The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 15, 1905, Image 5

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HIeD 0M vJr
WBKInll '
ji3' r$f
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.si vh.
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Seme- rrloss that wiii Appeal to Careful Buyers
: i -r ;,srs2Tf . 03-
- r- F aX--fcCT- . jc
' f;"tar;-: . per jz i-V
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.- v--aj. jr i.-.r-pir 23c
.-- .z-?za. rr cal 2,
-.. ,tt: Tote-it, prsaa ib .
Mz: I r;--rr.p. none
ra.ui. i
' - 7 -y
K & e e
"irSksl'S in Three Minutes. tt$SS3E?
Small Size 82.00
Poland China
A! Public
The undersigned
Sale at Brannigan's
Nebraska, on
JXLzurcln- 1, 1905,
at 1 o'clock p.m.,
50 Head Choice Poland China
Bred Sows j
In this offering: we present to our pat-
rons the best lot of sows, individually and
in breeding that we have ever offered. They
are the bigi mellow, easy ieeding kind the
sows thai farrow large litters and raise
them. t
Come and buy a grand good sow at
your own price.
Remember the date March 1, 1905
there will be no postponment. t
Cedar bank Stockfarm Co., Fullerton, Nebr.
H. G. McG-ath, Clarks. Nebr.
Tred Wille. Columbus. Nebr. t
I Home Restaurant
. tr
: Rersenbrock & Burke :
1 1 I I I I 1 1 i I i 1 1 1 ! I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I II
I The P. D.
Yar-Is v I.h Saee, esr B vrc M
I n 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Look For the "Goffce Bird"
On Every Package of...
Xone genuine without this trade
mark. ihe rate our trade is increasing is
eenuine Droof that the GERMAX
AMARICAX COFFEE is the great
est value for the least price of any
coffee ever sold anywhere. Step in
and be served with a cup any time
you are in reach 6f our store.
One Ponnd Coas:tan --arhiie pacfcare
7r oonLd 15c
Usrr -Tcnibala" bine packacr
- - - -I a Brand"
oar. j
r-d reeks:
Or.oir Iloi.-u Oars. 'Done t-
-qnai this 2-lb. pk 10c
Oriole Beck" hat. N Y. State
prodnct 10 lbs .. ioe
Monarch SImc ilea:, the acaie
cf perlrtio' per pkz ... 0c
Hontr Perfect Baking Powder
. 1 !d. can 2uc
Oriol. P.arms. 16 crown 1-!
pk 124
ilonsrcb Pastry Fionr, nrver
t;nalld ;-r larre pkg . 2oc
iltj Flc-er Salmon, cqual to
2 45
m b V 4 H tJvHfl
r - -
Larse Size 2.50
Bred Sows!
will offer at Public t
Sale Barn, Columbus,
7 ft
x. x i jJ!L.
and Meat Market ;
Homemade Sausage
I II 1 1 1 II I II I 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 II
Both Phones
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i
TkmxBimx's Daily JmrmmL
1 Alvin E. PooL Tiolicist. Tbocfc 65.
Georze Zisnecker is coafinedto ids j
home with illn
Dr. L. C Toes. Homeopathic pbysi-
eiaz:. Colcmbus. Neb.
L. Cohen went to Omaha yesterday Colcmbns Tisitor veterdav. I Lincoln.
I on bnsiness and expects to remain on- J j Aacie HcasIaad "is Tisiting 1CJ" JUccabees care a ten cent
til Monday. jj Etael ier-in 0j silver Creek. social last erenins in their hall when
P.eadthe ad of the Cedar Valley j c EchQls aQd faak a goodly acmber ofHacabees and their
Stock farm if yon want some jrood q Jesterdsv on biness. frieads were Pe. Aside from re
brood scu-5. . j freshmect. card eames were played
WANTED To bcr a male 5 Eer-
ard pap. Adreee Svdnev Eastman.
pap. Adrese Sydney Eastman,
Creston, Xebr. tf
j Miss Minnie Maebarger of Oconee
' was the gnests of tae George Winslow
family yetsercay.
Lee Jenkins went to Loup City this
, meming to visit his coiins Mesr
Carle and Bsrt McKinnie.
A. Dcssell retnmec home Tnesday
evening from an extended visit to rel
ative in several different lews cities
Tne Joinal failed to record cntil
' now the birth of a son Jantmry 31 at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
j Miss Alberta Dnnning of Boone, is
in the city for a few days the gnest cf
Mis Nevilis. on ner -Tiy to Kansas
JJity where she expects to remain dcr-
f mg the snmmer.
John Switzer and Herman Ernes:
I both residing near Dnncan had new
arrivals at their homes Tnesday, at
the Swizer place a
and at the
j Eamst home a sea.
3CY YOCH COAL of Weaver ana
Newman. They keep the largest assort
ment. Weaver and Newman carry
fifteen different kinds of coal and not
one poor kind among them. tf
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Rankin of Shen
andoah. Iowa, who nave been visiting
relatives here two weeks, left for
their home this morning. Mr. Rankin
' is a sister of Mrs. Thos. Dack.
1 Shonid yon have the misfortrne to
break yonr false teeth Dr. Paul can
J repair them for yon as good as aew
I in a Tery short time. Ton need not
go withoct them for even one meaL
I Frank Flares residing scnth west of
I Colnmbns, who lost his home bv fire
Tnesday afternoon, carried an insur
ance of t250 on his residence and 513"1
on the fnrnitner. being insured in the
State Farmers Mama! company. The
are is snpposed to have started frm
I a defective fae.
Ia district court R. W. Saley sues
Oscar T. aad Clara M.Stoweli and the
I Nebraska Central Building & Lean
f Ca and Anchor Realitv Security Co.
; on a note fcr ?-"2.TT, given in li03 to
W. M. Scott and by him sold to Saley.
The note is secured by a mortgage oa
r lots ia Coiambas.
The Young People's Card ciab was
etertaiaed last eveaing bv Misses
. Martna and Alfreda Post. The prizes,
' a box of fancy stationery and a silver
I ash tr3v, were won t y Mrs. Llnyd
Swain and Julius Nichols. A two-
course.luncheon was served anc the
evening was most pleasantly passed.
I Reeder ha received word that her
brotner. Elmer Smith who i civil en
gineer for the U.S. government and lo
cated at Colon, Panama, lei: that
place Monday for six w-ek vacation.
He will first go to New Orleans, then
to Saa Diego aad from there will come
direct to Coiambas. He will remain
here but a few cay.
The Twenty-fifth annual state Y.M.
1 C. A. convention will be held in
i Grand Island February K. ro 19. when
each denomination is invited to send
j a delegate. Those who have expressed
an intention of attending from Co
lumbus are H. Eockenberger. E. ven
Berjcen. and Ernest DasselL Mr.
Dusseli will co for the purpose of vis
itinc an aacie, W. M. Parsoa of
Minneapolis, who will be one cf the
prominent speakers en the program-
Our sister town of Schuyler is
traveling at a fast pace. A correspon
dent of the World-Herald sums it -zzi as
follows; Last Friday oae of the lead
ing basiaess xnea left town on account
of a yoaag woman's threats to briae
proceediags agaiast him. Last Satur
dav aa ex-representative of tne coanty
weat awav, bat di'i not aeglct to
take another man's wife witn him.
Sunday one of the leading ministers
of the city was hauled over the ccais
by his noes for making love to a
yoang woaian behind closed doors.
Moaday a prominent young woman cf
the city tu saved after heroic strug
gles of ooctor from passing into enter -aity
on account of being disappointed
in love. Tnesday, Caring tae progress
of the trial cf the case of the state
agaiast Joha C. Sprecher. editor of
the Free Lance, fcr crimiaal libel. one
of the jurors in the case hanged him
self. David Citv Press.
A little feud between the Siickley
boys and Herry Sorter aac orae o
his etsniovses has been the canse c
j several arrests enriar the past tec
cays. It teems that while ont hnat-
ins Dell Xeeley. who works fcr ?or
j ter shot a dog belocgfnz to the Stick
ley. They iad the boy arreited and
Henry Porter, his emplcyer.fcmishec
, bail for his release. A week sso lst
Sit-rday night Jay Stickler cars1 tc
town and together with Joha Boberts
' called Porter oat late in the ereriag
i and started in to set satisfaction by
1 slagging him. On ilonday Porter
I swore oost a warrant fcr the arrest.
They bad a trial before Jocge Gooch,
and they were rlnec $5 and costs
aacantiag to tlO.-io each. Bo&erts
paid his ane and was dischargee bat
Stickler declared bis intention of
boarding cat his fine. On Sararcay
evening howerer his mother came in
and paid his asseaBaaeat and he was
given liberty. The flame evening
Oliver Stickky got boistezons and was
going to thrash Chief of Police Warn
ing, xae latter xaning to qaies aim
with reason, arrested aim. He had i
bis trial on Ilonday and was aaec tlo
and costs. Befaiing to pay the ane
he was placed in jail where he says
he will beard it oat. Albion 2ews.
Cud 4
We siacerely sbank the Catholic
Order of Forreaten aad others who so
kindlT assisted -m mX tae last xllaeas
ani? faarial of oar bekrred awther.
The Hocaa Faauiy.
Friday's Daily JamzsaL
Dr. Paid, decust.
Pro! Sike.te&ciier zinsic Barber bld.
F. H. Abbott ia a risitor in Lincoln
TestsrdaT and toaar.
W. E. Xarior of Ftdlertcs
was a
L r-
b .. ,
t?. v. xem oi uentrai (Jity is
visitirg hj ducghter, Mrs. J. E.
L. Whitehead, traveling passenger
agent of the E.&M. was in Colnmbns
Misss Lnella Mathews and Carrie
Mnrlar went to Sellwcod today to
visit frieals.
Miss Esther Ross;.r ."nt to Omaha
today to begin work in an insurance
o5ce in that city
Otto Higel has gone to Sonth Da
kota to look after his homestead in
the Rosebnd agency.
J. E. Peterson retcmed Wednesday
from Axtei where he went to visit his
father, who accompanied him home.
Cap:. Hardy of Lincoln is in the
m-T- or, v.,-- .
T -i T-r- -,, . . " . .
-.- JA il Vtl IlUUir iUU I
i-cifca. se -K-iii leave m tne morning.
Big dispersion sale of -Daroc Jersev
and Poland China hogs and Red
Polled cattle, C. G. Johnson, Oscecla.
Read his ad in this paper
L D. Clark of Papillion, coasia of
H. A. Clark of this city, was ia town
yesterday. Mr. Clark is a baaker aad
is also interested in the local telephone
company of his town.
Misses Cot3 Graves and Anna Gass
entertained the High Fi-re clnb last
evening at the home of Miss Graves.
Miss Grace Woos and Homer Tiffany
were the "svinners of prizes.
WANTED TOUXG MAN from Platte j
county to prepare for desirable position ;
-, - -v,---. - , - -
,,. ,-w .
opp-Drtncity. .caress Box One. Cecar
p" -- t ., ,
il' " "p
This is the time of Tear for farmers
to buy brood sows. Doa't fail to be
ia Columbus March 1st to attead the
bie sale of Messrs. Miller, MGath and
.Fred Wille which is advertised ia full
ia this paper. Read carefally their
splendid offers of pure bzed sows.
Severul business men
asked that a meeting of ;
of Lincoln
he commer
cial ciub be called f
ce partjose ot
ccasicering the bill to regulate cor
porations, now before the Nebraska
legislature In response to these re
quests. President Miller called a meet
ing of tne Dasiness men. to be held
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Reeder and Mr
z.zc Mrs. M. J. Gietzen entertained
the Evening card clnb last evening at
the Reeder home. After the seven
o'clcck dinner which was served by
the hostess, cards were the amuse
ment during the evening, for which
prizes were given to Mesdames Evaas
aad Heater aad Messrs Howard aad
HENRY CLINE. Another old sold
ier has passed to his final reward.
3-nry Cime. an aged man who has
resided in this county about twenty
years, died Wednesday at the home of
Louis Saalfeld, eight miles north of
icwn, after
a prolonged illness prin
old age. Funeral services
. cipally fro
were held this afternoon at the Gass'
undertaking rooms, at - o'clock
dependent telephone company at Fre
mont nas sold ail interest in th plant
to Messrs. Conrad Beaver and W. E.
Bell of York. It is suppoed that a
number of independent telephone com
panis in the state are interested in
the purchase, tne plan being to keep
the chain of connection with all the
independent telephone companies in
the state.
Ssrcrday's Daily Journal.
Dr. Taiiier. Osteopath. Barber block
Ed. Hcore retuiaed from Linccla
nenry Christenson of Lindsay was
in the city Saturday oa basiness.
A. M. Church editor of the Lindsay
Opinion is a Columbus visitor tocay.
Jas, Nevels returned last niaht from
a basiaess trip to Framcat aad Lin
' cola.
WANTED. A gocd girl to do gen
' eral hcasework. Mrs. Herman P. E.
, OeaL-ich. wk tf
Dr- Martyn. Evans, Evans .r Martyn.
1 Jr o5ce thre-e doors north of Fned
1 hers store.
j A. J. ilasca has moved his family
f f here this vreek.
ilr. and ilrs. Wrn. Poesch
are par-
eats of a son which arrived a'
home Wednesday.
Joha Pitman and family rstarned
heme last eveaiac after three weeks
visit in YTichita, Earssi-.
ilrs. Edgar Howard aad Miss Flor
eace Kramer Trent to Liacola yetser
day to attend the Janior Prcm.
E.5. Dickiascn retaraed heme today
from Chicago where he has been in
vestigating the gas plant propositioa.
Don't fail to read the ad in this pa
per of GoTeraor ilickey's big short
horn sale to be held in David City
Feb. 16.
The gas plant company are aaload
ing the pipe from the tracks at the U.
P. depot. The boiler was anlcaded
last week.
YOU KEED NOT have all teeth ex
tracted ia order to have new ones.
I The soaad mav remain. Consult Dr.
Saamana, the dentist.
ilrs. F. J. Eeatcn of Omaha return
ed home yesterday after spending part
of the week with her mother, Mrs.
Paul Condon and family-
The preliminary hearing of Dr.
Walker of Lindsay was today post
poned to jlarch 6 by Jugde Batter
tan, on request ot Dr. Walker.
Coadactcr B. U. Baney had his
neck and face badly zrozen Thursday
while shoveling snow sear Garrisoa,
! tryiBg to free the pwaseager tsgine
from the snow drift.
la consty ccort today the prelimin
ary hearing of Carl Schnberr, ca a
charge of violating the game law, V3:
I postponed becas&e the came warden
. was nor able to get to Colombcs. be-
m &- lAtltuu wfcnCAA mCIC iMJ
I and a ethical and literary
j Prof A. C. Gondring. wife
; child of Chicago who have been
) ing tae family of J. M. Gondring, left
Thnrsday en their way to California.
. While they were here their little
' daaghter was csite seriously ill with
catarrhal fever.
Senator Hughes came no from Lii
, coin last night. Most of his collea
gues went to Ames, Iowa by special
, train yesterday to inspect the lew
' State Agricaltnral School at that place.
, Mr. Ecghes was prevented by a se
vare cold from accompanying them.
Inritaticns nave been received to
the wedding of Miss Fannie Merrill,
, cousin of Mrs. W. A. McAllister, and
Dr. Stewart B. MacDirmid, both of
Omaha, at the heme of the bride-'s
. aunt, .airs, samnel weataer&y o:
Stanlehnrst. Miss Merrill has visited
I Colnmbc; frequently and hae many j
inensi ;aere. ne groom is a paysi
I ciaa of Omaha.
( Begiaiag with Friaay February IT,
naioa prayer service will be held each
Friday eveaing at the differeat charch
es as f allows : Baptist. Rev. DeWolf
leader; Coacregataioaal, Rev. Halsey
leader ;Presbyteriaa Rev. Monro.lead
er; Methodist, F.ev. Ulmer leader.
Oa Tbnrscay eveaiass of each week
the regalar prayer services will be
held at the separate charches.
Jadge Post was attoraey for Aagnst
Lockner and T duck, as witness,
have been in David City this week
engaged" in two law slots growing oat
of difficaities arising between Mr.
I Lockner aad one
of his tenants. In
. oae sait ia which Mr. Lo ikaer was
i . , . .. . ...
j asked for $i00 damages for renting
land which it was alleged had already
sn ,-Ta r i .vr.a- ,r-,?r,
;ccgment for $240. The second sait
i was compromised, each party arcee
I ing to pav bis part of the costs.
j The Ft. Pierce. South Dakota Fair
; plav, upca which L.G. Pattersoa, for
1 several years a compositor ia the
' JGaraai office, is employed, contained
, two items of news interestag to his
Columbus acaaiatences . "A bright
' baby boy arrived at the home of Mr.
1 and Mrs. L. G. Patterson on west
Main street last Friday eveniag a.'
o'clock. Any little errors or discrep
ancies in the carren t issue cf The
. Fairpisy m3y be account-d lor by tne
fact th3t "Pat the Printer' is s little
off his feed yet.
type sticker.
He savs it's another
Tne railroads are pretty much tid
up by the snow storm. The B. & M.
passenger was two hours late in get
tins in lat night On the C. P. two
snow plows have been kept busv keep
iur te main line open. The Norfolk
cassenser cams
in only
lo minutes
plow. The
not leave
in front of & snow
i:nc cassenger did
Spaidinz this morning, so no passenger
wen: up this afternoon. The Norfolk
and Spaldinr freishts left Columbus
this morning, but only sot about three
miles and hsd to be hauled back by
the switch engine.
La-t Friday some cf the business
men of the city talked over the idea
of fGrminz a stock company to carry
on the work of holding a Chautauqua
annually at Fuilerton and sc much in
terest ani enthusiasm was manifested
that plans were immediately arranged
whereby a stock company was fcrmed.
stocfi subscribed aad articles cf incor
poratioa drawn ap and tiled. It fell
to the lot of Albert Thompson to cir
caiste a paper sclicitiag stock for tne
same at $!0 CO per share. Saturday
afteraocn, Albert had iSCO 00 of the
stock subscribed, and met wi;h en
coara:rement on every haad. Failer
toa Post.
It would surprise the mest cf cur
readers to take a glance at the boxes
J of the Cedar Rapids posteffice after
the eveaing mail has fceea distributed,
I and see the almost predominance oi
the daiiy press.
years ago when
was onlj & few
the daily cewpaper
wasalasary that caly few literarr
iignts o: tne neignDornooc xacaigec
ia. bat the tide has now changec
rear:y irezj larmer. 01 tae roates
aad c, may aow be seea "with an
Omaha Daily News, cr somethinr
even a trifis mere f xpeasive dcorat
iar the pockets of his overcoat, and
after a hasty persaal. he is ready to
start the blaze in the heating stove
loag before the appearaace of the
meming saa. Cedar Rapids Oatlook.
Monday's Daily Jomrs&l.
Miss Lilhe Ernst is coadaed to her
home from illness.
Urs. J. Rattermaa ander-xeat aa
operation Satarday evening.
iliss Fioreace Eramer went to Grand
Island today for a few days visit.
Miss Nell Harris was a visitor to
Central City today, goiag on basiaess.
Mrs. Baby 3rowne of Norfolk will
come down tcmorrcw for a visit at
Miss Clara Fobes, daaghter of Mr.
aad Mrs E. D. Fobes, is reported ser
iously ilL
Caas Jones of Norfolk formerly of
Coiambas, was in town today on his
wav to TTm.T?t.c City.
Mrs. Will King came ap from
Schuyler Satarday eveaiag to spend
cnd&v m-irh h&r husband.
Sunday with her husband.
F. X. Overturf, who has hs, con
fined to his bed ave weeks from rheu
matism, is reported slightly improved.
Attention is called to the Dig sale
of short hora cattle to be held in
David City, Feb. lfi. See the big ad
in tais paper.
Mrs. Harvey, an aged woman who
resides in the northwest part of the
city, an old resident of the town, is
lying very ill froai pnemxsoaia.
Miss May Stribbliag cane ap froai
( Fremont today where she has ben
visiting her brother She will leave
after a short visit, for Chicago.
The infant child, a son, of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank VanAlstiae is serinasly
ill trim pneumonia. The life of the
little ons seems to be hold by & slender
account of impassable reads the
public sale of J. F. Siezas, which was
to have been held Febmary 14th. 4
miles east of Plane Center, has been
postponed until farther notice.
The infant child cf Mr. aad Mrs.
John Bakenhans living nine miles
north of town, died Scaday. The
child was one month old. The funeral
will be held Taecday or Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Keibler of Fnllerton
were the goests cf Rev. and Mrs.
Millarc over S&nday en their way
home from Omaha, where they had
been attending the hardware conven
tion. Galley's special sale will be eoa
tiaued nntil Satnrday.Febraary IS. It
is money ia yonr pocket to come ia
aad see what we have to offer. Yoa
all know Galley aad the kind of goods
he sells.
If filliags have failed to preserve
year teeth do not think it necessary
to have them extracted. Fillings
properly inserted with modem meth
ods and appliances will save them.
Dr. Paal the dentist uses the latest
and best of everything and guarantees
j The iafaat babe of Mr. aad Mrs.
Will Craan living five miles north of
I town died Saturday evening at i
o'clock. The child had not been
I healthy since its birth January 9. The
little oae was named Norris Lemiey.
Rev. DeWoif held a service at the
home at 12 o'clock today and from
there the remains were broaght to
I Coiambas cemetery fcr burial.
, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder entertained Fri
day evening at six hand euchre ia
, honor of Miss Eva Griner. coasia of J
Mrs. Snyder who is their guest. Messrs
' Chauacy Burk and Tacge Thompson
both of Central City and Miss Griner
of Elkhart. lad jam were the out of ,
town guests. Miss Griffith and Carl
Becsar won prizes for the best play-
ins, and Louis Lightner was given
the booby prize. Refreshmeats were I
served. About thirty yoaag people i.
were present.
Last aight was a record for weather
ia Coiambas, At 7 o'clock this morn
ing the government thermometer reg- '
istered 2i below zero. Yesterday it
was only 0 below, bat the wind from
the north made "z for the difference. "
The highest mark reacaed all day yes-.
terday was I below. Today at f on r
o'clock it was 5 above, aad the weather
maa promises rising temperatare.
There is snow now on the groaad to
a depth cf 14 inches on the level, and
the total fail of snow for the winter
is 2Z inches. Stand np for Nebraska"
Mrs, Jno. v Niemeir, Modiste cf '
Evans viiie, Ind., who is well known
throachout the west fcr her desisniug
and fine work will be at the hotel
Meridian flora l to 12 a. m. and 2 to
6 p. m. en February 2 Ladies
should not miss the opportunity of
seeing this "chic" little artist, who
has been so woaaerfnliy sacces-"ful in
work done by measurements. Mrs.
Niemsir is authority on "Correct
dress fcr women" aad is of special la
terest to all dressmakers, she wll be ,
glad to converse with them on catling
and titling.
Watchman Injared. W. C. Creak, a
yoaag maa from Omaha, workiag for
the U. r company as eight engiae
watchman in the ronnd house, had a
narrow escape from a serioas aecideaf
Saturday evening. He was riding en
the foot beard at the side of the
switch engine as it was going out of
the round house and sot causht be
tween the eagiae aad door frame,
spraiaiag aad wrenching his back. He
is aow briag cared for at th? home of
Gas Metholomew where he was takea
after the accident occurred, about 9 ,
o'clock Saturday night. Mr. Cronk is
a sinsle man.
ber of the country teachers who reside
in town were unable to reach their
scncols today on account cf deep snow.
Tae directors of Miss Hensley's school, J
ten miles north, telephoned hr to '
remaia at home this week, a? tay
thoaght it advisable aot to have i
sciooL Miss Ida Saafmann did not
go to her school three miles east of I
town.tbe re?ident cut there telepben-
ins ji. -ce roaGS are :mna5able.
1 Mis6 Liliie Seatinc from tae Wille
district is also home oa accoaa; of
! lhe t -5. MiS5 Franks Gondring i
t iTozn tne Qmetli school weat to iioa-
roe this moraiag from which place
she engaged a liverv r:2 to tahe her
three miles ia the roantry. T C.
Hogan of district o 4,cn Shll Creek
was also cne of the waylaid instruc
tors. Pat, the printer, is in receipt cf the
Sonvenir editca of The Coiambas
Neb. (Journal, which contains abtmt
50 cuts. a write-up of the town and its
futare prospects. Maav rhanes have
taken place ?iace the writer's depart
ure from that city and The Journal
ofSce where we asec to bo devil, ccm
DOfitor, ad and job man I: was in
this oSce that wr tried to save a job
roller by leaning it ap against a box
aad the darn thiag fell down ia the
night, lancing on something it hadn't
ought to. Of course" .Bun"Turner had
to rake us over the coals. We are glad I
he did, for it was only another lessen
we never forgot. We imagine tne
force worked night and dy on this
special edition and mach credit is dae 1
the promoters. They have done away
with the hand compoeiticn and a Sim- ,
plex machine has been installed which 1
sets the type for both the Daily aad '
Weekly, Miss Frances Maynard being
the operator. May the Journal live
. icnj. and prosper. Fairplay,Ft.Piere
1 l? .u r.k-.
The Pioneer Hook & Ladder
Go. "o. 1, will ciTe their 31st
annual 3lak ball in the Or
pheas hall, Columbus, on the
night of Feb. 22d.
Grand procraai has been ar
ranged. Prizes riven for best masked
lady and sent.
Henry Ragatz & Co.
Glassware, Lamps....
We carry the largest stock in our line
in this part of the state. We buy goods in
quantities and give our customers the bene
fit. We make a specialty of HIGH GRADE
Goods. Our line ot Fancy Graceries, such
as fine canned rruits and vegetables, canned
fish and bottled goods was never more com
plete. Our stock of Fine Coffees and Teas
is unexcelled. In bulk Coffee we handle the
"Richelieu" Line, the best bulk roasted coffee
ever sold in Columbus for the price and
prices to satisfy all
30c, 25c, 20c, 15c per lb. i
Fine Coffee in one, two and three
pound tins we have
Ragatz Genuine Java and Mocha. 2-pound tin
White House-I-Ib. tin. 40c. 2-lb. tin
Richelieu i-lb. tin. 40c. 2-lb. tin
Lipton's 1-Ib. tins. 40c. 2-lb. tins. 75c. 3-lb. tics
You know of Sir Thomas Lipton, the
largest grower and dealer in fine teas and
coffees in the world. We have been ap
pointed agents for Lipton's Famous Teas and
Coffees tor Columbus.
Your patronage is appreciated and we
will always endeavor to please you in qual
ity, price and service.
Henry Ragatz & Co.,
:-5tifc"3 JLj V i" - 1 - -
cr; ai& jok-f-jf 5ir-"vir -
-" - -. JP
Combination Sal
45 Head Dnroo-cfersey Sows
and Gilts.
At David 0iiy, March 2, '05
flt Bert tiali'5 Barn, 1 o'clock Sharp.
The bl-Kjd lines intr.Lr "ffering- are of the best
strains : the I ur--Jersey breed. They orig
inated from premiuir vrinners and are bred
alons: substantial lines. Get vour foundation
stock now.
V.'rite for
uo tne Dreecmir o: tnis
30 bead are cozsizrea by K A.
Thej are hrsj boned aca
DrerOrrr arr .cir;
anl &-r tnt zuez- arr- cood on jn :bt? Daroc
Jerey " re TLc-y are bre.: rit. and iZ you bny ?one of
Ibem :hey ; I naSr yon p!-r.; of moay if :hy ar srrn
proper rare it:-y v:!", - at Brl Hail's bare the day b
fore tne iie f .r insr-rcticn. I avrd City is 50 located tbai
partis aitendmc ?aie car. .: irirrd. r-mrn bome sanjt? dny.
Tbii one of '.hn las; ai- cf ;h- season. Get in oa :be
jrroand tiror and ra 50m- nre piss. Xotbin Sts in so
wel 03 th- crrr-ii idf rf ion.- Icer as a rood, berd of boss.
Hors ill r- ?r.i'Q and der-red free on cars for parcbas
ers from a ; ; ince.
Col Tbre. Ca-atan. An'.
Zd. J. Dot. C'.er..
' X
111 111 1 1 mi 1 111 1 1 1 ii 11 1 i 1
vorA - w. a ."ir
-?it.- TTi TT7Z& -.
1. Pore Useei Oil la tie lovnatloa of an
2. Tbe trp?ra! rr j-3lc 8cat: RCrJIix4 Pmtsta
oa iae lacz. i2:s.'. ma; 01 taem ar aaaiumc wHar te
3. All pl3tis first cronntf Into a THICK PASTH.m
Htxl Dill st znziicT tii-1; dJa!"i eitrr nlim of tate
aUoa vt -til ;. irae to tai.e
. when Tat! bcrr l.'vclT-rf isttl
raui pric iorim.- cansi on.
lor t.c irtsoi. pare xn. cu
S. TlJ-re is s siS vfco mal;?rs STOP, wbs tXie mmtr ta 1
T aleI: eoatcs: villi tte profit en tic aaxa: alone aal kaoaav
T taax any I i yes cM lev ms z.t. I his pejte acJ uo pare n all.
T aotto boctit Koporolclr iron tic local ctcalor. Slmpty nttr tartav.
T KSilca icr Uon. r.o corr. no l--. Dd Bothlsrebe. aa4 10 C If
T yoa Bare us aisoluilr -xrrc- 1oi1 oQ juust that aa ft t
T lat 23s 3 l-i Xticri sar -iZisrb Grade- ftrartj JUiJ fatat. Aa
T awttt cricp for boili cint nzitl oil aad ner twmm mm r, nii !,
T cr et its pnrttj- za dcrabllirj.
X C TtrLs pii It Kialc-eij Hocw Patit: Wbib razdlf ta a fall
X line of .tiniant. r-spriir aad JJt SA.BLE olor. Ir 1 not a patnu '
X Um-ir jc tlc ct "Xi oW tiojv-irld paia; Btai-rU.. .rmiM
X torvtbo- rcCj- Sst yea ;s Ziil dina wU2 Cur par? raw u!L
V.--!EE'E VVE -T.'Z uo AG?rr. YOUR uALER WlLi.
urn 11 1 1 1111 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 11 1 1
rve are aa
W. rk t uaraatced.
Prompt delivery.
Kea-nable prices.
If tve haven't it we vrill order it. We can iave bu5ine
men money oa printed form: we can cet ea craved
card for society people; better tyl at lower prices.
Jocmal Sale Bilk bring crowds. Journal Letter Heads
bnnr bciaes- Try U5.
Only Daily in Columbus. Help u pnh.
Columbus Journal Co.
: r i i i i i i i it ii i
50c 1
- 1? - - !?
.- -3iJ
our catalosrae and look
ereat onennjr.
Tacn-v. and 15 bj nenry Boc
ro-tby. in?: tbe kind tba'
9p sir
C.:i.e and e- tbem for vonrseif
P. A. TAUXEV. Pierae. Xeb:
HENP.Y BOCK. Dvid City.
1 1 1 1 in mil iii iiiiiimm
hia wars' fer ! awtxy.
Psiat.yoa aoj-ta aav.Hlx4
or irom -lrJM3 Tlim taava
1 yonr lacsl dmicrm IwmL
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mi 1111 nun
Job Printing!
' v