The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 05, 1905, Image 3

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    iPStt ''WJS
t V
j; -jf ft
That in addressing Mrs Pink'nam vou
Ere coniidmg; you- private iiisto a nussan
a woman wnose experience "with wo
man s di-eases covers a creat mam years.
oa cis ta.K freely to a woman xvnen .1
is revo.ting- to relate your private irou r,es
to a man besides a man des not nacer
stand simp.y because he is a man.
Many women suiter in silence ani drift
from bad to worse, knowmrr full wel. tn
ourht to nave immediate assistance, but a natural
modesty impel- them toshrmx from exposing tnem
fcelves t the quest ions and pruta: . eAaia-nation- of
evon their family phvsician It :- uaneee-sa-.
"Without n:or.fy r pmr yoj can cunsu.t a wnsaa
whose kncroxedjre from actua. experience is grcj.1.
31 ta- Piaklittin.-. Standing Invitation:
Moaes rntiennr :rcn any t irxa o. t-maie wea
ntr are invzterl u p-fn.pti;. ( n,:.. M
I 'ink nam at Linn Mass. A., letters are revjr.vt-
opec-w. tvan caa aa-wred v w:nn r
'uxmsao can free.t U.h of tier private . .ne
woman: tha- has. been e.-ub.isneii tn - rtirc.
cooJi'Jenof between Mr-. Pi Ut Lam and tne R'-rutr.
oi A me- i-4 n n:--i na- never b.-en broce- -t
o tin- vs.: volume of experience vrL: a
aat-arav :rm i; is more than p-.;
tiuU .ae aas jrained tue v-erv kar.,..ri:
that xri". be:p y vt- case She a-vs- n "
inr-sn retnm xeeTv v'U-jood-w... una :i
ltd vice d re .evei mousand- ar..-- ar.y
woman r. o- piM- is v -.- f .i,n if sue
doe not taiv' a.irasta'r f t:i.- jfacr u- L. Pimih:
offer o" a.v.i.-aiiv
ilediC-.f j . L-. n:. Mav.
Following hi- ptihlUh two let-liT-
mini a woman ivho :jcch,i
tetl tins invitation. .Note llir
First letter.
"Tear Mrs Pinkhan:
' For elect yu-- ! tav? suffered nnethinc
tcmi -wry ":., mtt o,y -Ti'xl.- Tn
jctins art exiTu iSUk and I cut. asnhy stand
tiiaCi M y doclar -vsy- 1 na - ovarian and
-xBnb ujutj-. ana I inu-t co rarou-ii an oj.
.rsttouif 1 want ; cet eJ. I ii. not want
t- fubtnit in li if I can possible c-ip it
2!rae iei tat- -fcat in aa I hap- you can
relieve n "-Mrs ila-r Ittmmict.'ffrtii and E.
Caj : St honnirg ' O.. V aahmgtoiD.C.
Seconi ietter
Dear ilrv 1'ii.tham
Aft- fuliwin carfnllv vocr advjre
anJ tacia; L aia E I'lUK.t.ain Vc-itatu-.Kn:-iunvi
I an. eri anxi . ! rn : o.
c Tr".".i ii.ii. trji: tner djv taiw taeir
Vtt.Lu:M wiit -.t nave cone tcr nie.
H. X TM k
iTV I MK Ar4.
iimmm .
MM -
.xu.vrrAV7Lff T.
' trirr ' - TT J--r.ii -Lti
be- A,afe?ifPfl'i2S
sytinf?i&mr &-: ,
: . v&,7Mfr n p-
r &'Mffik H i :
Z7 WM ' J -
M i
m - s ,
Phciogr2ph Attsrhed ts Cradle.
A recent S?-celona law cast r.
vealed the existence of a phonograph
cradle -which Fans lullabies to an in
fant inside. The rich manufacturer
who cave the o-der sued for the re
turned of his money on the irround
t that the phonograph went out ot or
' der and seldom sang the desired
A Synopsis of Proceedings of the Twenty 'Ninth Gcn
eral Session.
Ask Yoar Sealer for Allen's Toot-Base.
A powcer. It rests the feet. Cures Ccrns.
Bunions. Swollen, Sore, Hat. Callous. Achmz.
Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen s
Foot-Ease makes newer tight shoes easy. At
all Druggists and Shoe stores. 25 cents. Ac
cant no substitute. Satnrle mailed Fazz.
ess Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy, X. V.
Female Weakness Is Usually Pelvic Catarrh.
Cures Catarrh Wherever Located.
HOUSE These bills were passed electric lisht plants Insuring cram in
on the 2Sth: Makinc the offense fori the stack Providing how forficn in
juc sale of liquor when the drink is J surance companies may secure ad
mittance to the state. Allowing- print
ing board to purchase supplies in
Major's Keen Comment.
Next time you're in the armory."
delivered. Appropriating 53.'"' lor a
silver service for the battleship Ne
braska. Empowering cities or incor
porated villages to establish and op
erate uieir own neaung pian. i o HOUSE These measures vrere
abolish slot machines, making viola- passed en the 30th: To amend the
iion Oi. ine act a ieiony. punisnaoie o civil code relative to procedure m
aid the captain of Company G. proud-
:ake a look at our room. We've not less than one nor more than three the district court. To quiet and per
years m the penitentiary. Provicmg i fecI tj-je :o platted land in cities of
that over-payments of taxes made to j the second class and villages To
the state auditor by counties shall ( amend the law relative to labor taxes
', no; be applied upon the account of f j2 CjUe5 Gf the second class and vil-
i such county for any year later than j ia?es. To amend the law relative to
one year prior to the current year's I the canvassing of the vote cast at the
' tax. Imposing a fine of Soon or a coun- J seneral election. The negotiable in-
ty jail sentence of rt months for brib- j strument law. To authorize the ccun-
ery or attempted bribery in the city j tv cvun? to dispense with the admm-
councils contrartinc for pavinc ma- j Oration of estates free from debt and
teriaia. lO prOVlGe tor tne appoint- lo-l OTiT,nlemOTt; ?n r?mpn Th
ha ' it repainted and refurnished
h- -uchout." "I saw it." replied the
mai' " and really, sir. your room is
- -- than your company." Phila-
iua Ledcer.
-"v i-uene More. 210 OdC Fellows
'- . t Lnis. Mo . for full information
. a-r- piactation Stock for sale.
. - iiaymoi.1- dividend raaran-
tt- .-.etiVe .Mjnasiers ana Acent wanted.
Two Exceptions.
..-y sa tha: all the world loves
. r " said th rejected suitor as
.- his dinner from the mantei
"But there are generally two
- .on t" the ruk the girl you
:- be your wife and the man
Ran: to be your father-in-law."
ment and the payment of assistants
tor clerks of the district court in
countie havinc over S'V'O and under
fiu.Qfui population To prohibit poolinc
of elevator concerns and to prevent
a division of profits a? is done by
the independent elevator concerns.
Sin-Ie Binder" straight 5c dmr.
if doaiers ?' ft' per .L They cwst
re thar oilier rnit.Q?. but n more
.j .. rtoi "h cicar snuuiu oust. Lewis"
itirv. Pe-riii. I J
" A vna tacx. I -tttw ynu that mvdener
?aid 1 niiit hae an (jrauon or I conil a'tt
hv- I tn-c irrni vou. telunc
ou iirv tut-
nients. I follo-aed y..iir aoviie and m ert
nrv'V well I can wi.:s mu' -w-naout an
enr or a pain. anJ I o- my Ur t you ani
to Lvdia i- I'mcnam tretabit t'omrxjuud
I nt ery sntlt-nnc woman wotiiti read
mu t-tiuii ni and realize tnt- valu- of n!
mc i Jul and year renitriy.' ilrs. Mary
Dunimck. Kth and E. Lapniui Streeti. Ben
nm I: u.. Wasmngton. I. (..
When a medicine has been successful
in res-torinsr to so many women
whose testimony is so unquestionable.
you cannot wel. sav. without trying it.
" I ili not believe it ivil. he.p me " If
you are ill doa": hesitate to ret a bot
t e of Lydia E ImKnam' Veuetabie
i 'mpounaatonce,ani. write Mrs IinK-
iiau. ynn .Mass tor spet-.a. auvic
:t is fiec and a-ways neipf ..
Life's Stones
You think ttat an opportun;ty mut
necessarily be somethms great and
unusual, but the fact is. th cteppmz-?on-
to the place above y&u i tn the
very thing you are doing, in the way
you do it : it does not matter what it
is Success Macazme.
law relating to the building of bridces
across streams that form the bound
ary lines between two or mor coun
ties. To distribute funds heretoiore
: paid into the countv treasuries for
fre hich schools. To authorize the
j use of voting machines in On.aha
i Authorizing the land commissioner to
dispose of exposition property.
Amendinc the law to fix fees of clerks
t t
; of district courts m increase tne
, salary of th chief deputy came and
: fish commissionors from S1.2" to
! il.5tf' a year. To enforce the com
; pulsory education law in school dis
' tncts outside the cit'es. To provide
for a 1 mill levy to be applied on the
payment of the state's floating in-
debtednes. To prevent favoritism in
the selection of grand and petit jurors
, Authorizinc the State Board of Pub-
T-.o"t Cnr" i is tx-t mfdicre -w cvrrnsed
lc- a. aZectiCr.- '. in-- throat ii.i :nnr W'll.
O. EKKsatT. antinrti.. lad.. Fet, .u Z-X
Mythical Ancient History.
Fonr day? after his birth Apollo
seized a lyre and astonished even
Zeus with his playinc "He ha? Vog
ner frayed clean to racs exclaimed
his mother Cleto. proudly "Surely
o " answered Hera "He's doing rac
road commission To amend the code
of civil procedure relative to prac
tice in district courts. To define and
punish the crime of breaking and
enterinc buildincs.
Then arc 31 any Imitations of
Baker's Cocoa
Mr. -"fTinsiow"". ootalDC Si I up.
-. tonea tie ru. r-ace a
Baker's Chocolate
I C2 Don't be misled by them 1
i-wh Our trade-mark is on every
package of genuine goods.
Under the decisions of several
L'nited States Courts, no
other chocolate or cocoa than
Walter Baker Co.'s is en
titled to be sold as " Baker's,
ucusTr-Mz.-i Cocoa or "Baker's Chocolate"
Our handsomely illustrated recipe book
sent free.
"Walter Baker 8 Co. Ltd.
Lscd :rsc Dorchester. Massachusetts
Hisrhest Awards in Eurone and America
I -
llf v
itfl I
Prefers Calves to Butter.
A Kensmcton. N H.. farmer
h- following down as a hard "I raise no less than
ri.ves a year and wculd do it 11 tnere
wasr. a pound of butter in the house
:: -m one ve-ar's end to another"
infi fast
'f ri
rr. Tmvld K-nn-dr FTorlt- liem'ij.
Pays Desrly for Stams.
Fn- uinc on envelopes two stamps
v ; .. hrf.; a'reaiy been throucn the
i' an IricK. s"hooitnaser has jus:
.i-1. iTl'K'. Som of women's
':".r- na:' economic? often prove in
tn- end expensive London Globe.
HOUSE i hese bill were passed
on the 29th: Makinc the Siat
Historical society custodian of
, state records, documents and his
torical material. Amending the
law relating the crantinc of mill
dam sites Requiring state banking
corporations hereafter to establish a
property-holding qualification To
punish jurors and referees for receiv
ing bribes. Defining Nebraska'
boundaries in case of dispute arisinc
troni the shifting of the current of
the Missouri river. Amending th law
relaang to municipal electric plans
in cities of the second class cr incor
porated villages. Declaring th hunt
ing and killing of squirrels a misde
meanor. Providing a system of primary-
elections in Douglas county, t u i
had been the purpose to amend this I
bill so as to make it apply to United '
States senators, but it was advanced to
third readme before the member hav- -ing
this amendment in charge had op
portunity of presenting his argu
ment. G'.vinc school districts in !
metropolitan cities the right of emi
nent domain. To define tha boundary ,
lines of Dakota county. Amendinc tn
code of eivi! procedure relating to the Providian for the sale cf school lands,
filing of transcripts of federal court Providing salaries for sherifts. To
judgment and decrees in the counties ' uiake it unlawful to wear a lodce
of the state Providing for the pay oacee when not a member of the
ment of costs in misdemeanor cases loice To wip off of the books of the
and suits to prevent crime and of- auditor tax charces acains Hamilton
lenses. At the afternoon session two county for I??l. To allow Rnth OBerc
reports were submitted by the special ' sue school district No 23 in Doug
committ0 apnomted to investicate las county for damace alleged to
charces against Superintendent Stew- have been received because of an ac
art of the Institute for the Deaf and cident which occurred on the school
Dumb at Omaha. The majority report crounds Exempt'nc capital stock
representing tancible property that is
assessed in another s:h To prevent
chancer in school ::es without no
tice P.eservinc a place in Wyuka
cemtry for the burial cf deceased
inmates of the state instit-itions in
ff!-j r7g " 5 i "Mrs. Lizzie Redding". 31 J4 i: Clifton Place, St. !
yK -- .ui'jmm! fimM'mtwiiAMIMff,i'ffHj'i'iTTif,iirP:lu"r'h ( , , ,. m . , i
(i'MBlKSfSBpaSlu ''' J0!ln after trying' zranv different medicimw ;
79VKBSMWKSmMv ' to restore me to health, that Parana was the only !
yOHHHHjuiSHBVJ thing which conld be depended upon. I begmm ; ;
' iiwmmSKftllSB A ' ! t?? it when I was in a decline, induced ky !
mIQ9p: qSH0t7 ;, female weakness and orerTrrcnghtnsrTet.
i BliMHK CW aMVc il 'l took Fernna and ay health improved daily;
" 'ItimllSRi 'iliiiHB I ' i Tmt n0T7 am& Ferect health and enjoy life M ;
l V f( $-- i. Urn: 1 1
Mrs. Mal.le l:radf--v. : "hureh tri't.
Rur-itirton Vt.. ecrvta-y Whitticr .r;itorio
ocie:;. write.-
"Pertma is certainly a wonderful medi-
j cine ior uie nis o: women, x ux s aeoiuii
;' spoken of in the hisrhest praise by many.
J and certainly ray experience is well "worthy
of a good word.
"I began to have severe pains across my
! back abont a year ago. bronght oil by a cold.
J and each snbseGuent month bronght me
lie Lands and Buildincs to lease state J pain and distress.
lands in certain cases. Makinc the "Tour remedy was prescribed, and the
bribery of jurors or rfe-ees a felony J vay it acte(i on mvSvstem was almost
Constitutional amendment fcr a rail- tnn'n t,a "m T , .
l gained my health and strength, and I no
longer suffer periodical pains and extreme
lassitude." Mable Eradfcrd.
SENATE Next to the lat day of
the senate- March 31st. these bills
war passed- To punish persons
cui'.ty of bribery and to define it. The
Nebraska-South Dakota boundary bill.
To allow the secretary of the State
Board of Irncation the use of a seal.
Thousands of Women Cured Every Year
by Corresoondence This is What
Dr. Hartman Pronoses to Do
For You Without Charge.
Women who suffer should read the
evidences presented hen
ihou-ands of letter from irrateful
friends who tell tne same story.
Half the ills that are peculiarlv
woman's own are of a catarrhal cnarac
ter. Female weakness was not under-
lood for many years.
Dr. Hartman deserves the credit of
having determined its real character
He has made catarrh and catarrhal I and wnaanr-
r-' !
di-ea-s including- pelvic ca- !
tarn, a I-fe-ionr stu.i;.
Per una cures catarrh,
whether of the te!vn- ortrans '
or any other organ of tne human body. ,
Pe-ru-na. a Natural Beautifier.
Peruna pr-duoes clean, inucou mem
branes, tne basi-. of facial svmmetr
and a perfect complexion.
The women have not been rliw to
We have I discover that a course of Peruna will
do more toward restoring- youthful
beauty than ail the devices known to
Many a :r.r! has regained her faded
beauty, many mar u nas lenjrt'iened
the t!ay f he- ,-m- .;- appearanct by
usinir Pt -una . mt-n nni a nromDt
Thousands of testimonials to thLs ef
fe. t are ree.v -i Dr Hartman every
year Tne gooc that Peruna has ac
complished in tni- class oi cases
scarcely Ik." over-estimated.
If you do not derive prompt and
satisfactory results from the use of
Peruna. write at once to Dr. Hart
man. giving- a full statement of your
ca-c. ami he will le pleased to give
yon his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr Hartman, President
of The Hartman sanitarium, Colam
bu. Ohi-j A'., i-orrespondence held
stn tlv conndentiaL
was adopted.
SENATE The Jahnel bridge bill.
nous- holi No. 2LZ. was passed by the
senate on the 2&th with but one nega-1
tiv,- vote. Senator Vore opnosmc the t
Tnackeray's Beautiful Idea.
ThacKeray's idea cf motherhood
Tai as pretty and acceptable as any.
" Mother is the name of God on the
'.:ps t: little children." he said.
- I t : -.- t-. .- -
bill. House roll 223. bv Windham, was """- iJain .ae ngni o: creon-
read for a third urn- and passed. This 1 OTS of dcedntr. ,o prevent the sale
,-i; -r.nwc rhc rfiTr,rT rnnr: tn holH of liquor Wltnin five mileS OI Z COV-
T-y me just one-, and 1 am sure
. ni- acain Detiance Starch.
""J.nsn wants to borrow some
money of me. Do you know anythmc
.-.rion h:m?" I know him as well a; I
d- vou I wruldn't let him have a
i 'liar. New Yorker
S.-.tish Stamc Taxes.
Sams cotinc 19 S'" wer recent
v r .-qui red tor an acreemen between
tw- London railway companies.
Russia's Expert Profits.
than half of Russia's
n- exports come from the sale oi
sessions m chambers. House roll No.
279. by Roberts, was passed. This al
lows railroads to lease right of way
lands. House roll No. 21.-. by Bur
gess, was indefinitely postponed. This
bill regulates warehouse charges and
allows th sale of goods to satisfy
bills. House roil No. 175 war recom
mended :or passage. The bill regu
lates the payment of money by acri
cultural societies. House roll No. 35?
was advanced to third reading. This
bill is directed acainst newspapers,
and seks to prevent collections alter
the dai of subscription has expired.
Hous- roll No 2?". was indennitely
postponed by the report of the stand
ing committee. House roll No. 372
met a similar fate. House holl No.
47. bv Gerdes. was recommended to
rnment irncation camp, i o acquire
the recistration of automobiles In
crease in the road tax. Autaor'zinc
the state auditor to credit counties
for over-payments. Authorizinc the
appointmen of a district clerk in
counties of i than mm. and over
3.1..MM.. Permits the appointment of
county atomey in counties havinc less
than 2-:- ""in inhabitants Fixinc the
salarv for county assessors To ex
tend hotel keepers lien to keepers of
boardinc houses and restaurants. The
deficiency appropriation bill.
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Definace Cold
' Water Starch for laundry use rhey
will save not only time, because it
never sticks to the iron, but beaus
each packace contains lt oz one full
pound while all other Ccld Water
Starches are put up in -4 -pound pack
aces, and the price is the same. !
cents. Then acain because Def.anc
Starch -s free from all injurious en em
, icais. If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12-oz. package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wish- to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance
He knows that Defiance Starcr. has
printed on every packac- in larc 1-
ters and ncures "If- ozs " Demand De
fiance and save much time and n"naj
and the annoyance of the iron stick
inc. Defiance never sticks
r ' "Mr
Truths tha! Strike Home
o do so can
the bulk
coffee he
Ynr jrver is honest anl if he cares
you tat l.- -. .t-rv muv aiout
sells -i. K -w can Le knr.w. where it onirinaih came from,
L-w it ias bk-ndf-a or With What
or wheu roasted .' If c.j buy -our
coffee loose bv the pund. how can
vou expect puritv and uifona oualitv?
pass, me nil. gives mor powers .o . r solution to revive the fratema'
viuace ooaras o; neaitn. nous rows i , v.?ti
Insurance or Shins.
The ships of the world are insured
f r a total of 95,.,.""X'rt(i.
H &s
TtiCI litk
i p"
i W m i T tr .
ic- -;sct r c. "
-it - - -s vrav t-
. 7 - "--: T -t
:- rr. bf-v. f s aet as
dr..rt-. kt ha- a
- -ZT k:t- re- -s . '.' T tr..
- - - : N As . l re are a
:re- -u v -vetuearr e
:"i:ro" r;-
2rt I rr utiT-c esr
nwuiot utt 4 rtcST
:-'o v ia-w ir ite
- r Tna cxrtisx
&r us- &r u v ir.ex
rrf r 3i
T-T &i
-rac V ixZt
Rm:r. Stc Cc Di.. Ka.trj. 15. 6:&Stret. St.Lou. Mo.
e r 1Sl&?MCwSEil
72vSt Mr
Th- housewife wh. has not yet b--
m a-iuamted w:tb the new thine?
' - ryday u?e in the markt. and
- : reasonably satisfied with tho
. w- would suceest that a trial o:
- .v. e Cold Water Starch be rnac--
- - N"t alon- because it is cuar-
-t. vv la manufacturers t. be su-
r any other brand but because
l.ckac- contains 16 ounces
the other kinds contain but 12
It is raf ! say that the lad
r - uses Tefianc Starch will use
'r C'uaiity and quantity must
HOUSE All dav on th 31st the
house pounded away on dry routine
the pasrace of bills. I: took a recess in
' the middle of the day of several hours.
, civinc the senate time to act on a
lhese bi'ls arr.onrr
.no. Ji3 ana -o. were maennueiy post-, oth?r -ere 32ssed bv the hnue- R
poned. ihese bills gave authority to , quirinr trad:as tamp to b r-dem-the
state board to purchase supplies , ed in v.hoa d5ir, Re:und.
for the next session of the lecislature. izi:: cersain overcharc-e for ma-ntn-House
roil No. Vsi was read tor a , ance of iagaae patieat to Uncon
u-..u ciT- iu iu. i"J- "i. ". , countv. A roHnroopl ;:a-n: of It
uouse. aiiows coui
give surety bonds.
174 by Andersen of
recommended to pass.
"3ell cf St. Patrick's V.M!."
At 3elfat is still treasured the
"be1.: of St. Patrick's w.I! " which
bears th fearsome name 'log ar
cadhachta Phatraic." an-i has in
scribed on V the dates ll'l and 11' "
and which thu cannot br- less that.
eicht centunes old.
Could Net Snut Eyes to Sleep Sser.t
S100 or. Dcctcrs Baby Grew
Worst Cures' by Cuticara
fcr 5.
necessity uniform in qnailty,
strength and flavor. For OVEK A
lass been the standard coUee In
millions of tomes.
LION COFFEE l ccrcmHj- pKked
at ocr tactcrie. and until opened la
yocr home, tins no ciancc cl being adul
terated, cr ot comlarj In contact vwltli tftxat.
tfirt. gerjB. or unclean hands.
In ea.L ra.kar p' LION COFFET. j- , ?.- one full
pound I t.rt L ft- Insist upon g-tM.- tit penuie.
(L- l UuJ ol ter t.aikacrt
'aT -e Li i-&i- for valtiatjl - p-en-im
WOOLSOV SPI'T ' T -v... Ohio.
t -
the status of territorial soldiers These ,
bills were recommended for passace j
House roll No. 34. giving Ruth Oberg
of Douclas county permission to sue
th school district. House roll No.
20. fixinc sherif
fes in Gage
O'd Silver Circulates
ve- money 25" years old is still
- .-:. on in somr parts of Spain.
Free Grant Lands
Western Canada.
Attendee w t.
r-.ii.- rtt-r
i.-mmc. fur"
!i.iil& Jii-S. IV i
t o:. w,tn siron:
ta "tea.
ta-t. -
: i- ':ic-j-
v. or t'vi
r rr-c-.-ir spp-t t-
svr Prat. " C"r:?tjii
tenoenc t-- "tne 'iiu.'
rrar -nai-
r to tiw tte:
Ad- -r-ar .ind- Tna
; .-v-.. or tat- Cot-i:i:t l:
r-o- .r
c. cos
w. pnTr-ha'-'! trua- -a..
nai. -. al rea-'lia'-. 'r '-.
-.n:t : i "rar..-"-
a '
I i; '"-TTi. rears, tron bled
s--b- ar : ar-r .-u?n- C -u. n. ' tat aay
ta.r.'.ij. -' t-stvner -m -it nT aronir
n pa Ht . -.lit- arjr-.Tr ar. tj. ;-
curt; j riu-s'. M. c beaaacbe were
n--t viv.,rt:' iao I ujc u rts: nrbt or
aay 1 t-vartt- eria.-;ate: am: tborouchlj
o-rx)noer.: ano n au-inr tbit I could
taK- soea to ceir na- -t all Ji jr.. ray
faiber -srbv. ci--:e.j taat I tn jvar medi
cine and 1 am grateful :. aj tha I nad o-ea
j i ....; i. " ------ " i-i-H...trij i-
n-u. ujMR-pu.. u ianuu..ava..ifT ssu man r.r nAta- wner. 1 -xss er.tirelv rared.
anc "out of sorts": n- feeis iancuid. anc ca nu ea; anxtmr.. xttbout citresa.
e oi limit-
;v. trea5urrs y ation provision applvinc to cases aris-
HOUSe roll NO. , ; f ,h Tnni-in- roil.
Douglas, "was , road; .Q afford a shippin:: .-aeil.
Tne bill dennes , iri . , K , . ....
grain and live stock cars, equally to
crain elevators and stock shippers.
Denning Sectors in irrication districts
and requirinc a five-year residence in
th district Requirinc depots on rail
roads to be opened one-half hour be
fore train time. Defininc and reculat
inc method of sellinc s-hoo lands.
Desicned for relief of Boyd county
school land squatters. Allows adminis
trator? to p-osecute for tresnass. P-
I quiring the State Print-nc board to dis-
SENATE These bills passed the l tribute biennial reports of state oi5
senate on the 3th: A proposed con- c-r5- Permittinc appeal from county
stitutional amendment allowing legis- a'as in road matters. Reculatinc
lature to create courts. Appropriation c"'rf savinc institutions- and pnvate
and North orpnan asymms Permlttmc school
county. House roll No. 121. forbiddinc
the wearinc of badges of secret orders.
House roll No. 263. permitting the sale
of lands for
mc ditches.
"A scab formed en my baby s face
spreainc until it compltt-.y covere
her from head to foot " followed by
boils, havinc lorty on her head at on
time, and more on her body. Then
her skin started to dry up and it be
came so bad she could net shut r
eyes to slep. One menth s treatment
with Cuticura Soap anc Ointment
made a complete cure. Doctors and
medicines had cost over $!" with
baby crowmc worse. Then w spr-t
less than 55 for Cuticura and curer.
her 5icned Mrs. G H. Tucke- Jr
SC5 Greenfield Ave.. Milwaukee. Wis. '
t TW-X
L Bfn
icht of way for irricat-
Art cf Lcnn Ago.
Perhaps the first American womr-n
pictured in art is a Maya pn-st s
beannc a huzf- Moan bird I- was
found tn an ancient cod-x s'm'-'
liV - ht Ecyptian par,yrus s-rolis
It's the t: rouabIv modem and scierrffic svstem of !oad-
of only the best mcterisls which maie
Loaded "N- p.-.v" Shells rive bei-
tion and more ur'form results gearr-
The spectil rarer and the 5Tn-
head usd in makinc "New
inc and the use of
3T Winchester ractorv Lc
ter natts
a - than anv otne- shells
che?te- nateit cfruzated
Rtvsl" shslis pve them srren:h to withstand reloading. I
or c--ttindincy. ar-ai. r--vea and rao
ica'h curea ty tn- fa:tf. u of Dr
Pierce" liolceii Meaica. l!?c.-ry N"
man can t- ytroncer tnai. S) s-j.raach:
ben u rets out of ord-r n- rvom ta.-
.aar Nctr.1
-vOlLCL wiiyrnu
V r
' W it! 'W( i C" " ?
U U FiCTD?niEiTPf-rF K3.
SafttC:rv.2Li,0ia.5eb. SiTil'v?.:.
S zrtrresz diiltr cr -cre irr crr-ir.
i i.l
11SO CTht SErsRumcs.
Wrcs c ca' at cr' f-ee irrrmT
-cet st-iesis. aad pCtsj ;.r: v -
fiS--TiCCTOT C-i
-G 33Q di
Ntainc w.;. mor- S'vdily or perma
nent, v invimrav- arm tone mt" action.
. w: anu how-js than Dr. Pierce"? Gokien
'l'-dica: Discover;.. It is cumpoundi-d
frtr. the active rndicmai principle e
tracted from native medicinal plants,
w.tnout the us of alcohol, not a drot. of
wt.icr. enir? intt its composn.on Tne
c-nent felt frGtn it- use i- not,
duf to aicoholic exhiiiration. and con h"-
ujrjiit o; ?uun Uw.ii. LTLtb ir- umui-.-..
mc ana permanent.
Tnr rreat majority of diseases have
their inception in a baa stomach. ina
ge-tion. bii!ou?ns snd impure blood.
Amvinc the-e di ase? are deadly consumption-
norv raoKinc. orain-wreckinc
nervoa- prostrathvn and exnaustion.
: M i - torturing rheumatism. insaii;ty
eodinc neurajcta. emaciitinr malaria
an: al manner ' d'.scunnc blo-Ki and
?k:u di-ease-- lr Pn-rc-"- Oolden Med
ina li0'vrrr i- a -ur- for al' these dis-ea-es.
if tacer. m avthinc iiKe reaona
b - It l- not a cur.-alL but curs
tr- di-ei- meat)iied for th-- r-aon
tat tnev are caused 3nd sccravsted by
tne same di-orderj. It mases tne appe
ttte ieen. the dlceSTJun perfect, the liver
act-ve. the bio.l pvr and bciio- firm
Jsii iuu a-aiin n'r-r rjep. iKn t O-
Nona Ariinica. ew Jersev.
Astor A rea ue.
Cures When Eerytainc Else FaUk.
Dk. ? V Pierce. BnSal. N Y -
H-nT-Sir-l arr nappj ! -ay list I nave
found Dr Pier-- GvlJer. Medical Uiscoverv
to tr- a most eniraci.-a- rezz?li tor tornach
t-'Mr many years I cuclc vrarcely
ea: ar.ytbini: "itl).n' t-?inr creadfnllr o
: at oner, anc -xas apt to vomit tne
I n-eo varices medicine- ifitbont zood
-erect. i.aier I uazb: a tome of Ir Piercf s
voices MedSca. EiiTery and it prov-a o
sau-Jactory that I toasnt HTeraI nxire rot-tle-
of tbt- medicine anu n-ed It until I -?
entirely -sell Tbat i. at.jnt foar raonlhs.
1 on may count on rae for a iacnch fnend to
Ooaen Medicai Discxvery." ai- to your
sannarinm. --b;cn 1 iauir to be cne of lb
tst in tbe coantry
3: Siley Streca Butfalo. N Y.
Dr. Pierce's lCipace illustrated t3k.
"Tue Common Sense Medical Aaviser."
is sent free ia paper cover-, on receipt of
-1 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailinc
'.tui. For 31 stamps the cioth-bound w.i; iv- nt- Address Dr. R. V.
Pierce. Ilaffaiu. N Y.
ur. r isree Mecica. discov- -
for farmers institute
Platte experimental station. Giving
purchaser the right to recover money
patd on contract of conditional sale,
'.o .a, joint resolution memoriakztnc
congress to nx the states of th Ne
braska territorial soldiers Giving
more power to boards of health in
viilaces. Providing when a foreicn in
surance company is entitled to a cer-
tincate from the auditor to do busl-
ness in Nebraska. Allowing execu-'
tors to rnertcage real estate. Acncul
turn! associations of Lancaster and .
Douglas counties to receive financial '
assistance from county beards. Bonn-.
ty for wild animals' scalps. To pre-;
vent newspapers from collecting sub-'
scription money after suDscription has '
expired. For conveyance of interest of .
insane person to his or her spouse. .
S12.Wt appropriation for exhibition
at Portland exposition. Provicinc for
sale of school lands in ten-acre tracts
to those faoldinc lease. Providing a
hospital for crippled and dependent
children Charginc a fee for register
inc state warrants. Allowing cities of
Sr?t class to grant franchises for '.
levy to be 1 mills. Amendment per
mitting small cities to make their own
charters Reculatinc procress and
movement of automobiles and traction
encines on public hicbwav. Raisj3r:
the salaries of the members Qf xh?
S-5uth Omaha nre and police board
from Sloft tc 3"'i a v-ar. Raisinc the
saHry of ci-v encineer of South
Omaha from II. 2' to S1..V0.
Important to Mothars.
Examhie crreraJir erery boti e of t 1TnrT
a safe ad rcre rtmecy fcr infants aatl ca-ci
and see '"". il
Bear the
Sicamre of
la Csc For Orr 30 Icarr
Yen Hare Jutj- :rai
Life is a hurdl
lot of people jump
ra'- .r w
at or-n'. unions
w We are prepared to make loans on improved reaJ v
M estate or for the purpose of making improvements. m
M Easy Monthly Payments. Liberal Plan.
B For fell parJcnrs address the Association, 1523 Dowlas 5l, Omaha, fitb. C
HOtT rtT.
has a stin
The truth generall
its tail.
Flattery either makes
When Your Grocer Says
he does not hav- Denanc- Stsrch you
may be -tire he i afraii t' k-er i un
til his stock of 12-ounce pa kac-? a--sold.
Denance Starch is not onlv b---
ter than any other Cold Water Star -n
friends, or i hut contains 15 onc to th- packace
( and sells for same monev as 12-ounce
breaks- them.
No sane man ever forgets those who braads-
owe him moner. j Next to exell-ice is the apprecia
You can't dodge the collector when ! tion of it. Thackery.
there's the devil to pay. j
The moment you try to be happier i Prience is the extract of suffer
you ceae to be happy. i inc. A. Helps.
There are times when modesty is !
quite as provoking as forwardness. j
More men fail to rise through ignor- '
ance than fall through conscious '
crime. by Ka.nd
Wear a Lifetime
f -- i . x'. - a . .
..Don't Buy Until Posted..
Wr-T '
s?- .: ;r. :
'.j Aj-.i
Good cheer is often better than cold
1213 Flt.M -.1- OMVIIA.
i m - --e csed. T-eatedsccrisi
-L-sKIrTri,. s.i tests erpe-iesr-
erv s not unite
wnwa.-f-a oy a penny-crinrnc aealer mtt. laxative enonrn. as m oostmai con-upa-
V.sgnstizing Opportunity. j
n . .. ir j .2 m '
O noia one s sei. ia reauiness ior
Judge Net.
1 ice little I have seen of tha -.
orprjrtcniry. to Keep tne serene, con- -se Longfellow, teaches me to w.-
CCtC112. C" S2S.300.&S.
W N. U. Orr.3h2.
No. 11935. ii.iiri:!i::.- fl- J1HT id Tto- TC I -I Ml IR ilST- Ti-Jr: T'"ir-PmTl -jf1n hnrva n TI C TflTTTI PTpr"T' nT . -.
cxi. onytnat ne may make a crater " Pallets snuoid &e taKen "to aid the ?,, ,. T 5rT1n.w0 i- snfi r. J. , l - s :a sorrow,
pront. There"- .tb ac"iust a- cod" "Discoverv" Oneortw.. fur a laxative. - 1 to agnee 1 and craw , rot in anger. When I take Ti his.
a- "GoWen Meaica." :.-covery." withjits two to four for a cathartic They alone rrVniezes and power toward one. The tory of one poor heart tha; has J-,, "j
record -f cures extending over a third'of nave been known to cure rnanv bad cases concern is not as to whether oppar- . and -rffeec and -n-&-o-- "
' ceasra? fU-:f atabie: flysPfP.? 1Dd'- tucitv will present itself, but as to ' the stmIes and te'X eU
A Great 5cfisrer Coral. te-.n. They act on the liver and . - ... . , . . - r0 aaa iecViauoEs ;r. has
urx4 ire. wns. -v-rut -th vtic t,tt n , i, wketier one "nil be ready for the op- , naed throce-n ,. ,-- . .
- .va -. - - - " -- l- -TmT -- V. m A. Mk UU lAi A. " M . I - - ' ill - I -1ZT .
.. -
St. Jacobs Oil
Rheumatism and Neuralgia
etit Aa lit ;i5i.
BesCosxasTr5. TaBeGoo Vm
ITR. r ntRCE. iicralc i - Viais corded. the-enre iTra-rs 4nh
2Vr S- My beaith fc tester aor than it l" rii ere-or aJ;
ha t?en bsfort for many years, arc I oe 10 tv,- MlOQCItir M-CktlaT
lr Pierce -, Golden ilediral Discovery a uebz - iaale- 1 ICddCtll I i CIIC 12S.
It comes not to doubt and
and disbelief. It comes to
joy; tne
ana fear,
latr-ig. sola br
I nilWW J.I3aiU,a5L,iwiil amaajavaW
t Eft Wataf
e feverish inquietude of hope
, cu leu, mt pressure nf --. ..
, strauy expectation, eager purpose, and desertion of friends. I wouZd ain leave '
to nome ana generuiu, ai;ira.iauii. j me eme; soul or nv fellow-man -s-'- J
Lilian wranns- J cia troni -wnose hand i: came.
I ff aw at ' ttti
i knfhterasd ttrter caters thae aj t r e. One We KtOt