The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 05, 1905, Image 2

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Mistress Rosemary Allyn
Copyriplit. IKH. by
CHAPTER XVI Continued.
I dropped lightly to the floor again,
sat upon the stool and resumed ray
.thoughts. Time 'tis said passeth as
quickly as a weaver's shuttle. Under
." some circumstances I could mention
no doubt, hut that day after receiving
the message time crawled.
I watched the lading away of those
fait faint rays of light with int nsc
. satisfaction. Then 1 again mounted
the stool .and again looked abroad.
Night had diawn her mantle over the
lam! not even a star gleamed in the
- sky.
I listened to hear sounds outside
aiy door, browing :ny jailor miiit soon
rome with my evening meal. les. I
Jiad not long to wait ere I heard the
shuffling footsteps of tho man. He
clanked his keys and gave out an
apologetic sniff, the usual thine, as
Ire iie.a rod the door of my cell. The
key moved hardly in the rusty hole.
-was turned with h doleful sound, half
shriek half groan, the door moved
A little oil on the hinges, sirrah."
I said, "would lender it not so grat
ing on the nerves. Faugh! Is this
the food to serve a gentleman?" I
added as I picked up the loaf of
hread from the floor where he had
set it together with a Jug of water.
My supper! I ordered him to take
It away.
" Tis the usual prison fare," he
Fniffled; "if you want better you can
pay for it." Then he backed toward
the door.
Now the old rascal had drained
me as dry as any goblet of sparkling
wine was ever drained by horsemrn.
and, as I had bought and paid most
liberally for every meal I had eaten
since I had entered the doors of this
easily place, this was adding insult
to injury. Knowing this, he dared
place before me bread and water. It
broke the camel's back.
''Out of my sight, you miserable
renegade." 1 cried starting up.
I never saw man make quicker
time in gettirg through a doorway
than did that jailor, although I was
unarmed and he knew it. since my
sword had b en taken away the night
of my arrest.
"You won't be so high and mighty
in a few weeks," he said, retreating
down the hall.
I could not bear the looks of this
Moated old hypocrite. In Cromwell's
time he had been one of those to
persecute any Cavalier who happened
from various reasons to come under
kis care. To save his neck he now
paid the same considerate attention
to his old friends who stood to their
convictions. He was Intensely re
pulsive to me. His lank stiff .hair,
which no doubt was slick enough
when slick hair was the fashion, now
stood up about his head as if in pro
test against its new arrangement.
I could afford to scoff at the prison
fare since I now lived on hope. Gil
had said. "To-night" it might mean
many things, but to me it meant but
one that it would bring my release;
how I knew not and cared less.
In its entrance stood
I was half dozirg on my cot. where
I had thrown myself after the exit
f my jailor, when there again re
sounded through the corridor the
noise of lootsteps coming toward my
cell, but accompanying those irritat
ing ones were others. I sat up and
listened. A firm heavy tread, that
could belong to Gil. but did if.' A
shuffling lighter one. thai would be
my jailor, and a still lighter ihutlling
ene the jailor's help. The next thing
1 heard was Gil's deep voice. Ah-h-h!
They were at the door.
"Be quick, man." he said, "the
King knows not veil how o wait
upon others, while he does kin how
to punish insolence, eiich in.olenco.
and to a favorite too. albeit a new
ne. O. of course, of course." he wont
on, as the fellow interrupted him
.icith muttered words of protest, "you
did not know; orders and so forth.
.Do you think the King publishes to
to the town every time he takes a
sew favorite? Haste, haste man. one
would think your fingers were all
The key at last turned in its sock
et, and the door helped by Gil's foot
I waited for the cue from hi.
"His Majesty demands an audience
"with you. gracious sir." he said, bow
,BS low before me. "He grieves that
(through some mistake you have been
tyut to such dire distress."
"Say no more." I replied. "I am
as ever at his service."
Again he bowed, and I that knew
lis every expression caught the flick
er of amusement in his eye.
"The horses are waiting, sir," he
continued. "His Majesty expects you
at "Whitehall. He does not like to
"My cloak and sword, sirrah," I
commanded. "I am all of a muck
jfrom your filthy cell."
"Here they are, sir." the jailor an
awered as he took them from the boy.
-Tis not my fault," he whined; "I
ly obey orders."
-Fault or no fault, out of the way.
aenllion," ordered Gil.
So without any ado we passed the
lambly bowing apologetic fool and
jent down the corridor and steep
itagfat of stairs of the prison to the
fatreet door, which he opened.
' la a circle at the entrance to the
aciaoii. bending in their saddles sat
or awn of Long HauL It was dark
-(tow links abort. I saw Tornitu,
f ( ' I 'I EX War 53f5 ( 8 ifil ry 'fi m '
I who held Bunco, my horse, by the
! bridle, lean back and with his sword
strike a link out of the hand of a man
I who would be too curious. Before it
was oxtii.guished I recognized the
man on the horse next to Iiiin. It
was Pat my hnkman.
On the outskirts of our circle an-
j other circle had formed. It was com
; posed of tl"" common Jag of the town,
i the usual rabble that congregate when
there wn anything out of the ordi
nary going on.
It was dark in our immediate ring,
but !i'-lit enough in the outer one. In
its mi 1st I saw. heard, and recognized
our old friend, the petit constable of
the White Swan inn, and so did Gil.
it did not need his whispered word.
"Haste." to make me leap into my
The constable was trying to force
his v. ay through the crowd, who had
begun to suspect that all was not
right. While some laughingly helped
t him on his way. others, while not
' seeming to do so, did much to impede
! his progress. We could hear his voice
J above the- roar of the ever larger
I crowing crowd, which was pushing us
j hard, crying, "An escape to the res
"Cut through them," ordered Gil.
Turning we charged the crowd with
drawn weapons, slapping them back
with the flat of the sword, while he
headed down Cheap Side.
I missed Gil from my side. I looked
around. He had wheeled his horse in
the direction of the constable. I saw
i him reach down and grasp the fellow
' by the nape of the neck, then swing
j ing him high in the air. fling him over
the heads of the crowd on to a mound
I of muck afid hay which littered one
side of the court yard. In a second
he was hack at my side, while the
crowd cheered and halloed like mad.
That was an act that they could un
derstand without any words.
We galloped into Southwark. There
had been no time for explanations.
j We stopped before the Tabard and
entered the tap room, immediately
a good meal was served, of which I
felt in need. From the way the men
also did justice to it. one would have
thought that they had not eaten since
leaving Long Haut. Torraine was a
hard master when there was work
on hand, and he and his men had not
frolicked on the way.
I soon satisfied my curiosity. I
found that my linkman had not been
so remiss as I had thought. He had
sneaked back on the night of the ar
rest and following the coach in which
I was confined learned where I was
to be incarcerated. Hastening to Gil.
he had acquainted him with the news,
i or this he had won his horse, and
a prouder man. although a more ex
ecrable rider. I never saw.
Having no one to send to Long
Haut for Torraine and his men whom
he felt he would need. Gil had gone
himself. Thus while I had spent
four days and as many nights In jail
Gil had spent them in the saddle.
Truly he was a man of iron, k had
tedd upon him, he was many pounds
Rosemary Aliyn.
lighter and his moon-like face was
While away he had left Pat to keep
guard at the prison and find out which
cell I occupied. This the man was
able to do with a little judicious ques
tioning. He was also to watch the
movements of the arch fiend. Chief
.lust ice Lord Jeffreys: not an arduous
task, for that lord delighted in hav
ing his movements chronicled. Every
thing favored him. When the link
man met the paiiy coming from Long
Haut at the edg of Prury Lane a
meeting paco pro iously decided up
onhe told them that Lord Jeffreys
was io pa-s through Epping Forest in
a few hcurs. They posted there in
hot haste to ?waii him. while Pnt was
left to trv and acquaint me with the
fact that they Sloped to effect my re
lease. How successful he was in this
you know. My lord came all un
conscious of the plot on foot. His at
tendants were with little effort over
powered. Then my lord, who deemed
the men of Long Haut highwaymen
(and surely a fiercer looking lot one
would travel far to find), was soon
compelled to sign the paper for my
release. If he felt any of that terror
with which he was wont to inspire
poor creatures hauled before him, it
wiped out some one's debt.
They carried him some distance
away from hie mon. and left him
bound and tied in a lodge, knowing
it would be hours before he would be
discovered. It seems in that par
ticular their plans had miscarried,
else the constable had not appeared'
upon the scene.
I laughed heartily, but I noticed
that Gil did not echo it. Moreover
all through our talk he seemed pre
occupied something was wrong for
Gil loved to be pitted against ob
stacles it was as the very breath of
his nostrils and this little episode
had been too satisfactory for him not
to feel elated at its outcome. Had
he not met his old friend the petit
constable and had he not gone down
before him?
"What is it. Gil." said I.
"Bad news, my lord," he replied.
"What?" I cried.
"Yes, your father is dead," he soft
ly answered. "Ere I had hardly be
gun my journey I met a man coming
from Long Haut with the sad news."
"When did he die?" I asked.
"The night you were arrested," he
"Did ycu see him?" I qcestiojiea".
"Yes," he said. "God rest his soul.
I stopped long enough for that and
only that. He lies in state in the
chapel. Mrster Basil prays over him
day and night. Your father left with
him I' is last messages for you."
"We will go on to-night," I said.
"But you are tired will you not drop
back and rest."
"Not I," he replied.
I saw as he stretched out his legs
and could scarce forbear a groan at
the pain, how sore and weary he was,
but I knew better than to insist.
I sat with my hack to the door. I
had been intent upon my -supper and
the tale of mj release, In both of
which I had taken an equal relish
until hearing of my father's death I
had lost both. I pushed back my
chair from the table and leaning back
sat thinking sadly. The men had
stopped their chaffering, knowing the
cause of my depression. Too late, ho
had died unknowing! In the land
where he had gone. I wondered, if all
things were made clear to him.
I was aroused from my reverie by
an exclamation from Gil. I turned
toward the door at which he was star
ing. In its entrance stood Rosemary
Allvn. Lady of Felton.
Her eyes were wide and dark with
excitement. Her hair was blown into
wet tendrils about her face. She was
flushed from exertion.
"I am come to tell you. sir," she
said, "that before twenty minutes
shall have passed the King's Blues
will be here."
(To be continued.)
Dutch Settlers Around Louisville Im
port 200 Pairs of Them.
The very mention of the idea that
wooden shoes are worn in and around
Louisville seems a bit preposterous
to the modern citizenship of this sec
tion, but they must be worn here
abouts for they are shipped here.
Two hundred pairs of these unique
specimens of footwear passed through
the Louisville port yesterday. Thev
came directly from Rotterdam, con
signed to a local firm.
The Hollanders are famous for
making and wearing wooden shoes
and never lose their desire for wear
ing them, even when they come to
this country. Scattered around in
this section there is a pretty good
sprinkle of these old time Dutch, and
they must have their wooden shoes.
The shoes received yesterday will he
disposed of to these foreign-born
The shoes are not only unique In
their make, but are extremely light.
They are worn mostly during the
winter and in extreme wet weather.
They are made of one piece of
wood and there is no such thing as
leak in them. There has been hut
slight change in their make for cen
turies. Louisville Courier-Journal.
Our Mothers.
Col. Higginson, when once asked to
name the incident of the civil war that
he considered the most remarkable
for bravery, said that there was in his
regiment a man whom every one liked
a man who was brave and noble,
who was pure in his daily life, abso
lutely free from the dissipation in
which most of the other nfen indulged.
One night at a champagne supper.
when many were intoxicated, some
one in jest called for a toast from this
young man. Col. Higginson said that
the young man arose, pale, but with
perfect self-possession, and said: "Gen
tlemen,! will give you a toast which
you nu'y drink as you will, but which
I will drink', if you please, in water.
The toast that I have to give is: 'Our
Mothers.' " Instantly a strange spell
seemed to come over all those tipsy
men. They drank the toast in silence;
there was no more laughter, no more
song, and one by one they slunk out
of the room. The lamp of memory
had begun to burn, and the name of
"Mother" touched every man's heart.
It Wasn't for Sale.
The young man who sells violets on
the street corner was about to end his
day's work and start for home when a
man and woman stopped before him
and asked for a bunch of flowers.
"Sorry, boss." replied the lad, "but
I'm all sold out."
"Why." replied the man. "there's
still one bunch left, the one you are
wrapping up in the tinfoil."
"Oh." replied the lad, "that's not for
"But why r.ot?" insisted the man.
"I'll pay you double price. I want the
"Well, you see. boss. I always keep
one bunch for the little girl at home.
That bunch ain't for sale at any price."
At that the woman touched the man
on the arm. and. slipping a coin into
the boy's hand, the two departed.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
To the Point.
For many years a traveling pedler
named Luce has been a well known
character in the countrv towns of !
.cw luigianu. i us route ucs mosiiy
within Maine and Xew llr.-npshire.
hc-e he s l!s. nretilrs. jn. soap,
extracts, i to . r.itf' is always a welcoire
gmst a? the i-o'ated farm! oue where
lo calls. I'nhke most itinerant )ctl
h r he is a man .of lew words.
Lat winter while o riving down
one of the long hills of North Con
way his horse becoming frightened,
ran. finally bringing up-at the foot of
the hill with an overturned cart, be
neath which lay the unfortunate own
er, unable to extricate himself from
the wreck. A mountaineer approach
ing asked, with 'typical brevity,
"Tight?" "No." responded the Yan
kee, "Luce." Harper's Weekly.
Proper Method of Resting.
Do you ache in the morning? If
that is the case the chances are that
it is due to a habit of lying in bed
in a wrong position. The only posi
tion for resting is that which relieves
the muscles and joints; this is the
one called "extension. People curl
themselves up to get warm and keep
warm. If the bed foot were thorough
ly warm on retiring there would be
no temptation to pursue this plan.
Very few persons realize that to rest
thoroughly the muscles should be re- I
laxed. Another mistake is to have
the bed hard. If it causes aching, be J
very sure that you need to have it
softer. Do not make a martyr of
yourself for the opionions set forth by
some spectacled professor. He will
not bear your aches and pains.
We All Know What He Meant.
Jacob Riis tells an anecdote of a
young lady who devoted a good deal
ot her time to settlement work and
who was a particular favorite with all
the children.
""Why do you love Miss Mary so?"
tbey asked a-little lad one day.
"I like her," he replied, "because
she looks as though she didn't fee
the heTes in my shoes." New York
ISLjfr 'j. 7l
Mr. Wrngg tn lies contributions o:
an. ihiv ii':is lint leaders !' this uV
t nrtmi'iit may ws-. to piesoiit and
wniiid be 1i.i"1 to nis'.vr ooir-so:ul-ents
d siting ii.ienn:ui.n on subjects
(li-usel A(!'lri's M. J Wiagg. oUJ Cloud
niocl;. Des Moims. Ua.l
If you ha-. e no hotbed, seeds of an
nuals, such as asters, i hlox. etc.. uaj
be iovui ir. the living renin this month,
ll the seed p;:ns are not aailable. use
tin basins or cigar boxes. Let the
-oil be light, mellow and fairly rich.
Do not cover the seed too deep. We:
a blotter, put over each box. and keep
it well moistened. Co nut i our watrr
or. the soil. If it becomes thoroughly
dry. put the box in a panlul of water,
and remove when moisture shows on
top. Give the seedlings a position
next the gs. but be sure to put a
thickness of newspaper behind them
when the sun shines brightest or the
plants- may damp off.
House plants that are making a
good growth should be given fertilizer
now; but plants that are at a stand
still should not be given rich food,
as it would do more harm than good.
Semi-dormant plants do not need so
much water as those growing actively.
Don't be in too great a hurry to re
move the covering of leaves from the
tulip and hyacinth beds. It is a mis
take to expose the tender shoots to
sudden cold snaps. Wait until they
are well above ground, and have been
frosted once or twice, then the pro
tection may be removed with safety.
Roses, especially the tea and hybrid
tea varieties, should not be exposed
to inclement weather much before
the middle of the month, unless the
season is forward. A good way is to
remove the protecting material a lit
tle at a time, keeping it haudy, so
that it may be replaced if cold weath
er comes on again. Old carpet or
blankets may also be used if it seems
likely to freeze hard enough to do
harm. The same rule may be ap
plied to bulb beds and to the shrubs
and vines you protected last fall.
If you have time this spring con
struct a hotbed. Next to a green
house, a hotbed is the most cherished
possession of a wide-awake flower
grower. April is usually the best
month to start seed in a notbed. Keep
a. thermometer in one corner of the
bed, and see that the temperature
does not get above seventy dpgrees.
Give daily attention to watering, etc.
If you did not give a mulch of ma
nure last fall to the peonies, hardy
phlox and like plants do s. now. They
will need it in making new growth.
Let all fertilizers be old and well de
cayed; fresh co.nrost Is harmful. New
flower beds should be made this
month, and old ones worked oer and
April is a good month to procure
native fens ironi the woods. They
will do well in t:.c average dooryard
if a large quantity of th.' rich, brown
leaf moid is lifted with them and
placed around the roots. They should
preferably be planted in the shade,
and will require no extra attention
other than a thorough watering now
and then. In the tall it is a good plan
to put around t!:e:n a quantity of rich,
decajed stable compost.
Sweet pea seed should be sown as
soon as the ground can be worked.
Usually the earlier they are jown.
the finer they will bo. Dig the ti'ench
a foot or ten i:: lr s dorp, and till a
generous Iaer ol old manure in the
bottom. Over this fill in line, mellow
soil until it comes to within a few
inches of the top. Sow the see'd quite
thick, so they will not fai to come up
well. If too thick, do l ot hesitate
to thin out to two inches apart at
least. Cover an inch deep and have
the two rows in the trench about
eight inches apart. Fill in around the
young plantlets as they grow upward,
and give early support. Wire netting
is generally best to use. although stout j
beech branches are also serviceable.
Keep the blossoms picked off. and sec
that no seed-pods ripen urtil such time
as you care to save the seed. Gener
ally, however, it is advisable not to
bother with saving one's own seed.
If vou intend to raise canna. castor
oil beans and Japanese morning
glories this year, try soaking the seed
for a day or so in lukewarm water. If
this is done the seed will sprout much
easier than when p'anted in the usual
way. It is a good plan to start the see.l
in the house in boxes and thus encour
age a strong, stocky growth. Set them
out when danger from frost is pat.
Tie lrorniug glories should not be
set closer together than two inches,
and tl e sri! should b mellow and
Get the spading fork. hoe. weeder
and rake in good condition for future
work. All these are indispensable
helps to the successful gardener, and
should he well cared for And don't
forget the lawn mower, while you are
about it.
The usual rule for plan' ing gladioli
is to set them out in corn-planting
time; but if you are arxious to get
them' started early ajid care to risk
it. they may often be planted the last
of April if the ground is suitable and
the weather permits. Dahlia, tubers
and cannas should be started in the
house in April, and encouraged into
stockv growth until well into May.
In some states, applying lime on
land is attended with very decided
advantage. Especially is this the
case where the soil is a little acid.
It has been fomid in such instances
that when line is applied in moderate
quantities and with some persistence,
the acidity is corrected, with the re
sult that there is a great increase in
the growth of nearly all kinds of crops.
it is not probable, however, that we
iiave much land in that condition in
these Northwestern states.
Late potatoes should not be planted
too early. Neither should early pota
toes be planted too late. In my ex
perience in latitude between 41 and
42 degrees north I have found about
the last week in .May to be a good
time. The early crop of weeds has
started and there is not so great a
liability of drouth at a time when the
tubers are setting on the vines.
Get the meat smoked and out of the
way of flies. It is most provoking to
spend time and labor getting the meat
ready and then by a little delay or
carelessness permit it to become in-
i tested with skippers
j- cnAfvrrzn
- 'w v . .t-
-. -w w .- . y - r- rww, T "
&3 M. J: TV22A.G!
Loveliest cf toi-. the cheiry. now
N bunt; witJi bKom a!o::g tl'e boug'i.
AnI 'it.isiiN a!'( ut tiie woodbind wide
W alius wiiite for i:a-tertitfe.
A:ni -;' e. ;o look at things in bloom.
I il iv ejnj's wijf little loom.
'o: t i!f unoiIl.iniW I will ko
To feu tiie cheny hunj; with snow.
Plant a few gOvid cherries.
Spray as you have never sprayed
Shallow plowing must be the rule
in the orchard.
if you have some thrifty fruit trees
t'rat e.o not bear good fruit and jon
have regraft to better sorts. Do it
now. In three years jou will get new
fruit. If trees come from the nursery with
dry feet stand them in mud for a
Grafting of the apple can be con
tinued ail through April in this lati
tude, and later still, further north.
The requisite is, of course, that the
sc'on have its buds quite dormant.
The best location for an apple or
chard is on a hill, its advartage over
a plain being that the trees are more
open to light and air, giving a bet
ter color and flavor to the fruit, bet
er natural drainage, and freedom
from injury by frosts.
J. A. Gage, Neb., says that the best
way to prevent the depredations of
rabbits in the orchard and nursery
is to wrap the stem of each tree with
building paper. leaving air space be
twen paper and tree. The blood and
liver business answers only tempo
rarily. The Stringfellow method of setting
a tree ought to be tried. It is to cut
the roots all off to a hall and ram
around that as you would in planting
a post. Stringfellow holds that the
tree will do belter than if the roots
are left on. We are inclined to think
theie is something in it, if the idea is
rot carried too far. Of course the
tree should not be planted deeper than
it stood in the nursery row.
The tendency with those who en
gaged in improving corn some years
ago was to try to secure long ears,
without so much regard to the charac
ter of the cob as to the length of the
ear. It is now becoming apparent that
in corn growing, as in other things,
what may be termed the medium ear
is the best, other things being equal.
In other words, it has been found
evasier to develop an ear of moderate
length, so that it will have a large
diameter, long kernels of corn and a
small amcuut of cob, than to develop
a long ear with the same finalities.
This is -the month for tree planting
for sh.-'Io as well as for fruit, and it
is the wise farmer who plants, plants
and kee r-s on planting. Let not April
go by forgetful of this all-important
It is quite feasible to combine fruit
and shade, and this can be done with
the apple, the cherry. , the shagbark
hickory, the Russian mulberry. There
is a difference in apples the Baldwin
makes a fine tree for shade: so does
the Greening; so does the Bough.
The Catalpa is a very useful tree
the western variety spceicsa; the
osage orange is good: so also the dog
wood. If a small tree is needed noth
ing is so good as the dogwood.
The sugar. Norway, star leaf and
purple maple are standard varieties,
and ro one can make a mistake in
planting any of them.
The oaks are best of all the three
best being scarlet, pin, willow, oak
and English maple.
The white birch and the golden oak
add a pleasing variety to a group.
By all means let us plant trees this
spring even if we are very busy and
then- cost something; they add to the
value of the farm.
We no sooner get the last load of
coal paid for than we have to be on
the outlook for screen doors and win
dows to keep out the hungry hordes
of houseflies which come a little later
than the time for storing the winter
stoves. The most satisfaction I have
ever obtained from screens was in
screening a porch so as to keep the
flies out. I think the screens used
more than paid tor themselves the summer. I like a frame that fits
the window better than I do to have
the crcens tacked on the window
Why more attention is not paid to
thi flower it is hard to understand.
When one of the most fragrant and ex
oiiiiioly lovely of tho whole great
fa'i'ily of hon'o beauties does so well
in the great West and Nc-rthwest. one
would suppose they would be planted
on a large scale. They are hardier
than pieplant, and grow beautifully
without manure or mulching in Mani
toba and the Dakotas. They are a
ure success and never need to bo a
failure. Fragrant and lovely as the and far more hardy multiplying
so that with care you can get 1.000
from one in ten years, one would sure
ly think they would be planted by the
million. The trouble is they are not
krown by the majority of people.
An excess of water in cultivated
fields and improperly worked roads
will cause a farmer to hate his exist
ence more than any other one element
with which he has to contend. The
remedy is apparent and there will
always be a possibility of failure until
the situation has been squarely met.
It n-oans to get rid of the surplus
water. If it meins tile drainage, let
that be the solution.
It may not be known to many farm
er? that speltz has proved to be a
very good grain to use as a nurse crop
for grass seed. It does not lodge read
ily and the period of growth is short,
hence it does not shade the grass so
much as some other kinds of grain.
The fact that it does not lodge easily
is a strong recommendation in favor
of it for the use named.
The man who feels that he must
plant butts and tips to get perfect
corn should remember that he does
not plant the cobs, ard yet his corn
always has a cob. Shell off the butts
and tips hecause they are not so
stron? in vitality and they do not drop t
evenly. I
,-N. -T --".
jlf. --
Trees sprayed at the time they are
n bloom will not set as much truit as
hose sprayed either before or after
.looming. The pollen that is struck
Vith any Sliravs of I'mmi'nn stronMi
. .i - ...
-........-. . . . . 1 ..
a luoiuui practically. It may put
mii .i leeme e'iiori toward germination.
When trees are sprayed in blossom
it course the pollen in a good inany
iowers escape for the reason that all
lowers do not open at the same time
and many will not have opened suf
Icieinly to receive the spray. It has
been suggested that this is a good way
to thin the fruit on trees. The sug
gestion has been entertained by scien
tists, and if it is ever put into practice
it may result in the finding of an easy
a:ethod of thinning. At the present
time thinning is not generally prac
ticed on account of the immense
amourt of work required and because i
at the end of the season the added
value of the apples is almost offset
by the cost of thinning. Men dislike
to do work that gives them no gain.
In the case of peaches, thinning pays
even when men have to be employed
to do the thinning. There is one ad
vantage in attempting to thin by
means of killing the pollen in some of
the blossoms and that is the irregu
larity with which the fruit would set.
Hand work does the business in the
most approved fashion. leaving the
fruit at regular intervals. No experi
ments that we know of have attempt
ed to prove the value of spray as a
thinner of fruit.
Wo have been asked by a corres
pondent to give the causes of seedless
grapes, plums, etc. While this knowl-)
edge might be of some value to the j
scientist, yet we believe to the or-1
illtirt ! aaKf-. a j. mm A 1. .v 4V a a . .111 1 . a.
......, .....I yuw mi- i..e-,s wm iw,
01 inueii more value than the theory
in Mime eiiiiiieiir ineorist. for our
correspondent's benefit we quote Prof.
"German investigation attributes the
absence of seeds in some grapes to
two causes, namely, the pollen grains
may be well developed, but the ovules
incapable of impregnation; either the
pollen tubes do not reach the ovules
or the ovule itself is sterile. To this I
class belong the Sultanas and currants
of commence. I
"In the second class the ovules are
capable of impregnation, but the poll
en grains are degenerated, either the
pollen tubes do not germinate or are
incapable of impregnating the ovule
cell. Grapes which do not contain
seeds are always smaller than those of
the same variety containing them."
In my travels over the Northwest I
fmii vrn- littio fnii Tiiri.,.r ..,,. ,?,,,.
- ". .-...v- ..... j.r..i.r, ., nj uunv,
owing to the wet weather last fall, j
It will be found that much of this I
unplowed land will turn up very
lumpy when plowed this spring. These J
lumps can be easily pulverized if
taken in time, but if allowed to drv
out first it will be next to impossible ! Ul tH ''"i " "" Mi
ni hronl.- tliom finr ninn i t ,nor. I caUol "open-air method. KxeoIIent
" v.. ...... ... ... w.v.
cughly harrow each day all that is j
plowed that day. By this method the
lumps are pulverized while moist and
can be easily done. This does not J
mean extra work, but work done in
time. On the other hand, if a whole
field is first plowed it will be next to
impossible to make a good seed bed.
A great amount of aailable plant
food was washed out of the soil by
the excessive rains ot" last season, and
if good crops are expected the coming
sr:ismi "iimt wiirlr ?iui-;f ho ilimn nlnru I
'"" "". O""- -"-- -....-. .. ..u.. ...w..-,
the line of working the soil to liber
ate plant food.
The growth force fit" trees is really ;
astounding. Boots have been kiun.n
to overthrow stone walls by their con
tinuous growth. All over the Rocky
mountains one may frequently see
trees growing in the clefts ot rocks
and although the crack may have been
but a few inches wide when the tree
started into life, so great has been its
growth rorce that in maturity the rock a ;4reat extent, but still very annoying,
has been pushed apart as widely as j They appear principally on the foro
the width of the tree itself. Trees ' 1,,1. ,t occasionally on other plac.-,.
have been known to mislead surveyors. ! 1 OIton feel languid, and tire easl'y.
Everyone knows that a tiee trunk once j and cannot gain flesh, although I have
formed never grows longer, and yet an extra good appetite. Still I am
witness marks made on trees have not sick, and have not been in bod for
neon known to be considerably higher a ,jay jn ,y life. Ago. ninete-ii years,
when the tree grew older than when wilf you kindly advise me what y -u
first made. In these instances, the ! think would remove these pimples?"
troees have been growing on flat rocks 1 ; nti. !miii i.m tu-t ,v.
and by the increased thickening of the
roots, those huge trunks have been ;
is- 1 ... .1- . . .t - ..
uiieu ny cue pressure ot me roots up-,
on tne roeK.
The best authorities agree
will take three jears to got a
of horses large enough to meet the '
home demand, to say nothing about a
surplus for export. There was a sac-
rifice of 410,0u0 horses and muk'S in
the Boer war, that number dying
mainly from use before being accli-,
mated. France is short on horses, j
and the same is true of most Euro- j
pean countries, and great numbers are j
at present being used in the Japanese i
war. It would seem that our Ameri-
can farmers who use good judgment in
breeding the rights kinds of horsos
have an encouraging outlook.
The time will soon be here when
seed corn will be planted. It ought to
be tested before planting. The fol
lowing method will answer well. Put
a score of grains or more in moist
paper in a cigar box and cover them
with a moistened cloth: tie the lid
on the box down anil set in a moder
ately warm room. Before the cud of
five days all the grains should be
sprouted that are going to grow. In 1
this way it can be known as to the j
proportion of seed that will not grow.
Fruit trees in cultivated soil suffer
much less from drouth and wind than
do those in sod, and the fruit is larger
and better. Experiments have demon
strated that for every 100 barrels of
water in the first twenty inches of sod
there were 140 barrels in cultivated
ground. Don't neglect the cultivation.
The machinist who is bigger than
the machine he manages is a machin
ist. The farmer who is bigger than
the farm he works is a .rmer of the
best type. The man who is r.ot as
large as his farm is, being run by all
sorts of conditions not of his own
Most Effective Weapon Available for Conflict
With Dreaded "White Plague"
The following abstracts from an ar
ticle by J. E. Stubbert. M. D.. in the
Medical Record, should receive wide
and careful attention. No doubt if
these ideas could be carried out. the
"white plague" would be robbed of
much of its terror:
In ancient times it washighly im
proper to expose a tuberculous pa
tient, especially one beyond the first
stage, to a breath of fresh air except
on the mildest days in summer, while
the night air was dreaded and avoided
as the plague. Then the more observ
ant and thoughtful men noticed thrt
those who lived more in the open air
did not die as quickly as the hot-house
patients and they began to urge an
outdoor life ard moderate exercise
as a prophylactic as well as a cure
for those in the early stagers of con
sumption. Those in the more advanc
ed stages were allowed fresh air only
when it was at summer temperature,
but even this was better tnan being
kept indoors in warm, ill ventilated
rooms the whole year.
There are several plans by which
the victim of tuberculosis may con
tinuously breathe pure, fresli air by
nignt as well as by day. Sleeping out
in the open air is not harmful to a
large majority of tuberculous people.
.Millet, of Brockton. Mass.. reports
I the cases of live patients whom he
recommended to sleep out of doors at
night. They were allowod no roof
over their heads except in rainy
weather. They wore soft felt hats
and cotton nightshirts, sleeping under
ordinary bedclothes in beds arranged
en the roofs of their houses. Im
provemert was noted in two weeks.
Coughs disappeared, temperatures be
came normal, respirations ere easier
and weight increased rapidly. No at
tention was paid to dampness and
dratts. and heavy dews were regarded
as inconvenient simply because of the
necessity of drying the bedclothes.
Sleeping in a small room with an
I opon wirdow does not appear to be
nearly so beneficial to the patient as
when the nights are passed on a ver
anda or in a lent where there is a
fice cjm,!;Uin of air on all sides.
a at!oilt uore forllsIl.lte tIM1IKh
were fortunate enough to
have a large room with a southern ex
posure and containirg one or two
open fireplaces, in addition to large
windows on three sides, which might
be opened at night, he might derive
approximately the benefit incident to
tent life.
McGraham. of South Carolina, pre
fers" the circular to the army tent, and
thinks it better to place it fin a plat-
Wirm two feet from the ground, and
to do without carpets and draperies.
Draperies are not necessary, but rugs
add greatly to the comfort and con
venience of those in ill health, and
their use can be made perfectly safe
by exposing them to the sunlight for
a few hours daily.
! Special Hospitals for Consumptives.
A hundred years ago the city of
Naples. Italy, erected a la-: e hospital
for consumptives, and required the
isolation of all persons suffering from
' this disease.
It is only recently, bow-
... ,
; ever, inai me auinoriiies 01 mouorn
I cities have become awakened to the
importance of this sanitary measure.
Itecentiy a number of cities have
taken steps for the establishment of
1 hospitals especially for the treatment
results are reported from this method
cf treatment.
The German government has a
large central committee nuinberirg
more than thirteen hundred persons,
organized for the purpose f f erecting
hospitals for the treatment of tuber
culosis. This commit Ue has under Its
supervision seventy-four such hospi
tals, and last year treated over thirty
thousand patients, of whom eighty per
cent were returned to their homes
practically cured after remaining i i
the hospitals on an average of a little
less than three months.
An Extra Good Appetite.
A good appetite is a symptom of
good health. An extra good appotiu
is sometimes a symptom of constitu
tional disturbance somewhere. A sam
ple letter sent to the "Questions and
Answers" column of a prominei.t
health journal was something like
"I am troubled with pimple s. not to
"extra good appetite" alluded to al-
fr,js ,iR. kev to the situation. The !;-
estive organs have more than th:
' r-rn t !; enro if rim? inn!.iiitiinniV l.i '
, .... . .-. , ....j - ., j
not properly take care of anything fur-
that it nished. There will be frequent head- j Potatoes Lyonnaise Chop cold I101I
supply , aches, skin ilisordors and alternate f,a-i ed or baked potatoes. Season with
stipation and diarrhea with such per- 1
sons. Pimples are a natural re-suit of
such depraved blood conditions.
With many people the habit of '
hearty eating is continued when tho
warm spring days come. Food which
was appropriate when the thermomet- j
er was at zero is continued in ih- I
same quality and quantity when t.
thermometer rises to ninety degroe-s 1
in the sun. and averages above sixt;- I
all day and night. The poison who
loses his appetite under such a condi-
A Maze for the Stranger.
"London," said an Englishman
proudly, "is the hardest city in th" f duced by the Klondike proper, the dis
world to get about in. London has ; tnct within a 'radius of fifty miles of
streets more crooked than those of J
any other city. She has more strots j
of- the same name than any other city. ;
Why, London has 151 Church streets, i
"Loi.don." he went on. "has 12I .
Union streets. IB John streets. 1 1 ,
New streets. 10t George streets, HO '
Queen streets. 1)5 King streets. 91
Charles streets, 3 William streets.
S7 James streets. 78 Princes streets
and 57 Elizabeth streets.
"When you tell a Londcv cabby to
drive you to Elizabeth street he asks.
with a smile:
" 'Which of the fifty-seven varieties,
Views of an Authority.
Cousin Freddy Ma said thce was
a lot of measles and whooping cough
aiound, but I didn't get them.
Cousin Gracie Aren't you glad you
Cousin Freddy Yes. because bro
ther Tom says it's better not to get ,
them until you go to school.
tion is on safe ground. The person
with an extra good appetite will ha"e
.to exercise self-control or be placed
on the retired list to learn wisdom Uy
Tobacco irjures men and kills chil
dreui. The Chicago school board ha-
been having a medical examination of .
certain pupils before allowing them to
take part in certain athletic sports.
Boys and girls were subjected to tho
same examination. Not one girl was
found unable to pass, while "a large
number of the boys, in almost every
case smokers, were found to be in a
physical condition which made violet.t
exercise of any kind very dangerou-.
Twenty-one out of a hundred worn
found unlit, and all but three suffered
from some form of heart trouble. Al
most without exception the unfit one
were cigarette smokers.
How to Earn Scund Steep.
All doctors are not so careful of
the welfare of their patients as they
n.tght be. Here is a story of one who
went to the limit. He is the proprie
toi of a famous health resort not far
f'om . When he receives a pa
tient for treatment he says:
"Now. I want it understood that un
less you do exactly as I say, there is
no use of otir staing."
This rule sometimes requires him to
be very harsh, but he never hesitates,
lie acts on the theory that he can bet
ter a fiord to o'feud a singlo patient
and lofo him that to h:tv tnat pa
tient go bark home and te-Ii lr.s iriends
Dr. So-and-So had done him no good.
ieiates the Washington Star.
Not long ago a well-known clergy
man went to this resort for treatment.
The doctor looked him eiver upon his
rrrival and said:
" liile you are here you must take
I iuj walks over- day."
"But I can't take walks." replied
the parson. "I haven't done any walk
ing for years. My heart won't stand
Thev arguevl the question quite
warmly. As the clergyman and doc
tor wore good friends, the latter was
more lenient than usual. However,
he bided his time'. The next after--noon
tiie physician said to the clergy
man: "It's a nice day. I would like you
to go horseback riding with me."
Biding they went. When they were
about e'ight miles from the sanitarium
tho physician said: "Oh. doctor, won't
you get me' t'.at flower by the road
sde? I don't like to leave this
As soon as the clergyman was on
the- ground t".e doctor galloped off
with both horses, and tho clergyman
was compelled to walk back to tho
sanitarium. I'pon bis arriel he was
try angry, and was for packing up
ami leaving at once. There was no
tram that ni: ht. so he was forced to
flay :i few hours longer. Tho next
morning he came down radiant aud
good nntured.
"Doctor." said he. "I was pretty
soie at you last night, but I fjrgivo
everything. 1 have had the first good
s! op I have enjoyed in months. Here
after I'll obey jour order implicitly."
Cream of Celery Soup Ingredients:
Celery tops, 1 quart cream or rich
Method Put tops in saucepan, cover
with water, simmer one hour. Drain,
return water to pan. add milk ami
stalks, simmer one-half hour longer,
season to taslc remove celery, thick
en to consistency of cream. Servo
Chili Sauce Ingredients: One
quart strained tomato, 4 tablespoon
fuls minced celery. '.I tablespoonfuJ.s
minced onion, sugar.
Method But all together in sauce
pan, let come to boil, sot fin back of
range and simmer two hours. A
small piece of lemon peel and a cup
of chopped tart apples will greatly
improve the flavor. Cook till apples
are done, remove lemon peel, cool,
Candied Sweet Potatoes Boil pota
to'jp till tender, remove jackets, ar
range in oiled baking pan. sprinkle
with powdered sugar, biown in slow
oven. Sweet Potato Cutlets Bare pota
toes, cover with boiling water, boil
twenty minutes, drain off half the
water, and cook till soft. They should
be almost dry when done. Mash or
i put through ric-er. Form in shape of
. chops, sprinkle with powdered sugar,
and brown in medium oven. Serve
I with sugar peas.
I Porkless Eaked Beans Wash beans.
1 place in h-avy j ot and boil five min
utes, bait to taste. Bake twonty-
,sl,r I;""rs in fi'mv ,,v. hooping bare
M - v overed with wan r. When done,
' . .- -t.. .?.r i. ..p .. .. .
ihe beans should he of a uniform
dark trOW U.
I-onger cooking will im
salt while chopping.
am! parsley minced. If too stitf. thin
I with nut cream to consistency desir-
cd. Turn into oiled baking pan,
smooth, brush with cream, brown,
Serve in squares.
Turnips Stewed in Cream Pare
young turnips, cut in dice. Simmer
till nearly done. Drain otf nearly all
the water. Add enough cream to
barely cover. Salt to taste. Simmer
till tender (don't boil),
s'ightly. Sere.
Twenty Tons of KIondTke Gold.
Twenty tons of gold have been pro-
Dawson, siree January 1 of this year.
In other words, the output of th&
Klondike since th fir-t of this year
is $D.2ft.'"'. The royalty collected en
the gold by tho Canadian government
for the year is 2:50,2.0. The banner
year in the camp was in 1900, vrbc-u
the output was priced at ?2i,io'.H.
Since that the cream of tho riefce-st
claims has been taken and lower
grade areas are being worked. De
troit Tribure.
Truthful J?mes.
In a certa'n Iowa corn center Fred
Meek, manager of th" "Wizard of Oz"
company, was oMig'd to thrust back
a sophisticated jouth whom his moth
er was trying to squeeze in without,
a ticket. "That boy is over age.
Must have a ticket."
"He ain't n-vcn yet"
"He's fourteen if h"s a day."
Whereupon t:i sophisticated youth
spoke uv-
ou re both liars. " I'm
-. '2-3:A J .a.