The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 07, 1904, Image 5

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"JSPSS. ''
BmmV -- r
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:i.0- n :i: r Har-. rpcLi! SI. 98
iz-LQ't W"u-r T:iii..rvii Har-, special price S2.DU
?5. Wuxt - Dri- Hat. necia! nrie? S2.98
I ?fi'K Wj;t" !" Hit. -"jr.u rr;.' S3.98
poCKET KN VL HL--t rt
Lau.:. .i; :.. tu- tin r Frir. -.r
pnckt ka::'.- rliit leaver oar st.n
cteevfollv ive vwa a new knife
prra fr.,ni
biaiie uamnttiJ. a large variety
carwrs a: i 'in' -t -. Prict- tV?:i
and T ' i
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I'r fn-n!
Grocery Department.
T . -'.'x. .: w.ii :h :i. - .-.:":!. .. -i I u- - ; :
;rs tbt : - i - 2.- 'j. ( 'nr prt v.j! -cr. :- ::.".,r nj! ..' 1
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McKibbens rursll
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A comrjlete line of
0 Em& T
Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats,
CapsLadies5 and Children's
Cloais, and Carpets.
505 Eleventh St.
Now is the time to
buy your winter hats
cheap. These are a
few oi the sample
LM;K- i .l:i.yi.:: II -
t r- Y. iaa i ati" r '. i
fikf lmr. e-il riie? :uji f
t tr an h ;ir. Tui -- ai. '
T- t b fs:i' rraft!' tf it.i
h-rv oc trial Pri - iVoni
S2.00 up.
.-rant tiuth. kten -u.-'
-t s ' craranii- r.-ry
. Aay iauk t' void w. ii
,r reruui your ;nnn'v. Pn.t-
25c up to 81.25
i icrn with iap'V-i bor:.. r-
S3. 50 UD
Bls.1- ofthpfin -t.:. -v .-
f itica- anl han-u i. i i:
50c ud
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N' I". Bia's t . ---Xo.
1 1 42 Biack Cone-
XX Chiee lu-j"-
;uui rrice . .
Zo. Ilw". DpIrari1 Otter
Chicle Bear Ta:.
3Lick r.icv
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II"a Doub- Er i
Ilevara Ut -- '
e Bear Tails. Prn-e
o. iil4 PeiUTirt Otur
hnJ 5 Woif Taj's.
J No. IITu TaPtaajiian
! M-irtn Scarf Sable
! Dv-d 4 ?iart-u Tails.
y.i !4 Pertas Cc-
I tr Sectreal Seal
i S-:irf Sarin imec. 4
Tail-, Price. .
ii. ob
12. OO
- n. .rrice
1112 Geraian 31 ar-
ten Scarf. . ?
bel.'a Djed.5n
Tailr u:e
X Tsa-
-.? ?
"So. I0T xasraarim:
Marten IaSll- Dyed
Brash Tails, rnce
No. 1203 German Mar
ten Isabella Dvc. 6
Wolf tads. Price
Muhs to mateh.
Tkmzwiz.j DmOj
Vegetable Lirer and Cmthartic
Pills. POLLOCK. & GO.
A. Dnseell reramsd acme last even
ins from a bcsineffl trip to Spalding.
"WASTED To bey a male St. Ber
nard pap. Adrese Sydney Eaataiac,
Crestoc. Xebr. tf
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Williams of
Albicn are gwesa of Mr. aad Mr. F.
H. Abbott today.
Migs Alice Onion left jecterday for
Illinois waere she was called by tie
death, of a censm.
Mrs. P 1L CocJdttgnam of Ham
jrey was in the city tcdav on her
ay to Masachosetts.
jlr?. Lee Beatty of Cedar Bapida
came aowa to-day and is risitiaa; aer
crother, J. M. Ccrtis.
FOE SALE rhs-ellin property jaat
east of ScaroeJer mill. Addrees Henry
Stnrzson. Colambas. Neb. fiTc-35
ilr. and Mrs. John Kflelr of Monro
were in tswa yesterday. Mrs. Seelpr
tfas the jmest of Mrs. Walter Scott
arhils in the city.
Focnd, on Olire screes, Sararday
2soTember 26, four yards of silk in
package. Owner call far same at
Acaes ?tore aad pay for this notice.
a:, and Mrs. Manniagtcn came
Jjn from Monroe to-day, Mrs Maun
Lczrcn lea-nnc ca the afternoon train
f"r Philadelphia, vraere she will vis
it for ix weeks.
NorrL Erc"xn. Attorney General of
Xenrak:, was in the city last nighr.
Hi armed a case ia which the state
3-.ic iatereteti, in the district conrt at
Aibioa. yesterday.
At Hazel's fcowliag alleys for the
month cf November, rae bowling
p-ize fcr hirh score Tvaa won by Gene
life- with a score of iw. A. L.
njdser wins the billiard prize, his
:cre beinc 17.
Eemie Hndson will leave this even
ing for Laramie, Wyoming and from
tnr? zo norTh aboct fifty miles to
Dover wh-re he and ais brother hare
mining interests. He expects to re
main there looking after his mines.
FAP.M FOB SALE 320 acres. 5
miles north aad one mileeass of Ash
tcn. Sherman connry 500 acres nn-d-r
cnltivaticn. ICO in pastare. 20 in
hav land. All fenced. Good hcese
and improvements. 125 per acre.
Albert Sperling. Aihtcn, 2eb. 2tw.
A misnn.ierstanding between two
well known Colambcs citizens in re
gard to the limitations cf the right of
free ?peech. applied to private aaairs.
resnlted last evening in a collision
which broke a front window ia
Weaver's harness shop. No complaint
has been died.
e are offering at a very reasonable
price a farm of 4S0 acres in Sherman
cranty at 525 aa acre. This farm is
-onai to aay farm m Platte conaty
worth three times the price asked. We
nave many ether desirable properties
for sale farm and city.
Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers.
Fatner Lickiackner who is priest of
a Catholic chnrch near Spalding i in .
the city today visiting his old friends
here. Father Lickiackner has been a
priest in Nebraska for thirty-fire years
and has the record of being in the ser
vice cf his chnrch, with the exception
of one man, the longest of any priest
m the state. He has lived a great
part cf these years among the Indians,
serving his first charge at St. Helena in
the ncrtheast part of tne state. He
can tell many experiences with the
different tribes cf Indians in his
section of the country, with whom
ne is very well acquainted, and prefers
the Sioux to any ether tribe. Fath
er Lickiackner has been seriously
troubled with air araicticn cf his
left eye and intends going scon to
Germanv to have is operated npen by
a specialist.
Friday's Daily JamraaL
Dr. Paul, dentist.
ProL Sixe. teacher mnsic Barber bldg.
Dr 1L T. McMahcn, dentist, over
pcstoflice. tf
The latest creations m hats at the
Royal Millinery.
Mrs. Eay Maryn and baby retuaed
from a visit to Com lea.
Mrs. Whitney cf Ifullerson was the
rnest to-day cf Mrs. Ernest DusselL
Dr. Chas. H. Platz, homeopathic phy
sician and surgeon, pestoffice building.
Do no; fail to see cur S-foot galvan
L:i steel nail for S32.00. A. Duseell
Sen. tf
B. niarron rent M OnTTsi CltV
tnis morning to
loot afsar business
interests there.
As the Congregational supper lass
Wednesday evening the ladies sold
tickets to the amount of 1113.
Mrs. S. R. Raey who was very ill
last week at her room ia the Clntaer
hotel, ita returned home so Lincoln
Mr. and Mr?. Paul Gerssch drove to
Columbus yesterday from their home
north cf Monroe and are visiting E.
Judge ILattt-rman to-day issued
'i-eufe for the marriage of Louis
Basawsky of Madison to Gus&ie Ernst
of Columbus.
Mrs. Hoiden and baby of Silver
Ceek are visiting Wm. Graves and
family. They arrived yesterday and
will remain one week.
Mrs. Walber and three daughters of
Ogiien, arrived here on Monday and
will remain one month with Mrs.
Walber's father. D. McDnffey
Mrs. J. D. Brewer was operated
upon yesterday morning by her
physicians as the hospisaL and is re
covering as well as coald be expected.
Mr. Huns of Henderson. Iowa was
in the city to-day on her return "
from Humphrey where she h3- been
voting her daughter, Mrs. L. G.
On complains of Wm. Sinple, Judge
Ratterman to-cay imwi T a warrant far
the arrest of J. M. Curtis of assault
and battery
i Miss Ethel Galler -?? the
Young People's card das lass even
ing as her hoase. Gus Becacr jr.,
Miss Leslie Spaice were tae
Hart of Brecfceozidge,
the cut of sown guest present.
Gertrude Herrad the rtanghtrr of
Mr, and Mrs. J. W- Hexrod in the
east parr of towr, who has been quar
antined since last Friday os account
cf diphtheria, almost entirely recov
ered nH she family will be relieved
from their temporary imprisonment.
tfy Gorilla Banister of Gonzales.
Texas, author of A Modern Miracle"
and "Self -Building through Common
Sense Methods." was in Columbus for
a few hours tcdar on her way to
southern California where she will
give a series of elocutionary enter
tainments for invalids in the cities.
She is aa exponent of a system of
tt cure and dietary methods as a
basis of physical well-being.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stxother of
Primrose are as the home of Mrs.
Strcsher's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Naylor. Mr. Stxother is lying ill
from the effects of grarel stcaea. Mr.
and Mrs. Strother were an their way
to Omaha one day lass week aad on
account of a serious snail of illness
were compelled to stop as Fremont
1 where they remained until Wednea
1 day, when they returned to Colum
I bus.
CAfiD PASTY. Mrs. B. T. Boen
and Mrs. H. L Murdock entertained
the evening card club last evening at
the home of Mr?. Boen. As is the
custom cf the members, a seven
o'clock dinner was served, after
which the guests passed the evening
in playing earns. The best players
during the evening were Mrs. Martyn
and Mrs. Heater, and Mr. E. H.
Chambers and Mr. W. E. Benham.
The fiower decorations for the even
ing were yellow chrysanthemums.
MARRIED. This afternoon at 2
o'clock, at the home at the bride's
uncle. Julius Rndat. occurred che
marriage of Miss Augusta Ernst and
August Rapkowsky, Rev. Neumaker
of this city ofSiciatiag. The bride
has lived with aer grandmother, Mrs.
Rndat, near her uncle's farm south cf
the Lcup river, and the grcom is a
resident of Madison where the couple
will go to make their fsrare home.
Miss Maggie Schroeder ana Mr. Frank
Rndat were best man and bndes maid.
Saturday Daily Joaraal.
Dr. Yallier, Osteopath. Barber block.
George Marshall cf St. Ecward is
visions friends here today.
Th- Latest in hats at the Royal 3hl
Imery. finest quality and prices lowest.
Sryup of White Fine and Tar for
Coughs and Colds. POLLOCK & CO.
Drs. Martyn. Evans. Evans Martyn.
Jr.. ofice three dxirs north cf Fned
hofs store.
Mrs. Fagac of Omaha returned
home today, he has been visitiag her
sister Mrs. V. Macken.
H. B. Feaaimom is able to be cut
again after being confined to his room
over two weeks from tcusilitis.
To give advice about teeth is pars
of cur business. If you need such do ,
not hesitate, we give it gladly and
free. Dr. Naamaca, dentist. tf
Miss Mary Rossi rer was compelled
to take a vacation from her school
teaching the pass week on account of
an abcess on the right eve from which
she - been suffering much pain.
Many of tae business men have re
marked as the number of strangers
from different towns who have been
in the city this week for the express
purpose cf visiting tae chicken snow.
Miss DeLi Akers who has for seme
time been visiting her parents at
Franklin, Nebraska is the guess of
Miss Frances Mavnard on hr way to
St. Edward where she will make her
For the Latest and best ic art photo
graphy call at McAllisters studio. We
do the latest in sepia and platinum
effects. We have the aristocrat and all
the new designs m mouldings. Up stairs
Olive street. tf
Word has been received here cf the
death November 25 of John Bynre at
Eeamey. Mr. Byrne was the father
of Mrs. T. W. Olson whose husband
was formerly operat-cr in the Union
Pacific depot and now agent as Rogers.
Miss Friedhof and Mrs. Gcndnng
entertained yesterday afrernccn as a
kensington About TO ladies attended
and spent a most enjoyable af teracon.
Luncheon was served as five o'clock.
A string quaneste furnished music
Yesterday afternccn Mesdames A.
Anderson and J N. Heater entertained
at the heme of Mr.. Andersen in
boner of Mrs. Lloyd Swain. Sir
hand euchre was plared ana Mrs.
Swain wen the prize, a silver tea
spoon. Mrs. Mary Waake, an elderly lany
living six miles south west of Co
lumbu? died Wednesday after one
week of illness from pneamonLi.
Funeral services were heli ester day
morning in the Catholic chnrrh m
this city.
Fur coats robes and blaaketE in large
rarietif? at prices tha: can ?uit every
body. My harness and collars are hard
to bat in amili.-T and price. Why not
get the best' You always will gee the
best as F. H.Rusche's, on Ilth street, t
Columbus. 5tw.
Mail Cerk Gxnam en the Norfolk
branch, is cue cf the proud possessors
of two fine Plymath Rock chickens j
which took first prizes as she show ,
this week. Mr. Oxnam only brought '
two birds down from Ncrf ulsr, a cock
. a hen. both of them winning
Z. T. Sweeney will be the second t
entertainer on the High School Lecture
course. Dec , 7. The high Pit tribute
so be paid to Gen. Z. T. Sweeney is
that he pleases the people. In order
to please a large audience the lecture
must be a combination of eloquence
forceful arguments, common sense.
wit and pathos. All these eaarmisg
characteristics blend together in per
fect harmony to make Gea. Sweeney
a pleasing aad pcpuJaT lecturer. "
For Sale.
Cylinder c skeller im z4
repair. Ca.plete witk extes
sim feefl. Wria Seas.
lltk St., Cwlaaaaw, Sek.
Aivia E. PooL violinist. Thane 65.
Dr. L. C. Toes, Homeoparhic physi
cian. Columbus. Neb.
See that elegant line of fall street bats
at the Royal Millinery.
Vjo" Martha Turner visited frieads
in Fremont yesterday and today.
Fred Custer cf Schnyler was in
sown yesterday on his way to Norfolk.
Miss Nellie Frevert of Platte Center
spent Sunday here with frieads and
Miss Florence Whitzaoyer is suffer
ing from a severe attack of infTanratory
Geo. Jenkins, Cliff Davis aad Chas.
Graham of Schsyler spent yesterday
in the city visiting friend.
Kiss Sarah Muir of HaitiBg was
the guest of her siicar, Mrs. F. H.
Abbots, Saturday and Sunday.
Judge HoUenbeck was in the dry
today enroute to Fnllertaa for a regu
lar term of the district court.
Blake Maher down from Platte
Censer this morning to accompany
Jadge HoUenbeck to TaUertoc
Mr. and Mrs. Kent and their sob
John were in Columbus to-day. re
turning tram a visit to Wisconsin.
ALFALMO. Try a hundred pounds
of it. Best of all foods for horsas.
cattle, hogs or poultry. Sold only by
Jmst & Brock. wit d-m-s.
The skating season cpend yesterday.
1 by a number of the young people en-
1 joying the afternoon on the slough
southeast of town.
Bernard Schroeder has so recovered
from the effects of his wound that he
is on tae streets to-day and expects
to return to Platte Center to-aight.
L. H. Leavy has purchased the
baakrupc stock of Garret t Hulst from
the creditors. Werner Schupbach is
taking charge cf the business for Mr.
E. W. Giilham. who has been fore-
T:n for Swift & Co.. in Columbus, (
has been promoted to the position of
manager of the company's business as
York. Thos. Filley of York assumes
the duties of foreman here.
Call at McAllister's studio and see our
samples. We have something fine in
enlarged portrait wcrk m septa, watar
colcr and pastels. We guarantee our
work and give you a fine portrait at
reasonable pnet-s. Up stairs. Olive
street. '
Lewis J. Wagner had aa oceraticn
performed for a seriona tubercular
elbow this morning at St. Mary's
hospital by Doctors Martyn. Evans,
Evans, aad Martyn. Mr. Wagner has
suffered intensely from this tmuble
for manv months. About ix months
ago he underwent a similar operation
on his knee.
The small daughter of Pelig Smagatz
died shortly pfter S o'clock Saturday
night, from diphtheria. Dr. Martyn
was called to the home at fa o'clock
aad found the child dying. He was '
net called eariy enough do any thing
for the child. The doctor immediately ,
placed the family under strict quar
antine, there being no doubt as to the
nature cf the disease.
The Journal piano concert as Grays'
lass Saturday afternccn attracted a
large crowd. And these who came
were treated net only to seme very
fine music en a very fine piano bus
were also treated so some rery delic
ious hot coffee served by Grays'.
The Journal never does things by
halves, neither does the Gray Mer
cantile Company. These Saturday
concerts are a regular thing. , They
will be made different and better
each week. If you haven't attended
one yet, is is high sime you did. Den's J
fcrges to be on hand next Saturday
aad after you hear tae Journal piano,
subscribe for the Journal and give
your friend fe beautiful piano.
Maybe, incidentally, the Grays will
treat you right. Is may not always .
be the coffee, but it will be something. ,
Tectaray's Daily JrmaL
Wm. Pinson cf Platse Center was
a Columbus visitor today.
Mrs. John Griffin of St. Edward is
visitiag Mrs. R. E. Jcnes.
Miss Lulu Plath visited friends in
Fremont Saturday and Sunday.
County Superintendent Hraske of
Butler counsy was the guest cf Sop't
Kem lass evening.
GOLD DUST ficur, made by the Co
Iambus ROLLER mills has no equal
for staying qualities.
CASH PAID for feathers from
Geese and Ducks. Old features half
price. JOHN SCHMOCKER. 3wdw
Rev. Papenhaasen is in Omaha at
tending a convention cf the German
Baptists. Ee will rt-rnrn Wednesday.
Oscar Luesehen was m Cniuaiba
tccay taking his sister. Lury nnu
cousin Lida to Clarks for a week.
visit. The school beard met yesterday
afternoon. Bills for the menta were
allowed amities nip r routine business
Jacob Brock and daughter. Miss
Eetsie. returned heme Satnrcay from
a visit to Se. Louis and other places
in Missouri.
John Lyons returned home lass even
ing from Omaha where he has been
fcr five months. He expects now re
remain in Columbus.
LOST. Last Saturday, gold locket
and VT-a with "Eva" engraved
on back of locket. Finder please leave i
as this office, and receive a reward.
Rev. Ulaer was in Lincoln and
Omaha this week. He will attend the
Baptist Young People's Union in
Lincoln and from there he will go to
Miss ry-nKn Sherwood of Oqaawka
rpinn is in the city the guest of her
nieces. Miss Alice aad Emma Wise.
She expects to reawia during the win
ter months.
The ladies of the MVtaod'iac church
will conduct their ansae cnaktr1 food
sale at Pitr"- store Sararday after
noon. This will be tae last sale be
fore taeholiJeya.
of tae eon
the costing
tract for
J. D. Brazia, state agent for the
Concrete Building Block Machine Co. ,
will give an exhibition cf the at
cnine every day this week and dem
onstrate its merits, oa Nebraska
avenae. apposite the steam laundry.
WTLDEY LODGE. Wilder iedge.
No. 44, L O, O. F-, of this city elect
ed the following officers at a recess
meeting, far the criming
: J. E.
Y. G.,
J. M.
PauL N. G. ; S. E.
George Fairchild, treasurer;
Curtis, secretary.
Dr. aad Mrs. H. A Hansen will
leave this evening for the West where
they will spend the winter months.
They will stop at Searchlight, Nevada,
and front there go to LosAaegies Cal
ifornia. Mrs. JoanHaasencf Yiasoa,
la., other of Dr. Hsaspn, who has
been visitiag here several days will
accompany them en their trip.
DIED. Henrv Ahlers, died as tne
hosae of bis sister, Mrs. Menke
on eats Tenth street, Sunday Decem
ber 4. Mr. Ahlers was seventy-five
vears of age. After residing in Co
lnmbas for a time, he left here twelve j
years ago for Washington, returning j
to shis citr November 2T. Funeral
services at 1 o'clock as the heme cf
Mrs. Menke.
A. O. U W. At a meeting cf the '
A O. U. W. lodge lass Friday even-
ing tne following officers were elected
for the coming year: Ed Bnsaiter,
master workman; Fred Gerber, fare
man; Robert McCray, overseer; Peter
McCaffey, recorder; Louis Held,
financeer; W A. Way, receiver. The
new officers will take charge the first
week in January
Most at the Boheet subscribers to
the Journal will get their mail in the
future on rente 1. Crestcn. Herman
G. Luechen has been postmaster as
Boheet for nearly twenty three years.
continuously. In that pericd he ha
made friends as only a faithful and
accommodating postmaster can make
them. The discontinuance of the
offi will erase one of the landmarks
of Platte county.
Egger, aged sixty-four years aad eighs
months tiled yesterday as the heme
of Fred Boussiger, five miles north
east of town, from stomach rroubla.
Mr. Egger was born in Canton Eeme
Switzerland, and came direct to Co
lumbus from that country cue year
ago last August. Funeral services
will be held Wednesday at 1 :S0 o'clock
in the German Reformed church in '
this city.
Mike Savage laet week traded hi
city property valued at $2,CCC fcr 160
acres of Sherman county land valued
at f4CC0. Mr. Savage is loud in his
praises of Sherman county land. His
farm is in th Clear Crek valley,
nine miles from Litchfield, within a
few miles of the thousands cf acres
owaed by Eecher, Hockenberger &
Chambers aad C. C. Sheldon. This
Mr. Savage declares is as gocd as Shell
Creek valley land, aad better for
alfalfa., and broom grass.
Gen. Sweeney, former Consul Gen
eral to Turkey, Imperial Ottoman
Comraissicner so she World's Colum
bian Expcsiicn and Author cf ' Under
Two Flags" will lecture as the NorTh
opera house tomorrow night. This is
the second regular number en the
High Schcol Lecture course and will
be one of the best attractions. Mr.
Sweeney is one of the lecturers for the
State Teachers' Association the pres
ent year. He is logical, philosophical
nH entertaining. You cannot afford
so miss this number.
schools will close for the Christmas
vacation December 23, and swo weeks
will be given the teachers and pupils
for their vacation. The state teachers
association will meet in Omaha,
December 2S to 20, and a number of
the city instructors will attend. Prof.
Ksrn is represented en the program
in the grammar section by a talk en
,4The Grammar Grade Boy " Prof. L
H. Britell will discuss the subject cf
"How much mathematics ought the
high school to teach ""
the aged rasher of Mrs. Daniel Thayer
died Sunday afternoon as the home of
his daughter, Mrs. Thayer, nine miles
ncrth-wess cf Columbus. Mr. Lech
has been very ill for about one month.
He was seventy-four years eld and a
native of Germany Wish she excep
tion of a few months, the last twenty
years cf his life have been spen:: ia
this ccunty, ccraing here from
Iaaiaaa. Ee leaves a wife and several
children. Funeral services were neld
at the home of Mr Thaver this morn
ing at ten o'clock. Rev. DeWolf con
ducting the service, after which the
funeral party drove to Columbus
wfiere they were met by the mem
bers of the iIartuc icdge of this
citv. who toiik caarue of the services
&; tne cemetery.
Poultry Snow.
The last day of the show was a
busy day far the owners af the birds and
the officers of saa association. Every
bodywa ba-y faking -heir birds tome '
aad all seeac. pi--i. witu the result
of the exhibition. One cf tne pets cf
the show wa tne Gray African goose
eatered by George lihodeharst. son of
Henry Rhodehcrst. The large bird '
which is not yet full grown has been
trained to make a motion which ap
pears very much like a bow. The pes
stands about cue and cne half fees
There were 500 entries made this
year, about three times as many as
were exhibited lass year. The Jadge
C. H. Rhodes from Tokpeka, Kansas
says the Cclnntbat show is she largest "
he has judgd this year and contains
the best exhibit of white birds he has '
ever judgsd.
Mrs. Will Swartsley has ca exhibi- :
rinn a tienrfsnr wreath made entirely
from the feathers of chirarne in their f
own coops. The learners are snapec
mtnti fatteaed ia forms of flowers aad '
Miss Aaaa Rosaiter hat given
H asade taca pallow ia as ca of
tfae prima, which has a pam sketch, of
a firm yard seeae, apca whise liaea.
j. C miavT is aa ax mm nappe ,
meaamcasjthe ezhiatton. He has a
Shade bmad red rooster which the
perfect as ,
board ordered tae
i ii 1 1 1 1 : : ita 1 1 : : : r : : :c : t r i : i : 1 1 : i : : 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 if
I t
j Henry Ragatz & Co. '!
, T
A Complete Assortment of
Staple and Fancy Groceries
As the Holidays Approach
we are making a SPECIAL EFFORT to have a
supply of everything good to eat.
New Nuts Raisins Figs Dates
Citron Sweet Cider
New Canned Fruits and Vegetables
Durkee Spices, the best that money can buy
The Best Cider Vinegar
New York Buckwheat, best on market
J Ralston Pancake Flour
Log Csdi ail BicMeii Maple Symjs
I Full Cream Cheese
The Best CotTees and Teas, quality the best
x and price reasonable
I A Car Lta. of Mew York Apples
I A Car Lta of Wssioni lava Apples
J Baked Beans Catsup Chili Sauce
Soups, etc.
Z and a sreat many other things too numerous to mention.
nrcst be seen to be appreciated.
Any business yju may give us will be appreciated.
Y'.'iirs for business.
Henry Ragatz & 60.
1 Home Restaurant
Hamburger Steaks
Kersenbrock & BurKe
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 ! m : 1 : 1 1 1
Make a Merry Xxnas.
Do you know that within a very
few days our store will be throng
ed with eager buyers and that it
is some times difficult to give each
customer the attention that we
desire each customer to have.
Why not ccme and make your
Christmas selection from the
Finest Stock in central Nebraska
All goods are marked in plain
figures ir's easy to trade here, a
child is as sale as the best judge.
In all cases gcocs are warranted
to give perfect satisfaction. We
enumerate a few of the new goods
we have:
Hot Witor riij
? SB
X saamimwSPl iamtaw
wamiawlPr amssssaw
aaavfeJvS SSassaw
We can't begin to tell
about the articles we
liave for Xxnas. Come
Ed. i. Niewohner.
Stock of
and Meat Market i
Homemade Sausage
1 1 1 j 1 : 1 1 1 - " ' ' ' ' ' ' B ' j
Haii--asra.Vfcti Geatkaaa' riac,
earbeacie an
Lady TSag 3 poa-L. one
French TnrfffiBie- -'
LziW- b Ria? Two Frerwh
Em.-jlt 5S-W
..- aias'-I4k G4: DaHioai
- 35J
I l:: ami Tartfafifee CJusar
:.- s.)
-n. uszassd eeaer S7.'
- . i BjuacJt. Kii jKrari e?a-
. ......S4-U0
-1 .... .ii JLeJallioa Brt-Kik-tT.."
SUM to 5S.W .:.