The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 12, 1904, Image 3

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Dr. Uapaenl Urn Or. William' Pink
PiMa In Hit Practice Because Re
sults Meet Mis Expectations.
Dr. Lappcoi, the famous phyalciaa
c the Vatican, whose name has re
cently come so greatly to the froat
on. account of his unremitting atten
tion to His Holiness, the late Pope
Leo XIIL, anJ the high esteem and
confidence with which he is regarded
by the present Pcpe, His Holiness,
Pius X., :s a man of commanding
senium. He is more than a mere mas
of science; be Is a man of original
2nd independent mind. Untrammeled
cy the "etic.t:ette" of the medical pro
fession, and having ueed Dr. Williama' Pills for Paie People in his prac
tice th good results, he freely avows
the Tacts and endorses the value of .
this resiri-'T Tith an anthoriv which
nv ene will venture tc question.
Dr. Lappeni's Letter.
"I certify that I have used Dr.
vrUiiams' Pink Pills In four caxes
v! the simple anemia of development-
Afr-r a few weeks of treat
ment, the result came fully up to
ray expectations. For that reason
I shall not faii In the future to
extend the use of this laudable
preparation not only in the trtat-m-nc
of other forms of the cate
gory ct anemia or chlorosis, aut
also in cases of neurasthenia and
the like." (Signed j
Via dei Gracchi 322, Rome.
Th- "simple anemia of develop
ment" referred to by Dr. Lapponi is,
of course, that tired, languid condition
of youn:r ,nrls. hose development
to TomanhGod is tardy and whose
health at that perloi: is o often im
periled. His opinion of the value of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo
ple at that time it of the hignest sci
ntinc -uithority and :t conhrms the
many published cases :n rhich anemia
and ot".::r d:seases of the blood, as
well as nervous diseases, auch as aer
vcus protratiun. nrural:ria. St. Vitus
dance, paralysis and locomotor ataxia
have been curai by these pills. They
are commended to the public for their
efSciency :n making new blood and
strengthenins weak nerves. After
such as endorsement they will be ac
cepted by the medical and scientinc
world at tnir full value.
Arc Perfumes Oisirfectants?
T askd a .:Cor ;n England if per
funitis are ra.iy disenftfCtants. "No,"
he said. "How can they be?" I
asked a doctor here in Prance the
sam juesrien and he answered
"Mais iui. Sladame. sans doute." ami
xplaind that the basis of every per
famf is a. strong rssential oil of some
kind, and that those essential oils are
7int;eptic. Now which is right. 1
London Tnnh.
Religion and Labor.
"rai'i nmrpsinn or Trsrf1 is BOt
nr-iT nr,: mr-nmnatihble with relisnon
provided it be a lawful one, it is his
religion. Earnestness in a lawful call
in? id not worldJmess. A profession
is tty sphere of our activity There is
wnwthiae sacred m work. To work
in the appointed sphere is to be reli-
sioisi-F W Robertson.
Great Catcn cf Sturgeon. '
A SfiSord Haven .England) ttrawler,
, , , .
rc?ntlv landed twelve nne sturgeon.
, . . , .. .,
wuwai o one haul. Mine ot them ,
wtp s:x ie-i ujii
. ' JT...l. .. ....-..l. I..-!.?
Such a catch has
never been known previously
Curs to Stay Cured.
Wapello. Iowa. Oct. 10 (Special)
One of the most remarkable curea '
srver recorded in Louisa County is
that cf Mr. Miraie Kart of this place.
Mrs. riir was in Bed for eieht months
and v. hen she was able to sit up she
was ail drawn up on one side and
could cot walk across the room.
"Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her. Speak
inz of her cure Mrs. Kart says;
"Yes. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me
after I was m bed for eight months
and I know the cure was complete
tcr that was three years ago and I
have rot been down since. In four
weeks from the time I started taking
Thm I wa able :o make my garden.
Xoecdy can know how thankful I am
in be cured or how much I feel I owe
.i Dodd's Kidney Pills."
This case again points out how
much the general health depends on
he Kidneys. Cure the Kidneys with
Dodd's Kidney Pills and nine-tenths of
;iv sufferins the human family is heir
to, w.U disapjwar
The Wise Man.
A wise man never stumbles twice
cr hj -same $tone: when he passes
thai way again the stone isn't there.
Sr..r or '''hti
T ...- . . I'M' S. W
.- ss-
7jji 1 Casaxr :ssr rmiii liiat b iu n1tw
yarxrr ot tSr firm ot ? J. Carnr Co.. duloti
Sii:ai"t !n tae C'.tr 'if T jjedu. coaatT Bd Suua
rc:a. tail tljt .uii 2-3 wn py A am of
ONS HtrSISEI DuLLAilS for eca ad every
ea. of Ctjish tat caasut be corvd 5y tie ae of
Hii's CTixsa Cusr.
Srra i; before ae ail oubacrtbed In ax P"
cee. t2i t& i? of December V. D. !(.
( - f A. W LKAS05,
; !! 'otat Prauc
n.r CV-irrn Cars ! ukra !nun3lly ad :
Urr-uy oc tie Mwwl n& tescou arfacat of ia
rvs. 2ed izr ieUsn.n!i-. Tre.
p J t'HEXHY CO.. Tolo. O.
Sliibr .i Dnsita. "5c
Tais H.. Tilf Pliit for consCpmaoo.
Children soon .earn that it is father ;
who has the money and mother who
has the generous disposition.
T'fie Wabasn ts the Only Line Landing
Ycu at the World's Fair.
Rround trip rates from Omaha are
as follows JS.5-1 sold daily except
Friday and Saturday, good 7 days.
$1C.S( sold daily good 15 days. The
Wahash is the onry line that land's
passengers at the main entrance of the
World's Fair grounds. Also the only
line that can check your haggage to
the World's Fair station. Think what
a saving of time, annoyance and ex
tra car fare.
All agents can sell you through
rickpt and route you over the Wabash.
Vry low rates to many points South
Zi. .- TVH- vinTifnl World's Fair
folder anc all information call at 1601
Farnam Sr or address Harry E.
Mocres. Gen. Agr Pass. Dept. Wab
R. R. Omaha, Neb.
Wall papers made of imitation silk
and satin are tie latest fad in th
-'smart sec"
" Til
.More Flexible and Lasting.
-wont shake out or blow " o "s
Xnance Starch, you obtain better re-
SU1U -
brand and one-third more for same
alts than possioie wiin a uujci
fll BaatCeagB, Syras. IS "?
BBi Team anwai
: imtmium
sJVbBHbDBm o$? ' il sttBC - MP sBm
'j'fflaaiagBBBeSBaawBawBMlaw rfr??IBaa7aBTJNirr'dlirBsfc3e aaaTaaa-JS
aiS," M.J.WJ2AGG ." Ifif
'"tf--.. .' z..'& '"'"'- .,.",-.. ..??V?.iU,r,--- ""Mil" " PrMjiy
rj(r Wr invites contrlSuttonft ot
anv new ideas that readers of tais de
partmest s:ay wlah to prtssent. ar.d
would be pleased to answer correspond
ents .3elrin mrormation on auwects
dlacusW. Addnsi U. S. Wran. Wau- ,
kee. Iowa. '
We are aware of the fact that a
srreat many or our reauers ruu ""l
little about the value of our agricul
tural schools and colleges. Some oi
those who know about them in a gen
eral way do not take the interest in
them that they ought to. A third
class believe that there is nothing that
can be taught about agriculture wnicn
is of any practical value to their boys
and girl's, even though they expect to
remain on the farm and make farming
and farm homes their life's work, lo
all these three classes of people we
address these lines.
What we are going to say. we say
because we believe in agricultun.1
schools; we have no personal inter
est in agricultural schools and col
leges, except that we know rrom ex
perience what they are and what they
There are many excellent agricul
tural schools, and some that are not
so good. We shail not reter to any m
particular, but speak of what they
teach in a general way Those that
we are best acquainted with are those
in the Northwest, some in the East
and some in the South. They are all
crowded, so much so that many ot
them have to refuse admittance to
quite a number each year, just be
cause they have not facilities enouga
to accommodate all. That fact shows
that the schools are appreciated by a
great many farmers already We are
urging agricultural schools, not be
cause those in existence need stu
dents, but because we want to see
more schools started. The more ap
plications our present schools get the
more schools must be erected. People
often take things as matters of fact
in this world. We have good common
school systems in nearly all localities,
we have good high schools, and the
latter articulate with the former; this
is all well and good. We would not
urge less high schools, we need them
all. They are well adapted to the
needs of the city and town children,
but not so well adapted to the farmers
as a class. The object of schools
should be to develop the child men
tally and morally in such a way as to
fit him better for life's work, if
schools do not tit our children to bet-
ter zranple with the practical prob
lems of life, they, to say the least.
are partially a failure.
How often we see men so elated
over partial success that they get dis-
headed and think that their wits and
und Judgment will carry them
through and that they no longer need
to look after the detail work on the
- " "' "Jl - hat SJir
duties. Better for this class that their
"uuc- raiiiir ir
first success had been a raiiure. it
. .nan otiao rn sr(
-.. -
rM.i i I .infra UTnti w'-.jv. -w w -.
prosperity than adversity.
The advantage of a mule over a
horse is. he can be taught to turn
shorter, thus preventing the breaking
down of vegetables or other plants.
says an exchange. He can go in
rougher places, is not affected by heat
as badly as the horse and requires
less attention in the way of currying,
rubbing, etc. His feet being smaller.
he can walk closer to the row of grow
ing plants.
To make a good mule worth from
S50 to $S0 at weaning time, or $140
to $160 as a two-year-old. he should be
foaled from a large mare in April or
May He should ran with the dam
until October 1. 'hn be weaned. At
this time he should be at least 52
inches. Put him in a shed with plenty
of light and feed oats, with clover and
timothy hay Too much corn fevers
the legs and produces scratches. The
next summer he should have access to
pasture, with a little corn each day
antil cold weather, when he should be
hrnnzht back to the barn. At two to
two and one-half years old he should
be 1-5 hands high, fat and ready for
When feeuing, care should be giv
en to keep the system cool with green
stuff, and keep out scratches. The fol
lowing is a good cure: Take equal
parts of bluestone, white vitriol and
verdigris, grind together with equal
parts of soapstone. mix with warm wa
ted until about as thin as paste, ap
ply with a swab on the end of a stick
about three times a week.
Mule colts are no more troublesome
than horse colts. The colts run with
taeir mothers, but a separate pasture
is required for two-year-old mules.
Some farmers were born in a period
ot procrastination. nu u u.e ue-
come no better in its practice. One of
the mistakes we often make is by
being a little late for most things. All
things must come to them that wait.
hut there is often a great deal of loss
in waiting. Keep in front of the pro
cession if you have to run over the
fellow that is in front of you.
Very few farmers realize the income
that can be had from a good cow. The
farmer who keeps a cow a year to
raise a fifteen or twenty-dollar calf
usually thinks he has done as well as
any one, but his profits do not com-tu-d
-xirh rhrwe at The dairvman. Ex-
nanr -with hieh-nriced registered cat-
tie. as a rule, the milk, not the calf, is
the most valuable product of the cow.
The milk produced by the average
Missouri cow will sell for about thirty
dollars at the creamery or when made
- flrst-class: butter A good cow of
rj dairy breeds will make at least
fifty dollars cash income every year.
aare a list of about fifty Missouri
farmers who report a cash income of
from fifty to one hundred dollars per
. , . - l - --
not include the income from the sale
of calves and pigs fed on the skim
milk. But. says one, milking is a tre
mendous task. As a matter of fact, it
takes only sixty hours' time, worth
aksstt six dollars, to milk a cow ten
BKratas. Prof. Eckels. Missouri State
While the spring and summer mulch
in the orchard is of great value, and
is attended to by our best orchardists.
still a fall mulch of trees, shrubs and
bulbous plants should be done earlier
in the fall than is often the case.
Just as soon as the trees have shed
their leaves and the hardy and semi
hardy herbaceous plants have died
down is the time to winter mulch
them, before all of the moisture has
IefT the ground. One of the best
times to apply this mulch is just after
a rain, when the ground is well filled
with moisture. The object of doing it
at this time is that th plant will re
ceive the benefit of the rains and
scarcely any moisture would be evap
orated by the drying winds that come
in the fall. All of the moisture, eith
er from the rain or the snow falling
on the mulch would penetrate through
and benedt the tree plant or shrub.
There is one exception in the mat
ter of mulching plants, however, and
that is in mulching strawberries.
These plants should not be mulched
until the ground is frozen, as straw
berries grow late into the autumn.
One of the best winter mulches that
we have to-day in our orchards are
the cover crops. It is not too late
now to start in some sections of our
state, cover crops in the orchard,
which will serve as a mulch through
the winter Winter rye can be sown
now and under ordinary conditions
will make a large enough growth by
the time winter sets in to serve as a
mulch. Especially is this practice im
portant in young, growinir orchards.
Many sections of the country have
suffered very much from excessive
rainfall during the past season. In
many localities the loss would have
been much less had due attention
been given to drainins low places. The
fail is a good time to do this work.
Where those who own land are not
prepared to make under-drains. a
great deal can be accomplished by
opening surface drains with the spad.
the ordinary scraper or the road
scraper, as circumstances may neces
"Having been asked by a fanner
subscriber if it will pay to grow ber
ries for market, in reply I will say
yes" if the business is managed
risbt and the crop disposed of in the
right way and place. A good many of
our towns are not properly supplied
with berries; what they get. if any.
are second class the overflow or ref
use from the citites. where the market
is often glutted. The commission
men send circulars out before the ber
ries are ripe, giving prices of berries
shipped from the South, inducing
many home growers to ship. By the
time their berries get ripe the demand
is supplied, prices drop, and the ber
ries being a perishable product nave
to be sold for what they will bring.
My advice is to grow berries for lo
cal market towns that are not well
supplied. Such places can be found
in the west: land can be ousht for less
than half that close to large cities.
pickers are cheap, and. as a rale, more
reliable. Berries that get too ripe on
account of rain, and which will not
do to ship, can be sold in the home
mark-t all the roush handling of the
railroad men. shipping expenses, com
missions, etc.. are saved, also crates
and boxes. Then when consumers get
fresh, wholesome, home-grown berries
they often buy twice as many, and the
growers in the market can regulate
the price.
If Russia had a republican instead
of a despotic form of government, the
tory of the wonderful development of
the United States would be repeated
in the new Siberian territory recently
opened by the Siberian railway. The
climate, soil, rainfall, navigable river3.
timber, grasses and mineral wealth
cover an area equal to that of the
United States, but the blight of des
potism and ignorance broods over it
Some men need either a brake, a
governor or an anchor tied to them
when they get to talking or writing
about any generally untried machine.
Writing to his paper about manure
spreaders, an Iowa farmer says that
one man with a cood team and spread
er can haul as much manure in a day
and do it easier than can three or
four men. each with common wagons
out of which they have to spread the
manure "the old way." We regard
this as being about the wildest state
meat that has been made in a long
while. Le us see. A man has to load
by hand into a manure spreader the
same as into a wagon box. and as it
takes longer to throw a load out of
a wagon box than it does to put it in.
usually driving to field, and back in
cluded, if it took absolutely no time
at all to unload with the spreader,
driving and al! included, a man could
not lead and haul any more than two
men can "the old way." How about
his do in z the work of three or four?
We have great admiration for the
farm wife who can cut wood, slop
the hogs, milk the cows, carry the
water, harness the horses and do the
churning in case of emergency, such
as sickness or unavoidable absence
of the farmer. But the husband who
will permit his wife to habitually do
such menial labor while he toasts his
shins at the corner grocery is only a
semblance of a man and is beneatn
the contempt of his fellows.
Every man locating in a country
where the average rainfall does not
exceed fifteen inches should make a
study of what is known as the Camp
bell system of cultivating the land.
This is a method of so preparing and
handling the soil that the moisture is
conserved and retained in the soil for
the development of the crop. Most re
markable results have been obtained
by the use of this method in Kansas
and Nebraska, and as it is purely a
question of the mechanical manipula
tion of the soil, it may be practiced by
any farmer.
The farmer should realize that he is
in partnership with his land. It is
true that the fields are silent and
long suffering and do not intrude their
rights in a loud voice, but when the
balances are to be struck the farmer
who has been so unwise as to have
ignored the rights of his acres finds '
that while they have borne their heavy
burden patiently and without com
plaining, they have asserted their
rights at last. The careless farmer
may see the results without under
standing or even seeking for causes
i hero is a perceptible diminution o
crops; failures in full crops become
more and more frequent; washings
on the hillsides and in places where
water never used to run" are more
manifest; insect pests multiply; tht
land has "lost heart" yes. and for that
matter, soul as well. The land is out .
of sorts it has been imposed upon;
it has been robbed of its birthright,
and it is retaliating. There has been
too much taken off and nothing put
back. The same crop has been grown
year after year, with the smallest
possible amount of cultural prepara
tion of the ground. The "soil" may be
is "deep" as ever, it may look black
and rich, but part of its glory has de
parted: it demands restoration of all
the wastes of the crops that have been
grown upon it. The straw from the
grains, the wastes from animals fed.
the winter protection of the soil, its
careful cultivation are all the shara
of the land; these are its dues that
any just farmer should allow. The
generous farmer will give it the larg
est of leguminous catch crops in addi-,
tion. i
"Convince the farmer that the
cheapest method of securing nitrogen
is by growing legumes. In many
cases clover is the most satisfactory.
Seeding an acre of clover will cost
not to exceed 1. and this will result
in the adding of 100 pounds of nitro
gen to the acre. This nitrogen has
a commercial value of 15 cents pei
pound. Show the farmer that he is
getting a fortune by the very act oi
the labor of putting it in the soil. The
fact that a fanner can sow clover seed
in his oats for II an acre, sometimes
75 cents, and occasionally only 50
cents, ought to convince any one fa
miliar with agricultural conditions
that it is a profitable practice. It is
difficult to get farmers to do this, but
they are becoming educated and be
fore long will see the value of such
practice. Clover seed can also be
sowed in corn when it is laid by at
about the same cost. The clover seed
can be put in with a five-hoe drill.
This is a substitute for the last cul
tivation. It takes the place of the cul
tivator and costs nothing but the seed
and will usually produce from 75 to
100 pounds of nitrogen."
A correspondent writes that some
kind of a borer is working on his or
chard, and asks what to do to destroy
it. I have just been out looking over
my own orchard and find that the
borers are doing some damage. My
remedy is to use a sharp knife and a
Iender wire; cutting the borers out
low down and banking up with earth,
using the wire to follow their burrow
ings. According to Prof. Chittenden, the
three larger apple tree borers are:
1 The round-headed borer. Saperda
Candida. 2 The spotted borer, Sa
perda cretata. 3 The flat-headed bor
er. Chrysobothris femorata.
The methods of controlling the
round-headed apple tree borer are to
practice clean culture, cut the larvae
out of the tree, kill them by applying
kerosene wherever their castings are
seen protruding through the bark, or
prevent their entrance by means of
impenetrable substances, such as pa
per and hydraulic cement, or by re
pellant washes made from fish oil or
soft soap, with the addition of caustic
potash or washing soda carbolated
with carbolic acid.
The remedies are the same for the
spotted and flat-headed apple tree
borers as for the round-headed borers,
except that for the flat-headed borei
the coverings and washes should be
applied farther up the tree trunk and
branches, and that trap-wood may be
used It is suggested that limbs anu
trunks of newly felled trees which th
borers attack, such as oak. maple and
ycuns fruit trees, be distributed on the
outskirts of the orchard, where they
should be freely exposed to the sun.
so that the beetles will deposit their
eggs on them. This trap-wood 3houid
then be destroyed before the beetles
emerge the following spring.
I have often wondered where all the
flies came from. They are here and
they are pronounced a common nui
sance. An entomologist tells us that
the horse manure which accumulates
about the stable is the breeding
grounds for them, and that an indus
trious fly will lay two hundred eggs
in less than a cubic Inch of horse
manure. As it takes about one-third
of a day for them to hatch, it is plain
to be seen where they come from.
It is all very well to talk about the
nobility of agriculture and the joys
and freedom of farm life, but tie
thing that drives boys and girls away
from the farm is the very lack of the
nobility and of joy on the average
farm. No boy nor girl, either, is go
ing to admit that farm life is fall of
pleasures and attractions so long as
the farm home is simply a roof to
cover their heads. It is too often the
case that the entire family on a farm
spend the indoor portion of their lives
in the kitchen except during the hours .
of sleep. Too often the only reading
room in the farmhouse is the kitchen,
heated only by the cook stove and i
lighted by one small lamp. Too often I
there is little or no reading matter
beyond a weekly paper aad the al
manac. Tnese tmngs may oe excusa
ble in case of a young married couple
who have taeir way to make from the
very start, bat any farmer who has
lived to raise a family of children un
til they are half grown is a failure if
he does not provide better home at
No Sleep No Appetits Just a Con
tinual Backache.
Joseph McCauley, of 144 Sholto St..
Chicago. Sachem cf Tecumseh Lcdce.
say3: "Two years ago my health was
completely broken down. My back
ached and was so
lame that at times I
was hardly able to
dress myself. I lost
J my appetite and was
unable to sleep.
There seemed to be
no relief until 1 toolr
Doan's Kidney
Pills, but four boxes
of this remedy ef
fected a complete and permanent cure.
If suffering humanity knew the value
of Doan's Kidney Pills they would use
nothing else, as it is the only positive
cure I know."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo,
N. Y.
Thirty-rive pige belonging to a far
mer of Saragossa. Spain, were stung
to death by bees.
A Crop of 60.CC0.0C0 Bushels of Wheat
Will Ee the neccrd of ISC-i.
The results ot" the threshing in
Western Canada are not yet complet
ed, but from information at hand, it is
safe to say that the average per acre
will be reasonably high, and a fair
estimate will place the total yield of
wheat at GO.ut'tj.oOO bushels. At pres
ent prices this will add to the wealth
of the farmers nearly Sdtf.GOO.OOO
Then thinK of the immense yield of
oats and barley, and the large herds
of cattle, for all of which good prices
will be paid.
The following official telegram was
sent by Honorable Clifford Sifton. Min
ister of the Interior, to Lord Strath
cona. High Commissioner for Can
ada: "Am now able to state definitely
that under conditions of unusual diffi
culty in Northwest a fair average crap
of wheat of good quality has been
reaped and is now secure from sub
stantial damage. The reports of in
jury by frost and rust were srossly
exaggerated. The wheat of Manitoba
and Northwest Territories will assre
gate from fifty-five to sixty million
bushels. The quality is good and the
price is ranging around one dollar
per bushel."
Frank K. Spearman, in the Satur
day Evening Post, says:
"When our first transcontinental
railroad was built. learned men at
tempted by isotherman demonstration
to prove that wheat could not profit
ably be grown north of where the line
was projected; but the real granarv
of the world lies up to 300 miles north
of the Canadian Pacific railroad, and
the day is not definitely distant when
the United States w'll knock at the
doors of Canada for its bread. Rail
road men see such a day: it may be
hoped that statesmen also will see it.
and arrange their reciprocities while
they may da so gracefully. Americans
already have swarmed into that far
country and to a degree have taken
the American wheat field with them.
Despite the fact that for years a little
Dakota station on the St. Paul road
Eureka held the distinction of being
the largest primary grain market in
the world, the Dakctas and Minnesota
will one day yield their palm to Sas
katchewan" It is possible to get a Turkish bath
for 5 cents in New York.
Every housekeeper snould know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time, because it
never sticks to the iron, but because
each package contains 16 cz. one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up in-' -i -pound pack
ages, and the price is the same. 10
cents. Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals. If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12-oz. package it is because he has
i stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts In Defiance
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures "15 ozs." Demand
Defiance and save much time and
money and the annoyance of the iron
sticking. Defiance never sticks.
A warehouse in Paris has been built
with elass floors.
Important ta Mothers.
Examine carefully erery bot:!e of CA5TORIA.
a amfe and ure remedy fcr luteals and children,
and see that it
Bean the
e &t&4ft&Zjx
la Use Fcr Over SO Tears.
The a ml Yen Hare Always Bought.
London consumes 2 OuO TQns of ice
The bet Krji iiifej wrtrct c?4
sity-icer yzr, ews-c haerwde
T0WEH3 3kxea Geo rfca
fcroa trie wcrid ner Trer arc rafc:n
tea cr jdai far i3 . cf wrt wcrt.
ax e2 jsrr-rt 5e-rgtr a ign Or
THE rfcri z x2.-iT3 weia:-
afeZzn. All -exist jfcskr; xi then.
AJ.TtJWQ CajCO!QUtii.ltlA.
tow cjwj ci-trtJUMmaBj
5?Ci4ar better Quality than aost 10! Citars
Tour iobber or dlrec- -nm Factor?. Peoria. IT
W. N. U.. Omaha.
-No. 421904 '
CURES eatarra-i t tte jtBBiBf
BaWM JT wot
Baae-ae-ttyraa. -AjaBB jBj I - 0evasaei aaeafcasi
Baaaaaf "liwjSs 93-SQ mkmmm ateaw m
iaaaaw i I i II' Ja faaa BNatrief.
JBj0 BNVLe&Ba i aV"3
J i-fajiBBl i Bb4
salawB afe ks4Ib?
H .aBvvawaev !4aaex crati as ! xn
aaaTJaa- Amt!WPil& ESl
vKlLwlLfL laaV am .
ia xamaw SKC7SiBaa-kBaaav
One Letter Makes DifTernece.
There is one letter in the marriage
ceremony the substituting of which
i by another would induce thousands to '
i mnrry who are now single, and would
' give a license for unfaithfulness to
thousands who are married. Which
is the letter? The letter "V." If you
could substitute the letter "K" you
alter "So long as ye both shall live."
' Into "So long as ye both shall like."
You never hear any one complain
about "Denance Starch." There is none
to equal It in quality and quantity, 16
ounces. 10 cents. Try it now and save
your money.
Gulls in United Kingdom.
Before the eBlfast Natural History
society Mr. J. Brown gave reasons for
concluding that there are 2.000.00i !
gulls in the United Kingdom, and that
during the herring season each bird j
destrayed 200 fry a day. or 12.000 dur
ing the two months of the season.
These, if they had come to maturity,
would have been worth 24.000,000
London Feathered Life.
Weary Repetition.
No sooner dees one generation get
through with its Utile part upon the
earth when another comes along, do-i-'-
thinking and acting the same
things. Indeed it's a mighty hand
from, an exhaustless urn that pours
forth the never-ending flood of years.
-DytprpBlji Tormented Ste for Temr. Dr.
Dm'tu Xe!islr'3 Furti- KemtMv cur-t inc. " Un. C
S. Duu!:erty. M1Uti!I. S.J. UmltinrlljMn.
Rarest U. S. Coin.
The rarest coin in the United States
is not. as many suppose, the silver
dollar of 1S04. but the double eagle of
1349. of which there is only one in
existence, and that belongs to the cab
inet of the United States mint. It
can not be bought
mwBisentyrarM. Juflwors
I 1 w drat day' ae of Dr. SUne'B trpt Serve Hmu
or. Send for FHEg Sg.OO trial bottle sad :inHifc
Oka. a. Kim, LSL..lxca Steeet. falladelnbiaiS
Tragedies of Love and Life.
The end of love is a tragedy, just
like the end of life. Both are facts
in nature, and must be accepted in
J the same spirit A person is no more
to be blamed when his love dies than
when his body dies. New York
I Times.
.lfr. Wlnalow Sootbinc 3jrnp.
For chltorea teetiaac, sotreas the g-i. recnce ta
f1mmt:i!n,:ly..j-a;T.1-nn.-jr.n.j.-.ll1 yir'"IT'a.
Women Not Wanted.
One of the curious social laws of
i Peru forbids women to attend funerals
and they do not appear at weddings
(except as one of the principals), un
less they are very intimate friends of
the contracting parties.
Murine Eye Remedy cures sore eyes,
makes weak eves strong. All dni'jgists. 50c
They're Little, but O My!
The brain of Taguchi. the Japanese
anatomist, weighed 1.520 grams, and it
stands :10th on the list of brain weights
of men distinguished in the profes
sions, arts and sciences.
Sees End of Harmful Bacteria.
A London physician thinks that
within 100 years all bacteria that are
harmful will have been killed, and
that the people of the 21st century
will live to be 100 years old.
Defiance Starch is guaranteed big
stest and best or money refunded. 15
ounces. 10 cents. Try it now.
Few Top Boots Worn.
The old-time top boot is fast disap
pearing from the face of the earth.
Even the miners of the west, among
whom an ordinary pair of shoes used
to be as rare as sombreros on Broad
way, are abandoning them.
I am sure Piso'-i Cure tor Consumption aved
my life taree years am. Mas. Thos. Roaaxas.
Maple Street. Xoiwicn. N. V , Feb. 17. IUU0.
Insist on Getting It.
Some grocers say they don t keep
Defiance Starch. This is because they
have a stock on hand of other brands
containing only 12 az. in a package.
whichth ey won't be able to sell first.
because Defiance contains lt az. for
the same money.
Do you want H oz. instead of 12 ox.
for same money? Then buy Defiance
Starch. Requires no cooking.
In society the art of talking comes
first, the art of listening second and
' the art of sayinx somerhing is left
' at the post.
Magnificent Crops for 1904.
Western Canada's
Wheat Crop this
Year Will be dO.
000,000 Bushels.
and Wheat at Pres
ent is Worm si.OO a
, The Oat ana Barley Craa Will Alte Yield MunSantiy.
Splendid prices for all TiindH of rain. catt
and other farm produce for the growing of
which the climate is unsurpassed.
About 130.000 Americans have settled in 'West
ern Canada dunmr the past three year.
Thou-sands of free homesteads of 130 acres
each still available in the best airnculturai dis
tricts. It has been said that the United states .11
be forced to import wheat -within a very few
jars. Scur a farm is Canada and become
one of those who will produce it.
Apply for information to Superintendent cf
Immigration. Ottawa. Canada, or to authorized
Canadian Government Ajns W V Bennett.
SOI Xew York T-ife 3uUdintf. Omaha. Neb.
Strairry mi
Vtgctaklt OmIits
The Passenger Department ot the Illinois
Central Railroad Company have recently Issued
a publication Itsown as Circular No. US. in which
is described the
btst twrittfy ii this ctwtry
for the srrowinK of early strawberries and early
vegetables. Every dealer la uch products
thould address a postal card to the undersigned
at Oubuauo. Iowa, re-iuestintf a copy of
"Orcuiar So. lsT
. J. F. MSBH.Y, Aaat. Gen'l Pasa'r Asesr.
W.L Douglas
S3.50 SHOES .
The rcaaon W. L. Domtlaa SXJO ibocs are tie
Helen a the wona is termaa of Ujer csceUrst MT'e.
oiT 3:nn sua lprrujr wanaix qnauuefk ir i coma wo
you tin? differeora befOfii the ifco-s mat tn -or fjwrtorr ms-1
Ctaf at otn-r aakes wt tlie biCcnut !tmtii tumI. 70a
nroold "TflTT'lM nr W. L. Donxlaa SUO tcoca com mui
to nuue. irar ey noia taer nmpe. a atszcr. wav itrntrr.
aad are of greater innraic ralnr t&aa any oilier CLTO icoe
on tlie auraet u4aj. aad wby tlat aviaa tor tba jeer eoOinjj
W. L. Dongiaa giirint ttMar Talaa by aaninlntr Us same
acd pnee on the aouotn. tuot for 5 rate aa 1 tatnaante.
Sold by laoe dcalata rrarrw&cfe. Fatt Color Zvtiea
IJumtwm WJhmglm tSJO Ufa for tht Imt &"
auD igi CA?AUet-x oivtao TCU. I
aow ro oasia ar maxi.
; Z,JZ
and vm- to Jmh coiftnaroni U0 ? CM."
B. S. McCCSTSn- Coil. C.J. Int. Serexue. Bukmomd, Vm.
ahatsa. Curaa Celt la coiieaa-t taattatlm'
''' - -
tetpaasBMBBBBBiBa ...
Bk- '.'4-'t -BBaaTBaaaaaaaaaal
r:2 S fm wLWWW -m.
AlBFs, janBBlallallaB
Laaf - ' aSv4BaB-
BaffaL'. -. J -5 ? r-!25B-
Basal "1 If BBSS!
Mrs. Anderson, a
Hivirs. i-inaerson, a prominent society
woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of
Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed
her signature to the following letter, praises
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
tt Dxab. IIrs. PryfTTx : There are but few rives and mothers who
have not at times endured agonies and such pain as only women know.
I wish such women knew the value of Lydia E. Pfnkh-im's Vggetabls)
Compoumd. It: is a remarkable medicine, dirlerent in action from any
I ever knew and thoroughly reliable.
"I have seen cases where women doctored for years without perma
nent benefit, who were cured in less than three months after taking your
Vegetable Compound, while others who were chronic and incurable
came out cured, hanpv, and in perfect health after a thorough treatment
irith ring medicine. 1 have never used ifmyself without: gaining great
benefit. A few doses restores my strength and appedtir. and tones up
the entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true, hence
I fully endorse it." 31ns. B. A. Axdkkso, 225 Washington Sc Jack
sonville, Fla.
Mrs. Beed, 2425 E. Cumberland St-, Philadelphia, Pa sayi!
MaBBBBafJ i Wf
bbbbbbbbbbbbV "-l W
BbbbbbbbV" 3W BbbW
"eBSBv--vH. -HfBBeaTBeaTaTaw
t mijTW vtrVMwWG9m
i j-raaaf ii i y i m. : c- vrs
Wlien women axe troubled with irrejrular or painf nl menstruation, weak
s. Ieucorrhosa. displacement or ulceration of the --voctb, that beariajr-iow
feeling', inflammation of the ovaries,
indigestion, and norvons prostration,
and true remedy Lyuia E. Pmkhanvs Vegetable Compound at
removes such troubles.
The experience and testimony of some of the most
women of America so to prove, beyond a question, that Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble at
once by removing the cause and restoring the orrans to a healthy
and normal condition. If in doubt, write Mrs. Pinkham at Ljna,
as thousands do. Her advice is free and heisfaL
Xo other medicine for women in the world has received such wide
spread and unqualified endorsement. Xo other medicine has such a
record of cures of female troubles. Refuse to buy any substitute.
FORFEIT it Tm cannot forth - v
aoovo 'f-TrvnUir waica -rtll prnra taeir axnotut gnuinraou.
Zjtlla C Piakbam Medlia Co tj-aiit
Mustang Liniment
BBaTBB Sprains and Strain:.
II it 8 the purest cleanest starch made. II
K is free ol injurious chemicals. I I
II k can be used where ordmariry yom would be afraid I
II to use starch of any kind.
I I That's Defiance. Your grocer sdb 4. II
TO -
DINING CARS (Meals a la Caftte).
A handsome World's Fair folder containing complete information,
views of buildings, etc., and map of St. Louis, -will be sent free- 02
request to
GracwaL. PaaacsecR and Ticket Accar. St. Lcuis.
Oe. 0fl 10c aackaee calors silk, aoal anri eottan
ts Die. Wrara aaa Baa Colon. Jiw.auf unv a- tu c :
prominent society
3Ies. Pesxhax: I feci it my duty
to write and tell you the good I have received
from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
"I have been a great sufferer with femal
trouble, uying different doctors and medicine
witn no '.enenc I wo years ago I went under
an operation, and it left me in a very -weak
condition. I had stomach trouble, backache.
palpitation of the heart, and was very
in lact, 1 ached all over. I nnd
is the only metiicme that reaches
troubles, and would cheerfuHr rec
ommend Lydia E.Pinkham: Vegetable?
Compound to all suilering women."
backache, flatulence, general debility,
tlier should remember there is one tried
- tll produce thwonjpnal letter
Fortun-1 In Ittt'e ar
em. 4.U rua
t";ry5er8. sll !a
Vsenuii marxm at
9? Ui wVi peril! ca-ii u ruw ies liiia l. B'C
demnit. pit -mil --il fr -Ie to.iiOt fr-; write
iu-Uj QZA2LS. GI3SE3G CO.. Sept. m Jopba. Be.
When Answering Advert&ementa
Kindly Mention This Paper.
equaiti aell aad is tjuaranteed to (Ba
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