The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 14, 1904, Image 5

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Friday's Daily X
y'e Daily
a Daily
I- -- f
H H ftH AH H K
lace Curtains
One can use year round.
lStfT" S-U-IJ
HXfiRVn' i Arabian price $6, $7.50, $10.
V CCt7jAlIS. S12 Louis the xIv SaxonJ Price ...$5.
Moquette Rugs price $1.25
Axminister Rugs large size $4.50
Room size in Brussels, Velvets, $18.50, $20, $22.50, $28.50, $37.50
Ewjtiiing That's 6nd. EnqUiRf Pried Low.
Berry Xmas
Can be found here. See our displays.
Christmas Trees are in, so is our holiday and other Christ
mas Greens.
LOOK In our large east show window and feast your optics on the
largest, the prettiest and the most attractive line of pure whole
some candies at a moderate price ever displayed in this city at
Christmas Tide.
Schraffts Chocolate and Bon Bons in handsome
and attractive packages containing Chocolates and Bon Bons of
the highest art.
OUT New NUtS are the choicest grown and cost vou no more
than our competitors second quality.
BOxed NutS. "We make our own mixture from only the beat
grades f Almonds, Pecans, Filberts, Brazils and English
BordeaU English WahlUtS. Fine, extra large, soft
shelled and meaty, nothing to equal them in Columbus.
New Navel Oranges all sizes, nicely colored, smooth skin
sweet and juicy.
New DatS. Stuffed dates, Eberly figs Layer figs, California
rfs, Enli-h cured glace citron, Lemon peel and Orange peel,
candided cherries and pineapple, celery, lettuce, radishes and
parslev. New York apples and pure wholesome Red Jacket
Cider." Special low prices on large orders for nuts and candies
and Christina.- Trees, but do not expect us to compete with cheap
:lucs.' .rjds.
During next week all departments remain
open evenings until 9 p.m.
McKibben's Furs!
fin BlT mmw
A complete line
Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats,
Caps, Ladies' and Children's
Cloaks, and Carpets.
505 Eleventh St. COLUMBUS
Nottingham lace curtains 3$ yds long
P"ce $1.75
Swiss Bobonet curtains new designs
Pride $3.98
Nottingham curtains with Battenburg
patterns, price $4.50
Battenburg lace curtains in white and
No. 1103 31ack Conev
Scarf, 6 Tails. Price. ....
No. 1142 Black Coney
Scarf XX Cbineee Bear
Tails, Price
No. HOG Deleware Otter
t Cbineee Bear Tails,
No. 1152 Black Coney
XXX 6 Chinese Bear
Tails. Price
No. H.t9 Double En.!
&arf Deleware Otter 6 gr f
Cbineee Bear Tails, Price JJ V
No. 1114 Deleware Otter
Princess Scarf XXX Sat
in lined G Wolf Tails,
No. 1172 Tasmauian
Martin Scarf Sable
Dved 4 Marten Tails,
No. 224 Persian Cen
ter Electreal Seal
Scarf Satin lined, 4
Tails, Price.
No. 1178 Sooth Atuer
ie.ii ttavtr, 6 Wolf
Tails, Pnce
No. J119 German Mar
ten Scarf, XXX Isa
bella Dyed, sir Wolf
Tails r ice
No. 1207 Tasmanian
Marten Isabel! Dved
2 Brush Tails, Price .
No. 1203 German Mar
ten Isabella Dyed, 6
Wolf tails, Price
of Muffs to match.
J. B. Gletaea nCaxatd Wsdassdsr
from Gmtxml City.
HuiLih Plath is caafiaedtofcer
home from illness.
O. J. Coleman waa a. Liacola Tiiitor
the first of the week.
R. P. Drake of Htntpkrcy ii a Co
lumbaa Tisitor today.
Vegetable LiTr aad Cathartic
George Willazd aad Ghaa. Wake of
St Edward are i Colaatms today.
Ora Shannon retaraed today from
Overton where he made a trade for
a larm.
Paul Duffy retnraed today from
West Point and will reamia in the city
a few daji.
WANTED -To bay a male St. Ber
nard pap. Adress Sydney Eastman,
Creeton, Xebr. tf
The Thimble dab of the Methodist
church will meet with the Misses
Jones Friday evening.
For a nice line suitable for Christmas
presents, watches, clocks, chains, charms
jjo to the 11th st. jeweler. 37-3
FOB SALE Dwelling property jast
east of Scbroeder milL Address Henry
Sturgeon, Columbus, Neb. 2tw-35
John Carroll of Chicago waa the
guest the first part of the week of his
cousin, Mrs. Fred Roberts.
Clarence Gerrard returned today
from Oconee where he has been look
ing after the corn crop on his farm.
Prof. Sike went to St. Edward to
day where he will lead the orchestra
at a dance to be held in that town to
night. ALFALMO. Try ajhundred pounds
of it. Best of all foods for horses,
cattle, hogs or poultry. Sold only by
Ernst & Brock. wit d-m-s.
Found, on Olive street, Satmrday
November 26, four yards of silk in
package. Owner call for muss at
Asche's store and pay for this notice.
Miss Bosaa Wiggins writes to friends
here from Glasgow, Missouri, where
the is with an aunt, that she intends
entering a college soon wheie she
will take a course of stmdy.
G. T. Everett returned today from
Packwood, Iowa where he was called
three weeks ago by serious illness of
his father, who is still in a critical
condition. Mrs. Everett who has been
in Iowa for several weeks, remained
there with relatives.
Mrs. R. E. Barge and daughter
Helen of Central City returned home
yesterday after remaining several days
with Mrs. Margaret Harris. Little
Helen was brought to town to be
operated upon by Dr. Evans for a
srowth below one of her eyes.
FARM FOR SALK 320 acres, 5
miles north and one mileeast of Ash
ton, Sherman county. 200 acres un
der cultivation, 100 in pasture. 20 in
hay land. All fenced. Good house
and improvements. $25 per acre.
Albert Sperling, Aihton, Neb. 2tw.
The literary department of the
Woman's Club will meet at the home
of Mrs. Dr. Paul next Saturday after
noon at three o'clock. The program
will consist of roll call, in which all
the members will respond with quo
tations from Washington, and Mrs. R.
E. Eaton will give incidents from his
administration and read his farewell
Mrs. A. Haight who is now in San
Diego, California writes to friends here
they are nicely located in that city,
and are enjoying the splendid veg
etables and fruits raised there. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Haight would be quite
willing to return home only for the
changing from the beautiful summer
climate to the possible severe weather
of Nebraska.
TIGATION. The city school board
have decided to awke a thorough in
vestigation of the attendance of school
children. The plan is to find what
children of school age in the city are
not in attendance, and if no good
reason can be gives for their absence,
the parents will be prosecuted accord
ing to the law. John Schmocker is
the truant officer to report absent
E.P. Rogers appeared at the Journal
office to-dav with an order for 500
letterheads which the Journal offered
as a premium tor the best pea of Rhode
Island Red chickens to be exhibited
at the recent poultry show. That the
premium was considered a desirable
one is evidenced by the fact that there
were five entries for it. Mr. Rogers
got both first and second premiums in
his class. Mr. Rogers will get the best
in the shop and will taxe with it the
congratulations of the Journal.
MACCABEE. The Maccabee lodge
last night elected officers for the com
ing year. The following gentlemen
were chosen :Fred Nay tor, commander ;
Ernest Scott, lieutenant commander;
Geo. Winslow, record keeper; Fred
Scofield, sergeant; Herman Fricke
master at arms; O. W. Holliday.
sentinel; Gene Clark, picket; David
Boyd, chaplain : Otto Staab. first mas
ter of guard; John Brock, second mas
ter of guard ; Heary Heiamaa is past
commander. Installation of officers
will take place at the first meeting in
January. The lady Maccabees will
bold their election of officers fur the
coming year in their kail tomorrow
A meeting to funs a corporatio for
the purpose of u ImHii a building
for aa Armory, gymaasiam, rifle dub
and social parpoaes in geaaral will be
held at Armory aext Thursday, the
15th at 8 o'clock p. m. Oo-opeiatioa
of all parties interested La ska coa
Etructioa aad ormaaiiriosi of this dab
is desired. Everybody is asked to at
tend aad encourage the movement.
Gus Bscher, jr., wants a akatiag rink;
CoL O. D. Evaas aad Oaptaia August
Wagner want aa armory; Dr. Arnold
Messrs Kirkpatrick aad Dickey waat
in-door rifle mage; resideBts of the
3rd ward waat a social hall lathes
ward; L. J.Ziaaacker, Geo. Wiaslow,
Joan Falmer, Pete MeGa'ary desire a
kail for their poultry show aext year;
aad, last but aai least, Oo "K" aaeds
a home. It is proposed by interested
parties that shares of stock be sold as
110 a share, limiting aaca parsoa to
10 shares. After shares to the amount
of 92,000 are sold, the oraaaiaatioa to
float bonds for 14,000. la this way it
is thought the is test meat caa be
a paying waa.
Dr. PauL dentist.
Prof. Sike, teacher music, Barber bldg.
E.H. Chambers was in Platte Center
A. L. Davies will go to Omaha to
J. H. Johannes was a Platte Center
visitor today.
Miss Marguerite Becber went to
Omaha today.
The latest creations in hats at tha
Royal Millinery.
George Lehman returned today from
a trip to Omaha.
J. F. Belford went to Barman
county today to look for a farm.
Dr.Chas.H.PIatz, homeopathic phy
aician and surgeon, postoffios building.
Harley Darnell is again confined to
bis home from a severe case of rheu-
Mesdames Baker and J. R. Smith
and Miss Anna Smith of Moaroe were
Columbus visitors today.
Miss Jennie Laughlin, stenographer
for W. Cole of Monroe, visited at
home the first of the week.
Mr. aad Mrs. Edgar Howard aad
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Chambers are
visitors in Omaha this afternoon.
Mrs. Meldron of Del Rapids, South
Dakota arrived here today on a visit
to her daughter, Mrs. R. W. Hobart.
J. M. Buckmaater of Creighton
came down yesterday with a car load
of household goods for his son, O. J.
Jake Guter is taking a two weeks
vacation from his work as night man
at the U. P. depot, and Wallie Novel
is taking his place.
Will Winhleman. night operator in
the U. P. depot, left todsy for Mil
waukee for a visit. John Fullock of
North Bend is taking his place.
The First National Bank of Genoa
filed a suit in the district court to
day to collect a judgment for S4S4.12
and costs amounting to 5.95 against
Joseph and Maggie Maty.
W. J. Gregorius established a new
record on Hegel's bowling alleys Wed
nesday evening. His score was 2S9
which is the highest score that has
been made on the new alley.
Miss Helen Shannon left Monday
for Canon City Colo, to remain with
her sister, Mrs. Wilber Kenney. Mr.
and Mrs. Kenney are the happy par
ent sof a son, born to them December 1.
Mrs. Harry Miller, nee Edna Fobes,
of Ft. Collins, Colorado, arrived here
last week. Mr. Miller has been here
for several weeks, and thev may de
cide to make Columbus their future
Ed Haseman writes to friends here
from San Diego, California, that since
going there two months ago, he has
gained sixteen pounds. He enjoys
much better health than when in Co
lumbus. M. Casein is changing the interior
of his meat market by building an
office in the front of the room instead
of at the rear, and placing the. ice
box farther back than formerly. The
bookkeeper. Miss Cassin, is given
more sunlight f"om the window for
her work.
Miss Turner of Columbus, local ed
tior of the Daily Journal, was in the
city a guest of her old friend. Mrs.R.
L. Edgerton. The Tribune acknow
ledges a pleasant call. Miss Turner
is one of she most talented young
newspaper women of the state.
Fremont Tribune.
A. Dussell and some of his work
men are in Duncan today putting up
a windmill and tanks for the Warren
Livestock Company who will do a
large amount of feeding of theep at I
that place this winter, adoue bow
will be spent in the mills and tanks
alone. The sheep will reach Duncan
Sunday from the west.
L. O. HameL brother-in-law of Mrs.
Ray Eaton, arrived here last evening
from Stevens Point, Wisconsin and
will remain in town for some time.
Mr. Hamel is the inventor of a wind
mill which he believes to be of value
to the markets, and in the city looking
for a suitable location for a factory,
and if conditions are favorable will
locate here.
regular meeting of the Columbus band
boys Tuesday evening the following
officers were elected for she coming
six months beginning their term with
the January 1st meeting : Seth Braun,
president ; Fred Plath, vice president ;
R.B.McCray; secretary; Frank Schilx.
treasurer; John Stovicek and Herb
Clark, trustees; Martin Schilz, leader.
Judge Albert and W. M. Cornelius
are in David City attending the
preliminary trial of Charles Derby
who is charged with committina per
jury in his testimony given in the
trial of Lena Liliie, who was con
victed of the murder of her husband,
Harvey Liliie. Judge Albsrt and
Mr. Cornelius are assisting Judge
Miller of David City in the prose
cation of Derby.
Marie Henry of Humphrey has enter
ed the Journal Piano content. Her
name was received last night. We are
more than gratified at the interest
manifested ia the Journal piaao. Aad
we repeat that with so many coates
taats ia the field each coatestaat will
have a better opportuaity to wia on
merit alone. We also repeat that the
ooatest will be absolutely fair, no
contestant being given the slightest
advantage over any other. Contestants
who have not called at the Journal
office or seen the Journal Piaao,
should do so at once.
The regular meeting of the Woodmen
of the World was held last eveaiag.
The following officers were elected
for 1905: J. H. Johannes, couacil
commander; Guatave StolL advisory
lieutenant; a A. Linstrum, banker;
John Schmocker, derk; W. J. Davis,
escort; Harry Wiaaastine, watchman ;
Wm. Miller, sentry; E. H. Naamaaa,
member board of managers; Dr. Torn
aad Dr. Martyn. Jr., phyndaaa. As
a result of the efSdeat work of
ereiga deputy Tancea
several new members were iaitiated
last night. A flash light
was takaa of those preaeat ia
lodge rooas, jast before
Dr. Tallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
Buy your Holiday goods at von Ber
gen's. 37-3
Dr. Martyn, sr. was in Omaha yes
terday. Richard Jones of Palestine is visit
ing friends ia the dry.
Mrs. John Persons of Genoa is the
guest of Miss Liliie Keating. '
The latest in hats at the Royal Mil
linery, finest quality and prices lowest.
Sryup of White Piae and Tar for
Coughs and Colds. POLLOCK 4 CO.
For toys, albums, fancy goods, china
and pyrogrspby supplies, go to von Ber
gen's. 37-3
Rev. and Mrs. Angell of Monroe
were guests Thursday of Rev. aad Mrs.
Drs. Martyn, Evans, Evans k Martyn,
Jr., office three doors north of Fried
hofs store.
Albert Stenger returued today from
Sherman county where he was look
ing after his ranch.
Mrs. Frank Schram will be engaged
at the Ragata store, china departmeat,
until after the holidays.
Miss Luella Mathews returned
Thursday from Cedar Rapids where
she has been several weeks past.
Mrs. C. J.Tovman of Cedar Rapids,
lows arrived in the city today on a
visit to her sister, Mrs. J. N. Heater.
Mrs. Chas. Jens aad children came
down from Humphrey today to spend
Sunday at the home of Jacob Schram.
Paul Abel of Omaha, a aephew of
Mrs. J. P. Rasmnssen. is visiting rel
atives here. He will remain until
folders given extra with every one
dozen cabinet photographs, at Mc
Allister's Studio. l3d
Mrs. Joe Mahaffey went to Fuller
toa this afternoon, called by the ser
ious Minnas of her nephew, the son of
Mrs. Cockran Cramer.
YOU NEED NOT have all teeth ex
tracted in order to have new,, ones.
The sound msy remain. Consult Dr.
Naumann, the dentist.
To live advlca about teeth is part
of our business. If you need such do
not hesitate, we give it gladly and
free. Dr. Naumann. dentist. tt
John Brock while hunting along the
river this morning captured a possum.
He will turn it in the park. The boys
of Columbus are requested not to
throw stones at it.
Miss Fern Miller entertained a few
friends last evening at her home.
Flinch and other games of amusement
were played, and before returning
home refreshments were served.
E. E. Hardy, a brother of C. Ci
Hardy of this city is here from Wash
ington. Mr. Hardy has been visiting
relatives here and at Leigh for about
eight weeks and will return home in
a few davs.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cook of Uni
versity Place arrived but evening on
a visit to Rev. DeWolf and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Cook are parents of Mrs.
DeWolf, and were former residents of
Colfax county.
W. W. Rathburn of this city and
Walter Tfleider of Superior will start
from here tomorrow for a six or eight
week pleasure visit to western states.
They will visit first in dties of Wash
ington and later go to California.
Fur coats robes and blankets in large
varieties at prices that can suit every
body. My harness and collars are hard
to beat in quality and price. Why not
get the best? Ton always will get the
best at F. H-Rusche's, on 11th street,
Columbus. 8tw.
S. S. Richly went to Omaha today
to 'consult a physician about his
shoulders, from which he has been
suffering severely lately. It will be
remembered that Mr. Richly had a
fall several weeks ago, spraining an
ankle and severely injuring one of his
If fillings have failed to preserve
your teeth do not think it necessary
to have them extracted. Fillings
properly inserted wiih modern meth
ods and appliances will save them.
Dr. Paul the dentist uses the latest
and best of everything and guarantees
We are offering at a very reasonable
price a farm of 4S0 acres in Sherman
county at 125 an acre. This farm is
equal to any farm in Platte county
worth three times the price asked. We
have many other desirable properties
for sale farm and city.
Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers.
Elmer A. Sheets, at one time a well
known Columbus young man, the
youngest brother of Mrs. Mary Early,
arrived here yesterday from Denver
where he had been on a business trip,
and left todav for bis home in New
York Citv. Dr. Sheets is the inven
tor and manufacturer of anti-phlogis-Sine,
a medicine which is looked upon
by many as a wonderful discovery.
Dr. Sheets and those interested with
him have made the sales of his goods
a financial success.
MACCABEES. The Lady Mica bee
lodge met last evening and elected
officers for the coming year, after
which refreshments were served.
Following is the lis or new officers.
Past commander, Mrs. Oora Boyd;
commaaaer. Mrs. Jennie Do well;
record keeper. Miss Maud Woo-'y;
fiaaace keeper, Mrs. Geo. Winslow;
chaplain, Mrs. F. M. Farrand: mis
tress at arms, Mrs. Barclay Jones;
sentinel. Mrs. H. G. Frickey; picket,
Mrs. Frank Palmer ; examining ohy
sidaa, Dr. Plata.
Wm. Hustoa, who has been a resident
of Columbus for several months, has
begua work for the Fraternal Union
of Aaterica, a life iasuraace company
whose head offices are in Denver, and
which has the steading of a first class
company. Mr. Houatoa will coatiaae
to make Columbus his home. During
the week Mr. Houstoa has beea work
iag for the organisation of the lodge
here aad has tha aaasea of
people who will go la aa
members. One feature of this
iaatioa is that gentleman aad
are oa equal terms as members. Mr.
HcsMton awa be expects to
tat lodge eosne time this moath.
Alvin E. P00L violinist. 'Phone 65.
Dr. L, C Toss, Homeopathic phy i
eian. Columbus. Neb.
Freak D. Williams of Albion is ia
the dty on business.
See that elegant line of fall street has
at the Royal Millinery.
Miss Alma Gertach of Moaroe is
visiting relatives here.
Mrs. McGarry and Miss Harris weal
to Omaha today oa business.
Miss Eva Walker went to v Omaha
today for a weeks visit with relatives.
Mr. aad Mrs. Lawreace Oeborn vis
ited Sundav with Columbus realtives.
Mrs. J. O. Baraell aad family speat
Saturday ia Lincoln with relatives.
MissTona Brodfuehrer was in Omaha
last week, studying the latest styles
in dressmaking.
Dr. Palmer ef Ashland returned
home this morning. Mr. Palmer and
Rev. Cash exchanged pulpits Sunday.
Paul Abel of Omaha wens to Ful
lerton this morning, after several days
visit at the home of his aunt Mrs. J.
P. Rasmussen.
Norman Parks at oae time a printer
on a Columbus newspaper, is now
managing a plant at Arcadia. The
owner of the property is postmaster.
August Dietrich returned home Sat
urday from Seward where he has
been for several weeks at work on a
iob given to the Echols&Dietrich
Mrs. W. E. McConl of Albion
passed Sunday with her husband in
this dty. Mr. McCord is manager of
the dry goods store of Lewis and
Wm. Sweeney, leader of the Buffalo
Bill Wild West band, passed through
Columbus this afternoon on his way
to New York from the Biff Horn Ba
sin where he has beea with Ccdy and
a party of friends hunting big game.
Mrs. G.A. Speice, Misses Kathenne
and Letitia Speice have issued invi
tations to afternoon parties on Thurs
day and Friday. Both functions will
be given at tlie home of Mr. C. A.
Speice and are in honor of of Mrs. W.
I. Speice.
The Columbus bowling team won a
dose and exdting contest from the
North Benp bnys at Hegel's bowling
alleys Saturday evening The victory
was in doubt until the but ball had
been rolled, as is evidenced by the fi
nal score which was 2.351 to 2':&S.
Will Schram of David City and Mrs.
Chas. Jens of Humphrey were at home
with the family of Jacob Schram,
Will returned Monday, and Mrs. Jens
will remain for a short time. They
were here to visit their father who
is confined to his bed from illness.
BASKET BALL The last game of
basket ball for thi fall will take place
Friday night at the Orpheus, between
the teams of the Columbus and Grand
Island high schools. Good music has
been engaged. An admission of 25
cents will be charged. The funds,
above the expenses of the game will
be turned over to the gymnasium fund.
The choir of the Catholic Church
has been reorganized. The churns now
includes both men and women. Sev
eral rehearsals have been given for
the special Christmas music. The
Singerberger Mass will be given by
the chorus at the five o'clock mass,
and possibly at one of the services
biter in the day. The choir is com
posed of about thirty-five boys and
girls, men and women. Orchestral
instruments will be used hereafter
which will add much to the music.
Sister Agnes will continue to be the
musical director.
L. C. PsawL brother-in-law of Mrs.
Ray Eaton, who has been in the city
since Thursday, left this morning for
his home at Stevens' Point, Wisconsin
Mr. Hamel has recently patented a
windmill which has many advantages
over the ordinary windmill. He has
not yet decided upoa a place to manu
facture his milLalthough he is consid
ering several flattering offers fiom
various cities. Is has been intimated
that Mr. Hamel might be induced to
come to Columbus, provided a suff id
ent amount of local capital could be
interested. Mr. Hamel is an expert
mechanic and a gentleman of pleasing
address. It is to be hoped that an
effort will be made to induce him to
ocate here.
Those who have been led to believe
by tradition and otherwise, that ac
tresses never have birthdays, will be
agreeably surprised to learn that one
of the lady members of the Tomeon
Comedy Company, now playing in
Masonic hall celebrated such aa event
by the manager giving an informal
diunexjet Gaines' cafe, at which all
the members of the company, Mise
Elsie Fassett and She editor were
guests. The recipient of this atten
tion was Miss Phoza McAllister, whose
pretty and witty ways as Rose Dudley
in "My Daughter's Husband," at Ma
sonic hall last evening was admired
byalL Miss McAllister is but eigh
teen years old, but shows dramatic
talent to an exceptional decree, and
we bespeak for her a brilliant career
in her ehoeen profe-Ficn Arlington
Review Herald.
Invitations were issued today by
Mrs. Mary A. Early to the marriage
of her daughter. Lois to Fred Rollins,
oa Thursday evening, December 29. at
8:90 ia the Baptist church in this
dty. A reception will be given at
the hoau of the bride's mother to
about fifty of the most intimate
friends immediately after she cere
mnny, and the couple will leave here
the day after she wedding for Nation
al City, California, where they will
visit at the home of the bride aaat,
Mrs. John Rouston. Mr. Rollins will
leave soon after for the Philippiaee
where he is ia government employ as
postmaster of oae of the islands. His
bride will remain la California for a
few months at least before going to
the Philippines. Mr. Rollins was
sdvea a six months leave of absence
from duty much of the time of which
he has spent at home with his parents
ia this dty. Both young people are
well known here. Miss Early having
spent all her life ia this dty aad Mr.
i Roiliaa passing the greater part of
his school years ia Columbus. Both
are highly respected aad industrious
youag people aad have the sincere
good wishes of their host of friends
for their future
Henry Raptz & Co.
A Complete Assortment of
Staple and Fancy Groceries
As the Holidays Approach
we are making a SPECIAL EFFORT to have a
supply of everything good to eat.
New Nuts Raisins Figs Dates
Citron Sweet Cider
New Canned Fruits and Vegetables
Dnrkee Spices, the best that money can buy
The Best Cider Vinegar
I Cranberries
$ New York Buckwheat, best on market
Ralston Pancake Flour
I Log Cabin and BicMen Maple Syrups
I Full Cream Cheese
I The Best Coffees and Teas, quality the best
and price reasonable
i 1 Car Load of How York Ipplts
I I Car Load of Weston Iowa Ippleo
I Baked Beans Catsup Chili Sauce
i Soups, etc.
and a great many other things too numerous to mention.
Our Stock of
1 Lamps, China and Fancy Goods
? must be seen to be appreciated.
Any business you may give us will be appreciated.
Yours for business,
I Henry Ragatz & 60.
"K 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 II I I I I I I I K-frK"t I1 II-KKKXX-
I Home Restaurant
! Haibirger Steaks
I Rersenbrock & Burke I
lElept Jewelry
For Christmas
Time or Tide Waits for
no Man9
JW not procastinate. Remember now is
the time to be looking around for a
t uieiul and handsome present lor wife, hus
j band or sweetheart
If you prefer choosing: from a newly
; displayed and truly magnificent stock, then
; visit our store this week. Save yourself the
! worry and inconvenience sure to be the lot
of late shoppers. The price of every article
; is marked. Here are a few of our special
: bargains:
"" J
; Hudsgnved Gentleman's rin -
earfauBcIe set. $o.00iJv:r: -
Lady's Ring six pearls, oneTSypB) A. r z f r'
; Frenck Turquoise.. 5'00JFine solid tM Brooch, Violet de-
; Lady's Set Ring Two Frencnj - diamond center 51.OO
Easeralds 3-0,SoIid "-old Brooch, real oeurl cen-
' Geatleasajn's 14k Gold Diamond ter.?. 'j1-'
! Rig.extra fine 3DCcimcn..4o.00'SoIid gold Medallion Brooch-5. .A
... 5L30 to $10.00 ,
..$. to 25 (JO
We can't begin to tell
about the articles we
Have for Xmas. Come
and see.
Ed. J. Niewohner.
and Meat Market i
Homemade Sausage
1 1 11 11 1 1 iiiiii
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'?olid Gold Carbuncle act ringa
i at : ;"
Fuie Pearl nl lurquobe u
Chads DWi-.-.
Caaiile Stick
.iLW to JS.t.0
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