rv-. b!l rVs-K- -' .v? J .- i J- " ' - r .j a..- )h 4 ! -'' k- ia .. I."--' 4.r4 r :: I!, -- IL . M .. e II -V TV - " : 5.1' - - v -(V uS - - . . n . - SV'A -: ! II.- - :"- HIV' ' .- if I '; S CORRESPONDENCE ; Boats 3.. We notice quite number of farmers husking corn. They report the yield good. Henry Deyke is now a patron on this route. Peter Schmidt our hustling miller left the hopper long enough Monday to attend the Fairbanks meeting. Mr. J. F. Siems whose time is oc capied continuously by his incubator and washing machines -was in town Monday to take a peep at politics. R. Siefken is reported as being a very sick man. Fred Willis left for Triniiey Park, Illinois last Friday to be present at the wedding of his sister, which took place there on Sunday. Lillie Bargmann was so sick on Monday that her parents considered it advisable to consult a physician. She is better at this writing. Ber. apenhausen returned home Batuiday f-om his Chicago and St. Louis visit. Fred SeeGeld is slowly improving. E. Buss, living D miles north of the city was badly Kicked just below the right eye by a mule colt on Sunday. It was a very narrow escape. His face is badly swollen but he is coining out all right un der the doctor's care. Eonte4. Mike Campbell is building a new barn 18x24 with 12-foot posts. W.E. Beck with is working on Camp bell's new barn this week. D. F. Donobue presented carrier Ko. 4 with a sack of oats as per his agreement in the Journal of last week. Dans heart is always in the right place. Walter Grossniklaus threshed last week. John Briuer shelled corn and deliv ered it at Platte Center last Saturday. John Hillard was a Columbus visit or Saturday. Dan Bray has leveled the side of the road along his place and sown it to timothy and is going to raise tim othy instead of sunflowers. A very good idea. Our local nimrods are having great sport hunting the canvas back and asallard dock, but as far as we have beard they hare failed to bag any number of the feathery tribe Star Route. School district No. 1.1 has the right kind of a teacher. He saws wood en ough on Saturdays to run the stove the following week. Wra. Johannes informed us that the farmers are afraid to asture their corn stalks this fall, owrng to the corn ripening without a killing frost. It is feared the stalks will prove poisonous to cattle. Road grading is two paramount issue just at present in the hills north of Shell Creole. It i done after the Boer atyle in South Africa. They take one kopje at a time. Tho late postmistress, Mrs. Henry Welch, is to be succeodod by Mb Stella Welch. Oscar Luescher came to town Mon New Idea 10c Pattern Great Money-Saying October Sale AT THE BIG STORE B. B- DTJITHAM DRY GOODS SPECIALS! Ladies9 Black Silk Waists was $5.50 to $6.50 now $4.25. Ladies' Black Silk Waists was $4.50 to $5.00 now $3.75. Misse's and Children's Coats was $2.25 now $1.65. Children's Jackets was $3.50 now $2.25. Ladies' Caps was $4.00 now $2.85. All other Ladies' Misse's and Children's Jack ets go at cost. Do not forget to call at my store when in town. I can and will save you money on all Dry Goods, Hardware. Queensware and Stoves. Lamps $l.f0 now $1.01) Lamps 2.00 now 1.50 Lamps 2.50 now 2.00 Lamis 50 now 2.25 Chamber Sets 87 now 5.00 Chamber Sets 8 now G.00 HARDWARE 5 gal Gasoline and Oil Can was $1.25 now $LOO. Elliott's anti-rust Wash Boiler was $2.75. now $2. Elliott's anti-rust all Copper Boiler was $275. Now $2.75. Get your Barb Wire while it lasts A No. 1 Cook Stove was $24 now $19. GROCERIES 32 bars Santa Claus or Lighthouse Soap $1 50c Japan Tea now 35c One-hall Justice brand, Baker, Coco 20c two lor 25c 2 cans Salmon for 25c. Chase & Sanborn's fine Coffee 15c and up Bring in your Potatoes and Produce. E.B.BUIIAM 11th St, Columbus, Nebr. day to get repairs for his threshing machine engine, and to hear senator Fairbanks. It being to late when the Senator got through Oscar concluded to stay all night. That way he could hear Berge and get the democratic side of the story. But the many sights had more attraction for Oscar than the democratic candidates, Ocsar just took in the town. He says he knew just about what Berge would say anyway. Henry Welch was among the many doing business in Columbus Tuesday. Routes 2 and 3 have lightened the duties on the Star Route to the extent of about ten boxes. Henrv Wilke was in Columbus on business Tuesday. There is still some fall seeding and some more threshing to be done. The middle of the road hog is very much in evidence these days. Loop and Platte Valley. Everybody in the neighborhood turned out Saturday night to the dance at John Eisenmann, in spite of the rain. Among the Omaha visitors of lost week were Mr. and Mrs. S. Imhof, Louise Lutki, Johnnie Eummer, Martha Kummer, Chris, Fred and Frank Boss. Also many Duncan people went down. Mrs. C. Wentrich of Columbus is the guest of Mrs. C. Bienz for several days. Jared Blotget. live year old son of Mrs. Sam Taylor of Gardiner, met with an accident last Wednesday, breaking two bones in his wrist. Mrs. Taylor was driving in a spring wagon and the little boy climbed in from be hind and just as he got in one of the horses gave a jump, throwing him to the ground. Doctor Stoddard from Silver Creok was called. Mr. L. Blaser, living southwest of Columbus took his cattle nome from Rudolph Gerber's pasture last week. Mr. Terry of Monroe shipped 12.1 head of cattle to South Omaha last week which he pastured this side of the river chis summer. Monroe. Walter Brown and wife of Virginia City, Montana are visiting at the home of E. J. Williams. They leave in a few days for the future homo in Cali fornia. R. G. Strother was in Omaha on Saturday on business. Mrs. O. J. x'erry returned homo last night from Omaha, where she visited her mother and saw the carni val. Thirty-one from our city heard Senator Dolliver & Fairbanks in Co lumbus yesterday afternoon. A. E. Cole started yesterday for Portland, Oregon on business. About twenty-five from Monroe saw the carnival at Omaha last week. W.G. Gooden writor of tho Bankers Life Insurance Co., of Nebraska is vis iting at the home of his brother-in-law, T. W. Blackmore and looking after business on the side. O. O. Shannon and W. A. McAllis ter of Columbus are on our streets to day. Too much carnival makos news scarce. New Idea 10c Patterns And All Other Queensware at Cost Woodville. Everyone is busy digging potatoes. JIayme Fish of Tilden is visiting at the home of J. W. Carrier this week. Wm. Ellis or York. Neb., is spend ing tbo week at tho home of his son, Cl3-ie Ellis. Grant Battles departed Tuesday for an extended visit with relatives and friends in Illinois. He will also take in the fair at St. Louis before return ing. Mrs. J. W. Carrier and Mayme Fish spent the afternoon with Mrs. S. J. Lingle Monday. G. I. Chirk. Wm. Ellis and J. W. Apgar attended the republican rally at Columbus Monday. S. J. Lingle and J. W. Smith left Tuesday for St. Louis to visit the fair. Mrs. Wm. Tyler of Genoa visited with Mrs. Grant Battles Saturday. Bertha Boettoher returned to town alter a week's visit with her brother Albert Boettcher. John and August Wurdeman and Louis Wilkens went to Glarks this week after their cattle from the pas ture, where they have been the past summer. The beef roast found in a mail box lost Saturday was very delicious for Sunday dinner. Leopold Plath has just finished put ting'up a new Eclipse windmill, hav ing a 40 foot tower, for Henry Hake. W. T. Ernst and sons left Sunday for St. Lonis where they expect to take in the sights of the exposition. The Iiosepek Bros, have a new Aulrman and Taylor threshing ma chine and it is a hummer. Henry Cotton is shelling and haul ing his last years crop of corn this week. Carpenters are busy working on D. G. Bartell's addition to his house. Wo wish our patrons were all Dan Donoghnes. Tuesday of this week Mrs. F. B. Cotton and mother, Mrs. Wilkens drove to Columbus to do some trading. Mrs. Julius Hoefeifinger has a large forco of men and teams carrying for sugar beets of an excellent yield. Creston. Mrs. Wm. Parr who has been a visitor at the Clark home the past two weeks, returned to her home in Illi nois last Friday. E. T. Graham and F. E. Alderson received several cars of cattle each, last vreek. About 20 cars of feeders between them. E. A Jones and Jake Evans drove to Madison last Saturday afternoon. Qaite a number of season tickets have already been sold for our course of entertainments this winter. Editor Abbott accompanied by Mr. Hobart, Republican candidate for County attorney, drove to CreBton last Saturday. Mr. Hobart made many new friends while he was here and we believe that his frank manner and gentlemanly bearing gained him sev eral votes. Mr. Hobart is going to ran well here, and every voter who votes for him will have the pleasure of knowing they have voted for a good and competent man, and their confi dence will not bo missed. Anna Lucbsinger is staying at the Eastman home for a few clays. Wm. Wenpk and O. F. Bnhmnn re turned from Omaha on Friday even ing. Summer weather and we are nearly in the middle of October. So far this has been the quietest campaign we have ever seen, even for a small place like this, Presidential too. While in Omaha two weeks ago, we noticed a sign in a cigar store, 100 dollars to 40 dollars on Roosevelt, apply etc. etc. Geo. Wenekemp's baby is sick, but not seriously. Lou Eddy who hail the end of his finger bitten off by a hog, is able to work again. Humphrey. The campaign is on and the Demo Pops are getting busy. They will or ganize a McKillip club this week and Berge will be here Thursday night to tell our farmers how they have been robbed and the necessity of making a change. I predict the farmers in this part of Platte county will look into tbeir prosperity, where they will see their increased farms with plenty of hones, cattle and hogs, and say by their votes this fall: "If this be robb ing, we will take some more of it." Peter Bender paesed through town on Monday to Columbus, meeting his fellow supervisors at the regular meet ing. Attorney Cookingham had legal bus iness in Madison county Monday. If tho revenue law needs any fixing the next republican legislature will do the job. Sam Lang bad a "star boarder "Sat urday and part jf Sunday. He refused to eat and the villago is figuring their profit in the deal. John Ternes of Cornlea was doing business in Humphrey Saturday. Nora and Maggie Murphy are visit ing relatives and friends in Hump hrey. Their home is in Michigan. Hunting chickens is the order of the day. Mrs. Mary Steffis is very low, not expected to live. She has the respect and sympathy of many friends. Mrs. Carl Rihtofen died suddenly last Tuesday and was buried in the Humphrey cemetery Wednesday after noon. She leaves a husband to mourn her death. They had lived here since June last. Richland and Vicinity. Poto SwanBon is cribbing his corn. Mrs. Plessie Yonkie is expecting a visit 6oon from her friend, Mamie Mercer of Riverside, GaL Mr. and Mrs. Clint Stevenson were teking in some of the Columbus bar gains Saturday. Mrs. Cluw. Wertz was trading in Columbus Saturday. Agnes Haney is the possessor of a fine piano, which she baa purchased of Schuyler dealers. Mr. and Mrs. John King spent Sun day with P.Luchsinger of Shell Creek. Will Price and Malcomb McBride returned Saturday from a ten days' trip to the Worlds Fair. Herman Kluck is at Clarke, Neb., this week. .Let na strive to be what we so admire in others, true and trusty. If sorrows and trialsof a friend are told us, keep them sacred as our own; if evil things are learned , be charitable and bear in silence ; and when good comes to our ears rejoice, but repeat it only as we would have it sounded were it our very own. Girls, catch on to that fine new buggy, which Robert Keller brought out from Columbus one day last week? Mike Savage, wife and daughter of Columbus, were out this way visit ing friends Saturday. H. H. Millard of Columbus will hold a special meeting at this place this Wednesday, at 1 p.m. The board of trustees are earnestly requested to be present. John Morgan is at Plattsmouth, Neb , where he will take unto him self a wife this Wednesday evening. Mr. Morgan and bride will return to Richlaud after their honeymoon and become residents here. Sam Miller, jr.. has rented Ed. Ketchmark's farm as has also James Lambrecht of Schuyler rented Gus Kluck's farm in Platte county, which Mr. Sanfelt now occupies. Mr. and Mrs. Brocklesby are enter taining their nephew, Wm. Brocklesby of Santa Barbara, OaL, this week. The young man is on his way to the exposition at St. Louis. District 44 and Vicinity. The school board met Friday even ing immediately after school. A list of new books was ordered and a few bills allowed. The board adjourned to meet again, on the last Friday in October, at the same time and place. The board overseers are taking ad vantage of the condition of 'the soil, and are doing some excellent work with grading machines, on bad places in'the public highways. Mosdames Fred Lnckey and Henry Ricker returned one day last week from their trip to Chicago, and St. Lonis. Arthur McGanu arrived in Columbus one day last week from Denver, where he went about six weeks ago, and his brother John, who has been railroad ing out there for nearly two years, re turned one week earlier. Their two eisters, Lottie and Gertie, who were living with relatives at Denver are now visiting with relatives in Ohio, Illinois. The recent change in rural mail route No. 2, Harry Beardsley, carrisr, which took effect October 1st, adds two miles to the route, and on tho extra two miles, passes the residences of F. Ruth, J. H. Drinnin, M.Sbeely. John Schrieber, Barnhard, Mueller. F. Bazinger, Will Borneman, F. H. Johnson, and John M. Carry. T. H. Johnson is making some sub stantial improvements. He has that old trusty Mason Beall of Colnmbus, out at his place, building cellar walh, cementing floors, etc. Mamie Mercer, adopted daughter of the late Prof. D. D. Rickett of Riverside. Call., who has been tour ing tho east, stopped off tho train Sat urday to see her friend and schoolmate of her youth, Plessie Yonkie, nee Drinnin. When wo saw hor last, twelve years ago, she was but a wee tot. We see her now, a beautiful lady, cultured, and of pleasing maimer. She reports our friends at Riverside well, and satisfied with their lot. Rebecca and Goldie Nichols, who live three miles east of this ciy re turned Saturday noon from Omaha, where they have been visiting rela tives for a few days. Lindsay. Mr. Fitzimmons, of Spalding was in town on business, Monday. Willie McAulie, William Gogan. John Hoadley, Chris Bodewig, and James Sweeney went on a weeks hunt ing trip Sunday near Loretto. J. E. Wemple went on a hunting expedition Saturday near Elgin. Ho expects to be gone till Thursday. L. G. Winkler and Harry Brewer, of Colnmbus went hunting Monday near Bartle. Dave McAulifie, Albert Carlson, John Busselman went fishing Satur day near the Elkhorn. Misses Sadie and Clare Gogan, and Ollie Burrows spent Sunday at Wm. Thomazin's. J. P. Johnson and wife. Misses Anna Freschad and Mary Anderson spent Sunday at Newman Grov?. Dave Farnsworth, Fatten Boe, Chas. Taylor and Dan GrifSn spant Snnday at Newman Grove. Wm. 2ellor of Hooper was in town Monday. F. W. Ewdards moved his bntter and egg business from the Schad building inro the building north of the hotel. John O'Shea of Humphrey was in town Tuesday. T. T. Boe, Joe Korth, Chas. LoefHer and Otto Swartz went to Omaha Fri day, returning Saturday. Emily Drummer of Newman Grove, was in town Saturday. Mrs. Frank Hamons went to New man Grove Tuesday to visit her par ents. Thero is a new brick sidewalk being built along the east side of main street, which will add a great deal to the appearance of the town. Wm. Bneltuer and Josephine Korth were married Tuesday, October 4. at the Holy Trinity church at nine o'clock as high mass. The bride was dressed becomingly in blue cashmere trimmed in white silk and white appli que and the groom wore the conven tional black. The best men were John Bneltner and Eddie Smith. Misses Theresa Korth and Agnes Merlon act ed as bridesmaids. The couple de parted Tuesday noon for a short wed ing tour to Central City, where a brother of the groom resides. They returned Saturday evening and Tues day evening they give a wedding dance, at the Opera house. The young couple will ."go to housekeeping on a farm which the groom has rented near Cornlea. The piano contest opened in the last week's issue of the Post wilth Mies Tilda Solso of Newman Grove and Miss Mamie Griffin of Lindsay in the race. The Lindsay candidate was in the lead this week. SAVE FUEL By using a Cole's Hot Blast Stove this winter. It makes soft coal do the work of hard coal, because it is air-tight; has a smoke less feed door; and bums the gas arising from the coal, lost with other stoves. See it at grays. Sole Agent UNION PACIFIC. Its Svperb Ceatitie Freepeet. i Great The Wall Street Journal of Monday September 12. contains the following, interview with Mr. E. P. Vining, (a form er Traffic Manager of the Union Pacifio) on the present and future prospects of that road. "I eame east over the Central and Union Pacifio, and over the beet lines to the Atlantro seaboard; but I am bound to say that the smoothest railroad upon which I traveled was the Union Pacific. The main libe has been practically re built and re-equipped, and it is now in a superb condition. The rebuilding of the Central Pacific is nearly completed, and the old transcontinental highway west of Omaha is now as fine a line upon which to travel as the Chicago $ North western or the Lake Shore to the east. "I usually amuse myself by timing with my watch the speed of the train, according to the length of rails as noted in the joints between the wheels; but I had great difficulty on the Union Pacific in getting count of the rail joints, so smooth running was this newly built road. "Trans-continental rates have not been slaughtered as some people expect ed when other trans continental routes wero opened, and tho Southern Pacifio still has tho commanding position in the California trade. With its steamship lines from the Gulf to New York it can carry freight on schedule time while the all-rail lines cannot command deliveries with their eastern connections. "The Atchison, while a popular line, cannot guarantee delivery of freight in the east; ond it has not the hold on local traffic and the merchants by rea son of its local lines, that the Southern Pacilic maints. "Still, the Atkinson is very prosper ous, and the outlook for business on the Pacifio coast was never better. The rainfall last year was well above the average; crops were abundant upon the whole cost and prosperity extends the entire length of the Pacitlo cost line of the United States from the fruit and oil fields of the sonth to the lumber fields and fisheries of the north. "The outlook for business from Cali fornia over the Central, Southern and Union Pacific lines was never so great in its history as today. "I am not surprised to learn that the managers of the Union Pacific expects in n few years so rank their property with the older lines of the east as sub stantial, regular dividend investment properties; und that they hope a few years from now to have the Union Pa 'cific entirely out of Wall street and in the hands of investors at a higher divi dend rate than is now being paid." WORLD'S FAIR RflTBS ST.LOUIS. TO VIA BURLINGTON ROUTE. Tickets to St. Lonis and return, Good fifteen days) $17.00 Good sixty uays I'.MIO Good all summer, 22.00 For full information about train ser vice and other details see the ticket agent. The St. Louis Exposition the great est show the world has ever seen is now complete and in harmonious operation, and it will be a lifetime's regret if yon fail to see it. L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agent. Birds-Eye View of the Colum bia River An attractive topographical map, in colors, giving a comprehensive idea of the country on and tributary to the Colum bia River. This map is in folder form, on the reverse side contains an interest ing description of the Columbia River route. Copies sent free by E. L. LO MAX. G. P. & T. A., U. P. R. R. CO., Omaha, Nebr., on receipt of four cents postage. WORLD S FAHL The Union Pacifio in conection with the Wabash Line now runs through Electric Lighted Sleepers to St. Louis and return. Passengers are landed at main entrance of Exposition at a conven ient hour in the morning, thus saving timo and expense on arrival at St. Louis, and avoiding the great crowds at the big Union Station. Many hours quicker than any other route. No change of cars illustrated guide to tne fair rree on application to W. H. Benuanm. ST. LOUIS AND RETURN. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS On Oct. 2-3 -4-5-6 9-10-11-12-13-10-17-18 19-20-23-24-2r.2C27-:M) and 31, the Union Pacific will run special Coach Excur sions from U. P. Columbus, Nebr., to St Louis and return at the low rate of 311 50. Tickets will have final return limits of seven days, good only in day coaches on any train, regular or special. Illustrated guide to Fair free on ap plication. Inquire of W. H. Bf.miav. $11.50 To St. Louis and Return. The Burlington offers the above low rate for tickets good in coaches and chair cars (seats free). On sole Tuesdays and Thursdays during August and Sep tember. Sen me for full particulars. L. F. Rector, Ticket Agent. Nearly All for RooMvelt. William F. Creraud, publisher of the Textile Trade Journal at 372 Broad way, New York, has just completed a canvass of the trade publications to learn their attitude toward the na tional tickets. These publications are non-partisan and as a rule do not al low political discussions to appear in their columns. Mr. Crerand's canvass shows that out of 803 of these publi cations 70S are for Roosevelt and Fairbanks. Judge Parker's frantic demand that nothing further be said about Roose velt's personality Is fresh evidence that Democrats have become alarmed over the effect of their assertion that Rooseveltlsm Is the chief Issue of the campaign. The more Roosevelt's per sonality is exploited the more popular he becomes. Democrats have been making Republican votes by the score In quoting the president's utterances. There is an army of over 1,200,000 railway employes in the United States who are not dependent on any system of campaign statistics to tell them they are better off In these years of Republican fatness than during the lean years that followed President Cleveland's second Inauguration. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat, new 92 Wheatold 92 Corn 37 Oats bushel 22 Rye bushel 60 Barley, 23 Hogs-Vowt. 4 800 4 90 Fat steers cwt 4 000 4 50 Stock steers $? owt 2 55 3 55 FatcowsHpcwt 2 900 3 05 Potatoes-pk 20 Butter V 1. 12 to 18 Eggs t dozen 17 Autumn: The Great Sxcurtioa Period. To St. Lonis: You will regret it for years if you fail to seo the St. Louis Ex position. Special low coach excursion rates are made daily each week from Sunday to Thursday, inclusive; seven days limit; slightly higher rates for tickets good in sleeping c..rs with longer limits. Very low one way rates to the far west auu Pacific coast. For instance, $25.00 to California and Puget Sound; $22.50 Spokane territory; $20.00 to Salt Lake, Helena and Butte territory. This low rate westbound, when added to your return rutcs eaetbonnd, mokes a very low round trip rate. Homeseekers Excursions the first and third Tuesdays of each month to north west and southwest. To Chicago and back. Daily low rates either direct or via St. Louis in eitner direction, with stopovers at St. Louis Kansas City or Omaha. Home Visitors' Excursions: Visit the old home back east. September 27 and October 11, half rates plus $2.00 to Indi rna and to many points in Ohio and Kentucky. Nebraska Day at the St. Louis Expo sition, Tuesday, October 25. All good Xebraskans should bo thero and help exploit the prosperity of our grand commonwealth. L. F. Rkctob, Ticket Agent, L. W. WAKE1.EY, O. P. Agent, Omaha. Call at the Journal office and carry away a $3 wall chart FREE. LEGAL NOTICE. (JeorRA M. Krnblen, defendant, will take notice Hint no tho 4th day of October. 10U1, Laura Krobten. plaintiff herein, filed hur petition in tho DiHtrict court of l'lntto county, Nebraska, ajcainftt said defendant, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from said defendant on tfo ground of utter desertion and refninK anil neglecting to maintain the plaintiff and children, and aloo to r tain the cuMody of Haiti children. Yon an required to antwer aaid petition on or before tho 11th day of Notetnber, V.H. Lacb Kkoiilen, 1'laintiff. Uy II. P. Dcffv, Attorney. A. C. Osg, A. M., LL. B., Pres., Omana. PBor. A.J. Lowrt, Princ - 3RH Endorsed by First Natl Uonk and business men. $10,080 in Roll Top Desks, Bank Fixtures sad 50 Typewriters. Students can work for hoard. Send for free catalogue, bound in allitrttor, tinest ever published by a Business College. Bead it, and you will attend tho N. II. C. "KK"KKV"iV"'V'i'Wt I DR. R. A. VALUER, Osteopathic Physician, Columbus, Nebr. Nebraska 'Phono A HI. Independent 'Phone No. 73. Office, Barber block. He will rare all your ache and paima; ne cares wnen memos laiia. .H"H--M--M"I"M"M"; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DR. GfMS. . PLftTZ HOMEOPATHIC Phuslcian and Surgeon. P. O. Block : : Columbus t hcst.is the dicapesl-i OVERALLS THtBESTINIhtWOftlft A5te myJohgm f fl Mw tntASw oAtoW&me, .r jBretTI Knack H Hare you lost your bread H knack? Use Yeast Foam ; it J will make your skill greater, B and your bread better than B H ever. Your family will B B have sound digestions, B B and will praise your new B B bread as the best you B k ever baked. M I twaoVf-AND J Viaww I makes sweet, light Sk K and well-raised bread, U and brings out all the A B :.!.?, nutritious qualities B B of the wheat. It is com- B B posed of wholesosse vege- B B table ingredients, as malt, B B hops, corn, etc., and is the B B best and purest yeast that B B ever raised bread. B ITsv secret is in the yeast B B All grocers sell it at 5c a B package enough for 40 U L loaves. It's always B B fresh and ready for use. B fl Send for our book, "How fl B to Make Bread," free. B I lOimWESTCN IEAST M, I GLOVERS Poland AUCTION? The CEDARBANK STOCK FARM of PULLERTON, Nelx, and II. C. HcQATH of CLARKS, Neb and FRED WILLE.of COLDMUCS, NEB., WILL HOLD A PUBLIC SALE of 75 Registered Poland China Hogs, BOTH BOABS AND SOWS, At COLUMBUS. NEB., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1904. This will be one of the BIG EVENTS OF THE SALE SEASON. The offering will consist of the carefully MIn-tr d tops from the two herds. No better individuals will go into the ring this year. They, are all of the big- -. boned, mellow-feeding type, with size aud finish. Come and s:e them. THEY GO AT YOUR PRICE ! Sale Held in Big Tent, Rain or Shine. E3TCATALOGUE. giving tubulated breeding and full description And particulars, ready SKIT. 15th. Send for one to Col. T. C. Callahan, Omaha, Auctioneer. wh Jlvrm also bear tlu- tnjj of quality and we have handsome covers for them in larautiful itteneu Henry Gass. FffJMMMFJMSy I m ft ft -ft ft ft ft One of Nebraska's Standard Institutions. Fifteen eminent teachers. Two splendid bnildingu. Thorough Colbiate nm! Academic Courses. Normal Courses leading to State Certif int es. Superior Commercial, Shorthand, Typewriting and Telegraphy Lrv pertinents. Beet advantages in music, repression and Art. Tui tion low Board 81.50 per week. Boom ft? pr week. BooIjb free. Delighted patrons. Growing attendance. Students hold jnoij po sitions. Catalog free. Correspondence invited. Fall term o;h-iis Sept. 12. Addrees HI. E. SCIi KM,. !. II.. IV s.. 19-rt York, Xchru.ska. ft ft ft ft FREE!! It costs you nothing for DELIVERY of all kinds of Feed and Bay. Lowest prices and tip-top qualities. We have the leading Livery anil Boarding STAB LE Drive one of our rigs once. Farmers, let us eare for your team liiyht Ernst & Brock ORDER BY 'PHONE. PAV AT HOUSE WHEN FEED IS DE LIVERED. IND. TEL. No. M TRY 1 0 1 WORLDS FAIR NO CHANGE VU UNION PACIFIC In couBSCtioa with the Wabash Railroad, tho Union Pacitie now runs through Electric Lighted Sleepers to St. Louis and return. riiiiagjfi are laaeea at BMla eatraace or the Epo ttloB at at cooTealeat hour la the morning, thua sartm On aa4 expense on arrival at St. Louis, an avoiding tho gnat crowd at tae Ma Untaa Station. MANY HOWIS QUtCKEK THAN ANY OTHEft ROUTC Illustrated Guide to Fair free on mpptiaUien J W. H. BENHAM. ChinasI AT THOS. F. MILLER, Fullerton, Neb. H. C. MeGATH. Clarks. Nob. FRED WHXE, Colnmbus. Neb. Buy GOOD Bed Pillows The Kt is none ttx good t test your head on, cilit hour? in ccrv twriity-fonr. Wo sell the famoii.s. " Emmerich ' feather pdlou nil larar itig tlii-. taj; wTikTi is a guarantee ol vlenu feather a nil clastic durable pillows. Emmerich Cushions -ft ft - -ft t -ft - -ft Colleg' rwwwVMMM.? TNE OlfXWX Cylinder Corn Shrito ! Can do mr and better work than any other shelter tiohi. Our wagons will not aeatter your grain u bile on the road X market or oxertax your IiorseH with needleeo lieay dmuht. Biggies and Carriages or r: LAifcsr asi wsr m.kr. All Kifi'lt f FARM IMPLEMENTS. Come and look onr r.tocL over before buj ing : : : : ey-lSlarksmith work ttf Ifors Shoeing !onr on sbort notify. LOUIS SCHREiBER. JOB WORK. OF CARS . j-; i-. I : I "-.I Kv jf nwwAg,jiaseBBsairgaggi.'a yaK.--J-wv-iw.r -r. ..at.jTi.j,. f ...