The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 18, 1905, Image 1

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Senator Attacks Attorney
t" Heney, Saying that the Special Officer-Offered
Clemency to Convict to
-v ' v. .
l involve mm in xne usk.
Washington, Jan. 18. The unusual
opectacle of a United States senator
explaining on the floor of the senate
.charges made against himself in a
. court of law in his own state was wit
nessed ia the senate, when Mitchell
'(Ore.) spoke of the indictment re-
" cently returned against him by an
Oregon grand Jury. The senator had
.not previously appeared in the senate
since' the indictment was returned,
sad he was received by his fellow
. senators with many evidences of good
"will. He was much affected, his emo
'tlon at times being such that he read
his statement with great difficulty.
The senator denied categorically each
charge in the indictments returned
against him in Oregon, and said:
"I assert In the most positive and un
qualified manner, that each and every
".one of these charges, insofar as they
relate to or involve me. are absolutely.
.'unqualifiedly and atrociously false.
and I here and now indignantly and
defiantly denounce their authors, and
aach and every one of them, and
rand them publicly as malicious and
atrocious .ars."
"Then the senator attacked Francis
J. Hency, an assistant United States
attorney in the prosecution of the
land fraud cases, declaring that he of
fered clemency to convicts to Involve
aim in the case.
Heyburo concluded his speech on
"the statehood bill and Stone gave no-
' . tice of a speech today on his resold
tlon for an investigation of charges
at corruption in the campaign of 1S96
and 1904.
Debate Swayne Charges.
; Washington. Jan. 18. With an
agreement reached to vote on the
Swayne impeachment articles today at
'3:30 o'clock the debate was carried
on at high pressure for more than
r- Ave hours. Crosvenor furnished the
ext for a very vigorous speech ky
. Ttourko Cockran by the readinc of a
letter frrm Judge Pardee of New Or
" leans declaring that politics was at
" .the bottom of the impeachment pro
" ceedings. The fact of a judge trans
; rnitting such a letter, Cockran de
"'" dared, dramatically, was "a mon---Straws
spectacle." Grosvenor assert
ed that there was no ground present
'ei for impeachment In the report of
: tha committee. The defenders of the
Florida judge during the day were
Laccy (la.), Nevln (O.). Moon (Pa.)
and Crumpacker (Ind.). Lamar (Fla.)
closed the debate for the day, review-
: 4ag the sentiment of his state and the
-" record of Judge Swayne. He declared
. there was ample ground for impeach
ent. .
" Pennypacker Under Fire.
Harrisburg. F-. Jan. 18 The Penn
sylvania State Editorial association at
its annual meeting here criticised
Governor Pennypacker for his refer
ence to the press in his recent mes
sage to the legislature. Detrick La
made of Williamsport. the retiring
president, made an address, in which
he said that he hoped to see the day
when no public offlcer. no matter hiw
high bis office, win dare to suggest
for the members of the association
the ducking stool, the assassin's pis
tol or annihilation at the request of
six citizens.
Her 'Attorney Says She Will Probably
e Released From Jatt Tomorrow.
Cleveland. Jan. IS. Attorney J. P
Dawley appeared before Circuit Judge
Wing and asked that the amount of
b. Vor the release of Mrs. Cassie L.
Chadwtck be determined. There are
, fnAietTnpnts neainst Mrs. Chad-
Wick and United States District At
torney Sullivan asked that bail be
fixed at $25,000. Mr. Dawley sug
gested $15,000. Judge Wing com
promised the matter by placing the
mount of bail at $20,000 and Attor
ney Dawley said this amount would
be furnished. This would release
Mrs! Chadwlck on the federal charges.
There are. however, three ether in
dictments against her in the Cuya
hoga courts. Mr. Dawley said that
he would at ence ask the state courts
te fix the amount of bail, and that
ball would he furnished as scon as
the sum Is fixed. He expects her re
lease from jail tomorrow.
Are prominent features of our Banking
business. Minutes are sometimes worth
dollars to busy folks. We can help you
save dollars and minutes. If you would
learn how, come .ind have a talk with us
We give the Lest advice about invest
ments, praising or otherwise, as may le
Of course we do n general Banking
business issue checks anil drafts; in
fact, accommodate our patrons when
ever possible.
The First National Bank
iiii is hub
Yesterday' Daily JoarmaL
Fifty-Nine Persons Drawn In Norwe
gian Lake as Result of Landslide.
Christiana. Jan. 18. Fifty-nine per
sons the result of an ava
lanche of rocks at NaesdaL north of
Bergen. A mass of rock was sudden
ly predptated lato Loenvand lake,
from the neighboring hills, causing an
Immense wave twenty feet high,
which swept the neighboring shores.
Houses, people and cattle were swept
away by the' rush of water and it is
known that fifty-nine persons per
ished. Thus far oaly four bodies have
been recovered. A great storm
topped the relief work, as the sur
rounding district is unable to send
lews Shews Greatest Gain.
Indianapolis. J"-. 18.-SPresident
afitchell of the United Mine Workers
of America announced the committee
for the fi convention aow in ses
.i. Of the $1,807,300 spent last
year by tke TJalted Miae Workers for
the relief of strikers. $487,575 went
Into the Colorado district An anal
ysis of tke statement of paMoP mem
bersklp of Ike organization skowa ithat
town made tke greatest gam during
tke year malar with December. It
nkowsaeumofWiP member
ship, a Jama from $.788 to HM Vb
aeart cam aext, with a gala of 1 &&.
a amfrm 7.8$S to l.&mfeV.
JHon. Geo. D. Micklejohn of Fuller
ton was on onr streets tcilav.
Mrs. E. H. Chambers Tnnd Mrs. A.
Andereson will go toOmaha tomorrow
to hear the great Melba ring.
Miss Florence Whitmoyer will leave
tomorrow for LosAngles. California,
where 6he will visit relatives six
Mrs. D. T. Martyn entertained the
Monday whist club yesterday after
noon. The next meeting will be with
Mrs. A. Anderson.
We have customers tell us that the
23 cent grade of tho German-American
coffee is as good as they have been
paying :M) and 35 cents for elsewhere.
Dr. D. T. Marl vn jr.. entertained
the Young Peoples Kuchre club last
Friday evening at His home Julius
Nichols and Mrs. W. 1. Speico were
the winners of the nriv.op.
BORN. January 9, to Mrs. Henry
Mathews, of Robert?, Montana, a 6on.
Mrs. Mathews will bo better re.mber
ed hero as Miss Ella Byrnes. She has
been here lor some time visitine her
parent. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Mrs. R. H. Henry went to Fremont
Snmlav. called bv the death of Mrs.
Marietta Porterfiold, the grandmother
of Captain Rex Henry. The deceased
was one of the pioneer settlers of that
county. The funeral occurred this
of Spalding has leased two of the
Murray buildings and is having the
imrtitinn removed between them and
will, by Saturday evening, have it
fitted up for a roller skating rink.
Mr. Eennan conducted a similar hall
several years ago in Kearney, when
that kind of recreation was eo popular.
County Judge Ratterman was an
Omaha visitor this week. A meeting
of the executive committee of the Ne
braska State Press association was held
in Lincoln last night. It was decided
to hold the annual meeting at Kearney
on February 21 and22. Ono of the sub
jects for an address was given to
Edgar Howard of the Telegram, who
will talk on' Tho Anti-PassQuestion. '
HONORED. Mrs. S. A. Brindley
received the official announcement
Saturday ot her elect1 as president
of the primay section of the state
teachers association. The position
carries high honors the teach
ers of the state, and with it much
hard work, but Columbus people are
proud of the fact that we have instruc
tors who are recognized as among the
best in this great state of Nebraska.
Several Columbus gentlemen mem
bers of the Knights of Columbus, went
to Lincoln to spend the day yesterday
where initiation exercises were held,
the lodge at that place adding sixty
new memters to this order. Among
those who- attended from Columbus
were, F. T. Walker. James Foy, J. T.
Cox, Lannnie Gntzmer, nod John
Marphy. In Omaha a similar meet
ing of the Forresters was held, those
from Colambns being Theo. Moereen,
S. J. Ryan. Jos. Schnmacker, Mark
Burke and L. L. Wernert.
Mr. Leavr J. French, the well
known manager of Pecks Bad Boy Co,
died at Horton. Kansas of pneumonia,
Friday January 13. He was first tak
en last Saturday with a severe cold
which developed into pneumonia
from which he died as stated above.
He was well known in this city and
liked for his many good qualities and
his suddea taking off will be mourned
by his many friends here, who knew
aad liked him as a manager and frieno.
His body was taken to his home at
Hyde Park. Mass., from which place
the funeral will be held. i
MISSIONARY. A nnmber of the
members ox the Episcopal chnrch here
will attend the sitxh district mission
ary conference of that cnuroh which
will be held in Omaha five days be
ginning with tomorrow. The gather-
ins; will be one of the largest religion
meetings ever held in Omaha, the
delegates alone numbering over a
thousand people. Among those from
Columbus who will attend will be:
Rot. Cash. J. D. Stires. Mesdames E.
H- Chambers, A. Anderson, O. T.
Roen, H. Robinson and Edgar How
ard. On aocoant of the absence of
Rev. Cashtthere will be no services in
tha EniscoDal church next Sunday
with the 1 exception ot
school period.
Has Majority of Eight on Joint Bal
lot Jaaies A. Hemenway and Al
bert J. Beveridge Elected in Indi
anaFifth Term for Aldrich.
Jefferson City. Mo., Jan. 18.
Thomas Kay Niedringhaus of St.
Louis received a majority of the total
vote cast in both houses of the Mis
souri legislature for United States
senator to succeed Francis M. Cock
rell. Mr. Niedringhaus. as chairman
of the Republican state central com
mittee, carried the state for Roose
velt and Fairbanks, increased the
representation in congress and elected
enough legislators to ensure his se
lection as United States senator. He
received a majority of eight on joint
The voting in both houses resulted
as follows: House. Niedringhaus, 70;
Cockrell. 5S; Kerens. 1; Bittinger. 1.
Senate. Niedringhaus. 11; Cockrell.
22. Total. NiedrinRhaus. 90: Cock
rell SO; Kerens. 1; Bittinger. 1.
With the exception of the two votes
for Kerens and Bittinger. the Repub
licans had all their forces in line for
Niedringhaus, the caucus nominee,
despite the rumors that seven of the
members of the house would boit.
Representative Grace, who intrcduced
the resolution that resulted in the
appointment of a committee to investi
gate the campaign contributions of
Thomas K. Niedringhaus and who was
accounted an adherent of R. C. Ker
ens, seconded the speech nominating
Niedringhaus. He announced also
that he spoke in behalf of Mr. Kerens
and his adherents.
Hundreds of Visiting Firemen Receive a Warm Welcome
Streets Aglow with Color Seven Burros used to
"Jolly" the Visitors Mayor's Proclamation.
The city today is in the hands of sraaiofl
the, firnmnn. If we are e er soinc to August Loeb, Albert
Folk Issues Rules for Lobbyists.
St. Louis. Jan. 18. A special from
Jefferson City says: The stay of pro
fessional lobbyists In Jefferson City
will be limited during the session of
the legislature. Governor Polk enun
ciated rules that all reputed lobbyists
must follow. The rules are simple
enough and are promulgated along the
line of the governor's inaugural mes
sage. The governor advised certain
railroad corporation attorneys who
are admittedly lobbyists that they
roust adhere to the following rules:
On arrival in Jefferson City, as soon
as possible thereafter, any profes
sional lobbyist must report his pres
ence in the city by presenting him
self at the governor's office; such lob
byists must state to the governor the
object of their visit; a report must
be made to newspaper representatives,
the same as that made to the gov
ernor; a thirty-hour limit is placed
on their stay in the city.
Visit our grocery department at any
time and get a enp of German-American
coffee free at GRAY'S.
CRKSTON Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Zeller celebrated the fifth anniversary
of their wedding last Monday.
If. Whitmoyer, who has been con
fined to his home lor several days
with a mild attack of eryaipelas. was
able yesterday to go to his law office.
All parties holding E. B. Dunham's
chip or coupon books must bring them
in before January 25. Mr. Dunham
refuses to redeem them after that date.
Wrin and Sons, 11th Street It
Don't fail to go to the North Opera
House Saturday night and laugh as
you never laughed before. The Leroy
French Peck's Bad Boy Company is to
lie here. This is a company that give
all they advertise and your money's
RUNAWAY A team of horses be
longing to Henry Bean decided yester
day afternoon that they did not want
to stand in the cold any longer, so
broke loose from the hitching post and
started for their home wuth of the
river. South of the planing mill they
ran into a telephone pole, smashing
the pole and breaking down wires.
No other damage was done. The team
had been driven to town by George
Mrs. J. O. Parker of Genoa who has
Rnan visiting her daushters. Mrs. J J-
Sullivan and Mrs. Lloyd Swain.slipped
and fell on the walk yesterday after
noon, breakinrg her left ana near the
wrist. She is now at the home of
Mrs. Sullivan. Mrs. Parker was on
her way to the U. P. depot expect
ing to return to her Home in Genoa,
when the accident occurred.
WOMAN'S CLUB A meeting will
be held next Monday evening at the
home of Mrs. A. M. Post, to organize
a new department of the Woman's
club for the study of parliamentary
law. Mrs. W. N. Halsey will be lead
er of this department, aad the ladies
expect a good aamber to register for
tudy at the Monday meeting, when
an outline of the work will be deter
mined apon.
The Platte County Teackes, Asso
ciation will be held at Humphrey.
Jan. 28, the session to begin at 1 :15
p. as. sharp. Music will be furnish
ed by Humphrey school pupils and
excellent papers on timely school sub
jects will be read by Misses Augusta
Nelson. Kate Daly, Ella Coleman, and
Delia Breuning and J. R. Alcock.
Manager Saleyof tke North opera
house is arranging for a date with
Helen Grantly to play here some time
next month in' 'Her Lord and Master."
Miss Grantly will be remembered as
the leading lady with Baaf ord at the
opening of the North orperahonsea
few Tears ago. She is aa Omaha
young lady who has gained an envi
have a big fire .gain, now u the time.
At uoon today 115 had registered at
the hotels, and thev are Btill coming
in on every train About 300 are ex
pected altogether.
The reception committee has a
cavalry tronp of seven little burros,
decorated with flags and bunting, in
charge of John Winkleman. Thev
meet the delegations at the train and
offer the fiery donkeys to whoever may
want to ride. One visitor, E. O.
Hartford of Norfolk, was spilled off
into the snow from the back of the
burro he was riding. The animal was
not perniciously active, but Mr. Hart
ford was traveling such a swift gait
that ho was thrown off by his own
momentum when the burro struck its
slow gait.
Special cars have come in from Nor
folk and Albion. One is coming from
Beatrice and other poinfo in the
southern part of the state. The mer
chants have attested their apprecia
tion of the firemen's visit by decor
ating their business places with flags
and the firemen's colors.
The opening meeting of the conven
tion will be tonight at S:00 o'clock at
Orpheus halt President M. Bower
of Nebraska City will deliver his
annural address, and on behalf of the
city Mayor Boettcher will deliver an
address of welcome. A committee on
credentials will be appointed at the
first meeting.
At nine o'clock tomorrow morning
in North opera house the business
session will convene. The parade will
be at one o'clock in the afternoon,
and in the evening they will all at
tend the Hanford performance.
The committee on reception is com
posed of Sam Gass, jr., F. W. Gerber,
John Stovicek, Otto KuniDf, W.Novell,
E. O. Eavanaugh, Fred Ulricb, Wer
ner G!nr, Henry Seipp, O. W. Pitt
man, Albert Eurch, A. L. Snyder,
Otto Staab. V7.R. Snell,Fred Webber,
E. H. Krumland, John Winkleman,
Leopold Platb, Herman Kersenbrock
and J. J. Smith.
At four o'clock this afternoon the
following were registered:
O A Petersen, A A Murdock, Z K
M Bauer, President.
Mortensen, Wm Tessin, Mark John
son, A Hull, a u Hun, utto uaetn,
J L Jamieson.
John McKay, J E Hengerling, Wm
Cbas E Wood.
Dan Boebm, G W Pennington, W L
Boettcher, Henry. Koester, B Hoidt
man, Wm ScheffeL Gny O Harrison,
E J Long, R H McAllister.
A A Doubrava; J A Emerson. R J
Ousack, C E Varney, Henry Schroer.
F A Barrett, J J Jirsa.Axel Nelson.
P J Johnson.
August Loeb, Albert Filger, Al
R H Green. E R Stovey. F O Cnlek.
F Gleaner, Wm H Tillery.
Tom Hatchinhson, E P Hamilton,
W O Gibsons, W K Ayres, J F McNee,
Chas Ooffelt.
J B Buskley, Gns A Peterson, W
Wickberg. J A Carlsen, A O Cotton.
F M Edijar, H Kinzer, A Watson.
J W Parker, A R Anderson, J Summers.
R Patterson, Wm Buchanan, Hud
low, J A Gee, A C Cone, A L Langston.
W Wheeler, O H Cove, J Graham.
Baker, J Ammerman, W D Skaggs
A DeMoss, W A Britell, C S Griggs.
S Methorm.
A O Schram, J F Scholtz. N
A Schwank, E E Potter, A D Webb.
V A Nenow, B Reynolds, R Kortb, E
Benning, F Hellennan, II C Truman,
H Frollaff, John Sanford, M R Green,
Ed Dixon, L Hershiser, B Dixon, B
Ecklee, H W Winter, J Clements, Her
man Gerecke, C E Hanford, H Paul, A
Derringer, Wm. King, H E King, E
l'ribenow C Liehrman, PLaubecb, M
Potter. Ed Dixon. L. Herehiser.
J N Smith, Robt Lewis.
W H Wisda, E H Silver, Geo C Eret.
V F Cooper. Chas A Anderson, Elmer
ilalgren, Thue Jorgensen, Willis Kim
mer, Bob Adams, Peter Kjor, Axel Peter
son, B Dobendefer.
T. Rutledge.
Mayor Boettcher issued the follow
ing proclamation to Columbus people :
Whereas, the 23d annual convention
of the Nebraska Volunteer Firemen's
assocition will be held in Columbus
on the 17th, 18th, and 19th of the
present month; and whereas, said
convention will bring to onr city sev
eral hundred of the bright young rep
resentatives of other cities and towns
in our state. Now, therefore, by vir
tue of the authority vested in me as
the cheif executive of the good city of
Columbus, I do hereby proclaim that
during the days when the visiting
firemen shall be our guests it will be
the duty of every citizen to do all in
his power to make pleasant the stay of
the visitors ; and to that end, in ad
dition to the acts of courtesv and
kindness which onr people will vol
untarily perform, I ask that every
business house and residence in the
city be suitably decorated during day
light hours with the flag of our na
tion, or the colors of the fire depart
ment, and that during the evening
hours the stores and homes may be
profusely lighted, thus making the
city as a whole a picture of welcome
and good cheer. Given under my hand
and the seal of the City of Columbus
this 14th day of January, 1905.
August Boettcher. Mavor.
Attest: Wm. Becker, City Clerk.
to remember that toilet soap is always needed at home; and that the
kind needed is not the kind that can be picked up anywhere.
The soap that leaves the skin as perfect as it finds it is the kind
to u?e. And that is the kind we sell.
A number of good kinds at 10c a cake, 2oc a box.
Chas. H. Dack Druggist
These are tlie Contestants
for tiie Journal Piano.!
Mabel Campbell
Mary Wilson
Metta Hensley
Leona Harbert
May Ziegler
Louise Marty
Bertha Grotelo6phen
The vote ia the piano contest will
be published in every issue of the
Journal from now on. It is time that
the contestants rally all their friends
for the finish which promises to be
That all friends of the contestants
may be rare of fairness we repeat that
the votes will be counted in the pres
ence of the contestants and a com
mittee to be agreed upon by the con
testants will be placed in charge of the
ballot box during the last two days of
the contest.
Hard work is being done because the
prize is worth more than the effort
and we are determined that there shall
be absolute fair play in order that
the best vote getter will win.
Many subscribers to the Journal are
helping their favorites by sending the
Journal as a gift to friends whom they
wish to have the newsiest newspaper
in Platte county.
Reoital Alvin E. Poole and H. F.
Fnnk, presenting a gronp of pupils;
assisted by Mrs. Maude Bylle6by, vo
calist. Presbyterian church, Friday
evening, January 20, 1903.
Piano doet Selected
Misses Susan Roen and Mary Howard
Steers Lost.
Two steers lost Sunday night from
slaughter pens of Kersenbrock and
Burke. One black, one brindle, com
ing three years old. weight between
5th Air Varie
Herman Zinnecker
Piano Butterfly Waltz Engelman
Roena Kyan
Violin a. Adoration
b. Legende
Mande Galley
Piano Faust Waltz
Esther Roen
Mandolin Melody in F Rubinstein
Hattie Brodfuehrer
Simple Aveu Thome
Theresa Gluck
Serenade fromBen Hur Lyon
Mrs. Byllesby
let Air Varie De Beriot
Emil Schwars
Cradle Song Durfleld
Katharine Rusche
iolin duet Rondo Spokr
Pror. Poole and Walter Boettcher
Mandolin Come Ye Discon
solate Siegel
Byioa Way
1st Concerto De Beriot
Walter Boettcher
HTrrovatore Verdi-Hoffman
Miss Emma Schreiber
Hungarian Rhapsodic
Jeno Hubsy
Prof. Poole
Prof. Funk
A Trip to California.
Mrs. O. H. McClintocM
On December (tb, at 4:10 p. in., we
left the Union depot in Omaha aad
boarded the U. P. train bound for
Denver. For weeks we had planned
this western trip and supposed we
were ready at any time to "fold our
tent," bnt we found at the last day
many things to attend to. so when the
train pulled out and we realized we
were really started on onr journey we
settled down and prepared to enjoy
everything. At Columbus we met
Dr. H. A. Hansen and wife and Mrs.
Hansen, the Doctor's mother, with
whom we were to traveL We bad
been very fortunate in securing the
Very best ia tke way of berths, etc..
aad found ourselves almost as comfor
table as in our own cosy home. It
was now dark and sight seeing im
possible, so we retired. We arrived in
Denver in time for breakfast, and
learned that we could go south on the
Santa Fe at 3:30 p. m. We then helu
council and decided to spend the day
in Denver. It was a day well tpent,
calling on friends, attending the mat
inee, viewing the city, etc. We can
see the mountains a distance of from
15 to 23 miles Pike's Peak and Long
Peak, said to be the highest. At S
the party assembled and we again re
sumed our journey. After another
good night's rest we find ourselves at
Trindaa in Colorado at the foot of the
Raton mountains. We breakfasted
here. Now tkey put on two engines
and started no grade. The tram is
heavy and winds slowly this way and
that, part of the time almost in a
horse shoe shape and when near the
top we pass through a long tunnel.
At the top is a email villago called
Summit at a height of 7.642 ft. We
rest for a short time, and are met by
a heavily loaded train going east. The
air is fine and has a very invigorating
effect. We have left the little town
Summit at the top and aro now going
down grade with one engine, at break
neck speed. The mountains are cov
ered with Pine trees and snow and the
son shining on them makes a picture
nnn will remember a lifetime. Wait
ing Raton, a city of 6,000, at the foot
of the mountain, we all take a short
stmll to stretch our tired limbs. We w in New Mexico, and can teo
coal mines in the distance an endless
number of cars side-tracked filled
with coaL We find more enow here
than any place since wo left Denver.
For miles we have traveled without
seeing a sign of habitation. We seem
to be in a large basin, completely
wailed in by mountains. The Foil
looks fertile, and enquiring, we were
told there is no way of irrigating,
otherwise it would be gocd farm land.
It is the most uninteresting spot we
have found, and even the sight of a
monstrous hawk as it swoops down in
search of prey, is welcome. Now we
mount a great elevation and travel
tnr miina And miles on the mesa This
is covered with about six inches of
snow. At the foot of this tableland
is the City of Las Vegas, with a pop
ulation of 10.000. All along the line
since we came into New Mexico, we
see little adobe houses, find any num
ber of burros. The nills here are cov
ered with Pine trees, and looking up
the lime valleys they look like parks.
I regret very much my inability to
describe this beautiful scenery. The
clouds hang over the mountains 6ides
is great banks leaving the peaks tower
ing above, and the last rays of the
setting son falling upon them makes
exquisite colorings an artist would
find impossible to portray. Beuig in
formed by the conductor that at 9 we
reach Albuquerque we rub ourees
and decide to stay awake and view tJie
city, and we are more than paid. Tho
train stopped 25 minutes and wo went
through the depot, which is a beauti
ful structure, and in connection is an
elegant cafe and a Navajo store with
all the Indian curiosities imaginable.
Here you see the Mexican greaser and
genuine Indian with their blankets.
Passing through the depot we pet a
view of the streets. They are beauti
fully illuminated and have such a
pleasing appearnnco that we wish for
time to view the citv thoroughly. But
the whistle blows and we all scamper
back to the train and to bed.
Morning dawns and we are still in
New Mexico but nearing Galup. a
small place on the Arizona line. Again
we board the train and travel at a
mnch sreater speed. The tnow is all
gone now and the greit boulders of
rocks showing the different strata ere
interesting sight. We pass great
herds of goats and see a nnmtcr of
Indians on their loaies coming down
the winding mountain paths. They
the genuine savage, and wc
1905 Right
with a bank account of your own.
We hope during the present year to
open many new accounts-and would
be pleased to see your name on our
books. Commercial or Checking ac
counts of firmra or individuals are
solicited, and every accomodation
consistent with sound banking is
extended to all.
Columbus State Bank
n m m m
Sunday m reputa -"-"" .7 finder renorfc at onoe
tke aanaar and bae made maoa improve - ""ll "7 a' fvit,.
J the last visit to Colambns.
to Kersenbrcck and Burke, Columbus.
' There will be lots of fan at the
North Opera House. Saturdav, Jan.
21. for Peck's Bad Boy will bo there
then, and that means fun fast andfar
ious. The play has been rewritten and
is funnier than ever.
instanly recall "Lo, The poor Indian
with untutored mind." Now the
scenery changes and is anything bnt
interesting and we must find divers
ion cf some kind. Some inudulge in
a social game, others resort to read
ing, etc. Scon we reach Winslow,
where we have 23 minutes for dinner.
Again we traveL mounting slowly
the plateaa of canon Diablo, an eleva
tion of 5.403 feet. From this eleva
tion we can again see the saow capped
mountains in the distance. We fully
realize now that we are in the Sunny
snath. The balmy air and glorious
sunshine is so bracing we entirely for
get our fatigue and with our windows
raised we enjoy It all to the full ex
tent. We see here great boulders of
rocks covered with moss and in this
valley one genuine forest of pine trees.
To the north are the San Francisco
peaks, the highest and most beauti
ful we have seen on onr journey. They
are said to be 14,000 feet high. The
air from the mountains is chilly but
iavigoratiag. Here in this pictares
qae little vale the train stops while
a broken rail is mended and many of
the passengers leave the train and
wander a little distance, but "All
aboard" is called, and qnickly tkey
scramble up the 6teep banks. Fortu
nately no one is left. Nestled at the
foot of these mountains is the pretty
little village of Flagstaff, and from
here 'we begin climbing Flagstaff
mountains. We pass the elevation
divide at a height of 7335 and then
jnst simply fall down the decent. It
makes ono question the validity of
his life insurance policy. At the foot
of Flagstaff they stop a few moments
for water and then resume the journ
ey. We can now see the SanFrancisco
paaks from another view. The first
view of them was beautiful, but this
is doubly so. The slanting rays of the
fast declining sun light them up with
a glory indescribable. The evening
shadows fall and we wish for day light
to linger a little longer, loath to leave
this fascinating scenery. During the
journey we have met some very pleas
ant people, and as this is our last
night together we all join in singing
some of ye olden time ballads. "My
Old Kentucky Home, America and
Nearer my God to Thee.and as we are
to leave the train at 4 a. m., we say
to our new found friends good night
and good bye and retire.
We are awakened by the melodious
voice of the porter, saying "Betah git
up. We's mihgty nigh dah. Betah
git up. We's mighty nigh dah. Betah
git up."
Reluctantly wo crawl out and are
ready to leave the train as it pulls
into Goff. This is a mere station in
California, thirty-one miles from the
Nevada line, in the Mojave desert.
Uur destination is Searchlight and the
train rnnnine to BarnwelL a station
twenty-five miles from this place.only
makes the trip three times a week,
and we are one day late. So it is
either phone for a stage or remain at
Guff until Monday morning.
We decide in favor of the stage and
just at desk it pulls into Goff and the
next morning at 8 o'clock finds us in
this strange vehicle slowly wending
onr way across tho Mojave desert.
Tho wheols of the stage have tires
four inches wide and it has two very
large seats facing each other. It is
covered with strong canvas and has
side curtains so it can be closed ap
very tight. Its capcaity for holding
luggage is something wonderfuL and
it rides very comfortably, having a
sort of swinging effect as it passes over
rough places. The desert is covered
with many species of cactus and
Joshua palms, also black grama, a
grass said to to be excellent for cattle.
In making this :m mile drive we find
one oasis in our desert and stop to
drink and refresh our tired steeds.
At 4 :30 we reach Barnwell where they
chance for four ash horses. Now we
learn what "staging it" means. It is
the real thing. The driver is an artist
in his line, making the distance of
23 miles in three hours.
Searchlight is a typical mining
town, the center of many rich mining
camDS. Hero is located three supply
stores, the post office, saloons, hotels
etc. Water is very scarce here and
consequently very valuable. Dr.Haa
snn'fi well is located inside the city
limits at the head of main' street, and
4s said to be more valanble propervy
than the gold mines. It has a flow
of 10.000 gallons per day and the city
consumes about 30 barrels a day. This
flow can be doubled with a very little
The Cyrus Noble and other mines
nrft an-rinnn to contract for Water at
SI. 50 per barrel which means a for
tune to Dr. Hansen.
We rest here a few days and then
continue our journey to Los Angeles
and here in the mountains of Nevada
we realize as never before that wheth
er in the fertile vallejs of Nebraska,
climbing the lofty mountain peaks of
New Mexico, crossing the dreary des
ert, or in California the land of flow
ers, the same sun shines and the same
Gcd rules over alL
Grateful fer Secretary Kay's Second
Nese te Chinese Government Gen
) oral Keuresatkin Reports a Japan-
see Repulse.
Washington, Jan. 18. Russia,
through Count CasslaL expressed her
thanks to tke American government
for its prompt action ia calling to
China's atteatioa tho charges that her
neutrality was beiag violated. The
Russian ambassador received a note
from Secretary Hay ac&aowledgiag
the communication of Count Lams
dorff and informing them that the
American goverameat had promptly
called China's atfeatloa to tke
charges aad expressed the fervent
hope that Chiaa's neutrality as well
as her administrative entity would be
faithfully preserved. The secretary
further said that tke Chinese miaister
had assured him that his government
was equally desirous of remaining
neutral and was doing her utmost to
prevent violations of her neutrality by
either belligerenL
The more one reads of those inter
esting stories of that great expert in
the detection of crime Sherlock
Holmes, by Sir A. Conan Doyle, the
more they realize what a wonderfally
gifted and imaginative mind that
famous author must have. Not once
does he let that great detective step
oat of the character so puzzling and
intense in which he first introduced
him to the public in his "A Study in
Scarier. ' 'It is around this faciaatiag
plot that Mort W. Sanford has con
structed bis play, which is meetiag
with enormous success in the larger
Kouropatkin Says Enemy Outflanks
General Mistchenke's Cavalry.
St. Petersburg. Jan. 18. General
Kouropatkin. telegraphing to Emperor
Nicholas, reported an attempt of a
6trong Japanese detachment of laten
tly, cavalry and artillery to cut off
the column of General Mistchenko's
cavalry Jan. 14 as the latter was
about to retire northward. The Jap;
anese. under cover of a mist, out
flanked the Russians. A battle en
sued, the Russian artillery inflicting
heavy losses on the Japanese at short
range and then retiring. The Russian
losses were five officers and forty mea
killed or wounded.
General Kourbpatkia also reported
the return of a Russian patrol after
blowing up the railroad and destroy
ing a mile of telegraph two miles
north of Tatchektao.
The admiralty here denies the re
port published by the Matin of Paris
that the authorities are in receipt of
a communication from "Admiral Ro-r
jestvensky, saying he Is leaving Mad
agascar. There is every indication
that the Russian second Pacific squad
ron intends to cruise in the Indian
ocean for somes time, probably until
the arrival of the division now being
made ready at Llbau.
North Sea Beard Hold Session.
Paris, Jan. 18. The International
commission appointed to inquire into
the North sea incident held a closed
discussion at the foreign oflce and
received statements of particulars
from both sides, which will be made
public at the session of the commis
sion on Thursday next. Notwithstand
ing reports that the formal submission
of the cases might lead to a modi flea-,
tion of the Russian defense concern
ing the presence of Japanese torpedo
boats in the North sea at the time
tho Russian squadron fired on the
Hull fishing fleet off Dogger bank, it
is learned that the Russian case has
not been altered in that particular.
The British case includes document
ary evidence so voluminous that it re
quired three men to carry It. The
Hull fishermen witnesses are expect
ed to be summoned next week.
Russian Strike May Spread,
j St. Petersburg. Jan. 18. The ques
tion whether a sympathetic strike
will be declared In three other works,
as a result of the strike of 12.09 men
at the PutiloC iron works, will prob
ably be decided today. Three meet
ings of strikers were attended by
many men from other works other
than the Putiloff works. It is be
lieved the men will join the strike,
but it was decided to hold another
meeting to further discuss the situa
tion. Russians Occupy Kashaar.
London. Jan. 18. The Morning
Post's Shanghai correspondent says
that the Chinese government com
plains that Russians have occupied
'Xashgar, the governor of which has
applied to the Chinese foreign board
to open negotiations for the with
drawal of the Russians. Russia has
threatened to invade north China and
Chinese Turkestan if China continues
to discrimlaate against Russian con
traband ia favor of Japan.
Dcnisen' Case Docketed.
Washington, Jan. 18. The applica
tion cf Thomas Dennlson of Omaha
for a writ of errar in the extradition
proceedings against kirn was dock
eted in the supremo court of tke Unit
ed States. The proceedings were in
stituted at the Instance of the author
ities of Iowa, on charges pending in
Harrison county, that state. Dennlson
Is a man of some prominence la Oma
ha and the case has attracted consid
erable attention.
Bryan Declines College Presidency.
Springfield, I1L, Jan. 18 W. J. Bry
an arrived In Jacksonville and attend-1
ed a meeting of the trustees ot Illi
nois college, of which he was elected
chairman. He was also offered the
presidency of the college, but de
clined, owing to his business affairs.
He addressed a meeting of citizens
cf Jacksonville at the college in be
talLrof that Institution.
Killed by Sewer Gas Exploslen.
Belleville. 111.. Jan. 18. F. J. Gross
keim. a grocer, was instantly killed
as the result of an explosion of sewer
gas in the city sewer, whieff tore up
the street paving and sidewalks aad
smashed windows la a territory coven
Ing several blocks. The damtge in?
Ucted was heavy.
Dutch Ship Is Captured.
" Toklo. Jan. 18. A Japaaese torpedo
host destroyer captured the Dutch
steamer Wilhelmiaa. which was carry
&sg Cardiff coal to Vladivostok. In tke
Tsushima straits and brought it tt
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