The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 12, 1904, Image 1

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A Big Bank
account is the ambition of nearly every
lody. The way to acquire a big uccoant
is very simple. Open an account today
in the
First National Bank
with as much or bb little money as you
have and then deposit regularly every
dollar yon can. No man erer accom
plished anything unless be made a start.
For your own interest the First National
Bank urges yon to make yours now,
right avvav, at once.
H Time Table.
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
Bt. Joseph, Salt Lake City,
Kansas City, Portland,
Bt. Louis and all San Francisco
point East and and all polnta
South. West.
No. 21 PniMTiger. !itiLy exrt Sunday. 1:25 a. in
No. SJ Ai-rotmuotlttioti, iluiLy ficei't
Stitir.lfty.. .................... 4.90 j. m
TUU.VH Aitmric InonKer,l!iilyr't Hnndnj. Sif.O p. m
No. 1 Ao-citnirKxliiliou. iliiily tz-pt
HunuAy ................. . 1:30 p. V
No. 12, I luc'iKnMt'ml tXi
a. m.
2. . Alanine iMiit-t-aH :1U n. m.
rut B. oliinluix ixn-al Iv. :iri a. m.
No. Itc, rWAIail I'.!. p.m.
i. Ijistrn Kxiintw
... 220 p. m.
... fcX'.p. m.
... 7:3" p. m.
..10-Ut h. til.
..2:lo h. m.
..12:10 p. m
. . r.jat p. in
.. "JA"i p. 111.
.. uto M. til.
S.Oi.-rliii.ii l.imititi
wrT liit?Mf, MMM LINK.
3. Pacific KsprfMH......
II, t old. tlHftJI
till, Kit M;ul
1. On-rlmul Limit.!
a. lif..rni.i Kxr.-si .. ..
7. Colnmhtiri L)h:i! ...
23, KniJit
Milit-OLK liUlKOU.
7:10 p. in.
7:1'' a. ni.
12 5"p. in.
.............. 7:00 p. ni.
fVt. l:i"ni:Ar..
71. MiMnt ..
No ill, lM(uiijir
No 72, Mixml
..;ifi .M) .sri.i)ismurt;u.
........... 2:10 p. m.
t",:Sl. in.
N "', Pnsmniror
No. 73. .Mixou1
No 70. I;itinsfr 1.-00 p.m.
No 74. Mtstii B.-Wp. ni.
Ntrrfolk p!-ni:iT fniiiif rnn lnily.
No trains on Albion ami Sp.iltline tiraarb
'olmnliiiH iMal ilaily ezrept Snmlay.
W. 11. Kknhav. Apnt.
llrpnfBlitivi( JoNN W.itKNPKB
.'U-rk J(MIN(iltAr
lTitf CuMtLKs.T. CAHUia
rvipcriuUiHUm Ii. H. l.r.WV
A-M,r loux.l.; vi.i.ev
iliC' .liHIN ltTTHIMN
Iri-H-4iirr IM11K A. TiKBKK
1'1,-rkof Wtrirt ,Mirt i M. JiurENTHKU
t'oronor -K. H. SlETZ
Kuntjor U. L. Ilossrrrn
IM1. 1 John (iKTZ, Chairman
Ii-L 2 , pKTkll Kkndkk
lii-t. A Mtii Iifrritiru
-Kt. " l!riMLvii '. Mi'ulicb
lil (V.7 IL'is llM.P. K. J. ERNST
If. S. Hi:n tui.
-Chiirli'.s H. Diofrk'h, 1.
Mkwkfu or roMr, rj Disthict. J,
iornn. John IT. Mirkfj; tvn'tr" ?tat,
IJoorgp W.ilanli; Anditor, ( harhw II. Woton;
TrvHuirvr. P. Mortf-nMiii; Atforn t'm'nil,
Krank X. Pnnit; Stiin'rintrntlcnl iSihlic Inrtrur
tim. Willi. mi K. lowIir; t'ommibrioni'r I'ulilic
K-,tul. i-or' 1. rillin.-T.
Jl'IMlES liTU .IrmeiAL Dimtuict V. llollon
Uvk. .!.;. lHlir.
Si vvtok W. A. Way.
Kn,HH-.KTATlVK2ITit Disthht -.l.W. Render
Im,oT BrrilKStTVTlM-. K. E. Fellers.
'rKE;!mtli rcIhmiI. .: a.
ni. l'n-.irjnuj;. tl a. in. imil a . m. Junior Ku
ilKuor. 5-lnt p. m. S'nior Etideivor, 7:00
i. ni. l'r-ir m,-liinr Tliurv,hi. hrfW p. in.
itiliiMAuTiIinr.firt XVeilm! in ivich month
ia3-0 p. in. i. A. Ml'Mio, lliMor.
PKESKYTCUlAN-SauUith S-h..l. !
S,-rnion, IIMi .1. ui. A-nior Eudravor, 7a' p. 111.
Kwninc frcniion, s-tV p. in. l'mer inivtinKand
btudj of iliu S:dJuith t-r)wuI leMlIl.JU p. in.
Wu.Tkll X. Hvl-SEV. i'.UtoT.
51i:ni()llST Pmachinn. 11 a. ni. and IB p. 111.
Hniftiu m1khi1. 1?. hi. Juninr lje:ii:ne, SS! p.
111. Eponli lj"Sj;ue, 7jlfln in. PnijermeetiuB,
Tlmrl-iy. tw). 111. ladieH Aid SK?ief every
oth-r Velxtd:v at 2iW p. ui.
G. A. l,rTK. 1). I).. Pai4or.
i:iIMAX 1:EKH:.MEI- Sunday School. W
n. m. I'.cu'liini;. 10'30a. m. KiitIvior, 1-M p.
in. I.lnt (iuiM, httlhiir-daj meadi month.
2-.0f m. Kkv. NnMiiK-n, Pnur.
15MTIST -Sumi-ij Srliool. l0.-(O a. ni. Sermon
il:l a.m. Junior B. Y. I. I.. SMiji. in. S-r-iuoji, p. in. l'nier nntinir. 7il0 p. m.
Bkv. E. J. UI.XKR. PaMor.
(MiM'K EPISCOPAL, t-ow c.-lrhratioa. 1
h. in. Huii.lhj SoIkhM, 10SJ0 a. m. Pre.ioliinji,
Il:t'a. in. Ei4ii:ii;Mrire. :! p. ni. St. An-drew-
l!rohi, t-foiul Ttirnlaj f eaeh month.
Iiiclili,if tiie Kini;. km.ithI Tiu--ln of each
moiitli. Ijidico (iiiild. m-o:u! Wedaexla) ot
cacli month. llkv. W. A. Cs:i. Itvrtnr.
C. EUl X LLTII EUAN- Pr.w4.ine. 1VM a. m.
Suini ly 5chH(l. p.m. I.vlie Society nieetf
one Tl.urpd:iy in each month.
Brv. U.MiEssi.rn. Pn:r.
nu obcxi.i:l ci k :i of i.vrri:n
l. SAINTS SdhluMiluHil. Ida in. Pre, eh-'
ins -enrice. 11 a. 111. S-icniniental t-erice first
Sunl.) in cacti mouth.
t.tonaBW.CiALLEY. Elder.
iTTic, ma. . and nthhw at S, y and lOilU
clK"k, Sunday w?hotl and Iwnediction at 3
o'cltH'k. Tli"clK-k was i eiven in Polish
and thwSoYlorlc ni:u,f nlternutetj intiennanand
En;h-')i. Wer da m every inorniiiK Ht &
o"ciN"k. Fridays at S:IS o'clock, htatioan and
bniiction. Confession-, heard from 4 to e
o'clock Saturdays nnil from 7 to t on Sumiay
aiornintT. Confessions also Sunday mur&inK be
fore s iVl.K-k mas-s.
rVrukiiTurooiLii Klaj. Priert.
10s Sleets in 0ld Fellows hall, seoim.l and
f ou rt h Welnc lay of vneli tut mt f u Mrs. Tschndy
noble cnitul; Mis tirace Wih.h1. secretary.
TirUSNELDA No. 12. O. D. IL S. mmte the
sertosl unit fonrth Monday if ei.-h montli ia K.
of 1'4 hjill. Aloi- Maier, president anj J. II.
Johannes, secTttarj".
31. W. of A. No. -jSJP.-SIeil second and fonrth
Tuesday in K. of P. hall. Louis Helti, V. C,
Loais Brunkeii. secit-tary.
OCCIDENTAL I.Onc.E.Xo. 21. K.ofP.-JIeet
every VTedm-sJay in K. 1. hall. J. 21. Curtis, C.
C.. P. J. 3Ict!affrey. secretary.
WLLDEY LODfiE. No. 41. I. O. O. F.-Meet
vety Tuesday. Odd Fello8 hall. J. E. Paul,
N. O., Ueorse Fairchi'd, secretary.
KOYAL HJG1UANDEBS. Xo. 1M.- Meet first
Thursday in month. Odd Fellows hali. Carl
Johnson. C. C, Piter Luchsincer, secretary.
Q Meet first and third Monday in Odd Fellows
:-faaUV George FairchUd, C P.. J. M. Cartis,
OR Meeta tlie first and third Monday of each
iionthinOdd frflownalL Mrs.J. F. KirpaWck.
': chief of honort Mrs. Alice Bttater, recorder.
Visa-Presidential Caaiidate Maas
Grant Craw aa is Faaad
Hat Wanting.
The rernblican meeting Monday was
of the old-time dimensions. At 2
o'clock Hon. W. A. Prince of Grand
Island addressed a crowd that com
fortably filled the opera house. At
3:10 when the special carrjins: Sena
tor Fairbanss polled in, the house
was crowded.
Mr. Prince discussed state issues in
a masterful way and held the attention
of the audience till the cIom. His
speech was well rooeived and was an
able presentation of the issues of
the state campaign.
County Onairman Hoare introduced
Senator Fairbanks, who proved to
be one of the ablest campaign speakers
that has ever been heard by a Co
lumbus audience. He was the polish
ed scholar, never lacking for well
fitting language, the educated gentle
man and the earnest statesman, all in
one. Mr. FairbanKs said:
Mr. Chairman and Fellow Citizens:
I am glad to greet a Colombus audi
ence for the second time in the discus
sion of political questions. I look back
to my vinit here some years ago with
a very great pleasure and interest.
Tour reception then was more than
generous, moretnan kindly.
The questions I come to discuss to
day are essentially the questions I
camo to discuss then. There is some
thing about republican policies and
republican questions; they do not
change with the season. A good re-
pnblican speech eight years ago wears
just as well today as a speech freshly
made. A good republican speech of
four years ago is suited to the con
ditions of the present hour. A good
speech in the campaign of IStiO, when
we gave Abraham Lincoln to history,
is good in the campaign of 1904 when
we propose to give Theodore Roose
velt foar years more.
It is important that there should be
in charge of oar great national affairs
a party with continuity of purpose, a
larty standing for those great policies
that were good yesterday, are good
today and will be good tomorrow.
For the American people are building
not only for today bnt for the future.
It is important that we hold the high
est place ia commerce, that we hare
the greatest factories, that we be the
greatest factors in trade. If we would
achieve the highest national distinc
tion it is essential that we should
stand for those great fundamental
principles which are as changeless as
the stars above as.
The republican party appeals to the
very intelligence ami patriotism of
the American people on its past record.
Is the republican party worthy of the
continued confidence of the American
people.' Has it not discharged in full
every responsibility resting upon it ?
Has it not stood for those policie s
which essentially staad for the Amer
ican people?
When I was here a few years ago,
conditions were not as they are today.
I remember as I travelled around and
mat the people they were yet suffering
under the burdens that had been ac
cumulated as tho result of democratic
administration. Toe farmers were
weighed down with obligations and
the people knew sot which way to
turn in their sore distress to find re
lief. Finally they accepted the judg
ment of the republican party ; they ac
cepted the policies of the republican
party; and through its policies the
mortgages have disappeared from the
farms ; or in cases where they have
not been entirely lifted, the interest
charges have been reduced. The bur
dens have been lifted from the should
ers of the people. In IS'.ti, under Ben
jamin Harrison's administration, the
bank deposits of 43 million dollars in
Nebraska were reduced in IS96 under
a democratic administration to SO
mililon dollars. Under the inspira
tion of republican policies, in the ad
ministrations of William McKinley
and Theodore Roosevelt two of the
most successful administrations in all
the splendid history of the republic,
from the morning of George Washing
ton's firrt administration down to this
blessed hour under the administra
tions of these two great presidents,
ander the stimulating effect of the
jreat palicies for which the republi
can party has stood, the bank balanoei
of 30 million dollars in 18 were last
year more than 80 million dollars in
the state of Nebraska.
These exhibits show how the com
mercial currents are a thorough baro
meter of the industrial development
of the state and the people; and the
question now is. Shall the American
Iecple overturn the policies, shall the
American people overturn the admin
istration under which these compar
able results have been acheived? The
answer must be made by us. fellow
citizens; the answer must be made by
us on November 8th. If we tarn oat
policies and administration of the
repabhean party, what policies, what
inistration shall we substitute for
them.- Will they bring us more of
prosperity, more of contentment on the
farm, more of happiness throughout
our country? Will they increase omr
great commercial development? Will
they lilt higher than it now ia the
national prestige of Jmr republic
throughout the world?
It is an important question. 'Those
who would check our cc mmercial de
velopment today would icfliot a vroag
which is not easily remedied : those
who would check for a year 1 lie com
mercial development of our nation
would commit a wrong which is in
calculable ; and those who would for
four years arrest the commercial
development cf this great nation,
those who would stop the wheels of
progress for four years, would inflict
an injury the fall extent of which
there is no genius powerful enongh to
One thing about the republican
party is, it has never put the brakes
upon the wheels of progress. The re
publican party stands for advance
ment, it stands for expansion in do
mestic trade, it stands for expansion
of our commerce in all parts of the
earth. It stands for prosperity in the
commercial centers, for prosperity en
the farms, for prosperity in hamlet,
city and village from one end of the
republic to the other.
Our democratic friends are unfor
tunate in their policies. Their policies
change with the seasons. They put
on and take off political issues as you
would put on and take off a coat.
Democratic leadership and democra
tic party in the state of Nebraska had
a paramount issue in 18: they fled
from it aa from a pestilence in 1900;
and then they had a new issuo in UKU.
The democratic party has undertaken
to throw the mantle of oblivion over
ail that it has stood for in the past,
and raise new leaders and new issues
with which to appeal to the judgment
of the American people. You can
fool the American people sometimees,
but you can't fool them twice with
the same trick.
We cannot follow democratic leader
ship; we cannot adopt democratic
principles, because we cannot believe
in permanent prosperity ander their
principles. They are as changeable
as the sands ot the sea. There can
be no permanent development of our
country in trade or commerce unless
Pew build upon the everlasting and
fundamental prinsiples of the repub
lican party. The manufacturer must
know how to plan for the future ; the
merchant, the laboring man must
know something of the future for him.
That parry which brings to the Amer
ican people, to all classes and all sec
tions, staiblity and confidence is the
party that ia sufficient. That is the
word confidence. There can be no
prosperity without confidence. Capi
tal cannot go on planing for the future
unless it is confident of a return. Con
fidence is planted by the republican
party in the hearts of the American
people. The people have confidence
in Its policies ; they have confidnce
in the protective tariff. Why? Be
cause experience has demonstrated
that it is the one great fundamental
policy that makes for our national
strength and our greatest welfarve.
The republican party has stood for
the gold standard because it is essen
tial to our highest and fullest com
mercial development. It fills the
American people with confidence.
These two essential instruments to
our commercial development are the
fruit of republican statesmanship.
The republican party has stood for
both of these against the assaults of
the democracy. If the democratic
party had been successful years ago
overturning the protective policy,
what would be our condition today?
Our commerce in the great industrial
centers? Where would be the great
market for the product of the farms,
which are making these fields blossom
veritably as the rose?
I am glad to come into aa agricult
ural community and discuss political
The speaker closed with an eloquent
tribute to Presidents McKinley and
Senator Fairbanks and his party were
met at Central City by a comittee con
sisting of Judge A. M. Post, Juege J. G.
Reeder, R. W. Hobart, Carl Kramer and
F. H. Abbot
The Fairbanks' parry included Con
cressionial Walter L Smith of Council
Bluffs. Senators Millard and Dietrich.
Edward Rosewater, H. M. Burgess,
states chairman, E. M. Searle, jr.,
candidate for state auditor, H. M.
Eaton, candidate for commissioner of
public lands and buildings, besides
Messrs. Harrison of the state Journal
and Gale of the Lincoln Star. Sen
ator Dolliver was forced by a hard
od to leavecthe party in Colorado.
A carriage met the train and con
veyed Senator Fair hanks and Congress
man Smith to the opera houes.
Congressman Smith follows with an
eloquent address, reviewing the his
tory of the democratic party. En
thusiasm pervaded the atmosphere at
the close of the meeting. Roosevelt
and Fairbanks were cheered to the
echo and there was a mad scramble
of both men and women to shake
hands with Senator Fairbanks.
The crowd followed him to his train,
where his picture was taken and
cheered him lustily as he stood on
the ear platform of the departing
Fret Haare For jUBresentativa.
The float representative convention
of Nance and Platte counties met at
Monroe Tuesday and nominated Fred
Hoare of Platte Center. Nance county
waived her privilege of naming the
candidate and Platte named Mr. Hoare.
Fred Young, editor of the Genoa
Leader was chairman and R.G. Strath
er of the Monroe Republican, Secre
tary of the meeting.
Car af Tkankf,
The sons and daughters of the late
Mm. Magdalene Henggeler desire to ex
press their thanke to friends and neigh
bora for their kins! sympathy and assist
ance during the. last illness of their
Berge and McKillip Cheer Each Oth
er ap and Exhort the Faithful
to Stay with the Ship.
The populist candidate for governor
and the democratic candidate for con
gress in the third district spoke from
the same platform in Orpheus ball
Monday evening.
senator w. a. way presided over
the meeting and introduced Mr. Mc
Killip as the first speaker. Mr. Mc-
Killip made a brief address consisting"
of several fanny stories which were
well received ; a declaration that he
would vote for Parker, which was
well received ; and a declaration that
there was no opposition to Roosevelt
in Nebraska, which was exceedingly
well received.
Following Mr. McKillip, Mr. Berge
spoke for an hour and a half. He an
nounced that his remarks would not
be along partisan lines, and through
out his speech he carefully avoided the
issues of the campaign. The theme
of his address was that popular gov
ernment has been overthrown and the
vox populi completely stifled by a
combination of machine politics, per
verted legislation and standing army.
"Standing armies are not to give
liberties to the people but to take lib-
Don't be in a hurry take plenty of time to properly chew your food.
A little rest after meals is a good thing also. There is only one thing to
be in a hurry about make haste to drop into Dock's to see their new hair
brushes. They have plenty of tbem now, but first chance is best you
Chas. H. Dack Druggist
erty away from the people," said Mr.
His reference to standing armies
was his only reference to national
issues, lie then uevoteu a consider
able time to a general discussion of
the political history of the state af
Nebraska tor the past 14 years, the
term of his residence here. He sr.f d
that not one good law had been passed
while the' republican party was in
power, and challenged the audience to '
name one law which had been passed
by the republican party in Nebraska
which was not a bad law. Nobody
volunteered any information, and the
speaker then pointed ont the good
things that the fusion party had done
for the state and a few of the bad things
that the republicans had done. At fre
quent intervals throughout his speech
Mr. Berge reminded the audience
that his remarks were strictly non
partisan. This declaration and the
assertion that liberty is dead were
the two principal points of his speech.
Of state issues, Mr. Berge took up
the Brady elevator bill and the revenue
law. His argument on the elevator
question was confined to the statement
that the people asked lor bread (the
Brady bill) and received a stone (the
Ramsay bill). The speaker did not
explain tho difference in the provisions
of the two bilbj.
Coming to the revenue law, Mr.
Berge's only comment was that it
was framed by the republicans in
order to pay the state debt, which
debt the republicans were themselves
responsible for, and that its object
was to make the dear people pay and
let the corporations escaiie. His only
argument in support of this assertion
was the reading of some extracts from
the Platte county records, showing
that certain Platte county farmers
were taxed on their real estate more
in 1904 than they were in 1903, while
the railroads paid no more taxes in
flatte county this year than last. Mr.
Berge seemed to forget for the mo
ment that he' is a candidate for a state
and not a county office, for he made
no comparisons of the increase in tax
ation of the railroads and of other
property for the entire state. His
attention had been called to the fact
that in the whole state the railroad
assessment had been raised TO per
cent and other property only 54 per
cent. He did not refer to this. He
did not say whether the Platte county
land in question was taxed too high
this year or too low last year, or
whether it might have increased in
value since last year.
Mr. Berge seemed at one point al
most to make a mistake, though he
made a good recovery. He had been
saying that whenever any party is
continued in power for a number of
years, a selfish political ring is formed
and the party management will get
out of the hands of the people and into
the hands of the bosses, and then the
party no longer has any claim on any
self-respecting voter The only way,
he continued, for the people to get in
the game again is to turn the rascals
ont. "It may be mighty hard on the
politicians but a mighty good thing
for the people and the taxpayers," he
mid ; and just at that moment a
thought seemed to stirke him and he
added with some haste, "lam talk
ing about the state now ; not about
your county here, because I am not
posted on that." The audience dis
played no enthuiasm at this point.and
the speaker continued with his speech.
On the railroad pass question, Mi.
Berge showed that the custom is con
demned by all fair men of all political
parties and is practiced by the other
93 per cent of ail political parties. In
alluding to the pass question Mr.
Berge looked straight ahead and did
not seem to take note of the presence
of the distinguished galaxy of local
stars who occupied the platform be
hind him.
Mr. Berge closed his remarks with
the observation that it was a non-par-tisan
speech which he was making.
The audience was attentive and
good-natured throughout and was
largo enough to comfortably fill the
Orpheus hall.
Fire at Platte Center.
The large implement house of Mrs.
K. A. Kehoe of Platte Center was
completely consumed by fire at a late
hour Monday. The store contain
ed about 8.000 worth of implements
which were insured for only $3,500.
The fire is supposed to have been
set by an incendiary, and it is believed
the guilty party will be found out,
though there seems to be no direct
evidence at this time.
The implement store stood within
thirty feet of Mr. Kehoe's grain ele
vator which was saved only by the
effective work of the local hose com
pany and citizens.
Assault and Battery.
Anthony Dolinski, 19 years old was
arrested on complaint of Mervin
Knntzelman Tuesday morning on the
charge of assault and battery on the
Knntzelman farm, and tried before
County Jndge Ratterman.
Dolinski claimed selfdefense but was
found guilty and fined 3 and costs.
Gas Plant Franchise.
The city council met last night and,
after making some changes in the or
. diDailC8, which had been read twice,
read it the third time and passed it.
As the ordinance now stands, it
granted to B.B. Pickhart an exclusive
franchise for five years for street
lightB, same to be furnished at 925
each per year for a mininum of 250
lights or $23.50 each for a minium of
7a lights. For private lighting or
heating purposes the ordinance Axes
a maximum charge of 91.50 per 1000
cubic feet. It requires that work on
the plant begin in 30 days and that
the plant be completed and . one 'mile
of pipe to be laid within 90 days from
the passage of the ordinance.
The street lamp and poles are to be
furnished at the cost of Pickhart.
The cost of the plant is estimated at
950.000 and Mr. Pickhart wired City
Attorney Cornelius this morning that
the contractors were ready to go to
work, if the ordinance was passed.
While the ordinance was amended
so as to reduce the maximum cost of
gas from $1.75 to 91.50 per thousand,
and the term of the franchise reduced
from six to five years, it is believed
the change will be accepted by Mr.
While there is a variety of opinion
as to the advisability of passing this
ordinance, and some difference of
opinion among the members of the
council who have investigated the
subject. City Attorney Cornelius ex
presses the view that the city's rights
are thoroughly safeguarded.
Councilmen Clark, Sheldon, Galley
and Greisen inv .dtigated the plants at
Lincoln and Seward, and C. O. Gray
investigated the Norfolk plant.
Board of Supervisors.
The board of supervisors are still in
session, ivingattention to the pats
age of bills and matters of minor im
portance. Today they turned down a
proposition to sell the county an ad
ding machine and are giving their at
tention to the proposed drainage ditch.
They will probably adjourn tomorrow.
Mrs. Kehoe's Lorn $18,000.
Mrs. Kehoe's loss 'in the fire that
destroyed her implement house at
Platte Center is estimated at 918.000,
instead of $10,000 as reported yester
day. Her insurance is $3,500.
TiFFAxr & Johnson's Market
Report at Close Todat.
WHEAT-Deo. High 1.10. Low
1.08;B. Close 1.10 May. High 1.11.
Low 1.09. Close 1.10;.
CORN Dec High 49'. Low 48JL.
Close 49. May. High 464'. Low
45. Close 46J4.
OAT8-Dec. High294'. Low 28.
Close 29. May. High 31. Low
307a. Close 30
PORK-Jan. High 12.57. Low 12.30.
Close 12.42. May. High 12.50. Low
12.30. Close 12.40.
Hoes Rec'pte, 25,000.
Cattm u 17,000.
Chicaga Grata Vaccinia.
wheat o cars; uors t cam;
Oats 113 cars.
G. H. McOlintock is in Omaha to
day on business.
Mr. Robert Dinuman w.ig a passen
ger to Schuyler today.
J. W. Wisenstine was in Norfolk
returning home last evening.
Henry Carrig was in Norfolk two
days, returning home vesterday.
Mrs. Fred Roberts returned last
evening from Oasaaa where she went
Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Barm and child-
j-ea of Central City are the guests of
Mrs. Harris.
The ladies guild of the Episcopal'
church met this afternoon with Mrs.
ssary Kramer.
Miss Helen Shannon returned Mon
day from a visit to friends in Omaha
and Plattsmouth.
Mrs. Otto Pohl of Fremont returned
home today after a visit to Mrs. E.
Pohl since last Thursday.
Mrs. George Whaley who has been
visiting her parents in Neligb, re
turned home today norm.
The family of H. G. Person returned
yesterday from Niobrara, atfer a
week's visit with relatives.
Roy Westbrook n young lad of about
ten years, broke his collar bone yes
terday while playing pull away.
We call attention to the large display
advertisement of E. B.Dunham in this
weeks Journal. Don't fail to read it.
H. A. Clark went to Omaha today,
and will go to Gretna to look after
business interests before returning
A "Orazi Sosbel" will be held by
the ladies of thn Episcopal chnrch
this evening at tLe home of O. E.
Collections for the Daily Journal
will be made through the carriers
each week, unless otherwise requested
by subscribers.
BROKEN ARM.-Lyle Lawrence.
a pupil ia Miss Sheban's room broke
his arm while playing on the school
grounds this noon.
Miss Dora Holdridge of Woodriver
was in the oity yesterday on her way
to Schuyler to attend the Speice
Mathews wedding.
clothing cleaned, dyed and repaired by
R, S. Palmer. OverCommercial Nation
al Bank. Ind. Tel. 252. tf
Messrs. Carle and Bert McKinaie
left today for Loup City where they
have purchased a farm and expect to
make their future home.
Te give advise about teeth ia part
of oar business. If yon need sack do
not hesitate, we give it gladly and
free. Dr. Neumann, dentist. tf
Miss Mason one of the teachers in
the third ward school did not teach
today and is spending her time in vis
iting other rooms in the city schools.
Mrs. J. T. Wilson of Eagle Grove,
Iowa arrived here last evening on a
visit to her sister Mrs. N. D. Wilson.
She is on her return home from Pavid
Mrs. Dr. Metz of Humphrey was the
guest of Mrs. H. Hookenberger on
her way to Seward where bse went to
attend the Federation of Womans
George Zinneoker returned this
morning from Cincinnati, Ohio,
where he ha been for two years in
charge of a barber shop. He expects
to remain now in Columbus.
Harry Culver of Central Oity. who
has beenputting in cessent walks for
Rev. Millard, U. J. Garlow and
others, left today for Clarks where he
has similar work waiting him.
Mrs. James Tiffany returned Satur
day from Onawa, Iowa. where she vis
ited her daughter. She stopped in
Sioux City on her return trip to visit
Mrs. Frank Taylor formerly of Colum
gates who attended the state associa
tion of Congregationalists in Lincoln,
will give the report of the meeting at
the Thursday evening prayer servic.
All are invited to attend.
Rev. D. M. Rudd of David City.
Iowa will speak this evening at 7 :30
o'clock in the Latter Day Saints
cbaoel. Mr. Rudd is on his return
home from western Nebraska where
he has been holding services.
Next Sunday a mission festival will
be held in the German Lutheran St
John church on the Island, of which
Rev. Meissler is pastor. Rev.Brenter
of Gresham will deliver the sermon,
and the services will begin at 3 o'clock.
Don't try to clean your own clothes
with gasoline. It spreads the grease
and makes the pots larger. It pays
better to have the Soltorium do it for
yon. l have recommendations from
your leading citizens. Charles R.
Jenkins, overNiewohners.
Fur coats, robes and blanket in
huge varieties at prices that can suit
everybody. My harness and collars
are hard to beat ia quality and prices.
Why not get the best? Yon always
will get the best at F. H. Ruscho's.
on 11th street, Columbus. 8tw.
Mrs. P. B. Darrington went to Lin
coln today where she will meet her
mother, who comes from Hoi ton, Kan
sas, to the Lincoln sanitarium to be
operated upon for a serious ailment.
Mrs. Darrington expects to be away
from home about one month.
Mm. Robert Falkner of Hastings
was the guest yesterday of her sister
Mrs. L. W. Snow on her way to
Seward where she will attend the Fed
eration. Mrs. Falkner is vice presi-
clabs of.tae nfth Nebraska district.
J. M. Curtis has resigned his office
as Justice of tho peace, and the county
board of supervisors in session yes
terday appointed Gas Falbanm to take
his place. Mr. Falbanm has filed his
bond and qualified for the cfHce. He
will open an office on Eleventh street
some time this week, ready to transact
business for the public.
In spmkiog of Rev. Ogden who de
livered a temperance address in Mon
roe Monday, we mentioned him as tho
Prohibition candidate for Governor.
We were mistaken as to tho candi
date part this time, Kev. Clarence
Swander being the candidate for that
office. Mr. Swander will be heard in
Columbus some time this month.
Among those who went to Schuyler
this morning to attend the Speice
Mathews wedding which took place at
noon today, were Mr. Mrs. C. A.
Speice, Misses Katherine and Lettie,
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Speice, Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Speice, Mrs. Caroline
Speice, Miss Hat tie Seizor. Mr. and
Mr. J. G. Reeder. Mr. and Mrs. E.
H. Chambers, Miss Lottie Hocken
berger and Gus Becher jr. Mr.
Becker was one of ushers at the chnrch.
a 2
ears at.
v s
(From files of Journal March 22,
Chas. Mathews has erected for him
self a very good blacksmith shop on
13th street.
We notice that a post route has been
established from Battle Creek via
Madison, to West Point.
Becher ft Co. have brought their
business house into line on Eleventh
street one door east of the Journal
A letter from Richland signed
"Anderson' contains the following:
"Another one of our old citizens has
left this earthly scene. One by one.
the original few who, years ago, cast
their lot in these then prairio wilds,
are dropping off. Tho demise of
Michael Marone. who resided oa Shell
Creek, occared on Saturday, the 11th,
under the following deplorable cir
cumstances: Having carried all the
water used in the family for the last
five years, a distance of half a mile.
Mr. Marone, some two weeks ago.
concluded to dig a well, and had ex
cavated and curbed about -10 feet and
expected soon to complete the job. but
Providence bad ordained otherwise.
and upon the afternoon in question
an assistant, while lowering a board
into the well, permitted it to slip
from his grasp, and it unfortanatofy
fell upon the head of poor Marone,
who was in the well at the time, kill
ing him almost instantly. Mr. Mar
one was a bard working industrious
man, and a good citizen. He leaves
a wife ami two little children to la
meat this untimely end."
We are informed by Walter Lawr
ence that on Friday at about 9 o'clock,
Mr. S. L. Edwards, who lives in the
neigburhood of the Whaley farm, lost
his stable, a horse, mule and harness,
from a prairie fire, which came from
the southeast. Mr. Lawrence des
cribed the fire as terrific. He him
self was surrounded by the flames,
and ia fleeing for his ilfe, running
his horse at his highest speed, he
barely escaped the fire, giving it a
goodly portion of his back hair in the
whole of his horses tail. During tho
fire Mr. Lawrence says that he saw
an umbrella, or tumble weed, carried
2000 yards, or more than a mile, by
the wind, firing the prairie in a new
Hon. J. N. Taylor of this place has
been elected secretary of tho board of
Immigration for Nebraska. As that
portion of onr state known as south
Platte has heretofore secured the
greatest attention at the hands of the
former board, now that that body has
been superseded we may reasonably
expect that North Platte will receive
her due portion of the labors of our
immigrant agents.
(From files of March 29. 1871).
Was. Hofelman has established his
blacksmith shop on Tenth street, two
doors west of the court house
Our postmaster, Hugh Compton,
is around again after his serious ill
ness. A telegram was received here Mon
day evening stating that tho Senate
of Nebraska, sitting as a court of im
peachment on the trial of David But
ler, adjourned to the 31st, without
making a decision.
The Omaha Republican sayB that the
earnings of the Union Pacific for the
past week have exceeded those of the
corresponding week of 1870 by $20,000.
Phil Boneeteet returned from the
east on Friday. He says that dry
goods are going to be so cheap that
folks can not help but buy when they
see them. The b-st of prints will be
V& cents, and eveything else just
as cheap as can bo bought at retail in
The Union Pacific will sell Round
Trip tickets to St. Louis and return at
following low rates:
Every day to Nov. 30, good to return
lydays. 917.10.
Every day to Nov. 20, good to return
60 days. 919.00.
Every day to Nov. 15, good up to Dec.
15. t280.
Inquire of W. H. Benbam, Agent
Juan fi
v' w
About Future
Needs, are things of the past once youvo-"
a snug bant account to your credit ' '
You can save a little every day.- Do not
hesitate because the amount is small '
The 3 per cent interest which we add to
every dollar saved and deposited
here, counts np rapidly.
We'd like to include your name on onr
list of depositors.
The OM RelUMo
Columbus State Bank.
5 We own ami control 10.000 g
5 ncres of the choicest land" in
5 Thomas County Kansas. 5
5 Here is what we claim for r
E this country:
5 It is fine, smooth, well-grassed s
prniri land; rich, deep black soil 5
S on clay subsoil; an inexhaustible
supply of pure water, and th
.uun.iinu.umiuiniiUPIU MlCIHIIU.
Good neighbors and good suhoota.
S The dnitv will nnv tlin Thnmnn
5 county f.irmerK $50,(NM.00 this
5 fwason. They raise bumper crops
S or all kinds over l.OOD.tXM bnsh- 2
S els of wheat this season, many s
S fields yielding 40 bushel per acre, s
S Other crops in proportion. S
Thomas is the county of fat E
S cattle and hogs, fine horses and
E milieu, and tho thrifty hen that
S never gets sick in this cenntry. ft
Price, only Sfi.00 to $15.00 ier
E acre, on terms to suit purchaser, s
S Isn't this just what yon liaro lieen E
S looking for? We conrt iuvesti- S
gation. E
zz Colnmbus, Nebr. S
Bargains f
in Farms!
"TT 1
Parties desiring to sell or ex
change their higL-priced lands in
Platte and adjoining counties will
do well to examine our lands in
Sherman county. Wh also linve
lands in Buffalo, Custer and other -counties
in central Nebraska.
Prices $10 per acre for rough
unimproved land to $30 nnd 35
for well improved valley landu.
If a Man is in Love,
If a Woman is in Love,
lint if they intend to get married.
Notary I'CKLIO AN1 TvPKWKrrrxo
Colnmbus, Nebraska
T D- 8TIKK3.
Olito Ht.. fonrth tlnor north of First
National Bank.
6. J. GflRLOW
Otfir over
CuluuiboM State I lank
Attorney: at :Law
faaalnsUamgaAl Mates
TvsnnsurnvBsnmMa garaws
Skorupa & Valasok
Wine. Liquors, Cigar
We ore selling as good
goods as anybody in town.
If you doubt our word, drop
- in and ba shown.
Eleventh Street
. - . '
. Tf - JL -Z