The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 21, 1904, Image 1

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Jcrv is Oct Jest 45 HirutEs -Pris
oner Eears the verdict Szulindy
Fiie Business Man
Is rare in !-: who do not realize the
advantage .' keeping a bank account
Yet whu? axare of the benefits many
men he:ta- t opn account, becanse
they th.nk tht?ir transactions are not
larg1 enoojrh. Tk? are in error. Th
banking system is for the man of small
as sell as large affairs
The First National Bank
2o Appeal Likely to Be Side
hmia; - lfcu...
"Guilty a- charged "wa? the verdict
cf tee ury m he case of William
Koliien. charged -with attempted mur
der on the pericn cf S. K. Schroeder.
Tne ury was ont 4.j minutes after
receiving their instructions frcm tne
court. Argument for the prosecution
was owned bv Countv Attoruev Lath
am -when court opened Thursday. ! doubt "be
and he was followed bv Judge Albert ' members
Thursday night the Columbus Armory
rnle its first bid for existence. Tne
coys of Company K met in the old
armory and started the subscription
of stock for the building of a hundred
foot auditorium, to serve as an arm
ory for the crmpany and to be used
far -hows, dances, and any class of
public exhibition which may be in
need of a show room.
Captain Wagner i enthusiastic
over the prospect of successfully
carrying the crojecr through, and the
boys cf Co. X can certainly be de
pended on to boost :: all they can.
With nor all of thm present last
nigh:, there were !. shares subscrib
ed by the boys alone. This will no
increased when all the
cf the company have an
"SLzs Campbell Goes Ahead Every
body Eastliag-
............ .1,475
fcr the defense. The defense nad in- ' opportunity to subscribe.
trcdcce.i no testimcny, and Judge Al- Everybody recognize- the need of
bert'- anmen? "wa made on th- such a building in Cclumbns, and if
i ground that complete identification of , the citizens will tak hold of it as
j the accused man had no: been estab- Capt. Wagner expects them to do there
j lished bv the state. ' "!! De an addition to the city's build-
I Jsage Post closed the argument for :n wnicn wiu oe an ooject oi priae.
the smai. ciThsr.t
if a(-tT-.--
Is at the ser .e of very one I. wd.
. .. , ,n,..i rh I Je -5: clC5eC J-e a
as itti t it- ifcr-s.
' L' . .J.n ..- ?l rr rHz fr T
l,-.-. hr h-;- I "-- J .' "- " ...
I "rtr.m t" Ji tto" if? Trt nwT Ji'AT
a 'juixi nv iui.i iiii.i -w -- ----
collected an. I uncon- ,
.s he has don1 throccn
ont the trial. Whenever tne evidence i
tatms. '
ccoant .
a fex d .:.i
It -:
l.U lia-. r- Dt-tE Liti
loncr r-tart an I
1 15 Witt. 'iC ,
maintained hi
i cemu manner, :
Ine demand for a clnb room may
h met by this kn ldinp1, a pebhe
cvmnasinm can be installed, a place
for the anneal poltrv show, a dance
hall and a rifie ranse f :r the militia.
Low Rates
T" .' ". tr. ia' hoiiia
trac tr- a t" it onfare
plos "' cents for ronnd
trip has b-ren placed in
eif-ct by tfa-
Union Pacific
I'te ' sal- lwetnb3'"
J-t. 2. -t . :1 and Jj.nuar
1 in'' vithtici. retnrn
i;x -I ii- 4. Ir ,-nrt- of
W. H. Benham. Asrt
Farther developments may be look-
. Jl A -.-..- .-m .-Ua Vt. rt Cr TT -,!!
c: tne state s witnesses was strongesz . e "" w."" -"c "". - u- ""
azamst him. he -displayed apparently ' cnih the matter fcr all they are
the greatest enjoyment of the proceeu- ' wortn.
This artimde was continued '
until the last, and he smiled pleasant
ly when the verdict was read. "We, t
the jnr;. ." and the defendant. William '
Kolden, cnilty as charred."
At a toncn of the sheriffs hand, he
-. k-.j,- f-, u,? oro.j Foiinw. tnree o'clock this afternoon.
- 5 t .... i..;
o-ra. anu ner can.nzer ere uu liicii
way np town to select Christmas gifts
Mary Wilson
Hetta Hensler
Leona Harbert ...
ilabel Campbell...
Mary Ziecler ... .
Locise Marty . , 150
"With today's announcement of the
v-te Miss Campbell jumps ahead.
She has bern working quietly and
tarns in enough tocay to put her more
than a thousand votes in tne lead.
Some of the ether contestants have
not shown their real strength yet, but
are holding some of their votes until
the strategic moment.
Misses Whitmoyer, Kramer and
Bee her have authorized the with
drawal of their names from the list
of contestants. They wish to express
their thanks to the friends who cast
their votes for them, but none of them j
feels that the has the time to devote
to the contest which wculd be neces
sary Th? battle is but fairly begun, and
manv developments may be locked for.
Died Sncdenlj.
:.- iay Dailj.
Graf, daughter cf Mr. anil Mrs. John i
Graf died suddenly aoont half
More Trocble for Spreciar.
In county court a complaint of
criminal libel was filed by Geo. W.
Werrz and Frank J Everitt, both of
Schuyler, against John C. Sprecher,
editor of the Schuyler Free Lance.
Wertz is county attorney of Colfax
county and Everitt is his law partner.
Mr. Wertz was a candidate for re
election this fall and was opposed by
Shooters Tonnianiei:;.
i ed the ofheer from the court room.
' Mr. Hobart, one of his attorneys,
, hanced him a papr containing an
1 account cf the trial which he accept-d
' and walked to his cell without anv
comment, still looking pleasant anil
apparently the most contented man in
th- world.
His attorneys have three days in
which to file a motion for a new trial
and while they nave not cecided
whether they will do so or nc: it i
thcurht that this will ena the case.
The date of sentence has not yet been
Jutige Albert ma3 an eDciall;
str-inc rlei for the accused, consmer
inr the strength of the case against
mm anu the fact mat not a single
witness had bvn found who, in ill?
judgment o' the aefendanr's attor-nv-.
cnuld help their cause. How
ever. Hcl-ien maintained iii-- innc-
1 cence to the last, thonsh he mut havr
' reali-red tha.T a plea cf zuihv would
iichten his sentence The maximum
j sentence lor the charge of attemj' tr
murder i? Sft-tjn yenrs m the pni-
' tentiary.
paj editor Sprecher. The language which ,
Mrs. j 5 5e orth in the complaint as having .
Deen published by Surecner and con
stituting the ground for libel is as
half block follows: -'And we might have told'
Tne first ii3 of tn -hooters' tourn
ament ft uiu: twelve portsmeu entered
Jor today'- -vnts.
Twelve events are beinc contested
thi afternoon, ecch IZ tarsrets. Th
following hooters arp taking parr in
the -hoots t iav : W. Ilhan, Albion .
G. A. Schroeder and Din liray. Co
lumhu C Thorpe. rereva. L. E.
"Be5'! Ohiowa ; G. Maxwell and John
Maxwl.. Hoisroin: A. Mann. Hast
ing: D M elt South Omaha: W.
D. Town-enti, Omaha. W. Beach,
Falls City . T. L Ackerman. Belie
Fourch, .-. D
Toworrcw there will be five I "tar
get shoot- and one of j0 targets Then un-.-T - .m.j5.
the championship shoot at cue hun- ! At eleven o clock Saturday 0
Ato.1 n-r. hatwwn !kn Brav of Co- William Holden was brought beiore
iumbus ani L. E Reed of Ohiowa, ' Jun-e Reetier and asked if he uac
fn- the TVn-..r Paz tronhv cur which anvthmc to say before sentence was
U now h-Li by Mr. Bray.
Several of the shooters were on the
and betore sne nan gone a nan diock . . - t
. . . . .s.. U&. Ian m ri t!fltrr .?- ttaTT"7
from their home she comDlamea or """ .-- .. - ,
aaci natn: ihnnr rhi hert and 5a.irf , as CCardiaU atl
she must return home immediately, j
She was taken home and a few min
utes after died. Minnie has been
suffering from heart trouble for about
two years, at which time she had
scarlet fever, and has been unable to
atrnd school, but ts not confined
.r-. ra ,- t PTirpment of acamst aprecher in every
Cnristmas shopping i supposed to be ; where the J:'re Lance circulates. A
sh- immediate cause f her death, j warraQ5 vs already been served on
Miuuie was about twelve dd
ard the dauchter ot County Ldera.
beloved bv her
litem for the minor
Ha;ek children, did some peculiar
work in that case which, if pushed. '
wculd at least disbar both and proba- j
bly subject them to a criminal inves
tigation. " '
It is understood that the complain
ants will seek to have action; brought
county '
r- Joan Graf. She wa-
h'olmates and frien.2 who will be
-nocked to learn of n-r ud len death. an
a Journal wall chart yourself
tell your friends how to get it.
The Problem
The Solution
To know what to bny
for Christ-
.-.: displaced at r--
STAG and EBON' :
If you will accept our invitation to
se tne beautiful thinrs now be-
-ore th problem will be solved. BOX PAPfcJv.
?ETS. Come and lxk.
Noth.irs' to Sa
W O miles from main line B & 31 and best
ff razing country in Nebraska. Roth summer and
winter range. Will run 1.000 head of cattle winter
and summer. Cuts l.OOO tons of hay abundance of
water. Cwood ranch improyements. corrals, dipping
tanks, etc. 5,000 acres deeded land. 1 section
school land under 20 year lease. Just the ranch for
some younir Platte county farmer who wants more
room to raise cattle. This ranch has just been put on
the market at a figure that will sell it ouick. low
deal direct with owner. Write at oner for parti
culars or call at office of
Yesterday's Daily Jc
rnmir i
CKas. H. Dack Druggist
Mrs. G. B. Speice was a passenger
to Omaha today.
Miss Alice Wise returned today
oraL r-E
! t?
1 i f",7 ' t WA '-. ";. ";;.:..-. -.;. :.:.:.r---T-''$FW&BBB&9&
from a professional visit to Leigh.
passed on him for the crime of which
grounds y-ster lay practicing, but the
tournament did not bein until tcday
Otner spirtsnien from over the state ,
are expecttd tomotrow to witness the
chsmpioctmp contest l-etween Bray
and Reed.
Charapicn Shoot.
D. D. 3ray lost tho Denver Post
Trophy rup to R.i cf Ohiowu in a
close conrst in wh.cb the contestant?
tiei on tne first on? nnudred targets.
In the twen;y-fi-e rn'get shoo: to
decide the draw. Rt-ed Drcke twenty
live straight. Bray 'o-eakinr twenty
three. The snow end wind made almost a
blizzard, and although the shooters
werf protected f-cm the storm by a
imall crove. is wai- difficult ro see
the rarzet". Tb -tore cf -- out cf a
possible l'v" on v.hi-n the contestants
tied wa un.isr ttw circumstances a
remarKaLiy :ood -rnre
While Bmy did ir retain the cup
he proved hira--?!f worthy of
championship homr.. H will have
anQth-er rhance at the enp m lv&i
when all ;2 past winners oi th cup
from the states of themiddie wet will
he was convicted by the ;ury. He
iog: up with the same coolness that
has marked his everv motion since he
was arrested, and replied simply that
he had nothing to say.
The sentence of the court was 1
years in the penitentiary, with soli
tary confinement on the f.'nd day of
.November of each year, rh- anniver
sary of the crime.
After sentence had been pronounc
ed on him the priscner resumed his
seat with no trace of emotion or ex
citemsn:. Wnen he went to nis cell
n made no comment on the sentence.
Deuty Lachnit said that thf iay ct
Liking the prisoner i ) Lincoln woul-.
not be decided on until Sheriff Carrig
returns to the city.
seed co
closes the tour of the special o vocr regionj jnaj never do so.
rn train in Nebraska. The df;siraBLE p0I.STS IX S
noicsa .ou:eC-s.
William Hciden has confessed that
he :-bot Bernard Schroeder. The ccn
fssian was made to Sheriff Carrie yes
rerav while he wa? taking tne coa
iemred man to Lincoln to besm his
term m the uemtentiarv.
d seed com has been
preached during the past week to
n.000 farmers in every part of the
com-bel: of Nebraska which is reach
: by the C. B. & O railroad.
W. H. Manss. industrial commiss
ioner of the C. B.&IJ railroad planned
this tour througn the corn Celt with
the view of increasing the corn crop
and thus increasing tne freizht paid
the company for haulinc it. Mr
Manss has furmsned the train free of
cost to the to the department of agri
culture of the stare university that
the experts who are paid from the
taxes cf the uroperry owners of oar
state misht have tu be: possible
opportunity of serving those who rT
. The farmers of the state have taken
well as your own corn for two or three Alfie Heintz left last evening fcr f
vears. and, if the type is not adapted Denver expecting to remain in tna:
Do not fail to see our S-fcot gal van-
iz-d steel mill for 532.00. A. Dussell i
Son. tf
Ci. T. Everett left Sunday fur Pack-
wood. Iowa, where his father is lying c
verv ilL
GOLD DUST flour, made by the Co
lumbus ROLLER mills has no equal
for staying qualities.
Mrs. Cannon of Genoa visited a few
A cylindrical ear,not a tapering one.
A moderately rough ear with ueep
kernels, not a smooth ear which gen
erally has shallow kernels.
Deep kernels well out to the tip of
the ear.
A wU-llcd butt with deep kernels.
Kernels with wedge shape, but not
too painted. They should ao: be hours today between trams with her
square, round, or pointed, and should friend Mrs, J. S. Mumock.
Miss Myrtle Leach cf Humphrey
visited with Mrs. Dr. Paul yesterday
not be taperins on tne narrow side.
Kernels of nniform size, except on
the tip and butt where that is not
possmle. A uniform stand of corn
cannot be obtained with a planter un
ices the kernels are of uniform size.
Rotation of crcps including seeding
rr c-a- n- !fnlfa trT ft ftW TPHfl.
Addition of barnyard manure in as tsade U7 as their commission in the
and today is going to Broken Bow.
CASH PAID for feathers from
Geese and Ducks. Old feathres half
price. JOHN SCHMOCKER. :Jwdw
The ladies of the Eoiscopal church
AT P0ES6H' S Candy Factory.
Buy your candies at wholesale prices and" save the middle
man's profit yourself. Please rememher that I will guarantee my
goods to be as Pure and Wholesome as any goods ever shipped to
town. I use no poisonous color as you may get in candy shipped
in and what may have stood around for months. We make our
goods fresh every day as sold.
interest in the plan and large quantities as will ro: well and days sale at Niewohners store yester
have crowded the corn srecial wnere
ever it has stopped. Th? lecturers have
urrniied themselves with all sorts ct
no" dry out the soil.
Drep plowins. habitually on heavy
soil-, occasionally on very hjiht soils
Clean and level cultivation, not
Holden said." I had been
the Platte
Center bank
conte-r for pemann .rssession ot it
Sis even5 wer riio "his morning.
Diffcudr.r-- .f OiWn fcme hish
man I:f a erfr - the Great
Am?rican Hoa.-ior.n n.r Kansas 'Jity
two years zzo, aud - cured the prize.
a f iX) LeFevre rrcr
There was a jolly crowd
for a month.
aud I had never known both Schroe
dre and Schclp. the bookkeeper to
rerurn to the bank after dinner at the
same time. V. hen I wen: into the
bank I did not expect Schroeder to
be there, and I had no idea cf shoot
mu Kuvboiiv. After I commanded
him to throw up u hands aud h?
reached for his sun. I had ro shoot or
Gotts- b shot bv him. Alter I had shot him
samples and drawiri;? necessary to jp rkan three to four incnes.
Conducted by the Nebraska Com
Improvers Association and tne State
Board of Agriculture. To be held in
Lincoln. Jan. 17 20, 1S0.3. Larse prem
iums offered for exhibit? of good com.
F"T further information address T.
L Lvon. screrarv Nebraska Corn
make their short 1 ures practu-ai
Many fanners who heretofore have
i-KDked upon universry men as the
oretical and upon ccr state school of
agriculture as an impractical semin
ary for "kid sieve" farmers, have
been forced by the work of the l'seed
corn srjeciai to see tne uracsitin u...
acteref'theworkof that school and layover's Association, Lincoln, Ne
Tn ct- t X r f ?
chalk field Thcrpe and Townseud and had gone in side the raitmc. my
plan was to eras hlui inside the
vault and thn ue the mnv and
.--: r.wav. The .nly thine that -.rj-wrens
in Mr. Scnrcedsr' UwCOUHt of
the affair was where he said that I
stood over him and told him no: to
make any out cry. I was comg to pc:
for the theater nnd. the Co'umbus boys ' him inside the vault when I heard
can be depend ?d upn to keep them Schclp in the other room and ran
from setting lone-omr1 nebfcman of t out. I was sorr;
tan-d thf crowd by try ins to put
Wad;n?2tr-i cf P'.v-i- i-. a half
bar r. : ax. i : SLri-u-r.- warmth
male tf i-r-s'&ndr fors-t that it
was cole. A number of events were
taot aftrr zLe championship contest.
Most of 'ss visitor- : srayins over
manv of them will give proof of the.r
conversion by sendics their sons to
the winter session cf the School of
Agriculture which convenes next
menth. lide the immediate bene
Mrs. McKinnie of Omaha who has
ben the ost of her friend. Mrs.
Fred Nay lor. left tcday noon
S S. Rickly returned last evenins
from Omaha where he went to see
phvsicians in regard to his lame
Gus Benson from the Lookins: GLse
neighborhood came down yestercay to
take treatment in the hospital one
week or mere.
for 3c
Best Peanut . 12 l-2c per lb
Honey Pop Corn 12 l-2e per lb
Candy Bead? . . 1c per yd
$3 will go as far as 35 will
..go in any other store.
Candy Canes 1 Cent Each. and 13tk St
fits of i lie I-ctcrv-. ' fAimsrs have
been invito-: rr use th- local azents of
rfc- railrca.-S as a icreau of infor
mation. Any question left with the
local agent will be forwarded to the
-.k; u4it.4i v. -v ..- r i . . ,"- i AA I
.,-. . ,i. ---a , nd e appuintmen. is a poiiwcai cue,
UcuiCk U i.i-LZ ilU4U vm.aav.-ww
Platte CGZnty Men in linMlr.
L J. Gutzmer, hsad clerk in the ,?aT eveniu2 December :M, at the home '
store of Fred Asche.has teen appoin:- 0 g Elliott.
Attorney Frank Williams of Albion
wa in the city tcday on his way to
Omaha where ne took the examination
to practice in the United States court.
-.. ., . ... ...u.-.:
ine laniee oi ine x-r;-ovieruiii . k -j..-., , ...
church will gire a cob web social Fri-' -J3fyfyyyTfyyvy!f ytyTWf.frv .'VfWy v'Y7.'rW' v vvv v'?'7V9g ???'?
er vsGk-ke5per in the sate auditor's
cffice. The position is next below that
of dpputy auditcr and carries a salary
of -rloOO Mr. Gutzmer is one of Co
lumbus' clianesr and mest enterpris
ing vounz business men. And while
the gas plant is still n doubt.
"ouncil will take nn sctmn na
LOST. Last Saturday, eold locket j- meetins of the counicL
the he has many relatives here who are
h anxioua to have him wi:fa them. Frank,
preposition of the American ?u" ion Charlie and Harlie Olcott are his sons.
(Jas Producing Co. of Lansins, and Mrs. Chas. Eston and Mrs. Otto
Mich., which was submitted a: the .cummer his daughters.
and chatelaine with "Eva"
The matcn cam1 Iv-rwcn the Ouians
for the snooting.
Genoa an i Dr. Florv of St. Edward and had not intended to shoo: him
are smons the -portsmn who came or anybody else."'
in touav to see the shcnrius.
Zenc2.ll Eeirraed
E. R. Kendall, court reporter tor
Scicol c: AgxicoJtre.
! Commencins January 2, I'jCVj. the
1 Dniversiry of Nebraska offers a courss
cf instruction in the principles and
practice of agriculmre. The course
, covers the suojects of soils,-field crops,
' dairvlng. better and cheese making.
breeds and judgins of live stock.
Judse J. N. Paul, who disappeared
about six months ago without appar
ent cause, and left no rlue as to his
whereabouts, returned to his home
in St. Paul last Wednescay.
Some imcortant ropers, annrg them disease of farm animals, horticulture.
neat papers in the" Fitrimmon's land ' shop york farm machinery, and
.. "ru ... t.--.. v-.,.i.i p,v f English. No examinations arerequir-
.UiUI .. -,-w- d f enZT:incem
a reply promptly given. .
Wherever the special train stopped,
circulars and bulletins on seed corn
were distributed by hundreds. One of
these contains so much of matter
which is of vital interest to the farm
er this time cf the year that it is pub-ii-hed
in full at the close of this arti
cle. The essential points to be observed
in growing corn arc good seed and
gcod tillage.
could well have been made on merit
alone. It is understood that Mr. Gutz
mer will remain with his present em
ployer. Mr. Asche, for a few days un-
cn back of locket. Finder please leave
at this office, and receive a reward.
Chas. Griffin residing near Rcchonis
suffering from a broken lee which he
til a suitable man can be found to take received from beitur thrown from a
his place. horse he was riding last Friday. Dr.
Fred Hoare drew a front seat in the Piatz was called to reliere his suffer-
House and Hugh Hughes a front seat inz.
in the Senate. J. W. Eender, as be- Mi Jeie Leedom who is emplcy-
Editor John C. Sprecher of the champions ana the Columbus bowlers
Schuyler Free Lance appeared before at Hazel's alleys iasr nisht was won
Judge Ratterman today to answer to by the victors bv a ccre of i. "7: to
the charre of criminal libel brought 2,-ii:. Both tux; pur up a socd
asainst him by Event: Wertz. the game at time-, and both did som
Schuyler attorneys. He was held to razzed plasms. Tn Columbus r?am.
the district court in the sum of I2C0. was ccmcoiHl cf Messrs Havanusn,
haviag waived preliminarr examin- Fanble, Gravs.Grssorius rnd Hasd
ation, Jcnas Welch furnished bond. ' The Columbus bsnd fnrui-hei so.d
The Platte County Poultry and Pet
' music durius the Rvenins.
A team from tne Royal Arcanum
ledze of Columbus will so to Cedar i
fits a democrat in Piatte county this ed on an Albion newspaper was in
year, will occupy a seat in the fourth , the city yesterday on her way to Stock Association me: Saturday. De
row Woodriver where her parents, Rev. cember ITth and elected the follow
Messrs. Hughes and Ecare have en- and 3rs. Leedom reside. Miss Lee- ms named officers for the ensuing
rr&sed rooms in the Lindell hotel dam was the truest of the Misses Zin- year : J. E Fulmer, president : W. H.
FirV cp1 Tn thi fnl before hard whre tliev announce that ther will ni... .,;u ;. -..i ;-mleT acrn-r-- riar, w w?n. ii- -,imJ t--,ii -JiSi- ,0 appr'ciat.
- w--- ... . ' - . - UKAC1 H4UiC AAA km -J . Bfc. , - w. m , www. ... - ... iUUU . (UK UlliU . A. .A. . l
A ais? Bcnx ith thta bank as a
Christmas jnf; to your wife, aoc or
brfausr- it's the proper thing
i j t.
Ranids Thursdav afternoon, excecrins "1'3-'1--
. , , 1 r--.,i r.- tk ! to do. and maSes a zift they vill much
hXJ (.UA4 C aWVA . f
freezing weather.
Hang un seed son
ventilated room, where
be a: home to friends from the coun-
i dry, well ties represented by them. Mr. Eender.
it can be we understand, will also have rooms
Genoa is interested, disappeared at tne , j: vrould seem that many students thoroughly dried before freezing, or in the Lindell though the information
mae time, and it was impossible to from this countv should attend and elss kep wiiere TOrn enough not to is not positive. Platte county is rep
proceed with tie case without them. 'li'Sd1 a. i- B i hept dry in resented by three clean men and is is
That cise can now be continued. nor cal eblevoung farmeri to ret either case. confidently believed that they will
The Journal was no: informed as to better returns from their land but Do not send to 3 distance fcr seed work together in harmony for the in-
the explanation Mr. Kendall offers for will also help them save money in com unless vou caa get a well bred ; terests of the state and cf their con-
carr-rins on xarm woric i , . . . .
" - j variety. Even this may not yield as j stituency, . ,
his mysterious disappearance.
t . r
Mr. and Mn.Jacob Grech of Colfax, ovr Superintendent: L. G. Zin- ledge of cur neiahbor town, and ca- nc.tne ennsstaa ua-
Washington arrired here hut Friday . necker, treasurer. The remaining assis: in initiating fourteen new Bcos: w.mid provide for them long a. :er
.. i :.i. . i-.: u . ' officers will be elected about Februarv mdmhon ?nrn th- irviier' of the th-crcina... gift is forgottec
UU a twu weeaa liiit ku iciic ucic. - .- . (
Mr. Urech'a Mother reside here and 1 1st. Royal Arcanum George Fairchiid.
he also has two brothers and two is- rWrlns Oleotr of Belvedere. Illinois Rer- Cah, W. A. McAllister, David
ters, Jacob Urech, Fred Grech. Mrs. i expected here tomorrow on a visit -'an. Pfof. Sike Peter Mc
Jacob Glnr and Mrs.Gctrfried Ingold to js daughters and sens in and near I Caffre and J- c- xrs 7&z-
While the ovtcoae of the present Columbus, Mr. Olcott has not been
attempt to naich the construction of , in Colambns for three years although
Read the JouruaL G: all the -news.
Interest a!o-s-ed' A Christmas suzg?-
tiou for the head of the family.
Columbus State Bank.