The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 11, 1905, Image 3

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Of the United States Treasury Recommends
fcwtber Praminent Physician Uses
and Enssrset Pc-hMta.
cal Examiner of the U. 8. Treas
ury Department, graduate of Co
lumbia College, and who served three
years at West Point, has the follow
ing to say of Peruna:
"Allow me to express my grmth
tw4e to you for the heme fit 4mrhrm4
from your womeJerful remedy.
Omm amort month has brought
forth m vast change mad I mow
caasUer myself a well mmm mfter
momths of suffering. Fellow suf
ferers, Peruma will euro you."
A constantly increasing number of
physicians prescribe Peruna in their
practice. It has proven its merits so
thoroughly that even the doctors have
overcome their prejudice against so
called patent medicines and recom
mend it to their patients.
Peruna occupies a unique position
in medical science. It is the only in
ternal systemic catarrh remedy
known to the medical profession to
day. Catarrh, as everyone will admit,
is the cause of one-half the diseases
which afflict mankind. Catarrh and
catarrhal diseases afflict one-half of
the people of United States.
Robert It- Robert. M. D., Wash-2
Ington, I). C writ:
"Through my owa experlemcei
mm well as that of many of myi
Mend aad acquaintances wboi
have been cured or relieved st ca-t
tarrh by the ue of Hartman'si
Peruna, I can confidently recoas-4
mend It to those Buffering from such I
disorder, and hmve no hesitation Inl
mrewcrlblax It ti my mathmts."k
IRobrrtR. Robert: I
t'atarrh ix a systemic disease cur
able only by systemic treatment. A
remedy that cures catarrh must aim
directly at the depressed nerve cen
ters. This is what Peruna does.
Peruna immediately invigorates the
nerve centers which give vitality to
the mucous membranes. Tnen catarrh
Measuring Ingredients.
It Is useful to know that sixty drops
aro equivalent to one teaspoonful.
three teaspoonfuls equal to one table
spoonful. A gill is four tablespoon
fuls. One cupful of liquid is equal to
one-half pint. Two cups of butter or
sugar weigh one-half iound. and six
teen lamespooniuis oi uqmu mc ru.
to a cupful.
Bird Marriages That Last.
It cannot really be doubted that
there are various species of birds
whose marriages extend over a far
greater period than that merely of the
nesting season. Ung before the nest- ( ger in KirksvjUois immediately
ing season begins one sees the gold- im,,ressed with the idea that thetowa is
linches in pairs; long after it has end-1 stistaiiied by this institution, in fact,
ed one sees the bluetitmice in pairs. JJSSlS
Embl.7 Boiled to Death. , SSStalffiaitta
In IS'JO the last instance of boiling, United States,
to death took place in Persia. The, Dr. Still's school enrolls over 700 students
offender, guilty of stealing state rev- , j$fll'g&e
enues. was put into a large caldron COII,,,jl.linRtliei-our.-eotstudy There are
of cold water, which was slouly heat- over KK) gradmtes and tliey are prac
ed to the boiling point. His bones ticing iu every state and territory of the
.ere distributed, as a warning, among VJ$! XT,
the provincial tax collectors. .;,.,.,..
j This school teaches every branch taught
Have No Use for Pockets. J m medical colleges except "drugs" and
We ordered a new pair of trousers ' osteopathy n substituted for that. So
the other day and when we got them 1
they were without pockets. When we ' seclcd ycariv by the students.
kicked the tailor told us he always I At the Inflnnary, patients from every
... I -. ml 1- ........- .....1 Slk ntlllAdt MVtm
mailn newsnancr men's pants mai
way. Sauk Center Herald.
t- -v o wvw.,1 l?intiirr tiv
, ,'. mia,.0 .ith ' thousands who have left tho institution
a new process, in a few weeks. ith-. ..jjj,! bv the treatment .the science has
out loss of time or inconvenience, i been heralded to the world as a safe and
i. ,i ,nM, 1 without thp rational method of cure. Several years ago
Rectal diseases cured without the a free clilllc was mbihed in connection
knife. Send for circular. O. S. Wood. I lvh thopractioo department of the school
At ii VM V Y Life Uldg Omaha. ' lhi is stlu ln operation. Hundreds of
M. L., -l .. r. J-uc uiuk.. '" theworthv poor, who are unable to pay for
- ... : ..7". treatment". are treated every afternoon by
To Kill Germs in water. ' tuc sei,ior students free of charge.
It Is not alwas convenient to steri- j
lire water, and boiling makes it taste- How Carlyle Talked.
less In cases where germs are to j I have heard Carlyle pour forth a
be destroyed, four drops of tincture ol , continuous stream of impassioned dec
iodine in a half gallon of water, left j lamation for more than an hour at a
to stand for a half hour, renders the time: and so keen were his character-
ter harmless.
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use tbey
will save not only time, because it
never sticks to the iron, but because
each package contains 16 oz-. one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up in -pound pack
ages, and the price is the same. 10
cents. Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals. If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12-oz. package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance.
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De
fiance and save much time and money
and the annoyance of the iron stick
ing. Defiance never sticks.
Siamese Must Pay Debts.
Debtors ln Siani. when three months
in arrears, can be seized by the cred
itors and compelled to work out their
indebtedness. Should a debtor run
away, his father, his wife or his chil
dren may be held in slavery until the
debt is canceled.
He who gives cheerfully of genuine
charity finds an ever-flowing fountain
from which to draw.
"Largsst Ssllcr ln th World.'
Mustang Liniment
i Cuts: Barns, Braises.
cabatora are made by
Jofaaaoat. tfca Incubator
ate SX
A var-rotMtaiir fcatca
cr.MTaTafeaetaal aad a are Tear's ci
tee. rortlk-fre
lata. SM 17
r Ba
mmetm M m.
sBSSSSffs saSS)
Dr. Llewellyn Jordan,
Medical Examiner United States
disappears. Then catarrh is per
manently cured.
If you do not derive prompt and
satisfactory results from the use of
Peruna. write at once to Dr. Hart
mann. giving a full statement of your
case, and he will be pleased to give
you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Practical Scotty.
"Positively the worst struggle I ever
had in the water." said the young man
who had been at sea. "was one night
trying to save a man with a wooden
leg." "Man." said an old Scotchman,
who was listening, "if ye had got a
bit of rope ye could hae saved the
man quicker wi' it than ye could dae
wi' ten widden legs."
It is unusual that a single institution in a
city of ,000 poonle will overshadow iu im
portauce every bthe interest, but such js
the case wita the American School of
Q?teoiathy. and A. T. St.ll Infirmary at
' panoi uucuuuu.i JU .....T .
form of diseasa are constantly under treat
ment. For tho jtast fifteen years almost
i-vi-rv train coming to Kirksvillo has
I brought some new sufferer hoping to find re-
li.f In- t.hrt i-iMn- of Osteouathv. Bv the
, izations. so ieiicuous ins .. -.,
of criticism that no listener could
wish the wonderful utterance tc
cease. "Retrospects."
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
aa mercury will nrely Acitroj the aence of atnn
Md completely derange tbe whole Ttrm when
entering It through the mncoun surface. Sack
article) ahoald sever be u.eJ except en prescrip
tion from reputable phjralctan. aa tbe danace tbew
will do la ten fold to tbe good yu caa possibly de
rive froD them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cteaay Co.. Toledo. O.. contains no mer
cury, and la taken Internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces uf the system. la
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure yon get the
genuine. It la taken Internally and made ln Toledo,
Ohio, by F J. Cheney Co. Testimonial free.
hold by Orugslsts. Trice. 75c per bottle.
Take liall'e Family fill for constipation.
One of the saddest sight of our day
is when a man buries his nose in vol
umes of sermons or of sociollogy so
as to shut out the sight of the sor
rowing. Chicago Tribune.
Many Children Are Sickly.
used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's
Home, New York, cure Feverishness, Head
ache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Dis
orders. Break up Colds and Destroy Worms.
At all Drurgts25c Sample mailed FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy, N. Y.
He who stops to help a tottering
brother over the rough places arrives
quicker than he who rushes headlong
down the lane of life.
Important te Mathers.
KnavJM earcfany every bottle- of CASTORTA,
aaafeanal sera iiaaudj for infanta aad children.
Bean the
Sbmalnre of
. w w Wm
la Uo For Over SO Tcara.
The K' Ton Bare Alwaya Boasbi
Save your scowls for your enemies.
Be cheerful when surrounded by the
home circle.
TJXDOMA Hair Tonic will lend to
your hair that soft fluffy appearance
appreciated by people of good taste
and refinement.
Ask Your Barber.
Send us your name for free treat
Married men daily make sacrifices
of which no mention ever is made.
Last year the Sure Hatch Incubator
Co. of Clay Centre. Neb., shipped 600
incubators to Germany and several
thousand to Australia. South Africa
and South America.
Many a man imagines he is in love
when it is only his liver out of order
Many who formerly smoked 10c cigars
now saaoke Lewis1 'SingIe Binder" stralgh
5c cigar. The best cnsMiisstion of the bes
tobaccos. Lewis' Factory, Peoria, I1L
One realizes the istBortaace of
aoaey whs he tries t ssy torsi
nv r-- rr ""SSSSawaw
.. r rcrMMMl
T IV-" " rrr-S !J?afaFJ
T- .. vi-h-JVF TFT - T- w - T" l, . I I 'lll
w "", "1" """""""""""""" ' "
L K !
A Synopsis of Proceedings of the TwaityNinth Geiv
era! Session. " '.
In the capitol building shortly aftei
noon on the 3rd, 122 citizens stood
with uncovered heads and with right
hands uplifted, before Chief Justice
flolcomb, end repeated after him a
emu oath of office. The men who
1 God to attest that they swore
were the members of the twenty-
ninth session of the legislature, and
this is what they swore:
"I do solemnly swear that 1 will
support the constitution of the United
States and the constitution of the
state of Nebraska, and will faithfully
discharge the duties of member of the
legislature according to the best of
my ability, and that, at the election at
which I was chosen to fill the said
office, I have not improperly influenced
any vote of an elector; that I have
not accepted nor will I accept, either
directly or indirectly, money or other
valuable things from any corporation,
company or person, or any promise
of office for any official act or influ
ence, for any vote I may give or with
hold on any bill, resolution or appro
priation, so help me God."
The business to be transacted was
that of organization only, and was car
ried out strictly along the line3 deter
mined on in the republican caucuses.
The house was caneo to oraer dj
Secretary or State Marsh. The roll
was called by C. H. Barnard of Pawnee
county, who was later made first as
sistant clerk of the house.
R. B. Windham" of Cass county was
unanimously elected speaker pro tern.,
and John Wall was made temporary
chief clerk.
For the election of permanent speak
er, the vote stood: Rouse. 91; Hunk
er, 9; and on motion of the latter, the
election of Mr. Rouse was nmde
The oath was administered by Chief
Justice Holcomb. and was repeated by
the members standing with right
hands unlifted and afterwards
signed by them.
The house then proceeded to per
manent organization, electing George
I. Rouse of Hall, speaker; John Wall,
.t.:.r. uml tia uttior nfflppK and
employes as agreed on in caucus last
The nine fusion members supported ,
for speaker F. D. Hunker of Cuming,
' - '
The speakers and officers were
sworn by the chief justice.
Mr. Rouse was escorted to the
speaker's chair by Burgess of Lancas
ter. Caseberr of Gage and Perry of
Furnas. He addressed the house
briefly, informally and in a very gen
eral way.
A committee of five was ordered ap
pointed on legislative supplies. The
rules of the twenty-eighth session
were adopted as the rules of the pies-
nnt enccinn I
ent session
Windham of Cass, Anderson of
Douglas and Burns of Iincaster were
appointed to act with a senate com
mittee to wait upon the governor and
inform him the legislature is ready to
hear from him.
Casebeer of Gage moved thr.t the
clerk be instructed to furnish requisi
tion blanks, which should be exclu
sively used by the members In calling
for supplies, and that such requisi
tions be permanent preserved in the
record. The resolution was voted
Windham of Cass, chairman of the ousjnesg was transacted beyond inau
committee to confer with the gover puratjon ceremonies. Jennings of
nor. reported that his excellency had Tnaver reported the standing commit
fixed 2 o'clock Thursday as the hour tees Giffen 0f Dawson moved that
when he would convey his wishes to Wajj Q. gherman, Laverty of Saun
the legislature in the form of a mes- derg and Goul,j 0f Greeley be appoint
The house thereupon adjourned.
In the senate work began at noon.
Lieut. Governor McGillon called tae
body to order.
Rev. .1. H. Presson led in prayer.
He invoked the divine blessing on the
legislators and asked for harmony and
peace throughout the session. I dct custodlan 0f the senate; Edgar
A roll call showed that all the sen-, Mc(rea CU8todian of the gallery;
ators were present except Hart of(Mf8 R g Cameron, copyist; Tom
Adams county. He was detained by u" Wright. clerk: J. A. Pollard, messen
ness. ' Je'rry wilbelm. night watchman;
Senator Wall moved that Senators Hober iKaltoTm
Begthol of Lancaster. Saunders off
Douglas and Jackson of Gage be an-i "
pointed a committee on credentials.
They reported there were no contests.
Senator Saunders of Douglas moved
that the 1903 rules be adopted until journment reported that an agree
new regulations were formulated and ment had been reached with the sen
the motion prevailed. ' ate committee for an adjournment un-
Senator Haller of Washington I til 11 o'clock Tuesday. The report was
moved that Senator Jennings be elect-' adopted. McCIay of Lancaster moved
ed president pro tem. Senator Wall that a committee of three be appoint
or Sherman moved as a substitute ' ed to arrange for the securing of
that all the senate caucus nominees , mimeograph copies of the house jour
be declared elected. The latter motion ,nal; one to be placed daily on the
prevailed. Wall then moved that Sen- desk of each member, and that the
ators Epperson of Clay, Tucker of , committee be given power to act. The
Richardson and Sheldon of Cass wait speaker seemed to regard this as en
nn th spcretarv of state and ask him taillntr unnecessary expense, and the
to swear in the senate employes. This
was carried. Secretary of State Marsh
could not be found, and Senator Mock
ett of Lanesster moved thst the lieu
tenant governor administer tbe oath.
This was adopted and the employes
were sworn ln.
Begthol of Lancaster moved that the
committee on standing committees
and the committee on employes, se
lected by the caucus, be chosen by the
senate. The selections were approved.
Senator Jones of Otoe asked that
the pay of the enrolling and engross
ing clerks be fixed at $4 a day. This
was done. Senator Wall of Sherman
moved that Senator Cady of Howard,
Fries of Valley and Nielson of Doug
las compose a committee to notify
the house that the senate had organ
ized. The motion carried, and the com
mittee notified the house.
Without transacting further busi
ness of importance the senate ad
journed. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4.
The senate held a short session. The
body was called to order by Lieuten
ant Governor McGilton. A committee
composed of Beghtol of Lancaster,
Fries of Valley and Shreck of York,
Milkman's Clever Defense.
In defense to s charge of selling
milk wholly devoid of fat an English
cowkeeper said that his cows had
been eating cabbages, but the defense
did not sid him.
To Plant Forest.
The University of California, at
Berkeley, faces a magnificent -view of
bay. lslsad aad shore, bst the Ugh
hills behind It are bare. They sre to
be covered with redwoods, ars.
ssaltas, tarn aad whits
T ' " .. 1 'Vmmat J,WSflL4l !--
! I rTITBWTTMnFT ' .'ji- i--rr-TTSPv ,. -jyVii -i'-.-- -- v- 3rrf
H -
i v vk
jwas appointed to confer with a house
committee to set a time for srjomi
session to canvass tbe vote on execu
tive officers and fixed the time at
11:30. Mockett of Lancaster, moved a
resolution, that was unanimously-carried,
to furnish representatives of the
newspapers in the senate copies of
the Cobbey statutes for use during the
session. The board ot secretaries of
the state board of health sent in a
communication requesting the favor
able action of the senate in the mat
ter of providing a home for the epilep
tics. An invitation was read., and
placed on file from the Natlonal'Live
Stock association for the legislature
to attend the meeting of the associa
tion in Denver. January 10, or to send
a committee. Adjourned until Thurs
day, when Joint inaugural ceremonies
will take place.'
In the house complaint was entered
against the railroads for the length of
time they take to get lumber into Ne
braska and the way in which they treat
the dealer. Lumber is sometimes on
the road a month, with the dealer un
able to locate it. When it does arrive,
1 unless it is unloaded within forty
eight hours the purchaser has to pay
a day demurrage. Frequently the
cars stack up on the dealer and injnany
cases shippers have been unable to
unload the cars within the prescribed
time, and have had to pay the demur
rage chargeswhen it is all the fault
of the railroads. Should a measure be
introduced to regulate this evil it will
have the support of the lumber deal
ers, who two years ago were tied up
with the railroads. The following
members were excused from attend
ance for thev remainder of the week:
Jouvenat of Boone. Jackson of Antel
ope. Bacon of Dawson. Peabody of Ne
maha. Livingood of Franklin. McAl
lister of Deuel, Richardson of Madi
son and Smelser of Sherman. Roberts
of Dodge offered a resolution, directing
the chief clerk to furnish to the re
porters of daily newspapers regularly
represented in the house a copy each
of the compiled statutes for use dur
ing the session, the resolution being
seconded by Perry of Furnas. The
quesiiuu wm f""- w . - .
and the speaker was in doubt as .to
the result Bums of Lancaster then
explained to the members the neces-
.. tha
slty lor lurnisnius miuia . w.
newsDai-er men, after wnich the re-
solution nrevailed. Following this ad
journment took place until Thursday.
Brilliant and elaborate ceremonies,
marked the inauguration of Governor
Mickev and the state officers. The
capitol building was decorated from
t in to hnttnm with flaunting bunting.
FerDS palm8 am1 fjowers were in all
. .1 ... 'lntAp.
tho offices, and there was an iiuer
minable receiving line leading up to
Governor Mickey, who was surround
ed by his colonels, their uniforms
ablaze with gold lace. There was a
reception in the senate chamber
which lasted from 8 to 8:30 o'clock.
Several thousand marched through
the chamber and into Representative
hall. After this there were receptions
in the various offices by the new offi
cers. The First regiment band fur
nished music and Adjutant General
Culver of the national guard had
oharce of the ceremonies. But little
ed a committee to represent the mem
bers of the senate at the meeting of
the National Live Stock association
at Denver. The committee on em
ployes reported these names to the
senate and they were sworn in and
placed on the pay roll: Miss Olive Utt,
.secretary to lieutenant governor,
Cnarle8 E puray. copyist: F. J. Bene-
In the house the session was very
short, lasting but ten minutes. Chair
man Perry of the committee on ad-
motion was defeated. The house then
went into Joint session and, on recon
vening, adjourned.
Blus-Bleeded Engineer.
One of the. engine-drivers os th
Paris Metropolltsn rsilwsy is the son
of a vice president of the French sen
ste. who wss formerly minister of
The Unfsir Ssx.
Nothing makes a woman so mad as
being stared at in a street car, except
not being stared at, Cincinnati Cora.
mercial Tribune.
A Dally Thought.
"Inveigh not against fate, nor re
pine at providence; but wisely exam
ine and correct your own negligence.'
Vanity and Self-Improvement.
Nothing is so common and barbar
ous as vanity, and nothing so en
lobling as self-improvement.
God's Greatest Gift.
The love of a ' good woman is a
spring flower that blooms through the
Day of Heaviest Rainfall.
A celebrated aeronaut asserts, sftei
patient Investigation, that the nintr
day of the moon is the most rainy ol
the whole twenty-eight, snd font
o'clock in the sftemooa the raiaiesi
hour of the day.
tsar's Flssh 6ssJ Eating.
The vslse of bear's warn, as aa af
tide of food Is pretty generally knows:
bat It is sot, perhaps, salts so web
Hnderstoodf thst' every fart of the sal
sal Is last as "seefal as that of the
News in Nebraska
Verdon, with less than 500 inhabit
ants, has three strong banks.
The new Denver hotel at Hastings
was destroyed by fire last week.
The Burlington has begun steel
work on the cut-off near Wymore.
Wm.,Synder, a Columbus butcher,
lost his fingers in a sausage machine.
A branch of the Salvation Army
has opened for business at Wymore.
' The year Just closed was an un
usually 'prosperous one for Nebraska.
Grafton is in want of some one to
open a millinary establishment in the
O'Neill finds a school district debt
of $23,000. where it thought it owed
t Boyr and girls of Wymore High
school, have each organized basket
ball" teams.
L. J. Gutzmer of Columbus has
started to work as bookkeeper in the
state auditor's office.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fletcher of
Alliance last week celebrated their
golden wedding.
The. David City Telephone Ex
change has passed into the hands of
the Surprise Telephone company.
By the overturning of a buggy Rev.
C. A- Masten and Rev. Alexander
Leonard were Injured at Kearney.
Diphtheria prevails to considerable
extent at Shelby. There has been
three deaths thus- far.
The Masonic Temple association of
Havelock has filed articles of incor
poration with the secretary of state.
The capital stock is $15,000.
The first horse stealing case in
Cass county since the organiaztion of
the vigilance committee, was report
ed to Sheriff McBride last week.
Frank Todd and George Dowd. two
bank robbers, were last week sen
tenced at Nebraska City to the peni
tentiary for five and seven years re
spectively. The new Osceola water bonds were
sold to. Harris & Co. of Chicago for
$25,265 ( being a premium of $265. The
issue is twenty-year bonds and draw
5 !er cent interest.
Hilma Kinman. single, aged 38. of
Sevedeburg, was brought before the
examining board of Saunders county
and adjudged insane. She was taken
to the asylum at Lincoln.
City Marshal L. I Aldrich of Falls
City shot himself in the fore finger
of the left hand while manipulating a
revolver of small calibre, which he
supposed was unloaded.
At Louisville. Otto Wesleyan. who
had been drinking for some time, and
who was locked up. set fire to the
mattress and furniture and came near
suffocating before the jail door could
be broken open.
Abe L. Lloyd, a young farmer, was
probably fatally injured at Pickrell.
Gage county, by driving under a large
beam over a pair of scales with a
load of corn with the result that he
was badly crushed.
Rollo Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs
Xeri Smith, residing five miles west
of Harvard, is on a visit to his par
ents, having on December 29. been
discharged from the army at Platts
burg. X. Y.. having at that time com
pleted a three years service.
Charles Snyder a young man in the
employ of Patterson and Wingard,
met with an accident at the Parker
ranch, six miles west of Fremont
Parker was adjusting a gasoline en
gine and as he started the machine
his right coat sleeve caught in the
cog wheels drawing his arm in and
badly cutting and grinding the flesh.
No bones were broken.
Ed Ruby, who lives seven miles
northeast of Weeping Water, while
chopping wood, had his axe caught by
a limb and it glanced and struck him
just behind the right ear. cutting off
a part of the bone and muscle and
cutting through the ear. He will likely
At Auburn ex-State Senator Peter
Berlet was arrested upon the charge
of illegal voting last fall. He was ar
ranged before County Judge Mc
Carty and took a thirty day contin
uance. In his biennial report to the legis
lature. Secretary Adna Dodson of the
state board of irrigation, has suggest
ed certain amendments to the irriga
tion law of the state. He wishes a
provision to require the filing of a
copy of the petition of organizaton of
each irrigation district, that the board
may have a complete boundary record
of all the districts in the state.
Chief Clerk Harnley of the office of
State Superintendent Fowler has
completed the last of the statistical
tibles for use in the report of the su
perintendent. The tables show the
total resources of the varous school
districts to be $6,072,956.67. The dis
tricts have on hand $1,182,789.63. Dis
trict bonds issued during the year.
$331,426.29; canceled within the year,
$116,051.18; district indebtedness
bonded. $2,730,539.52; not bonded,
$554,457.04; value of school district
property, $10,919,921.84.
Trailing a loaded shotgun along the
prairie, John Johnson, aged 15. of
Norfolk, was surprised when, stum
bling, 'the gun wenVoff snd buried its
load into his side. The right arm wss
torn psrtlally off. with s good smat
tering of shot lodged in the right
hand. He will recover.
Byron Hammond, a former resident
of Beatrice, who has been working
for Kilpatrick Bros, in Wyoming, ar
rived last week to visit friends. On
the way to Beatrice Mr. Hammond
says he was robbed of $300 by a
stranger whom he met on the train.
The old Union Pacific passenger sta
tion, one' of the oldest buildings in
Fremont, is being torn down. It was
sold by the company to William
Lucke who will use the solid timbers
in building an ice house.
Court in the Sixth judicial district
will be held as follows: Colfax coun
ty, January 30, April 15. September
11; Dodge county. February 20. May
15. November 13; Merrick county.
January 30. April 14. September 11:
Nance county, March 13, June 5. De
cember 4: Platte county, February 20,
May 15. November 14.
Excitement prevails at Sutherland.
Deputy Sheriff Elder, with a warrant
for Lee Case, came uo from North
Platte, but Case got away. Case for
merly ran a meat market there and a
number of hides and brands were
found bidden in town. Officers ascer
tained that Case was hiding in the
Dotson house, south of the track, sad
closed in upon the place. Csse es
caped through a window barefooted,
went to a shsck where he formerly
lived, secured some clothing, snd tak
Jagra horse belonging to Ed Lyoa,
Testing the Richness of Milk.
Dairymen abroad have been experi
menting for the purpose of determin
ing which yield of milk, the morning
or evening, is .the richer of the two.
The decision was in favor of the even
tag milk being the richer, both for but
ter and cheese making Qualities. The
milk of cows fed on ground feed in
winter was richer than that produced
by the same cows from grass im the
Raw Food In the North.
The eating of raw fish is by no
means confined to the Esquimaux
Fairly well smoked salmon, cod and
trout are eaten raw by Indians aad
Canadians alike, snd sre both palata
ble and easily digested when cut with
a sharp knife into the thinnest pos
sible slices, much ss old woodsmen
like to shsve off the chipplngs of s
well smoked but uncooked csribou
Happiness in Pastry.
There sre so msny holy snd tender
emotions flying about in our inward
world, which. l:se angels, csn never
assume the body of an outward act;
so many rich snd lovely flowers spring
up which besr no seed, thst it is s
hsppiness poetry wss Invented, which
receives into its limbers sll these in
corporeal spirits, and the perfume of
all these flowers. Jean Paul Richter.
Modern Surgical Methods.
The use of the needle snd thresd
in closing wounds has come to be a
fine art. In former days the surgeons
were mere bunglers, and most wounds
left hideous scars. But at the present
day the manner in which arteries sre
ligatured, tendons spliced." intestines
sutured and wounds closed Is the
foundation of success, no skilled use
of the scalpel taking its place.
The Simple Life in Gotham.
After sll. the simple life Is wide
spread here. We do nothing but labor
to get a few dollars to pay the office
holders. Political bosses do all our
thinking for us. so we have no cares
along that line, but simply work and
sleep until it's time to go to the poor
house. Surely nothing could be sim
pler. New York Telegrsm.
Msgnesits in California.
Magneslte. which is used in the
making of fire brick and other fire
proof building materials, has been
discovered in large quantities in San
ta Clara and Stanislaus counties. Cal
ifornia. They are the only known de
posits in the United States. Hither
to America has Imported magneslte
from Greece and Syria.
Character Told by the Chin.
The chin is one of the most sub
stantial parts of the face when It is
normal, and by physiognomists Is said
to register unerringly certain charac
teristics, to tell on one for weal or
woe." Others say that this is not so.
for one may smile and yet be a villain,
and the smile is what makes the fa
cial characteristic.
And Chain the Mat.
A Brooklyn minister of a prag
matical turn of mind has his front
doormat chained to his house, and
to inculcate the right spirit in the
passerby has had the motto "Trust in
God" worked in scarlet letters of large
seize in the middle of the mat.
Russian Bristles Best.
A first essential of a good hairbrush
is that the bristles should really be
bristles, not imitations, and that they
should be of a good kind. Russian
bristles are the best; they are ob
tained from the back of the wild boar.
Veteran Joshua Heiler, of 706 South
Walnut street. Urbana. 111., says: "In
the fall of 1899. after taking Doan's
Kidney Pills I told
the readers of this
paper that they had
relieved me of kid
ney trouble, dis
posed of a lame
back with pain
across my loins and
beneath the shoul
der blades. During
the Interval which
has elapsed I have
had occasion to re
sort to Doan's Kid
ney Pills when I
noticed warnings
of an attack. On each and every oc-
:as!on the results obtained were just
cs satisfactory as when the pills were
Qrst brought to my notice. I Just as
zmphstically endorse the preparation
to-rlsy ss I did over two years sgo."
Fcster-Milbum Co.. Buffalo. N. Y..
proprietors For sale by sll druggists,
price 50 cents per box.
Still Imperfect.
"The microphone enables a person
to hear a fly walk or a bee sneeze."
remarked the observer of events and
things, "but It won't tell which way
a flea is going to hop next." Yonkers
When Your Grocer Says
he does not have Defiance Starch, you
may be sure he Is afraid to keep It un
til his stock of 12 oz. packages are
old. Defiance Starch Is not only bet
ter than any other Cold Water Starch,
but contains 16 os. to the package and
sells for same money as 12 ox. brands.
Few Suicides in Japan.
Notwtthstsnding-the honor in which
hsrskiri is held In Jspsn. the propor
tion of suicides there Is compsratlvely
low 177 a million, to 246 in France.
23S In Denmark. 233 in Switzerland
snd 206 ln Germsny.
Taka LaxaUt Bniio Qulnlae Tablets: All draa
ftsu refoad tbe nucey If It falls to cure. . W
SroYa'a signature la oa aacn box. 33c
Your conscience must be a light to
you. but it cannot be law to others.
Stra. Wlaatow-a Soothtas Syrnp.
tor cbtldrea teetLIog. aoftens the guns, redoeea ts
laBBmaUoo.aUaTSDala, cores wladcoUw atcabotua.
It doesn't take any grit to grumble.
w JmmAV amwmam
The Old Monk Cure
i?niiiiif iiiiiiiiimin MiirTiiiiiilTlITIIIlIf
l im susi ailgl " " -"
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
CTaHKaWT7VBBVBfisM.' ., t sVJSfrtSl ffflaSBBBBS.-r . -m.aaTW'SeS.AiBBaBBBBV
V - , t - " Vs - a.js-j.-' tSgwmm
mWmsm ' w
amWSmm mmmmVmmW )a'7 WwvImbbbbbt-bbV
ABiHLsj wH
JUJM mmWamVfmW ' '
niMS9Bsp. yfpfkmmmam w
mavSmVrff ffmm -
BBBBBBBBnr-aBBTvA'V ? IfW sbbbbbbMT . M .- K m X Sm bbbbbbbbbbV -t
m vfr torn I h r m J
bbV W Miavmk ill -M'-f V1 - -
maW af JTafaFaB 3? I :?0&-':7 BbB "
sb Fi&m ? i :v??-& .t'
I Mrs. L. C. Glover, Vice Pres. Milwaukee,! t ?.
tfrs. L. C Glover, Vice Pres. Milwaukee,!
Wis., Business Woman's Association, is
another one of the million women who
have been restored to health by using
Lydia E. Rnkham's Vegetable Compound
n. u... ...... l wm msLrriswi Tor several vearwavu ax
blessed my home. The doctor said I
and I ecnld not have say children sales
k. ... stwmrlsnMtincr for aeVCTSl
.-J J - :!.. !.. m. antiiwl
- --
been csred of similar trouble through
"jsarsAlA r!naiBMkiiBMl. h wemt oat
-,Ji ti-;M fo !. mud tmm half
InA im tsiaatv.tin mnatha m. child CSSSS.
WVBSa SSBSSrwasaw ww
thaakfalaess that is is say hesrt. Our hpses is a different P !wl J2.
have something to live for, snd sll the credit is due to Lydla E. WMhjati'
Vegetable CempoaaMl. Yosrs very sincerely. Mas. L.C. Glovbr. I4 Orwss
St. Milwamkes, Vis." Vice President. Milwaukee Basisess Weaasas Ass's.
lea shouM ot fall ts prat
wotae ; just as Barely as they were car? -ttlNfffcHMH"SL
rated in Ihelr letters; just so certainly will Iia K. PiahhWa
Vegetable Compound cure others who naffer from wesjl fwM
inflammation oftlie ovaries, kidney i9."1? ?crt22?
and nervous prostration; remember that it la tydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound that is curing women, and dsnt aalsw
any druggist to sell you any thing else in Its place.
An Indiana Lady Tells
l i oi worn.
. to ......SI.!... In rmlr
as i 4ii.vsiii ..-. .
special advice, write freely to Mrs.
vou, for no person in America can
In treating female ills. Address is
and always ueipiui.
AaAMA FOHPITIfwennot forthwith
ftllllll rT-..Si..r..i.i. i.i..fc m niuv.
AnilUU '
New Matsrial for Ships' Decks.
A substance called petrollgnlte i
being adopted as a material for tbe
decks of ships. It Is prepared from
sawdust, mixed with certain minerals,
and formed Into slabs, under high hy
draulic pressure. Its valuable prop
erties are that it is non-inflammable,
and is not slippery when wet.
To the housewife who has not yet
become acquainted with the new things
of everyday use in the market and
who is reasonably satisfied with the
old. we would suggest that a trial of
Defiance Cold Water Starch be made
at once. Not alone because it in guar
anteed by the manufacturers to be su
perior to any other brand, but because
each 10c package contains 16 oz..
while all the other kinds contain but
12 ozs. It Is safe to say that the lady
who once uses Defiance Starch will use
no other,
Quality and quantity must
If your friends believe you to be
poor, they will conspire to keep you
poor. If they think you rich, they will
sll try to make you richer.
Try me Just once and I am sure to
come sgaln. Defiance Starch.
The sngry man always lashes him
self. It Cures Golds, Couth. Sore Throst. Cren,
InHuenz. Whooping Cough, Bronchitis ma
Anthma. AccrtalncureforConauinptloBlaafat
tttagea. aad a sure relief ln ad vancr-dala. Uae
at once. You will aec the excellent effect alter
taking the nrat do. Sold by dealer every
where. Large bottiea 2& cents and SO ceaU.
frito or call at for free infoTBur
on. Hi -heat testimonials from prom
inent statesman, and physicians. Con
sult your Faimly Doctor. Nobracaaor
sp!incesuseL Treated successfully
pr mail. Six years' experience.
h he naanvht OvtaaaUc fcQrtlmStttat.
Cajdlat int. mcos'OMTco. ctmu asa.soa.oa.
f,l!' Thompson's Eft Waftf
From cold, hard labor'or erercise.
relaxes the s:i:fness and the sore
ness disappears.
Price, 25c and 50c
bWBbWbWaV-BbU .4bVbbV -aVksSaWBaWBar
IV . i
--"- ewatdtessWkaaaealmaMMs
SWjaia-Jn7sCU,Ca mi. awaaiass
Wa win taa taesa aast
afltUM aad Kaga. Seat work la atata
saicfa nann.n
W. N. U- Oman.
Ne. 2 Ittf.;
had a complicstloa of female Uoshl
I eosld oe csrea. tie irieti mm
. . , -t
the see of Lydl E. PhshhS)aa
aad bought a bottle for see, J ssssi
months. isvproviBS? stssdlly hi
i SSBBOt ftallV SSpreSS tSS IS t
-y we expeneswe er nss iws
f a Wonderful Cure:
Dcab Mas. Pixkha: It Is a plcassre
for me to write and tell what your wooderfal
medicine has done for me. I was sick far
three years with change of life, sad say
physician thought s cancerous condition sf
the womb. During these three yesrs 1
suffered untold agony.
I cannot find words ia which to ex
press my bad feelings. I did not espect to
ever see another well day. I read sosae of the
testimonials recomending you- medicine sad
decided to write to you and give yosr treat
ment a trial.
"Before I had taken half s bottle sf
Lydiu E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cons-'
pound, I began to sleep. I have takea bow .
six lKjttles and am so well I can do sll " i
mini. un-. .., . .
..tu atlukllt wkictl VSS WOUld HaS) ,
..- w ww- .. m m -
Pinkbam. She can surely help ,
N.cnk from a wider experience) ;
Lynn, Mass. : her advice is free
prodnth original tttsl
thlr aKwi.luUt srenulnoneaa.
imU Me-1. Vm a-J-V 1
worn, six I
rnrn rcsMkMassBSB
Isasa asssasafiu
mum iinata
arathsm-kl's.t-srfanl lacnasavf. Tr- wsHsOjBSjs-
a r.lo.-i. AitnM llasd IfciunslMmt. C-a?ar ailBlllll
ktlin j.trni. lMtnoMliwrt-wsa'swltasar
!.Wr. OaJ Ihlrtj -fell "T.''Ti1'
All HaeMai s)4 . Baja Pre Trial, a-)
Clar 'rmtr. !W. ladtaaa) iMaj Bad
TatMtTMt arsattoBa '
aaaita the Frea
Manlfleant eltma
UaavaataUM middle
Bksl naalla mt tha as
obasMf) piM wanna .
rimt wood, water, bar l
asarchaa. saaraate eoaTsawaf
Saalrfnrlnfomaafcmto jlSSftSB
gratioa. niiawa, ,." s'zrrmm
flnmnml avn w. . w
Life Building. Omaha, abraaaa
riaasa aay wrera ya aaw thtoadvi
last's a a
as a.
ar ise-aas.
svsssafe sassaBBs.
ssMdssm ass
sTaBBawadl ataMavsJi
..rosacunltytuSasar)naiits w-?
evrin m & fssrs (. ) US. UBBa
atTBS SATlS-tt. wcMw tlw. s stnsO
tin. s.n.1 for trwm UmM.XWa. U aa llMsastoff BBBB
.- .MssmaBBBBBBBamssSBBB
Vgsffijg UKOM
sa V'snsBWBaaflBBnwl.
ansaVv wTar kasBanwSBw)iVk.safBr
I Inswt hew Mssfta-t
Is mt aossi flanlt Pliant
Stoxh s the sex slntn IA
msec. II sscmI stka la fl I
I the iron. H gjm staav IM
HRskwywifhoslsthe Nil
V clothes, it wl sot baiter' I
i i nr
mi er era di the Seeds. M Mil
m sal t Im tMt urlhcr. Awia aa
1st I af
WI mofC
fl irons. Dtuasce Starch at al M
m jroccn. ti ez. for 10 cents. I
3 m W
S af M
w w
fat W
. .waHanaaw
. .aSBw"?SW I
nW nT ---nsvsw
T i.
. II
-'- 4- ""-J'.
Ut.. &