The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 01, 1905, Image 1

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Perfect Saf etu
is combined with convenience in
our certificates of deposit.
When you have any sum of money
not wanted for immediate use, you can
leave it here and we give vou u written
agreement to pay it back at any time
you want it. If you wish to leave it
here for 6 months or more, we will pay
interest upon it.
You can draw out a part of it, or all
of it, at any time, or turn it over to
some other party if you wish.
The First National Bank
District 44 and Vicinity.
The weather the past month has
been steady cold and the 6cveu inches
of foundation enow that came early
has been made heavier by frcqnent
light snowfalls and sleighing today is
good and if steady cold weather con
tinues two weeks longer we would
recommend boats for the lowlands,
when the break comes. The snow ly
ing npon the fields is good for the
wheat during this very cold weather
and although we have not examined
the fruit bnda we are of the opinion
that peaches have not been materially
injured as it is admitted by some
authorities that the buds will 6tand
more cold when the ground is white
with snow than they will when the
ground is black and bare.
We are informed that road overseer
elect Walt Eastman, for road district
1, is going to move out of the town
ship the first of March and if the
above is true, the township board will
probably have to appoint an overseer
until such timo as one can be
elected. It will bo a hard matter to
get the equal of Walt Eastman on the
DIED. Arthur Carlson. 18 years of
ago, living with his parents one mile
in Colfax county died at the St. Mary's
hospital Ia6t week, where he had an
operation for appendicitis. He was
at his school work on Jan. 1C. The
faaeral was held in the M. E. church
at Richland Sunday, services being
conducted by the local minister after
which the remains were taken to the
Oolumbus cemetery. The pall bearers
wore all school mates of the deceased.
We are reliably informed that there
is $311 in the treasury of Columbus
It will be well to keep an eye on the
young apple trees during thiB heavv
snow as the rabbits are setting des
perate. Mr. Erskino, the gardener who
tilled the McEthern farm two miles
east of the city last year, has moved
away but we did not learn where.
Mickey Dinneen. who witn his
brother Charles farmed last year near
Shell Creek, will move onto the bite
John Wise farm three miles north of
the city.
School of Agriculture.
Commencing January 2, 1105, the
University of Nebraska offers a course
of instruction in the principles and
practice of agriculture. The course
covers the subjects of soils, field crops,
dairying, butter and cheese making,
breeds and judging of live 6tock,
disease of farm animals, horticnlture,
shop work, farm machinery, and
English. No examinations are requir
ed for entrance.
It wonld seem that many students
from this county should attend and
take advantage of the instruction off
ered, for the knowledge gained will
ot only enable young farmers to get
better returns from their land but
will also help them Have money in
carrying on farm work.
Dr. Mark T. HcMahon Dentist
" Knowing that the dread cf pain re
sults in the loss of more teeth than
any other cause. Dr. McMahon has
equipped his dental parlors with the
latost and best appliances known to
the dental profession fcr the relief
and prevention of pain. All cavities
prepared by electricity, vitalized air
and dental ino used for rainless ex
traction of teeth. Carofol examin
ation free or cbarce. All work guar
anteed or money refunded Dental
parlors. li-r Oif-n tuibiiuc. 13th
street, Columbus. Nebr. Independent
phone. office. 20t: residence, 2JS. wtf
Special Edition r cents per copy.
Dr. J. E. PAUL,
Solicits your patronage. We
make a specialty of doing all work
intrusted to us carefully and conscie
tionsly. Nervous persons who have
a dread of the dental chair are treat
ed with patience and consideration.
It will cost you nothing to consult ns
and get our prices. We have one of
the largest and without a doubt one
of the best equipped dental offices in
the state. All work guaranteed to be
satisfactory or money cheerf nlly re
funded. Over Kiewohner's cor. 13th and Olive Sts.
S. E. corner of Park.
Bah Phones,
Returns Three Indictment in Oregon
Land Cases Congressman Binger
Herman and Agents of Michigan
Lumber Company Also Named.
Portland, Ore., Feb. 1. After many
days of silence the federal grand jury
returned three indictments in con
nection with the investigation into the
land frauds which, it is alleged, have
been perpetrated upon the United
States government.
The first indictment is against
United States Senator John H. Mitch
ell, Congressman Binger Hermann. S.
A. D. Puter. Horace G. McKinley,
Emma L. Watson, Daniel W. Tarpley,
Elbert K. Brown, Nellie Brown, his
wife; Henry A. Young, Frank H. Wal
gamot, Clarke E. Loomis and Salmon
B. Ornisby. They are charged with
having conspired on Feb. 1. 1902, to
defraud the United States government
of public lands located in township
11 south and range 7 by preparing
and signing affidavits as to the occu
pation and settlement of these lairds.
Senator Mitchell is specifically
charged with having, at Washington.
D. C on March 3, 1902. unlawfully
prepared an affidavit for Emma L.
Watson to sign, in which Mrs. Watson
untruthfully swore that she was a
bonafide settler on a portion of theso
lands. It also charges that Senator
Mitchell prepared unlawfully an affi
davit for S. A. D. Puter to sign, in
which Puter is alleged to have sworn
that he knew the contents of the Wat
son affidavit were true. The indict
ment charges that Mitchell received
as a compensation for bis alleged
services the sum of $2,000, paid to
him by Puter. The indictment goes
on to state that in pursuance of the
conspiracy Senator Mitchell intro
duced Puter to William A. Richards,
assistant commissioner of the general
office at Washington, stating that Pu
ter was one of the most honorable cit
izens in the state.
The second indictment is against
Henry W. Miller, Frank E. Kincart.
Martin G. Hoge and Charles Nickel!,
late of Medford, Ore. It charges that
these persons on Aug. 31. 1904, unlaw
fully conspired to procure 100 other
persons to commit perjury by making
false oaths that certain lands in the
Medford land district, known as tim
ber and stone lands, were being
bought in good faith and not for pur
poses of speculation. These persons
falsel; swore that they had not con
tracted to sell these lands, when in
fact they were buying them on spec
ulation. The third indictment charges Mayor
William Davis of Albany, Ore., with
1 having uttered a false affidavit.
No specific charge is made against
Mr. Hermann, as is done in the case
of Mr. Mitchell. The indictment has
the twofold object of connecting El
bert K. Brown and his wife with the
case and removing any illegality that
might have occurred when Messrs.
Mitchell and Hermann were first In
dicted. At that time Mr. Heney was
assistant United States district attor
ney and for fear that he might not
be vested with ample authority to, of
his own volition cause a legal indict
ment, it was thought best to reindict
under the same charges. Kfhcart
and Miller, named in the second in
dictment, are said to be agents of a
lumber company in Michigan.
Forger Wanted in Many Cities Ar
raigned in Tombs Court
New York, Feb. 1. Philip Mcln
tyre of Nashville. Tenn., pleaded
guilty to a charge of passing a fraudu
lent check on the Citizens' National
bank of Norfolk, Va when arraigned
in the Tombs police court Mcln
tyre was arrested here several days
ago upon the arrival of a steamer
from Vera Cruz, charged with passing
a worthless draft at a bank in the City
of Mexico. The original charge
against Mclntyre was dismissed TSr
a hearing before United States Com
missioner Shields, but in the mean
time a private detective bareau en
tered a complaint against the man,
charging that the police had been
searching for the prisoner for months
and that he was wanted in more than
twenty cities on a charge of fraudu
lently obtaining money from banks.
The charge to which he pleaded
guilty was one of these.
Twelfth Ballot, No Choice.
Jefferson City, Mo., Feb. 1. The
twelfth ballot in the contest for sen
ator to succeed Senator Francis M.
Coekrell was taken in joint session.
6ut no choice resulted, and the ses
sion dissolved for the day. The bal
let resulted: Coekrell. CS; Niedring
haus, 66; Kerens, 12; Speaker Hill. 1.
The total vote cast' was 147, of which
seventy-four were necessary for a
Russian Refugees ,re Lost.
Che Foo, Feb. 1. Tnlrty-slx refu
gees from Port Arthur were lost oft
the Mia Tao islands, the junk in which
they were passengers striking a rock.
STie information is brought by other
refugees, four junks containing those
who were cast ashore on the islands.
Russians Said to Have Lost Heavily.
London. Feb. 1. The Daily Tele
graph's Tokio correspondent says:
The Russian casualties in the engage
ments from Jan. 25 to Jan. 29 are now
estimated at between 36,000 and 42,
000 and those of the Jaoanese at 7.000.
Wright Retires From Office.
Washington, Feb. 1. After twenty
years' service as United States com
missioner of labor, Carroll D. Wright
has retired from that office. He left
for Worcester, Mass., to assume the
presidency of Clark college. His suc
cessor. Dr. Charles P. Neill of this
city, will take charge ot the bureaa
f labor today. . . .
'Captain Clado Says Two Torpedo
Boats Were Present in North Sea.
Paris. Feb. 1. The Russian officers
formerly with Vice Admiral Rojest
vensky's squadron began their testi
mony before the international com
mission inquiring into the North sea
Captain Wallerond of tho transport
Kamchatka testified tnat during the
evening, while on the lookout for tor
pedo boats, he saw the outlines cf a
strange craft and heard shots. There
upon he sent a wireless message to
the flagship, saying:
t "Torpedo boats, follow us."
' The flagship answered: "Report
how many torpedo boats follow you."
Captain Wallerond answered: "We
proceed with lights extinguished.
They attack us from all sides at a
distance of about ten cable lengths."
The Kamchatka proceeded, but
Captain Wallerond did not see any
more strange craft.
Captain Clado of the admiral's flag
ship gave a circumstantial recital
about seeing two torpedo boats. He
said: "I first saw a strange craft
through my night glass and then the
searchlights convinced us that it was
a torpedo boat. At the same time
the signal officer reported another
boat which almost collided vith us.
We ' maneuvered to avoid a collision
and escape the torpedo which might
be discharged. The searchlights then
disclosed a torpedo boat fifteen cable
lengths away. We saw This one
much better than the other, as the
searchlights lighted it up. The tor
pedo boats gradually drew off."
Asks Reprieve for Condemned Woman
Rutland, Vt, Feb. 1. Governor Bell
notified Attorney Moloney that he will
meet him at the Pavilion hotel in
Montpelier today for the purpose of
hearing evidence to support his pe
tition for a reprive of the death sen
tence passed upon Mrs. Mary M. Rog
ers, whose execution has been set for
Friday afternoon. Mr. Moloney said
that the evidence he will produce to
the governor has come to light since
Mrs. Rogers was convicted and he
feels confident that Governor Bell will
grant his application for a reprieve.
Boy Killed While Coasting.
Bloomington, 111., Feb. I. While
coasting, Earl Reynolds was killed,
Thomas Davis was fatally injured,
Mary Reynolds was painfully bruised
and cut, a lad named Valentine had a
leg broken and Charles Lester had
his head badly cut. besides suffering
Internal injuries. The killed and in
jured are all small children, who were
coasting on a big sled down the steep
hill. After traveling three blocks
the outfit struck a big dray and all
of tbo children were thrown under
the horses, which trampled the life
oat of one and injured tho others.
Singer Is Fatally Burned.
Cincinnati, Feb. 1. As the audi
ence in a local theater awaited the
appearance of Mamie Rayburn, a con
cert singer, she rushed out of her
dressing room, a living torch, and ran
screaming through the theater. Sev
eral men threw coats over her and a
pail of water finally put out the flames
but the singer, burned from head to
foot and suffering horribly, is dying
in a hospital. Only the prompt action
by men in the theater prevented a
dangerous panic
Stockmen Are Much Worried.
Alliance, Neb., Feb. 1. Snow has
fallen here steadily for twenty-four
hours and is still in progress with no
signs of abatement. With the ther
mometer at zero and a wind rising
strong fears are entertained by stock
men that this will be a bad night on
stock, for this condition prevails
throughout the entire western part of
the state, with a lower temperature
and j-eater wind velocity in some
Blind Girl Murdered.
Lamar, Colo., Feb. 1. Guayaquina
Garo, a blind girl, seventeen years of
age, was found murdered in the res
taurant owned by her uncle, Julio
Rodriguez, where she slept. Her head
had been cleft open with an axe. A
trunk had been rifled of $300 and
some jewelry. The girl had been
gagged and it is supposed the robber
killed her as she attempted to make
an outcry.
Fraternal Congress Protests.
Butte. Mont, Feb. 1. The American
Fraternal congress, 30,000 strong, has
presented a petition to the legislature
protesting against the proposed taxa
tion of the various fraternal orders in
the state and bringing different orders
under state control in line with the
suggestion of Governor J. K. Toole in
his message.
British Steamer Wrecked.
Amsterdam. Feb. 1. The British
Steamer Alba, from -Newport News,
Is ashore at Sandvoort, near Haarlem,
in the North sea, and will be a total
loss. Twelve members of her crew
have been gotten ashore, but twenty
five are still on board. Life boats are
la attendance.
Wlr They are Dette ra Hew the
Practice Orisiaatea.
The dot over the "i" originated In an
accent which was put over the letter
when doubled or placed next a "u," a
practice traced back to the eleventh
century. In the twelfth century the
accent occurs in the combination of
T' with other letters, and in the four
teenth century the accent was changed
to a dot first instance in MSS. 1327
which became universal when printing
made it inconvenient to retain both
Originally T and T were modified
forms of the same letter. In the fif
teenth century the i" at the beginning
of a word was lengthened and orna
mentally turned to the left, while iq
the middle of a word it was unaltered.
Both forms were dotted, and after the
Initial "1" became "J," a separate let
ter and a consonant. It still retained
Its dot This is limited usually to the
man "J," but abroad it may be seen
leq over the capital letter. London
Joe Wells who Fired the Shot lodged
in Jail -Carried Gun Play a little
too Far -Mahaffey May Die - Bal -
let Just Missed Heirt.
Ezra Mahaffey is lying at death's
door, shot through by n bullet from
Joe Wells' revolver. A young wife
ana mother is sitting with her child
at tho bedside of her wounded hus
band, awaiting the outcome with the
anxiety that only a yonng mother can
feel. The perpetrator of the deed,
once one of the most promising yountr
men of Columbus, energetic, talented,
wealthy, lies in jail, a physical and
moral wreck, as a result of a life of
excess and dissipation.
Three shots were tired. One entered
Mnhaffey's breast, barely missed his
heart and lodged near his spine, jnst
under the skin. The second bullet
entered his forearm, shattering his
elbow and lodging in his wrist. The
third shot barely missed Mnhaffey's
head and the ball imbedded itself in
the wall of tho room where the shoot
ing ocenrrcd.
Drs. Mnrtyn and Evans in a difficult
but successful operation removed the
two bullets at noon today and loft the
wounded man resting easily.
The surgeons snid after the ojwrn
tion that tho question of life or death
wonld not bo settled for a week or
ten days, but with favorable progress
Mahaffey might recover.
The first outsider to have knowledge
of the affair was Fred Hollenbeck.
Ho was passing by Wells' house,
which is on twelfth street north of
the ronnd honse, and eaxr Mahaffey
lyi'K Just outsido the door. He went
to summon the police, alter learning
what had occurred, and tho two Nel
sons of the night police qnicKly re
sponded. When they reacbed the
scone Mahaffey had crawled to Kav
ich's house, a few rods away, and one
of the oilicers fonnd him there. He
was taken homo on a stretcher and
Drs. Martyn and Evans called.
Meanwhile the other officer was at
tracted to Wells' honse by the screams
of Walls' wife. He found the man
6hest Protectors
Are the proper thing for this kind of weather.
We sell the "FROST,KING" and "FROST QUEEN"
also sevcial other good kinds. Better invest and
save a big doctor bill.
Chas. H. Dack, Druggist.
who had dono tho shooling and took
him at once into enstody.
After examination of the wounds of
the injured man, who was perfectly
conscious all thu time, hn gave tho
doctors and officers a complete state
ment of tho affair.
Weils and Mahaffey livo in neigh
boring honses. It has ofton been
Wells' custom, Muhaffey paid, to in
vite him over to keep him company
at times when Wells was on one of his
frequent sprees. They had never had
any quarrels and were nlways good
friends. This was the occasion of his
piesence at tho Wells home last even
ing, and tho two men wero in tho
room that Wells calls his bedroom.
They were drinking and having a
friendly talk, though Mahaffey says
he was not intoxicated himself, hav
ing taken only one or two drinks of
Wells' whiskey, while Wells was
drqnk as usual. Wells" was sitting
bv his bed and Mahaffey was sitting
on a chair dictly in front of him and
a few feet awoy. Wells was relating
ho w he had scared his neighbor Bar
tholomew by a gnn play one time.
Bartbolomow lives in the same house
with Mabaeffy, his door being be
tween Wells' houso and Mahaffey's
entrance. Mahaffey said that he an
swered the story by saying, ''Yon
couldn't have bluffed me tnat wav,"
all in good humor. Whereupon. with
out any warning. Wells raised the re
volver which he had held in his hand
and fired point blank at his friend,
hitting him tell in the breast. Ma
haffey says that he then jumped from
bis chair and threw himself on Wt-U?,
trying to take the gnn away from
him. In the mcpglc Weils fired
again, tho ballet this time striking
his victim's arm and disabling it
When the wounded and bleeding man
found that .his arm was helpless he
realized that he was powerless to de
fend himself and tried to escape by tho
front door. He fonnd it locked and
no key there. He then tried the
other door with the same result.
Finally in desperation he threw him
self through the glass panel of the
door and fell headlong on the walk,
where he was fonnd by Mr. Hollen
beck. This is Mahaffey's statement which
was taker, down by the officers at ten
o'clock .'ast night as the last (state
ment of a man who was thonght to be
dying. Mahaffey was positive in his
assertion that none bnt friendly words
passed between him and Wells beforo
the latter commenced shooting, and
his only words as he raised the pistol
were, "I'll ping-pong both of yon,"
meaning both Bartholomew end Ma
haffey. Then while the struggle for
the gun was going on, Wells said,
"I'll kill yen, you ." As
Mahaffey was trying to get ont of the
door, the last shot was fired, the
bullet nairowly missing the head of
the victim.
Wells' story is that ho shot In self-
defence. He says that as he was
bitting on tne bed Mahaffey jumped
on him and he was compelled to shoot.
This was the'story told by Wells last
Uicht to the officers as ther were tak-
inc him to iai, Todav. whfll 8een
ij,v n Jonrnal reporter, ho refused to
say anything except that he was wait-
' in 'or Jndge Sullivan to come home
' UU(l take charge of h is case.
t Wel,s is ver nervous and pale and
Drf- Arnold and Plntz visited him
in "is celL Tu3 doctors gave h:ra
i 6ouio tablets for his nerroosness and
examined him.
Mahaffey says that he does not kbow
how tho doors of the room came to be
locked, but thinks Wells' wife must
have locked them. She was not pres
ent while the men were there, and
Fays she w?a in her bedroom asleep
aud only heard tho last shot Mrf.
Mahnffey heard all three of the shots
from her home.
There were no witnesses to any of
the transaction whatever, and the
case will have to be jndged on the
merits of the stories told by the prin
cipals. As connty Attorney Latham
is ont of the city, no action has been
taken yet as to Wells' hearing.
Wells is slight of baild and weak
ened by dissipation, as well as being
attlicted with lameness. Mahaffey is
a strong yonng mau who has been
working for tho electric light com
lwiuy. Dr. Schug Becomes Heir to Fortune
The Tacmna Washington News of
January 7, contained a story about
Dr. F. J. Schug, at one time a Co
lumbus physician, partner of Dr.D.T.
Martyn, which will be read with in
terest by his Colnmbus friends. Mrs.
Schug is a sister of M. H. Wnite and
a cousin of Mrs. E. J. Young of Co
lnmbus. Following is a copy of the article
refercd to : "To woke in the morning
and find oneself heir to a fortune of
considerable proportions, the exist
ence of which one had no previous
knowledge, is an experience that falls
to very few. But that is just what
occurred to Dr. F. J.Schng of this city
and he is now enjoying the anticipa
tion of soon coming into possession of
wealth which he never dreamed. Dr.
S hug, who is one of the surgeons of
tho United States Marin9 hospital,
takes his good lack and tho congratu
lations of his many friends modestly.
Tbo knowledge that he is one of the
heirs to a fortune now in the hands
of the Swiss government came to Dr.
Schug last summer and it was by
chance only that he learned of the fact.
Seen in his offices in the Equitable
bnildiug, the doctor was loth to dis
cuss the probable nine of his inherit
ance. "I am much in the dark regarding
the matter at present, and as to the
valno of the legacv I know abso
lutely nothing definite."
"It is as mnchas $1,000,000:" was
"That I cannot say," replied the
doctor. "It may be and it may fall
far below these figures. All I know
is that I am one of the heirs to a for
tune left by my great grandfather on
my mothers side and that the heritago
consists of money and personal poper
ty in the hands of the Swiss govern
ment. "
Thore are only a few minor faces
yet to establish in order to prove the
doctor's right to the legacy, and ha is
being aided by the Swi-s minister at
The Sale Pavilion.
Tho Journal has repeatedly urged
the advantages of a sale pavilion for
Colnmbus. It coes almost withoat
saying that stock men of the connty
and surrounding counties are of tne
fame mind regarding the advantages
of snch a building. Tho following is
quoted from a letter to the Jonrnal
from one of tho extensive stock raisers
of this part of the state. Writing
from his hcadnarters at Fullerton, he
We will be on deck with a draft of
brood sows forMarch 1st at Branigan's
sale barn. Enclosed find copy for
good display ad. I- note in your last
paper that you are still mindful of the
sale pavilion scheme. I sincerely
trust it may go through. We could
use it two to four times a year.
Whoop her up."
sincerely yours,
Thos. F Miller.
A Sample.
The Columbus Journal Co.,
Gentlemen : The issue of the Week
ly Journal of Jan. 2.j is a citv adver
tiser, and the publishers should be
congratulated npon this extra work
and expense. Readers of the Journal
who have friends in the crowded East 4
should mail them copies of the Jonrnal
of Jan. 25 and let them know that
there is plenty of room to expand and
natural resources withont limit here.
Save me a number of copies of the
John Schmocker.
Vice President-Elect Fairbanks and
General Lee Guests of Honor.
Canton, O.. Feb. 1. Commemorat
ing the natal day of the late President
McKinley, the Ycung Men s McKinlc
club of Canton held a notable banquet
in the Auditorium. Vice President
elect Fairbanks occupied the central
position as chief guest of honor, jus
tice William R. Day, friend, neighbor
aud confidant of the late president,
was master of ceremonies. To his
left was General Fitzhugh Lee. idol
end hero of the south. Vis-a-vis sat
General Black, one of ths heroes of
the civil war and former commander-in-chief
of the Grand Army of the Re
public. In the banquet hall flanking
these guests and orators were con
gressmen and ex-congreSsmcn and
party leaders from Ohio, as well as
notables from remote distances. Back
of and all around the diners the vast
amphitheater, with its capacity of 3.
000 people, was almost completely
filled with auditors, who wished to
hear the speaking.
Finds Traces of Poison.
Chicago, FeB. 1. Coroner's Physi
clan Lewke, who is making a chemical
analysis of the intestines of Mrs.
Marie Welcker-llock. informed Coro
ner Hoffman that he had discovered
evidence of extraneous poison, al
though the analysis had not yet been
New York, Feb. 1. Johann Hock
of Chicago, who was arrested here
charged with bigamy, after a search
extending over the entire country,
told the officials at police headquar
ters that he is anxious to return to
Chicago at once. He wanted to face
the charges against in that city, hs
said, and has no intention of oppos
ing extradition. When Hock was ar
araigned in police court he was re
manded back to police headquarters
for forty-eight hours. As the prisoner
was leaving the court room he said:
"Yes, I am the man wanted in Chica
go, but they are mistaken as to the
charges. I am wanted for some
trouble I had with my sister-in-law
about some furniture."
Postal Progress League.
Boston, Feb. 1. The establishment
in the United States of a parcels post
system was generally favored by the
members of the Postal Progress
league who attended the annual meet
ing of the organization in this city.
A number of the speakers declared
that a great loss was sustained by
the government annually through the
maintenance of the free delivery sys
tem and Secretary Cowles proposed a
parcels post to overcome this loss.
Officers were elected as follows:
President, Colonel Albert A. Pope of
New York; treasurer, Thomas A. Bar
rett of New York; secretary. James
L. Cowles of New York.
Drummer Charged With Bigamy.
St. Joseph, Mo.. Feb. 1. Frank Rob
erts, who for several years has been
a traveling representative of a Chi
cago Arm, was arrested at Armour.
Mo., on a charge of bigamy. He is in
jail at Marysville, Mo., where he is al
leged to have recently married the
daughter of a farmer, when he already
bad a wife at Horton, Kan.
Two Hundred are at Work.
Chicago, Feb. 1. Two hundred of
the 900 lumber wagon drivers on
strike returned to work in factories
where agreements had been signed
with the union. Picketing was active
ly conducted at seventy large lumber
yards where the strike is still on.
Title ef (he Eatperar mt Amatrl am
KIbs ( HaBsary.
The title of "apostolic majesty" la
borne by the emperor of Austria as
king of Hungary.
Hungary was ruled by dukes from
Its conquest by the Magyars to the
year 1000, the regal title being assumed
first by Vaik, whose education- had
been Intrusted by his father, Geyza,
who had married a Christian princess,
to Adalbert, bishop of Prague. On suc
ceeding his father Vaik embraced and
established Christianity, applied for
end received from Pope Sylvester IL
the title of "apostolic king," was
crowned as Stephen I. and afterward
known as St Stephen.
The title was renewed by Clement
XIII. In 17TtS and, though abolished In
1848, was reassumed as "apostolic maj
esty" In 1851 and restricted In 1808 to
the Austrian emperor in his character
as king of Hungary. The privilege of
being preceded by a cross bearer wa
granted with the original title.-Loav
don Standard. ,
Bowden Reduces Record.
Ormond, Fla., Feb. 1. The greatest
automobile meeting ever held in this
country or any other country, so far
as smashing records is concerned,
closed here. The last performance
was the running of a mile in 32 4-5
seconds by H. L. Bowden in his twin
Bixty-horse power car. After the
fay's events had been finished he
asked permission of the officials to
try for the kilometer and mile records
and the course was cleared for him.
Unfortunately the kilometer time was
not caught on the automatic, but sev
eral watches gave it as 20?4 seconds,
the world's record being 21 2-5.
Loie Star State.
In the course of conversation at a
club the other evening a man referred
to "the Lone Star State."
"What state do yon mean?" he was
"Why. Texas, of course."
"Well," he was told, "do you know
that there are no fewer than five Inde
pendent sovereign states which use a
lone star on their national flags today?
They are Turkey, Chile. Cuba, Liberia
and the Kongo Free State."
A Black Eye.
In the treatment of contusions where
there Is extensive discoloration of the
skin if olive oil be freely applied with
out rubbing the discoloration will
quickly disappear. Absorbent cotton
may be soaked In the oil and applied.
If the skin Is broken a little boric acid
should be applied over the abrasion.
A black eye thus treated can be made
normal In a few hours, especially If the
oil be applied warm.
il U !
Japs Said to Have Lost 7,000 Men ir.
Four Days' Engagement Disorder
is Practically Suppressed at War
saw and Moscow.
Mukden, Feb. 1. There is another
lull in the fighting, but it is impossi
ble to tell how long it will last. Tho
Russian losses the last few days wen
about 10.000. Many of the bodies of
the killed have not yet been gathered.
Lieutenant General Stackelbcrg'3
corps was the heaviest loser. Ths
Japanese forces on the Russian right
were originally about 10.000. who
were routed and panic stricken, but
afterwards they were strongly rein
forced from the Japanese right. Gen
eral Mistchcnko's wound is serious, a
bullet having fractured his knee joint.
General Koudratovitch was shot
through the lungs and the bullet
lodged at his spine, from whence It
has been extracted. His etiief of
Staff, Colonel Andrif. was severely
.Wounded in the head.
The Japanese advance against tho
Russian left turns out to have bei n
merely a demonstration. The Japa
nese fell back as soon as the Russians
brought up reinforcements. The only
fighting of any consequence occurred
at Chonhai pass. Two Japanese bat
talions tried to capture tho village of
Tingai. A bayonet encounter ensued
and the Japanese were driven ofT.
leaving thirty-nine dead ami eight
wounded. The Russians lost twelve
killed and thirty-six wounded.
Strike in Russia Said to Be Practical
ly Ended.
St. Petersburg. Feb. 1. There has
been a partial suppression of disorder
In Warsaw and traffic has been re
stored so far as to permit of the ar
rival of some suppliles of food. In
other Industrial centers, including
Moscow and St. Petersburg, the strike
is practically at an end. Grand Duke
.Vladimir, in the course of an inter
view with the Associated Press, Inti
mated that the people of Russia wouTTt
soon be given a measure of repre
sentative government, although he
declared that anything like general
suffrage was not to be considered.
The committee of ministers which
discussed the proposed reforms has
published a report with the purpose of
showing the people that the plans
outlined in the imperial decree of Dec.
26 arc being carefully consideicd.
An unconfirmed report is in circula
tion, that it has been officially ascer
tained that the discharge of grape
from a saluting gun during the cere
mony of the blessing of the waters
on Jan. 19, and which imperiled the
lives of the emperor and members of
his family, was a deliberate act or
the terrorists, their tool being a pri
vate soldier named Rogdanoff of tho
saluting battery.
An official statement gives the cas
ualties in the collision between strik
ers and troops on Jan. Tl as ninety-six
killed and 333 wounded. Of the latter
thirty-two have died.
Warsaw Quieting Down.
London, Feb. 1. The Daily Mail's
Warsaw correspondent reports a
restoration of comparative peace.
though the city is still in a condition
of dangerous ferment. "The majority
of the troops," the correspondent says,
"have been withdrawn from the cen
ter of the city and the end of the
strike is in sight. There is some
Ighting still in the outer suburbs
and cases of treacherous stabbing of
soldiers are growing more frequent.
Vehicular traffic has been resumed
and supplies of food are arriving.
Hundreds of domiciliary visits and ar
rests have been made. All suspected
persons are stopped, searched and ar
rested if found to be carrying weap
ons. Careful investigation con
vinces me that the dead number 300.
The rumors of dynamite outrages at
Lodz and that 2r00 Idz workmen
are marching on Warsaw are unfound
ed. The Lodz men have strucK. but
remain quiet."
Princess Under the Knife.
London, Feb. 1. The Princess Vic
toria, daughter of King Edward, un
derwent an operation for appendicitis
at Buckingham palace. The operation
was performed by Sir Frederick Tre
aas. surgeon-in-ordinary to the king.
A bulletin subsequently issued says:
"The circumstances of the operation
were favorable. The princess bore
It very well and is progressing very
Saearer'n Loe Affair.
Herbert Spencer never married.
When he was twenty years old he had
something like a tender affair, and hu
tells about it in his autobiography.
The youug lady's affections had al
ready been placed elsewhere, and she
was only playing with the budding
philosopher. One day her "young
man" called, and they ail went out for
a walk. Spencer says: "She, taking
his arm, looked over her shouldet
smilingly and rather mischievously to
see what effect was produced on me.
there being an evident suspicion that
I should not be pleased. The revela
tion was not agreeable to me, but still
It did not give me a shock of a serious
Phonograph Factory Scorched.
Camden, X. J., Feb. 1. Fire in the
plant of the Victor Talking Machine
company caused a loss estimated at
$60,000. There were fifty girls in the
luilding when the flames broke out.
They became panic stricken and many
fainted, but all were rescued unin
jured. "
Sentences Negro to Hang.
Jefferson City, Mo., Feb. 1. Tho
Missouri supreme court sentenced
Fred Williams, colored, to tie hanged
la St. Louis on March 10 for the mur
der of Luther Lewis, also colored.
j" "- 'aBsam', I
Does it not? This just uepresents our
bank in every sense ot the won!.
In asking- you to place your banking
in our hrnds. we point with pride to
our record of :V years of safe banking-. -to
the hundreds of your neighbors,
business men. who have found this
bank Tried and True to the interest of
every depositor.
We solicit 'your account."vhothor
large or small.
GoEumbus State Bank
A Bad Man.
Tho following Htory fjikou from
tho Silver Creek Snnd gives an account -of
a man who is now in tho hospital
and who may havo to lose both foet:
"Last Friday Marshal J. T. Coiton
received a telephone message from tho
hheriff at Fnllorton to nrrebt a young m
and giddy man by tho cnnio of John
Mate a.
Marshal Cotton ran across a man
wco ha thonght nnswured the des
cription, tnckled him and tho lellow
put up a talk, aided ly other-: which
left m doubt, consequently ho .
loft him with bin fncdom whilu ho
investigated, luiter ho became con
vinced that hu was John Itintvn "and "
went after him. John had fled. Tho
noxt that we beard of tho gay masher
wax fhat lie went out in the band hills
to escnpo nrreht, slept in a straw stick
or hay bam nnd in tho morning -crawled
into Jnnccki's with both his
feet frozen Mr Jnnecki tent for
Martin Ivoizal, who did what ho could
for him, and Sunday morning took,
him to D nnenn. pnt him on tl.o trni
and sent hm to tho hospital at Colon
bus. Wo lonrn that, ho hml somn par
of hit feot nmpatntcd since going ther . J
Young Maten 's only gutting a smii w
part of what ho deserves. IIo was
wim uuy nun nt one timo Mint i
a n;r. s J'
in Chicago. The man wjih not k.lle 'yr
unu a gin who wn: s:cck on John pi?c
up $ 100 to got him out on bail. Thcil
John bkipped. Later three other con
fiding girls havo havo been led astray
by him and it wns tho lust ono who .
wanted him to maun good. Tho
sheriff at Colnmbus is reported to
have him in charge nnd ns soon as
John can Iravo tlio hospital, it is
probablo that he will Jinvo to fneo
some music. The wav of tho tians
gTHsor is hard "
Lcup and Platte Valley.
Mrs. Narvy of Albion is visiting
with her brothers, Rudolph and John
The ycung folks aro bnpy practicing
for the entertainment which was pub
lished in last weeks number.
Miss Alarthn Kumor is visiting her
nucle Iivirg on the poor
There will bo it masquerado bnll in
the Duncan hall 1'Vhr , 1 given bv F.
Olrich nnd P. Mciuel. Walter Shep
ard, son of Will SheDnrd tho engineer
will return Lome to Council Pilaffs
Jan. .'i0 acco tn pin ibd by W. VV. Shop
ard and hii grandfather. r.d.J vback,
Sam Jmhrf and Ceorgu Tmdsn. who
wero appointed nppraisers for tho tend
which is to be laid out for tho now
road known as the Zylum road com
pleted their duty Friday January 7,
Violin players, heretofore a rarity
in St. Edwnid, proum to Le plenti
ful in a few years. Prof. Siko of Co
lumbus is now muking four nightly
visits to St. Edward and has about .
un even dozen violin students who '
havo determined to learn tho violi n
as it shonld h" b-arn'-d. Pror. Sike
has the reputation ot" lK-ing a very .
thorough instructor and of permitting
no indifferent work on the part of his
.pupils. St. Edward Advance.
Matiaifev Ask
SII;22G Damages.
Ezra MnhniTey, through his attorneys
It. W. Hubert and J. 1). Stir lilt I a
suit m iJit-tri -t Court this afternoon at
:" o'clock against Jcs?ph Wells for $11,-'-'20
Modern Dentiatry
Dentistry as a science is mak
ing greater progress than any
other science pertaining to the
human body. New instni-
ments and appliances are con
stantly being invented. New
remedies are being discovered
to be used in connection with
various treatments teeth re
quire. All these things are
for the prevention and relief
of pain and make dental oper
ations in most cases absolutely
We use none but the latest
approved methods and appli
ances. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. IS years of
continuous successful practice
in Columbus.
13th Street.
Phone HO.
Dr. H. E. NayiaiR.