The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 08, 1905, Image 7

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    Vomen in Out Hospitals
J Freaks cf Fortune.
, In January of last year a murderer
j named Helfert had just been sen
tenced in Moravia to penal servitude
tor life when he learned that he had
wen a prize ol $10,000 in the state lot-
. tery. and a lev weeks earlier Ernesto
palling' Increase in the Number of Operations
DfyAI iTAl "?k- T44 TftfMM mm VTm..-
fcnuimcu io.vj.av iwu-iww wsjumsli XMcijr Hijar was buried in a pauper's grave
jfajOid Xriem. ' at Barcelona on the very day on which
i a ticket found in his possession won
I a prize of $40,000 in the Spanish na
i tional lottery.
MaW MmmWSmLr aaE!iaBaWiirViBjW amam -""- arawamSsm9 LaaaaaiV - YLftP
ft B ' .afaaaHvaLaiiiflH -- Wmw Ma (BiLs " .?rH . saw km
m 0Kn -''"'-'mm mm " ..mmVvmmmmwL '-Mm
Hundreds of dealers say trie xtra
Quantity and superior quality of De
fiance Starch is fast taking place of all
other brands. Others say they cannot
sell any other starch.
" s hrouijh lne hospitals in our ' ness. lcvplessne.v. melancholy.
' s ,.r,, ,v j.irpri-eci t litict iii riin'":iiul .int-to-ln -lfft-ahuic
. .k i -mif tin jatH'iit zi'r inr-. tlnv should rcmciulie: tlieiv
.'.i- Ml" V. SlitC t'ls Uoillfll
.i-i- ':n rire e'thcr av:ii;in
r . ''. frntn serious opera-
s.irt-.iS this tie the cav" Sim
. .n:-e t!s liie neglected thein-
in "v:ii.ii aim woiuw iriiui)ii
tried and true ivuicili.
Tlie fol.ow iuir letti-rp cannot faii to
tiring hope to despairing- women.
Mrs Fred Seydel. 411' X. 51th Street,
West Philadelphia. la , wite.-:
Dear Mrs. I'nikham:
I vi:l in a erv -'riu condition when 1
Poisons Known to Science.
The effect of every poisonous drug
jon the human hody has been so care
fully ad exhaustively studied by the
' toxicologist that he can. in cases of
suspected poisoning, not only verify
the suspicion, but determine the drug
used and even its method oi adminis
tration. The modern physiological
laboratory would have made short
work ol the Uorgias. Toilanas and
S.f..on prr M "LcwlT "Single" "Binder,"
str.iiuht ."o ciL'.ir. coats the dealer .some
more than other .V ciirars. but she higher
price enables this factory to ne higher
grad- tobacco. Lewis" Factory, Peoria, 11L
A Synopsis of Proceedings of the Twenty "Ninth Gen
eral Session.
SENATE The senate on the 1st I one to five years in the penitentiary,
rtu.iil u tlie increase aiming wrote to wui for a.Ki,-e. 1 lia.lucraiuwuiiib
r !... ...... l... .. . . . .....
-.. iii u en mis niuiur; uiri uiTi ull 0v:tr.ui tmulile mill I coult not carry a
ii tin mi un.w.arei. but every cue of child to maturity, ami a that au
iv jutieuts in the hospital beds had ojH'nitum wasmy onl hoj- of recovery. I
ti,i oi warmnjr in tJat bearjnjj- "ui nm iwir w uuuk i kiur i uic ihwii-
i r".i ri I'll, sl vnit vmi frir Jlltv iii I lUfi as von 111-
iwn :ec::ii-r pain ai icil or rifrni, oi -- - ,.;-,: ;. Vv ' iT: .i i r .... -
.!,.. : sii iiv-iii me iimi iimik i.uiu r. i jiiKiiitiii m
Yvouiii. Mt'i i;u t-AiiauMi(ii. uiiiii in
sinaii o tue tuwif. leueorrtKEa. ili.-
Physical Sunshine.
Bv juiying d::p regard to -wholesome
diet, cleanliness and proper
habits, the denying the power of the
desiies of the llesh to overcome the
higher calls of ininds weil stocked
and moral natures keenly alive to
joyous duty, we go far toward mak
ing ourselves true sons of Cod, true
brothers to man.
iretable Compound: and 'I am not oidy a
well woiiiiin to-iiiiv. but hfivra beautiful liabv
Bess, flatulency, displacements of the Kirl six mouths old. I advise all sick aud
ml or irregularities. All of these sutTering women to wrrite you for advice, at
iiittiu ti-c indications of an un- yu have-done so much for me."
ilthy eonditj.jn of the ovaries or. A1;cc ik mc1,..,.v1,
Miss Kubv
,.. nxi.1 if not heeded the penalty Chi lnd ; w;ites:
-tU-pa:d bvatlanerous operation.
Ii.mi iese svlnptoms manifest tliem- fl;ar Mrs. Puikham:
of East
Storekeepers tepoit that the extra
tiuaiitity. together with the superior
quality of Defiance Starch makes it
net ;o impossible to sell any other
Welch Tombstone.
On a flat stone in Conway church,
"Wales, is the following inscription:
"Here lyetn the body of Nicholas
llookes of Conway, gent., who was
the forty-first child of his father, Wli-
v,s ,: ant dra- along until you are "" ?L? '"" r" Z
11 to go to the hospital and sub- .lIW munthsaco the (i(K.tor, after usingtlivi
It 'o a ipe-aiiin out rememoer i x Kav on me. stud 1 hail mi abeess on the
:r l.'.fi'a l1.. ruikhams VegetaJile ov:tn-s and would have to hiieaiioHnition.
, t '. .-..i i ..t.. .i . i . i:.. !:..!-
H I .!)! iiltS Siivtril isiousaiiu Ul .wv ibhihit niuucti nm m in im.i i. j m- . .. ., , , . u !,:. ivifo
,.,mi from surgiwtl operations , h.ims .-etal.Ie Comiin.l asa last re-irt, , """"i,-v'- "" '"'' "":
n n women are troubVd with ir- ""'"'" 7"'- ' ii l i ". V
u '-.-. sbi pressed or imfiil iiu-nvtr- """ ""'" ""' --""" 'who died tiie ::utn uay oi .uarcii
i t . 1 V 1 T ...T.. T T .,1.1 V- 7.. onl.l.. r-.,- t I'" "
loi. .. aiciic-h. leiicorrmivi uiMiiace- uioi iu. i iiivn.nn .s . i- inum. v w,n-
mi or uleerauou of the wmb. that pound at once removes sucti troubles.
ratified the work of the caucus and
formally placed II. H. Goulding on
the pay roll, as well as Peter Carter
and Sam Grant This swells the list
to ixty-one. Upon the recommenda
tion of the revenue committee S. F.
113. by Sheldon of Cass, was indefin
itely postponed. This bill provided
that taxes on personal property
should .be a lien on the property for
two years after due. S. P. 9, by
'Thomas of Douglas, and S. F. 14, by
Jennings of Thayer, were passed. The
former provides that when an agent
collects money on commission and
misappropriates it ne shall be guilty
of embezzlement. S. F, 1 1 provides
for the issuance of school district
bonds in cities of the urtt class. The
senate then u .solved into a commit
tee of the whole, with Thomas in the
chair, and leported the following
bills for engrossment and third read-
I nig: S. F. At, by Tucker ot Uichard
j son, detin'ng t'e duties of county
J judges in certain cases. S. F. 4. by
Shreck of York, providing that rail
road companies shall furnish trans
portation to shippers of live stock to
accompany the stock. S. F. ZS, by
G iff :i of Dawson, providing for the
establishment of drainage districts.
S. F. 34, by Giffin of Dawson, provid
ing for printing the report of the irri
gation board. S. F. :4. to provide for
the printing of the irrigation board
report, brought on considerable dis
cussion, it being the sentiment of
many of the members to kill the bill,
it apparently being their idea there
was no way to distribute the reports
after they were printed. The bill
was recommended to pass.
1 iiikI Jimk.i niu anil kitltux il kisv
Kx ."-caj.ior Albvrl 1. err J it, 1 rlJ-Uie. .. 1. Il UUii.
. .- . . i, .e . ... l .. ,1 .. .-....!?..:.... 1ftr- ltotifl fttittfil,tt Fjrnrit l?citie1-
... .. .!. i.i ! ,.llkai.1'lTl.-t, .-T1 l.l'IMVM III IIII1 :IIV III llt-l lllt'llll'l III'. 11,1 - -- -----..---. ---------- ------- -- -
! I.IIH.1 1JIIU. illlllliil.llUIIVll .I ' -- ...j -l- .-..a. ...a. -V-..V- . . lltO
v.anes, oackai'iie. bioal:nr (or Hat- , you need the best.
ncO ent-ral debility . indigestion. Mrs. rinkhain invites all sick women j
1 rervo: prostratiiiii. or are berft to write her for advice Herauvice aim i
iixich -vmptoins as diz.iness. hissi- nieiliciue have restored thousands to
c, .iitallity. irritatulity, nervous- ' health. Ailriress. Iynn, .Mass.
rdia E. Pinkhaa's Vegetable CoBoaiii Swxeeds Where Others FaiL
". -
Take -Down Repeating Shotguns
Don't spend from $50 to $200 for a gun, when for so
much less money you can buy a Winchester Take
Down Repeating Shotgun, which will outshcot and
outlast the highest-priced double-barreled gun,
besides being as safe, reliable and handy. Your
J Q r dealer can show you one. They are sold everywhere.
' J, i.T f, FPKF: Oz- 160-Pjqe El asf rated dUlegue.
1J J
Thrift i" British Isles.
In England and Wales about one in
'four of the population has an account
i in the postoflice savings bank, In ire
j land one in ten, and in Scotland one
in eleven.
I ct-i-lC E,y'i
i . iu H 1 n. l-it.i! it
, H. Gregci) Sen. Maruichead. ."lacs
5J -7 -CI vTjl
smne hoi i not so durable as
one tl brick A brick hou-e. well con
s'rmted will outlast one built ot gran
,t '
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time, because it
never sticks to the iron, but because
each package contains 16 oz. or" full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up in 4 -pound pack
ages, ami the price is the same, 10
cents Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals. If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12 oz. package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance,
lie knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on eery pa kage in large let
ters and figures "10 os." Demand De-
HOUSE The house on the 1st
passed senate file Xo. 4;l. authorizing
the governor to enter into and sign
a compact with the governor of South
Dakota, as agreed upon by a com
mission appointed by the two govern
ors, to fix boundaries between the
states at certain points. In commit
tee of the whole, with Casebeer In
the chair, the house spent consider
able time in debate on house loll Xo.
C9. by Horton of Keya Paha, to allow
physicians in communities where
there is no registered pharmacist
within five miles to dispense his own
medicine. By motion the bill was iu
Jefinitely postponed. Sills were in
troduced: An act providing for the
payment out of the state treasury of
the premium on the state treasurer's
bond when such bond is executed by
a surety company. An act providing
that bona fide owners of contracts for
lease of educational lands which
were in full fore and effect prior to
May 2G. 1ST?, may perfect their title
according to the terms and provisions
Df the laws which were in force and
effect prior to ?.Iay Jt., 1S79. An act
to piovide for the construction and
maintenance of bridges, culverts and
ippronchcs thereto on public high
ways in the s'ate o' Xcbraska. .-n
act to prohibit pi inters and others
eighty votes being cast for and none
against the bill. H. R. 108. by Wind
ham of Cass Applying the fire es
cape law to office buildings of three
stories or more 87 to 0. H. R. 30,
by Douglas of Rock To incorporate
the Elks lodge in Nebraska 91 to 0.
H. R. 80, by Jackson of Antelope To
increase the salaries of the chief dep
uty fish and game commissioner to
11,800 a year, and that of his first as
sistant to $1,500 was defeated by a
vote of 37 to 40. H. R. 44, by Smith
of Burt To prohibit dumping in
dra:nage canals or ditches was re
commended for specific amendment.
The Omaha water board bill matter
was taken tip and the motion of Lee
to recommit for specific amendments
oted down by 7;! to 21. The clerk
then began the reading of the bill,
which consumed nearly an hour. The
bill was passed by a vote of T to
21, just the required number to carry
he emergent v clause. ,11. R. o(5. by
Kid. providing for sewer districts in
cities of Beatrice's size, was passed,
is was also: II. R. 17, by Gerdes of
Ilk hardson Creating village boards
of health. 11. R. t'.l, by Saddler of
Adams Allowing $t;o for the burial of
an old soldier. Bills introduced: H.
R. 213, by Crosby of Jefferson To
confer on cities of the second class,
having less than 5.000 inhabitants,
the authority to exercise "the right
of eminent demain" in procuring
rights-of-way for the construction of
sewers and drains. H. R. 214, by An
dersen of Douglas To protect per
sons, associations and unions of work
ingmen and others in their labels,
trade marks and forms of advertising.
Not a Bit Tired.
A little girl was very proud of be
ing taken for a walk by her father,
and, though sometimes the rambles
extended a trifle beyond her strength,
she would not have pleaded fatigue
for worlds. One day, however, her
father noticed that she was lagging.
"Tired. Pussy?" he asked. "Xo, fath
er that is, not nzackly tired. I was
only wishing I could take off my legs
and carry them a little bit, that's all."
Feminine Confessions.
Whether we are doing th? London
season or a round of country house
visits, the enjoyment of most women
is largely dependent on the amount of
opportunities accordet! to them for
flirtation. No matter bow indignantly
some of my sex may deny it. we all
thive on admiration. Ladies Field.
Do Not Make Good Soup.
An authority on cooking asserts
that England is a soupless country,
meaning that English cooks cannot
make soup and that soup does not
appear on the menu of an English
every day dinner. Which is a fact,
though soup is about the first form
that English charity takes.
than ordered bj
i2 Cream
TTS, FOR S2S.C0 e f I! tf.t celr-
) s jtm yotHrt-iul i-rtiiiir.
-KfUiJ) ii!!h1i '-uailt it ii ur t ir
i- ". ygQ fWT .'i-ninl-niu it itt
li'.ur fur Sr.1.fD. Gucrantcetf
the ;u! cf separators that
retail rer.MKsrc at from $75.00
to JI25.00.
GUI. OFFER, iirsivi
rttor on cur CO daji." tree t-lal
plan witli Ui t.ii.'llr rundrn-tutul
Iitrani -: irtit t-t If u il ii t
T.i li. iiiiiit.rtuit. fiT uii1 ua
....... v . . ...,,,. . ... ., . ...,- a .
titnt u vi 'i i-kin j t - r -kim
1 foi it i kim ea.M r. nir
l!.4itrrait u iorr )ialinre
t iii. iT.i-1, otttt r t-tnxn
St-ariiinr j?it'i cu can re
trim the 3trrjitcrtG u&atour
cxpduc arc c will irr.ncdl
fttefr return .n money ou
trmy hee rMd for freight
crK' or ctr.o"wifte ut
h - i out at i ui4Tiin!l t
jv tJ 'u il . f ritehjrf
turii ii til. ?rrr M.?ii!"our
LAirsr' f.RFm
F"t-R CATALOSiiE ouw.llset mr o' . It trail J
J f t rd t u will rt-Ul jt.olita
i C-. -.-Mr:t.r Per r faranf if A is
rs, 30EBUG?. & CO., CHICAGO.
TLm s M it wiM
COlt to Iff t Oti 4jf
our IO-iff -
cu'aT4 con j lot
lail dQ at yiHir
railmtwl tti tTi, all
f reiplit charge r--I
aid iNb-f n
Ime n-crfcry
All readT tooi-rft.
t th world's Man 1r 1 nculiai- r Thr mal!CaIifor
t rtlro.! X !- i- iinl throutrtut Cojir. h twitr
liat 11? rvfttein 1 " iur inchr Leatin: r trfare U r
h aUr Onl thirtj r"il worth f ilr-juird forahatch. 4
All t.iachio- f i 1 n lur I- rM- 1'rliftl, pivin? you
rf opirrtui iiy ttK L.rr trr luac-innt
tfrn a 3 yr cjtnnt ou t to nk tlto
M UK IlAT'll thrnac' fththtoo-Jthelto
tini ralfuTfr viook tCtt) V u iteatto Vii
i, pi H ailr. Indiana; his if t. Clar4 -ntT
C't (Vnif r Nt-b. IiiUlanapoIl. lni
strpnlip.5 i author. An act dzsHainiinq: an.
fi-itfo -in.! -i-o nmrli Mm :ind monV
and iho'annovauco of the iron stick- froin Printing or publishing more cop
,.. ibc,,,,-, ,,M,.r ,.i,.l,, iie f J- pamiihlots. lirculars of
. j other publications
The string that ii- not
gnci- forth no strains. . relinquishing all claim of ownership
!or title on tlie part of the state of
In Winter Use Allen's Foot-Ease. 'Nebraska to an and all lands nor
A powder. Your feet feel imcomfort- ' being within the boundaries of the
able, iifrvous and often cold and damp. I state of Iowa which shall hereafter
lfr.ouli.ive sweating, sore f vet or tigut ' be or become within the boundaries
shoes, f-y Aliens Foot-Eae. Sold by all ,f t,0 sta(e (lf Xfhraska bv virtue of and .hoe store.-, i-.ceut, .Sample R. a,.,ion of a comnli:s:on? ap.
pointed by the said states, and the
ratification thereof by said states and
cent fre. Address Alien
Leliov. X Y.
. Olmsted,
suffering much and
the sanction thereof by the congress
Seeing much
s i-ily-iiK much are the three pillars'01 ,J1 tmnea states, or otherwise:
ot Raining. Diraeli. 'provided, however, that :-aid land or
I lands have been for ten years or more
If wi .lotn g-t th biwest and best I nist in ,ho Possession or occupation
u's M-iu own fault. lV! Starch N j of any person or persons co-paituer-iu
sal.. cm vwhT". and thM is pnsi- ! shin or cornoration claiming owmr-
' . . . .
h'P or title thereto, and thos" so in
SENATE These bills fiom the
house were recommended for pass
age on the :!d: H. It. 1. to provide
tor guaranty bonds for state officers
H. K. j. providing for the publication
if Cobbey Statutes. H. R. 21, recom
mended by former Iand Commission
er Follmcr and Land Commissioner
Eaton, providing that when a person
buys lands from the state and dies
the contract shall hold good with the
heirs. S. F. GT, providing lor the
keeping of probate records, was rec
ommended for passage, as was S. F.
11. providing that justices of the
peace may make a charge of 5 cents
for indexing. S. F. 1, by Thomas of
Douglas, providing that the Omaha
firemen shall work twelve hours a dav
and lay off twelve hours a day, was
recommended for passage. Senator
Thomas explained the bill would re
qu're twenty-six men added to the de
partment and that the expense to
the city would be about $20,000 a year
He has leceived a petition signed by
several thousand citizens of Omaha
endorsing the bill. The following
bills were introduced: S. F. l.lf.. by
.lone of Otoe .Making it unlawful to
kill sqiprrels between .lauinry 1 and
August 1 and piovid'ng a penalty ot
$." for violation. S. F. iri:. bv Wil
liams of Wajr.e Allowing a person to
take fish from a stream on his own
land with a boon net during the ojien
season. S. F. l."7. by Tucker of Rich
ardson Re-enacting and making con
stitutional that portion of the drain
age law declared o:d iccently by the
supreme court. S. F. l.'S. by Hughes
if i'latte (by lequcst) .Making the
open season t'-r fishing, except for
trout, extend to November l.". The
season now closes on October ::i. S.
F. 1 :".!. by Hughes of Platte Attach
ing a penalty for failure u an abstiac
ter to tile a 10.000 bond.
Japanese Servants.
A traveler says tiiat the Japanese
servant is a person of social import
ance. In the absence of the mistress
callers are entertained at tea by the
housemaid, whose knowledge of the
etiquette of tea drinking and wiiose
grace and charm are often the equal
of those of her employer.
Ministers of All Denominations
Join In Recommending
Fe-ru-na to the
Public spemklmg especially exposes
the throat and bronchial tubes to
catarrhal affections.
Breathing- the air of crowded assem
blies, and the necessary exposure to
night air which many preachers must
face, makes catarrh especially prevalent
among their class.
Peruna has become justly popular
among them.
Accepts Small Deposits.
A new banking system, which en
ables persons to make deposits of
twenty-five cents and upward, inter
est being allowed when the amount
lodged reaches $3, was adopted by
the National Bank of Ireland recent
ly. The bank has several branches
in London.
Sterilized Water for Navy.
Dr. Le Mehaute suggests that on
French war vessels water that has
been sterilized by heat should be sub
stituted for the distilled water at pres
ent used, which, in his opinion, is
open to many grave objections, in
cluding excessive costliness.
Lord Mayer's Unique Honor.
Only one man in the city of London
outside the Tower possesses the
password which enables him to an
swer the challenge of the sentries
at any time. It is the Lord .Mayor,
and the password is given to him b
authority of the king.
Dog Tongs.
Preserved in the cathedral of Ban
gor, Wales, is a pair of old "dog
tongs" which were used for ejecting
quarrelsome dogs from church during
service. A similar pair is preserved
at Llanynys, Wales, and bears numer
ous teeth marks.
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of thN paper will be pleased to learn
that there 1 at leai me dreadi-d dlc-'-e that science
ba lieen atile to cure In all lu tae-. and turn Is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tli only puMthe
cure now knon to the medical frtierntty. catarrh
lietiiK a enii'tltiitliinal dlea-i". requires a ccm-titu-ttoml
treatment. HaJlV tatn-rh -ire I takin ta
tem illy. ni'tiDdlrertly upon the Idwdmid ruinous
mrtatet of the cweni, thorcliy de-tr Tlni; tl.e
found it Ion if the !!- i-e. mid Ktvln the pi!-tit
men-rtli liy bii'MIni; up the eoii-K.ut is and nt-t-Inj:
tiH'ure lnd lai: It-work. TI.e pr prt-!or I i o
to Miiili 1 1 th In It- curat j-n i that they :Ter
Ore hundred I.-I!ir Jor an u-o thai it lall ;u
cure -( in: f..r I'-t of te-tlriofii ui.
Addrt--, K. .1 l HrMI A. CO., Totedj. O.
Soul tu i,' liriii :-!- "c.
Take 11 aii" Kiiiiil l'llli for con-tipatlon.
cm ' ' s w&
mam '"raWavv '&tS3imwawro aB
H 'MmvvWWmw&Sb? .-j2f?ICamBv3 wm
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.". W 1 NV"JICt. alJMalW WM 1 1
Tcyi. - K'tsssaiBaiieaT
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The Friends of Pe-ra-na.
Dcpite the prejudices of the medical
profession against proprietary nietli
cin"s, the clergy have always main
tained a strong confidence and frieed
ship for I'eruna.
They have-discovered by personal ex
perience that I'eruna does all that is
claimed for it.
The Bishop's Strong Tribute to Pe-ru-na.
L. II. Halsey. Hishop O. M. E. Church. Atlanta. il;... writes:
'"I have iound I'eruna to be a great remedy for catarrh. have suffered
with this terrible disease for more than twenty years, until since 1 have
been using I'eruna. which has relieved me of the trouble.
""I h.:ve tried many remedies and spent a great deal of hard-earned
money for them, but I found nothing so effectual in the cure of catarrh as
the great medicine, Peruna.
"I feel sure that Peruna Is not only a triumph of medical science, bat
It Is also a blessing to suffering humanity.
"Every individual who suffers with respiratory diseases will tinM I'eruna
a magnificent and sovereign remedy." L. II. lla'lsey. !!p. C. M. KL Church.
I'eruna is the most prompt ami sure
remedy for catarrh that can be taken.
Many a preacher has been able to
meet his engagements only because he
keeps on hand a bottle of Peruna, ready
to meet any emergency that may arise.
We have on file many letters of recom
mendation like the one given altove.
We can give our readers only a slight
glimpse of the vast number of grate
ful letters Dr. Hartman is constantly re
ceiving, in praise of his famous catarrh
remedy. I'eruna.
f Tie.
here are Many Imitations of
Baker's Cocoa
1 1 J1
aKers no
taking reveng?. a man is but '
witii his enemy, but passing It i
over, ne is superior.
li-! niithii'fC to equal it in quality or
Ticking Haws in the; elntrch will not
patch your own conscience.
: u- c tcpi viivr.MiJi
V.V'jC MO 7
--s ' 1. 1
i L'l 11
Z .- Hi. . Omaha. Sri.. Sibux Fallt.D.
Sf i.irri dtaler or t::t- for urcular.
Three srent piir-ultf i;ncaHln -hon wonderfnl inidn Illlml. I5ieulii or lr tnitllnsr l'lle. 'Voiir
rc-u t on til" Tree HvUier-iead Laud- of We-tcn. uru;;t.!el !'i refund 111 y If 1" .o OlMMKNT
Can.idithl-.jear fJii- to cure jm lu b to . daj-. 5ic.
Miinilflrent ilTinte ia.-cer-ploulnp'n their -hlrt
tieeie- m the middle ,.i i.mj! Thp nimi,i0 nickel .'oes not make
' lare bound tole moie r.r. ringed wlt'i the
Bnalrenr,'wriiiepa-tiai-n"liareet-."'-I.':raM. the lively clnrrcll
coil, iimn1. wntir I.hv In i.vundauce. fcchools,
Chche'',lIlal.ll"Jcnlon. m-i..... . , - ...
Lili ImiidluK oumlia Ncura-Kii
I'Ica'e cay rere yju caw this mdiertf cement.
The work itself is the best wage.
l?2! WFlV I Vlllfl
XaUonal Oafs
:wct ot cf th rentorv.
- r,V:a '"wo l-r. lu Mich.
,- . .a3Ho ...aiiaia N.Iakol
-- '.c-. ;eracre.
l w cat feat itat record in IS05.
For 10c and this notice
" eM! yo f reo Iota of farm d
j,ITI r ka M n . . . - . ..
ir " vur 'J'scjuaicc.lrii.
- ! iraun a oMwriiCM and ,
'jmuiaK tuer?iJ9.
,.N i.a crotst.
Fellow, the FIa3."
a l" p
"- .(.. .-uij rrrktrd time
- c " s iu worTy and an
' -t ii makts u Jeel at
.: r .f way
' vilsi '":v Oflite. 1CG1 Far-
aW r"T a ar .lrLU
Harry E.Moorcs,
-f. m. tvakask R. R faaha. Nek.
a liailWuMiUUii
AVegetaUe PreparatloaforAs
sUnilating HieFoodandBegula-
Ung the Slomadts andDowels or
rromotes Digcslion.Chcerrul
nessandRcst.Contains neither
Opium.Morpliinc norIii2ral.
Mmpe aroU&-SiMl1JLlttaBR
Umpkn Seai
Jifpmtfint -
liulnynvjt rtarer.
Apcrfccl Remedy rorConslipa
rion , Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea
orms .('cni:lsiois .Ievensh
ncss and Loss o F Slsep.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
FacSunilc Signature oT
1 1
i K.I I C
For Over
Fhirfy Years
possession or occupation hae for
paid period of tn years or lonzor
paid taxes claimed by state or county
authorities or officers to have been
levied upon said land or lands. An
act providing for the payment by
counties of the premium on the bonds
of the county treasurers where such
bonds are executed by a surety com
pany. An act to permit surety com
panies to be security ior public offi
cials for more than two success" ve
terms. An act providing for the pay
ment of premiums in surety company
bonds when given by persons acting
in a jiidic'ary capacity. An act in re
lation to instruments of wiiting re
corded, copied or noted in the books
of the office of county clerk. Makes
them competent evidence when the
originals are lost or parties wishing
to use them cannot get possession oi
5 SUlls
7Mt onmuHi aoaxurr. vox citt.
SENATE The senate on the 2nd
got busy and made report on a num
ber of bills. The following were
placed on general file: S. F. 79 Pro
viding for the publication ot the ac
tion of irrigation district meetings.
S. F. 117 Re-enacts the law establish
ing the Hastings asylum and leaving
out of the title of the institution the
word "incurable." S. F. 21 For the
appointment of a registrar of vital
statistics. S. F. 59 To consolidate
the Home for the Friendless and the
Industrial School at Milford. S. F.
101, 102 and 103 Providing for con
stitutional amendments: providing
the legislature shall cryate courts:
providing the legislature shall have
power to regiilate the power of execu
tive state officers: five-sixths of a
jury in civil cases may return a vr--dict.
S. F. 21 Providing that driv
ers of traction engines must use piop
er dil'gence in preventing the fright
ening of horses and dmages to bridges
Iand culverts, rmended. S. F. c,'Z Al
lowing fishing in boundary streams.
S. F. 120 was indefinitely postponed
t after a debat which lasted most of
, the morning. This bill save authority-
to the State Board of Pharmacy to
grant permission to any denier or cor
j poration to sell harmless- drugs. The
senate went into a committee of the
' whole, with Meserve cf Knox in the
chair. The entire time of the com
mitee was taken up in the discussion
of S. F. o."", which provided that the
capital stock of banks should be in
creased from $5,000 to $10,000. The
bill was finally recommended for pas
sage, after an amendment providing
that no bank now organized should be
a4 Ben Cough Syrap. Tastes Good. CmM
M to time. Sola by SrnaWait. WSM
"tfTkompsea's Eyt Water
SYRUP cures coushs and colds.
HOUSE The house on the 2nd
passed these bills: H. R. 3, by Fos
ter of Douglas Making the bribing
or attempted bribery of Jurors a rel-
lonjr, punishable by a term of from
HOl'SE The luuse upon conven
ing on the ::d took up H. R. 7S. by
Burns of Lancaster county, a Lincoln
carter bill which proposes to vest in
the major iiwKad of tne excise board
power to discharge and employ p-j-liccucnt.
The b'll was passed with
the emergency chui?p. IL R. 79. also
a Lincoln charter bill by Burns pro
viding lor a municipal electric litht
in plant., was also passed with the
emergency clause. II. R. SO, a con
current lesolution proposing a consti
tutional amendment fr a biennial
election of all state officers and to in
crease the supreme court commission
member-hip from three to six. was
passed with the emergency clause. H.
R. S2. allowing soldiers' lelief com
missions in counties t.3 retain 5 per
cent of the amount of monev thev
distribute was passed. H. R. ::i. to j
pay bounties for killing large gray
wolves or buffalo wolves. $5 a head:
prairie wolf or cojote. ?l. and wild
cat. $1. was passed. II. R. 72 prohib
iting the manufacture and sale of cig
arettes ami cigarette material, impos
ing the penalty of a misdemeanor, was
passed. II. R. 17, to create a state
registrar of vital statistics, was pass
ed. H. R. 119. prohibiting the mar
riage of first cousins, was passed. H.
R. 75. to compel dealers to put gaso
line and benzine in red cans as a pre
caution, passed. 72 to 0. H. R. 125.
to prevent conveying prohibited arti
cles to penitentiary convicts and im
posing a penalty of a fine not exceed
ing $1,000 or a state's prison sentence
not exceeding ten years, passed. H.
R. 97. facilitating the obtaining of a
change of venue in a justice of the
peace's court, passed. H. R. 9S. shut
ting out "professional" jurors in jus
tice of the peace courts and giving
defendants the right to peremptor
challenges, passed. II. R. 99. provid
ing for the payment to jurors in jus
tice of the peace courts of $1 each
by the successful parties and 50 cents '
each when the jury fails to agree. I
was passed. H. R. 100. taxing plain- I
tiff or defendant, whichever makes !
the application for a change of venue '
in justice of the pt-ace courts, with ,
the costs of such change, was passed.
H. R. 14. making it a. misdemeanor to '
dump into or obstruct a ditch or canal '
used fur drainage purposes, parsed '
H. R. .",1. ching the state board ot '
equalization p-v.-er to discs im'nate be.
tween clashes of property and provi."
ins that county boards neei not make
their levy until after the state board
ha met was nossed. '
A Well Deserved Tribute.
The auardlnof OieOmad Trize to tlie Winchester
1'epci.t'iiir Arms Co.. u.v II.ien. conn., si the St.
Loul Kpn-IiIon. confers uion this t'liiiipany thu
til.-lie-t n.urk of l!i:Inctltn attained hyany niauu
fauurrr of pu:i or ammunition In the world.
Alihotieua preat numhe r of invdaN were pHea to
th! cln- ol liMiiutHLturi'rx. the only auard of a
(.rami I'rte a to the W It.cheiter KepentlnK Arms
( o . and then a-It u lncomtietltionulih thelt-ad-
ln,r raiHiufHUurere of all te-Tlfle-ln a(
inort decided uay to the superiority of Winchester
rltles, -hotu38 and ammunition o erall other make '
The mcccm attalu-d by the WIm.heter llepiatlrn
A-m- t!:lrp -!t!"n Is Pimply in line with tl.e
honor- rect heil In the pa-t. At tin Ta'i- Kxpo-itlon, '
, wincI'etiT ar.i and nmm inlllon received the
I 1. rind l'r!: and v herever they have lieen exhildied '
j they have a!uavt lieen Klvin'tlie lithet po-MiIe
I rlze-. 1 hln latef t recoiinltli n of utiperiorltv N the
I nituralre-ult of thlrtv year of c ireful ami si.i i ebS-
ful indeavor in :n.itntiliilnir the hli:h iuallty ot
W IncheitLr ritle cIm:ui,s and ammunition. t
Don't be misled by the m !
Our trade-mark is on every
kane of
genuine goo
Look (01 this Trode-Matk
Under the decisions oi several
United States Courts, no
other chocolate or cocoa'than
Walter Baker & Co.'s is en-
Ititled to be sold as "Baker's
Cocoa" or "Baker's Chocolate"
Three tons of Epson salts and
1 pills weie used in the hos
pitals of London last year.
Don't ou know that Defiance Stan h,
!Milt l.'-inu absoluti ly suiierior to
any other. i put up 16 ounces in pack
age and sells at same price as 12
ounce packages of other kinds?
The most unsound religion is that
which is, all sound.
Our handsomely illustrated recipe book
sent free.
Walter Baker 8 Co. Ltd.
Established I7S0 Dorchester, Massachusetts
45 Highest Awards in Europe and America
The Great Nonesuch Remedy
Ths old monk curs, s'rong,
straight, sure, has for a large
part of a century battled with
and conquered
the world over. Price 25c.
aud 50c.
We are the largest manufacturers of vehicles and harness in the world sell
ing to consumers exclusively.
We Have No Agents.
but ship anywhere for ex
amination and approval.
guaranteeing safe deliv-i
cry. You are out noth
t ing if not satisfied as to
'style, quality and
price. We make 2001
Styles of vehicles and
I "5 f,c,t"haaa'7 "'u' "65 styles of harness.
stick seat ami a; In. rubber tires. Price . . . .
complete 16 5 00. As good as sells " ' "" JTo. 32T. Caacp7 Top S jrrey. V 1 1 r-pl'te
fof 30 mote. tSZC Send for it. 173. As cowl as sells f r n&t-u te
Elathart Ctytisfe Ok Harness Mfg. Co.. ElKha?t. IncJiv.-.a.
nr'?l ? m Tuin'tire t Ji c j I m it
; f rtui .tj vor'i irjnij h T i- .N oi i .f- '
st n op-
Every housewife floats
over finely starched
linen and. white goods.
Conceit is justifiable
after using Defiance
Starch. It gives a
stiff, glossy white-
ness to the clothes
and does not rot
them. It is abso
lutely pure. It is
the most economical
because it goes
farthest, does more
and costs less than
Others. To be had of all
grocers at 16 oz.
for ioc.
A new province called Kipghaitai '
has been formed from part of the '
province of Kiangst:, north of the
angtse river. llns will divide
China proper into nineteen provinces.
Enshun has been appointed governor
of the new province mder Chou Fu,
the new viceroy at Nanking.
South African diamond mines now
produce 9S per cent of the world's
supply and they are prospering mora
than ever before.
Writs nr cal' at office forfree informa'
tui. !hhtt tLbt-i:i'.niaI3 Iimhi pri'Ui"
ment statt;ru n, and plijTuns Con- '
suit jour nnlj-Doctor. Nbrarescr
iliiianccs used. Treated successful!
trail. Sii ears' exuerifnee. i
'IseBlonrnlttGtniautic&OrihaiwiiiclKt. '
lifiiqptljiL INCOII.O.ITCD. CaITL 1S.OOO OO.
KANSAS $6 to $10 Per Acre
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
cuh .t r arir i v
.lotm-'in. tlie Ittu" r
Ma.i uLoriirf'li '
i Tf lnvcutlaK his OLD
A t v-fnr tu-lf hatrh
er. forty days'lree triaj
unit a Mtn oj a irtiirun
lpt.UlI.l.K.K.C'o., Oaiuba.eb. fugue. 3 poultry IHuj-
-- t rations, aiMrei-.
Box O. T.. Clay Centr. Nab
Splendid fcectl-iii". Co'iibtnel faintuand sfx-k
riNln'. 91.75 to S.I.OO rerAcrc. Kan'a.
Colurado aucl Xebraka. Ouly one-teatti tah.
Heat land bargains In est. .K
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 61905.
telor man tto bnghter and faster celora than any ether dre. One Me packaae ceiera silk. ! and rotfn eauaJtf Mil aaJ is Marantee) ta arte
Ml aecier or we am sena post paia i tve a pacua. ssmeiarcreeaaeuet new tana. WeacnaiMaiu uafars. vjmwamiiu.v.. i