rymtmmmmBn-rrrrrrrtrBrifa wfefr Wa t: 'V" q - ".' ,v - Scr M"'JW, f- ,. !S' - - X K .; .. t - - - - : '?" ;- w ... i . S-. ;.- - r fr. -; fri u 1 - r--: 1 -if ;-; r. 'V.- s - : - - t' - ' -i .. - . - . : . - ' " - - i - . . -3 V.. .- . - . r li' - j-;-'. .. r .-s. 4 A r i m "". JiMiial -T 1 VVvvS:VV--- v COWMU JOUIIliAL CO Hy CQLtiMftU JOUIWALCO. .bbunttir. :'.".: vV-;;- '"Jack.Frosi.:'- complains the Boston '".". v" i: . Ilerald.isilirtins.with us." Slap him .? " V- ; --'-J' - the wrist" " ." " - .- . . .-.:,'.''- .""' Perhaps -the New. Yorker who lived 'j:-.. --on grass 'would point to that as proof - - - :" " - f bis "horse sense. ." . " . .- - r -.-.'"'- '. " -.. ....the tremendous apple crop of this .. ... ;;;-" " - "yar might arrange a pair advantage --"-.: " " , .ously'.with" the wheat crop. - 7 .:.-. -a'.what better way could a New- V..- :". port-heiress get her Jewels before th ." '-,, V--. public than by being robbed of them? ' ' "Prof. Benbow successfully steered '. -"his air ship for 500 yards at St Louis. "''Burn's a thousand miles to Wash . .-lngtop. -." It" would suit Upton if the rules of .. ' ' the game could be so amended that " he could hate his British yacht built :-. '-Ml .America. An eminent sculptor declares the human foot is growing smaller, but It hi understood he never worked with Chicago models. The Brooklyn man who lived on grass for six months seems to have succeeded in reducing a meat diet to its first principles. If Sir Thomas Lipton is going to rate with an American-built boat manned by an American crew the cup is indeed in danger. Hans, the educated horse, proves to be a fraud. Still he probably has brains enough to know what to think of his recent admirers. It will take thirty yards ot ma terial, the dressmakers say, to make an autumn dress but they wont bother Dr. Mary Walker. An Ohio man has been arrested for killing a book agent Possibly, how vwr. the sheriff was new to his busi ness and didn't know any better. In order doubtless to dispel local prejudice against tho practice, Bos ton papers announce that a woman 103 years old "takes a daily bath." What a helpless creature Is man! A convention of dressmakers eays that biff sleeves are to be in style oace tnore and be cannot prevent it Close on the heelfi of Mr. Hill's promised retirement comes John !. Sullivan's equally conclusive n nouncement that he is "done with Louze." The folly of the woman who mar ries, a man In order to reform him is exceeded only by the folly of the man who' marries a woman in order to re form her. J. Pierpont Morgan has acquired a reputation as a dog fancier. H cave 110,000 the other day for four beauti ful collies. - His money now is going to the dogs. Experts In education aver tbat the wonderful Berlin horse, Hans, "shows real power ot mental concentration. Hans must be related to some mules we have known. Maybe the reason why the Japanese oldiers get 43 cents a month pay, In stead of half a dollar, is tbat the Jap anese war department doesnt do any thing by halves. Western civilization is permeating China. In another generation it will not be considered a disgrace for a Chinese woman of high rank to stand on A broad footing. Sneaking about discipline, an edu cational expert urges the school teacher not to let bad boys know they annoy her. Just smile joyously when Che bent pin strikes home. London Is getting giddy. The daughter of the lord mayor has been Jilted by an Egyptian official and somebody exploded a bunch of fire crackers in Westminster Abbey. . John T. Rockefeller has given $100, 00 to the Young Women's Christian Association of Cleveland. The mem ers must resemble the biblical vir gins who also had oil in their lamps. Five American automobiles are sold abroad for every one that is im ported to this country. Which seems to indicate that the automobile, be sides having come to stay, has come ' to go. Two Buffalo women fought with ' crow-bars for the possession of a clothesline. The loser is about to make business for the undertaker and the winner is being sought by a vaud- ."eville manager. An Alabama spellbinder got married between trains while on his way to deliver a speech In New York. It .would have been better advertising if he had had the ceremony on the plat form right after his speech. I." ; It's noble in those Menominee -. : Slich.) girls who will wear on their :'-.'J- " sUlt stockings mottoes in praise of .-- the town. But, same of Venus! -, ' . What .of the classical proportions of ,-s.v. ankles -so constructed as to afford mdvertising spaces? New York World. The palace of peace, for which An drew Carnegie has provided funds, is :o be"rected at Scheveningen. Any ne who has ever tried to pronounce that famous. name to the satisfaction of. a listening Hollander will recog nize the. need, of a palace of peace in the neighborhood. The secretary of the Panama canal commission says that the work of digging the canal will cot $145,000,- 000 and -will be completed in eight years. Paste this up somewhere, and .read it again in 1912. . . The Connecticut postmaster, draw ing a salary of '$3 a week, who has re signed his office because he has had to get up at 5 o'clock every weekday .morning, is a. perfect mystery to his . farmer .neighbors, most of whom have '. been- getting up before sunrise every .. morning'in the year, some of them for : less, than that, all through their lives. ', :Having at last secured the neces- ' nary .funds Commander Peary next .'-year will make. another dash for the pole.-'with -firm' confidence that the " dash will not turn out to be a hyphen- POSTS CAPTURED THREE DAYS' FIGHTING IN PORT ARTHUR VICINITY. JAPANESE SUCCESS REPORTED They Capture Several Important PostsTheir Losses, However, Ac cording to Russian Sources, Were Unusually Severe. CHE FOO As a result of the bat tle before Port Arthur, which began on September 19, the Japanese suc ceeded in capturing several important posts and Sunday the Russian tenure of the big forts guarding the north, northeast and northwest sides of the town is seriously threatened. Chinese information places the Jap- mnese losses under 5,000 for the three days' fighting, and this comparative ly small casualty list is due to the excessive care used by the Japanese in making their preparations for the advance. Russian sources, however, claim to have information that the Japanese losses were unusually se vere, amounting to fully three times the number mentioned above. Possibly the most Important cap ture during the three days' fighting was that of Fort Kouropatkin, which, while of minor value with regard to preventing the entrance of the Japan ese into the town, had been con structed for the purpose of protecting the source of the garrison's water supply. The control of this water supply is now in the hands of the Japanese. As was announced in these dis patches on September 20, the battle began before daybreak on September 19. At this hour the citizens of the garrison of Port Arthur, after the en joyment of weeks of comparative se curity, awoke to the thunderous re ports of artillery along the line ex tending from the west of Its moun tain to Rihulung and Kikwan moun tains. This was but a preface to tho assault, which was destined to result in the capture of three new and im portant Russian positions, together with six small annoying forts lying between Shushiyen and Rihulung mountain. During the day and night of the nineteenth and at noon of the twentieth the bombardment continued without cessation, and the many shells falling from quarters which previously had been silent made it ob vious tbat the Japanese had at least succeeded in mounting heavy guns in new positions or in strengthening their old positions. The infantry fighting during this period was com paratively trivial. At noon on September 20 the Jap anese right and center, the former being to the west and the latter to the east of the railroad, commenced the advance. The troops made use of the trenches and infrequent natural cover that lay in their way. The small forts to the south of Shushi yen resisted this advance but briefly, their garrisons not being strong nu merically. Since the beginning of the bombardment the artillery fire from Fort Kouropatkin had been growing steadily weaker and it hav ing p-ofT" rrriarent that the had been practically silenced the Japanese assaulted the forts. GEORGIA MOB LYNCHES NEGRO. People Leave Church to Participate in Lynching. ATLANTA, Qa. A special to the Constitution from Royston. Qa.. says: John Ware, a negro, was lynched in Frankling county for fatally shooting Cy Daniel, a son of George Daniel of Danielsville. Young Daniel and the negro had some words over a trivial matter. It is said the negro, becom ing greatly enraged and swearing thai no white man could run over him, drew a pistol and shot Daniel, the bullet inflicting s wound that will prove fa tal. The news of the shooting qnick'y spread and a crowd began gathering, cany leaving church to join in the search for the negro. Ware was cap tured and while being hurried to Carnesville by the sheriff was over taken by the mob. He was taken ftom the sheriff and hanged to a tree THERE ARE NINE DEAD. An Electric Car Blown to Pieces by Dynamite. MELROSE. Mass. An outward bound electric car containing thirty two persons was blown to pieces in this city Wednesday night by strik ing a fifty-pound box of dynamite tbat had fallen off an express wagon. Six persons were killed ontright. three more died of their injuries within an hour, and nineteen others on the car were taken to the two hospitals Buf fering from severe injuries. At least a score of persons in the Immediate vicinity of the explosion were hurt by flying glass and splinters. So great was the force of the ex plosion that all bnt the ten feet of the rear portion of the car was blown into small pieces, while windows within a radius of a quarter of a mile were shattered. Jealous of American Shipping. LONDON The London Morning Post in a strong editorai on the ship ping question says that German energy is conspicuous, but that there is even greater need to keep a watchful eye on the shipping of the United States. The paper suggests with withdrawal of the privilege of recovering, a free dom to negotiate for reciprocal conces sions and tlimks a revival of some of the old navigation laws would be easier now than If the step becomes necessary in the face of greatly in ceased rivalry. Rear Admiral Gilmors Dies. NEW YORK Rear Admiral Fer nando P GUmore died here Sunday of Bright's disease, which he contracted duing active campaigning in the Philippines and because of wheh he was retired from actve duty two years aso. He went abroad for his health last summer and. with Mrs. Gilmore. re mained at Alx-Les-Bains. While visit ing Paris lately he became ill and It was decided to return to the United States. He arrived here on Wednesday last Gilmore was born August 15, 1847. In Memory of Chief Joseph. LEWISTON, Idaho Indians from all over the northwest have been sum moned to gather at North Lapwai, on the Nez Percez Indian reservation, in order to celebrate with a feast and war dance in memory ot their late leader. Chief Joseph. At the same time a successor will be chosen to rule the tribe. Summons by mail taad messenger have been sent to all the wandering bands, including the Nex Percez, Lapwals, Black Foot Snokanes and Colvilles. Five thou- will be invited. PROTECTS MONEY OP INDIANS. Proceeds of Lands Deposited in Bank Subject to Agent's Control.. WASHINGTON One of the most drastic orders ever Issued' by the gov ernment for the protection of the sev eral Indian tribes against fraud and robbery was promulgated Tuesday by Acting Secretary of the Interior Ryan. The order in question amends the rules for the sale of inherited Indian lands, so as to require that the pro ceeds to be derived from their sale shall be placed with the most con venlent United States depository to the credit of each heir in proper pro portion, subject to the check of such heirs or their recognized guardians, for amounts not exceeding $10 to each in any one month. Before being paid, however, it will be necessary for these checks to be approved by the agent or other officer in charge. For sums In excess of $10 per month the money will be paid upon the approval of the agent only when specifically authorized so to do by the commis sioner of Indian affairs. Acting Secretory Ryan said that heretofore the lands have been sold to the highest bidder and the proceeds paid directly to the Indians, with the result that in many Instances the In dians soon were divested of their money. WEATHER MEN AT BANQUET. Addresses Arc Made by Prominent Members of Service. Peoria, HI. The announcement was made at the weather convention of the appointment of James H. Spencer, in charge of the United States weather exhibit at St. Louis and late of the Lincoln, Neb., office, to take charge of the station now building in this city. The annual banquet was held at the National hotel Thursday night Ad dresses were made by Congressman Joseph V. Graff, Prof. F. R. Stupart, head of the weather bureau at Canada; Captain George P. Blow, representing the United States navy; Prof. Cleve land Abbe of Washington. Dr. Fasig of Baltimore, Prof. A. G. McAdle of San Francisco, Mr. Curley of Chicago, rep resenting a department of marine In surance, and others. A telegram of congratulations was received from Secretary Wilson. The forenoon was given up to an ad dress and the ensuing discussion on the topic, "Instructions and Research by Weather Bureau Officials," by Prof. Abbe of Washington. CRAZY MAN AT OYSTER BAY Taken In Charge by Officers While Going to Sagamore Hill. OYSTER BAY, R. I. A man who is regarded by the secret service officers and by the authorities of Oyster Bay as a dangerous crank was apprehend ed here Tuesday. He is J. E. Reeves, a medium szed, roughly attired man about 40 years old. He was making his way to Sagamore Hill when he was arrested. He told Officer Tyree, who apprehended him, that he wanted to see the president on important business. Believing from the man's manner that he was Insane. Officer Tyree took him before Justice Frank lin for examination. To the justice Reeves said that six years ago he died In a New Jersey hospital and went to heaven in an automobile. While there he received an Important message for President Roosevelt which he was directed to deliver per sonally. He refused to say what the nature of the message was as he de clared he could communicate to no body but the president. The man was held for examination as to his sanity. OMAHA WINTS THE PENNANT Pa Rourke's Rangers Are Champions of the Western League. OMAHA Omaha has won the pen nant of the Western league. This proud achievement, accomplished by a Gate City team for the first time since 1889 was wrought by the most remarkable spell of ball playing and the finish was thrilling and spectacu lar. The two games which Omaha took from St Joseph at the Vinton street grounds Sunday in the pres ence of 8,000 fans were fast and bril liant on the part of both teams a splendid climax to the terrific gait at which Pa Rourke's men have been speeding during the closing heat of the season, when they have won eighteen out of nineteen games, push ing from third to first place. It is doubtful If in the history of base ball any team ever surpassed or equaled the record made by the Omaha team during the last month and a half. From the first of the sea son the team has come up from last place. The marvelous ball it has been playing of late, taking first four straight and then five straight from the leaders Is what gave such excite ment to the finish. p to the last day three teams, Colorado Springs, Denver and Omaha, had a chance for the pennant It was a terrible strain, but a glorious triumph. A. B. Smith Has a Scheme. ST. PAUL Assistant General Pas senger Agent A. B. Smith of the Northern Pacific railway suggests that congress should convene early in 1905 on a special train with every representative of that body, for a tour of the great west going out by south ern lines, spending enough time In the west to see and understand its value, and return home over the northern lines, with a broader grasp of the needs of the entire country and a more catholic idea of what can and should be done for its development Romain Did Not Tell Truth. CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo. Sheriff Bell has concluded that the alleged confession of Edward Romain, a pris oner at Topeka, Kan., in which he implicates union miners who former ly lived in this district ia the Vindi cator and Independence depot mur ders, is entirely false. "I found many discrepancies in Remain's story," said Sheriff Bell, who has just returned .from Topeka, "and many of his statements were easily disproved. He was in La Junta on the day of the Independence depot explosion." Falls From Balloon to Lake. PITTSBURG, Kas. Mrs. George Hendricks fell from a balloon into the Rock Island- lake here and was drowned before boats could reach her. She made the ascent successfully, but when she made the parachute leap the parachute failed to work properly. No Effort t Kill Pretender. VENICE The report published in the United States by a news agency that an attempt had been made to assassinate Don V. Carlos, the Span ish pretender, to withoat foundation. THE GREAT CANAL CHIEF ENGINEER WALLACE. TALKS OF THE PROJECT. TIME TO COMPLETE THE WORK Within Eight Years the Ditch Will Be Cut From Ocean to OceanHealth of Men Engaged in the Work Is Good. CHICAGO John F. Wallace, chief engineer of the isthmian canal com mission, who is in direct charge of the construction of the canal to be built by the United States across the isthmus of Panama, is at home for two weeks after a busy summer in the canal zone. Mr. Wallace will en joy a brief vacation at his home and will be in Washington on October 6, when the bids are opened for machin ery and material to be used on canal construction. The bid3 were adver tised for some time ago, and will cover the expenditure of approximate ly $1,000,000. During his three months stay in Panama Mr. Wallace covered the en tire canal trip, ten miles wide and forty-seven long, at least twenty times and his observations were thorough. He says that at present there are about 1.500 men in the field of Pan ama. Of this number about 500 are in the sanitary department under Col onel Georgas, who Is assisted by Ma jor Ross, Colonel Legarde and Major Carter. There are now at work six divisions of engineer corps, each in charge of a resident engineer, who reports to Mr. Wallace as chief engi neer. There are subordinates in each engineer corps, such as assistant clerks and superintendents, and the rest of the men at work in connection with the canal are laborers. The engineering and clerical de partments are almost entirely Ameri canized and nearly every arriving stoamer brings fresh additions from the United States. Most of the com mon laborers, as well as a few of the skilled laborers, are English' speaking negroes from Jamaica. Mr. Wallace declares that the bad name that Panama has had in the pop ular mind is mostly due to the fact hat until lately the heterogenoutl population has paid bnt little atten tion to the ordinary laws of health. He says that most of the men who now bold responsible positions in con nection with canal work are sober, Industrious and ambitious and that many of them are college bred men. They find health conditions in Pan ama excellent and sickness anion? them bears but a small per cent to the total number of men now on the isthmus. The sanitary corps has paid special attention toward stamping out malaria and yellow fever. Of all the men at work on the canal this summer, only two died of yellow fever and only one of those was an employe of tho government It has been learned that one kind of mosquito, which bites only at nights, carries malaria fever, while another kind, which bites only in the day time, carries yellow fever. It has also been learned that it is the female only which bites, blood that the creature sucks being not for food, but for fecundation. It will take about eight years to complete the work. TO KEEP OUT FEDERATION MEN Colorado Mine Owners Formulate a' Plan. LEADVILLE Colo. The Leadville District Mining association, which takes in every mine manager in the district, has decided to issue working cads for the purpose of carrying on the fight against the Western Federation of Miners. Notices will be posted at every mine In the camp to the effect that no per son will be employed who shall not have deposited wth the timekeeper his card of rcommendation from the miners' association. An office will be opened In the city, wtiere the cards will be issued. Every applicant will be required to sign a statement that he is not a member of the federation or any order controlled thereby. If he is a member of the federation he will be required to renounce his allegiance to it. The mine owners here believe that the federation is seeking to secure a foothold in Leadville. a large num ber of Cripple Creek miners having come here since the trouble in that district. France and the Vatican. ROME The Vatican has sent to Paris a special courier with docu ments said to concern possible nego tiations for a Franco-Vatican reap proachement which, although very difficult to arrange, is not considered impossible, as. according to informa tion received by the holy see, Presi dent Loufcet, Foreign Minister Del casse. Minister of Public Instruction Chaumie. Minister of Finance Bouvier and Minister of Public Works Maru ejouis are in favor of such an under standing. Respect the "Holy City." MUKDEN The halt in active op erations around Mukden is believed to be due not only to the fatigue of the Japanese troops and the slowness in getting up necessary additional supplies, but to a distinct understand ing between the Chinese and Japan that there shall be no bloodshed near the "Holy City," where the Chinese emperors are buried. It is said, how ever, that there will be fighting north or northeast of Mukden, possibly on a larger scale even that at Liao Yang. A clash is soon expected. Illinois Central Earnings. CHICAGO The annual report of the directors of the Illinois Central railroad for the year ending June 30, 1904, shows an increase in gross earn ings of 3.64 per cent over that of a year ago. On the other hand the op erating expenses during the past year show an increase of $2,957,307 over that of a year ago, making a de crease in net earnings of $1,393,668 This amount was due, it is said, tc the prolonged and intense cold of last winter and to the increased cost ol fuel. Abandons Electric Line Plan. BOSTON. Mass. The New York New Haven ft Hartford railroad i? dismantling its third rail electric line between Nantasket Junction and Braintree, and the announcement it made that the electrical equipment and the operation of its suburban lines will not be undertaken until the Invention of new appliances or the perfection of those existing makes such a step more feasible. During the last few years tens of thousand of Boston's suburbanites have been ex pecting electrical transit The Ward of A Romance of the By 0TTH.IE A. LIUENCMNTZ, swttf tt Th TfciaH tf LW the Lmckt . Copyright, 1803, by A. CAPTER XVIII Continued. 'In the longest of the oval spaces a group of maidens and warriors were gathered to watch the wonderful flower faced woman play at quoits under the instruction of a noble tutor. Sebert paid her the tribute of a quickly drawn breath, even as he took his eyes from her to scan the butterfly pages who ran to and fro, recovering the gilded rings. In all the picture there was but one figure crowned with such raven locks as had distinguished Fridtjof the Bold, and that figure belonged to a girl standing directly opposite by the mossy curb of the old well, which, guarded by a circle of carefully tend ed trees, rose like an altar in the center of the inclosure. Something about her, while it was entirely strange, was yet so absurdly familiar. Now she looked up to an swer some jesting words, and the man in the passage saw her smile and shake back her clustering curls with a gesture so familiar ... so familiar. Rothgar's gloating eyes detected light breaking in his victim's face, ncredulity, amazement, consternation; and he began to jeer under bis breath. "A great joy is this that you see your Fridtjof again! Why do you not go in boldly and rescue him? Does he not Jook to be in need of your help?" To stifle his laughter, he muffled his head jn his cloak and leaned, shaking, against the wall. Flushing a deeper and deeper red, the Lord of Ivarsdale stared at the smiling maiden. Just so, a hundred times, she had lifted her sparkling face toward him, and be fool that he was! where had been his eyes? Turning, he forced a laugh between his teeth. "I do not deny you the right to bo amused. You speak truly that she needs no help from me. I will hinder you no longer." Rothgar leaped forward to bar the passage, and the mantle that fell from "The man in the passage saw her smile." Ms face showed no laughter of mouth or eyes. "I have not as yet spoken harm, but It Is not sure that I do not mean it." he said. It is not allowed me to take revenge on her for her treachery, but I think I need not spare you, as you got the profit of her false nds." The Etheling's sword was out while the other was still speaking. "By Saint Mary, do you imagine that I am fearful of you. Never in my life was I more thirsty for fighting." But Rothgar pushed the blade aside with his naked palm. "Not here, where she could come between. Be sides, the king wants a thrust at you first Nor have you yet greeted Ran dalin, Frode's daughter." On the verge of an angry retort, Se bert paused to regard him, a suspicion darting spark-life through his mind. Did the Jotun's words smack of jeal ousy? It was true that it needed not that to explain their bitterness, and yd What more natural than that the king's foster-brother should love the king's ward? If it was so, it was small wonder the girl had said that he would slay her when he discovered her unfaithfulness. Unfaithfulness! Sebert started. Had she not in that very word acknowledged a bond. Not only did ho love her, but she must have returned his affections. The spark of suspicion flared into a flame. The young noble's lips curled as he glanced at the warrior beside him, at the coarse face under the unkempt locks, at the huge body in its trap pings of stained gaudiness. Involun tarily, he looked again at the group by the well. She was very winsome in her smiling, and the graceful nnes of her trailing robes, their delicacy and soft richness, threw about her all the glamour of rank and state. He clenched his hands at the thought of such treasures thrown down for brutal feet to trample on; and his heart grew hot with anger against her, anger and scorn that were almost loathing, that she who looked so fine should be so poor, so But he did not finish his thought, for on its heels came another, a recollection that stayed his anger and changed his scorn to compunction. However dear Rothgar might have been to her, he could be dear no longer, or she would never have be trayed his trust and dared his hate to save Ivarsdale Tower and its mas ter. Meanwhile, the son of Lodbrok had been drawing heavily on his scant stock of patience. Suddenly, he ran out completely. Seizing the Etheling by the shoulders, before he could raise finger in resistance, he thrust him through the open doorway into the garden, a target for every startled glance. After which, he himself stalked grimly on to await him at the city gate. CHAPTER XIX. How the Lord of Ivarsdale Paid His Debt. A moment, it was to Randslin, Frode's daughter, as if the heavens had let fall a star at her feet. Then her wonder changed to exultation, as she realized that it was not chance but because of her bidding that the man she loved stood before her. Glory ing in his deed, she stook shining sun like upon him until the red cloaks of the advancing warriors came between like scarlet clouds. "Who are you?" "What is your er rand?" "How came you here." she heard them demand. "You are an English spy!" "Seize him!" "Bind nim!" The scarlet cloaks drew together In o a swaying mass; a dozen blades glit King Canute Danish. Cenquest. C. McCLTTRO & CO. tercd in tho sun. With a gasp, she came out of her trance to catch the royal mantle. "Lord King, you promised to give him safety!" The seriousness which had dark ened Canute's face at the Intrusion vanished off it as breath-mist off a mirror. "Is it only your Englishman?" he asked, between a laugh and a frown. She grudged the time the words took. "Yes, yes! Pray be quick as you can!" He did not seem bitten by her haste, but he took a step forward, clanging his gold-bound scabbard against the stone well-curbing to make himself heard. "Unhand the Lord of Ivars dale, my chiefs," he ordered. "We will accept your greeting now, Eng lishman, even though you have been hindered ic the giving of it," he said politely. Standing there, watching the young noble advance, it seemed to Randalin that there was not room between her heart-beats for her breathing. How soon would he look up and know her? How would his face change when he did? Presently it occurred to her to suspect tbat he had already recog nized her perhaps from the doorway and in her rush of relief at the idea of the shock being over, she found even an Impulse of playfulness. Bor rowing one of Elfglva's graces, she swept back her rustling draperies in a ceremonious courtesy before him. Again he bent in his bow of stiff embarrassment; but he did not meet her glance even then, returning his gaze, soldier-like, to the king. The awkwardness of the pause seemed to afford Canute a kind of mischievous amusement, for all the courtesy in which he veiled It. His voice was almost too cheerful as he ad dressed the Etheling. "Now as always it can be told about my men that thej stretch out their hands to greet strang- er.." he said, "but I ask you not to judge all Danish hospitality from this reception. Lord Ivarsdale. Since Frode's daughter has told me who you are, I take it for granted that iuey wero wrong, and that you came hers with no worse intention than to obey her invitation." His glance sharpened a little as be pronounced those last words, and the girl's bands clasped each other more lightly as she perceived the snare In the phrase. If the Etheling should answer unheedingly or obscurely, so that it should not be made quite clear to the king , But it appeared that the Etheling was equally anxious that Canute should not believe him the lover of Frode's daughter. His reply was dis tinct to bluntness: "Part of your guess is as wrong as part of it is right, king of the Danes. Certainly I came here with no thought of evil toward you, but neither had I any thought soever of the Lady Randalin. of whose existence I was ignorant I answered the call of Fridtjof Frodes son, to whom I owe and I pay all the service which lies in my power as it is likely you know." A while Canute's keen eyes weighed him; then their sky was cleared of the last cloud. The best expression of which his brilliant face was capable was on it as he turned and held out his hand to the girl beside him. "Shall we pledge our friendship anew, Frode's daughter." was all he said; but she knew from his look that he had taken her under his shield for all time to come. For an instant, as she yielded her trembling fingers to his palm, her groping spirit turned and clung to him, craving his sympathy. It seemed that he divined the ap peal, for with the hand that pressed her he drew her forward a step. "Is it not your wish to speak to the Lord of Iv&tsdale yourself and thank him for keeping his troth with Fridtjof?" he said kindly; and without waiting for an answer, moved away and joined a group of those who bad been his companions before the interruption. 'At last she stood face to face with tne man she loved, face to face, and alone. And still he neither spoke to her nor looked at her! So strange and terrible was it all that it gave her resolution to speak and end it Her Viking blood could not color her cbeecks, but her Viking courage found her a whisper in which to offer her plea for the "sun-browned boy-bred wench." "You need not think that I did it willingly, lord. Very roughly has for tune handled me. The reason I first came into camp-life was that I trusted some one too much, knowing no more of the world than my father's house. And after the bonds were laid on me, it was not easy to rule matters. The helplessness of a woman is before the eyes of all people " His words broke through hers: "No more, I beseech you!" His voice was broken and unsteady as she had never known it "Who am I that I should blame you? Do not think me so so despisable! If unknowingly I have done you any wrong when I owe you" He paused and she guessed that it had swept over him afresh how much he did owe her. Perhaps also how much he had promised to pay? At last he turned and came a step nearer her, courtly and noble as he had always been. "I owe to you every thing I have, even life itself," he said, "and I offer them all In payment of the debt. May I ask the king to give you to me for my wife?" In Its infinite gentleness, bis voice was almost tender. For as long as the nice between one breath and the next, her spirit leafed p and stretched owl its arm to its Joy; bnt she stayed Roa the theshold of utterance to leak rear, fully Into' his face, whose every shade was open to her as the day.' Looking into. his eyes, she knew that It was np more than pity. He guessed that she loved him and he pitied her; but he could 'not fbralve her unmaldeall ness, he could not love her. (To. be continued:) CHILE IS RICH IN MINERAL. Coal, Nitrate and -Copper Abound In South American Country. : The famous coal mines of Lota and Coronel have an annual yield of 1,000, 000 tons and employ 9.000 laborers. This not only supplies Chile's needs, but also coals nearly all the Euro pean steamers touching the borders. The coal Is what 'is termed "soft." but It is of good quality. The coun try imports some hard coal. The most Important mineral Indus try is, of -course, the nitrate of soda. Chile at present has over 100 nitrate works. The crude material (called caliche), is found under a conglomer ate in beds varying from a few inches to twelve feet in thickness. The pro cess of extraction is one of leeching and refining by crystallization. About 1.400,000 metric tons of 2,204 pounds each are annually produced, estimated to be worth $54,000,000 in Europe. About four-fifths of all the nitrate exported goes to England and the continent. Great Britain alone taking onetnird and Germany a little less. A large amount of British capital !s invested in the nitrate fields, six teen of the largest companies alone representing a capitalization of more than $40,000,000. The Chilean gov ernment exacts a duty of $11.52 a ton on all nitrate exported. In metal mining copper comes first both as to present output and, further opportunity. The country needs mod ern metallurgical processes and knowledge of sucessful methods of handling low-grade ores. The present production is 30,000 tons of copper annually. Manganese is also an im portant industry. Silver, once very highly profitable, has declined; 74.000 kilograms of silver were exported In 1900. Promising gold deposits exist, especially in southern Chile; $30,000. 000 in gold, gold oreg and matte, havje been exported in the past ten years Engineering Magazine. TREES THAT MAKE MUSIC. Pleasant Sounds Produced by the Ac tion of the Wind. As tho visitors passed through the botanical gardens, a flutelike whistle made' itself heard a sweet and pleas ant sound that rose and fell as the wind rose and fell. "What Is that whistling." tho visit ors said. The head forester, laughing, an swered : "That is our whistling tree playing an obligato in your honor. Come this way, and I'll show It to you." The tree stood in the sun. The breeze rocked its branches, and a clear chorus, as of flutes, arose. "Well." murmured a man, "this Is almost uncanny." "The tree." said the forester, "comes from the Soudan. You per ceive the pods on the branches' ends? Well, it is these pods that do the whistling. They are hollow, and holes, caused by the wind or by in sects, perforate them. Thus they art musical instruments penny whistles Blown through by the breeze they give forth a flutelike sound." The south wind bent the tree almost to the ground, and the music wa shaken forth loud and sweet. "Strange, Isn't; it?" said the forester, and be added: "The tree does well In this climate It may become popular here. But II would never do to have it near the house, for on windy nights it woulo keep the folks awake." TOWN IS LIKE A SHIP. Huge Anchor of Stone Is Erected Out side the Walls of Ping-Yang. Ping-Yang is In the shape of a ship, and the huge anchor of stone is erect ed outside the walls. The Coreans hav a superstition that If a wel! should be dug within the city the ship would sink, hence all the watei used is carried for a long distance, and the water coolla Is one of th sights of this quaint, interesting old place. Not so very long ago the water was carried In picturesque stone jars, but since that enterprising American concern, the Standard Oil company, has Introduced Its oil into even tM most obscure localities, the jars have been abolished, and the places taken by those ugly modern Inventions ot tin with the addition of wooden handles. Ping-Yang Is situated on a hilltop, with a view for miles of the surround ing country. At one end Is the sacred grove of Kitza; it is thickly wooded,, and has a temple and several mon-i ments dedicated to his memory. Here sacrifices continue to be offered to hit spirit. The spot is kept so sacred by both Corean and Chinese that during the Chino-Japanese war in 1894 the defeat of the former is said to have been due to the fact that they allowed no tree to be felled on this ground, thus allowing the Japanese to effect an entrance unpercelved. Helen Strove Meserve in Harper's Weekly. A Divided Allegiance. The mother of a young girl recently secured a divorce from her husband and married another man, the terms of the decree providing tbat the daughter spend half her time with her father (who had also remarried) and half with her mother. Meeting a friend of her family after returning from a visit to one of her remarried parents, the little girl was asked "how I she spent her time nowadays. "Well." she replied. "I spend a month visiting my father and my mother: then the next month I go on a visit to my mother and my father." Harper's Weekly. Wanted to See the Work. Dr. Beckwith. whose hobby 13 the Atlantic City beach patrol, and who is in personal charge of that large corps of life savers, was visited In his hospital tent on the beach by an old Cincinnati friend and his seven-year-old daughter. With great enthusiasm the doctor explained his various meth ods of reviving persons dragged from the water. The little girl listened with wondering eyes. When the doc tor stopped she fairly gasped: "Oh. papa. I wish somebody would get drown-ded!" New York Times. Something Just as Good. Justice of the Peace Now, little girl, you are about to take oath. Do you know what an oath Is? Little Susie Slumm Yes. yeronner; but maw says them ain't for wimmen folks. But I kin say what maw said th' time she scalded 'er foot, if yer wants roe to. THE STRAIN Of WORK. f-Bach. Give Out. Under the " n i Burden 'ef Dally iTefl. v : T."?.. Lieut George fO.. Warren;" of No. S CheaUcaL Washlagtoa. D. C aeys: "If a an hoaest fact that Doan'tKieV My PlUs did treat lot of good; -and if It. were tot" true I weeldjaof recommend tfcenu It was the strata of Uftiatrtaat brought on .kid ney trouble, mat weakened but back, but since ' msiag Doan's Kidr: .aey Pills I have lifted six hundred, pounds' and felt ao bad effects. I have not felt .the troe.-' ble come- back since, although I had , suffered for five-or Six ysars, and other remedies had. not helped 'ste at, alt" For sale by all dealers. -.Price CO cents. Fostar-Milhurm Co., ' Baffalo. N.Y. Labor to keep alive In -your' breast that little spark of-celestial fire con science. George Washington. How's This? W Car Owe Uaadnd" Pollais KiviiI for My ue ef Cattfrik Uut caaaot b vn4 kr MaU'a Catarrh Cuf. r. j. cvckkt co.. toim. o. We, the nndantcaed. kkova T. J. Cfcay fcrtbalaat IS fears. arable la aU bnataie Tear, aac nmk iu wrncuy ftoa- rafel 1b aU bnatavM tiwaaacUoaa aa4 SaaaetaUf abla to car oat aav oalfatluaa aie t alal ' WaofaleDnaSliti. Tu.ei Haifa Cats tt Car ia takta tetawaUy. acftae eirectly upun tbe Mog4 aad aiaeoaa mrfaceeof Oja ytteiu. TwtUa oatala aaat free. Mua TS casta Ht bouie. Sold by all Draaxiata. Take IlaU'a Family pilU for coMttpaUam. The Marriage Partnership. Marriage is a partnership, and as one partner in a business house is not grateful to the other partner for paying him bis portion, so a wife snould not be expected to be grateful to her husband. And If she hasa right to her money she has & right to her own life, which is the gift of God -Everybody's Magazine. Brunettes Before Blondes. "The majority of city men choose a dark girl as typewriter in preference to a fair ono,' said the manager of a typist employment bureau. "They ap parently think the brunette more ener getic and business-like." Millions In Melons. Thirty million dollars have been paid by the Bast to Colorado melon growers in the Arkansas valloy dis trict since the discovery of the famous Rocky ord cantaloupes. Golf Good Woman's Game. Golf is an excellent game for wont en. as the maximum of pleasure and exercise is to be obtained with the minimum of labor. Lesson For Women. ' Jersey Shore, Pa., 8ept 26 (Special) "Dodd's Kidney Pills have- done worlds of good for me." That's what Mrs. C. B. Earnest of this place ha to say of the Great American Kidney Remedy. "I was laid up sick." Mrs. Sanest continues, "and had not been '.but of bed for live weeks. Then I began to use Dodd's Kidney Pills aad now I ass so I can work and go to toun without suffering any. I would not be with out Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have good reason to praise them everywhere." Women who suffer should learn a lessoa from this, and that lesson Is, "cure the kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills and your suffering will cease.' Woman's health depends almost en tirely on her kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills have never yet failed te mak healthy kidneys. If you have built castles In the air. your work need not be lost. That is where they should be; but put foun dations under them. Thoreau. Every housekeeper sliould kaov that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time, because it never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 16 oz. one full pound while all other Cold Water Starches are put up In -pound pack ages, and the price is the same. 10 cents. Then again because Defiance Starch Is free from all Injurious chem icals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package ft Is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance. Ho knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand Defiance and save much time and monoy and the annoyance of the rroa sticking. Defiance sever sticks. Peat in Sweden. The total quantity of peat la Swed en is estimated to equal a. supply for two centuries of the present coal iav port to that country. Horn Visiters' Escurslen Ticket fa Indiana and Ohio. Via The Northwestern Line, will be sold at very low rates on four Tuesdays. Sept. 13th, 20th and 27th. snd Oct 11th, limited to return within 30 days from date of sale. For particulars as to lerritory to which excursion tickets may be old. etc., apply City Offices. 140M40J Farnaai Bt, Omaha, Neb. Fastest Train in Euroee. The fastest train on the European sonttnent Is one from Paris to Saint Quentln. which averages a little more than fifty-nine miles an hour. Very Lew Bates to St PsuMdlnn- spoUe Via The Northwestern Line. Excursion tickets will be sold at one fare plus 50 cents on 8ept 28th, 29th and 30th. with favorable return limits, on account of Gideons' conven tion. City Offices, 1401-1405 Faraaai St, Omaha, Neb. Failure is only endeavor temporarily off the track. How foolish It would' be to abandon It In the ditch. The Best Results In Starching . can be obtained only by using- be- fiance Starch. neHldes getting 4 oz more for tne same money no cooking required. All knoweldge is vain that tends not to the praetlce of some duty. Bishop Thomas Wilson. Important to Metfcef. famine carefully arery bottle of CASTOKrA. . aaafaand mv NSMtij tor fasta aad efelMfee, aad aae that It 9 tha Slgaatoreof Is Ue For Over 30 Tear. Il 1 Toe Ahfara It Is suggested that perhaps one'; son why martial law lg so often pro claimed in tho South American repuh-. licse is that it suspends the paysssat' -. of debts. ' - aRtfHnV iZrStic xr -.v--'.-v." .if -- -..-.- -:.- -- &" 1 - ." - Z? $"" - - -- " ' ; :' '" " - ?"--:-:-. '- --.-- v - - - ." F i, . ,-- .. :; -- ... - - ft "- - "v" .:-."-. ";.- a r " " -- - .- . - ---; ' ' .. - - 1 - " t K 1 - : ' , - h .. ." " j -:--- ? t s- . " v. .-.- -:ii - . '- : - . .. 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