The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 12, 1905, Image 3

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Of lenporrha. excess fl xin. painful
period. pp2p55, nr :' womb,
attended by veaic back, beannc-down
eensauoEi.Uacersimn of woaib, pain
and wndems of ovaries, are almost
ai-av cured by a fairly persistant ue
of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
If in any case it should, in due time,
not seem qnite adequate to meet every
Jihase of ne complicated case. Dr.
'jerce always stands ready to offer
va!cab!e suggestions based upon years
of var.rd experience hich often proves
of inestimab.e vaiae. This he dos en
tirely free of chars- :- tlnse n:ing his
med'icines. Adir-s- Dr. R. V. Pierce,
653 Mam Street, Buffalo, X. Y.
Vk. R V Piehcc liulalu. N" V :
I.j- t i cinf ti"Uihx I -liotild r"fr
enjor ..i h-alth ava :i. Vht 1 u-I'-red
rllL f'in.D (J.- a- word carrot eip-.
H a.d diu-sir.c lramwr-do-n jitm-. rair.ful
monthij -.!--. tarai-r-.. vn-ti-t -n.
tlori.:d hsnd- ari f-t a: a.l :tis. s
ill racsl wo. sr l tfa-r- a- -i :u '-- f
ra- ui fc ! ad w At -r I haJ tik-n f-icbt
UjtUe- Ir !'.- - F-. it- Pr -Tipt; iu
to ol hi- "v n,iruiiJ KiTra--: of -mart-V-d."
ai- -xi.- if Ir I'-r - Ica-nt
l'iU"i-. I a- ii.-iv -mvu 1 !way- k--o
tbt? rta-ij .ii Uj iu ;j. fcr.'l n-tiCjiUtl
tiitaa lo aiJ ej Irtcn J 'i 'ur-rni'jr.
Vr- Jjhv B u-El
S 4th trwt Brx- ar Vl'-any. N V.
There is no opiUfi. c ca ne t other
nsrtic m " r -i1 r.t I'n-VMiption."
Neither d-n-s it contaiii alcoiiol, whsky
or other intoxicant.
It oft-n happens tha: childl"ns is
dee to condition- whih may b- cor
rected. Many w-n.i-n haw- f tund that
th vuahtv aii : r .n ;ar-i by Ir.
"Pirct-- rav'ir:- I'" -t ,j' . n ! th-
won an.y rn
n-i'u t" f-.r:
. i'.- i "i r.' t-'i-ri,-"-:
.t-.. .r.- . n t a curt-ii.i
'K Vll
Cosviefion Follows Trial
Wlfr; i l-- c'Tf- cr anytLicj: vour rcer Lappens
to t :..- n l i.:.. how dc you know what you arc
SCttinS ? "' -" ' u' " """rl" i''''t i'TIt-e tL:lt Is. sold lli b'Jik,
c.-.Il lr toll, if tie i'.v:ie v.j 1-ii.JIe it (grocer-.,, card to
-t t a u i. .,..,.
C ulJ anv a.ouiit of iiitre tiJ Lave persusdea nui-icn oi
hourtLecnerb to use
Lion Coffee,
thC ICSdCi Ci all paelvage COffCCS for ovpr a quarter
o: -i t 117, i; i v Ld I u i : i: 1 -T -ier.. r to a'u otuer I rands in
Purity, Strength, Flavor and Unliormity?
TIsL. DODular sjccGis o! UON" COttt-L.
can be due only to inherent merit. There
is no Mrongcr prool ol merit lhn con
tinued and inert Aina popularity.
. . i:.( . i m ? mvc rc
LI UC vtrei'-J - .un.i.m.w
HCUSEKEIERS ilocs not con"ince
you ol the merits o! LIO.N' COFFEE,
it costs you but a trille to buy a
package. It is the easiest wcy to
convince yourscll. and to nta!ce
' L.-- 'N M x k. t t . j. . : -,,
fruc ttv i. . r -- - " Iz----.r-a. a:.i
Amcu lara. -i. 7L.rz. a- a.. ?. .he . -- '. Cesira. iU ie- Ya?vX .v M. . ;!
VsU"V Rai-rvi- 'a zii- s-i- 0: Tt it -Mi
i--;pr-i anil L-iu.- ana v iLir :i- pa-: ' 1
vear-. Otie- a' : - ba ! s -c t -poptLatior
--j-i'.i :.-i.- :..-- i.x.
trzi erciei F-rn. .arvi- tare o- :-.ii
doc&:! it ri - K --'- -- : -J---:-- v
teea e-ia' ..-L-i a' '. a- a re---! :tre .- oi
crprecedes:-v5 o- zzi-i 1 z
Day Laborers. Skilled Workmen, ar.d
Especially Farm Tenants.
Psn:- -x- - - a capital, -eefcs sr "??"-t-s
:- : 7 - i a 'rzi h- sie tar. --
u-o- :rf-: - tt "ut '-p e t- ar- r
pun r.a.'- lt --d a- jr-r- in. ae - '
ti r-- - - : a - j, jx-la. car to Xr J K
M-rv a ---,?- Pi--Ti-r -'
X-,-" I - w r'ow ts: Zr'.z.-'-'i
Cfc::-r - -1. - " t a"- 0:
Free Grant Lands
Western Canada.
- ' Vi- T A .
1- a.- A -
war: "
:- .-.f aor o" tte
wa3t -- .-.'c
frt-e 10 si se:u-r
Tfav asd Iii ctenpar, ,-. a rea.-osa5.e pr.c
era:.1: 1- o r--: co-: c:
r n -
tan-s elf app.j -i"-:M:'t: l
i- .ir. OltaTra . a. -v1 - u It r
jw ,- (j.iiersrc' ' Vv rt ". V Brunt-'
Ner Yrfe. USe B-il-
'" . Ntrtrak.
?1XAL CLSVATU?vECar.b Crefi
oca H-.-es. iesi iOEiiiSf i jiroc
irepr siitrrsrse-; aad piijicia .s. C -Suit
T- y--.irTVifr.-f Jv o b-a -s or
irp accs used. Treated rccilc-j
-jv rait Stx tcstV er?-riece.
I fee Bmec !s t Graustic k Orterc tot
1X MkCO0TCS. Crti S.903Q.
I h-A SiSkXa &G 8 ' ? I v
m - - - vij - y ftis jr Tm m m - r k. tl t . v
1 !f 2-.yor,e o"crtd tu a coed c IfS35
I ckli3r (or ir imperfect or.l I I 'if.-p Q
I v.ojid ou li'.i tt? 1 -
I co'ilir for 75 ctnb ol bid I
I v-c.-Id vou t-c it? I
I Mt o"c: you io c: IM I
I vcrv btii starch mace lar 10c I
fl ali$ cost lOc for 12 ounces. SA fl
flj Own 3 a business proposPjon. F ltfT "
W Ve euarar.ict il sijfactcv. H pF
I AsK ycer C'octr. I HHHUHI
Dmahi. Neb. 1 ;
CURES catarrk of the
bat a specialist's prescription, havinz
as a sinsi" 'm the cure of diseases
peculiar to "Somen.
Reliable dealers recommend "Favor
ite PrecnpT'on." With tricky ones,
something e.e that pays them better
will probably be unred upon you as
J "jus: as c-d." Perhaps it "is for
I thevi : but it can't be for vou. Some
saving may be made by purchasing oar
medicines "in half-dozen quantities.
If j-ou are convinced tiiat the " Fa
vorite Prescnption " is the medicine
you need, do not be cajoJed into ac
ceptins s-amethinp else. The attempt
to mdace vou to do so is an insult to
your intelligence. Turn your back on
Lie one tihu offers the affront.
Cure biliousness, sick and bilious head
ache, dizziness, costiveness. or consti
pation of the bowels, loss of appetite,
coated tonpue. sour stomach, -windy
b-lchmgs. " hart-burn." nam and dis
tress after eatmc, and k ndred der3nze-m-ntof
tht lier. sumach and bowels.
Persons subject to any of these troubles
sh uld never be without a vial of the
" Pleasant Pallets " at hand. They are
a! way- adopted as a household rem
edy "aiVr the rir-t tnal. Put up in
sliss via!-, tightly crked, therefore
always fresh and reliable.
One ! wle ' Peilet '" is 3 laxative, two
are cathartic. They regulate, invipr
at" and cleaa-e :h !i.-r. stomach and
bowt-ls. As a "d:isrji-r pill," to pro-m-f
d.r'lJtion. take or.' each day. To
rei'w the di-trt - an-i:is from ovr
ii'n, nothing eouai- one of these
i:;tie "Peiiets." They're tiny, uzar
cated. anti-biliou- granules, scarcely
larcr than mustard seeds.
I-K"U.r Pierce's reat tho'isand-pare
"'Coinriion Sense Mf-aical Adviser" will
) nt f r tK- mere cost of mailing;
r 3T-r-b.uid for 1 one-cer.t stamps,
r clotu-o-'und f r .'.1 -tamp-. It is a
r"a'ij ar. i uefu. t-- k. Address Dr.
R V Pierre. ; Ma.n t . Buffalo, X. i .
ut -
.s r ? -1
i r1 -.
:t crz 2 t r" l'
"3 :c -.t rc- -ex '
-t; .r-...-.-.1
- -- t -- - 1
' ' r i-T rc - -
i; "- r-.-s-C ievrrr-? SiGS Cr
i ". rii. fjzzri's -rzzz
.----.'n t asi
ii Sea EerifCj
Purifies, Then Heals.
' o- e - L i i P p e
r - - - ne :e nit u --
e' - - Ar. a :e
Sl.OOPer Bortle. StziUz TB.ZZ300SXSJS.
'' or '?si t-
EAirrEOIJC 2EU5 CO. Vet Xo;re. Ic-rx.
'nirAiorMES. ?'.$.-
- t-- .- !.&. K 9 Hnmr
TrrHttueiit i ?- n-- 'Zj
" "- --: : I -13' P -t
- - - 2" -"-1: - Fr
v t .rlvrvr'i-'s -jcr: M- "i r. 7.;a iirt Box
i. Tc ?Z5 Sf-ti: :tb Str L
AScgetable PrcparalionforAs
similatmg flic Food ar.dEeguIa
Img ihc Stooacts a.-dBcwTCls of
rrontttesDigestion.Cteerfur- M
ness and Kest.tontams neither
Opuim.Morplune nor Mineral.
v "otXhcotic.
i ADerfeclKcmedvforConsboa-
Iton , Sour Stonch.Diarrnoca
A orms .Com-ulsions ,FcTri5h
ness end Loss OF SLEEP.
PicSnik: SiCnaturc of
t-a -?--"-i jznj
. . "Lt z- r
il AScgetabkPrcparalionForAs- j -"S
11 Il IMm I I I Wm9tmW 2
S W HrrTIa UfaS. T '
hd Bt Cozgh JTJL I15U3GU0C DeQ
Erf tattoe. Seta br draarK- IW
mWW j
Fame of the -Agrau'T
Spea JS of the Asra diamond
which was sold recently in London, a
London newspaper writer says: "I
am disposed to think the Aera' onlyi
' became 'famous' about 1592, when it ;
been sold for 20.000 pounds, but the
i jury, m the litigation referred to. by
; their verdict rescinded the contract.
A curious circumstance is that this
jewel is not mentioned in the only
j standard work on diamonds."
Dr. o. S. Wood cures Rupture by
' a new process, in a few weeks, with-
t out loss of time or inconvenience,
' Rectal diseases cured without the
knife. Send for circular. O. S. Wood,
M. D., 521 N. Y. Life BIdg.. Omaha.
More Buildings for Poor.
To the sum of 12,000.000 left by
Mr Peabody between 1S62 and 1ST3.
out of which the Peabody buildings
for the poor were erected in London, I
there has since been added $4,793,- J
'S5 received for rent and interest.
making the total fund, according to a ;
.- pert just issued 57.23.255. As m I
money comes- in, more buildings a.e ,
Woman Had Poetic Talent.
Miss Caroline S. Orne. who recent
ly d.ed at Cambridge, Mass.. was a
friend of James Russell Ixwell and
Henry V." Lonrfellow. The latter
spoke highly of her poetic talent.
How I Suffered with Itching and
Bleeding Eczema Until Cured
by Cuticura.
No tontrue C2n t-!l how I suffered l
for fve jears with a terribly painful.
tchicr. and Lle-rding t-ezema, my
body and face covered with
-i.r--. Nsver in my hfe did I esperi-
ro such awful uflrnn. and I
'"icd for death. wh:ch I fe'.t was
--c- I had tried dectors and medi-
e.'-s Rithout success, but my mother
.n-isted that I try Cuticura. I felt
-Ttrr afttr the first bath with Curi-r-izz
Soap and one application of Cuti
cura Ointment, and was scon entirely
wIl. (Sismed) Mrs. A. Etson, Belie-iu-r.
Average Supoly cf Coal.
Half a ton of coal to each inhabit
:n: :s the average the world over.
Tn- United States produces four tons
to the mhabitint.
Tr.cse Wno Have Tried It.
m". u n- '.th-r. Iviamt- r.A Wa
' ' -:'ir h ha no "UjI in Quantity or
v ty .6 oumtr- f r li irn:. Other lur.tiin on' !- "Unfri.
Have You Noticed That
?.me people do an act of meannes
: n- direct-on and try to square
. '.r- bv rn&ros:! somewhere else.
More "lexible and Lasting.
r.'x hak- ut (r blot out by usins
an - tar-b j"ii h:ain t-tier re--
than j---iM- with any other
r. 1 an-3 on-.-thiri more for same
Fancies of Great Men. i
' mad !rora sace wa- The fav
.: cDncoruon of John Wesley, while
. L-Eor t-a v.a cu:te a weakness ,
w:-n Coleridge. th pcet. j
Irsist cr. Getting It. I
? m pr-x-r ay th-v don't kp D-- j
ii - Stan h fef au-e they have a stock '
htnd of lJ-ou:i - brand-, which they
w tanr-.i l- s ' 1 t a cu-tom-r
n b -.- rz' - i- rh- H-f'ur.ce pack-
DeSane Start h f-r -anie money.
Uneducated Russian Soldiers.
X ar' rn-half of th soldiers in
":- Rt'-sian army are unable to read
i-.i writ In the Ge-man army the
er.enT.3ge is only "".
Yucatan's Independence.
Seryrjve yar; azo Yucatan de-.
lared itself independent. ;
No chromo.i or chap premiums, but
-. b-ter quality and oa-third more of
I-arc- Siirrn for the same price of
jthrr starch-s.
Thre is no lift in a lone face.
f." fO p3:i monthly, will buj a CK) share
of l-i --j acres of "2??.( " acre plantation. ?
sru-mteed Every i-noition safe-ruarced-Aj'eats
waatt-d. Best ;av and territorv E.
Mojre.'JK'0.-!d Fallows' Bide .St.Louis.Mo.
Fa::h cannt : feed un firewo:
. 'i3itiT crt JS St n Of : .M' mSa
I Crt iT ti of Dr. k1i- 5 Urtt rrrt Kctii
-ai for KREK BS.OO tri bott.e iaa tmtik
i)a.H-H.iLLixt,LilElA--ci:sCt.-c iiJOc!pii,f
Hot hads make cold hearts
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
TlayiWfcrerljsWH!aeK Mrsa
Tocr joWwr cr gmt Sum. Ttxoir. raocta. to.
aW Y ui1
LI' In
ljh Use
! 1 wr
f OHliL-iC
J i
Map Sho-Aing tne Prepared New Stste cf Frsnkiin. to be Formed of
Parts of Virgnia. Tennessee and Kentucky. The Suggestion is Made
by Congressman Campbell Slemp of Virginia. The Shaded Portion
Shews the Sections cf the Different States That Would be Taken to Con
stitute the Proposed New State.
His Appointment on Canal Commis
sion Commended.
The appointment cf Theodore Perry
Shonts. president of the "Clover Leaf"
railroad, to be chairman of the reor-
ganized Panama canal commission.
was commended by Chicago men of af
fairs who know him best as the selec
tion of the "right man for the place."
They unite in sayinc he is equal to
the responsibjitif s of the position
Although Cnterville. Iowa, was the
home of his boyhood and ycung man
hood, the town where he met and mar
ried his wife, Mr. Shonts was bom
in Crawf rd county. Pa. He is of
Scotch-Irish descent. A classical
course at Monmouth college tollowed
his education at the Centerville high
school, and wlta a brother-m-law he
a.y -rs-
a r.n
B?enl a year !n :he banking business.
250 jn Centerville. Then he studied
law. From Centerville he went to
Kankakee with his bride, and thence
to Chicago.
Should Another Napoleon Arise?
Althcusrh France has not produced
a great man for ninety years, the ig
norance and unrest prevailing in Rus
sia, and th babc-i and intestine strife
o: the Aus'roHungarlan empire, pre
clude the idea c: a Slav. Czech or Mag
yar Napoleon. Italy. Spain and Eng-
Izni are equally unlikely to produce
.3 successful military trant. and we .
. theretore assume that the Napoleon of
the future w:ll be a German soldier,
The first task of a German Napoleon,
after completmz nis career o: con
quest on land, would be the subjuga
tion of England by the organization of
sea power. The destruction of Brit
ish sea ;ower would be to a modem
Caesar an imperious necessity. Na
poleon placed commerce behind agri
culture, which he considered to be
the basis of national health
and '
wealth. The new Charlemagne would
be better informed on economic sub
jects than the Corsican. Illustrated
London News.
The "Cullman" Diarrcnd.
It was between 4 and 5 o'clock in
the afternoon of Jan. 26 that the
"CuIIinan" diamond was found in the
Premier mine, near Pretoria, in the
Transvaal. The mine is described as
a creat pit. much like a Chicago clay
hole Manager Wells was miking a j
tour cf the mine anc one of the level
ravs of the sun, striking on a bright
c bjec: hish up on the sice of the mine,
was resected to the manager's eye.
He climbed up and discovered the
greates diamond ever known. He
broke his pocketknife in digging it
out. It is said that Manager Wells
will be given SlO.OOo as a reward for
his find.
Not Ready to Give Up. '
An applicant for employment at 1
Odessa. Russia, a few days ago. who
auDearec before Gen. Parelischin in
Boatswain's uniform, wearing a num- .
ber of military medals, was found to I
be 107 years old. He took part in the j
defense of Sebastopcl. and was en- ;
, titled to a pension, but flatly declin
' ed. to go into a refuse. "I wish :o
1 die in service." he cried. "The ref- !
, uge is for those who cannot work." .
. Promised a post in the Custom
1 House, which would soon be vacant, I
he entered the Port sailors Home.
Business in the Bank of France.
The 3ank cf France carries a cash
reserve of $640m)0.&"'0. and its "prcv
ductive operations," by which is meant
all its transactions in loans, discounts,
advances, transfers, exchanges, etc., I
aggregated J3.540.iv,o.oro in 1S04. It .
discounted during this time 19.00.000 '
notes of a value of $2.163.000,0'"0. This j
procisiuus uusmess is uuue jt oy n;e
transactions, but by small ones. Of
6.SS2.S22 bills discounted in Paris
nearly one-half. 3.175.6S5, were for
sums of $1 and $2.
What a Good Corn Crop Means.
The farmers in the great corn states
of the west are laying plans to broad-
en the basis of national prosperity bv
I planting more com than usuaL Corn
' is our great crop. Unlimited com
stands lor cheaper beef and pork,
more business for the carriers and
more purchasing power for the work
inecian's dollar.
Jiu-Jitsu for Soldiers.
A strong effort is being made to In
troduce jiu-jitsu into the British army.
i t-. - V. 7
u .iJLcr'v" --i ?
M '
Js W5 ir . i-
T v7filUKiA 4?y J
r m
Preservation cf Most Precious Boon
Not a Hard Matter.
Talk health before the lit lie ones.
Also live and act normally. This
world, bad as it may be. has much
good in it. Humanity is so valuable
that the Sav.or died for its redemp
tion. The child must live his life :n
the wond and with his fellow man.
Education is to teach him how to re
late himself to both so as to get and
give goodness and happiness.
The inteilietnt. loving parent is ?.l- !
ways anxious to p'otect the child '
:rom diseases due to infection. Most ,
of the contagious diseases, such as
measles, whooping cough, scarlet
fevtr. diptheria. etc . are most fatal
-i iue iiisi uve years oi me. ui
measles more than half the deaths ,
occur under 5 years of age. In i
whooping cough the death rate under .
2 years often reaches su per cent. ,
There is also the same percentage in
scarlet fever and diphtheria.
la healthy children after 10 years
of age the death rate and seventy of
these diseases !e-sen very nmh.
After children are sent to school it ,
is not always possible to ke-p them
from exposure to contagion, but while i
they are at home it requires but the ,
proper sanitary precauTioas on the '
part of the parents to kp t&em '
from those infectious disorders until
infancy and early childhood are pass
es ax d they are more able to with
stand d.sease.
Often the writer has seen ' the
nursing baby die from whoopinir
cough, scarlet fever cr measles when
its older brothers ard sisters were
scarcely i!! enough to :ro to bed.
Tuberculosis is also easily con
tracted in early life. It ma- be of
I the glands, as th? cuses cf so-called '
sro:uIous swell. ass of the neck '
elands; also of the bones, as Pott's
disease of the spine, hip joint dis
ease and the like, which result in im- j
paired health ard lifelong deformity.
1 or the still more deadly pulmonary
I tuberculosis, which. -Rhen contract
ed before 15. usually ends fatally
a short time Housekeeper.
Vnere Women -re Superior.
That a woman's in'uition is rro'e
trustworthy than a man's ;.ulc-n:
has leng been conceded by u.tia--i
masculines. J. c--- d tet a per-cra!
cat is furnished by th Uniifl
treasury at Wasl-ins:-!-
Gen. Spinner he who s
The IaTe
nature was
so "fearfully and wonderfully made'
declared as the result of lon years
of experience as supenn'endent of
that department hat wemen were
worth ten times a- much a men in
the matter of counterfeits alone. A
man always has a reason for a coun
terfeit." said the general, "but he is
wrong half the time. A woman never
ha a reason. She says 'tis counter-
feit because it is counterfeit, and she's
always right though sh couldn't tell
how she fcund it out if she were to be
hung for not knowing."
The Scund cf Arms.
When Port Arthur fell the Japanese
soldiers at the from alone the shaho
chose an ingenious way of announcing
the victory tc the Russian armies en
the other sice of tr? river. A b'z
kite was sent up by the Japanese. On
this was a picture representing Gen.
Stoessel and Gen. shaking hands
Underneath. wri"en in the Russian
language, was the legend: "Port Ar
thur ha fallen. On the morning of
the happy new year we have the honor
to announce this with hearty greet
ings." It was subsequently learned
the hands of a Russian lieutenant at
Liuchangtun. AtSxed to the tail was a
letter written in French.
Complirr.snt to Irish Race.
James Russell Lowell and Prof.
Mahaffy met for the first time at z
friend's house in Birmingham, Enir-
land, and talked together for four
hours. When Lowell drove away in
"Well, that's one of the most delight
ful fellows I ever met. and I don't
mind if you tell him so!" The friend
did so. and Mahaffy received the com
pliment with equal crace and mod
esty. "Poor Lowell!" he exclaimed
"To think that he can never hrve met
an Irishman before!"
Obsolete British Vessels.
Vessels recently removed from the
active list of the British naw cum-
her 122, and their original cost
amounted to the total of $140,013,510,
the list including sixteen the cost of
which is not on record. Among these
vessels are eleven battleships, ten
armored cruisers, forty-three cruising
vessels, icin.y-six sunooats anc tor-
peco boats and twenty-two sloops and
hulks. The oldest of the discarded
vessels was built in 1571 and the few
est was built in 1903.
To Publish Governor's Writings.
By the will of the late ex-Gov. Bout
well, just filed for probate in Bcston.
he gives to his daughter, Georgianna
A., all his writings, whether printed
or in manuscript, stereotype plates,
etc, as well as $2,000 in order that
she may publish all his writings.
Editors Indulge in Duels.
Ao article published in a newspa
per of Hungary recently led to thir
teen duels, in all of which members of
the editorial force too r
Find Skeletcn of Murderer. j
While excavating a trench for
drainage in a road at Eastbourne,
England, workmen came upon a cof-(
nn containing a skeleton, tne skull ol
which was separated from the other
bones and lying between the shoul-
ders. It proved to be the skeleton of
; a wife murderer, who was executed
I 240 years ago. The wife's body lies
in an adjacent church yard.
Human Hair Industry.
The human hair industry is a very
active one in France, the departments
most frequently visited by the hair
merchants being those of Correze.
Creuse. Allier. Cher.. Dordogne and
Haute Vienne. The average price
given for a full, long head of hair is
from 2 shillings to 25 shillings for
the very best quality and color.
A Street. Scene.
The teamster was not beating his
horses, but he was usins pretty vig
orous Ianguase. -This cruelty to ani-
mals," declared the woman with three
birds on her hat. "is dreadful." And
she vented her indignation by "giving
a street urchin that jostled her a
crack that sent him on his w2j- whim
pering. Houston Post."
Thickness cf Skin.
The skin ot the men and women
of some nations is much thicker than
that of others, particularly in ho:
countries. The Central African nesrro
has a skin about half as thick asram
as that of a European. That of a ne
gro is thickest over the head and
back evidently to form a protection
from the sun.
Must Have Been a Bachelor.
A horrible cynic has invented the
followine disgraceful paragraph: It
is beautiful to behold at a weddins
the sorrow-s'ricken air of the parent
as he 'give? the bride away.' when
we know that for the last ten years
he has been tryhiz to get her off his
hands." London Tit-Bits.
Value of Discrimination.
The most successful store in the
world misht have to close its doors
in less than two years if all its em
ployes and officials were replace!
, and each one wroncly placed. Would
i you trv to drive nails with a diamond
scarf pin? Earl M. Pratt.
Spices for Royal Kitchen.
The nnest spices in India, specially
prepared, are sent to the rova! kitch
en of the British court Juices come
from Calcutta, while special factories
in Malta and in Ireland prepare pre
served fish and sardines for the royal
?Ir. Vin-iow'- otliIn "yrnp.
Research and H:storia-.s.
Those who search and search and
search are the ones who rind the cold
Later on the historian tells us wfaer
the gold was. Good writers of his
tory should help make better hunter
of precious metals. Orvice Sisson.
Superior quality and vtra quantitj
rau-t uin. This is why Defiance Starch
is taking the iac- of all others.
To Married Men.
The married man can set a much
warmer welcome by taking home a
box of chocolates than he can by tak
ing home a box of good cigars, and
the chocolates don't cost one-tenth as
much. Sornerville Journal.
Lots of women would like to sta
at home and look afrr the children
and the house, but if they did 'heir
friends would say their husbands
were brute-
&T. ITiei Kennely" Farr
Ee.rCJ SOUK. Ko-' i -T N ':
: a. . - - r
Virtue is victory
She 7as Told That an Operation tvi
Inevitable How She Escap&d It
When a physician tells a woman suf
fering' witn ovaran or womb trouble
that an operat on i necessary, the ry
thought of the KUife and the operating
table strikes terror to her heart, and
our hospitals, are fu.' of women
for ovarian or womb operations.
There are cases where an operation
is the only resource, but when one con
siders the creat number of cases of
ovarian and womb trouble ru-ed br
Lydia E. Pink-ham" Vegetable Com
pound after phy-icians have advi-ed
operations, no woman hou'd -ubrait o
one without Srst trylnr the Vegetable
Compound and writine Mr Pinkhatn,
Lynn, Miss . for advice, which is fre.
MIs Marrret MerVVv of 275 Third
Street, Milwaukee Wis , writes:
D-arMrs Piakham
"Loss of strength, extreme nrTour'3
hootin? pains through the p-lvio onrans.
lannz con tins and cramp- '-omj.-nerl
m- to scefc me"ii(-al advire. The dotor af tr
making an examination. id I had orsnan
trouble and ulr--ation and &4vii an opera
tion. To thi I stronrly objected end drid-d
to try Lydia E. Pickhtrn s Veritable Com
pound. Th ulftration quickly hald. all
the bad symptoms disaprr-?ari and I am
once more "strong, vigorous and well."
Ovarian and womb troubles are stead
ily on the increase arnonp women. If
the monthly periods are ttt painful,
or too frequent and excsive if on
have pain or swellinsr low down in the
left side, bearing down pains. leucor
rhcea. don't ne:r".ectyonrse'f try Ly(L
E. Pinlfham's Vegetable Compound.
W- -w .1 e
j . r-a' at
.iBSiWfai-i .-r r .-j--
? iiEii-i -;r mr. '- - -a-T-
ni:i?IUi-ii. --a T'- t
?svs5:'-?- V cZ'if ' -m
0art Z;tt &
SittM Wrk
1312 Hywarrl
W. N. U. Omaha.
o. i:
MfrAfargretAferfifey I
ScwrorMaBnfiitran aster cttonttoRifKMrie. One 10; cacUoe cin silk. - etttan
USCLE SAM "A High Standard is Required oi
Any Catarrh Remedy That Has Been Endorsed by so
Many Trustworthy and Prominent People."
There are Many Imitations of
Baker's Cocoa
Baker's Chocolate
Don't be
ct?' '""cTh. Our fnnp-mnr: iq rm fi'Prv
Itided to
L&iusa-aicxix. oocoa or uaKer s onocoiate
Cur handsomely illustrated recipe book
sent free.
Walter Baker 8 Co. Ltd.
Established 17Z0 Dorchester, Massachusetts
45 Highest Awards in E'orope and America
Tte- t is p 31 ' r j- c 'a S Sonrtt 5 thr i T ut errt!: :f tk
iis-t :. - s -nl !. ' I! . bsi rtit.-Lc du 4tv. p l c:uerfu. rrMKn. Tbrr
ueti" - z ' t- itj'a lad.s Tr fc f k.ji -aTrit.. a .t ttt -.ez jr it M.
KT r. &ts' ti -.e j .a w tilt :ifa jir a i j-.-; --.,; ' hli ti iMtj
ire p - T .-e a.aar. t o. a?res Co-or-r KE A T LLV NEEUKH. T
tel5 c ce !i t Ht tj- etS 3S taT iad c-onl!airj ca'n j -in.ot Io co
lc :j;!"r- Ttt-e re pes-s .rm... ad rrmz:tte:aiizi z. .torr. ac '.
lov'T.i. ari T:.a-y tarr -in-h uf trJe Th- ot) xni :.- Z &' J .aia, liiUa Terriiury
31 . i.hv. ire a,es- aa. 2r jaaerfui opprtaa.t.e. Jcr iee.ezz.
7VM KfcT IlallwTaxa liai ror ;. bat 17 15 a:re:rt la bz'-Jlrr s- :! vodvrfal.
r.ur tar. -tw -rj. 4..t'i.i ?r"jpci :a&a t .ia- -c;toa or etauy -wes
t-.h i .rju itftir YOrwi:.,tt;rhE r m ?r!l UU al lit, ym
wl tei j? -12 v t n:t it nl) tjjfirf oa e 4: xrar-3 ticLeU WJl torn
M :i lie M il Kk-r u Iad-a Trriu.rr Oi.ii .aj ad Texa.. it
Less Than One Fare
t.i u
Ererv person should hare their own bank account an onr
"Banking bv Mail " system brings the bank to jour verv door
Writ for circulars.
Oldest and Strongest Swings Bank in Nebraska.
CITY SAViISS MIX, 201 S. 16th St., OMAHA, KEIXASIA. by Hand
Wear a. Lifetime
Our fata 'x; a.. ! - can sell
fj- aj-'- - Mo -r p " .- 3t f-om
Jl" 00 to J"" o-i.w :.. ompemtoi
..Don't Buy Until Posted..
V- t- ''
and Oi:
i- : . -- n-ir . tcrms
'1 propoMtton.
zij Asrnts Address
Established is;?
We are the largest manufacturers of
Wc Have No Agents
bt h:p aay-A-iere far ex
aiiauoa ani approval.
ery. Tcu are
iZ if t latistied as ta
style, quality asti
pnee. Ae rri- ZX,
styles cf vehicles a-d y
Is. I. Caobtntinn Ecrzy o K ctvles of
Zjzx wrxz isi . a. riir cm. Price - . .
ccpfceC0. AiGduieUs uiiwptoamia g Jrr Ciaopy Top Sctt. Prlc c
MH3m. iut.
EUCfeart Cmrrimf
niw!fitiwut-HwlOie.gdiMimwiiw. ujui;jii(,t., cm
misled by them !
of grenuine soods.
Under the decisions of several
United States Courts, no
other chocolate or cocoa than
Walter Baker f Co.'s is en-
be sold as "Baker's
For The Round Trip.
7tk iTsuceof ia: op rtaa::j ad the Scmtfc-
for jocrx.x.
' ' la ?ios if k. o-: of ityrmmZU tIuM
to tfc Imur mrxX t.;firr If jm m- lninaM,
Sii too nl 6o tn jra os tr to lare.t aad w tUI
fum;a tt Uf onuuua
Writ tnsr for ec;j cf oor boot TLf 'oeua Ctmwuj.m
crnur niTi)s. 4..iut iuit. -.. uk. .
C W. -1ITH. X. r. 4.. j-,l R.IW..C. 4ktf. ta.
H. I. PXX-HL. 11. r. A.. Hr. TrwtM BiKl.r. fWrai I
T.B.tjkiiT..r... ti rid... xu-i iui ... ! a
vehicles and harness in the world sell
KJ mWWm T mm WW
HT-' r sJm
ing to consumers exclusne'.v.
saiie deliv
cat sc
omwm.szii - jj. Ar!uvutSi
Mf. Co.. E-licKart. InUa.
emtaRj sell aa4 ts snrmntectf is
-?Wv rjS TT -ST'KM m
. B