The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 12, 1905, Image 5

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h .11
Thursday's Daily Jaaraal.
Ed Ilonrc is in the city.
M. D. Karr went to Schnyler today.
Al vin E. Pool, violinist. 'Phone Co.
Dr. L. C. Voss, Homeopathic phyei
cinc. Columbus. Neb.
Mis3 Louise Davis is up from Lin
cola for a few days.
Drs. Martyn, Evans, Evans &. Martyn,
Jr., office three doors north of Fried
LoPs store.
FOR SALE : Purebred WiritePekiu
drakes. Your choice 7.1 cents each.
at w S. P. Drinuin.
Mi Pfes HrzpI Millard and Mamie
Elliott .irent to Omaha today to visit
during the :ost of the vacation.
Mr. ard Mrs. J. W. Patninn of Lin
coln attended the funeral of their
Grandmother Mrs. P. Eucklcy.
Dr. U. T. Martyn, jr , and Geo.
Hul.-r went to Omaha this iuorii;ug.
Dr. Martj-n will return Saturday.
Mrs.' Carrie of Norfolk anil Miss
Grace Carrig of Omaha are visting at
the home of li. G. Frickey for a few
.1 Madden of Omaha, who has been
visiting tho tnmilies of It. L Kossiter
and J. (i. liecher, returned to his
homo today.
Iliv. J. L Vallow of Fnllerton is
calling on lit v. Millrml. Ho is on
his way homo from Illinois whore he
was called by the death of his mother.
Iter. Yost of St. Paul, Nebr., who
was at one time jastor of tho Metho-dif-t
chnrch here was in tho city yes
terday and spoke hut night nt the
Union cervices.
G. 15. Speico and J. G. Ityrnps lef
yesterday on a hunting trip up the
Plaite. They expect to returuFridny
Some i:ood democratic friends of Mr
Speico aio fcugge.sting that they play
another practical juko on him in this
absence, withouthis'aid or consent."
Tho homo of Georgo Randall, west
of tho Meridian road, was quarantined
this irorning for diphtheria. Tho
eight-year-old daughter of tho family
is tho patient. Tho disease has not
developed suHlciently to determine
the seriousness of the atrack.
Regular spring moving is m vogue
jut now. T. G. Retterton is moving
into the Reed honso on Thirteenth
stier. J. D. Walsh has moved into
tho Drake house on Thirteenth street.
It. V. Ilobart has moved into the
house of Walter Scott and J.W.Herrod
has taken possession of the Ilobart
property hich ho recently bought.
A. Haight has sold his resilience
property, now occupied by M.D. Karr,
to O. F limey. Mr. Haight is in
love with the mild climate of San
Diego, and is getting his business
matters in shape to go thero to make
his parliament homo as soon as possi
ble. Mr. and Mrs. Haight number
friends here by tho'tcoro who roc ret
to see them izo.
Judge Post's family horso, while
frisking in the barnyard yesterday,
slipped aii't broko one of its legs. The
fiactnre was one of tho small bones
near the ankle joint whero it could
not be treated by tho veterinarian: it
was necessary therefore to shoot the
horse. By somo inexplainablo mixing
of notes yesterday, tho Jonrnal said
that it was Dr.Martvn's horso.
Friday'a Daily Jaaraal.
Dr. Paul, dentist.
Prof. Sike, teacher music, Barber bldg.
Snperintendent Kern made a flying
trip to Kearney today.
Sheriff Carrig has gone up the river
to join Messrs. Speice and Byrnes on
a hunting trip.
Yon are invited to attend the open
ing Friday and Saturday of this week
at J. G. Fillman's.
The Misses Turner and Miss Jacob
son returned yesterday from a trip to
several towns of tb county where
they visited the schools.
Clara Jacobson went to David Oily
this morning for a few days visit.
Dan Echols came down from Cedar
Rapids yesterday and spent the day
with his parents.
For the latest styles in millinery
attend the opening at J. O. Fillman's
Friday and Saturday, April 7 and 8th.
Mrs. Carrick and daughter Miss
Grace went to Omaha this afternoon
after a few flays visit with Mrs. H.G.
Saturday's Daily Jonraal.
Now is tho timo to bu thinking of
New Harness. Wo have tho finest line
of our own mnko river shown in Cc
lumbus. It will pay you to come
twenty-live miles to got a set of our
harness, as the prico and quality will
make your trip pay you well.
tf L. W. Weaver.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
MissEvans returned from Omaha last
Christ Grueuther arrived from Den
ver today.
Miss Ethel Elliott was iu Omaha
Flovd Loomis of Fremont vi sisit
iug Fiank Farraud.
Tho Katzonjammer Kids' Klnb met
last evening with Oscar Hagel.
Miss Hester Hill is visiting her par
ents at Monroe over Sunday.
Miss Gertrndo Milet will visit
friends at Silver Creek over Sunday.
Dr.Chan. II. Platz, homeopathic phy
sician and surgeon, postoflice building.
L. F. Rector has purchased the
Walter Scott property in the becond
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bloedorn of
Platte Center visited L. W. Weaver's
family yesterday.
Francis Peterson and Dr. Burns of
Cedar Rapids wcro in Columbus from
yesterday until this morning.
August Wagner is plaintiff in a real
etsato petition suit in which Fri
dolin Lucbisngcr et al are defendants.
Perry Davis, a stockman from Bel
grade was in Columbus this forenoon.
lie was returning from Omaha whore
he marketed cattle.
Yhy is Peter Schmitt so popular
with the ladies? Because they like
tho Hour ho makes. To try it once is
to uso it always. wtf
Atty. J. H. Kemp of Fnllerton was
in the city between trains today. He
was on a hunt for a fellow who is
badly needed as a witness in court
at that place. He failed to find him.
The Columbus Steam Laundry is
installing today a new mangier which
will enable them to handle all kinds
of heavy wushing, sheets and other
large pieces. The new piece of ma
chinery weighs 400 pounds and costs
O. S. Ranoy lain off to-day, presum
ably to look after tho property which
bo has recently purchased from A.
Haight. But a friemt who is very close
to Mr. Raney declares that he laid
off to select an easter bonnet for Mrs.
Henry Ragatz & Co.
Glassware, Lamps....
'i We carry the largest stock in our line
I in this part of the state. We buy goods in
quantities and give our customers the bene
: fit. Wc make a specialty of HIGH GRADS
i Goods. Our line ol Fancy Graceries, such
t as line canned truits and vegetables, canned
S fish and bottled goods was never more com
t plete. Our slock of Fine Coffees and Teas
? is unexcelled. In bulk Coffee we handle the
"Richelieu" Line, the best bulk roasted coffee
ever sold in Columbus for the price and
prices to satisfy all
! 30c, 25c, 20c, 15c per lb.
J Fine Coffee in one, two and three
pound tins we have
najsaiii" Genuir.e Java and Mocha. 2-pound tin
White House-1-lb. tin, 40c, 2-lb. tin
Richelieu 1-lb. tin, 40c, 2-lb. tin
Lipton's 1-lb. tins, 40c, 2-lb. tins, 75c, 3-lb. tins
75c f
75c 2
You know of Sir Thomas Lipton, the
largest grower and dealer in fine teas and g
coffees in the world. We have been ap-
pointed agents for Lipton's Famous Teas and
Coffees for Columbus.
Your patronage is appreciated and we
will always endeavor to please you in qual
ity, price and service.
Henry Raiatz & Co.,
Nsbraska Paoae 29. Infpirieit Pfencs 29 iri 229
JfifvL pLAmATI0N
Direct From Our Own Plantation
The German-American COFFEE Co.
j& Will give Demonstrations at j&
Commencing Monday, April lOth, and Continuing'
Call and try a cup of
plantation consists of 41,000 acres in the Tumbula range of the Sierra Madre mountains in Central America on the Guatemala Border, and pro
duces coffee of peculiar excellence unknown to any other portion ol the Western Hemisphere. This coffee has heretofore been shipped to Europe
an markets where it brought the highest prices. t
The Problem of Supplying Uniform Coffee
is a serious one with all dealers. The German-American Coffee company, owning its own plantations, producing on the same soil year after year
the finest coffee known to commerce, can supply you with an article unrivaled for excellence, absolutely pure and unadulterated, and can always
maintain the high character of its goods.
&old only by Merchants Who Are Stockholders in the Company.
A number of people in this vicinity are members of the company and will be pleased to have their friends test the merits ot this coffee.
20c to 40c per pound
In Parchment lined bags and cartons,
and in 1 and 2 pound sealed cans.
aflfcEJgiiBBlsjitiL38fffci?sa! fpF1.'! lizflP'Ti c3jHI rsaaBBasaBaMPTTaMBsBBBBBs saBaasassssssal yry ?t
Representing' the German-American Coffee Company.
406 Greenwich St.
Roasting Plant, Greenwich, Corner Hubert St., N. Y.
100 Washington St.
300 Observatory Bldg.
Plantation, Triunfo, Chiapas, Mexico.
6ns Becher, jr., wh mixed np in
a little accident this morning which
occurred while riding on a freight
west of here. Nothing but a severe
fall was the remit. He was met
at train No. 10 by Dr. Martyn, bnt
was able to walk to the carriage.
M stay's Dally Jearmal.
Rev. Millard came in on the branch
train this noon. 2S
H. O. Carrig boarded the eastbound
train this afternoon.
I Representative PeteFenlon of David
iCity wh in the city today.
Editor Kavanangh of the Spalding
Enterprise was in the city today.
Mrs. Bell Nichols and two children
of Kansas City and Boy Ooolidgeof
Omaha are paying a visit to Mrs. Geo.
Mr. and Mrs. McDongall left this
morning for Sidney to make their
fatore home. It is thought the higher
altitude will benefit Mr. McDongalTs
s Harve Baldridge and Herman Wal- ,
ters of Fsllerton passed through Co
lumbus to-day from Bismark, North
Dakota where they hare just com
pleted the balding of a business block, i
Geo. Fairchild and Will H. King
went to Schuyler this afternoon to at
tend the annual K. of P. banquet at
that place.
Will Dnnning of Spalding, a student
in the Commercial College, returned
home to-day af tar completing a course.
Miss Nellie Kennedy was the cuest
to-day between trains of Miss Ruby
'Xhe Woman's Club announces an
entertainment to. be given by them
immediately after Easter to raise
money for the park fountain.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott and the
Misses Selzer and Rasmnssen spent
Sunday at Oconee the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Dawson.
Postmaster Kramer to-dav received
notice from the Post Office Depart-1
ment of shipment of twenty-five letter '
boxes, twenty-two of which will be
put in place immediately upon their
arrival. Those who want a contract
for pntting up tbet-o boxes should in-
quire at once of the Postmaster.
Louis Schroeder came home last ,
evening from Bonne, where he just
completed the moving of a business
house to another location in that place.
He has a large contract for similar
work in Albion and from there he
goes to Howells whera another good
job awaits him.
The leaders of the revival meetings
have decided upon a plan of work
which they hope will arouse new in
terest in their meetings. The mem
bers of the chnrch will meet at 7 :30
and march in a body, led by the choir,
to several oonpsicnons street corners
where they will sing and invite the
public to join them at the chnrch.
E. D. Fitzpatrick, Sr. is suffering
irom an attack of paralysis in the left
side. Last week Mr. Fitzpatrick's left
hand was affected but was getting'
better until he tried to work in the
store last Saturday when the trouble
extended down his left side to bis leg.
Columbus Poutry Yards are filled
with well matched Farxed Rock and
Rose Comb Buff Leghorn eggs for
sale from these pens at f 1.50 for 15 or
f 2 50 for 'M. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Martin Schilz, Prop.
Yesterday' Daily JemraaL
Free coffee at Gray's all this week.
At a meeting of the senior class of
tha high school yesterday Rev. Cash
was invited to deliver the baccalaur
eate sermon at the commencement
exercisesthis year.
See the page advertisement of the
Gray Mercantile Co.
Don't fail to call and try a cup of
Triunfo coffee at Grays.
Tomorrow night at the Episcopal
church will be delivered the last of
a series of six Lenten addresses. Tho
topic will be Discipline or Will."
Mrs. Geo. Scott entertained a few
intimate friends last evening in honor
of Mr. Scott's birthday. The -company
played cards, and refreshments were
The ladies all say,
And they must know,
There's nothing to equal
The famous Triunfo.
Coming Saturday, April 15 Mr.
Sanford Dodge presenting Francesca
Da Rimini. Mr. .Sanford Dodge, in
pntting on "Francesca Da Rimini"
this season, has spared neither time,
labor or money to make it a presenta
tion worthy of
enjoys, in this most remarkable play.
Lawrence Barrett, Otis Skinner,
Louis Jamcc, Frederic Warde. and
Madam Duse the greatest emotional
actress living have all been made
famous by this wonderful drama of
Francesca Da Rimini.
' Words are inadequate to describe it.
It must be seen to be appreciated snd
understood. But occe seen, will never
he forcotten.
1 Cheated Death.
I Kidney trouble often ends fatally,
' hue by choosing the right medicine.
j E. H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove. Iowa.
'cheated death. He eays:" Two years
, ago had Kidney Trouble, which cans-
' ed me great pin, suffering and anxiety .
but I took Electric Bitters, which
effected a complete cure. I have also
found thorn of great benefit in gener
al debility and nerve trouble, and keep
them constantly on naad, since, as I
Una they nave no equal." Chas. H.
Dack orui