$?;? .--. -. V . -. ."- J- t : ! - &": a V - - "J:. :. . .r ! -.J- -- . f , . . " ; . .- . 1 i GMfrifdje flctrci5cKur. 3ntcrcffantc Grftcrtucnte jar Sicis gtrsng ic 2Sad)SifjinnS. !rrtti)U2t I4 $tUaHttcr-fricftriftrtt as r.iajt clcfltifittf Httteibc-Stmatno Ui . rltnftct-Sat;anRai)tte act aatudiar eicrtriiitat-Tl)0Qtc ertrftgr. 23etnalje efcenfo alt rate unercStenni fiiiTe Don ber gfcfirtaitai fmb aud) bit iBeftreBungen, einen 3U f ammenang 2ix?ifd!cn biefer geeimniftiolIen dlatuu frcft unb ben mannigfadjen 2eben erftfjeinungen, raela fyutz ncrf) in ben sdfcter be3 Sftdtfcls unb Oiel;eimnif fc jfiilll f:nb, erjufiellen. So fin ten rair auf ber einen eite friieitig bie SJritrelmngen, bie Gleftrisiiai 3m eilung b3 tranien ir.enfdjfidjen 5ts gantSmu brcnftoar 3U madjen, ra'd renb auf ber cnberen Seite ber elef irifdje Strom ba $flan3enle&en be etnfhiflen unb ben Grirag ber Grate toerfceiitrn foEL 2er ruffifdje Sotant Ut Gpedjniera raar ber erfte, raeldjcr bie Corner rerfdjiebener eireibearten l:!irifd) teanbeiie unb babei im 2IIU genieir.en eine urn mefjrere 2age oer friifite unb traftigere ileimung teS cleitriurten ctreibeg gegeniiber bem unelefiriftrien beobadjien fonnte. Seine iOerfudje lourben in augebentem matt im af)tt 1S94 Don iJJaulin luisDcrolt. liefer 5orfd;er fonftatirie, bag bie (fletirifirung be it ernes im trodenen 3ufante, clfo loab.renb ber kriobe ber vedeintobis, feinen (xrfolg fcatie. SUitlmefjr mufeie fie mit einer 23efeud)tung ber ilorneg, alfo mit einer cnberen 2ie't3ung beS fdjlummernben 52rfcen Sjanb in anb gefjen. Sic auliny'fdxn Grperimenie lourben 1S97 Don itcrmei) burdj mannigfadje unti ausgtbefjnle 23erfud)-5reif)en nad) gepriift. Jiki Dielen einer lyerfudje be biente ex fid; finer (UlarCDlinbers, ml djer mit eudjtem Sanbe gefiillt unb c&cn unb unten mit UJieiaOplatten Der fcfiloffcrt mar. 3n ben Sanb loaren (5)e tTeibelBrner fo naf)e ber 6'larioaub ge 6etiei, bop man jie Don aufeen btobad): ten fonnte. 2Jon latte 3U latte lourbe nun em Strom gefdjidt unb gleid)3ei!ig bie C?ntiDtdeIiing in einem foldien elertriftrten Gnlinter unb 3ur ilsntrolle in einem unelettrifirten be obadjjet. 5lermen fate nun bar Sle fultat feiner metjrjaljrigen Uerudje in bie oIc,enben Sae 3uammen: 2;ie (rleltriurung Don Gttreibe'brnern be cinfiufjt bie fteimung unb bas Sad):- tfjum ber flcit3e betradjtlid). Sar iUJajimum bex Iffladrtumfteigerung Seigt fid) loaftrenb ber erften 24 Stun hen u:id bctragt 30 rojent gegeniiber kv.n nidjt t!e!trifirten iiorn. 2)ie Glef trifjrung beeinflut h?eiter bar SBadr tum ber !ffiur3eln ftarler air baS jenige ber '.Jtflansen. l'iad itermeijs VIuffaiTung befdjleunigt bie Gleftrift Tung bie Ukrarbeiiung ber im 0e treibelorn aufgefpeidieuen 9t5brftoffc jjim Vlufluu ber flanse unb Ieitet jjlcidjcitig cine niiljlidje 5!Baffer3er fetjung cin. Gdilienlid) fdicint aud) bie G.romircrme fclbft bie iteimung 3U bcfcr.ern. I3emcrlcnrrert fmb bie Dlrfceiten Don 6ranbr.iu unb ikdercq. Sicic beibep nrorni)cr umgaben 3imad)ft ter fud;ircife flan3cn mit einem ral)i fiiftg, unt Die natiirlidKn atmofpf)ari fdcn clettril'dicn Stromungen mit Sidic:C;eit Don inen fern3ualten. 2er pral!'fd)e (rrfolg 3cigte fofort, rrie ioidig Die atmofpbarifdK (Hettr'hat in 5?rn; ber JBHtjfdjlagc unb ber atmofpfjarifdjen GJemittcr fiir bie tftitdjibarfeit unb bar 5IBad)r:b,um un fcrcr 'flansen ift. irr 3eigten ndmlid) bie itentroIlDflanjen orjne itafig, 3U brnen bie iiuftcleftrijtidt alfo freien utritt batte, cin urn 50 bir 70 s4iro jciit geftcigcrter SSJadjrium unb eine uo oo bir GO '4Jro3ent gefieigeric iJr:!d)tbar!sit. rofcrfor 2agrange in S3riiicl fudjte nun bie natiirlidje I51c!trt3ttat nutjbar 311 mndien. (rr 'feijte einfad) 3ioifdien bit flanen Stabden aur Der3tnltem (rifen, loeldie 5 3n xn ten "ben brangen unb 1S. $oU aiir bemfelben berairagtcn. 'JJiit biefer 51norbnung nnirbc gleidjfafir eine auffallenbe Gtei gcrung ber (rmteertrage crjiclt. 5n afwlicfar iiDcife tottftruirte aulinr einen ?(pparat, raeldjer in ber $aupt fo.d;e cocnfalir au einer 51rt Slitjab Iciter bt-ftanb. Sfadi ben Ingaben bei (rifinberr foflen Dier berartige Stppa--xale ii 6efamnitpreife Don $40 fiir 2h hitler jeniigen. Dluf einem ierfucbs fcitrr Don 32 ?)arbr im "Quabrat er 3ie!!C er 3S0 funb itartoffeln unter IMuffteHung eine3 iDparater, loabrenb cin qleid) groBCr gelb obne SIpparat 222funb brad)ic. Jrorcanifdjc Sprirbtourtrr. "ingefangen ift balb gelungen. (rin ?Icin5 apritatorn ift fdjarfer air ein grojjec. iu? Dielen Staubdjen tann tin iiigel cntfieben. Jeber bat feine tir,er.: Srille. (5bcm barren gerallt feme ilarpe) 51fle GJefabten Icmmcn ?um lilunbe berauf aUe Hrantbeiten lommen um lUunbe binein. Gine un Sfniesbare rudjt fiebt oft icbbn aui. 2er roriqe 6ouDerneur ift immer gut. VRcn mufe leers! Gefdjirr beban belu. els ob er gefuEft nj'dre; man foil tine leidjie Slrbeit Derrid)ten, air ob fif fdjirer roan. ar SBicflcIcSt bod)" (fi: toffnung) iobtet ben 2ienfd)en. ein 5Rann, ber Don itji (augepres tcr ttesucn) fait ift, D:rad)tet felbft ben cn;g!ud;en. adfrc b SicsfhuicbeK. Sn Sonbcn bt fid) ein Serein Don 2u.3frauen unb Sienftboten gebilbet 5uni $ut ibrer gegenfeitigen 3n terejTen. Ser Serein beftebt cus srrei S-e!:bnen, einer fiir bie ijerrinnen unb einer fiir bie Sienfhnabdjen. 3et eIs lion h?5!jlt ein Somite, unb beibe ilo miier beratben miteinanber. 51Ge 2)ienftmaban iiber 1G 3ab;re Ibnnen btm Serein beitreten, 2)rei rabe, bie ben Sertlj ber Siabdjen fe3eicben, fmb gefd)affen, abr cudj brei ftlaffen aurfrcuen gibt e. GdIedjie au frouen unb fcbledjie HJiabcen raerben auf bie Jcjtoarse Sifte" gefet. Sine .Jeftimmte Stufenfolge ber Sobne ift . 'feftgelegt, bie 2Irbeitftunben unb 2tr . otiflbebingungen finb rcgulirt. 2I2e bem Serein cngeijbrigen Sienftm'dbs 'ten follen Sefdjaftigung finben, unb "cet GteHenlofigfeit rairb eine Serfiaje "- rhrig ge3alt, bie im Serfjaltnifc 3U bem 'tm:Ipn 3ab;re fcogenen 2obe fteb;t. ..ausfrauen, bie bem Serein angeb : ren,:lDetben mil Sienfrmabdjen Der . forgir imb'. 6ei Gdraierig!eiten teirb '".; inen'iiuageolfea. Uii itr mnrfpradK. tflinwg (tficCTirr, fit rfif4iF flcktteIics MuiWtktt. 2)er Seefrieg m Oftafien at m'bie Sreffe eine SJInjaI maritimer tjadjaurs crude gebradjt, beren Sebeutung niajt alien Saien befannt fein biirfte. S3ir enrnebmen bather einem Stuffatje be3 JKarinefcdjDerftanbigen beg SerIinez SageblatteS," GJrafen Sfletentiora, bar golgenbe: 2)05 gebraudjlidje 2Kas ber e fd)teinbigteit eines Sdjtffes bilbet ber SBeg, ben e innerb;al6 einer Stunbe guriidlegt, unb araar in Seemeilen. Gine Seemeile ift urn 796 3fufj longer air eine englifaje Sfteile, bie 5290 ijufe mifet. Sknn man alfo fagt, ein Sdjiff Iauft 18 Seemeilen, fo ift er im Stanbe, biefe Strede innerbalb einer Stunbe 3uriid3ulegen. "dufig finben rair audj tatt Seemeilen bie Sdjreib art jlnoten." Siefe fcat ib;ren Ur--fprung Don einem Slpparat, raeldjen man friirjer auf ben Segelfd)iffen braudjte, urn bie efc&ratnbigfeit mii telft einer Seine 3U mejfen. 2Iuf ber Seine raaren in beftimmten Slbfianben ilnoten berart angebradjt, ba fte beim SKeijen ber In3arjl Seemeilen, bie bar Sd)iff in ber Stunbe lief, entfpradjen. yiir bie Jlfiionsfaljigteii bes ftrieggs fdjiffeS fpielt, auger ber efdjminbig feit, eine grcTje Uiolle, raie lange e mit einer geraiuen efd)ioinbigteit bampfen tann, ob,ne tint itoqlen ergan3en 3U braud;en. xy'nz biefer 2Jiaf5 ift bie Se 3eid)nung SittionSrabuir" iiblid). er felbe ertlart fid) burd) bie 21nnabme, ba ein Sd)iff Don einem iafen fo toeit raegbampft, bag Cr mit feinem SloblenDorrath, raieber oir 3U bemfelben 3uriidgelangen fann. 2)ie efammts bampfftrede betragt alfo bas 25oppeIte biefer Slltionsrabiug. 2)ie 5lngaben ber ijffotkniiften fmb in biefer Se 3iebung Dtelfad) untlar, ba fie burd) raeg bie efammtbampfftrede f"dlfd)lidi aI3 5lftionsrabiu3 be3eid)nen. Sienn ein itriegrfdjiff alfo mit feinem Jtotj lenoorrat 5000 Seemeilen bampfen fann, fo raiirbe, rid)tig be3cidjnet, ber 21ftionrrabiur nur bie ."ilfte biefer Strede tetragen. 2)a nun ber tfob lenoerbraud) mit ber efdjminbigfeit, bie bas Sd)iff Iauft, madjft, fo bt$ef)i fid) bie Slngabe ber Sampfftrcde ober beg 21ftiongrabiug nur auf cine ein3ige gan3 beftimmte efdjrainbigtcit, unb 3raar auf bie praftifd) ermittclte foge nannte bfonomifd)e 5art," beren .bl;e bei jebem Sdjiff Derfd)ieben ift, jebod) fiir 2inienKSd)lad)t5)fd)iffe burd)fd)nittlid) 3raifd)en 10 unb 13 ilnoten liegen biirfte. S:i geringeren efd)it)inbigfeiten ift ber itofjlenDer braud) naturgemaB cin nod) gcringerer, jebod) rairb bann loegen ber gropen fiangfamfeit ber ufrtcctDegung bag efammtrefultat nad) IRaum unb 3t ein unbfonomifdjeg. 2)ie of)e beg fioblenDerbraucbeg rid)tet fid) aucerbem nad) berJSefct)affenr)ett b;r SJJafdjinen: unb ilejjelanlagen; moberne 5Jiafd)is nen arteiten bebeutenb fparfamer air unmobern. Wti Se3icl)ung auf bie efdirainbiglcit lommen aud) nod) bie inien bee Gdjiffeg fiir ben itoblens Derbraud) in Setrad)t. Gin Sd)iff mit ungiinftiger 5orm braudjt gur Grrei d)ung einer beftimmten efdrainbigfeit groflere 2)Jafd)inenarbcit air ein an bereS unb infolgebeffen met)r iloblen. 11m t)'6f)cxt efdjraittbigteiten 3U errei dun, geniigt fcer natiirlidje, burd) bie Sd)ornffcine binabgelangenfce fiuft3ug nidjt mer, unb eg rairb bann ein es bldfe angefiellt, raeldjer einen fiinfk lidjcn 2uft3ug er3eugt. 2J2an nennt ba forcirt ober mit tiinftlidiem 3US fas ren. Seim itoblenDorratb untcrfdjeibet man ben ncrmalen unb ben majima len. at ein Sdjiff nur normalen Sloty lenoorratl) gelaben, fo ift nod) Sftaum an iloblenbeb.'dltern Dorl)anb:n. SSer ben bagegen alle ocrfiigbaren Wcume mit ilonlen gefiiQt, fo b,at bar Sdjiff feinen lyfajimaloorrat an Sorb; ber llnterfdiieb ift erbeblid); bei ber beut fd)cn ,.N'4ilaffe 311m Seifpicl betragt ber normale SCO, ber majimale 1S00 2onnen. Sic flugen -Sdihiolbcn. 3m Slntraerpener .aKatin- er3ab;ii ein 9iaturfreunb folgenben b.iibfdjen 3ug aug bem Seben ber augfd)raalbe: 3n ber Uiue 5JJonteoibeo befanben ftd) 3irei Sdjraalbennefter. 9Jeulid) fanb id) auf bem Siiraerfteig ein taum befieber tes 3un9e- bar aug feinem 9?efte ge fallen raar. JJierfroiirbigcrraeife lebte ber Heine Sogel nodi, unb id) erfann einen Slan, itjn feinen lrltern'raieber 3ugcben. 3U biefem Qntit fiillte id) ein itaftcben mii SJatte, legte bag 2f)ierd;en barauf unb feljte bag an3e auf ben Saltonranb bes aufeg, rao fid) bar DJeft befanb. Gr raar Dier Ut)r DJaajmittagr; fur3 barauf bemerlte cine Sdjraalbe ben racrtboollen Sn&.alt beg ilaftcbeng, ndberte fkd) biefem unb rief burd) trjr efebrei ir)re enoffm brbet 5Iunmebr entfpann ftd) 3raifdjen beiben eine 21 rt Seratbung, raorauf ftd bie eine auf bag 3unge fefete, urn eg ju erra'drmen, raabrenb bie anbere 92ab rung bolte. opISenben 2ageg fef)rte id) 3U meinem Seobad)iunggpoften 3U5 riid unb fanb 3U meinem nid)t gerin gen Grftaunen bie beiben Sdnoalben raieber. Sie madjten aQe Slnftrengun gen, ben fleinen Sogel aug bem 9lot neft 3U entfiib.ren unb raieber in iljr Keft 3U fd)affen, bag minbejteng brei 2)arbr b,ber alg jeneg b,ing. 2)ie erne Sdjraalbe b,ielt bag 3n3C ant alfef bie anbere cm guce, unb nad) Dielen Serfud;en celang ben llugen 2b,ieren bc3 Hmernebmen. eiereii aab ftift SDie Satfadje, bas fur bie Ser bauunggpergange bie G&luft Don gro Eer SSid)tig!eit unb groBem GinfluB ift, iat em ruffifdjer gorfeber auf bem Siege teg Serfadjg nad?geraiefen. Gr rei3te namlid) bei einer Sieuje Don Ser fonen ten Slppetit burd) efd)madg, eftd)tg unb eljbrgempfmbungen unb unterfudjte barauf ben 2ttagenfaft berfelben; 6ier fanb et eine tnnebte Slbfpnberung Don 2Ragenfaft, ber Dor allem eine bebeutenbe 2J2enge Don Salj faure unb Don Sepfin entb,ielt. 2)iefe Serfud)e seigen, raie raid)tig eg fix bie Serbauung ift, ba bieSpeifen in einer 5orm gereidjt raerben, bie auf bie e fdjmaelgs unb eftdjtgempfinbungen 9tlicrfid)t nemen unb anregenb auf biefe rairfen. 2Xuf ber anbern Sette beraeifen bie Serfudje, ba SJiabrungSs mittel, bie raiberraillig genommen toer ben, fd)Ied)t Derbaut ober gar nidjt aug genut raerben, unb ba neroofe 6ra fluffe, raie ber laube, eine Sptife fet fd)led)t, SSirfungen btrooratfen Ion nen, bie benen burd) nrirflid) Deibor beneJSpeifen gleidjlten. J "Itfanbcrn&e VOgeL 1 $i: JUiilflewe til mrtlte Sgfirt I 'fcta fur fcte JSiifccmgel. Kitt ct Mrtfririt BUtmragftetaRafic. N ttt Caftf4i4tc. is cutu Me Strife ox c 3rlrmr atittilttt. 9ummpuuttt e eelie4. I 3m an Sadjfenlanb ber Sieben biirgen pflegen afljarlid) in ber 5Jiae Don ermannftabt einige bunbert raans bernbe Stbrdje einen JRafttag abubal ten. 2)ort raurbe r.un im erbft Dor jraei 3aren c'n 2RttgIieb biefer nii lidjen gamilie erlegt, bag unier feinem giiigel ein Sriefdjen be 3nb;altg trug, bafj ber w3aDr ctnliegenber llr funbe" im 3rriir)jar)r 1902 im Sffiefc baDellanb gefiiiren fei. Gr raar mit fei nen enojfen offenbar, bem fiauf ber Spree unb Ober folgenb, burd) bie Ginfenfung araifdjen Subeten unb itarpatfjen, bie fogenannte Sflafjrifdje Sforte, in'g ebiet ber ffliard) unb So. nau gelangt, rjatte bann bie ungarifd)e Gbene iiberflogen unb Dor bem lleber gang iiber bie trangfDtoanifdjen Sllpcn, 3U bem er ben nur 360 2Heter (.1 9Heter gleid) 3J 5U) n SHotfjetljurmpaB benufeen raoQte, einen JRafttag einfdjak ttn raollen, an bem ifjn fein Sd)idfal ereilte. Slug biefem SBege get)t b,erDor, bag bie 3"SDogel in erfter 2inie ben aflufjtljalern fo lange raie mbglid) fol gen. egalb bilben bie fSfliifjftiknu Seutfdjlanbg mit ibrer im 2Iflgemeinen norb-fiiblidjen 9iid)iung, befonberg bag beg JRfieing, bag unmittclbar big an ben madjtigen Ouerriegel ber Sllpen fiibrt, uralte beliebte Sugfirafjen fiir bie SSanberDb'gel. 2)ie od)gebirge, in Gu ropa aufeer ben Sllpen, bie Sftrenaen unb ber itaulafug, bilben fiir bie JReife. rid)tung htberniffe, bie entraeber um gangen ober in feltenen fallen bort iiberflogen raerben, rao raeitere gluB Cufe bequeme Gingange bilben. So fefet em 2b;eil ber Don UJorben auf bie mipentette itosenben 2BanberDogel bie Weife burd) bag 3nntljal unb bag Gn gabin fort unb gelangt fiber ben 1S10 3Jietcr b;obn QJtalojapas 3um Gomer fee. Sfnbere folgen bem Korbranbe ber Stlpen nad) ber einen ober anbern 9tid tung big gur ungarifdjen 2icfebe ne ober big in'g 9tI)onegebiet. 2Bo meb,rere 3ug ftrafeen 3ufammenftoBen, cntfteh,en fo genannte SrennpIte beg Sogelsuges; alg folcb finb ben rnitljologcn feit fiangem fceifpielgraeife bie Snfel Jgelgo lanb unb bie ilurifdje 9ieb,rung be fannt, rao Sogeltoarien eingeridjtet fmb, in benen Seobadjtungen iiber bag SJanberleben ber Sogel angefteflt raer ben. lleber bie Cange ber tii, bie gur Slugfiibrung ber Sleife nad) bem raar men Siiben gebraudjt rairb, fmb Diel fad) falfdje 21nftd)ten Derbreitet. SBobl niemalg rairb ber gan3e SBeg obyne lln terbreajung guriicfgelegt. Set Orni tbloge 2)r. R. 3ide nennt bie erbftreife Dielmer ein gemutb.licbyeg orttummeln. 2ritt raiirmereg erbft raetter ein, unb bietet ftd) ben Steifenben an irgenb einem Suntte erraiinfd)te unb reid)lid)e 9iabrung, fo rairb an biefer SteUe oft raodjenlang $alt gemad)t, big eintretenbe ilalie jur SBeiterreife graingt. Sie JRiidreife im gfriir)jar)r rairb fd)nefler ausgefiiljrt, bie beoor ftebenbe 3e ber 5oripffan3ung ireibt bie Sogel gur Gile an. Son 2BitterunggeinfIiiffen bt ber 2Sinb ben grbfeten Giitflufe auf bie 2)urd)fub;rung ber Meife. Set S3inb ftille ober fd)raad)er Strbmung in ber SHid)tung beg 3"1 ift ber 3"9 & ftarffien; bei Sturm rairb geraftet. Se fonberg ber llebergang fiber 2Jieereg fladjen rairb nur bei gunftigen S3inb Derbaltniffen geraagt. 2tutfj fiber bie bb ber 2uftfd)id)tcn, in benen bie JReife Dor ftd) geljt, finb fibertriebene Sorftcllungen Derbreitet. 2)er 2uftfd)iffer D. 2ucanug tbilte auf bem 3ooIogen!ongre auf runb feiner Dom SaQon aug gemad)ten Seobad) tungen mit, baft bie Sogel fid) feltcn raeiter alg 400 D2eter Don ber Grbe entfernen. 2tlg feltene Slugnaljme fab er einmal in 3000 JKeier be einen SIbler, ftaben ober ftrabn in 1400 SKeter, eine 2eraje in 1000 JKeter, 3toei Stbrdje unb einen Suffarb in 900 5Ke. ter blje. efttge 2uftprbmungen, Serfolgungen ober anbere ung gur 3 nod) unbclannte Urfad)ek mbgen in bie fen fallen mitgetotrft baben. 9Iod) ein $un!t Derbtent Grraa nung: bie raieberbIt auggefprodjene unb ebenfo oft begroeifelte Sebmptung, bap fletnere Sogel grbfjere unb gute fjflieger gelcgentlid) alg JReittbiere be nufeen. ftur bie Kid)tigfeit fpredjen Seobad)tungen Gbelingg unb beg fcrae btfd)en KaturfoffdjerS ebenborg, bie fn Ggnpten Sad)ftelgen auf bem IRiiden Don Stbrdjcn beobad)teten; D. 2ennep fab, in Aleinaften 9cotIebld)en unb an bere' Heine Sanger, bie burd) itranidje ffibraartg befbrbert raurben, unb aud) bie itanabagang foil tlemere finfen arten auf irem JHfiden mitneljmen. Sie &mtbcwbc e 9tt6ttetibet9. 25er in ber fionboner efeUfcbaft fe$r befannte 2Jlarquig 6. Slnglefen ge rieir) infolge feiner Serfd)toenbungg fudjt, bie ungeb;cuere Summen Der fdjlang, in Honfurg. 2)ie Iaubiger pfanbeicn feine QaU, unb Dor ilurgem gelangten bie gefammte arberobe, fo raie anbere bem SKarquig gefjbrige e genftante gur Serfiexgerung. Siefe arberobe umfafete nid)t raeniger alg 227 fomplette Salonangfige, ferner 362 SSeften, 100 Uebergiebr, 60 3a quetangfige, 73 radanjitge, 142 Saar Sd)ub unb Stiefel, 150 aftorgen angfige, 82 Sd)Iofrbde, 29 Sabe unb Stranbloftfime, 278 Saat anbfcbb unb 453 Slraraatten. Sie arberobe raar Don feinftem unb loftfpieligftem Staterial unb Don ben erften 2onbonet unb arifer Sdjneibern unb ftonfei ttonaren geliefert raorben. ang fe fonbereg 5tnterefie erreqte erne arofee 2Xn3ab;i Don Selgen, bie gleiajfaflg gut Serftetgerung gelangten uno Don oenen ein ein3iger auf 1000 (1 gleid) $4.70) gefdjafet raar. Set ber tuition ging biefeg Sradtfiucl urn 300 a. . Sllufterftabt Gine SaugefeH fd)aft in fjfranlfurt a. 271. plant bie riinbtmg einer SRufterftabt auf bem 'ebiete beg,5tabtd)eng Sprenblingen tm zobrgogium effen. Sie S(n lagt-foll bex nwbernen Stiibtebau mit alien Serbeferungen gefunbbttlid)et unb aftbttfd)er 2Irt Dorbilblid) bar JeEen. ' " c ' ' Sie auiebigften flaf fee t'r inlet fmb bie Stmtrttaiter. iUeberM:000;000,00Q' $fuhb ber aro maHfeb.vSofcMn,neTbejt:iabrIicb;. in CitWSamaiibeingefutt j 3tnans (Etfiiftaxi. 3ftte imeUmt, iO6 SMWf m SenBcttnag iai Urifge. I Gin mit ben japanifdjen SBebr 1 Derljaliniffen tertrauter yadjmann I fd)reibt: j Sie je&t in ber 2Ranbfd)urei unb in Hcrea Derraenbeten iapasifeben 2rup- pen umfeffen bie ganse tapanifc&e Sir mec unb 2anbraebr m firtegsftarfe, ' mit 2I3nal)me Don li Srigaben auf J ber Snjel gcrmofa unb etner Spegtal brigabc auf ber 3nfel 2)efo. Sie japas nifd)e iUieggformation umfafet nam lid) Dom erften 2age ber 3KobiIifation an bie fief)enbe SIrmee unb bie fteferDe Dom 4. big gum 7. 3ar9an9 aI ute Ginbit. Saburd) tommen bie 16 Si Diftonen fofort auf ib)re ilrieggftdrfe unb Derfugen fiir einige Qtit aud) nod) fiber ben Grfafc fiir ben unDermeib lidjen 21bgang burd) Serlufte unb iUanlfjeiien. Sie 2anbraebr Dom 8. bis gum 12. 3ar9an9 bilbet 16 bes fonbere Srigaben nad) bem gleidjen 2erritorialft)ftent; fte befinbet fid) fet ebenfaQg faft DoIIgalig auf bem iUieggfdjaupla&e. SBfirbe bamit bie militdrifd)e 2eiftunggfdbigteit 3apan5 erfdjbpft fein, fo batten bie Stuffen gute 21u3fid)t auf Grfolg, ba inen, raie eS bij$t, burd) bie UJtobilifation im SJeflen monatlid) graifeben 20,000 unb 35,000 2ftann nacfgefanbt raerben. Siefc JRed)nung bat aber ein 2od). Sie 3apaner baben namlid) im inblid auf biefen itrieg erne ""toeiterc Orgari fation Dorgefcben. SBJenfd)enmateriaI fteljt ibnen reidjlid) gur Serffigung, ba fiir bag fteljenbe eer iaijriid) nur etraa 55,000 ffiann eingefteUt raerben. Sei einer Seoblferung Don 46,000,000 flbpfen ift bag progentualiter raeniger alg ein Srittel ber efteflung, bie bie fran3bftfdje Strmee in Slnfprud) nimmt. Slug ben braudjbaren fibersaligen jun gen 2euten bilbet 3aPflu ne erfte unb eine 3raeite JReferoe. Sie erfte JReferoe (Sobieti) legt ben ba3u berufenen jun gen 2euten eine Dierjaljrige Sienftbes reitfd)aft auf. itonirollDerfammlungen unb 3raet big bretraodientlidje llebun gen forgen fiir ben Sufammenljalt bie fer erften Sieferoe in griebengseiten. Slug ibnen unb ber im le&ieu gebruar Dofl3ablig auggeljobenen jungen UJianns fd)aft fmb bie neuen IRegimenter gebiU bet raorben, benen ber itaifer im 3" unb Siuguft it)re 5ab,nen fibergeben b.at. 21n eineru 2age beg 3" bat er fo nidjt raeniger air fiinf Stegimenter 3nfan terie alg in ibrer formation beenbet aner!annt. Surd) bie befd)leunigte Se. fbrberung ber ilabetien unb Unteroffi giergafpiranten unb burd) bie in ben le&ten 3aren 0Q geb.altene 3flW ber 3U Offigieren befbrberten Giniab;rig gfreirailligen ift gegen ben URanget an Sfurern Sorforge getroffen. Siefe fdmeli auggebilbeten UKannfdjaften, git benen nod) bie iWeggfreiraiQigen torn men, fmb unlangft alg Kationalgarbe (ofumingun) burd) faiferlid)e Ser orbnung alg Grfafeber organiftrt raor ben. 3U rcr Seraaffnung l)at man auf bie reid)en Seftanbe ber 2Jiuratas geroeb;re, SJiobeU 1887, 3urdgreifen mfiffen, bie ein grb&ereg ftaliber alg bag neuefte japanifdje 3nfanteriege raebr befitjen. Sag efd)of$ b,at man burd) einen 2Keffingring oerbeert, ber ben Stablmantel fejter gufammenalt; baburd) rairb bie Surd)fdjlaggfraft er bbt. 3nfalltc"e' ion"" unb jrain fann 3aPan fur f"ne 9lationalgarbe fcnell befd)affen. Sd)raieriger ift eg mit ber SaDalferie unb SIrtitlerie. Sie Solbaten ber 3raeiten SIrmee (5?obir)ei) fmb entraeber fbrperlid) rae niger traftig entraidelt ober raegen irjret Sfantilienoerbaltniffe fajraer a& Ibmmlid). Sie Derraenbet man im eigenen 2anbe alg Sefafeunggtruppen unb 233ad)tmannfd)aften ber S!fiften Dcrtbcibigung. 3m 2a3aretbbienft ftel len bie 3al)lreid)en profeffioneCen SWafs feure, ftnodjencinrenter unb Sarbiere ein febr anftelligeg Sebienunggntate rial. Sie feit 15 3a&"n in bielen SroDin3iaIftabten errid)teten SDtebigin fd)ulen, in benen 2Ier3te graeiter Piaffe auggebilbet raerben, fommen bet bem grofjen SKangel an Dott auggebilbeten 2Rebiginern ber jeigen, alle ftrafte an fpannenben Organifation einer ftatio nalgarbe 3U ftatten. Pie Sfmncnptrtfti. Vsxt toedifelate Shl aa kcren CinKufe af Sie Ztmpttatat htt ftte. Sjdbrenb Don mandjer Seite bebaup iet raurbe, bafj bie jerceilig: 3a ber Scnnenfleien feinerlei Ginflufe auf bie 2emperatur ber Grbe augfibe, b,aben bie Seobad)tungen beg betannten Scrliner JKeteoroIcgen Sientjel, foraie ber aufeergerabbnlidi IjeiBe Sommer, ber b)euer in Guropa geb,errfd)t b,at biefe SBedjfelrairfung 3raeifeIlog beftatigt. Gtenfeel 3at)Ite auf ber Sonnenfdjeibe, foraeit bie SJitterung ber Seobadjtung afinftia raar. im ftabre 1901 nur 6 unb im 3ab 1902 nur 7 felbftftanJ otge yrieaengruppen ooer irmgeifiede, im Sabre 1903 bingegen fdon 26 unb im Iaufenben 3afi big gum 28. lu guft fogar 72. 3n fledenarmen 3ab; ren ift bie 2Barmeftrat)lung ber Sonne grbBcr, in ftedenreidjen 3aren gerin ger. Gin fledenarmeg 3ab;r raar 1901 auf 1902. 211g fledenreidje 3abre raa ren 3U Dergeidjnen 187071, 1S82, 1S92 03 unb 1894. StrabU bie Sonne, raie bieg 1901 auf 1902 ber pall raar, ftarf (im Sfatetimmimum), fo rairb Guropa burd) bie Don ber er jjbljten SScjfetbampfentraidlung im 9It Iantifdjcn Ogean b,errii&renben regen ffiljrenben barometrifdjen 2iefbrudgc biete Dorraiegenb feud)te3, Iur)le S3et ter im Sommer unb feudjteg, raarmeg S3etter im Siinter erblten; ftralt bie Sonne jebod) febraad) (im ledenmajis mum), gum Seifpiel 1904, fo raerben fiber Guropa bie SBafferbampfntafTen me&r augbleiben, bather rairb ber Som mer Dortoiegenb f)t unb troden, ber SJtnter ingegen fait unb troden dug fallen. 2IIg Stenfcel im m&lid auf baS auffallenb ftarfe 2Inraaafen bex onnentb;atigfeit 1903 im griiftarjt bie groe Sommer&jfee foraie gablreidje SJetterfatafiropben Doraugfagte, raurbe Don anberer Seite baeor geraarnt, fols S)tn Soraugfagen gu glauben. Set S3itterungDerIauf biefeg SommerJ tat aber aelefirt. baft eine aDaemeine 3ob;rcgprognofe auf runb ber Se ooaajrungen oes XjerDraud)g ber Son nentbatigfeit mbglid) ift unb einen ntd)t gu unterfebasenben SBertb) beft&t. (Sin unterirbifdjerSSalb tourbe in Solf Gountp, 3. bei bem raben nad) i!obIen entbedt. Sie bet ftemerien Saume, Don benen Stfide gur Oberfladje gebradjt raurben, toaren einen 5U& bid. Stud) raurbe ein Sent Don einem oormaligen Wiefentbier ge funben. . . - Km? Kxav Pfatl Skat. 'Auy man with ordinary nerve can become a fair shot with a revolver from the saddle with a few weeks' practice. I believe in a-sbort-time-a man can become sufficiently expert to make Oo out of 100 shots," said a regu lar army officer, "You see. it Is all in learning when to shoot. The aiming is a small part of pistol and revolver shooting. The aiming is just like pointing your fin ger. A man can naturally point bis finger at an object accurately. If ha can do that be can aim a gua by sim ply throwing it out In the same way. The reason an unpracticed marksman Is no marksman at all Is that be stops to aim and gets off the mark or be comes unsteady in pulling the trigger. He must learn his gun, so -he will know just the exact instant when it goes off, just how much and bow long a pull he must make to snap the trig ger. When be learns so that It is sec ond nature to shoot just as he points the gun. be will hit any ordinary marie within reasonable range." Dea Moines Register and Leader. -rr Part G Teaaat.' "It isn't always the tenant who pays bis rent on the first of the month who is most desirable," said a household er the other day. "Your prompt ten ant Is likely to bold you his debtor for that virtue and feel perfectly free to ask for numerous improvements. My best paying property Is leased to a man who is always two or three months behind in bis rent. Of course I lose the interest on my money for that time, but that is all. In the three years In which he has rented of me he has not had the nerve to ask me even to paper a room for him. I haven't done it. either. In one instance he bad some plumbing done at bis own ex pense when he should have charged it to me. I am constantly afraid that he will get prosperous some day and want to pay me on time. Just as sure as he does I will have to spend several hundred dollars on the house." New York Tribune. Artificial Er- The trade in artificial eyes Is ex tensive not only from the number of people who need them, but also from the fact that they only last for about a year In consequence of the action of the secretions of the eyes upon the enamel. The process of manufacture Involves eight distinct operations, which call Into play considerable artistic ability and patient skill, and for this female workers seem specially adapted. The enamel has first to be fused, then the globe Is blown and colored, after which the shaping, tempering and polishing have to bo attended to. The minutest details, even to the coral veins on the sclerotic coat and the broken colored iris, are so faithfully reproduced that the Imitation can rare ly be detected save in times of great emotion. London Standard. A Titled Daadr. At the court of SL James in 1773 Lord Villiers appeared, according to a writer of that day. In a coat of "pale purple velvet, turned up with lemon color" and "embroidered all over with S's of pearl as big as peas, and In all the spaces little medallions in beaten gold real solid in various figures of Cupids and the like." In that day the dandies rouged and powdered and car ried nosegays as big as cabbages. Wal pole records an occasion in the bouse of commons when, to hasten the ad journment, some of the exquisites-voted against their own opinions, "because the house was very hot and the young members thought it would melt their rouge and wither their nosegays." Orlffla af Saata HaatM. Many religious sects are now known by what were originally nicknames. These epithets, coined in derision, have "appreciated" and grown into honora ble epithets. "Methodism" waa a nickname originally, an undergraduate nickname, applied to Wesley and hi friends because they lived by rule and method. Every one knows what it la now. So people use the word "Quaker" without any contemptuous connotation, and even a word like "ranter" waa on the way toward respectability when ranting seemed to fall out of fashion. Safe Fraat Barslars. "I'm so glad the boys of your com pany gave you that handsome revolv er." said the militia captain's wife. "We need have no fear now of the burglars infesting this neighborhood." "That's what!" replied the gallant captain. "I've got It locked up in the office safe where they can't get at It." Philadelphia Ledger. Three Faaiaaa Saiakera. Fabulous things have been said about Grant's smoking propensities. My word of honor that Grant's cigars, over which he meditated and about which so much has been senselessly published, were cast aside, but never relighted, while Sherman and Meade would make the air blue like volca noes. National Magazine. Her Two Dearreea. "It was only two years ago that Mrs. Weddiu took her B. A. at college. wasn't It?" "Yes. Why?' "She has just taken a higher degree MA In the school of life." Philadel phia Press. 1 Will la ta Demaaatrat. "Do you really believe that the proof, of the pudding is in the eating?' " "Sure! Give me the pudding and4I'U prove It." San Antonio Express. 1 Her lateaie. Ada Why does Clara speak of! George as her intended? Are theyaen- gaged? Alice No, but she intends they shall be. She Kmw. A certain old lady always knew ev erything before anybody else. One day her niece saw her passing the bouse and ran out to meet her. "Do come in, amity." she begged, "audi help us. We arc making. charades." "Certainly I will." answered the old lady. "I knew you-were making 'them because I smelied them as I came along." A Patater. "Say. Mr. Smartle," whispered lit tle Tommy, slipping from behind the portals, "for a nickel I'll slip you a pick in the parlor tonight." "What do I want with a pick?" ask ed Mr. Smartle in astonishment. "Why, I heard sister say youwere going to break the ice tonight." Caler Caver. Stocks He always was a bad egg, but nobody seemed to notieeilt While he was rich. Knocks Yes; he was all right until he was broke. New York Times. The first day a guest; the second a boarder; the third a pejfc-2ftbon)j. SaUter teaee af . A high naval offldaL now dead, often cited as an example of ghastly kamor an incident that befell a young woman during the, civil war. "She was good and kind," he would say, "and during the war she visited the hospitals dally. dlstributJac traits and flowers and tracts. "One moraine on her rounds a yoaag soldier, immediately after she had passed him. set up a loud laugh. "She turned and looked at bun In surprise. His seemed a pitiful case. Nothing of him but his face was visi ble on -the little white bed. and this young face was sadly thin and pale. Nevertheless be laughed like one pos sessed. His mirth resounded through the grewsome room. "The visitor returned to him. ' " 'Will you tell me what amuses you? she said. "'Why. ma'am.' said be, 'here you have given me a tract on the sin of dancing when I've got both legs shot off." Baltimore Herald. Carefal af Her X Many interesting stories of courtiers and favorites at the old French court are found in the memoirs of the Mar quise de Crequy. She says that on cer tain solemn occasions kings of France wore ermine linings to their robes, but ermine became scarce, and she writes: "The anointing of Louis XV. was re tarded some years for want of this far for the court mantles, and at the coro nation of Louis XIV. they actually used catskin." Superbly elegant was the Duchesse de la Ferte, who generally was carried around under a canopy. The marquise goes Into ecstasies con cerning this particular, duchesse, whose eyes "bad the most disdainful expres sion I ever saw. though they .had a slight cast In them." Box her supreme elegance can be appreciated when It ,1s known "she never blew her aose for fear of spoiling her Greek contour, but dabbed It at Intervals with a small square of cambric." Beajaatla Fraaklla'a Wife. A very unflattering description of Benjamin Franklin's wife is taken from the diary of Daniel Fisher, who was Franklin's secretary for a short time. "She sat on the floor at a neigh bor's. She assumed the airs of extraor dinary freedom and great humility, lamented heavily the misfortunes of those who are unhappily infected with a too tender or benevolent disposition, said she believed all the world claimed the privilege of troubling ber pappy so she usually calls Mr. Franklin with their calamities and distress, giving us a general history of many such wretch es and their impertinent applications." He mentions "the turbulence and Jeal ousy and pride of her disposition" and the violence of her invective. Pointing to Franklin's son one day, she exclaim ed. "There goes the greatest villain up on earth!" ka la Serlee. While it is certainly a pretty sight to see a long row of books in a neat and uniform binding, like soldtess on pa: rade, there la a distinct lbs of Indi viduality. .As you glance over your books upon their shelves It is pleasant to recognixe them from their outward dress. They keep themselves better hi mind if each one Is not exactly like Its neighbors. Yon are even likely to for get what yon have If you cannot know them from across the room. We often go to the bookcase looking simply for 'something; to read.' and then It Is an advantage to know each book at the first glance. Of course this does not apply so strongly to the works of a single author. These 'belong hi a uniform, and you know what Is among them. St Nicholas. Fltetla Im Jai A Japanese woman flirts as far as she knows the meaning of the word with her sleeves and fan and not with her eyea and amiles. By. the different movements of the ends ot her kimono sleeves she msnages to convey to ber admiifr all sorts of unspoken mes sages, sd by the opening and shutting of her fan to the right or to the left she can reject or accept the most weighty offers. Her code signaling with her sleeves and fan i quite an Item of her social education. Freaea SaMlera Haaakerealef. The cotton handkerchiefs provided for French soldiers have printed upon them a number of sanitary precepts to be observed on the march and during a campaign and are farther decorated with medallions containing pictures of officers of all grades, the different uni forms being so distinctly portrayed that a French private, can tell at a glance to what grade any officer he may see belongs. Well She Mlaht. An old German historian of Tubin gen describes an attack by the French la 1G74 during which eighteen persons were killed by the exploding of a mine. A. soldier's wife waa thrown the distance of an acre. She was not hurt, the chronicler adds quaintly, "but she scolded terribly and was In a very bad humor." After the aarrL. She-There Is just one little bit of millinery that I desire more. He (crossly) You needn't say any more. I won't buy It for you. She Don't be afraid. You'll never get the bill for it. It's a widow's bonnet. A Sare War. Mabel I wish I knew some way to make George forget me, for I can nev er marry htm. Henry Have you tried leading- him money? New Orieasa Times-Democrat. A very wise man once said that when be began to feel too important he got a map of the universe and .tried to find himself on it Waleat very loquacious lady asked a friend what position he.woald give her ware she a man. , "I'd, make you superintendent of a deaf and dumb asylum.'t waa his re ply. "Whyr "Because either the inmates woald learn .to talk or you to keep silent" New York Times. American Board Ends Session. Grinnell, .Is,, Oct. 14. The Ameri can Board of Foreign Missions con cluded its sessions here. Brief ad dresses were made by returning and outgoing missionaries. A report was made adverse tot the consolidation ,of; the missionary magazines of the Con gregational missionary societies at home and abroad. The Missionary Herald of the American board will be continued on the present basis. Lady Curzan Is Worse. Walmer Castle, Oct. 14. There Is a renewal of acute anxiety regarding Lady Curxoa's-condition. She passed a restless, night and Is somewhat exhausted. INDIAN INVENTIVENESS. Sa Ita Beat Fretactleaa. That the North American Indian nev er rose to a high level of civilization may be attributed to his lack of inventive ness as well us to his Indolence and Improvidence. He reared no enduring structures and constructed no instru ments for .the manufacture on any thing but the smallest scale of articles of use and exchange. This seems at flrst glance like a satisfactory explana tion of the undeveloped state of bis civilization. It -is nevertheless not true that the Indian lacked inventiveness. He has left at least two worthy monuments of his capacity for invention, although our own civilization has converted them from articles of necessity Into what are practically playthings. ' These two evidences of the Iasuaa genius are the birch bark canoe sad the snowsboe. For beauty and utility la the uses for which It waa designed no product of the white man's art working wMh the same materials could have surpassed the Indian canoe. The snowsboe, aa the Indian designed and made it, moreover. Is a distinct week of art and. like the violin of the older masters, seems Incapable of Improve ment It may be argaed that these are arti cles of the' simplest kind, but the gen ius that Inspired their Invention and construction Is none the less worthy to rank with that which manifests itself In our own civilisation In works of aa ampler but hot more beautiful design. Boston Globe. SECRET INK. Wrttlaa Wale. Mar Be Made Irnvtat ale'er VlalMe at Will. There are several ways in which two persons can correspond with each oth er unknown to even the people before whose eyes the very letter Is held. Ovid taught young women when writ ing to their lovers they should use new milk as Ink. This when dried is invis ible, but by scattering coal dust or soot upon the paper the writing becomes legible. Ansonlus adopted this method when writing to PauUnua. Dilated sulphuric add. lemon juice, solutions of nitrate and chloride of cobalt or of chloride of copper write colorless, but on being heated the char acters written with the first two be come black or brown and the hitter green. When the paper becomes cool the writing disappears and leaves the paper blank again. Saltpeter dissolved in water and equal purls of sulphate of copper aud sal, ammoniac dissolved In water are two good invisible inks. There are also some Inks which are Invisible when dry, bat visible when moistened with another liquid. Thus a solution of muriate of antimony waahed with tincture of galls becomes yellow, green vitriol ink washed with the same solution turns black, nitrate of cobalt washed with oxalic add tarns blue, arsenlate of potash with nitrate of copper green, solution of gold with muriate of tin purple. Gaaiaetta'a Table. There is a curious story told of the table at which Gumbetta, wrote. A previous owner. General Labltte, min ister for foreign affairs in IM). dis missed his confidential servunt because he believed he had stolen a large sum of money In 1.000 franc bank notes. Years afterward, when the table had to be repaired, the joiner employed for the work found the missing bundle of bank notes betwevu the mahogany board of the table uud the drawers be low. They hud lain there unnoticed for fourteen years. Lnfortunately the story does not go on to say that the poor servant and his mistaken master were alive at the time of the discovery and that the one's character was clear ed and the other's confidence restored. Kalaer'a Saab af the Blaawreka. The marriage of Count Herbert Bis marck aud the Countess lioyos took place at Vienna, and It was on this oc casion that the kaiser took a step which was oue of the falsest steps of bis life, a step equivalent to the malev olent boycotting of the BLsmarcks. By order of his majesty Count Caprivl, the new chancellor, wrote to Prince Beuss, German ambassador at Vienna: "Should the prince (ex-chancellor) or his family make any approach to you pray confine yourself to conventional forms of courte sy. This order Is also to be observed by the staff of the embassy. Bamay add that his majesty will take no no tice of the wedding." London Chroni cle. The Tallsaaamle Maaaataae. The remarkable peculiarity of the moonstone is that, while in all other gems Internal scams are called flaws and detract from their value, hi the moonstone they are called "magic mir rors, because those favored mortals who are gifted with the illumination of the astral light can by its aid read on those surfaces of milky white the reflections of the past and the promises of the future." The Oaly Care. Bints I wish they would cut out these ballad singers at the vaudeville. They make me tired. Jinks Well, you might get somebody to remove their noses. Then they wouldn't have any thing to sing through. Cincinnati Tribune. stiaar. "Now I know," sobbed the six months' bride to her husband, growl ing over her extravagance, "why you used to call me a flower. You thought I was an orchid and that I could live on ah-." New Orleans Picayune. It is from books that wise men de rive consolation In the troubles of Ufa Tktor Hugo. The Shla Even compared with the work of a circus acrobat the Job of a ship's rigger Is extremely perilous, for whereas the circus performer is safeguarded in ev ery way possible aad the ropes and supports are thoroughly tested the rig ger's duty is to ascend masts often made extremely perilous by rot or dan gerously impaired by storms: Extreme coolness and caution are necessary, and the men engaged hi this calling are a clear headed, bard handed lot. who take rtoka cheerily and work with aa Instant understanding of their busi ness. Taking into consideration thes teat and character of their work, com paratively few meet with accident New York nerald. Me West Book Agent (entering-Madam. I have a work of art to show you. It hi a book. Lady of the House (reopening the dooriAnd I havo a' work of art to show yon. It Is a landscape Wngletoa How do you know her ago? Doublet By her pleased ex- nrmslea when I told her their loveliest at thirty five THE STONE BREAKER. la TaO.- Ia my country of Alsace, onthe aott tary route whose Interminable ribbon, stretches on and- oriT under tbe forests. of the Vosges, tfero Is a stone breaker whom I have seen at his work for thir ty years. The first time I came upon him 1 was a young student setrmg oat with swelling heart for the great dty. The sight of this man did' me good, for' he was humming' a song as he broke his 'stones. We exchanged a few words, sad he said at the ead, "WaU. . goodby. my boy,, good courage good luck!" Since then I have pa and repassed aloag the same 'route . under circumstances the meat aYverse.V painful and jeyfaL The stamat'sas': lalshed his. car;-tn sriahit of' atones remains what he'waa. ' ha -taken a few mora preraatloa affuast , the 'seasons' storms a rash mat pro- tects his back, aad am fait hat W drawn farther down ta ahWd bJa.face. . Bat the forest Is always seadug: bade the echo of hla valiant hammer. ' How ' many sudden tempests have broken aver his beat hack, how much advera ' fate hesTaltea oa IBs head, ml, house, oa his coaatry! Ho cMtiaaes. to break hla stone, aad coming and going 1 tad him by the roadside smil ing hi spite of his age and hw wrin-v kles, benevolent, speaking above alt ' in dark days those simple words of' brave men which have so much effect when they are, scanned to the breaking " af stones. From "The Slmpte'LlfeV' ' by Charles Wagner. A SHREWD OLD LADY. She Cat Mar WW Feale Mer lawyer. certain lawyer, famed 'for high charges, had incurred' the enmity of an old lady oa account of" the same; Wishing to get even with hQu. she con sulted him about drafting her wllL As she was a very wealthy old lady, with out aear relatives, she had many chari table assodatlons to benefit, and 'the accurate draft of the will required much patience, skill and time. Among ' the provisions she made a generous bequest to this lawyer and nominated him executor. After the execution of the will she called for he? bill.-where-apon the lawyer, with the vision of ample fees in the prospective settle ment of the estate and the memory of the generous bequest, told the old lady that under the circumstances he should charge nothlug, but finally, to satisfy her business scruples, made' out a re ceipt In full to date for $1, whereas the smallest sum he could 'have Drooerlv psharged would have been SIOO. The old lady marched home with her will, set herself to work, copied It out carefully word for word, leaving out' the bequest to the lawyer aad aomlaat lag a new executor. la the ajMiroe of time she died, 'and the disgust of the lawyer at the con tents of the will was so great that he Inadvertently let out the secret, to the huge delight ef hi brother lawyers.- Leslie's Monthly. Twelve. The "patriarchal and apostolical aumber of twelve" as the proper aad only admissible number for a Jury try ing cases according to the common law has come down to as from remote an tiquity. Yet this number was 'hot al ways universal In 1632 a Cornish cus tom to have Juries of six was declared to be bad, but evidence was given that auch juries had been widely used. In the county, and by a special statute of Henry VIII. juries of six were allowed In Wales. But the jury of the grand assize consisted of sixteen men; which still finds a parallel hi the Jury of pre sentments of the Liberty of the Savoy. The modern grand Jury, the coroner's jury and the Jury at lunacy and eccle siastical Inquisitions number anything between twelve and twenty-three, whereof twelve at least must agree ba a verdict London Law JouraaL ' ' Carleae Wara Certain species of crabs cover them selves with seaweed hi order to de ceive their foes. One crab was seen by the naturalist Elsig In 1878 to pluck off zoophytes, those plantlike animal colonies which grow on shells and stones, and to fix them on the spinas and hairs of Its shell. Av still deeper romance of defensive tactics Is to be found In the case of certain hermit crabs. They live hi the castoff shells ef whelks and crawl about, bouse on back. One claw la bigger than the oth er, and this is an adaptive feature, for when the tcrab retires into ita house the bigger claw la tucked across tho mouth of the shell to bar the way against a possible Intruder. More curi ous still Is the habit of one species which tolls along with a sea anemone fixed to hla shell, like Slndbad carrying the Old Man of the Sea. Great care la taken of this anemone. It Is fed 'by the crab, and If the latter has to seek a new shell by reason of hi growth be tenderly shifts his tenant off the old abode and places him on the new one. Deaa Melaa Wit. On one occasion Dean Hole, the well known English clergyman, with Mrs. Hole, landed at Dover, much exhaust ed, after a rough crossing of the Eng lish channel. While waiting 'for the train the dean pored over the railway regulations. "An," he said, addressing the station inspector, "it's one consola tion after 'such a crosstag and this tiresome wait that we go back at half price." "I don't understand, sir." was the official's reply. "There is no special reduction." "Oh. yes, there is." said the dean. "I've Just been reading all your notices, and you state that you take returned empties at much reduced rate." Once when the deaa waa play ing whist for threepenny points he ap peared to be very well provided with threepenny bits. "Ah." his opponent remarked, "have you tbm offertory with youT' "What sir." the dean answered, "do you recognize your miserable con tributions 2" "When you first entered politics,' said the young man who Is looking for knowledge, "did you setoat with the determination to win at aay cost?" "No." answered Senator Sorgham; "I act out with the determination to whs at as little expense a possible." Washington 8 tot. If It be true that a maa who never makes mistakes never makes anything, at all It ia. equally true that af ora tor-woo never say aa.iugiacr c Trnaa may be confidently reckoned oa to aay anything at an worth London World. CaaaM. She (after accepting him) Hava yoa ever loved any other girl? HarCer- talnly. I can bring you half a written testimonial if Oaeof the hardest to lad la hart hard this world la a friend a ap at tho same time yea New. 1 . :u -t .2 i - t I' :r ! .. r - ' s. . I - c .- ."' ' '' A ..