m .j . .. ...- - r. ".-'. . ' '. f .-. v ' 1--V ..- .r J -.. . J- -.: . i;-' ;fci- ! J ' :'.' :?1 - .- - - ' ' - -" I ---.- . : " -V-.- t - . m & . .. -. . - 4f;v - -1 ;;-'': ..".tv'C:-" '"a . i J5 - -- y . v. -' v - iS RAYS' IttvMiirf. iping Exffit '. THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Sep. 29, 30. and Oct. 1st. - ff 2mlHnkmmBW m Ce nnnnmmmmmm 1 nnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmfl. wnnnnnnnnnnnnnnLmmmmv mmmWS "&"- X - Bfe V v- :. . : Y..v .-- .-- . . fc V " . ,. . - i Every Lady m Platte County is Invited to attend OUR GRAND OPENING, whether you want to make a purchase MaawianvwnwaMMWminmnw'MaiatMsnwimanmmmmHmnimwnminmmmmmmmmmmmV or not. SILKS. t 'k vju.vi.c dav -At our store. Be with your ticket at our store at. 3 p. m. Octo ber 1 5th. uicket must be presented in 20 minutes after award is made or new draw ings will immediately take place till ticket srettins: the stove is resented. Fall Announcement AKITR New Stock of FALL and WINTER 4M DKT GOODS, HATS. CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING and CLOAKS has just arrived. v e are now showing one of the most complete stocks in Columbus. When you come in to the Big Rally don't fail to get our styles and prices. 1 v s TITZSTD 4. - - -iii :& '--s"r eeO"' io c.rrffrig: . : 4eiiaS; and Boys' Clothing ;jjikHIS department is filled with new and sk : 'desiirahle goods, and our prices are low-:v-;- er than ever on good materials well -made;- An immense line of Clothins to se . "lee t vfeoai. :;i Special Prices This Week :; on Our Bovs' School Suits -.- -. ; ."." : - w&S.for Siandar-c Ps-trerns Fnce .6cT:i:.c""-"Ga-ir 2.sd Get s -F2.sh.i0rt Plate :yntGALLEY " -. " " ". - - - - 505 Ele :vent St, fc : ? 11L1g1ilj: ; , M Millinery design ers have excelled themselves this year producing some of the most beautiful creations. We have an array of Autumn Modes that will sur prise the Ladie3 of Columbus and Platte County, and we are in position to please the most fastidious. We have a large ex hibition of tne most favored shapes and designs for Autumn, at Prices that you CANNOT KESIST! l-f - . . . . - -'0 i'r ' . .... ... 7V v. -si si :. : u trwi Pri.'e Vn. .t'' Get a ticket at our store to day. It may rive you without a dollar cost a GOLES ORIGINAL fiOT BLAST. The stove that saves half vour vslnter s fuel that keeps your plants from freezing thar gives you a warm house to dress in every morning. Stove Is awarded absolutely free of cost on same plans as used by the United States gov ernment in the allotment of xttv t. uci a. i.Ksxx;i. lkj on hand at- the award S SZ-ZTISS COLUMBUS FjjjokM-ajA 007 t I)r. Gfeczec oentist. Alvin E. P00L -ciQliiiiiit. Three 65. The latesz m hats at the Koyal 3IH lmrv, fcess quality and prices lowest. Dr.Cha&K.PlazT hameopthie pay rTar arc scseoc poetoffice bcflning. Do cot fail to see oar S-foot galraa tzee steel mill far $32.00. A. Dwell & Dts. Martyr. Evana. Eraca i itartyu, I Jr cce three deers north of Fried- hefs store. FflK t Al. Liooa fiAtarrr' ssncri . , , Z .wagon wc emopy top. top almcs: w, cmre at Journal office. UUU) itwi uuui, oiaue u uic vju- tumbcs BClLLEH mills has co equal far staying qualities. When .in Columbus next week attendiEg Jhe bie "rally", ake a sack of WAY UP near home with you. Made by Columbus ROLLEF. MILLS. .51 las Grace Dodds left tcdav for Kan- sac City, where she will enter the Agnew ! governorship. Gorernor Peabcdy, re hoepital to train for a profeeeional nurse, j publican candidate, is opposed by the The coarse requires-two years study. Charles Eouie of Fremont and Miss Libcie Verjaai of Lincoln were married Tuetsiav at the home o L. Weinberger, Ev. Lohr officiaunjf. The couple left A: business sessicn which fol the ame day for their home. (vmi rh cnTor mwHn7 ! r The folio wing ladies have been ch-csec as xxside and matrons of honer ilnrinrr the Ak-Sir-Ben weekinOmaha Hisses Anna Gae and Florence Eram- gares to the state association of Con er, ifssdarns Fred Roberts, A. M. gregatiocaiista which will meet m Lia- Gray, Churlee Dack and Garret Hulst. Mrs. J. D. Brewer sold her home en Eightesnth and Murray street last ; Honday to her son Will Bre-wer. and it is no-w our intention to move to Oklahoma some time before winter, where she will make her future heme. Rev. and Mrs. Jonn Eracaer vis ited the family of K . D Wilson and . other friends, yesterday Rev. Krach- er was formerly the German Metho- , ' dist minister of Don fan and Columbas, and is sow stationed near Beatrice. ( WHEELER COCXTY. Thos. Dack t returned yesterday from a trip to t Wheeler county. Ke is enthusiastic f over the croo conditicas in that county and oroognt an average specimen ox cura to show what they are raising tners. Two ears weighed two pounds and two ounc. Mr Dack says she cars crop therts is splendid. HOME FP.OAI GEEMAST. Angnst iln xntee from Germany that he and his wife will make visits to Munchcc Fimfbeoc. Wafuimgec. Dam, Hamburg, and from inert conic direct home. Mrs. Anna Lehaan. vho -went to Germany xrith tc Here's, will prooafaly return rth t!vm. saihnr- October ". Tne members of the lectare eenrse have been arransea for this year The nrst lecture will be by William Eaw- lev Smith some time in October. The others are General Z. T Sweeney. Fersruson's Dixie Jubilee concert com pany Edmcnd Cook, aad the Mozart fynipaony club. Ladies who want ap-to-date styles in printed or enrraved cams-and high grade stationary would do well to call at the Journal cSce. We have cor rect stylcE and size fresh from, the ' east and can supply yon, at a lower , price rr" you can g"t front the larger crises. We have some samples that will interest yoo. KeT and Its. Johansen will arrive tms evening from Jausas and will re main with the family of Jaaib Zin necksr until they have selected their home 12 Duncan. Rev. Johansen is the newly choeen German Methodist minister for Duncan and Columbus. The couple have been married bat a few weeks. A peculiar circumstance created con siderable excitement among the farm ers along the Piarte river from Silver Creek west to BeHwood yesterday. A young danghser of Peter Borrough. living sevvn miles east of Silver Creek, want with friends to Silver Crsek yesterday, and deciied after a short stay tc that town to walk home. Se lost her way and following the n-rtr walked almost to BeHwood. Near that place two men from Oolum - bus, who were working with a fence machine gang, picked her ap and re- rurned her to her hoxae. IZ!ZZHZIZ TtUUt BaOx ' Call as McAllister's studio aad see our smmie. We have something ine m -cJarged portrait work m sepia, water- eclar and paBtels. We guarantee ocr arork and give you a nee portrait at r&asot:abIr prices. Up stairs. Olive street. tf LOST A family cow, black in coior, brass label en one ear. Five dolors reward to finder. Otto Men. ( Miss Olive Burstch of Bellevue, a niece of Mrs. Edzar Howard, arrived toiay en a shors visit to-her aenr. Mrs Wnu Bagatn and children re- , turned last evening front Petersburg, Illinois where she went with sisser ( about eve -weeks- ago. Miss Emily Eorer and Dwignt Dick inson have goo to Creta where they ' will attend Dane college this year. Mr. Paul Hagel who tas been ser iously ill at the hospital foe several . days, was operated npen for the f second time last evening. . Fin Howard went to LhTroln to enter the cease univermry and John Early will go tomorrow ta Uncols. tc contmnehisstndiesatthesamescnooL Mrs. Ghas. Dack is ncertaining about fourteen lady friends this after -, noon at a Kennsington in honor of her sister. Miss Minnie Cramer ot Iowa. FUXERAL. The funeral of Mrs. Henry Welch, which took place yes ' terday at 12-JS6 in the Shell Creek i chnrch, was one of the largest atten t ded funerals ever held in she neigh- borhood. There were aaons eihry j fire carriages in procession. Rev. ' rsmfc of this ciry condncsed tne ser Lvice. Postmaster Lockhart cf Erirw is is the eirr today. Hs says that tne dam at Lake Erinrf is abont eoa- jplBted" and tanra special srain will be s rwa. to that "nns Vrf and han- ing rtMort ahewt October 15th. Sign- teen, ""Al at i lint if have ja tte cgnjtractio .f t Dr. Paul, demist Dr. Vallier, Qsteppatb, Barber block. Prof. SDceT teacher music. Barber BIdff. Dr. X- T. Mrlfahfin, denaac, orer pcwtof5c. tf The latest creations in hats at the Eoyal iCHinery. Go to G. R. Pteib for paintinx mad paper hanging J"irst door eorn of Pollock's drug afore. tf Thoa. F. 3iUer of Fullertoo H. C. JtcGatn of Ciarka are in Co- Iambus today faking for their bis Poland China hog aale which will be held here next month, . . . iae sle wut am m tte ioc ac Qf WinsIcw,s fc, . rf higgegt rf the F. A. Bullock, formerly of St. Ed ward, now employed, by the Union Pacinc as Denrer. stopped in Colam bes today between trains on his way to visit his- parents in Sc Eaward. Mr. Bollock says the political excite ment in Colorado is confined to the miners unions, and the campaign is I gutting warmer every day. Colorado ' o practically unanimous for Boose- j els- , the Congregational church last erea- f ing, Mr. C 5. Hickok, Mrs. Monro ami Mrs. Brr!?p o- Ixcail tl- ( coin October 7 to 10. Rev. Monro will UU.LU UUUa l LO XU. XbCT. JUliLTU W iii preach the principal sermon daring tne gasaenag. us subject wiu oe, "Jesus Only" he will deliver the open- mg eTtauajs ox cae association. DR. GD2TZE2TS REMOVAL. Dr. C H. Gietzen and family are packing their household gseds preparatory so moving to Omaha tomorrow. Dr Gietzen has an excellent position ! offered him in a dentistry business there. He did not decide until this week to go to Omaha, and is nahli to complete all his professional en gagements before leaving. The many friends of both Dr. and Mrs. Gietzen will be glad to kno-s" of their good fortune but will regret to see them m?a CnlnmTia TV" fiarian Kaa -. "'" ' . ... .. A... .W.-.W. I practiced dentistry in Columbus four years, coming nere direct from Lcica- go. He has had an excellent practice from the first and his patrons can well recommend him to Omaha people. Sstaras Daily JaazmaL Edgar Howard spent vesteraay in Lincoln vuitins hi Wis snf. Vm n ( ozk the scate university law . .. . iln. (iiliof SC r-1 wari returnee j. t0 ner fcOExe sce j ba6n at hams oi ilrs Watims wo meekSt wnere dderwent an nnA-nn ? The Epworth League gave a 10 cent social at tne home of J. C. Echols last evening, wnich replenished their treasury abont sx dollars. Mists A"" Baker who has been en joying several months vacation, has returned to her work as clerk in tha v Dacrham dry goods store. She began ; work thL? morning The home of Jas. Kosehmski was quarantined this morning for diph theria, the two year-old daughter be ing tfee patient. Mr. Kcschinski re- I sides m the southwest part of the city. The chili is pronounced by the physiciaas to be very liL the disease having gained headway doctor was summoned. cfore the COUNTY FAIH. The Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church will give a county fair entertainment the Friday before ihanksgivmg. Watch the date. WATEEMELOS SOCIAL. Last evening the young people society of the Presbyterian chorea enjoyed a watermelon social as the home of Lis4 Helen Jerome. Subscribe for the Jouraal and get a wall atlas, also all the news. The Journal is different 'from any paper you riad.. got up different and yet is ' not altogether indifferent, ( a suit was Sled in district court ' today by the First National bank in which it prays for judgment against Garrett Heist and Lucy Heist tor fTCvy witn interest at - per cent from i August I, 114. Tne amount is mace ( up of tively four notes which are respec fcr flQOO, 10, ICO0 aad I2CCO. CSZSTON. Special telephone to the Daily Journal. Brace Webb of t Cresson is hnMing ar Humphrey this afternoon the nrst registered heg sale ' ever held at that ciace. P E. Mc- EHilp of Humphrey bought a sow and pigs for f 10.3. Will Craun, 7ho has beeu in the hospital for several weeks on account of typhoid pneumonia, is able to be at the home of nis sister Mrs. Wolhe Craun north of town. Mr. Craun has for several ereeks been connned to his father's home in this city from pneu monia. County Comaisstoner Peter Bender, of Platte county, was in the- city yes terday conferring with the board cf county commissioners of Madiioc relative to seme business in which both counties were interested. This oCce acknowledges a pleasant cell from Peter, Maoiscn Chranicie. g jj K gg. wgrg ,nwa ndx7 cn s. ro yorti fiend, wnere thev r will be saatienfid the next vear. Thev have been traveling the past year with Mrs. Ccnklin the lecturer who TO J nere two years ago, but are now ready to return to church work. Their household goods had been stored in , St. Edward and it was to look aftsr . these that they had made tne trip to ' that town. Mrs. Chas. H. Dack entertained at a Kensington yesterday afternoon in . honor of her sister, Miss Cramer of Cbrinda, Iowa. At 4:20 a rwa-ccurse ; .naarnrcxxm luncheon was served in the library and. dining room. Mrs. Dack was assisted by Mrs. H. A. Hansen. Those present were : Mwda7Tii Clnrkp, -Arthur Gray, Whaley, Abbott and Bncher, Parker, Alfreda Post, Whitmoyer. Martha Poet. Gieaen, Florence- Earmer, Tern ana Galley. See. that elegant lice of fallotreet bats as the Eojal Mxffi&ery. STEALING COAL H. M Bower,' a tpacial ages: far the Uaiom Pacific, made complaint in Cotmty Jadgs' Rattermaas court this morning igifTvit three men for steaiiag coal from th yaroa of that compaay. It ic gener ally understood that there will be a camber of tawaaide, as Mr. Bowers has been workzaf oa th caae fbraome time. The eanoiaurti were filM sgaincc Edward ELstoB, Thoiaa Odell i ana Micttaet Hoagna, lae iaec two ! aasied plead guilty to the charge. j jfa. cJogin of Tfru-n coanty. I Mlaoori arrired here last eveaia to , dlS mTS , J Cogin will be remembered here as Mrs. S. A. Waddei, bat since her last isit here ghe has bees married tMr. Cogin. Her husband is the assistant superintendent of the new railroad be ing bailt by the B. A M- between Monroe, Missouri and Mexico, Mrs. Cogin is accompanied by her two youngest children Alberta and Arthar. Mam4Ts Da&r Miss Lottie Perkinson of Platte Cen ter visited Mrsi J. F. Carrig over t Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Browne, of Lincoln I returned to therr horae Satmrday, ( f cer a Ti3it to Judge Hensley and i family. Jonn Early and George Wilson left Saturday for Lincoln where they will ! CUUliUiie LLH2AT 9EBIXiO SUi IHB SUMS j University , TonEergen and his mother. Miss j Lydia Grtach aai Mr. Fenniaore, . -stumed home Sararday from a trip to St. Lonis. POOT BALL. The foot ball game between the Columbus and David City teams is Darid City last Satur dav rasoltpd in a score of 1!: to 0 in favor of David City. The republican convention for she nominaion of supervisor for Ccinmbus, Cciambus townsnip, Batler and Loup townships will be herd at the council chamber in Colambus at 3 p. m., Satorlay, October ath. The fnends of Mr. and Mrs. Iven Homes, now of Ryvenna, will be pleased to know of the arrival of a ten pound son at their hcoe last Friday, thir first born. Mrs. Holmes formerly Miss Theressa stovicek. waa CONGREGATION AL. Eev.Munro delivered bu one lemion yenteniay ae has been his eastern during the aaaer month. In the evening the pastor aad a large number of his con gregation visited the Presbyterian church. Mr. and Urs. fi. P. H. Oehlrich are visitiuz in Omaha thL- week. Mr Ohlndi took four carlnadi of cattle to the Omaha market. Mrs. Oehlrich ' met her husband in the dry Inter. They -will Tisit the horse show while in tha; Harry Askine will leave Wednesday for Spokane, Wash., where he expeftH to make his home with a sister. Harry has been at home with his father dur ing the- summer months, coming f rem the western starae where he had been for several years. Mrs. Anna Henry left this nocn for ner home m Pig Trail, Wyoming after a visit during the summer to her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Hamer. Mr. Henry came last week and remained til Saturday when he went to Bay Springs to inspect zhe Taylor cattle ranch. Cam Webb, a former Colambus voung man, was in the city a -rew . inurs betwten trains today ec his way t. Mr. Webb is. now field agent for ' the Balch Bros., publishing house of Boston, a company which devotes all its labor to the publishing of high class literature Mr. Webb has charge o" the states west cf Chicago. I BAPTIST There will be no church 1 services m she Baptist church aet i Suaday. Rev Uhaer the pastor, be- '. ' ln absent from town to attend the stare association of iiaptists wnicn meets la Fremont,. October l to & Mrs. H. Burruss and Miss Daisy Paeschel are aelegates from the Co lumbus church to this association. Harry Mourey, Sam Eelstcn and Lae Jenkins returned home Saturday from their overland trip to South Da kota. The youns men left nere July 12, going direer to Eonesteel where ' tsey regiscered tnerr names tor a homestead in the Rosebud. Front there they weat north as far as Water town. Mick Schram, wno accempan- ' led them, will train. turn heme on tne METHODIST Sev Millard. th presiding alder for this district, was Dresent curing tne Sunday services, and introduced tae new pastor, Rev. DeWolf. tc the congregation m the acrning service The new pastor made a very favorable impression witn his congregation, wno look for- ward to a pleasant and profitable year ' under his guidance. Mrs. De Wolfe and their child, will not be in Colnm- ' bus until the latter part of she week, f but Rev. I3e Wnlf wiH rsmain in the city and become acouainted with his J ' people. PRE5E y-IERT5" The surprise in store for the Sunday school was a chalx-talk by the pastor, who review-' ed the lessons of the quarter. The "Reds" are still ahead in the contest for new pupils. The ladies missionary society have re-elected Mrs. C. S. Hraney and Mrs. W. X. Halsey delegarss to the state convention, which will meet in York in October. The Christian Endeavor have elected Miss Dorothy Post and Miss Eulalia Rickly to represent tneir society- at the same meeting. ED WOT HAMER MARRTED.-Ec-win Hamer a former Columbus yonng man, son of Mr. and- Mrs. ffsirr of c rfa fitr -ma TrrTr? 'mrne. Tain- 4 day to Mlm Mary E. Jonea nf Bardner J Ohio, as the heme of her Hamar has been in the employ of ex press companies for sixteen years, six years in uolnmbas- and the .past ten years in Omaha, Denver and Chicago. In Chicago ke wish the Wells t Fargo eoapnnr. Edwin will receive L the. hearry of nis Many I friends In Catenbn. wno are conn- f rdemr.thnt he will- model has - ' sand. Dr. Sanmann;,dsctkt. ParkerandEooseTelt enpe a: Galley a Hcase so rant. Gall on Mra. S Wobos. iew FRiSHOYSTTRS ar Eersenhrock and flarke'a. tf. Go to SsH'i EilikBd aall for all kinds of tobacco. Dr. Lv C Tosa Hacneopathic physi ac, Cciambus. Jieb. For room, and bonri call en Mrs. Susaa Wood. is w. The Sundard Desisnsr Hie a eepy.. or SSc-a year, at Galley a Joan Janing retorned Satorday from Charlie Ssgelke mow of Omaha, vis ited his relatives here oyer Saaday. Pan! Duffy left Monday for Eaasas. City where he will remain several weeks. Mrs. Jas. Eirkpatrick of Gjand Is land is in the city visiting her son and his wife Millinery opening at Fillmanc' Friday and Satmrdav. September 30 and October 1. ltw-2td Miss Hattie Seltzer was a Sihaylr 'nsitor Sunday. Mrs. S. J. Ryan, and childrec are vis iting in Schuyler today. IPCra. Walter Scott went-to Omaha to day to vtsic friends about ten days. Mrs. Neomarker and daughter Miss Emma were In Fremont Sunday. Miss Amanda Gladner of Norfolk came j to town this saming and is the gaeet of Miss Maud Wooefey. Mrs. Henry Brunhoben returned to day from Spalding with her household goods, expecting to make Columbus her home. Willie Hecsr came dows from Hum phrey today, where he has employment, and will go tomorrow so Omaha for a short visit. The lecture course committee re ported two hundred and thirteen do- t I iars worth of rickets sold rh? morn ing. The United Brethren conference, at j I their meetings held last wsek assign- ; . ed Rav. Lohr to the Colombo charge , for anocner vear. lr. and Mm. Howland at Silver Creek are in town teday Mrs. How- t land is in the ncspital, where doctors here performed an operation. ' lira. W. JL Condon of Humphrey was m town, oetween trains today on her way to Omaha, wnere she wgnS So meet the ' doctor, wno Las b-ec in Tezae:u: a basi-' oees rnp. The same grease spots never return after being treasea as she;SUITOS-' IUM. They have gone to stay. Jen- kins, over Niewohnes's. iw 4d Prof. Delzell representing the Ne- ' braska Teacher, of Lincoln was in the city between trains today on nis raturn home from Norfolk. Thos. Dack expects to drive to Omaha tomorrow where he will re- . main daring the Ak-Sar-Sen. Mrs. Dack will follow hjt gu th rrain. J. J. t'g representing Ginn & Co., and W- N Delzell. represent ing thfi University Publishing com- ' pany wert in the city on business re- day For Sale Chep. Uood chest of car penter Uids. Just tne tcing for faraers. Inquire of E. D. Ingrain, Brunsxick HH iiard HalL w3t For the IaJest scd best ic art photo graphy call at McAiljiKer s studio. W do the latest in sepia and platmcs ' effects. We have tc arato:rat and ail the ne w designs in mauidiszi. Upstairs 4 Oisve street. tf Misses Margaret and Mamie Mc- xaggert entertamec aoous twenty young friends last evening in nonor ct their cousins, John and Charlie Mc- Auley Of Mrnitann Cards and rF??tfrtg were indulged in until a late hoar. Refreshments were served. A BIG SUPPLY O? MASON FBUIT JAEs AT WSIN ds SONS. WANTED To bey a niale St. Ber- J"nard pup. Adraae Sydney Eastman. Crsston. Nebr. tf EAND BOYS Martin Schliz, Herb Clark and Jack Stovicek will go to Omaha nes? week to play with the Broken Bow band, under leadership of Prof. Garlichs. They will be in Omaha during tin Ak-Sar-Ben fe-ti- Tfii CRITICAL 0PEF.ATI05". Mrs. Jaiins TTinklemaB is at the hospital where she is rcoverin from the effects of a very serious operation per formed, upon hr last Wednesday. She is recovering as ?atid2y as pci ble. Dr. Xenmarker returned today from r-w.k - x -. i uma&s. werw ae w en nis way io lows so astenc a conterence. ne had been in Fremont several oav, in cccnecuon with business of tne Gr- . man Reform church and was on his wav I ; to Iowa, when a telegraphic meseaz ' n? . 5 oi -' ruurrui &. m -aee- t ' "J11- wao joine: tne regular army f honr oce month ago and is mnrr- I ."- ' ""Stoned on AngJ Island nearSnn ', Franciseo, writes heme that they have i . ... ?eceivec notice tnat tney wur sail October 1 for za Philippines. Will has enlisted, in the army for she three years term. WEDDED. The marriage . of Miss ' Enuna Scnroeder and Jonn Brcnannae, I two yonng people of the Grand Prair- le neigh tcrnoesd, tec place this . morning at S o'clock in the St. An- as-tthony Gathoisc church. The bride ' wore a wnie silk zown and veiL Mr. -N ick Scnroeder and Miss Mary Bron- j enhae, brother and sister resnectively 1 ,t of the bride and grocn. attended the aounle durin the cermcnT. After the I wedding as the ehnrch the parry re- paired to- the home cf the bride's J nrother, John 5chaoeder-r where the entire day and this evening will be I in rimnng mncv visiting by a 1re cro invited guests. A. Chicago judge, the-other day, de cided that 4nxillinery" was net a --work of art", but mly "-skilled !a our." WE DOXT E2OW WHERE WE'RE AT. or care. Bat wado claim to be expert on "CLEANOLOGY",. and "PRESSOLOGT". Weimre been kept bnsy tnia pass week, for which 3Sy THE Prop., ! SUTTORIUM, I ever Wiewohner's. ( ir 1 1 tji : i. iV. 1 1 i r ! r.i r'r 1 1 iii r 1 1 Hi 1 1 i"i i n m i n 1 1 1 i 1 Tftmm tizmH !PPJh I KstB.tr M sa h m m m w m-m m m m m as ,. sa. "r S 1 al ,4 'w FwanW W .- w' w7 -7, Everything; in the line of Groccrie and Queenswaie. It it isnt right we will make it right or GIVE BACK YOUR MONET. Our invariable aim is to please every customer and we. will not allow any customer, large or small, to be dissatisfied with, the service we give. PROMPT DELL VERY is one thing on which .we pride ourselves, COURTEOUS and FAIR TREATMENT is another. t I T - Here is some special stock: PURE CIDER VINEGAR PURE PI6KLING VIN&GflR t ir We have every kind ot Fresh Fruit and Vegetable in their season, and in CANNED GOODS the VERY BEST. ? "WAY UP" "RED SEAL2 FLOUR 2. a JEWELL" Are you putting up Fruit? Get your FRUIT JARS here. hP V I lm at m line of hmi mi (jlBgimft. . 4 Cleanest, Biggest, Prompt- est Store in ,jv'Z"lmZmvmZ v-I I M 1 1 i I HttM0IMHHtMtlMaU)H ! Home Restaurant w m. Hamburger Steaks i Kersenbrock & Burke Miss Goldia Nhols w?nt to Omaha I Saturday to visfs relatives Fred Burgeman went ro Stuart. Ne- f hraska this mormre. on bestesc. Rev. A. S. Becklnnd. living in f Platte cccnty, eac? of St. Edwards was in the city tcday. .djys- limit; aligny highr fats for' Call and see the new styles at sae vckets cr:c in sleeping cars wii iscger opening at Fiiimau's Tnday and Sat-5hnuV. urday, September JO and October 1. . "ery low ou-way ra:s to ifAr W4s - - Hiss Cora Graves- returns dav frcm Sliver Creek aft? " t i- " ay s' visit wizh tar sisrer. Mr. den. 15 re Miss Lizrie Jonei cf Pcstvilfe sidiu witn the famii R. E. JcBe: ' y leoraing tne tiressniak: , witn Mrs. Murray trI,i J. D. Snrts left tnis Phiiadelpaia. 2ew To in "ew Jersey on tsrrai aicming Tor k. 3:ii peinf? bnisss and to- visit his aged father. Miss Etnel Es of Coiraco Ust evsnms springs, amvtl nere aad is the guest of Airs s. r n. ueer to Shnyiar to . She tU 2? -rmm sm visfs fne HI? Br. jed iL-s. Frani; 'J-iaioc. ratnrs-c today nocii iroci ther viit & s-v-u weeie n?ar B.stoc Taey repar z. icai they baa an e:tceec;rvjly pleasani -T3it. '. but as they wr retfrmi&r ncne. o?r tne Xe" Y"v:k Centra! ryiil. tee" er-, on rietraui -whicn "as baH? wrecieU. Sonday nrcminr. Tc- accid-nt ccccr- cc agcosct of a de.tr . 3 - ,-.- ,. J. -.. -i,' . .,v.j r-,u r". ta";-.E jnred.a3c.0ce Toaat nliec lue car 3Ir. and Mrs- Gleasoc sre in ws nent I uraiid cars, and th-v Ulz zh.c fheaw jolt wnen th wrack, came. Xz.1 ,nea ! .-r : 3 t . , 4rie4iuu scu to. u?i. an- cr n-ip-' . . rjBOTr .oee- under tne ticiors TT&e one wamais who fos-" her life was- ,i. , .. president- of tl 3Iar- MC i.w JU t-C cuette railrsati. FOR SALE I I All my farm lands m Plattfe. "Uadaec I Nance aad Enoz counties Neb- at much " iese than prevailing pnc?. Gall at nr; " omce. L GLUCE. Columbus. Nfa. ' ITOELK'S FAXE. The Uainc-Pacific m cosecticn with trr - . "UahI Tjt- nnf rtms th-roTiah Electric Lis:::c Secrs zo St. Lcnis;S22.00 W,5a,?i. lea in-" aad rutm. Pas&scers are landed at other Cahf crnpccM rzox. ertrrrv of Expceicx a: s crann-" ,1-nr.n. m !- inns savHur cc hocr in tne momins. tens sa rime and expense on arrvral ar5s-Lcuis. r svmdicrr th zraz crowds at the hzs . t Union Scaacn. Man- hours aoicksr :han anv other ronte. No cnangs e'eacs" musraSed snid to in Fair free an i aaDlication zo W.E.B-Ev--Lijrji. ' Birds-Eye Tiew or tie Colum bia Hirer tS22.50 Spctac itrmi-- mteO. 2. i . poms. .t& An aitnetive tcp;eraphical aip.. in' "Xetatche anc..in-rxe . coJorscivingaccsaorehensiveideaof the! late points. '. country, so and tnoctarr to the Colnni- Ota iiivec. laanap.isit toicer iarm.i on the reverse side contains mihteress-1 liii urn rifKJui. ul ioc xjiiir, i in .ei rroate. Gopies sens free by 32. X. -LO- k j P- n ' . I r I -wmn r v -v. MAX. G. P. i(Tl A U. P. 2. E. COi jQngas, yefe. on -receipt postage. of .our cents GOLDDUSr "BRIDE "GRAHAM9 4- Columbus. I x :::::::: : !; i a z: i-c 1 1 nut and Meat Market 25 . Homemade Sjysaji i - l Isrsan. Tha Great Szeorsua Itttai. To-Ss. Louis. You will regrwt It for years if. yoc. fail to she St. Lcaia Ex- I t-"--.-i zyMn: .u- wii. iwub rs.zm ate made cay mzb. week from SunJay ta ThurLiy, inciusiv; svc aca raciEc coarft. For instaac. K&.W :t5 Ctiir3ia and Paget Sunns; .-it i . .. ... r . . na!ii3 and sa.. vmtarv. Thia low :ra: we:ecund. xheu idd to your reuorn rates eaasboend. maksM x vmrt hw -p . ai?meekap9 Escnrstocs tee nrst and "third TaeedAjs of eMChnactltto corth- Tfe5tand socih-jt. To Chicago and bck. Daily Jov rza erthtar dirsit or vi ii ioai in eitnr cirecti;. wist stocovrj- at 5c Larcm acas Ciry cr Omaha. Hob:- Vbiiors" Xxccrsicns" Ylr to o!ti cttne. baca east. Septstn br 2T aad October II, half rates pics- L00 to Iadx m and & ziazj pomta in Ohio -Mid 5ctuck". NebraoS Dya ite- St. Looa Exposition-. Tnesday. O'ber 25. Ail gocii 3Tebrakacs anonld fc- tnere and tt? ezpioit th- pr-ifp-riry of ocr grand cotnnscrT-aalrt. I F Bscroc. Tick-; Aaent. L. W. W-ahzst G ?. Agent. Oraan. ONE-WAY RATES VIA tie mm nam rmoM isswwfi lif ir TatwMMlt Zazjiii Cisj sa '"ccacil "3it. tciiauT- t EVEIT lit 15tkt0CT. lStk-UOt - 25.00 '- iK. rassavwij., VTiatooc VaueoeT-r, 's. Victoria- SZO.OO " Partra. Astn. i-v- 7 i : : a. m " i : "". . : soma inc- Seattle. - Stg 5.00" t--i-Jcasc. Sosti-Bury,;. Eu " ne. ilcssj auc 5nlcs:-- eluding branch -lines m-Drs- goc L-lLf vv .tj...... .1 :. .no :!- ana all iniiruieca.jcain, hne poinu. - y,, .;'' S2O.00 72 1? Irr- rk? Ime pcinsa. ". ... .".-"- 'i p fwrw faforniCffwr e&f Jor W. E Benham,' Agent, Coluanoni, ci .- ."- m- -" r:-J - " ". . -. - - . ":- ' . :-. -..- -.. '--' - - : ..- .. ."t. - :-. . .- .:- :.. . .- ; - . i