet, well-dressed man who talks so rationally, has for years labor ed under the delusion that he is God, the Father; whereas, the other man, vhose exuberance and self-conceit have surprised you, is M. Honore de Lalzac, the greatest French writer of the day." Leslie's Monthly. Liverpool's Literary Streets. "The most literary street names in the world," said a publisher, "are those of Liverpool. There is hardly a writer of note whose fame is not commem orated in some way in a Liverpool street name. "Dickens is highly honored in Liver pool. There is a Pecksniff street, a Dombey street, a Winkle street, a Tupman street, a Dorrit street, a Nickleby street, a Copperfield street and a Micawber street. "In honor of Tennyson Liverpool has a Maud street, a Geraint street, an Enid street, a Claribel street, a Gwen doline street, a Shalott street and so on. "Falstaff street, Portia street. Rosa line street, Oberon street, Macbeth street, Cordelia street, Hotspur street, Ariel street and a dozen others do honor to the Bard of Avon." Wit Worth Overcharge. A commendable characteristic of W. I . Douglas, governor of Massachu setts, Is his enjoyment of a joke on bimself as much as on the other fel low. Not long ago he dropped into a strange barber shop to have his tr.ant hair trimmed. After the job had been completed, the barber hand ed Mr. Douglas a check for fifty cents. "How's this?" said Mr. Douglas. "Doesn't that sign over there say first-class hair-cut for twenty-five cents'?" "Yes yes,' replied the barber, "but you haven't first-class hair." Deadly as Christians Now. Japan's advance in "civilization" has been thex subject of many squibs of late. As good a, one as any is reported by a London paper to have been writ ten by a schoolboy wider examina tion: "Until recently the Japanese used to fight with bows and arrows, but now they are equipped with the complete arms of a Christian." Port land Oreaonian. V NEWS TO DEFEAT LAW'S PURPOSE Measure of the La:-t Legislature Bar ring Sports. LINCOLN Nebraska sportsmen, racing men and attorneys are holding lively discussions over what games of sport tend to disturb the public peace; also, who shall decide that the public peace is disturbed by such sports? The debate is caused by the bill of Senator Hughes of Platte county, which was passed by the last session of the legislature and signed by the governor. By this measure, horse rac ing, ball playing and other sports tending to disturb the public peace are prohibited on May 30. commonly known as Decoration or Memorial day. As it now stands the measure reads: "Section 1. Any person or persons who shall, on the 30th day of May. commonly known as Decoration day. engage in horse racing, ball playing, or in any game of snort, which may tend to disturb the public peace on the 30th day of May. shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100. or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or both, at the direction of the court." The Grand Army of the Republic Is responsible for the origination of the bill which is meant to prevent the desecration of the day set aside to commemorate the deeds of the na tion's soldier dead. As it does not carry the emergency clause the law will not become operative until July 1. Some attorneys claim that the bill will be non-effective on account of de fective punctuation, which consider ably complicates its construction. ALMOST DOUBLE TRAGEDY. Man at Shubert Shoots Wife and Then Himself. STELLA The town or Shubert. just five miles east of this place, was the scene of a terrible tragedy. George Quiggle. after a protracted drunken spree, got a revolver and went down to where his wife was hanging out the washing and after a few words pointed the gun at her heart, at the same time pulling the trigger. She managed to turn the point of the gun so as to receive the discharge in her hand. He then shot her in the side and another load in flicting a scalp wound. He then fired a shot at his own head which render ed him unconscious and from the ef fects of which the doctors say he cannot recover. He tried at several of the hardware stores in Stella last week to get a gun but was refused on account of being intoxicated at the time and also was refused the sale of cartridges. About five years ago he ran a livery barn fn this place but for the last few years has been liv ing In and near the town of Shubert. He was a hard drinker and very quarrelsome and disagreeable to his family. It is thought she will re cover. Invents Talking Machine. LINCOLN The Duplcxophone com pany of Lincoln has filed articles- of incorporation with the secretary of state. The capital stock is $::oo.noo. and the incorporators are C. E. Hill, president: J. W. Clark, vice pr"-i-tlent; .T. Y. M. Swigart. sorn-tiry an 1 treasurer, and M. Lensink. m:inag'r The company will manufacture in Lin coln a now sort of talking mwhine called the dupiexophone. which differs from all other such machines in tak ing the vibrations from brth sides instead of from one side of the dia phragm of the producer. Chamberlain Seeking Bondsmen. TECUMSEH Charles M. Chamber lain is still at work in an endeavor to raise the $25,500 bonds the district court placed him under. He is mak ing the rounds of the business part of the city being escorted by an offi cer. He does not hesitate to ask the greatest losers in the failed bank to sign his petition, but his-requcsts are not always complied with. He met an irate farmer on the street who pro ceeded to air his opinion concerning his actions. It is believed he is going to be aide to give the bond, as it is slid he has already secured $18,000 of the amount BaM FixM at $25,000. TECUMSEH Uiion the convening of the district court Charles M. Cham berlain, the defaulting cashier of the defunct Chamberlain banking house of this city, was taken before Judge Bab cock for bond. Judge Babcock fixed it at $25,000. which Chamberlain may not be able to give. Humboldt citizens will probably vote on a proposition to build a city hall. Seward has re-elected its "orps of teachers. present Bull Kills Farmer. FRANKLIN E. I. Reck, a wealthy and prosperous farmer was kill"d at his farm three miles southeast of this place by a furious bull. Mr. IW-k was out in the field working with cattle when the bull atacked him. He had a pitch fork which was found with tines bent showing he made a fight to save his life. The bull had been dehorned but used his feet, stamping his vic time into an almost unrerognia'ile mass. It was several hours b"fore his body was found and he was still alive but died soon after. Currie Makes Investment. BROKEN BOW F. M Currie. for mer state senator from this district, has purchased .1. E. Adamon's inter est in the Central Telephone com pany, which, outside of a few shares, includes the whole nlant. This pur chase is subject to an option held by the Co-operative Telephone company, which expires June 1. of this year. The purchase price, as offered to the latter company, was $31,000. If they do not raise the necessary amount of funds by that time. Mr. Currie will Immediately commence making im provements. Motor Car Service. GRAND ISLAND Great interest is felt in the motor car service on the Union Pacific branch between this city and St. Paul all of next week. The car will make two trips between the two points, the company making a special rate of one dollar for the round trip, for the week. The distance between the two points is thirty miles. The schedule is so arranged as to give the people of both cities a chance to visit or transact business with each other without the waste of time. IN NEBRASKA STATE NOTES. At Wayne a woman's relief corps has been organized in connection with the Grand Army. McCook now has a full-fledged, wide-awake, active commercial club. It starts with a membership of 75. J. H. Preston of Sarpy county has been pronounced insane by the ex amining board and will be sent to the asylum at Lincoln. Annie Stindt. a five-year-old girl liv ing near Sterling. Johnson county, was severely burned, and will proba bly lose one arm, if not her life. . Prof. Myers has secured Senator E. J. Burkett to deliver the principal ad dress at the commencement exercises of the Oakland high school the latter part of May. Firo destroyed two large hay stacks, a cattle shed and a few other farm buildings on the farm of Carsten Bosselman. sixteen miles north of Grand Island. Bert Green, known as one of the ex pert rifle and pistol shots of the west, has resigned his clerkship at the Be atrice postoffice and will leave soon to join Ring! ing Bros.' circus. The plans and specifications for the new Burlington depot at Beatrice call for a structure to cost $70,000. It is thought that work will be commenced on the station within sixty days. Blinn Sill of Hastings, for many years a resident plasterer and brick layer, and well-to-do. has gone away, leaving his wife and child, and in his wake a train of unsavory rumors. Anton Trojan, a well-to-do Bohe mian fanner. 60 years of age, living two miles northeast of Leigh, came to his death by drowning in a stock well on his farm. He fell in head fore most. The new brick church known as the Center Catholic church, three miles west of Brainerd. was totally destroy ed by fire. The origin of the fire is unknown. .The loss will be $14,000; insurance. $6,000. "Posey" Messersmith. who has been employed in the Burlington switch yards at Plattsmouth for thirty-one years, has tendered his res ignation and will engage in the chick en business. John M. Thurston, former United States senator from Nebraska, has been retained to press claims for in demnity on account of the massacre of several Americans, among whom was A. M. Call of Sioux City, in So nora. Mexico, January 17. The committee having in charge tho business men's lecture course of Te cumseh has abandoned the plan of ex tending the course another year. Last season a $500 course was given, which included five first-class events. About $i:!0 was netted on the enterprise. Governor Mickey is considering tho calling of an election for the First congressional district for the purMso nf selecting a s"ccessor to Senator Burkett. It is not improbable the time will be fixed some time in July, probably between the 11th and ISth. John Person, a farmer northeast of Norfolk, sent word to his wfe in Nor folk, who had deserted him. that lie wished to see her. When she arrived she found Iiis head entirely blown off with a shitgun. His feet were Moody, ini'iicating that he had walked aiouud after ow wounding himself. Despondency over losing his tamily and farm was the cause. V. M. Chamberlain, former banker at Tecumseh. who left the city upon the failure of his bank in August. 1!0L and who has been charged with violation of the s'ate banking laws, has vduntarih' returned and is now in jail. The sheriff received a tele gram from Chamberlain from a city outside of the state requesting him to met him at Lincoln. This tho sheriff did and returned with Cham berlain to Tecumseh. The store building and general mer chandise stock owned and managed by Pat Rowley of Harncston caught lire about 1 o'clock in the morning and was completely destroyed. The lire started on the north side of the building and when discovered had burned into the store room. A strong north wind was blowing and tho in terior of the building was soon a mass oJ (lames. Iss on stock will be about $10,000; on building. $2,500. George Hu'ggle of Shubert, whoso wife left hirn recently, went to tho house where she was staying and found her clothes hanging on the line. Without her seeing hirn he shot her in the forehead. When she fell he held her and fired four more shots. After emptying one revolver he took another from his pocket and shot once more. Then he walked to his home and went upstairs. lay on the bed and shot himself. The ball en tered his forehead. It is believed Mrs. Huiggle will live. Because of the increased cost of liv ing in Lincoln the Traction company voluntarily boosted the salaries of its men from 8 to 10 per cent, effective May 1. The new scale gives the be ginners 1 J rents an hour and the five year conductors 20 rents an hour. E. L. I5e"k. a wealthy and prosper ous farm of Franklin county, was killed at his farm three miles south east of Franklin by a furious bull. .Mr. Beck was out in the field working with the cattle when the bull attacked him. When found ne was still alive but so badly injured that he died soon after. County Treasurer Morrison of Sar py county has begun the work of pre paring a list of property which will be embraced bv the scavenger law. An extra fore of clerks has been put on in that ol!ice in the hope of get ting the list out in the shortest time possible. At Nebraska City, in the district court, the divorce cases of A. L. Still wagon vs. Ida L. Stillwagon and May Etta Swogger vs. James (I. Swogger were settled and dismissed, the par ties agreeing to live together again. The latter couple have been divorced twice and remarried three times. The Union Pacific motor car No. I returned to Grand Island trom its trip on the Ord branch. Conductor Pflas terer and Motormen Heard and Adams state that they made the run from St Paul, twenty-two miles, in forty five minutes. Charles W. Presba. residing about four miles north of Wahoo, sold 116 acres of land to Ebil C. Johnson at $125 per acre, or $14,500. In 1889 Mr. Presba bought this farm for $3,400. Several farmers in Saunders county have been offered $125 per acre, but this is the first sale for as large a number of acres at that high price. At 1 11 W I zviSt' ,l". ar a, -af.