,U,''"RMJp8 r-r"2Ea53-T ----1 - -'?g?rf''i3jg-i. CVrCfyg.r"V.'? t S?V jK-&& V53 &r. -ivi i?trf. ,2rT.Tr- Wr ..--'S.'-r & r Learn to I ; T I . ! : i , t , i ; i i . i ; r; & FSsr-- .3:7-- 'c---' "ts. 53? --;V- --erl - 'J i. . -.vriissJO- Cut and Sew IND. PHONES, 27 and 227 I .Ti , -. Z R 5s i .-. LX . - ?g3SSMS mSS S CMKSTOREI I US Tr . '. d5 R -'r S -W.rSN. t .'MADi A?ri. M 2T II life a rs 3- :-i-'. -, ----:;,: UMgrnB mrfi n t6?afe W . S C i d - r- . Efc -V - . k- . - - -.. -K9 JmAJM "ibbbbIsbbbbbbbbbbbbbW IbbbbbbbIIIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIIH msssBBBsmF'WaBiSBBBr c- m m r f ? i- v -: - - - Ht - r-- th jnmnniiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiH .- . ----- - - .- S mJs - u r sj n ?, if m fc h. am nUassssalssssssBr sssssssssssssslA sf i i? f ti 5$? ; s Kr? 5 xh2 si Q.Sci :. fiss Eisssssssssssssssssss aLsVLsssssssV vOHMUt? Kw - - r v -.fS-TSBflESBiEK HH ISSSSSSSSSSSisssssssssSBissV ft .SSr Vj23r""r'. . "'"r t? r- r 1- it.''. Tv O i 1 Ajjgssssssssssssssl sssssssssssl sssssssssssl issssssslHIssssssssssssssssa &jk Tcxrsje-'SeiSr ZjjXii-ii. xHJ.( i iNo, -:?9iiSBBBBSBB sssssssssssl iallB BA BH 273C2v w i :; - I h lOSPRITY CANNOT THRIVE e x r DIT fSt -i: -- Mc7C3T9lb-5J&-. " SaKS-i- For 23arl3r MIL SlZ. &r i- r-- . -jrr. ? - --- i - iTTN t"-i ''a 7 d?cTiL A iascinatlng display of advanced Millinery Mode, for Early Spri-ie wearing. A large 1 cVt-;r. in chifon and straw combinations. ?e Hew Bolo Turban and CKarlotte Ccrday. A:l very daintily rimmad. You can rest assured that every possible taiic can be gratified This enor: far surpasses any ot our previous displays in point of number and artistic merit, whiie our csh prices leave no doubt as to the economy of early selection. Give us a call and be convinc ji'.rj Why serve a six months apprentice ship in cutting and sewing when this system can easily be learned in from 3 to 6 weeks? V 52 s? or: . c 3 3T- 8 I I I "i ty&z !N NX - ,Jj X oririSL Covert Jackets in the Swellest things out this spring. They are chic and you cannot get away from I hem at prices that please the purse. New Spring Rain Coats ? P ? 1 -;s i 4 e rer Rain Coats deserve eulogies these do. Rain coats that are iine enough on a sun siny day. Practical protection for stormy dars. There are ma::y 2:?wnc"cs. :hlrred at the waist. New curve to the sleeve and a great deal of guaging. TySB I 6., 37.50, $10. $12.50, $15, $17.50, $20, S22.5D, $25 fi mt -:.."?Ti ,-p; ..-.a n.-rv j. .-" 'W Those interested cbu be convinced of the merits of the system by calling and receiving one tree lesson. Pupils wanted. I t ! I I f ill '- P HE i p i Mrs. A, C. BOONE, Oress Cutting Academy, First Door Nsrtii Drs. Ksrtyn & EYsns' Office. Columbus, Neisr. . r A. 2 1 - I 14- Henry Ragatz 4 Co. 1 1 Groceries, Crockery r Classware , Lamps, r &y" Uaily J area!. u s.r. .w i C L "'s -. cl.z-.-r. I:v-a ttvo 1 Mr?. Flora Palmer of New York1 - :n;r -i Co '.:;c: M J. ! Citv will deliTer aa addr-ss 02 Hoaie Monday's Daily Jour: Lrckema .. E Co.-Te!lo Missions a: the Presbyunaa cacrca. H-:a'' :s;r:-- nre casidcr- . Ei3naa:i': for :a ioe :-- L-i. r.t . c.:- Cwlciab: ..t:? nxt.iicrcf.-- n: carriers -k-iII Cmmrrcjsl o'clock a.n. H--. i-.sr.. ci ''-iar ii-ip.a is . F :. r - 51 " -- -'..2 r; Oca .r..w- -.s b . - - -c- 3r. ac-. Mrs. Robert-. ., r'-ijl o! Jcie N-'lcr vra er .- --r. ax: was I rr'clj a:,eaCf-d 1 - :i . i;y td ii-r sa Harrj, 1. . N -.-:- Lliilihca iad 1 1 .T- W-Tv Jii-iE -ow was pu.-c :? -r :?.! . t : v. .we wra cr:p aa J wU r. : s- ij callina on rairca- .;il.saie ra. ! II Ti-. ani Fraat Ptrn.a ar. .T s-ifcrnooa at three o'clock. -ie0- u- ieiirjoaa - . - Ta-re will be assicasd ao ada:issioa "7 fe-. EvervbDdv i; iavitec. Carl Rcb ie is firh;:ar aa a;;aek of clrrk. Miss Bessie b-ldca : deacca. h" riP J A. Doaclas; pastor's assistaai cora- ' P.07 JoaaHDa of Oaiaba 1- visiuar aiitte, Merdaaies Braeper, Brindlej his brother Carl this week. laTfufc Morra-j. s.re:ary oi civil aad Do aslas. P.erresaraears wee ser- Dr.Cbas.ILPIa-j:. homeoi.rr.Lic ply s-r. f xaraiastica-. reports to Pst- red rj the ladiee cf the charca aad , -.;?. Sad screta. rostcf5v ba: dic u-ater K-T.a:r taat caMarcal he had a pleasaat social tiaie was ccabiaed . ,;., . - r . . ..-.j. .. , was seat ap the ha? to railertca to day. ' Ed Saiith of Rockdale. Wrcaiiaa. is , visirinz his sister. Mrs. N D YTilsoa. :a-. -.efr-i-anTs -.. - sarre 1 la:- Jars aao. He was la the hortical la zu t-rnj:; at a vr- btraat:fa'.!T t-1 basiaess here aad was also agri (.'3::tt i :s' ; 1a iaj .ic;n : ,a. 'j-fj- :ladt- th-: that re -a r-:ec:ec, tae naaibtrr akiaa the exaaitaatioa .1- sr: k ?o larae as th:-. .-.iv" tad Joaraal aieaticaei bae ' -II it ha- bcCorae"the hat :t"saJ froai :-! tilk cf ?-aie i the f-llowi whe mesa la-ine?. Cclanilra- raaj have a Saturday's Daily Journal. caltaralist of the Iadiaa reserve. He w?.- a prcaiiaeat aeaiber of the G. A. R. At tae t:ie of his deata Mr. Taaaahill was 01 years old. Coart i ic sessioa totlay a- the T". ?. drpjt. As was aieatioaed la the joaraal soiae t:a:e 3co, tae Uaion Pa cific il-tective was here iaretigatiag w.t rr b.z''. a? :r d ck aad the disarpearaace of ccaipaay ccal, . ----"? ir.ade ta I:-; cf rpfr-ihaiat-. cerra'a eaiployees of tae road being Tc ai.-e pin stoat the jacior clas , saspected of haviag some kaowlede perries is ;as: acboj aais cat aboa of the fact. Tocay Dinsioa saper th party aanl the nrxi 637 aad tha-1 tateadeat Daell. together with the me cias-itatt? icaac t-.r aia ? rv very preux'.v paint i la r--r-" aad wr.::e plc? cards -.at ic tat- -aspe of clus pir-s 1 c", !' iicats ar. I a:afh ctp rap-r ia ;h? cla-5 ccl--s wer? a-l ia l-ra:!"; :hertoaiaad table. ParpI aad ra :- i ;? ti-aai t"-rsthfr we aave ih eve free froai the c Dr. Valli-r. Os:e-Dpath. Barber blc-rk. 0 Vjj; cjTj Editor Barrass of the Argas is coa- j q j Garlow is saaria? with aa iaiaiatorv rheaaiatisai iabota his haacs. rear. 1 r La.: :? taiseu tte :l pojalar rlaoes aa . i: the lovers of at O to- , fl -ft: narf to his bed with grip today. attack of A. Schroeder was ia Olarks Taars- J Z.Jv--l day aad broaght hoaie a aice has of . cacs. r- a x M he r-T will L t-aiieat tae voice of - :etzra ir.i jcsieruay .or jc , at t3a.;:re aa. whea- of the bat w:U -- haatiag in the sasd hill i jheo. Fri--dhof r-taraed fro e be hrara ia real lea-tie rtvle whea '"t'-atry. I caC0 Satardav aoua. wher? St. Patrick's day passed off qaietly j beta baviag raerchaadire. .irrv jdcwfrv aa: wiaitirs -v am- .- -i. 1. '-- t..- "-- .... . .,,. p haar" classes. A aaratcr cf salooa renters aic-t yestezla- wita th ccraaiitee cf the Drs. Martyn. Ev-.a. Evaas .v Martyr. Jr- oai ?e thr-1 dors aorta of Fnd hofs st-ore " caarae o ta Chi- 1 ,r.tv ccaa il who hav ordiaa icrro-.ac-'d by Coancilaiaa Clsrfe !i?t Ft' ay aiahr Tae saloca e i entire : wvcrl prcrsts aa3:ast :L? j--;-iM rai-:ra cf the licease a-sistaat saperiateaieat aad several tsrher otacials of the read, aiade their ar;--earaace ia Colaaibas aad establish- We carry the largest stock in our line in this part of the state. Ve buy goods in ? quantities and give our customers the bene ; fit. We make a specialty of HIGH GRADE rj: Groods. Our line ot Fsucy Graceries. such ? as fine canned traits and vegetables, canned J fish and bottled goods vras never more com Z plete. Our stock of Fire CotFees and Teas t is unexcelled. In bulk CoTee vre handle the J "Richelieu" Line, the Lest bulk roasted coffee ever sold in Columbus for the price and J prices to satisfy all j 30c, 25c, 20c, 15c per lb. t e: a ccart of f T"f ry. It has been in 4- s-ssla all day, aad naaieroas eaa jloys Gf the coaipaay have ben samaoaed iato the present, o re-salt- of the iavestigatioa have been aaae pabl:; as Tet. Mr. aai Mrs. H. G. Fricky, resid- -c-a a.v.a an actice i '-': 1 ' or:h pan cf car city, were -; " the sex(u an.vv : a-i had ma.-? their coatracts ez.il I acreeably sarprised by aboat twenty waat tu' any a vt-r .ap.e o . fc J e.' ! .ca; 1 rca.c be htwa. r -.--. wa w Wj 1 ..-- f.. ..V......... . S 4 . i evtaiaa froai -taayi-r Eora. oa .eda2scay, March -3t i cay with her hasbaal .:.-. to Mr. aad Mrs. jas. l;yaa. o: 1 laz caaie ap r n . ' Errn.r.--n:r. sis it ih ccraiaa yar aa- their frieads aad aeignbors last Fine Coffee in one, two and three t pound tins we have ; Ragatz Genuine Jaa and Mocha. 2-poond tip. . . 50c m-,e xioue i-id. im. -2'jc. i-io. nn . . idc Richelieu 1-lb. tin. 40c. 2-!b. tin ... T5c Liprons l-!b. tins. 40c 2-lb. tins. 75e. 3-!b. tins . SI.00 a i to r"-ad Saa ritarata tax? f- jrrsj.tcn that The eld Itcease i eveaiag, the cccisioa beiag the cele- -: aa- fancas r'-aaCr wrre Schavler. twia-. a K.y aad a: aicraia. bva- Lf a fcirt v.rit. ta. f froa: tii imZ t-.v,r-ny oai latter ircc: ins ro..- jr- is. t'aiaas rai -j --i.-' if :: s tV-.arroa i-aacat -:vio. w;n frttats iate .aa sr..a- r-al!t . by the ra:x-ap. :2v aa injtrti. wn-t tor oae aad tae fi-ii! faraitare cf the other beina V-r fiv ?? ?.-.-!- wfh hf.' -.-n Oar ieaator. Hoa. Hagh Hashes, , ' . - r . , . .. . . ti,. , . kiTl i-l vV-iUUU- l-.tAi -,"l-i cam- ap frora Iiacola last nigat aaa -rtzl! t . ' z .: x .i-.i.j m . ptsu. xae caiaa:t5re aas I -&'-- ij- aaiarr oi.iacay icr Jirs. h - rr ..;-: cat:er adviacear ' Fntky. Th-? party brcaght with thera .'a t-c a.- n are -L.a that I "r-aci, cake aad ctar daiaty refresh- ;ay aay rttrrt lata-; -rat. v ca ta. i Cia'' wafc yt a Liai"1, t-.tr- at an, iiara iff t ia vet Jta- t , : hi p-era fiititf a Mar a : - ard f c ' . sot rirht. tdtaatlv aiarrtd. :; a-a raDa w ..: cpea .' i .j s -.?-" I X ar- aa- tae aiaircor o: n-.u.us isu vi cinity are prepainaa for the strt JaiWi aad pase?- c: :' fkcrs frcia . .: .uto-Bte ;rr:tory with a great crsi cf pleasarable aati- . a ill reraaia over 5aa lay at hoaie. I Miss Martha Taraer retaraed frou: ! a taree weeks visit at Chcaao. last aight She reports aa eicelleat tiaie. Ed Hcare is home froai the Capital where he has speat several days fa . aad aroaad the halls of the legisia-, eveaiag for a visit of a week rsrna fcr 53a, Prof A E Pool- Th? sttiar of several aer.vy cars cf i -Jinaos after the aiifr has teea ti'lv c-onsid-red :: oa thr U ?witch bv :'ice"s . trLj-" i7 iGRlTZ ciil rard this raorama caasfd th- tracz to staS ave or ?ix tr soft gr;aad tacs ia the -r i - .:aat:ca. ??asoa"s catches are Tolarab: tolay. iaia retold aad tae prcphtts are urei. t- - .-j, . exrepticaai vear for th Isaac Wal- Watticgton. xzli p,ka 'j b,- h.cdi a-,. ee:, 2J.ke Able, an c!i p:ner. aad war ';t- a.ach despise-d carp are 10 be clea cae tell ai! kia . -i aair-orea "ta s-: :::c: ;-i; jear aad as a ;?yoas baach YOU NHED NOT have all teeth ex- The Postal opeaed aa cfS-ie as aaaoaaced sorae tiaie aao. '. ''zut 3twarxl I2U tax at-raiau n a :-,, xz Graa.1 I'iaad aad K-aray. a.. l;z 1 caaaea fsh of all Ir.earspa cjaiuaay i.aii- f jr the lentea osoa. at Vrtaa: ia Schayler todav. ; SaaV. if .atse iraat Is-iaa- 1' arias th earlv r l-?raiea iaaabit 'T. f f Hult ooanty yete . Titit tis eos aad faaiily war the ' at v-t.:day bv leaal tt.hatcal- T-mV trac:e: ia oriier to aave new oaes. -he soaad raiv reaai: Naaaiaa. the dentist. , . . . . ,. . .. spriaa vacatioa aas aot a yt beea i Tae bisaop of the diocese of e- , .- - t . ,T . Z. . , deciae-a on owiaa t.- tae fact that ' braskawiU creaca at the Episcopal UaEW aa ia ..-, -,-. .kq. Ltrn, on tatat r-atrick - G , chraaer, foraierly I aioaPa?iae aaeat -.-. --, Vf- - iin nnnslt D i -1- Jis- '-cC--, ia.n. a-.. u- t that plac. will have cbarae. .. .. s ,r to . - rJ:?- -5- charch toaiorrow A class will be '-.".:7E: -T.b-y e ait.- .-ft. Ber . ". Aurt sj..Lr" Eftetncaa. .. Xr' r. raeats. Varioas gaaies were played thcarh progressive hiza-five was the chief aaiaserarar. Prizes ia thi- zaaie were awarded to Ifr Dcwcl, a haad--orae cirar tray, aad Mr-. Deaai 5cl livan c.-:a:-l tae lady's trophy, a ... . . . . ... . ...imi ... ..? Tae e-eaiar wa aiost pleasaatlT speat aad aefcre the party brcke ap raaay atct wisaes wrre voted to jlis. rrtcky aad that her birthdays to coaie wocld be overftDwiaa with happtaess aai atc cheer. drake. Yoar choi; T ceais each Ct w S. P. Driania i You know of Sir Thomas Licton. the ? largest grower and de?.ler in nne teas and ? coffees in the world. We have been ap- pointed agents for Lip':on's Famous Teas and J Coffees for Columbus. ? Your oatronasre is appreciated and we t v will always endeavor to please you in qual- - ity, price and service. J y. 3Iead Co-l-Tae best cook stove coal ca the Henry Nebraska Pta 22, ?ho.i2S 23 and 229. J ; -or.es are acw the oruer of the cav. araied ia the momiag service. Kl:.::"'' ' -" A- ? Jcrio:r i!! 'h i et at $3. per toa at vards. A xaarrzp :..a-e was ai;r-i ia Th; t n, V,rr Jnhn ',r l"' . "..'".. ! Wi5: l"e -:& --- 8?:- i ar&wsjaa. Ii. jL Cave c throaca GaLambss -'.V-. .u: ?1. u. icii -ii- JJ-JKIU .u. tivcrce frcra John A. Johnson is be- ilr. Jaaie: been visitiar the of Oaiaha hi Wj Hedlcaa r.arar,i frcra Gence. ;3inooo wa-.r- he a.fad-.d the fa ztersl ef a " rcthr who was killed sn the U I'. yard it Uist r iSoaiay whik iar.b::.i a cttpliaa of cars S k it .i. h vv . . P . J . i k ! I . . , 1 - -:v r- a:- mt ::t. ixi a., auitt-f uji', r..i e- - , , , T. r.- j- ..;- .- i " ' - - lit--: ifi. .i n :;i:i-- i w :. ui! i..i i ' t bis aaat ilr-. -a!i ria-, ! aiassea. Ke ra his wsy to th- Cali-' -k - , . " M . -l . . - 1 -- . - 1 . Svr.ir. rr alravra ne saia taat .u.i iv-;. z;ci- - i- j s.;it ci- ' .-ae wa- h:s divorced wife, bat they Capt- l:. H. Kardy. the nfie cham- j hoaie. Ee departs today. ad were willias to trv P:c2 - -.raerica. wiu give aa einiai- 3aain purc: nr jTin r.jr:- this Riipr- i . . . r " .r " l l . I j.--v a ... . ... ... Vvka' i-.c j ?. r-sicn c: iir:iiiDii v: . ... . ..... - .vi vj anea. cwi..-ii-jj -- "-.- -- -- - aoa. .ttomeT icaois oi aiaaisoa is a cf ;h W--:?, id be held ia arplicatioa for license to wee iirs. . here j, o: rhe pia. Oraah. to trLi c;tir. :: i? ntt vet saown waetatr i aa i-r-'-rati.a will be accessary. r - i a .trirjra-e Anrctuicertezt. Oa aad after Aaril 1st Io ill f- 1 iirs o j. tcrr.L-. who t- oaaraa- D-ij::e;I -.'.af'1 with dirthth-ria, is reported by Lr iiarrra as raa-i lairrovec. jo hac raaie ap However, whea th- record ntioa c: ais woncertnl ssill as a cart hL.-tf app3rPd, aad H-.- will I- cash oa delivery. ErastiBrock. ' Olive Stree. CoIarabas.Neb . 2td Divisioa Saperiateaaeat Biaacll of Cam? is coasidered cat of daarer. were coaalte! it was that the raarksaian at th" gan club proaads, ' , the Earliaztoa had his special oter-; s. cattle iroran was ra3rried Lui Whea year rhtp cf health strides the were coa-i.. .. s u u .. .e ".,..,- . . . . "' vatioa traia traasferr?d to the Uatoa ....;, - r,r,, P5r.-. T, . . i h.ddea rocks of conmatica, paec j n- .Ji-- p - i3 -3t rjee- aai- cortaeast of the high school. tomorrow .c . . . ,. rrida. ia Coaacil Biatis. ia., to -.r. , - ' Arcordiaaly. ta-ce they had never th-vdid aot aeed to b-e 0 p. ra. No admission will be i :eea c:vor-c.. : here to Graad I-- -..., T-,-t.. rt -., -a -- , aiuais. etc . voa are lest, if yoa doa't iat ae wi.i coatinae iF;. -6 r-- -- r-- ; -'? i-'-1 Dr- Stae's New D.- . i .. .a a ia.n. . ttviaa aear uraaii ' rrsst tf Sriiayler. b'T-r-,-a tra:a f5iav and -.: f - Jbin .. -c - a.t-- Sliss L.l.iaa le7 SU4.' visit-! -xta i?, W yaF, tax: rta'ciifaoer:;. -I hive tzr sal & lia:iteu aamter of BsrrwJ Piyaiok Bofk aad Brwa L-ec-acrz. oocaertls ar i palkls Irca: 51 each upk I ! La. e eca Troai trove sioci SU zpnltizz. also Toaxrcse :roose' laamed ara-.a. a 1 rverytaiaz wa Icirn- nr Ar-trV rw .-..- rA q- f ?a3 ff 5 A.-kf . W..n. .3 .T. . . . ..., W J T UCMUUZUBt . . . . . ; nis laspectica ct tae aiar..aaoa 7-za.z- t , i -, . . cover- :aa for an eastern araraamtioa hoas ' . X . . . i-L'-R-l. sad thy wu! laake thtr . - lu. acwi- acaTia: ry oaT ,v . , j ; - - i s.:aaoa. o "i-r- -i T?--n .nT WO rfUil rf :o: r- T?.i -: ar". ii.i "O i weil b'lTvu in this ' -vtica t,.' tho rate aad a large crowd aacartetly bo prent to wit B&M nt3?i n"ta? thre. i -? r p. v Yesterday afteraoca a :- aaa rlc -. ais reraarkable accaracy as & rifle jrroaade north cf it-11 city Carta-a A. aaa revolver shot. ii- iiaray, rme aac revolver caaaiaiGa xae tride ic a sister Av rhere will be a nnion metias of ?aaL deatii Prof. sis:e.:cher aicsic. barber blca. :he Methodist, Presbyteri Jadae Ketder weat tc Scaa-rler to- ?re?atioaal cacrches 1of the United States, ?ave aa eahibi- r.e i ,--.;, .'--. r-?; -- 'a aiVn i.:: ra tec 'jpz -Tfc davs a; Crpheas hall clcsed icdav with iirrs ?c.-tn- noon at 4 o'clock in .vQ ;.. w--- charch. This will a4 -. i.:i --- Harua Schiht. , i5 d D i;h d , stt3 worker, and if preliminary to th series of renTal meetings which will railroad represea- of arip Several aareliai laaves arc re?iirrd her todav. D. Attorays Heed cf Failertcn and H. Oczser? of th? r.ock Isiaad, SI-' Rose of Gsaca raade basiacss trips to -ard ahcacy cf tae St. Paai. F. G i Clolarabas toda- AJWC aa-1 J. .t i--J.c- u- iie T:C- 7-'. 1 hi" -Ti--Jf.r3 T"V.a -rr-iJ J.-. 1 t .. .. ....w t.. . .-. . . i' A J I. .&.- I .. . .I.-...T rr z:j ; an ana Gen-1 . :, .. i brta aiwrraiy larae aad the daioa- tomorrow after- , . , . ,, . . , - m.s ic.e.t.cg aad valaaa.e to the Methodist T " . Vf" T. "" .V" ? . , the Lilies atreaiina. Tae total anea- ran. seen a creasing raaroies ia taa - - - - t be a meeting fcr - - . -j - , ( ccantia each aay s c:or ha au, .ji ii uiUiic ..u u. larce - nv0. ys- J. W iir. Ta!:ad::a Spriacs Aa.. writes: "I had bea ttt v.: with ' paeaaioaia, aa Ir the care of two ' ttr-. bt was cetuaj ao better wu'-n I bt-a to i-hr Dr. Kias's New Discovery. Tae first dose save relief, aad cae bottle cared me." Sere ctire for sere threat, bronchitis, coughs aad colds. Guaranteed at ChatDack'i draz store, price 50 cent! and 91. Trial bottle free. times before it can fall tweaty feet, Dr For, the las: naaibe ice -, ,.. - - ... mra achocl lertare coare at -Zior: etc He finished h-r r-rti nr-r ' cemmeace tomorrow eTeninff. The .,,,, revival serric will be coedncted by - L. , . "" Onera aoas- ca A an! 4. the pastors cf the four chnrches every 1T f , " . the lectare w r . a 1b ! coarse S-s-eat Pad 25cti Eleveaiach all eold. foar hook, all eaibers cf 'i Sweat Pads, enly 23c at L. W. raast reraeraber Weaver's. Unioa Psciac, aaa cha leilea o -1 USS Li ea yest Dawsoa cf Genoa arriv- ly aad will work asain evening except sarnrcay. all meet- see the exhibtion. iacs being held in the Methodist charch. On the following Scncay taat the iyaiphcaj ciao c f toataht is aot to taka the place of Dr. x oa is ao: oae cf tae member of tae ycaicr das? of ta . .- . . I "'ii --:.!' t - r --- . . .11 - . - -- r-nTT - ji ! uLi n ir iiii -- --i- -. t f. -i--i- r-- - rv-.- t ta-.e.ei,-.----av.. :hi .... .. --. - auij-g-v - .,-,-.. ,--.i t.--"- c:sh f-taiEhes a the following. ?.r:l . "f rri"r:':: . Groe. Tea., nearly met his Wat ?:w is tie tirac to b thiakiaa cf establisaeb.t Lercted to atrire here to cendnct , ?at . f f a c!i55 . fT "-.he" Lectare Coarsi" for"' the .i "Ter kidoe-r m?b -.--w --. V7e have tae aae-t line E. .. Coyer, of Central City, who the nion serrice and the meetings !?"1 ' A P32? - - ?oo ; rnmrht: bat th h: I a rec: leKr- e " ' ofoarowa ate ever shown in Co- has been rariaia- a hotel t that ri -ni -n-- f-,- -i -v. nae, enjoyed by tae class of '06 , . ..---, .--.. nearly dead, of these camplainti iaaib-as- It will pay yea to ccrae for several mentis bat who lately sold each erening except Sunday. Ber. tJJ? fytarday aisht at the hcrae cf j -J 7 " """ ; althoagh I tried my famUy doctor. rwaty-ve raile to a.t set of oar oa: carae down las: night aad is lock-. Hardcastle is an exwrienoed ermnce- M.-,,-,"aose x-asmasscn. xce game , cid me no eood ; so i got a oO h-r.i. -. :r--h .-? c-il'rr rill - 'nr -. nmzir-. ,. . - ... . . caoiistea or sketcmng the hand! - s- -.- rec-..ea a letter today . rottle of Tear srreat Electric - "- --- --MB -r .-- I I -Knil -w- nH -! . -HK tL-rW-B-T T1-T Ml-a - M.-UMK BiC AWW fc mase year t-p pay yea well. if L. W.WeaTer. --c'l,- r--? is sat tnat taere wets ao '. bonnd trains yesterday aftemocn was das ' xo a wreak at Overton, 3 town -near Liliatca ca tie U.F main line. The r.TTtaal meeting of the Congre gational charch members was held last evening at the chnrch. Officers were elected as follows: Tmstees, H. E. Eabaoak. Chas. E. Dack, M. Bmg?er; Treasnrer, C. G. Hickck; taach good to reamlt front the reriTaL Every one is urged to aiteal the meet ing tomorrow erening. The preaching will be by one of thepastors,and there will be a vnioa choir led by Ber. j ussier. The Colonel i Waterloo. Colonel John M. Taller of Honey :er- le- i was , and. he cent Bitter. nd then shaking them all tctrether 3Ir5- aaie If. Erimblecom cf ! which cared ras. I consider them the I and gttessing to whom the hard be- Willow Ercck. X. :. T., Canada, r- ' best medicine en earth.and r God locgeo. inis proved 3 very interest- j porting tae c-eaac gi her rather, Jean who gave the knowledge to make ' Ail. 6aas mnu. joass neuwir Jaegfij j- --t - .uc iota oi inis mcata. tnem." scia, ana guaranteed to care won prize. Other games together L-3- Tatter? 'nil wa formerlv a well dyspepsia, bilicnsnesi and kidney j with a short program and lots cfji-cw citizen cf Colnmbns. having disease, by Cha. H. Dack drmggist. crenceredtkeTeaing a p!n .remeved ircm jicre to Canadafonr tat 50 centa.a bottje. jjWwmwWHwwwmwii Interested in Hats? I have opened for your inspec tion the largest and oest selected assortment ot Ladies' Misses' and Children's Trimmed, Street and Pattern Hats in aHtfc.eiatest,best and nobbiest styles and shapes. Everything absolute!- new, and prices within the reach of alL Come in and let us help you select your Easter hat. New Goods Arriving Every Day. D. KELSO 13th st. 1st Door East Niewolmer's illllilltilli1 ii.u iiii.uiujixu!