r jg jgvvc' ' --- V- "- "" rt&xeif&W " ' M - e n - 5T. fr ,v ) I, 3e Vdff .' If ?-.. wa -wi Ijavp m w or kss of the " i.i'"'5is CVUDTflMC ..... 3 - -T --" :u-r.T y rb. -.-:t. lesion be- coiires rau' arra -3.-'1. th-'re tujjv b4 ireanenl aita" -' riinr ;iek bad- ",-.. - .v .K,. .K . . . sc'P. ouitT iis- ' - "J"""1' "'"-ur tvitd .v "" c 'Vht.J with a brown con:t!"-; M Hii'1 -a.in.or rnny erup- tini and pimple?, mere is likeiv to V- -barVar.-...'- niih nr-a fn-hnzs. LirUT3-i MJ a n--.i c-niniy. inre i- Hrrv : -n : x-int,- .itn a cc-ciaed i-ndt-Tcv t- b? iisoarazed and de-5pod-n:. Thtro ir 1 ts t irrerulaniy o: app-ut. cnea.-iaer- in r-iin o: th- jK.tniach, sj""i. r-cnetimpi sour j-is-ch. " hrin-bum."" nausea ani "s-awr-brstj."' natciency. and acrid ,mcJaan; the b-wei- t-conie :rrej iar. u.-i3iiy ctn-t p3td. and ccaTn s'.ty -utjct t- diarrii-a. attnd -itn 5cvy pam-. in- lorecoinc smp- io; arr Ci-e. n-.r vfrv re?; ai. pr-nt in an one are aay t-.. ca-s. ai.e u: The only w-av ;r help a iisripred liver and rur bi!i n-i-s t.- t.- tra: it as K i? me rrt. "ranic. he man tiller of itiv hccr. --wrs. 1wt I'lerf's t .klr i: M-dia.. Do" -rv clrrj- n.vi rUar tr . m:c rat2- ard ivviiaius tins n: rsr--riant oriran a. tV lie V Ti-ln iut'-rst;t A TtmMc Ca 1 Srttnnj Ciaol t Liver Co3ir-tlnl. li. H V Vintrt. BcTi . N Y iir i ,i. 'Xr- fir- tar ? --.!- &ii1 I aTfT Vit e!l T "'' r - tc- tr'iohle ir- - w-. viu- v nc .iivl T-uJi- -t it wm . :. . - i -- -r :". 'f-ar. I IT ..-. -'"if '.- It W r. zi ."i.- il " -x ww - l u Facts Are Stubborn Tilings I "n ( r"tHT century . - --.- .-c-v - r--3 The leader of all Lion Colfcc 1 tjtw --1 . 1- - i.- : l il.'-s. uca 1- i lit - i. ; ix.- irr tulf. It :- a poilie proof : -: LiOV COFFEE Las tie Confidence of the people. Ti- -rf . -1 Irv of UOX COFFEh s.'.r. o: .t. .2. LION COFFC keep lis old friends mad mle ncu ones ever a. LION COFFEE lias even than its Strength, Flavor and Qual ity to commend it. On arrival from the plantation, it is carefully roast ed at our factories and securely packed in 1 lb. sealed packages, and not opened again until needed for use in the home. This precludes the possibility of adulteration or contact wifii germs, dirt. dust, insects or unclean ban: LION COFFEE is l-icrciore o"3.ranecd to the consumer. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE w W. L. DOUCLAS S3J2&s3.go SHOES lfi2 L. licLa X.J0 nrr- ti c "! rllr-r in ih rli l a-- r tri-ir r-lr-n -i I v. -; rutins M-iii a- rir r nn r ;tiali(i. T t urr Jul . ti m tiir tizftC r-ct froTt -' 0 1 1 T OO. ih- ul (IMrrrnfr i X cir I lu;liA -t Al r- ol tnurr t tnkWr, Quid ttir h j Kt -r wrjr Ittncrr. uMd arr f ;rrutrr lalHf tria -ny lh-rI ."ilt n ttar-rr-.- i-l.. W. l-lu;l-i rur MRtf ii"ir t1i- t tiABipi tit nam- ad rc on l?nr KttNi r--ri h-. IxMtk fur it rW no jttirI. '!. Iua t - h !- M K.ra ;i hi o rC-il tr- ia trrworrr - li-. Vt . L ij;I - ii-r -irt- MUiuuurrcict-i . i- ' - - j t- - - 4 . - r r "i- 3- Bcji -cear V L. IrzTlas 52-50 izi S2.C0 sbes becacsr tier ft better, held their ha-?e ai ar larrtr thar othsr naksi. W-LDOUELAS S4X0 SH3ES CANNOT SE EQUALLED AT AKY PRICE. ' rr-w U v "- i.' -' - -w " p J- " FloToiLOK tTrXCTWH.LSOT F.KU I1BAWT i. i- ' - .j -,i . W.L. DOUCLAS, BROCKTON, MASSACHUSETTS Wy -n.mr i x' s-, .w ammm -- - cm: z.1 j I , iv i iimrwTf . vt. t y SS i 1S ' kr s I E-r'v in the tacrsiig. bts : g j S mnt. cr ."nenc.'cr iTsrr, ictiante i b ssmc -Iw-ivs th: best. B J g Insrrt cc hi it, thr mest b H r .-b.l5.iC Z7Z ITX. .mT mmSH " R .J :v, u.3 t..cz crnii- B( ! r. aens. It ts trc-to iziz. It s the O fc bis:. Wi -.- no p-crmurr. R Tv .A , . Wltn X y- -. e r. bh BW5fnEPJBPJ C- - S 1.-1 f ff Manufactured by ja H thc nccii;rc c-rrv-H m Mi I ii. uuii-V'ki. Ji.ivu .J. raiersii ?c5t irr-xs" i Omaha. Neb. QaaMaWGawammmmmmmKJr e. zz ns: csc-2c WmmmmmTaMWWL9MM9aaWMWWWWWWWWLa. riO,000 Plants fcr I6c, J FQ 'W 3 -r- -0 . tt - t 7- 49P Kf "1 c? - oZ u-arraatrO r- .xjBj- I PSjkl -e- '' ! - e BT2 5 r 18 Qftts PmmlmaM 83 BiJ, U lM !-' 5-i CliCi-ifa, MMP MjPs CV Mt' I P ja.iinJiT.T.. tS tui S P7. 1 Sl UUUt frV". j.' E JK Hi I Ji J -r- 3 tt ! Amia aP" - ml ,M s-" tj-. tijs-w. K pjJp mh 2X? rMi. fa- .jits lit . mm b3PP PJ A r:t 4 tecwMS 7 - ri WM PKr M -..---- bnM f t-rtlllmmt 0jM E-x- 5cu.-w3 1:r lpjfk PS .... --- -r-irf t-.l ncrlr PP; PJ KlPJPJ lal l . j p7Hnvi JSbI t.UUti ta m -pavU livii "-- - Cr0' w' m 5 PJPJPJPJPJPJIPJ 1 y sr-'v;;g;ra-,-L Bill fi , ww r3 i-fr j -ax rody to bo'.d :v My tith -i v, r- r it. itf m a diQ trJi 5e-x s-J Tc It. -if ver; is.. . ;t csS r1 i n trr .na -- tilV. rr In oci-a to il t-u .:r- t--. : -. .-aw-d :o-rrv- iw &Wn:: V- r i? -tit-rtr awl ih- sii v" ttliI r-k i t ut-Tr Trir-t 1 couiu not "- aurj- Mnu-auw: -i "- vnytiimr aa -ii.-'OtprKi s.ao to '-s ksi izn. ;!.-- ; j ..-. .- i--r- 1 tsa v- tie. -GvMe M -i-al Ii-- vr -tn..f "Ftjn r--r.;-iu " ai; -rf a v;i oT "I-"---- H7!1" f-',ii:2rM .inau s3. , i hid r ii Ms Arcr-T R.rrE. S Pladiij Ave., h:: Kt:l. Miciuis. "Golden Medical Discovery" con tain no alcoiiol. srup. fr sugar, yd keps p-rriectly in any chmatf. TH) Nor Be Deceived. I: i? an in cr. t- y.ar :ntllic-nc f-r a dealer to attempt i' ranj off ur-'n v-.u a ?or- :: f'r tbt- -nr!d- ian.-i mt-cicine. yc,u tr. nat .-u want. I:'shi?busi- n ;-. fv: ;k: . Whenheunres .jae .Mi.art:' he? ;h.nk:nz of the larrt-r prnt ! i. iiiat; rnt o: your w-iiar-- Turn y ur bac: --n any dealer wij offer; y u -Tirh :r-atni--nt. In 'b-tina:- va5Upati a the Dis C"ery"" ?h"U-i L u. i in conjunction itn Dr. !Vr'- !'iea.-an: I'eilets. the ru-t natural an-i tiHjrrc1 ! ?cientinc laxative ever o-.?Ti. Tli" 'Pel5e" recrulat- and invent:- tn stomach, iiver and b"i,-is. tt- v? a ent.e laxative ;- aot as a tu:IJ catiiartic. If yc require n.-dira. adjce 'rite rr. K. V iVrce -ij' . cive vi.q tne Tr. I'r. IVrce's 1 ... pac- "' Mpdicai Ad-v;r-r.' i- the tL-t u-e:u. " dtct--r r'fc " published. A copy in stiff pa-p-r c- .er- ?ent on rect-ipt : -I nnr-c-r:t riarpr t- pa. -xp-n- of n.ai.n2 on.v c ti ii.z.ur.z t-n stan.ps x-a Mirtes It 1 V. Pierce. Buf .. Y. fcr over a quarter of a t- les : LloX COFFEE, package collees. &iS5 LTQ', t'f &S' j r &".!. fr& .' . -r- - li -. ? j' 'i r '& more & -;.-si: :tf 7KSri SJO 0-- The absolute purity of en t I Oh r.r. VLV k. . ?- -.; Alabastine -Vour ralls t i i i t t Are ven saiisned with the arpear--- t i-r -jsI1: lo thrv ccme z." to vtur ifi Are iou rcitinecn r : a: c: iiicir. cirtv wall P3?-- --e 3. sandwich wjih sour palS bet - cr; - Alabastine is clen. bynenic 2-.r ie?1cacdrc3r:na.n :ha.r it i .ei: -!.L The m s: an:s: cef-cts car tp:x3-rd -.:h Alahastine. T-.e An5.r C '. rcrnh. exp; ss ij ca. coicr senemes zai fci'-no.Tes ior your rooc-.s. lijcu r - nc or remocc.nr :r:v """ C-vI-r sere es. v-cs s:re. -" zd c:rectuc - 1 rr: cf rem Buv vour ALABASTINE in original packages. Any cec-crir-r a arrlv -. L:vc can t?ct it ;4- S . t t.rsh :: en." It is a pe me:::, ccrable. wj nnish. --'- ears two wis cone any ether war T"- St r lie x jeT ii If TTJ3 wCie'-se-i .' t -- rase tc x.w; -ii j-i ii: ,- xresr,: -c ALABASTINE COMPANY ,1 ; ti i c City Write for Keith's Free Furniture Catalogue No 52 sic--c We pay firelght anywhere, - r I2i r e-x r rcr j rnri ai n ie rr-.r-Jy ss crr- -i cr ro!-r t -kK.at! '- fLt zZT. fr-y- ROBERT KEITH Fumiha-e ascl Carpet Company, DepL 32, fCacsas Gty, Mo. M c Q R E W 'nM;KOF.11K". Erfct- T- raata. H. Home Tjtnn-nl i t"2 rtlr "-c C3: t -nai ec-sv -"r" - ad sisy x" r?:niv. Sox " " - Soti j4ii.Srei. Pi pTVii'iZT tciiuripyR SIEW&CIpAI always wllTI! Xooz jc:t cr irct irj yrtorr. iecri. in. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Menticn This Paper. BEGGS'BLOODPORIFIEB 1 CURES cstwrfcttf the rAM: r.-assf M- "W-asc Invites rortributlor.? o! ar zi-x id-a? tbat rtadei of its dt- j paftrr.rt r-ay -h to prect ar-d iw: Ad" m J wrass. 3 .-J Good -Tl G -s7. rC ll1! 'HliiiOIl Vil Ji.- 3iock. I-- Mv:et Iovca. OUTDOOR GRAPT1NG. . To be successful in top craftir? m the sprg -e must have. nrst. cions i vx-ji condition: second, vigorous stocks: third, a proper relation of a oca ;o sock; fourth, wax covering of the r:ht consistent, and fifth, a .1 i -n,. rr-r- nf rnino u a -a ell a the best time. In the above oruer it is first of al! important to have cion frer from in- jury or from drying or ou.er injury arttr beig cut. Hence, fall cut cions arc always preferred if they have been " ell kepi In tie northern apple growing re gions this is of special importance Hr" nni crt r- 'irh -rt :n the central and southern regions, where the er, are comparatively mild, Herc it is sooi nurserj- practice to , ,-, OT.. , . . ,--- n v. 44 . 1 L v T-.-r v i. - -- s:r.nc srafttr- m the fall, or before ;;n:er ana curv m moist ?oii. i.JZ::-' .v '";.""'."" iwcuft or mo- can Vi pre-.rve2 m pe.iec w-.i.o. !iit nas not been done no time ci n d ye lost in securing cions Oi -.u.f-e wanted from seme reliable r .r-ry or if from the orchard cut lf-e n the frst mild spell hen the v h not frozen, of the last year's c: wn vr even f o-y ear-old coo. r " a'er sprouts, but good. firm. -". ma'ur i wood, which, when cat ! - w- a inch, clear surface, wi-h no y-! w mce or discoloration next the v..r- The stck to be raftd snould t.rrr-js tut if not transplanted at tV - me of crafting, and has good -u.'ure. even --'.. top a dormant .a . "" 1 ec aui. a f be much d:scolcred 1 :-j- wi.I srrow on the apple and '-- - -nc- but each do b-st on their vt. ;- c es and tie closer the rela- -. i- m- re likely to succeed. Most - "a-: " p craftinc is to; - o" ctarr.r:: the fruit to a beret .. -v o- of diffrent sea -on as. well - n.i- cr'a th1 quality of an - - a.r. -ed'inc. The old eastern ----- -nas to use a wax made cf -- --" 7f s c: resin tal'ow and b-e x -,v rv v as welted and thoronch- - i v '. vr a slow fire and worked sr'-are-i hands into sticks tihlle V.- rr-fer o use bofed oil in p'ac ,. -a" w and to spread the wax on .- -aire muslin, which, after cool "z s c;:' into strips about an inch a -f ah.ci is then ready to use in - i r.r.- tie wound afer settinsr the - F.r o; of our top craftinr v - ;nw 'je th same composition -i oil applied from a hot ket- -a-.-h a -mall brush, which any - . can rrak-- with a stick and a nrh cf c-owtail. In this case wr v r rry the wound but also -'-- .p of :h- c:on with the hot wax ' w-.le ye warm, stick ovr all "7 -f -ahi-e paper, to shelter from .n an! wind until row:h is assured T" a-v ca-e care should be ta'-e?: to - ter -very wound with the wax. In -vt "afer me-hod the wax can be hard-r than in either of the former, i is las easiest of all and least iaV.e to cause a failure. "We com- , mence craftinc at the cround or co1- 1 'ar. or higher on stocks three-eights of j an inch or less in cal'ber or on I .ranches o: f Th e same size on larce rs with the "whip cralt" or splice. L:ch is a slopinc cut on stock and - r To match, wvi a toncue on each o hold them tocether while wtndinc v.th the strip of wax cloth or cotton a:;- The par's mu-t be held frm- ". Tocether while "sindinc toce'her ' t.rfi they unite If the stock be one- ' half inch or over we split it and m-ert tie cion shaved wdce-shaped ! an- wax ana paper as ce-cr.o.3 be- '-.-;. t-t- rrt ?.. r 2 rr TW-r: 5 e-.en a bung.mc :oo ma do -.l if -he former condi ions ar .umisheo - tr.u- on" tcinc is really es3naa. here I . . . v. - ( lich ,.ie .nn-. ut. b. u. t.u cau i stee.-: sna.i meet at least at some ic:nt If strinc is used on the craft it sho'c be cut when it begins to girdle 'he stock. When I observe by almost every carden in the northwest a patch of worthless wild plums. I think how urns. I think how some cf them into J easy to transfo -V- -,-- -a-i; V.T- r. . --- - w.A ' i. ut. . lau-uT; t,. iuu .laii.t- cu CT-t;r- -a)v-nnA ;m .o a ! scmc expert or novice to do this work at the openinc of spring. First graft the s'one plums, commence as soon as the severe cold weather has passed cr about the time frost leaves the crc-und. tien the crabs, arc l2st of ipp.es. it. 4.22 -i c-:'c- r to becin To test seeds put a given number, i say 23. BJ or !'. on blotting paper ! laid on a Sat dish. Cover with a cloth, keep moist and at a tempera-, ture of v to 7 degrees. A number of i samp.es can be tested by laying off :e blotter in squares and writinc the name, source and other facts about the sample cry. on :e paper iiie it is NEXT SUMMERS FLOWERS. 4 .e Prepare for the summer Sowers by ' 5etefr. & . -,-, 1 n"ses arouao iue o;.u. ii.c ae.- ' m "R:n or ctner cau-e it will ; . . . --...ii- . .. . . ., ,, I ae American outsice our Killed r.' :C . I; ; ea6rai-' Va0 horse lo-.ers of tie turf, does not treat -:s; -r y cons o. tne .ame .ainil. uch . an: r.,ra..y of the same sp.e . Qf thfi de.ea r. v- ur'-ssml-v crafted. Tnu- V Th papr covering helps to heep wi.n , ,;-c ,T :- -,- .-: -h a:r from any cracks that may j ' 0j cje"ias. the"hubs and m -n th waxirc ico mucn srrease -pird:s of n yor vehicles. Do not ... ftui u. oesv ili; ii-u "" hsVr -, -lco-;n- ijke untac: rra failure Wrh al! the other conditions richt. t is i v-rn2- Ksecuring some reliable catalocs. select ' the varieties most desired and order I I do not call to mind a more con the seeds early. Make a plan of the I venient tool than a combined drill grounds you are going to use and ' and wheel hoe. Mms has paid for ruark off the bees on paper. Some I :t cay have the Sower beds cov- J ered with well-decayed manure. This enables it to leach into the soil, and it is also there when in the rush of I spring work it might be forgotten. As ! early as possible space the soil deep- j ly. fine it Sown ready for planting. ' but do not jut the seeds in the ground J uiui tne :ii is warm, siow nmrur- ine Tmrieties had better be strted in I he house. j iCMAS' GARMEN r'r72z? 5r M.JUVH4GG POULTRY -STEPMOTHERS."' "e used to think thar we could , ..-.. . . . . - ' -' ''- '-js -er Tvtn i aicntro teem uncer rood old motcer- j ly hens than when we put them uncer I the hen turkey. Now the Maine Far- znr comes out with the opinion of a j poukry expert -a ho sav better and ,.?er c!ucke C3n i by let- I li2? :he Iury he 2Ich the, cut CZTe for tijeni. Perhaps both ere right, for we think the old tur key often gives the young ones too ' & trav-:. and perhaps the hen coes not g:v- the chickens enougn n when they are forced to cet their liv- t m on an open range. t:on and brtdin have Domestica educed the propensity Kt the ab.lity of j . hen for travel and catchinc insects especially if -he and her parents were reared in limittd ards. while the tur key is many generatns nearly ihe wild conditions and likes to roam over many acres cr. in fact, will rot endure connnement at all. cnlv for a shcrt . :-e '!e '-teninc. and then not in j Qers. U thus may be that chickens with the turl-ey would range farther and fcrage more than with the "" -"-i. -u-c r-i-.'.- 1 - i Vi nr nMr n - . - . 3 But we still adhere to cur eld osition 'at ?'OT chickens tK-ter and fas-er in varc that are kent under .,,. .. , . .... -.- .K., ,. v. i;i i;ro u aiiOAec io run at itirz? with either key hen. or the tur- mot None but horse levers, who are usu- a.;y tccroan stucents o: tne norse. lully apprec:a--: how muh the hore appreciates k.ndness. Care and hu- n-ane treatment have as much mnu- enc in dev?kpin the traits and dis- ... - . position of a hore as lovinz care and kindness have in developing the char acter and disposition of a child. The Arab makes hi horse his companion. j . a a i a . V. j f-i - i"wiKn kl v- the most docile and intelligent of all WASHED-OFF LAND. Her? is ore cf the hardest ques ron we have rad to answer in years. -Incian-an" writes- "I have lately bocaat fiftv acres of land, and at one c rt-r is 'a four-acre x'.at that is washed baclv. In maav places the co.l is all cone and the whole of the four acres is full of cullies I do r.ot cre much about the expense so that I cet the land leveled again 2nd iovcz. in crass." We shonld plow the land a deeply as possible crainc it down until the washes were all filled up. Then we would disk and cro-s disk it. and apply 4"'f' pounds per acre 13 per cent dissolved bone, dragging it in well with spike drac. In May jrtant it to crwpeas in drills thirty inches apart. twelve to if teen peas to the icot. If the land is very thin you might use I'm. pounds muriate of potash and s-venty-nve pounds dried blood per 3cre broadcast before planting the pes s Cultivate the pas. keeping all w-eds down, and :n September cut them in with d:sk harrow sowmc one bushel cf rye per acre. Sow one gal lon of timothy seed per acre in the fall and the same amonnt of red clever seed in March, and we think G -HI be pleased with the result. t red sheep. Make tnem shine. The next ime yon do it crease with the best crality of encine cylinder oil and vo"1i r.ever use castor oi! or nthr gns" acain Oil Hch'Iy and you yrni not be bothered -ith gummed or rreasv hubs. i POULTRY POINTERS. ; r.crs which have been cracked may r-e set 11 a p:ece oi tissue paper is pastec over tee cracH. : Roosters cf all breed houic be separated from the hns when they i molt. ! take; them ioncer than hen-. I It has been leund that fo'sls which rest in warm houses molt sooner Tr2n those roo.-ting in the open air. - i - . - t chickens for fancy prices is when they , are abo- three or four ;0. oId. Phaa-ts ar hinc lar--'v -5 -u-a.a-i- c - o-jx.- iai- ... .iet. j or pleasure, anc it i predicted tnat i they socn will te raised by ever roiil - vard in the country. tounc tens snouic no tte set after , V they want to set the second time they will make cood mothers. A corresponcent asss me wnat is j .V Vm-. w''- rn. e- r,-,. -- V- : , - I iuv u-. iJ.w lv --;i vu. .cijj r. . ier My own way is to set tnem :n tne fall, but sprinc is a berer season on oil !:t".y to heave with frost. s-- he plants a very little d-eper than ney grow i me nur?ery row. a- fore settirc ont I cut all the top; off except about four inches, as I do not wish more than two or three zrzds to crow from the c'.d cane. ORCHARD NOTES. Be careful or it will he too late to graft the cherry. The branches of the peach tree ought to be thinned cut to let in the sun. Plow the orchard shallow, not deep er than four inches. If the orchard is to be plowed. spring is the best time, fhe more that can be added to the soil and the les removed, excer.r as fmif t iir. - s ter. - T , ,, itself several time- ov.r. It dril! ai' kinds of seeds from the fines a.1 to coarsest and can be used as a culti- vator with but little change. By the aid cf a tool of this kind one can crow garden stuff in rows rather than in beds. Whatever diet the fowls receive Keep teem dry. roever sav a fiock full of song and eggs on a wet, stickv floor? iT GUESS WCRK IN PRUIT GROWING. I presume I have guessed at a sreat ... cai m the past, and i calculate to ?Uess at some thins:? in the fntnrt hr.t I think it will harclv b nece--ry for Cie to miss as much in the iuture a in the past. I lost bi money when 1 nrst becan to grow fra't. I have n'ne acres planted to fruit u-- - now The tirst mistake I made t trees two feet dp. 1 two feet 6p now. tr . in setting s the holes ill la fr-is 12 to 2 5 inches with ad roil I have best access to si - at the depth they grew in nrs . Rich. loamy land does not r. alrc as dee? a hole as a stiff c!av land, bat -"-. i- lt: uk irtrei nM 3 is best for - ue- .- --I in stir clay, u is mnch harCer to blow over. When huntlnc lor an orchard s.te. have an eye sin gle to the above advantage if no otcer. mmk aso of d: unace. arti ficial or natural. Head the trees low and begin it the first year. The roots -. e m;uc:. cesices u is more convenient to gather the fruit trom a .-. v, -i j-js ... . . iu iree. ucicoer is we time to ta.-e uu. uu.t.5. i.w,nt uaityou can stand o and tell when a borer is there. Go i ,gnt co wn on our knees and hunt for -:cj - or a gold dollar. scra- Ine c:r z7 2nd go in after mm with a sham 1-nife. Rnn'i w n-.. M;t it vni'- tn '.-i , n,-i, ,.., . - -v ck j4..j c. i. "aon'1 h"rt -roa C C. M. It is best to fence tie garden with Ia!tr.v cettxnr. for the chickens will fO"-T - - - nf !. !. ' r-. --. v. .: .-.acuio. -C.tching cut the pas as soon as P121 an- ickinn off the ycung rndiihe-. lettuce and onions as fast as liie Pee? above the ground. If it is a south or east slope, with Iizht. is arm so.l. ii will be an easy job to "-' 5l9sA - giow early rt-dishes. If the soil is years o!q. was feeding some credy 1 eavy. a coat of well-rotted manure hens in the back yard one day at spread en alter plowing and harrowed noon. She was railed to dinner and. in wl! be of great beneft. Never use on tak'ng her chair at the table, ex coarse, strawy manure on a warden, claimed: Uh. m2mma. I'm as hursr It ill bum the tender plants and as a chicken with a hundred tongues ' bcther in cultivation all summer. i ' Ccrr.rrer.ts or. the Wldcat. FARN? NOTES. ' A wildcar was caucht in a T-a in ' Rosshire. iotlard. r-cenly and is "The first principle of successful to be carefully stuffi and rr-servl farminc is ?o enrich the scil." . The Wesm:nstr Gazette .-ais a v. ' .- Don't put a poor fence post pfrrranent fence. Keep a wa-ch on the March in r.eej a a en on tee ..iarcn wiq.-s za- ara - cre a windbreak ol enrreens siorld be planted, Y-- kP P-? manure as wll as ccw manure away from potatoes 01 the strawberry patch, but it his . always proved a coed thing on ihs Cfcbhace patch for me. Some farmers sow clover seed twice, half rly and half late, to in sure a stand: but it is a question whether it is not wiser to sow it al very early. In this way the write: ' ras not failed of a good stand ir tv.eniy-or,e years. More gullies on the steep place? ' this spring than usual. Begin at th- ' lower end and pile full of brush I evercreen is best, with tops up h.Ii A few stones scattered along heli held it untii the soil nils in solid. Careful watching will probablj show that the snow melts on lant that is thorouchly drained a week o: ten days earlier than en the adjoininc land of the same character that is noi diained. How much is tnat week or ten cays at the becinnire ni 111 rayr -V..C season worth to the thrifty, al ready, go-ahead farmer? If the land as not plowed last fall. p,ow as socn as dry enouch in pnnc. i harrow at once, and do it thorourhlv r.,. .;i -, ,T ,-. i . ,, v. ... ti. .-.. 10 u.:- au .ellO. six or eight nines over it will not he, tec many, ihe object is to get at least two inches cf ine mellow soil on top. and below that have it compact and firm. It will thn be in the best shape to hold moisture in spite of sun euu i;7. ias. .nsi. 'HE FEEDING OF CATTLE. Canadian exr-riments :r. -he fater. .- cf 5ieer- 2re reccrd. At th- 3randcn station the stee: ?rs w7c fed fcr 11 cay. -:lace and cioppe-3 crair ve:nc ci--en in acdrion to tb- iraw Diir.nc the lat 55 days flaxseed wa. also fed. The;, w ere purchased at f certs and sold for 4 S5 cent; pei pound. The average daily cain pe: head cf lot 1. fed on wheat straw -r-sj beinc i2.,n and S19.. respectivelv - oa; ; -, vl - v , - ;,- bntme crass nay. when fed ir ,rf acditicn to silage and meal, were com pared with ive lots cf steers at :h Indian Head station. The lets fed or r-,T r--t-o f- -,i-r,c' ,- those fed on hay two animals each In four months the gain per st-r cr the different rations was 12 2z. 152 5 15T.5 ind 1S' pounds resp-c -.". iveiy. m every cae tne cost oi a rpj-J n Jln W3-S Cent Any one desirinc to drain hi; Izz' can obtain a ramohlet containinc :n formation on the subje-. by applyinr to the Department of Acr:cultire Washincton Ke should ask fcr Far mer' Bulletin. No. 4". en "Farm Dramac Thee bnllet-ns are rti: msned free of charge. SOWING CLOVER FOR KAY ANC PASTURE. Wherever clover can he grown cessfully, it ought to form a re: rUC feature cf the rotation. Prairie soils . . a.e -ell acap.ed u) -row.n com. that I hid a tura-r on th-orb I did not everybody knows. Because tney are w&at to -stent to an npa.n. -. t- v . immense Quantities relativelv of corn foradsi-e. I rsceir-t ui- letter a-i hd s.s are crown. The censeouence is that w ?1&xm7 s""3?I.l,aai P'r ,. , , jcr-l. il arU)T -a-? H turn-r has ii.-ap- m such area too little clover is crown rxzrii, sjid I &m o"- more a well woma-. to balanc0 the ration where com o so Ib-heTe Lyciia E. Pinkr.irr; j yv-.-cai- tn. a- crt a- extent abounds We- T0 '- i reds.-i-in tse wo-li fr -, . , .."- -omen-clover can oe grown successfully as xhe testimonial which we are con everyrody kuc-s. it furnisnes most stantlypnb.ishinsrfroraBTatefnl women exceIIenT pasture. Particularly is this establish beyond a doubt the power of tne oi the medium red variety, which Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Corn crows more persistently thrc ugh the Pc:id '-0 conquer fema.e disea-ies. season than any ether kind ri cJovr Women suflerinir from any form of which we have. On but few farms in the Northwest is there as 1 -e a pro- poruon o: u.u . . -, .- ougnt to oe- The feed makes the egg. Ground otts and com. equal parts, their i .. ; ... u. - .5 . .!-. weight of bran, and the mass moist. ened with skimrrilk. makes a solid iet for the production of eces of iich quality. j Clwic rTfctlv RrnSf w..- r.-.. - The Duke of Devonshire pcsse-ses as an heirloom. Claude Lorraine's "Book of Train." which is said to be one o: ice rarest and most -utiaale volumes in Europe. It is x six mes as much as the "J!x m ble. the most costly book th. the drith Museum cnn boast. The former :ke refused an ofTer of C109.000 for English Narr.es. In a list of candidates who we ?r recently admitted to the bar in E-5- land there were men whose pa-en: had given them such "Christian names as the-e: Elidyr. Amienl. Lav mishanker. Benaiah. Samson and Ar .i .a - :i . i c vuimeues. r-vicei:y inej cae no P. C. C. in England, cr if ihr-3 is one there it can't be verv watchful. Men That Succeed. The men whom I have sen succeed best in life have always been cheer ful and hopeful rnn. who w?nt about tneir ousmess with a smile on tneir ieir faces, and took the changes and chances of this mortal life like men facing rough and smooth alike as it came. Charles Kincsley. Svcrs i. Jscsn. Althouch wearirc swords has most entirely cea-ei for twenty vears in Japan, the old esteem and r-ve-- ence for the weapon and its ue stT. exist anions the gentlemen of he country, and many of the ncbli'y have at their houses regular estab lishments for fencinc. Ttimueie a Lu;fcv Stane. ' -i ( The Orientals have a proverb. "That ' a turquoise given by a loving hand carries with it hapriness and sood fortune": and another. "That the tur- quol5e whfln the ell-bein- of th river i in dauc-r" Who :nen ouId ,. be pesse, of a :-cky Inrmio,fl? t-wii,-,-, i :... c..,. -r-: i .c hmhs. Y7hat make; the merchant's bui- ' ness hum what maks h:s clrk per- spire? Is it due to d u dmmmers blan - r s. k, y ire. Can 1. be or to messages b; J - -.m . . uae o ane cipiays or 10 my worn- ort fads? No; the business boom is mostly due 10 his large, attractive ads. Frightful Cacaiity Me I'M'is t:ior Msrini a-h.-i 'nil- cat is "beautifully remarkei an: adds that "it is mix dangerous f..! game cr man than the fox . !-.;. . ceres sra cJu- ujio D'-'ck z .Vatjral Stjricsn. A hnn'er who !ie? at Ku-trin O: manv. shot and wounded a wild i .- When he cama stih? it afer a nc search, he found that it had T ri t stay the now of blood under the -R'n-uy sturhng in a number of g'ss blades. Tr. I3Tjd Knnlr-. 1 avnritc Tl-Tr.'ty rrro !st-o2 b-.st - l.--Ai:r-. r' a. r-i Sermon cr Clean' r.ess. Once a year the archbih. t? i Tua-r. preaches a se'-mon on tealrh ani cleanliness. The natioral N.a-i o the Catholic Truth socipy of Ir-Iint has issued a sanitary sermen as a pamphlet which sells at a penn World's Silver Supply. Mexico and the United Stat-? to-ce-her fnrnish about T2 p-r Cent o." the silver output of Th world. Bri' ish Ind'a. Strait Sttl-mn"5 ani China take nearly two-thirds of the to:ai ia a ?God -'er- Eefiano- Starch is put up H ounc-s ... a. .....- .- -ejv.- -iat-iBiW ffii); March for thr -ame money. Everv great man is always belnz helped by eve-ybedy. lor his gtf is to ge gcd o-z: of ail things and a. persons Ruskm ALL SICK WOMEN SK3ULD SEiS URS. FCX'S LETTE3 I In All ?&rt of the CmW S-:etes Lydia E. ?:i-B'; Ve?-ta-.- Uompoonc Many wonderful eurs of female ills are cuat.nua .y co?Inc to .igh: wr -h have Wen lro-"nt Vtout ',v Lydi E Pintcnams Vegetable Comtounc and through the advV- o Mrs Pinkham, of Lynn Jf as. w h 's .r vra to a.ck women aw.avv free : .r.arire Mrs P:n.ham ias f- r many y-ars made a stadv of the i!.- of her''' she has consulted ith and advised tcouancs oi scnennc" w-nien. who to-day owe. not only their health but even life to her helpful advice. Mrs Fannie D. Fox. of T Chestnut Street. Bracforc. Pa., writes I s-fferi .-r a P-nc rirr: with w--ib .T J r . . VT- - JI .2 . . - 1 J 1 f216 weaknes;-. are invtej to promntiv commentate with Mrs Pinkham. at Lynn .Mass. ae asks othi2jr 5- return or her ad vire. It is absolutely free, and to thousands of women has proved to be son; precious than gold. -------------------- itRliiil. ill PUTNAM -?Jg.!r?.Cc.tta-.T """ w - w-awfa., at -teic-m. Wn Og-Mrs Fannie D. Fox & . J 4 J " - iJ - f y MISS FLORENCE PSjSpe'.jgW -c TT3C2093t'BKaeVly ML-s Florence E. Kenah 43 Maria street, OiUiWa. Ont.. wnic: '.4 few montns .o caugbt a ievers cold, which settled on my lungs an4 re mained there so o rsnttntlv that I became alanstd. I took medicine without benefit, until my digestive organs became upset, and my head and bask.bsgaM rj ache severely sad fr.qu ntly. ! wis advised to try Peruna, and although I had little f&ith I fe!: s sick thmt i was reaay to trv anything. It trougn: me oussea reitez at once, ana t ten? that I had the ri-ht medi ine at last. Within three weeks I was compietmfy restored and have snjoy d perfect health since. now have the greatest faith ia Pervna." Florence E. KecaM. The old tvini 0E SHOULD BEAS Or COVTRlCriV, Ci'iRF.H. a-ii rain, sloh a id mu I of win ter are especially conducive t ca- tarr'nai derangement Few Wiiaea iscape. I Ia the fci msptotas cf tntchine WIt;ruaa'n "ita'Ken. ItforuSe, -"."-mu Pe-ru-na for Colas and Catarrh. ,- t-..t, t,-..- : -. j. ..i. 1.13 cAicr;cjtc i.u - eruna. Mis Rose Oerbinr a pipuiar oeiety of'io IV.nt. Ina u-rit.: " nead;. 1 l-- a ionvr drive in the ;OUntry. an i U c- t.. tain'.v ela.i I ;nu-ht a bad o.Id wnx-h settled on mv lune. and which I could not wn t" skake oif. I had h-ani a reat deal of I'eruna for co!d a-, i entarrh ani I bought a ittIeto trv I am pleaxti iii.ii j tiii. i'jr .. itiu.m; l-eIV re. el . .. .- - OHiy too.-I aiUt o bottle, and I jonider t'.. m-nev --.. pent. "You have a nrn fr.en-t in me and I lot on.-; to mv fnends There are Many Imitations oj Baker's r.rul. Baker's Chocolate Don't be Cocoa" or L'ria-i iriic- Am? u : o Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker 8 Co. Ltd. Es'zsls'-cd 1730 Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America 1 ENTRANCING ..Tone Quality.. - - -. THE SOUNDING BOARD SCJiMOLLLH a MUELLER. 1313 ruiMM r.. M!I!. will b r.t fr-. po.trt.'t. c;jD rjnet. XTa. i k. - r. y ii ' pica tronu:itrlnfaulli- l.rl j i. lllp j reeJjooK J ?.t -. " - -ii. ws tr . ; i -! - -tlo3 rijut. j-- ' -- - 'Vflti -y4 prU'.V- -.l.-eV. t The L C. McLain Crlhcpedic Saitanum, Hlr UNITED STATES SOUTHERN COMDITIOMS 110 importin tr Csnad ian wh eat !s now a Tact. 0?T ? : tire J- - 1 Ute;j;r:f 1 3 iTfU' SPIXAL CURVATURE Car. be Cre4 ALS3 eCITIC. A'rit-o -a -a it'?efo--i-I-3- H isr :ecu - rrrc r .C.tHr37. iW,JIlnti C ,- ..J . .tj-3rri:i.Tcicr robric$cr p-iairees - .'eaititi'rt. ? iir in tv- . 'I Be t9aaitt Siistv-. - -". r-v real -aua-Ten sl OHAiU. i. c - i;;; r-x. ; - .',r I. - t lre b c x . i-zz..-? , pa: t- .., ,w.. . ilT .... .-w. . -o. j ?r.r j j rrjrt?ii.: . ur---. a - M-W-VPPaPPJPaPK3PH-MM y'" A" PL-AJA CLEAR. HEALTri SKI.t 3 !."1C t C IK! i P" Etie 5 cLic- fcgjh p -rjTie. Tnen Heais. . !'"71 - s c. Ix-- a -: - --- " - - - -. I V- C J rtC; -5" - - ' - C-; J T - . T ffi-iJii-J !) SI.OC Per Sortie. 3ii--r J2Xi30Cin. JL.'c jocr c-i.;t: or K - c i 5A53H03I 32UG CO. T Sstrei. Irs 1 T-E r-" J 5P I Tfv; I J""-" Ii !, B 7-p-i w- FADELESS DYES . lrfre fcUet-H--te Dn. ateac-ax -Ui C-7-Wjwt?tfTrTJ---jyi-?.'!!M This Pretty- Girl Saved From: Catarrh of the Lungs By Pe-ru-na. KENAH. but have purchased se.veral bottles to irive to tho-e xvithout t."e mean-, to buy, and have noticed Without efceptioa that it ha brought abci a. peeiTcure wherever it has been ued. Rose Gerbmc- Pe-ru-na Contains Pio Narcotics. One reason why Pemna ha found permanent u.- in y) many home i that it contains, no narcotic of any kind. I'eruna is perfectly harmle-ss. It an be aed any length of taie v-.thjut ac juirinir a dru- habit. I 'eruna dtv not province temporary results. It is perma nent in its eiTeet. It has no bad eflect upon the system, and srraduully eliminates catarrh. by re moving the tue of catarrh. Thrm are a multitude of homes where I'eruna has been usei of and in for twenty years. s-uch a thrn etmld not be po.ble if I'eruna contained any drug's of a nar cotic nature. Address Dr. Ilartnian. President of The ilartman sanitarium, Columbus, Oh'o. All correspondence held strictly con ndentiaL r i Cocoa misled b them! Our trade-mark is on every ackage of genuine goods. Under the decisions oi several United States Courts, no ther chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker & Cos is en titled to be sold as "Baker's "Baker's Chocolate" on OEFOBMiTIES A'D PARALYSIS T" t U c b.2lri pii iia;rrT Cs- lUee - . lrfom.-.l Uiana JouitKtr. " T 7Art iz t 1 ir ;: of rwoLr.1 trKi, POSSIBILITIES. i. a tt .icr a- j s: M ippj --I z. Va... ii t3 -r-c-i r.-i .a-ii- tT- awr taia u.i8.ij :a r.. Hi3r-i- ol .Jatr: x;& '.71 ia?v. -!:; Da7 L-wrers. Skilled Workaes, aai Es?ci.'r Fam Te-ints. - . ljr -- 2. z i.-. u? fao- .r- a rx-ti. can to Hi J f. -i -r ti- v- -. -7 .-- dj. T.-CDT2.-3TY - -& ' .si. r - i1 Ji'-r ;r.ra- r j- ".r - r-- Jj: ;r - - . !. , si :.. M. M JOHNSflH Box O. T.. Cla f-...-. m .. pl N-. FARMS For 8, ss,.: niiiiiv i. rcxua, - cst-fCS, W. N. U. Omaha. No. 11 f5 fr-3r?tfVW ;:JlL .. S i t - Tf 1 .n u 'I :S .? 'i !-! -. i ' -I Ai V.' -l f