fT"7". r I-: -4 "IE IjAL Baking Powder complies with the pure food laws of all states' Food prepared with it is free from Rochelle salts, lime, alum r and ammonia Leigh U'rom tin World ttrnhn, who is attending the Fremont Normal, came John ftrnhn, who is attending Bchool nt the Fremont Normal, came j home ntlay evening nnu visited wiin ' his parents. Mr.nml Mrs. Henry Brnliu until Tuesday. We notice by the Schuyler paper?. that Morley Cnin, a former resident of Leigh, but for peveral j-ears at David City, has gone info partnership with Geo H. Thomas and will locate in Schuyler for the nurpoj-e of practic ing law. Dr. J. II. Lowery. II. P- Puhman. Norman Markham. G. II. Hansen and C. H. Stockdalo spnt a couple of days this week duck hunting in Wheeler county- While there they were the euests of Mr. Scott Bowers, a former resident ot this vicinity. Tuesday evening Gerhard Asche jr., purchased of Frank H. Frease, the lots and buildings on the corner east of theFarmerstV Met chants' limk. Po ssession will bo given tomorrow. Wo understand that Mr. Ashe will con tinue tho business at the old stand. While Mr. Freasc will retire from tho mill and devote his attention to the fancy chicken business, together with his ice business. Tho consideration was f-'.oOO. At tho regular meeting of tho Leigh Chapter No. N',7, Order of Eastern Star" Friday evening, tho following tiflicors worn elected for the ensuing year. Mrs. It. II. Goodge. worthy matron, Mrs. V. Graves, assistant worthy matron: C. E. Ueatv. worthy patron; C. II. Stockdale, secretary; Mrs. J. II. Lowery. treasurer; Mrs. II. P. P.uhnian, conductress and Miss Maud Kibler, assistant conductress. There wore four applicants for mem bership presented. Humphrsv. 1 1 Idlii Hie I riii('T:il Mrs. C. II. Swallow and Mrs. F.M. Cookingham wero Columbus visitors Wednesday. Jos. Lachuit and LouisDiers went to 0g00X0lfH 000 0000000000000M000 0to0X000X B00XH0X0X0X000.000.000000 a I re n3r I have purchased Wrin & Son's Hard ware department and am now through invoicing and ready to sell Hardware of I all kinds at a lower bought beiore. I will close out the entire stock at cost, giving you unheard of bar gains in Shelf, Heavy and Builders'- Hard ware, Tools, Machinery Repairs, Etc. Come in and investigate before you buy. 0 J. ElGventih Street 000X0.0eii0X0.0'itXm0y0Xi 00XgX000g000g0 0M000000X00XJI0jiXW0f000000X00l .ajszze: Second ll'SiSS msisr Sr You can find anything you want at my store at a price that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. If you want to save money on any purchase come in and see us. We buy and sell almost anything. iiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiii!ii!;!fiiii!i:inuniunt:iHiiniiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiimiinimjiiiuiiuiiiiin Wouldn't tHat make you Hungry. What? 1 THe Coffee served at the 1 Palace Annex Cafe. 1 C. S. SNYDER, Propr. HiiiiiuniiHiiinininuiuuHiiniMHHiHUir.iiiiiniiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiniiiiiiT MkkribA tefc Painting, Paper Hanging, Frescoing, Sign Writing, Glazing, Etc. Besides the regular Wall Paper Stock we carry we 'have sample ;ooks from the largest manufacturers of jWall Paper and can suit you in quality and price. Is SOUTH STREET 1 Door north DMET Trust Baking Powders sell for 45 or 50 cents per pound and may be iden tified by this exorbitant price. They arc a menace to public health, as food prepared from them con tains large quantities of Rochelle salts, a dangerous cathartic drug. the Loup Wednesday, on a hunting expediton. Dr. Carl Leach of Columbus spent SnIj,iay wjrn jg parents, Mr.andMre. i jj Leach. Thos. Ottis haB been on the sick list the past week but at present is report ed to be improving. Logan Prnitt who is attending the Omaha Commercial college is reported to be ill with typhoid fever this week. Miss Florence Biggs of Madison has organized a music class in Humphrey and now makes regular weekly trip9 here. Mrs. Math Farrel went to Columbus Monday to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. C Halm. Tims. Ewing who has been attend ing the Culver Military Academy at Culver, Ind.. arrived Saturday to spend the spring vacation with his par ents Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Ewing. Joe Gallagher rho was formerly employed by Jos Anselme as drug clerk is mw brakeman on the Union Pacific passenger between ColnmbUB and Norfolk. Nick Steffes left for Fremont Mon day where he expects to remain fo" ten weeks, taking a course in short hand and stenography at the Fremont Normal. Martin Onfcels has been having some bad luck with his horses lately. While moving to the farm one of his horses died from drinking while overheated, and Tuesday of this week one of hi teams ran away with a disc, cutting one of the horses so badly that it had to be shot. Mrs. Bernard Manifold died at her homo in West Point Wednesday night, of consumption. She was a cousin and also tho adopted sister of Mrs. Fred Bering of this place, who has been at her bedside the past week. She leaves a husband and four child ren, two of whom aro qaite small, to mourn tho loss of an affectionate wife and mother. Frank Holder has pent in his resig at Cost! price than you ever X0 Kersenbrock Columbus, Nebraska Goods EE Pollock's COLUMBUS ' nation as agent of the Walratb&Shsr wood company at this place and will go into the coal and ice business for himself. There will be no du!l sVnru in his business and he will nnd.-utitei -ly make it a very succepsfol ne. A. C. Collins of Wood Iiiver w.li repre sent the Wairatb&ShtfrwMid company here and will faicu ihnrge tlw loth of April. An alarm of fiai from r-it. No. y caused some lively ha-tluitr in the part of the firemen ami ct her curious individuals Wednesday forenoon. The alarm originated in Ma't Furrel burn ing some rubbish in his yard and the lire spread to a manure pile near by. It was easily extinguished however without doing any serious damage. 8t. Edward. From the Advance. Mrs. Mabel King of Columbus was a guest of Mrs. S. E. Rich Wednes day afternocn. Mrs. Utterback accompanied her son Archie to Columbus, Monday wheie ho will take treatment at the hospital. Mrs. Utternack was accompanied by Mr. T. J. Jones. Mrs. W. A. Buchtel and Mrs. Black well ariived from Springfield, Mo., yesterday and will roside on tho W. E. Disher farm formeilv occupied by Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Lewis. Mr. Bnchtel has been heie for some time getting affairs on the farm arranged for his family. This office received a letter from 1'. J. Boyston last week netting that his Advance be addressed in the future to Marquett. Eans. He is now located there, having purchased a larce flour iccrmill. Mr. Bovd6ton reports that he is in a fine wheat country nnd that the locality furnishes enough good wheat to keep the mill running night and day. Last week John Lambrcchr, tho jeweler, sold the building atid lot just north of Bubman&Schlueter's store to the latter. Genoa. From Uip iiiar. i A petition was filed with the village clerk the last of tho week nominating D. A. Willard. A. Bratt nnd Chas. Peterson as candidates for trustees. On Saturdav objections to the placing of their names on the ballots on account of deficiencies in said petition were also flld. The candidates have until Thursday noon to answer the objec tions. Mr. A. C. Ashbv ot the Spkeedre received word from Lucas. Iowa last week that lira. Ashbv, who recently went to that place to attend the fun eral of her father, was sick of pneu monia. He left for that place on Thursday last and on Friday word was received calling the children to her bedside as there was little hopes of her recovery. They departed Friday, bnt news was received that she died before they reached their destination, The funeral was held Monday and the remains were interred in the cemetery at Lucas beside her parents. The de ceased leaves a husband and three children to monrn her sudden depar ture from this life and the Leader joins the entire community in extend ing condolence to tho mourning rela tives. Platte Center. From the Signal.) Mr. J. F. Garrig, from Columbus, was a pleasant visitor in Platte Center from Saturday until Slonday. Joe Frovert started Tuesday evening for his Bonesteel homestead. Ho will finish his house and expects to bo gouc about n week. Mr. Simon Burows. who recently moved to Colambns, was a guest of Mr. an J Mrs. T. S. lloare Mondaj-. He went from here to Lindsay to look after his farm interests. John Moffett's mother arrived in Platte Center Monday evening's train, for an extendei visit with her son. Although quite aged and very deaf she made the journey from Philidel phia unacnomonnied. There is something doing this week relativo to Platte Center 's postoffice. A petition, asking for the appointment of Fred Hoore as postmaster to suc ceed Robt. Pinson has been circu lated and received the signatures of a largo per cent cf business men. A petition asking that &.'r. Pinson be re tained is also being circulated. Patsey Riley informs us that as soon as he can get capenters to do the wori he will begin remodeling the hall. He will move to the first floor, using thH two store rooms below for the purpose, build a new," large stage, new scenery, nnd add dressing rooms behind. A very convenient and attrac tive hall can thus be made. siiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiciiiiiiiiiiiiig IttttitD Stars Is- MIIU'.llllllilllllllllllllllllllllltlllHIIIIIIIlI (From files of Journal April 5, 1872.) Married, March 30 by Rev. John E. Elliott, S. W. Smith and Mies Katie L. Mullen both of Columbus. Married, the 25 by Judge Higgins Adnev H. Hnrlbnt and Miss Apphia J. Avery both of this county. On the J8th at the Clother hotel occurred the marriage of John A Griflin of Polk county and JIisf Harriet Recti of PlAtte county, Juilge Higgins officiating. Judge Higgins issued seven mar riage licenses daring the past week. Many of our farmers have already planted their wheat. The bridge across the Loop has been in for one wetk and trade has been more lively in CoIumbHS than for a long time past. Thursday last an accident happened to E. A. Geirard of this place, which luckily did not prove fatal. At about two o'clock he was saddling one of his horses when a cat jumped under the animal frightening it, throwing Mr. Gerrard to the groand and kick, ing him in thn face and hips. He ex pects to be abont in a few days. We visited school district No. 1 last Monday and were pleased at the pro. greseMr. S. L. Barrett is making. The enrollment of the school is sixty five, and the average daily attendance fifty. The Nebraska M.E. conference at its recent meeting appointed Rev.. L. F. Whitehead as paster of the Columbus ead Osceola charehes. 2 CORRESPONDENCE District 44 At a late tuoeuti:? of rbeTownBoard th:r NTrn tli ret! bill-, tor eboiHing m:u v in Ruad Di-. Kos II and 25 but not with' ut stroii.; : mi-it ion from amii:g i.-i- I'.-iird A !mt trimminu m- slmve. hill, mid hI.q.v:!;;. thtn s resolution bv It. V. Lim-h w.: nren-ut ed and adopted, deel,iriti: that thin Roanl will aiiow no more lulls for httimiini: snow, "bnr now there is no more- snow to hairlle. " For tr.e ptst two weeks thn tune of tho liaiiwrer and saw could be heard just over in tho field southwest of the seru.o! house and now there Wins nt) a new addition to John L. Schre- ber's licuse which will give him ample accomodations for his increasing family. Eva Drinnin cut on Homo Farm has iuva-ceit in r. kodak. Oj arriv.im hoiin with the nn" insfnoieur. t-v first snap ihot secured P.ter and t dog. Pte Lucbsirgir aid Sam Drir.nin wero callers at Home Farm Sunday. Something very unusual is thf taut that we havo sern no movers parsing oji thin road, nce spring s;pyrc:u hcd. Ilr.rrv llickok ttarted on a va"aliou Tuesdav luqrniug of list wei'k, with out informine anv ono of th house hold as to wnero Jm was noing. As a rule he i not vorv commnnicalivo of his intentiens but it is presumed that he wtnt to visit n sisnr who lives at Tyto. Kansas, as ho was heard to sav recently that ho thonghS h would visit bis suter before spring work opened up. Walt Eastman nit with qito n painful accident p. week nijo. A yonng horse which ho bold bv tbo halter be came frightened rr tho npuroach of a neighbor and in his fright stepped ur.nn ono of Walt's feet, breaking a small bone in tho side of his foot. Eoute 4. Spring work is going fall blast tbusn da) s. L. K. Hitchcock wa moving 'some household good to Oconto Thursday. Mrs. O. Stevens visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Campbell last Thursday. John Quinn shelled cnraWcrfnesday. In davs of yore, "Mary had a. little lamb." But she need not think she is tho "only ono" tor thero isat least one young lady on this route who has a little Lamb. Miss Maud Barnes is visiting friends in Columbus !his week and attending the meeting at tho M. E. church. Juhn Branigan returned home Wed nesday after a two weeks stay south of the Plat to where ho had been shell ing corn for his lather and old neigh bors. Dor.d Bros, shelled corn for Rob Rupprecht last Thursday. Mis Mahal Campbell was ou the sick list Tuesday. Herman Kooning started oat Sundav afternoon and in some manner he got turned nround, lost his bearings and did not get homo until tho wee small hours of tho night. The young people in tno vicinity of Oconee gathered at tho homo of W. E. Beckwuh and enjoyed a few hours in dancing. Monroe. Mrs. V. L Humphreys visited sev oral days last week i Columbus, re turning Friday. -, t .- i .. -. . .1 I. Cj. iNOrtU OI UOlUmUUS trar.PacrO'l ba.siuess hero last Friday. Mrs. E. C Blorrill and Hiss llinnic Lnwrenco of Grand Pnririo visited Miss Lawrence of this pktco last Fri day. Mrs. Ladd uf Albion spent Thurs day ia Monroe, the guest of her son, W. W. Ladd. J. H. Smith. E. E. Watts, W. W. Frank, E. R. Dack aud O. Y. Holl- i ties bead weiir hunting en tho Platte Monday. All reports received nt this place up to date indicate a scarcity of game. Tlio baseball reason was formally opened here today when a" kid" team Iroia Columbus crosfed bats with r. similar aggresatiou of local sports, men. Tho result was a victory for the visitors by a score of s to 7. ilathew Gleason, who practiced veterinary surgery hero last summor. arrived Wednesday from Chicago where ho recently received his depree of D. V. S. Ho will practice heie for the present. Orie Preston of uenon is visitim: his mother, Mrs. H. C. Presfn. One Night Only. Thursday, JOHN M. HICKEY Prfsents Eminent Trairtii:ui the John S-Zii. i"1 2IS1U1, Aided by a brilliant company of legiti mate players in a stupendous pro duction of Shakespeare's immortal tragedy Macbeth ... Complete and correct Sreprcof scenic equipment Dazzling electrical effects. Startling chemical illusion?. A tale of enchantment in si:: acts sur passing any and all performances ever given in this city, Prices: 25c, ofjc, 75c, $1, $1.5 April 6. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH jWf !, . -Ji-?' 'Mwavs n-Iiablr. Ldir.ask Irucit for t'Klt'lIKVTKK-M KSUU.IHU In BU ajui .j'! nxullic bon-s, seaU-l with blue rhb-m 1 ixiif ti- uthrr. KcftiM- daiierrna .uiMti lali.mt.naal Intitatloa. !;m nt --jurlinistflN r swJ tr. in Maiujn r.,r larlirular. Tti. cioiiiaK aiit -Keller Tor IitlJr." in Inter. U r urn .Hall. ltt.UOeT:ii,ii.iiuil9. ul J by all l)ru)-uit. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. 2IOO I4dinon Mxuarr. 111 1 Uk TA. Scntl.a this anr. ATARRH &m&SL ErVl&. Ofhfflllf WnyWS K$rj $Ki M lvc aiLvs Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores tbo Senses of Taste and SmelL I Easy to use. Contains no injurious drtig. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 WarrM St., Nw Ygrk. A Daredevil Ride ofrea ends in sad accident. To hsa' accidental injuries, uso Biuklen't Arnica Salvo. "A deep wound in m; foot, from au accident." writes Thec dore Schnele, cl Columbus, O.," caused mo great pain. Physicians were help less, but Backlen's Arnica Salve quick ly healed it." Soothes aud heals hums liko magic. 2 cents Chap. H D ick druirgiBt. Sweat Pad 25c i Eleveninch all gold, four book, all hair Sweat Pads, only 25; at L. W. Wdaver's. The Journal lor news APPLICATION FOK LIQUOK LICKSSK. Mutter for apiiliition for liquor licence: Nitii i- hereliy uivpn that tVHx Smi..icz die. m the .Mil tiny of Aji-il, l'A". tilo hirt a;iu-:tt ioi to tln minor anil city couucil of the city of (o-iuniKii-i. N'lniska, for lin-n-e to wll malt. M)irittiou-aml inou- licj-ior-i at retail only n" lot 3. Ulnr'-c Us. in the Seeoutl ward in tliecit; of Ciln::iln", Nlr;i-.ka. from the I'.ttli l ly April. I'Wi to tlu lltl; ilay of April, 1 .. If 'Ikti' l" no olijtH-tiou". remonxtninee oi pnitit til ii I within two uti-kn from tlu Mh ! of April, HHTi, wiiil lieenmay lx Krantel. 1'ELIX 8MA(JACZ. Win. Jlecker, City Clerk. Applicant. Duunnisrs permit. Matter of Application for DrtiKKiftV Permit: Notice in hereby itiven that (J. II. McCliutock .v .1. K. Carter, iartner n McClintoek A, Carter, iliil on the ltitli day of March. r.HJ.". tiln their ap plication to the mayor anil city council of the i'it j of Columbtix, Xeuraxka, for I)ru(rcNtiRT tnit tOM'll malt, t-piritnoiis anil inoim liinoi foriuecliiiuiral, ltitilicinal ami chemical pur-p)M'-at tetail only at lot 8, block HI. in the Mvonil ward in the city of Columbus Nebraska, fro-n the Uth day of April, M5. to the 11th d.i of April. l!Mi. If there Ih no objections remonstranceor pro tect filed within two wcekt from the 2Jnd day of March, l'.0i, said ermit may be iiratitnl. McCLlNTOCK A CAItrEIt. Wm. Hecker, City Clerk. Applicant. APPLICATION FO:: l.lQUOi: LICENSE. Matter of application forliiin r Iicene: ltifo ii liMrt.tiv- itivi.il flint .limiiMi Vii-ilw dtil on the llth day of .March. 1W. tile hi aimlica- ". : . . -?r""T"" -""'-'-...... ...... I tlrili tiktliiiimiifk. .nil a! ......a. ..II ..I ,1... ..I... ,.T ..i.ii .. iitt- iiutjiii iklll. 1.IIJ l.tftllll.11 III llll U1J Inhiniliiiti, Xi'liRixkti, fiira Hcciimj to kU malt, 'Tiiritf.iviisand viiioan liuuors at retail onlv nt lot 7, Mock Ss, in tho w-coml waril in the city of ('ulumlnii., Nebraska, from tho llthil.ij of April, V.KC, to tho Uth day of April. !.. ii mure ix n oiyociions, ri'inon-tmncpor pro t filoil within two weoky from the l"th day of teM Jlarch. lit).!, wiiil liccaw may be granted. James nkvkls, t:i. Hecker, City Clerk. Applicant. A LAND OF WONDERS. Tho Sightseer Finds Many Things ei Interest ia California. California has numerous natural bridge?, caves, etc. of no little interest. The .Mamoth Cave of Calaveras, dis covered by miners in 18.10; the Alabaster Cave; the Crystal Palace Cave, contain ing a number of attractive subterranean appartments. such as the bridal Cham ber, tho Chrystal Palace Room. Acuri onsappartment called Music Hall, where the deposits of aqueous origin not only take the form of organ pipes, sounding boards etc., bnt emit, when struck, musi cal sounds and vibrations. .Near this cave are two natural bridges which the tour ist can visit and return to tho railroad within half an hour. The only natural way to reach these scenes of interest is via "The Overland Limited, Route," comprising the Union Pacific and South ern Pacific, cow realy one line. The only line running through trains to San Francisco from Omaha, its fast trains, arriving sixteen hours ahead of all com petitors. Pamphlets and maps describ ing the wonders of California, and full information about the most comfortable and direct ronte to the Pacific Coats, can be obtained nf E. L. Lomnx, G. P. & T. A, Omaha, Xeb. I sm. SORE LSJ I fBtm&-m m mx ' tr. m ?jl,m i h hRVvVvCvvKtvVVaw All I J I iSM! HONEYAN I BnfflvUlli n 111', nil tWmuVf McCLINTOCK & CARTER,- y The best is the. cftraDftt GLOVERS OVERALLS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Ask vniirrfpAlprfnrthpm -w - w ww w w -w- - mr- w ' 2- J rwa KSU-tks COUCH and OS3RE TK5 LUNGS WITH .-?r K 3 litfktffefMr : ro&F y&&itr$.i rOXSURIPTIOM IFOR Price CUGH3 and JGLDS 50c &S 1.00 Frsc Trial. j Surest and Quickest Cure for all THKOAT and LUNG TSOTJB- ) LES, or MONEY BACR ' i MBaaRnHBagMHHBa Woman can make Better Bread from Jlny Flour with Yeast Foam Yeast Foam It the yeast that took the First Grand Piize at the St. Louis Ex position, nnd is sold by till grocers at 5 cts. n package enough for 40 loaves. Send"! a portal card for our new Illustrated book "Good Bread: How to Make It." NORTHWESTER!! YEAST CO. ch:caco, ill. Cheap Excursions. Cheap rates ono way to California. Pnget Sonnd nnd the Northwest conn try, daily until Mav liith. Low home seeker's ronnd trip rates March lsl to eastern Colorado, the Rig Horn Ra sin nnd North Platte Valley where there is an excellent chance of getting in on the ground floor ahead cf the crowd and pick up bargains in irrigat ed lands. EASTERN TRIPS. If von nro con templating an eastern trip fhi spring batter write me for information. We will probably be nblo to oiler yon nionev saving suggestions. L. W.Wnkeiy. Gen. Pass. Agent L. F. Rector Ticket Agent. II. & M. TIME TARLE. TRUSS DErAUT. No. 22 PasnoDBcr, daily except Snnday. 7:2." i ao. 3Z Accommodation, daily except Saturday 1:30 . ir THAINS ARUIVK: Vo.21 1'asBenRer. daily except Hnmlay. 80 p. tr N'o. 31 Accommodation, daily except Snnday 1:30 p. n TIME TABLE U. P. R. R. EST BOUND, Jl UN LINE. So. 12, Chicago Special N'o. 4. Atlantic KxnrebH r,:ir. a. :n. tiJO a. m. :t:l., p. m !. p. t:i. 2:3) p. m r.:K p. in .-.:20 a. :n No. 8. North Platte Local No. 10, FaHt Mail No. 6, Kastern Kxpri" No. 2. Overland Limited No. 5:?. Local Freight WKST BOUND. J! UN MNK. No. 5, California and Oregon Kx No. II, Colo. Hpt-cial No. '.'. Fast Mail . :.i'l p. m 10:10 a. in ll:l.r a. m 12:10 p. m .' p. in HAOa. in. 7.00 a. ni. No. 1, Overland Limited No. 3, Colorado Expre"i No. 7, North Platte Local No. 23, Iocal Freight OHFCLK UK '.ycil. Depart fiJX. m Arrive No. 29, Passenger.. No. 77, 3I:xed .. No. 20, Passenger 12: trip, n No. 78, Mixed 7:10p. ni ALBION AND STALDINfl ISUANCII. Depart No. 21. Passenger 2:2Ti p. m. No. 7D, Mixed 7:W)a.m. Arrivo No. 32, Pasangrr 12:.Vi p. m No. 6J, Mixed 8.iOp.m Norfolk passenger trains ran daily. No trains on Albion and SpaldiDe branrt Sundays. All main lice puercnger tn-.ini. dally. W. II. Hknuasi. Agent. cv iv' .sj m w SOll AND RECOMiERBED IV Bay Killed by Cars. Lincoln, April 5. The seven-year-old son or Henry Eckhardt was killed at the Union Pacific crossing near Fourth and E streets. Tho boy, ac cording to reports of tho tragedy, was crawling under a string of cars. Iie fcre he could get out of danger thii engine started up. catching the boy Under the wheels. Brady Is Asked to Rcsirjn. Washing' ou, April T. A conditional rrcpicst has been niado anon Hen. John G. IJrady. governor of Alaska, for his resignation. Tiio request grows out of the L'.ct that Governor Brady is identified with a mining company which is extensively engaged in ad vertising its affairs. Secretary llitth cock wrote to the governor calling Lis attention to thr- requirements of the fopr.rtmcnt in matters of this char acter and telling him lie must either vacate his position in the ccnipsny or resign his oliire. A reply has been dtto for about a wee!:. JTn-ywy - .,., ,. -. -tlii . .71 1. fcl:1 :3r p 9 v tJ l m K j . j "l fc-JrT'.r. ' rmim- W Wya. Z& Daily isrc!) !s? M -"- -'" -' ! milar,u . m m From Columbus, Nebraska," to Pugct Sound Califoinia, Counliy. S:in Frar.- Portlantl Dist. cisco, Etc. $25 THKOUGU TOUIJIST ST.EKIT.1W ilai'y to ('jilir.irnia terminals TUAIX NO. .", via Denver, with daylight ride through riviiic Colonulo and Salt LakoCitj: Tourist Sleeper excursions TliUUSDAVrf and FKI DAYrf are personally conducted. TO Til R NORTHWEST: "Tho Burlington-Northrrn I'acitic Ex precs" is the joint, throngh train and time savor to lh. wholo Northwest region Moiitami. Upper ldidio. Washington and Pnget Sound territory. It carries all classes of high grade equipment. Folders and descriptive matter, rates, retervatiuus at.ti all informa tion of T CT PCTor ,....,i r ,i....,t t .u.. H A-.. 1. IUUIU1. - vu - I - --j M 4 saassss a jasas City Smkfam I unraa ii ui Straight as the Crov Flies" KANSAS CITY TO THE GULF PASSING THROUGH A GREATER DIVERSITY CK CLIMATE, SOIL AND RESOURCE THAN ANY OTHE.1 RAILWAY IN THE WORLD, FOR ITS LENGTH Alng it- line lire the finest liliid-smtclfnrt:-nvin7-ii!.ill pr.mi n 'Ir.-, fiittm:. fir i-o.-nini.-rci.il applt and ic:i(-,xori.'h nb. t-irt.tSu'r ': i(- .i-..l ir rii : urcdinmorcinlcint.-iloiipe. jiotati. tomato au 1 gi-n-ral .ii.-'. tnrtu; fir-iiikr..i!i:iril rk-,cnltivition: for iupri-li.iiii.klil.' -iiiil-r f.ir m.,i. - V - "TJJE LAWD OF E. I. DUTtOIT, Trav. Pass. Ayt. Kan!--S-Citr " s2SK20fiii . urM.-4, uiuiw.--, ca:tic, lings, t-necp. poultry ami Ancou goaU'. Write for Information Concerning FRES GOVERNMENT HOMESTEADS New Colony Locstijns. Improved Farms. Mineral Lands, ftico lar.iis ami Tfn-.bcr Uittis. aa io.- copies of Current E-.enls." Business Opnortunit.us. Rica Book. K. C.S. Fruit Bcok t'liesiiiocad-triphoissotfcLers'tlelcett on s-.Ie llrst and tb:n! Turdayic: 02i- -i inth. THE SH0.7T LINE TO . ,JX . Tniiriot Raro Pnnisifir - IUUIIUI UIHU I UJifllii W L Tho idea that an inferior class or pi op!o patmm, r' k the tourist sleepers is an error. On many trips & only the hest el.if.; r travelers are found. mff They aro merely men and v.oreen f mf B .......i i m m i;iiii m-iicu v.iio woiiii! ra'i:r irart J I TO GflUFORNIfl I m in this manner and Five a finite cum fc m of money to he used Ki -a here. Stisho- R K Xxwumz to he understood that it is h no M means neeessarj ftir tho travelor to spend a lar-re V M eiiiii of inruioy in order to enj-iy a trip to the etT;-t. k m If you cross tho continent in oneof tho tourist A m f-leejiers of tho ! m UNION PACIFIC 1 you will enjoy Uie trip and sane i-nn-iderallu W L Iiiiiiireof m W. IJ. 1JENUAM, AKont. Jm Stln When your lungs are sore and inflamed from coughing-, is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA. PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constioation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Tfaf Dteftrs SaM Hi Had Consumption -A srvoiaus Cure. L. M. Ruggles, Reasoner, Iowa, writes: "The doctors said I had con sumption and 1 got no better until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TxR. It helped me right from the start and stopped the spitting of blood and the pain in my lungs and today I act sound and well. Three sizes 25c, SOc, $1.00. The 50-ccnt sire enn'nins two ana one-half times as much as the small ;ize and the $1.00 hottlu almost sis times -as much. REFUSE SUGSTiTUTEa. Columbus, W. H. Celius Ends His Life. Chicago, April 5. William II. Delins, son-in-law of Chief Justice Mel ville W. Fuller of the United States supreme court, and reputed to be a member of a titled family in Germany, -shot and killed himself at his resi dence here. A coroner's jury decided that the cause was despondency, due- to the prolonged ill health of his v:iie. who testified at the inquest. DclhiR was employed as contracting fr.-ight agent ot the Chicago and Northwest- era raiUvav. E!ecticn3 in Colorado. Denver. April 5. Municipal elec tions were held in all cities and town of Colorado, with the exception or Denver. At Colorado Springs, flenfy C- Kail. Democrat and nonpartisan, was elected mayor. At Leadville the Republicans elected only two alder "nieu. loss than a majority, the remain der of the offices gting to the Demo crats. P WAY 3:s -spates raa ii in ana emiwesf fc tfay f5ih, 1505 Buttc-Hclcna District. Spokane Dlst. $20 $22.50 7 -..-.- -b.. v . - w . . . p.j lll. I. ! HIS " l . M 223?ZZZ2S&BEmW ;.j.uU."'7-- rrr. VsSer 1 t 'i-VBU Cii'0 'JSS W.-LSEl u. iibtfsiij - siius i a.ii yMRMi fin t : i'i i' l . r.: awJ. l?fe i l :t i . -- -- - . . . .... ...... u B a i 5 FyLF!LL!JE5T" II airtXj2S31S7?3SISSSSi S. G. v7A3H: 71, S. 5. antl . A . V-j E-s-s-'it- --. IJl EoIiS3aSSS475iri!Irji.3r-ii " ' r mKCZiaSXXS&SJCSELr.ZSXXZ! iME mm i j? fTf, Efci7irai' naBntaMW Nebraska. i I f W .Brra... iiyKemifg3i