w W- Thursday's Daily JosrcaL Friday's Daily JccnuL J I "-- i - ; it .- i Alvin E. Px.i. violin .st. "Phone 65. Herman E-rsnbrock went to Silver Grek tl.is mcraing. Ed Hoare and "V. E. Kent of Platre Gnter are in Cohsbu; today. FOR SALE: Purebred WnitePckin drakes. Your choice 75 cents each. 8: w 5. P. Drinnm. The engine on the B.&M.passenser train broke down last ninht on the Lincoln-Columbus trip and the train did not reach Golnmbn cntil mid-1 ninh;. il:r L:a Eanffuiau";- fchool in dis- trie: three miles east of Columbus will rive a ba-ke; picnic on Friday April 21. The parents are invited to fi!! their baskets and jam the party. This afternoon tie rr mains cf Adam Smith. who wss killed la an Indian masincre forty ytars ago, will be x humed from the plf.ee tf burial on his farm, now belonging to his srn. Adam Smith, an.l burid m ihe Catholic cemererr. Ta- Kmchts cf Pvthias will hold their di-trict meeting in Columbn on 'VVednesdav. April 2".. Representa tive member? of the order will be present from surround inc towns, and Grn1 Chancellor Kilgore of York will be here. Mrs. II. II. Rcshnell, state presi dent of the l'ederatioa cf Woman's clubs, will be inColumhu- at the l3-t receral martins of tne year.to be hM May In cormcMcn with the pro gram which n t" b given iy the musical department, a reception for ilr. Lushaell will be hId at the hems of airs C J. GarIo.r. A ncrabt-r of car have recently pass ed tnrcagh Clambc enronte for Fort Steven-. rr son, h sded with heavy d-'fea.1 ?aas c: the disappearinc kind One of thee cuns. when coffiDlew f " n' vreights tibia: J ton- and is supposed w do effective work ar a distance of 7 to 10 mile.-. Fort Stevens is en the Northernmost point cf the state of Orepon nt th mouth of the Columbia river. Th" Senior? of the hich school a-e jubilr.at. They succeeded last munth in wrestinc the H'i:h ScnooJ banner Iron: th hands cf the Juniors wiio nau aei : it tnrouaout tne previous jj rnemths of th '"h'vI vcar. The nan-1 ner is a reward of scholarship- which noes ua-h month to the r !a5S the . niimrscai nf t-rae cf whose mmbcr ,sjip is the highest Lew Shaw cf Cfcii cc. one cf the beft known billiard and rx! arti-t-ia the wcrld. i in tne city ana i- res ister at tbe Thurstor. This i-v-a-xar at ftardia's billiard and pool hall ilr. Snaw will thiy Hi) o: no conn: sir i illtards and 15 ball- or no count at pool nmin-T the best players in the city. jlr. Shaw ;- cc an exhibition loar to the Pacific coat. H has Ivea rJie"jj;np paitLcr i f Wiraiu Jake Schaefcr. the preeiit champion cf the worl 1 at the ii mm balk line name for th jiart tfn jear. Tn"y havt c-xhil :te.'. all cv.-r tne wcrl I. Home Restaurant rr-.i 1'iie ocst oi cverviiiinc: in tne line. Meals at all houi's, day or night Fresh Fish every day during Lent I fiersenbrocK &. Burke --j i it ... j .-.JH1--- : i U All'TT 0 0 A1 t ? L I 'A I neiii y mm IA & 00. V ?! C J U. -a-TMJTryiF- Glassware, We carry the largest stock in our line in this part of the state. 77e buy goods in quantities and give our customers the bene- fit. "We make a specialty of HIGH GRADE J Goods. Our line of Fancy Graceries, such t as fine canned iruits and vegetables, canned J fish and bottled goods was never more com- rlete. Our stock of Fine Coffees and Teas t is unexcelled. In bulk Cofiee we handle the "Fvichelieu' Line, the best bulk roasted coifee ever sold in Columbus for the price and prices to saiisfy all 30c, 25c, 20c, 15c per lb. i-inc Conee in one. two and three pound tins wejiave r- rair" 'Jer.ulnc Jnv;. cvA Mocha. 2-pound tin J White House l-Ib. tin. 40c. 2-ib. tin I Richelieu 1-lb. tin. 43c. 2-lb. tin X LiDton's 1-lb. tins. 40c. 2-lb. tins. 75c. -3-ib. tins ;l; You know of Sir Thomas Lipton, the t largest grower and dealer in fine teas and f i coSees in the world. We have been ap- t :j: -Dointed agents lor Liptons Famous Teas and Coffees lor uoiumDus. Your patronage t will always endeavor ? ity, price and service ii Henry Raiatz 4 Co., ? I Rsftraska Piwae 29. Indpeadent Pli3nes.28 and 229. i. " Dr. Paul, dentist. ProL Sike, Ic-acLer muia Barber bldg. .T.D Stires ent to Fremont to-day. j. T. Cc: v?n: xo Kearney this morning. Dr. L. C. Toes. Homeopathic physi cian, Columbus. Neb. B'lte ilaher came in on the noon trmn from Platte Center C J. iarlo,sr returned today from O'Neill i here he has been several davs on buinSr. Del Weinburr, cf Belgrade passed thrcuzhCol-mbus today enronte home from Omaha Mrs. Alfred Palme of St. Edward came down tccay to -iiu her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Guy Green and Geo. Willard came down from s:.Biward this aocn. Gay goes norm and Geor-e may stop over. .Tohnnv Maher came down from Platte Center vesteruay and left for Omasa in the afternoon ru a busiuess trip. Jndpe Sullivan and August Wagner were in Humphrey yesterday taking deposition- in th bin Baker's Choco late case. Charley Potter, a Fullerion furniture liealer. returned! to his home yesterday m cuing after a tVw davs sojourn in Columbus. Ld C EDcrle of Norfolk, represent ing the Pauni Iron Work.-, was in the city tr-:ay taking all kinds of orders for hi house. Mrs. Emma Chappel returned to h3r home m Bonesteel, outh Dakota. Her -ister. Mrs. Tona Hoppen accom panied her as far as Norfolk. Denny Roberts. of Piatte Center and king cf the cattle boys in this section, wa- in the city yesterday on his re turn home from the Omaha marKeti. David Scbaaf. the Cclumbas fruit rr-e magnate, has been more than busy the pat week, delivering trees to all parts of tne couutv and sur rounding towns. The Karr-NichoI Brick companv Ls: their first day's output or 20,000 ir: k in la?t night's freeze. The new made brick contains so much moisture f r-e7es and cracks. C" J Sco:r- an 'h- r5al :ate an.-Aas in the city this morninp. He wa- rturnmc to hi- home after an extended trip through the western counties with a number of land buyers. Elsie, t'je fourteen montns old child . of Mr. and Mrs. Orto Hnga, who live -even m:I-s en-t of Columbus, died , ye-:r.?r.v of Inns fever. The funeral will be hel.: at the residence at 30 a. m . Saturday. Rev. Frese officiating. ' The tenth nrade of the Hurh School ' will have a debate la the rhetoric class Friday afternoon April JI. The ques tion t.f argument will be." Resolved : That the Filipinos hsve the right of i American citizenship." Visitors are' invi-.I i FI T Paze who has been ouite and Meat Market ! Jr eating " k t "2 , , 4r ! r--.JLJ rocliery , 'Cs-lxlTS ? : ' - l S OC SI.00 is appreciated and we I to please you in qual- -i 4 4 f-"- - warm hand of I fi 1 fill HTnilP ,nw mmrn sawv mm, a All afWAflr I I I flVU VII UL BA ffi9d Wi H l"llBIJ VIIIUL I iiHiin iiiiersr s"t zz&y s& ?c i.u.n Aiiinr i IND. PHONES, 27 and 227 HH M APIr OB NEBRASKA PHONE NO. 27 I N v m-V1 ril- F- I-V. mm.,m.. . .. . m. , - .. -. . . - -. I For Easter Shopping Week A complete assortment of modish merchandise in correct stvles are now through the store at lowest prices consistent with quality. Easter Neckwear in a large variety. Easter Hosiery in the desirable styles and qua!iil. Easter gloves in all colors and sizes. Easter corsets just arrived. Easter Dress Gccds. Easter silks. Easter linens. Easter Handkerchiefs. Ester Ribbons in endless varietys. Easter Wash Goods. Easter Umbrellas Easter Underwear. Easter Suits. Easter Cravenettes. Easter Skirts. Easter Covert Jackets. Easter Silk Jackets. Millinery for Easter. Well, our millinery opening demonstrated one thing to the ladies of Columbus and that is the unquestioned leadership of this store. Our styles are equal to those in the large city stores, but our prices are much lower. Easter Opportunities in Millinery Trimmed and Untrimmed. Smart fastidious Easter modes, will crowd our displays of f.ne trimmed millinery during these few days before Easter. The best possible opportunity will be afforded for individual taste: but it is the usual value-giving that will merit unusual attraction. A splendid range of styles are offered at each of these very low prices. sick for the last week at the home of Mrs. H. P Coolidge is slowly improv- in?- ilrs. Kimmer who has ben visiting faer brother, Edgar Howard, for a few days, returned Oklahoma to-dy. to her home in Clemeat Gray, eon of L. L. Gray, was visit ine an uncle near Waco, York coaaty the first of the week. He re turned Wednesday accompanied by his cousin Miss Edith Maaaffer who will ! visit relatives here for a ?e w davr Jas. levels has lately adaea azrand band mnsic box ia his popnlar nlace. Now voa step in to quench voar thirst and br dronmnir a nickel into the r . . . , slot Toa can hear anything f r on "Anheuser" to the latest music play-; . -i M- nnrl'.Tre W W Rathhnrn trnr to Lincoln where they will remain until Monday. Mr.lKathbarn's father is about to nndM-m a serious surgical -f c operation from which it is feared ne may nor recover, ana an oi ais children have been summoned The bnildiag formerly owaed by John Kotlar and located just south of Lonie Meier's blacksmith shop, was moved yesterday by Mr. Glur to a lot ia the east part of town. Mr. Kotlar was formerly a was on maker here but now resides on his farm near Monroe, The railroad bovs of Columbus will be grieved to hear of the death ofMrs. Hopkias of Omaha, wife of Harry Hopkins, a coadactor oa the majn liae whom all the boys know and like. Mrs. Hopkins had been in ill health for two years or more. She died yester-1 day. L. S. Brunken, Louis Held. E. X. Rymer and W. C. JJames drove to Schuyler last night to help the Scaay ler Woodmen initiate fonr candidates. The boys say the Schnyler folks spread a banqnet for them at the close of .i i j -i 7 .i ii u& iusiixik- i&iiii hiiuiirtf ii Liiexu ku nu. 7 .. round gooa time. The electric light force is using z , .L. , , .- t.aj mmuw ui me " - - get the circuit complete m order to ,, ... tarn on xae enrreat lor me street ugnis by the first of the month. Then Co-' aad tore the riad wheels off the wag Iambus will agaia look like itself, and ; on and spilt the cargo. The team was the traveling public will have a bet- not hurt, ter word to say of as. j Julius Pillins was down from Genoa yesterday. Jnlin is talking earnestly nf moving his family here and making ("nlrmhTj hi hnm If hn do-s not change his mind we will hare another greetiiw. Sow is the time to be thinking of New Harnets. We have the fiaest line . . of oar own make ever bown inCo - lumbas. It will pay you to come rTcntv.firA vniloa tn c0 a cot of oar -a A ' cood familv in oar midst and their ago had Kidney Irouole, which caas-i manr friends hr will jitp them a ed me great pain, suffering and anxiety to O t - .. ,. .. p. . harnesf, as the price and quality wiU c1115 make year trip pay yon welL J K. VW AA J WfcT P-" i Prof. T. SL Hodmaa, state inspec ... of I tor of high schools and professor the UniTersity of Nebraska, passed through Colanibas today on his way from Albion to Ulysses. He inspected the Columbus school some weeks ago, so his visit today was merely a frater nal call on the high school faculty. The boys who hare been in the habit of takias; an 'eye opener" or bowl of "hops" at Mike Abts' place hare bee denied the opportunity the pact few days, owing to Abts selling out to another party aad that his license ran oat oa the sight of the tenth. The aew proprietors are fix ing ap the piaet aad will boob hare rnuorcni l Y UAININUI IMHIVt UIN UMtUM wu the doors open an.l evervthing nece?- ary for the pk-a-ia of the tasting J public will be on tan. The Katr-Xichols brick comiuny be - can work yesterday with a force of ten men. This number will be in-! creased to twenty-five as socc a the season advances. Most of these em - ployes are men with families who eave a larss part cf their salaries a lar part cf their salaries wua our nome mercnants. jnessis Karr ana jsichcls are dome their full ( I share toward creatine a " 'dinner-pail ' ;Lr,c u,;-ul1'111" a u.t.-n .Jiiiuiie, wuiLii l ,0i7.inr.imT nf ,. I . . . ., " , . i . . - -w i . ... . ball piaver we hear so much about i I . , . . . r ' anil t T wirreo is 1onb-Tn nhnrr fi"i n t , . .""."' ",, .". . . I !wfirinn rhia !rvT'nn rni sprvSiin : i :i-i!nrr?rs"s VH..-W.. .... reason ' mni' iti n. ratrnor mis rMT hm mor -nr,l,1 Y. o'r ,I,a f.f.-r r-hnr ; j for the place. The management ha, !Pkn:v of good material tin vear and in nr.sr rn v n m'nnr r.f r- . -.---. ""-" --- ' - - - - - - - - son. expenses must be considered iirst and sent down to a point in siehr o: receipts from ga-ries. , Tohn. Cloosee cf the f irm of Healy ! and Cloose of Fremont. Ed Thling, a banker from Hooper and Oscar Hart of the Hart Gun Company of Grand Island In V; vere in the city ye:?terdr.v and Iter made it his special bus- iness to see our leadinr that tnese visitors met business 'men and inci- ' dentalh to se to it that they didn't i raiss any of the good thing that Co- Iambus hospitality has ia store for strangers, xhese strangers could not , have struck a vvalter. better pilot than Bea belonginn to Scofield e to grief this mem - i c.rl rn nf milt A milk wanoa vV Swartsley came ing (1 scattered several caas of milk . n l ' , , 7Jiisaudqaiet,aad their own rputa-1 treet. The driver had left . ' , . . .. tioa is a zaaraatee of this fact. Maay to serve some of his cu- ,.,.,.. , .j -u- ... ..u of th-ir friends and acquaintances over the s the wagoa mmprs nnri tho rsnn vrhiph sne .rHi, i f r r n t Pau,. . . , . . . , , f lOMUiUfc lit AAUUL U4 1 ' -. ta.i CI hnca rT ticj-i -. tt- fm -n. cto rtci -v?" - --" ou. 0 body saw the occurrence, so it i not known whether they collided :.. f d-w...- . ,WJ. ; was standing nar or with a telephone ,. -. i-.i pois; uui iney mti wua some ouiacie . Cheated Deatn. Kidney trouble often ends fatally oat by choosing the richt medicine E. U. Wolfe, of Bear Grove. Iowa cheated death. He says :" Two years I buz i toos Electric fitters, waicn ! ejected a complete cure. I haye also . 'J.?" 5 JrTeat nt in f T at debihtT and nerve trouble, and keen ,them conc-antiv 0Q nand, since, as I 'find they have no equal." Chas. H. t iacKiarugg;st, zuaraatees tacm at oo Saturday's Daily Journal. Dr. Tallier. Osteonath. Barber block. Dr.Chas.H. Platz. homeopathic phy dciaa and surceon. postofSce building Frank Clother, Fred Hoare aadWm. Pinson came dowa from Platte Center today. Wm. Thomazin. a former supervisor of Platte countT, cam down todaT from Lindsay. Louie Schroeder cams down, today from Albion where he has been doing house moving work. H. D. Karr went to Omaha this imornim?. He will be acccmrmnied j home by ilrs. Karr who is Tisiting in Omaha. Vhv is Peter Schmitt so popular with the iadie5; Eeuse they like ; the flour he makes. To try it once is , to use it always. wtf t Harrv Kaufman and Miss Gertrude WHscm were married Wednesday of l.v, - -0- x r.n'm.n na.ma m ' this coanty ja;. spring and is a farmer nHir Columbus. The bride is from . Rn;hville 111 In a petition filed today in district Borchers pravs for an ' orue - rnm rha, onnrf niisr Tlannis .w. . -,. , J- Steenis et al, compelling defendants to matte civision oi tne estate oi jonn . s.eenis, ueeai-ea. Last uicht at about 0:30D.W.Mattoi noticed two fellows prowling around - houses on west Thirteenth street and prrepm into Winaowff. 2so depreda- i " have been reported, but it might . hi wel1 rr CI;Izeas to oa the look' I oct i0T the sa'etr 1 portable property. , ('imrr.pnr.n? Mnnnar. rhr rill hp 1 1 a reeaiar witch crew on dutr in the . . T" P. vards in Columbus. Heretofore! the switching has been dene by the brakemen. bat two new mea will go on Mcad3y as regalar switchmea They are Eber Smith and Jos Ray j Mr. Ray is transferred to the regular 'job from service as extra brakeman. It will be a relief to th train crews 1 who formerly have had to do their own switching. The "Mon-cram." the aew thirst , emporium cf M. Vogel iioschenross on Thirteeath street, opened thi , . , , morning. It is ntted np .n V...l n w r.tal.m tA r-.Ti ..!.. .. . i fT ii The proprietors ec!arf tha:, the PIace ,wlU "on - I dcCtd OD the blheSt ae f 0rdef' : dropped in oa toe boys this morniac 'ana everTDcnT wa treated to tne oecr . .a . . . uar.rv nvenserr , J r -' . . , ., " -. - - I tirelr decided to give his patronage to the new place, but G us Becher is . " ' , f. uul VJl- "et"" - I considered safe. LOOk for MiSS KelSO'S Special Millniery Ad. Monday Daily carnal. C. J. Fennel of Schuyler was in the ' cuv "d-y EillT Dinneen shinned a car of hoes maha todav. - - Ed Smatlan was np from Schuvler a few hours today. Chas. Bloedorn, Jr.,of Platte Cen- ! ' ter came to the city today. I jks. Joe Mahaffev is Tisiting her in Pnllt I parents in Fullerton this week. ilarc G. Perkins weat to Lincoln today for a visit of a day or two. Messrs. Wm. aad Lew Hill of ilon- roe visited ia Columbus over Sunday. I ilrs. Vf. H. King returned to Schuy- ' ley this a. ra. to resume charge of her j suhooL ' Bert McKxnnie.of Loup City,left for J his home, today after xisitiag in our j: city several days with the Turner ' family. Jim Frazer will ship one car of cattle, and Denny Roberts of Platte Center, three loads of cattle toOmaha this evening. Judge Seeder and Reporter Speice left for Central City today where they will endeavor to mnrarel some law trouble ia the district cuurt at that There are some lawn mowers made to sell and some made to cut grass. It you buy one here we will guarantee it to cut grass. 14 in. Banner mower, price $3.25 All bearings adjustable, spring steel cutter bar and sell sharpener. Majestic ball bearing 14 in. $8.75. Pennsylvania Mowers both in the high wheel and low wheel. Best mower ever made. PLANET FOR GARDEN TOOLS.-Our prices are as low as they can be purchased anywhere in the U. S. THE BAKER WEEDER AND MULCHER A garden cultiva tor entirely distinct in construction and principle and principle for cultivation. Very easy to operate and is death to weeds, leaving the ground finely pulverised behind it. Will send on trial. place. Blake Maher went to Schuvler j this I afternoon. He will assist Judge Hoi- lenbeck ia the Sprecher libel suit J which will be before the Judze this i eek. I Ressa Martin of Schuvler was in ' rha ritv hsm-cn t;n: tnUr Ro ! was enroute for St Edward where he will accent a Dosition on the St. Ed- i ward San. Eilly Pruyn. a base ball player of ' Schuvler, tsssed throach the cirv this rnnn fnr firanr? TalanH mtHsm hh will - take a "try" for a position oa the team at taat piace. Miss Maude Parker started this morninc for Fullerton, but stopped at Genoa on acconat of the erious con- dition of her niece, the younc daugh ter of C. W. Lander Lawrence Hohl stopped in Colnm , bus Friday night to visit friends. He I hart tn visiting his parents inAlbion. I Laprnpp hns n Inrrarirp Iir hnm: -. ?. , in Leavenworth. Kansas. t1 I I. - Ia tk.a-L. I Judce sallivan went to Schuvler to- . no- m pfenr' .Toi-n 5nroM,c- t,o,coverF i0T Lonsumpnon, Ooucns and . I r - ---.- v ,-..w- v - -- Free Laace ia the well kacwa libel suit brought against Sprecher by ex- County Attorney Wertz. Arch Jcne, brother of .Tircmie and ! who was some weeks ago reported I dead at Kansas City, bos so far recov- j ered from his late illness a to be removed to his home in South Omaha. r 0 c- , , . .- E. C. Eagle came dowa from Ncr- ' folk VPStfrdftV pnrnT-to m rr.rh-c. nnH i .,,. ".-. r -,., . uiiiet: itmiHB lAJiais. jir. r.U2ie is a ..,. .. ", . -. ' and owiaz to the socd railroad , ciht-te here make CoJumbu ' home. I .; o..-.- . . s hi- -" --. xerna nome .from Omaha ve-dav h i.r.' ' u VJU,UC- ve-.e.cay. ne iiau ; planned to jiin her fath in ti ' Mt J "" ue aiuw. iL ..m. to Chicazo last week but Dr. Martvn was forced to postpone hi visit on t . - aco"ni OI several cases wmen wtre serioas for im to lea ve E. D. Filzpatrick is iu a very eriti- ; cal condition as a result of the stroke f ,.- t,,- . , - , 0I Paralysis which he suffered some Jays ago. His entire left side is heln- ! lees. The attending pbvsicians ex- 1 press hope for his recovery, thcugh j his coaditioa is verv daaseroas. Ualrich Langenecker and Carl Roll have formed a partaetstip and will be a aew business firm here. They will the first of the mouth o:icn en a tin 1 shop. Thry s:r bth firs' class wcrk- 1 " "' ,w " !,1U"" a " '1 c Tai- j r a. ..-.. - f . I ( if-.J.r U1" u ul'lo:: z J Ii!e ocsiaess fra teraity o: tne city. Tom Miner came down from Fuller ton Saturday evening. Tom is a good fellow but two years ago got too in timate with the demo-pops aad lost the race for sheriff in Nance county. He has cat oat politics now and is do ing all kinds of basiaess oa the road. He will be here for a few days. The base ball fans at Lindsay got basy the other evening aad organized a club for this seasoa. They have o aach faith in their playsjthat they say they can make other teaais look like dubs. If thev will please come to the coanty seat we will make them look like a dime with the 5-pluribus rub bed off. Miss Narca Lander, the 14-year-old daughter of C. W. Lander of Genoa, is at the point of death at her father's home, from uremic convulsions in- j iiSU, B uucbk. ane was not mown to be seriously ill until two or three days ago. Mr. Lander u a brother of Mrs. Llord 8wain rv LOWERS - $5. Mrs. J. J. Sullivan ct th: citv. Joha Summers returned to Albion 'Saturday evenini: after a few daT's bus-1 iaess trip ia Columbus. Jcha is the fellow the authorities at that place j suspected sell bocze unlawfully but j tt seems that J jhn ccavin -d the court i otherwise and so far as he is concerned , is breathing good oure air. but other fellows who "cast the first stone" are 2o: 50 "3rP7- irank Clcther believe? m juaicia! advertising an.: also believes JIUrSSI prOUUCC; reiUH.-. US 1C--I R , favorite cog tne otner itsy ant: a nve ; line local in this paprr made it possi ble to ence more enjoy the pranks of a friiky Fido fhe dog was a little thin but a few days rations at the old home will put the canine back to its old avoirucnoi?. La: Hops Vaa:;hd. When leadinn physicians said that . Jl- 2S21iIiar&. O. i :K..i. .a . u , mcuraoie cn-vziy ij. a.- ;ui ' vani-Qtli : bn: r- - "ew Dis- Colds, kept bias out of his grave. He f savs: ' This sreat pe.-iac completely cured me. and aven my life. Since then. I have xxbkL it for ever ten years, and consider i: mr.:vlou- thr-at and lung cure.' Strictly scientific cure for Coughs, Sore Throat or Colds; sure preventive cf Pneumonia Guar anteed. oOc and !.v a bo.rle at Chas. H-Dack's dreg stcre. Trial bottle tree. YcsteriLiy's Daily Journal. W. A. McWilliams of Monroe is in tne city. D. D. Roberts of ?!a:;e Center is in the city. Geo. W. VTertz of Schuvhr -was in the city tr,dav. Mr. and ilrs F.T Clark and daugh ter of Crestoa are in tfcp city today. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kellly of Mon roe came down oa the neon train to day. E. H. Chambers ven: to Cedar Rapids yesterday on real e-.ate busi ness. Drs. 3Iartyn. Evv.--. ITvan J: jiartyn. Jr.. oSca three d.rs north c: Fried hofs store. C. C. Hardy has purchased from Mrs. Mary Cramer the residence on Ninth and Summer. j Fred Jackson of Geasa "was ia the city today. He is on h:s way to 3roken Bow to buy a ranch. Dr. W. W. Frank of ilonroe went to Joplin, Mo. today where he "was summoned by the illness cf a orother. . gnes Flynn, th1 fcnrten-year-old dauzhter of Mr and s.jos rariynn, , ... . . , . is verv senouslv ::1 with train fever. sister Edvrerda. of Denv?r.daughter t of E. D. Fitzpatrics.vas called homej Sunday bv the serious illness cf her ' father. Carl Kramer ent io Lincoln today to attend a meeting cf fhe trustees of the Grand Locge of the Kaighrs cf Pythias. Qecrge Willard of St. r-dward spent last night in Columbus. He is pre- paring to return to Columbus to make his future home. E. D. Fitzpatrick's friends, and every man. woman and child in Co- lumbas is his friend, ill rerret to ieaT "" C0Bd"iaa '" : ta jland in Furnas couaty for Howard lark yesterday, the consideration be- iu2 - Seward coantv parties were the buyers, The musical departmeat of the Wo- man's Club was entertained this after- neon by the Misses Effie White and Florence Whitmoyer at the home of Mrs. M. H. White & Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Osbornare ia Columbus again where ifeey will reside permaaentiy ia ihe future. Columbus is a central 'point for Mr. USDOrne S WOrS 35 rraveiinff faxesman. Ml i0j;e p,cen an,i Nellie Evans have issuwl invitations for a "granite shower in honor of Miss Lottie Hock enbercer Monday afternoon, April 24, four o clock at the home of Mrs.C. D. iivans. Mrs. M. B. Lester of Paris. Teias who nas been vi-itinz for the pas: there weeks with her sister, Mr. W H King, left this afternoon for 1 ilasvern, Iowa wnere she will visit W .1 ! tin W' rt f w n r r -t I """ """- '-'-"" ruL-lu- Columbus Poutry Yards are filled ::h well matchwi rarred Rock and Rose Comb Buff Leghorn ezss for sale from tfcese peas at ?! 30 for 15 or c 30 for :". Satisfaction zuaranteed. Martin Schilz Prop. Mrs. J. J. Sulllivan returned today from Genoa where she was called by the serious illness of hr little niece, .orca Lander Mr? Sullivan says that I n, niece is souiewat oricter todav "out tnt there is very little hop for her re overy. j F. T. Walker went to Cambndse. Nebraska today to spend two week looins aftf-r his branch omce- at that -lace. C. S. Eastoa who ha- charge of the ofSce ha b-en in Columbus since Saturdav nisht. He returned to Cambridge today. W. H. Vaa Alstine who ha; been ia failing health for some time went to Omaha to-day for medical treatment and a series of baths. If thi- treatment does not benefit him. Mr. Van Alstine will try a hitrher altitude. His trouble i- ia the aature of paralysis. A Daredevil Hide often ends in ad accident jlo heal Bucklen's accidental injuri- za Arnica Salve. A drep -wound in my foot, from an accident." writes Theo dore Schnele, cfCoIumbus.O., caused me great pain. Paysicians were help less, but Eucklen's Arnica Salve quick ly healed it." Soothes and heals ! Dack drugrist. FOE SALE. Half section of good farm land ia Cheyenne county. Kansas. 30 acres brcsen. Nine niile from railroad. Land in thi county raises 40 bushels of wheat to the acre. A barsaia at . . . , .oy per acre. imiuirs n. journal . oihce- Iw2d.2w Sweat Pads 25cts Eleveninch all old. four hcok, all , hair Sweat Pads, only 25c at L. W. ' ,,e5Ter s- cvc-M--! S-ni' .Relieved- --3 Sufferine frightfully from the viru lent rxusoas cf undigested focd.C. G. Grayson. ofLuIa, Miss., tookDr. King's ew Life Pills, 'with the result," j,e writes, "tbat I was cured." All stomach and bowel disorders give way to their tonic, lasarive properties, 25 cents at Chas. H. Dacks' drag stcre, guaranteed. Special Millinerv for ' ITS m- i- 1 I .s i ".-