The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 11, 1905, Image 5

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" m "
7-jp5-"r! Yv "jwpr"- - j-Tr - ---- -
There is no garmet so popular as the Rain Coat this Sea
" son, and they are becoming more so every day.
: Special Prices For Two Weeks:
$5. Raglan rain coat at
7.50 Raglan rain coat at
x-a 00 Rain proof coat at
j 2.50 Duckctte rain proof coat at
-15.00 Rain proof coat at
1 s. 50 Rain proof coat at -
Pre-Inventory Sale of Silk Underskirts.
.Sf 'New .Style Czarina Underskirt, Silk $4.25
;$ " " " 5.25
$n:0" " 5.50
P7.0." " ri..niis ' 6.50
UT( 'zarii:nHk Underskirt- 8.50
.-ft!-- X-v. Stylo Czarina Silk UiiiW-kirts 9.50
A I!
-Jl -w
list your house
Numbers and
Mail boxes
.FEES mail delivery for Columbus is prac
ticuliy assured. All that remains to be done
LL2.JilllcinS of tn street signs and the
j j numbering of the houses.
jra j i ne quicker
I we will secure
The city will
igns and you
a a
'--' j numbering of
: ness houses.
i j
with the house numbers at a trifling
cost and a hammer and five minutes
t & :
: t
( ol time will put
t .-a.
j Jj ! yu do no know the number of your
house we can
mail box tor the house which is attractive,
substantial, convenient and storm-proof at a
nominal cost of only .... 75c
With bur Trade
' HE NEW YEAR is a time for reflection, an op
' portimity to express gratitude for our continued
success. We are thankful for the patronage and
confidence our customers have favored us with
i during the past year. The best values always for
the least money is a winning rule. We carry a
-J complete line or
SKIRTS, CARPETS, and in fact, everything that can be
found in a first class Dry Goods store. It is 'one of the
principals of our business to render satisfactory service to
our patrons. We cany none but the
Best Merchandise,
Elegant stocK from
which to select at
the Lowest Price.
q These are all factors in
i 505 Eleventh St
& iniRoMaai
this is done the sooner
the FREE Delivery.
attend to the street
must attand to the
your homes and busl-
We can furnish you
them in position. It
give you the necessary
Let us show you a
the success of this
m Daily JsvraaL
W. A. Way it in Liacoln.
Alrin E. Pool, violinist. 'Phone 65.
Jiai Joaes wm U Osaaha yesterday.
Dr. L. C. Vow, Homeopathic physi
cian. Cotambus. Neb.
MiM Nellie Enu ia enUrtaiaiaa;
this afternoon frost 3 to 6 o'clock.
E. TonBergea retmraed home yester
day from a few days risit la Osaaha.'
Dr. Evans is in Lincoln this week.
He will retnru home tomorrow even
ing. Miss Clara Sjtegelke will entertain
a number of her frfeads this erasing
at her home.
WANTED To buy a male 8t Ber
nard pup. Adrees Sydney Eastman,
Creeton, Nebr. tf t
Miss Winn, a neice of Mrs. A. O.
Ballon of Schuyler, is the -guest of
Miss Elizabeth Sheldon.
The Royal Arcanum will have thair
public instalation of officers at the
Odd Fellows hall this evening.
Mrs. O. A. Brindley returned last
evening from Omaha where she has
bcon visiting during thd holdiays.
New classes will bo organized at the
Columbus Commercial College at the
be-innibK of the new term, January 2,
liKO. 38-2
Invitations havo been issued to a
party Saturday evening at the home
of Marc Purkins. Mr. Frank Perkins
will entertain his Jolumbua friends.
BUY YOUR COAL or Weaver and
Newman. They kc ep the largest assort
ment. Weaver and Newman carry
fifteen different kinds of coal'and not
one poor kind among them. tf "
Will Hockenbergor and Donald Mc
Allister have issued invitations to a
daucing party to be given in Maener
ohor hall tomorrow ovening. Sixty-five
invitations have been issued.
Arthur Sparhawk of Michigan, a
traveling salesman, visited his cousin,
E. M. Sparhawk just we6t of town
the first of the week. The two gentle
men bad not seen each other 'for forty
Mrs. Linnahan and children of
Beatrice were in the city today on
iheir return home from Platte Center.
They were called here by the death of
the baby of Sheriff Carrg. Mrs. Linn
nbum is a 6ister of Mr. Carrig.
No better New Year's resolution can
le made by tbo good housewife than
to improve the quality of her baking
lor her husband and children. The
barest way to do this ia to use WAY
Ur FLOUR, mode by the Columbus
toiler Mills.
If fillings have failed to preserve
your teeth do not think it necessary
to have them extracted. Fillings
properly inserted with modern meth
ods and appliances will save them.
Dr. Paul the dentist uses the latest
and best of everything and guarantees
Mamie and John Elliott entertained
the senior class of the high school
last evening at their home. A guessing
game occupied the time the first part
of the evening, at which Miss Kate
Kinsman proved to be the most pro
ficient. The seniors of the high school
forlUOoare: Misses Mamie Elliott,
Hate Kinsman, Elsie Pohl, Anna Mc
Taggert, Anna Rossiter, Grace Bloom,
Lillian Adams, Hazel Millard and
Emma Luers; Messrs John Elliott,
Roy Stires,Fred Baker, Alfred Pueschel
and Jess Betterton.
enjoyable gathering was th;party
given last evening by Miss Lillian
Adams at her home just north west
of town. A carry-all was engaged to
take the young people to the home,
about fifteen guest being present. Miss
Bess Mitchell of Lincoln was the only
out of town guests present. The first
part of the evening was spent in play
ing cards and dancing after which a
chatins dish luncheon was served,
and many of the guests were called
upon for speeches. Jack Neamarker
was toast master and nailed for follow
ing Ned Post." The Girls ;"MissNeUie
Evans, "The Boys" ; Frank Perkins,
"Nature"; Miss Bessie Mitchell,
" TheCripple8"(roferring particularly
to the disabled young gentlemen) Miss
Florence Kramer, ''The Chaperone"
(Mrs. Evans); Fin Howard, "The
Hostess' ' .Lillian Adams,' TheGuests. ' '
Friday's Daily JawsuO. '
Dr. Paul, dentist.
Carl Rhode is in Norfolk today.
Prof. Sike, teacher music, Barber bldg.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard A.
Clark, January 5, a son.
Miss Lillie Pierce of St. Edward is
the guest of Miss Alice Watkins.
Dr.Chas.H. Plats, homeopathio phy
sician and surgeon, postofBoe building.
H. S. Elliott has been in Kansas
this week. He is expected home tnis
A. Boettchre and Carl Rohde are
attending a meeting of the Sons of
Herman at Norfolk.
LOST. A bicycle wheel between Co
lumbus and XickAdamy'a farm. Please
return to Journal office. wlt-p
Albert Zimmer and Ida Trofholz,'
both of Columbus, wen- granted
marriage license today by Jadge
The marriage of Miss Mary Lyons
aad Mr. Hugh McDonald is announced
to take place next Tuesday at the
Catholic church.
Will Schram will move his family
next week from David City and will
occupy the residence of Mrs. B. Watts
north of the Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Boss Williams of Albion. Mrs.
Clarey of North Loup aad Mrs. Louis
Hanson of Fremont, have bean gaests
this week of Mrs. J. F. Kirkpatrick.
Tne funeral of Mrs. Martha Wise
man who died Wednesday morning,
washekl this atferaeon at 9 o'clock
at the hosae, Rev. DeWolfe praaohiag.
the sermon.'
Mrs. George Geitsea of Humphrey
came down today to attend the in
atalatioii of the J Degree of Honor and
Woodmen of the World lodges which
will take place this eveciag. .
Joseph Haaggelsr on Shell Creek,
lmsal)ontoompsewil his workoflUr
1st his ice house. He will pat a0
tons of good ice. over 'one foot 'thick
from Shell Creek, for his own use.
Mr.' and Mrs.' Henry Becker aad
Will Boettcher of Grand Island were
gaests the first of the week of Carl
Boettcher and family, Mrs. Becker
and Will are daughter and son of Mr.
- -Mr. Schism began traveling the first
of the year for the GroeaewegA
LSnoentgen grocery house of Council
Biaffa, and will visit towns along the
main line and branches of the Union
Pacific railroads.
The St. Ann society of the CathoHo
church will raffle off the pieced quilt
made by them, and for which they
have been selling chances.' The raffl
ing will take place at 3 o'clock at Fitz
Patrick's store tomorrow.
' This evening ?s service will close the
six meetings held this week at the
different churches, and will be at the
Methodist 'church, rrof. BriteU will
give the principal address of tye even
ing. The meetings have been well
Fur coats robes and blankets in large
varieties at prices that can suit every
body. My harness and collars are-hard
to beat in quality and price. Why not
get the best? You always will get the
best at F. H.Rusche's, on 11th street,
ColumbU3. 8tw.
Mrs. A. F. Saffron entertained six
of her lady friends Thursday evening
at a six o'clock dinner. Those present
were Mrs. Frans: Hagel, Mrs. Henry
Gass sr., Mrs. M. StoffeL Mrs. August
Merz, Mrs. Anna Lehman, and Mrs,
Will Hagel.
The executive committee of the
Farmers Institute meets in the court
house Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock
to arrange for the Institute which will
be held in this city February 15 and
1G. The committee is composed of
John Galley, president: S.P. Drinnln,
secretary ; Carl Rhode, Christ Bienz,
R. Y. Lisco, Joseph Henggeler, Henry
Rhodehorst, Clarence Sheldon, W. F.
Mrs. Gertrude McGahey of Chey
enne. Wyo., has located in the Brag
ger building and will practice med
lcino. Mrs. McGahny was formerly
a resident of this county near Humph
rey, her maiden name being Fromholz.
She has studied and practiced both
alapathic and homepatuio medicine,
and her specialty is diseases of women.
Her education was secured at the Ne
braska state university and a medical
school in Switzerland. '
Warwick Saunders now of Daven
port, Iowa, is ia the city selling shares
of stock in a coal mine in which he is
interested. Mr. .Snandertt' left here
about eight years ago. since when he
has been engaged in newspaper pub
lishing houseo in Omaha, Lincoln ani
Iowa cities. Mr. Saunders was ed
itor of the North Platte paper, com
ing from there to Columbus where he
went into partnership with A. Ii.
Bixb in the publication of the Argus.
He has been in Columbus since Wed
nesday. Yesterday afternoon a dozen young
ladies met at the home of Miss Nellie
Evans in an informal gathering, and
later they were surprised- by the
appearance of a dozen young men
whom Mrs. -Evans. had invited as a
surprise to tfae'oth'ers.'; Luncheon was
served for the company at one long
table with 'the dining room darkened.
In the evening the same company was
entertained by Miss Emily segelke at
six-hand euchre. Dinner was served
in the same fashion as the afternoon
luncheon, the table beiag decorated
with pink carnations and pink can
dles. Bert Neumarker was toastmas
ter on both occasions.
DIED. Word was received here
this morning of 'the death of E. H.
Andrews of Leadyillo, Colorado. Mrs.
Andrews, who will bo remembered
here 4 as Mrs. Maze ' Elliott, sister; of
H. S. Elliott, telegraphed to relatives
here that her husband died this morn
ing. A few weeks ago Mrs. Andrews
wrote that her husband was not well
and that some thing like paralysis had
afflicted his left leg, so that she was
afraid he would loose the use of that
member. No other knowledge of his
illness has been known here. Mr. and
Mrs. Andrews, were married about
seven years ago. Mr. Andrews has
for many years been one of the moat
prominent business men in Leadville.
Sstarday's Daily Jeamal.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath , Barber block.
Mrs. Robt. Saley is confined to her
home from illness.
Mrs. J. O. Echols is confined to the
room from. illness.
, Senator Hughes enme home from
Lincoln to spend Sunday.
The public schools will open Mon
day after two weeks vacation.
J. E. Erskineioame up from Omaha
yesterday tolpead. a f )w days at home.
Do -:not falLto see our 8-foot gulvan
ized steel null for $32.00. A. DnseeU t
Bod. tf ., t
Miss Grace Penfield of St. .Edward
was' the guest today .of Miss Alice
' Miss
Petite MaTfcynishome from
and will remain about two
weeks. ...
Drs. Martyn, Evans, Evans k Martyn,
Jr.. office three doors north of Fiied
hofs store. ' - -
Ernest Dassell returned Thursday
.night from Chicago, where he had
been since Monday.
GOLD DUST flour, made by the Co
lumbus ROLLER mills ha no equal
for stayiag qualities.
' Mr-E.P. Rogers and children re
turned today from n ten day-visit to
relatives in CedarRepida.
Mr. and Mrs.M.. D. Karr will enter
tain a few young people this evening
in honor of -Mr.- and Mrs. Olsean.
YOU NEED-NOT have nil teeth ex
tracted in order to have new ones.
The srjuad msjksesaain. Consult Dr.
Miss pigabeii Hervey f Omaha is a
gaest in the family of M. d Perkins.
Miss Harvey's father is se e of the ed
itors of the Nebraska Farmer.
r Miss Emily Cook, the primary teach
er in the Greston scboohr, returned to
that town today after n two weeks
visit with her sister Msa.sfeT.DaWolf.
Warwick Saunders
tioned yesterday as being in the city,
left.this noon for his home in Daven
port, Iowa. Ha expects to return to
Columbus ia about three weeks.
Mrs. Kemp aad daugher, Miss Ethel
came down yesterday from St. Edward
to oanealt Dr. Laeschea in regard to
Miss Kemp's eyes. 8heisa patient
of Dr. Ole Britell in her home town.
Mrs. Frank Oorte and Mrs. Coons
both of Omaha will be guests over
Snmiay of Mrs. M. D. Karr. Mr.
Olsten also of Omaha, son-in-law of
Mr. and Mrs. Karr, will arrive here
this evening to remain over Sunday.
J. H. Rector and wife of Keene, Ne
braska, returned home this morning
after a visit to station agent Hector
and. family. The two gentlemen are
brothers. J. H. Rector was for a few
months telegrapaio operator at the
B.ML ia this city about two years
r It ia noticeable that the park is being
out up with paths again. For a time
the public observed the wishes of the
council and walked on the regular
paths provided for them,, but lately
the ground has been cat up by. many
foot prints, and soon the grass will be
entirely destroyed in aig zag lines
across the beautiful park.
berger and Dona'd McAllister gave a
a dancing party last evening in Maen
erchnr hall in honor of Miss Olabell
Hervey of Omaha who is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Marc G.Perkins. About
twenty-five couples were present and
enjoyed a delightfal evening. Prof,
pool's orohestra furninshed music for
the dancers.
A policeman's experience is varied,
a Columbus woman has discovered a
new duty for him. If she is out late
at night without an escort, and 1b
afraid to go heme, she simlpy rings
the fire bell one tap. and the police
man oppeare, and takes her home.
This was the experience of a Colum
bus lady last evening, when she at
tended the meeting of a lodge which
kept a late hour.
The next number on the high school
lecture course will be jaunary 12,
when the Dixie Jubilee concert com
pany will enerttain Columbus lovers
of music This will be one of the
best entertainments of the lecture
coarse and all those who have not
already reenrfd tickets, should pur
chase at once, as the' colored concert
company is a favorite among all class
es, and will be sere to draw a Urge
The A. O. IT.. W. and Degiee of
Honor lodges held their annual installation-
of officers at their hall last
evening, wnen a crowa numoenng
over three hundred people gathered
to listen to the excellent program and
enjoy the banquet at the close of the
exercises. The protected and unpro
tected homes were demonstrate in an
entertainment, recitations and dia
lougues were given and all passed off
in a pleasant way.
Stanley G. Satterloe has brought
suit against the First National bank
of Columbus for $433.10. He recites
that he. a man dependent on his la
bor for support of his family, gave a
note to said bank for $150 back in the
90s and later the bank garnisheed his
wages for payemnt while he was
working for theNorthwestern railroad.
Five months of his pay was taken and
this together with his expenses in go
ing to Chicago for trial of the case
and his attorney fees he asks the court
to return to him, amounting in all to
the sum named.
Many people will remember a man
named Munter wno resided here two
years ago and acted the part of a
strenuous life before the bar where
liquor was sold when ne was not busy'
abnsing his family. When he left
Genoa he returned to Monroe, where
he has since resided. The other night
after filling his pelt with an extra
amount of boot-leg whiskey, Munter
started on the war path. When it be
came necessary to properly subdue
him. Jack Hart voluntered for the
work. He went after Munter with a
hammer and it only took one biff on
top of the head to put a quietus upon
the demonstrations cf the booze fight
er. Genoa Timet.
Menday's Daily Jeamal.
Ed Hoare is in town today.
Chat. Pearsall was up from Omaha
over Sanday.
Rev. H. Reynolds of Omaha called
on Rev. Halsey today.
Mrs. E. S. Newlon is confined to
her room from illness.
Mrs Ben Walters will go to Omaha
tomorrow to visit one week with her
Peter Duffy left today for Enid,
Oklahoma, after a vifit of two weeks
at home.
Mrs. H. E. Chambers was the guest
of Mrs. B. R:"Cowdery of Humphrey
last week.
Good 1320 pound horse for sale
cheap. Inquire at McOlintock&Car
ter drug store. lw 6d
Mrs. F. W. Famed was in Madison
Saturday to accompany her husband
on his regular trip.
Frank Mathews began Saturday to
work ia the grocery department of
tne Wrin&Son store.
Miss Maud Parker returned this
morning to Fullerton after spending
her vacation in Columbus.
Revival services will be held this
week in the Methodist church, Rev.
DeWolf conducting the services.
Mrs. Qaomf and Mrs. Porter who
came down for the Karr party return
ed to their hornet in Omaha yesterday.
Lonnie Gatzmer is home from Lin
oohvforafew days. He will begin
his'work as clerk ia one of the state
offioetV-next Monday.
Misses Phillaraina aad Emma and
Master Jotn Gentleman of Omaha
were 'the gaests' yesterday of their
relatives, the family of, D. O. Kavan-agk.-
county to prepare for desirable position
in Govt. Mail Service. Salary $800.
Rapid promotion to $1500. Splendid
opportunity. Address Box One, Cedar
Bpide,Is. 41-4p
The family of the lata Mrs. Martha
Wiseman wish to express their
thanks'to neighbors and friends, the
League and Aid societies of the Meth
odist church and all others whoasisst
ed in the last sad rites.
Miss Clara Jacobson returned Satur
day from Ottawa, Iowa, Miss Rnby
Rickley from Omaha, Mies Anna Cogil
from Central City and Miss Marion
Smith from Lincoln where they spent
their two weeks vacation.
Mort Marpby and Coo Keating re
turned yesterday from Omah where
they had been purchasing a stock of
groceries for their new store. They
visited from Saturday until yesterday
with friends in Fremont.
EXCURSION. Next Sunday all the
members of the Catholic Foresters in
Columbus will attend a large meeting
to be held in Omaha next Sunday,
when a new court of Foresters will
be organized. There are about 27
people who will go from Columbus.
Rev. Munro writes home from Lin
coln that he was able to be out of bed
yesterday, and that he expects to be
home Thursday evening. He will be
met at Seward Thursday morning by
Mrs. Murno where they will speed
the day and where Mr. Mnnro will
perform a wedding ceremeny.
At the annual election of officers of
the Presbyterian church jestorday W.
H. Heineman was elected an elder to
succeed himself and J. O. Freydig
was also elected an elder. W. A. Mc
Allister, Prof. McCoy and Jonas
Welch were elected trustees, Prof. Mc
Coy to succeed Prof. Cunningham
and Mr. Wolch to succeed H. E.
The sale of seats for tho coming en
gagement of Mr. Charles B. Hanford
in Don Ceasar de Bazan. at the North
opera house on Wednesday, January
18th. indicates that this popular actor
will be greeted by a fall house. Mr.
Hacfcrd's visits have always been
looked forward to with pleasurable
anticipation by otne theatre goers in
this city.
The home of J. F. Belford ono mile
north of town came near burning
down Saturday evening. Une of the
children had lit a match to find some
thing in a closet used for wtod. and
threw the burning match on tho floor.
In a few minntes later the room was
filled with smoke and the firo was dis
covered and soon extinguished but not
before many articles of clothing were
destroyed, and the interior of the
room was partially damaged.
Rosa Walker and Kathorino Kyan
entertained about twenty of their
little friends Saturday eventng at a
six o'clock dinner, at tho nomo of F.
T. Walker. Aft6r refreshments tho
young people entertained themselves
in many wayB, hunting their fortunes
upon the stars that were placed about
the rooms for decorations, playinc
flinch etc. Hazel Smith won the
prize in the flinch game, and for
writing the best list of good resolu
tions and proverbs Matilda Lutz
carried off the honors.
Frank Perkins entertained a num
ber of yonng friends at his homo Sat
urday evening. The time was passed
in playing euchre and elaborato re
freshments were served, the company
being seated aronnd a large round
table. Fin Howard waB toastmaster
and the following yonng people re
sponded to toasts: Nellie Evans,
' College Boys;" Ned Post, "Tho
Bunch in General;" Fin Howard,
"A Joke on the Idlers; Florerco
Kramer, "The Last Night." The
decorations were in holly and rrd car
nations. GERMAN CIRCLE. One evening
last week the German Reading circle
met at the home of H. Hocksnbnrger
and enjoyed their annual snppsr and
entertainment. There are about six
teen members of this club and the
object of the meetings is to-etndy and
read German literature, but at least
once a year the serious work is put
aside for an evening of sport. On this
occasion refreshments, select readings
and muftio wore given and presents to
each other exchanged. The ladies also
presanted a pantomino ' Tho OidMaid's
Party" which was laid to be excep
tionally well rendered.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ka:r entertain
ed the Yonng People's Card club at
their home Saturday night for their
aaugnter, Mrs. Olseen of Omaha. The
prizes, a cut-glass vosa and a deck of
cards, were won by Mrs.Llojd Swain
and Mr. Gus Hecber. At the closo of
the evening a two-course luncheon
was served. The place cards were
unijqne, those for the ladies becring
hand painted pictures of Buster Brown
in various postures. Those of the men
had different views of tbo dog Ti;;u.
The out'of town guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Olseen, Mrs. Porter and Mrs.
Coons, all of Omaha.
GAS PLANT. Mayor Boettcher
received the following telegram last
evening from F. J. Miller, manager
of the gas plant to be erected in Co
lumbus. ' Will yonr city council give
Pickhardt 90 days extension on my
assurance that I have necessary money
to give you. Answer quick. " Upon
consulting with the members of the
council, Mr. Boettcher telegraphed to
Mr. Miller today to the effect that if
Mr. Pickardt would show his good
faith by paying the indebtedness in
curred in the city, place a large sum
of money in a Columbus bank and in
other ways show his intention of
building the plant, they would grant
the request.
FIREMEN. faesdav, Wednesday
and Thursday of next week will be
firemen days in town, when the state
associatioa of firemen will meet here.
There will be a demand for rooms for
visitors, it beiag impossible for the
hotels to accommodate all who will
be here. A representative fireman
from Norfolk waa in town Saturday
engaging lodging for 63 visitors from
Norfolk and neighboring towns, but
was unable to procure rooms at the
hotel for more than twenty-five. John
Wiakleman is chairman of the recep
tion conuaittee, and any one having
rooms to rent would do well to inform
him. Citizens should take pride in
their city to see to it that visitors
r receive food lodgings.
Henry Ragatz & Co. 1 1
13th Street
Home Restaurant
l Hamburger Steaks
Kersenbrock & Burke
At the Black Flag' Store
is now going on in full
ft1 m m
w w w m
Hundreds of eager buyers are
flocking to the big sale and buy
ing goods cheaper than ever
known in this country. This is
the onljrbonafide sale Columbus
has ever known. A sale where
you can buy good goods at your
own price, where the auctioneers
sell every thing they pick up.
Nothing put back for the want of
a better price. This firm is going
out of business and the
will continue on every afternoon
until the last dollar's worth of
goods are sold.
The Black
J. L. McHennan 8L Co.,
XX-vvv4vvrrTvvv .M-M-M-1 II I 1 1 M 1F
and Meat Market
Homemadi Saisagi
w w
Flag Store.
'd l
. f
t I
'i. V l
i 'I