The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 28, 1904, Image 1

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l.i&Ltm XXXY. NUilBES 28.
fliV. SIT
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wii as. xn'eti- .r as little monev .is on
I hae as-i V3r Oifw,5it rmttarfy evry
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Time Table,
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1suSar' t s J 'l'ics. -racing 121
iyQi21CCtoB. Mcr U1C- B-HT-I -Tn
l.?rHi3i.. - . . "J .SV fc'li lulj ... .! lr
-vASEfi:?Arrps of
-r-n-i WtMiai s of 4ea.soDt:
TFCELD-- ,'- u. D- E- ? si-4jj ta
riJ.T,.'-nnil fiorHj lmnsay i --a snntti m a
nf-P. JfcllU
AJoi M.i:tT. pr-iJent ami J. E.
t-j, ns.'vtarr-
&a&slat? ia-i- L.JH1 HeLi. - c.
- TDeSTAL LObG-J-SL 5-21 ?.-3It
-.'"'VlLDiX LOD5L -. LJO. F--Mt
. . TJi-ir 'Owl iIlow iaii. .. -i. Paai,
.r - f- - nuir i . 4.aiinwii Tni t an
JlSrmS: Odd Felloe ta- Ci
. .-JThar!rmCuS;E.rcirT..
- J,J?MnSCAHFMLaa;m2ssicnlfl cents
&iVtaa- loircand.
G.-P-.- J. 51. Caris.
".Bctsciry- -
lDsi tie Ckorze Bat Retanw tie
Maaey to xpr Cospcay
f Omciala.
j" Last SAtuniay morning, H E. Estes,
j. route man for the Pacinc Eiprsrs- com
I pany, accompanied by August Schack
chief of police, went to the home of
Fred Brewer, night employee for the
j Facinc Express company a: Columbus
i and, it is said.
l S I la. .J.T
him to pay
wmch had
i iu.- Axiicbj' -u. c umiiLi a.
, been missed from die company's safe.
There are two safes in the company's
oce. one for tne day man ana one
for the night man. The shortage
was discovered in the day man's sate
aatl she supposition is that Brewer
j tlafi Ieornei she combination by
watching tne day man open it.
' caref nl invescicanon vrai made
bv Eses, Srewer being under suspic
ion, and finally ermence uiScientiy
ssrnn to warrant an accusation, was
disco Tered.
Erwer mad the settlement and
Stj tried to keep the matter qaiet.
Fred Brewer is about nineteen yars
old aad lives with hi moener, ILrs.
,f D Brewer who is a widow and
an isvalid.
L M sau " ne naa aai1 3 0O'1
i rupnraritin, aad nar enjoyed, witn his
J mother and brother, the confidence
iam: rfc.srect of ail.
f -Gcdin heaven is witness that I
4m innocent of taking a penny from
! the Pacific Express companv. I love
j my pour, cray-hairei old mother and
I would die ratner than to discrace
. a-r cr cause hr a moment s sorrow "
Ihse were the word-" uswi by Frtni
Brewer last nicht in discussing the
. chara2 that he had opened the safe
of the Pacific Express company and
caken therefrom mnetv dollars.
Continnmc he said
'The first iu
caarsfe was
I had of the
aScct nine o'clock Saturdav morning
when my mother called me from my
bed when I was asleep and told me
' that Air Estes and Ofiicer Schack
' wanted to -Je me. As soon as I came
into tne room Mr. Estes faid: Mr.
v" r,ii "ha c?ar ifrtinfi Wia rrjiagiii
!U misfil
dullars andcw?70f ethodis
frees farsv-nve to sixry
say ycc took it. You will have to
:rtc cnis money back by eleven o'clock
cr I will have van tint under arrest." i
Mv mother who is an invalid became
nghrnt-i aad said that she would j
j aiy ic barz rather sfeon havt her boy
: :c to jaiL, 1 told, her not to do it,
tent I W2S innocent, and would not
pr.y back money I had never taken.
But -he was so nervous I did not in
sist further, and she sent me to the
, otSat1 of Becher HccKenberger and
' CTiambnr- with an order for ICO on ( Hane-j, Earhart and Eahlsr.
the Building and Loon Association) j sftTage sold his 160 acre farm
of wmch she is a member. I took tne , ao 0f shell Creek, m Colfax eoca
' mony and raid Esees b. besides $22 . u , i'rei Shelswde a neighbor,
. wmch the oompany oweil me for work. . qtjj g adjoining laad. The coasid-
i tui Air Estp asam that I wa in-1 erajio.a -was $4.1 an acre. The farm
J nocent, and aked mm if hi- believed '
i me gui.ry
He replied
I have noth-
mr to av
g nmter or-
UTr, t-H-u.
cibout his future plans t
Fred Brewer aid.
I am going to Ex-
lsior Springs, ilnsonn to wars at
my trad until about November 1st
wneu I rnail return to Columbus,
wnerp I have always Lived and where
I am nor afraid to face botn. my friends
ami my enemies. ' '
a r.rswer tatii nis storv witn a
-rm voice, tears filling his eyes when
he referred to his aged mother
lr Fred Brewer's srorj is true, he
should be vintlicatr'c in tnis com-
mumry and his pcor old mother
uould have every cent of tne ninety
collars returned to her If he is a
criminal, tne racmc r.xprsss company
owes it to to-1 public to prcccute and
pcniali him as a criminal
Seal 2sta;e Shars3.
Dr. Condon left Tuesday aoon for
Ttxas to loot after his land and in-
toctally to mre a lawyer The doc-
tor ha been ced ay a land agent in
Texas whom he has never seen or had i
nna? -ai ju.any ccrrespocdenee with. It seems
siv .n --: m.-ndj. har this agent, and several ov er agents.
(,nrj Tu h,r.i . .-na--.-.n n w
had the land is. .estiun listed
a!e. but the owners rese rr&d
' ngtrt to sell it themserves. Dr. Con-
den fcocght the land from th e owners
aad gn suit claiming
tsat tne iiiiencant heat hir cut cf
'fndans ho: h
tne commission in the sale of ?C0 acres
knf5 Ti("fl ha wrmT,? K.-ru -no.'.
if h.'
succeeiieii in
g 2;
1 Se .-Ame Ltnd agent than jumpeil
thelainrsof several parties frum near
1 iiatte Center wno had honieii teaded
m Oklahoma, causing them some ex
pense and annoyance, "but when the
j cases were called for trial, he failed
to appear. In this case with Dr Con
dan, me spirit which prompts him to
begia the suit is clearly shown, when
a friend writes that he thinks he
can settle the suit for 1S. We mis
judge tne doctor very much, however,
' if tke land agent succeeds in getting
any of his money. Humphrey Demo-
J Edison Eclipsed-
I Greatest disrovery of modem rr?nefi
Grand electrical grinding mmTV
. a boon to the old. Gnmis all worn
out tissue and restores the body to
ia pristine freshness. Prof. Tangan
yasipki the world renowned specialist
Land inventor will be as the Ocd Fel-
lews hall. Friday September 30, when
he will be happy to meet all frign.ff
of science and giye nractical illastra-
o5 of-li2s wonderful inTesttion- Ad-
uoors opes, at half
past eight, sharp. Came oae aad alL
Degree of Honor, Odd Fellovs gM
I Edwin Hcare of Platte Center is
in town today.
A son was born toiiay to ilr. and
lira. ADe London.
Chas. Jones returned Monday frum
St. Louis, where he visited the
fair. I
H. B. Graham of Ourah, the da
water m", was doing business is the '
city today.
Harry Askine leaves this evening
for Spokane, Waah., where he expects
so ramain,
Mrs. Garrett Hulst who is visiting
relatives in Omaha, sxpecrs to return
heme tomorrow.
Mrs. Chat Jens of Hamphrey came
down today to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Paul HageL
McEiilip is working a still hunt.
He is afraid of an open fight oc his
tnree sided platform.
BERTH. A nine pound oa arrired
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Greenawais but night.
C. A. apiece, who has baen con
fined to his home a good part of the
summer, is again at his oiUce this
Garrett Hulst started today for a
business trip to Arizona, where
excects to be zone one week or
At tne present time three hundred
and three dollars and fifty cents'
i worth of lectura course tickets have
been sold.
W. E. Mason of Silver Creek called
at the Journal office today. He came
to hear "Uncle Joe". Mr Mason is
a large seed farmer. I
Mary Wilson, daughter of X". D j
Wilson, entertained twenty -one of aer j
vounc friends at a birthday party ,
Monday- afternoon. She was eleven ,
years old.
Msrs. Edwards aad Church of l
Lindsay are in the city today coming
down to hear the speaking tonight, j
Mr. Church 13 tke editor of the Lind- i
say Upiaion. .
Clyde Scott, son of A. C. Scott, ran
a rusty sail into his right foot Satur- j
day, aad for a few days was quite j
ill tram the effects. He is now im
proving icely J
The Wnans Home missionary so-
church will
jneen toiaorrow. Thursday afternoon ,
at three o'clock at the home of
H. E. Millard.
H. G. Fricke was home with his
family today Since going to Cedar
Saaids in the spring he baa bailt
three lairjce brick buildiags-aad is now ,
working an the fourth one.
x r hrtr ml ia twin laid from ;
r Tr,i,m Pmtfir mwks wean along
tw ,.,!- r-.ion'a -oai.ince ,
with the exception of Messrs. Thomas,
changed hands last week.
Miss Metta Hensley went to Omaha
tctiay. by way of Lincoln, where sae
will take instruction from a danciag
( iuaakci- wuc weem. .uu. M .
...... rwm.i .asw .,f.. not iirsr-
day, Jtiss iiensiey win open -.u-where
she will give lessons in danc
ing. Misses Margaret and Mamie Mc
Taggert gave a dance last night in
haner of their cousins Messrs. John
and rihiw McAuley from Aaoconek. j
Montana. Twenty-five couples were
present. Punch was served by Misses McTaggsrt, Anna Boaiter, Mary
and ClarajBatternan .
The Tomson Comedy coiifssty
started this morning for St. Ed"ads,
to play tnere two nights, opening with
-Comrades" aad playing "An. In
nocent Convict the second nigat.
Popular specialties will be s txocg
features of the company performs uses
TheT have a very strong repertc ire of
plays, and snould have large sue sess.
On Monday Prof. Fred Steward ar rired
from Fremont as vialiniss and mssacal
cirear for tUe company.
VISITORS. The Journal office ws
honored this afternoon by a pleeassB I
call from a delegation of Central 3ity I
gentlemen, all members of the Be ose
velt club of that tnrrving city, and
all wearing their red ribbon badges.
Among the crowd wure. Supervisor
Ecwland. county clerk C. F. Xew-
menfer, county treasurer . ,r-. a-t-.prague,
clerk of district court M. G.
Scudder, county attorney John C.
Martin, postmaster 1. G. Cosistcck,
Edi or cf Nonpareil H. F. xaylor,
Wm. Mason, Earry Miadith. M. L.
Rossit '-r. 3T- L. Squires W. R. M arse,
W. W. Esrnngs.
KECE ?HOX.-Last evening mem
bers of t! w Meshodist ctmrch con, ?re
gation ga thered in the char eh to un ite
in giving Rev De Wolfe, the a w
pastor of the church, a hearty w 1-
came to h
ia new charge, and to renew
see with one smother. The
cemmittee coeaposed of Mr.
and Mrs.
Farrand. Mrs. Mallard. Mrs. A
Echols an
people as
room of tT
I Mrs, Sewloa waited an the I
taey arrived. The main
s church had been arranged
aryle, and the pulpit was
id by potted piaats. F. W.
naounced tae program, nrst
an Prof. Britell, who in a
in parlor
entirely h
Farrand a
railing ur,
few word;
his ccng:
spoaded t
calk with
Millard f
meat to
close of
were ser
am of tae lore
easiia Ber.
help, ol
De Wolfe re
c -smis aa
3reral stories.
The chorus
aijaro a
:4a the 1
Mr5TrvnrT7rBrn VISITORS.
Anxang the prominent people, who are , ral comntitteea of Platte and Colfax
in the city today to attend the big counties with a proxy from Nance
republican rally tonight are : Gov-. county, met ia the office of Becner
ernor Mickey, state auditor E. M. Hockenberger and Chambers yw
Searie, deputy superintendent J. L. terday, to naae candidate for couty
MsEien, candidate for public land
, and buildings, H. M. Eaton, secretarr
. of state A Galusha, Mr. Peters, cor-1
respondent for the Lincoln Scar. All
these gentlemen have been accompany-
in Mr. Cannon through moat of his .
trips in Nebraska.
ball nme. niaveii at David City last
Saturdav. between the hish school i
teams of the above mentioned places, I
was a one exuiaisiun ql cue ar ox iduc
MM. and particularly showed marked
improvement on the part of Colum
bus. The scare resulted in favor of
David City to the extant of IS to 0,
which was dne to the fact that Coloa
bus was handicapped, by the absence
of two or khree regular players togeth
er with the decisions of a David City
umpire in zhe last half, who seemed
to be groping among the cob webs of
the post when a decision was required
relative to rules of rhe game, besides
being incased in a heavy armour of
local prejudice. Bus all is not lost
as another game with David City will
be plaved at Columbus Saturday,
October 8, and the home team brought
up to it3 normal strength by the ad
dition of the players absent at David
City together with the loyal support
of the Columbus people ought to start '
the "'Indians" on their loumev to the
'happy hunting ground.
Don't bin a hrn-rv take plenty of tim to property chew your food.
A Uttie rust .ifier mais is a zond thine also. There ts only one thing to
be ia a hurrv about make haste t. drop into Dacs to see their new hair
brushes. They have plenty of them now, but first chance is oeat you
Chas. H. Dack
Mrs. Paai Hagel Dead.
Mrs. Hagel wife of Paul Hagel died
Sunday evening in St. Mary's hospitaL
She had been operated upon two
weeks ago tomorrow in the hopes of
relieving her from trouble from which
she had been suffering for some time.
She did not rscorer as had been ex
pected by her physicians, and Dr.
Lord of Omaha was called to consult
with them. All that medical skill !
d invina- hands could cerform was
daB tar reerer. but she casBei
to the great beyond at eight o'cIoce
Iasr evenm- '
Fsw r.tfonld in the cirv were more .
hinrr? rh.n - v-a " Ra? 1 1
at the age of seventeen vrith the care .
of her father's children at the death ,
of her mother, and later to rear a j
large family of her own, her life has .
been a busy one.
Bus with all these ,
cares she was never too busy to help
i a neighbor or friend who was ill or t
alwavs known i
ia distress. She was
among her acquaiiitanees as a true, j
unselfish, lovable woman.
Hrs. Hagsl was bom October 12,
I.TT, in Pleantbranch. Dane county
Wisconsin. She came with her rela
tives from there to Schuyler. 2Te-a-iakit.
in 1570. and m 171, the same
y!sar she was married to Mr. Eagel,
gjte came to Columbus, where she has
sines resioet
To Mr. and Mrs. Eagel have been
born eleven children, seven of whom
are living They are : Ota, Lilile,
Olga. Florence, Oscar. Selen and
Leoaora. She leaves four arothers
id cne sister, William,
Frank and
G3rge Hagel and Mrs. G. A. S-jhror-
4aff mil -acijfTe r fi 1 r tyt Wtt C FTr
A.V LDtUUUC J. ,W4UtAfct ---.
father lied in laite.
Funeral services will be held Wed-
rrmH will have disiolayed a large line of
VS Ladies', Misses' and Children's Tai
lored and Pattern Wats; aLso a full line
of shapes and trimmings.
I55 GRIFFITH, our experienced
aK trimmer and designer, is with us,
and is prepared to ta Ke your orders for
first-class creations ii nevzest things in
millinery. We cord ially invite you to
510 Thirteenth St.
PROBlBraoa.-Th coaarr ceat-
representative and floas
tive. J. E Erskine of thii city was
named as the candidate foe representa
tive ind Chas. Arnold of Fnllertan
was selected as float rep:
Plans and means to be mad
to be urn annng
the campaign were diacnfd by those
present. Rev. Chas. A. Arnold and
Wax. MrCullough of Schnyler. Imiah
Lisnsne" of Mo nroe ; A.
Lntn. Ber.
Halsev and ReY. Qlmer of Colambva
were those areaent as the meeting.
Mr Lightner was the proxy far Nance
I county.
Owing to the fact that the North
Opera house is more expensive than
the one used at the beginning of the
lecture course organization in the High
School, it becomes necessary for all
seats to ba reserved. Therefore the
tickets for adults are one dollar and
a half, and for school children one
dollar with no extra charge for reserv
ed seat privilege. The costmittee
reported this morning a hundred and
seventy five dollars worth of. tickets
sold- If tie citizens desire, at the
small price of thirty cents each, ire
of tne best attractions that the school
has been able to procure they should
signify the same by arranging for
tickets now. '
Get a Joarnal wall chart yourself
! and tell your friends how to get it.
I nesday
Beform church at 2 o'clock, Bev.
'TeoTnarker eonductiag the services.
Th f aaeral of Mrs. Paul Hagel was
w.,r. hM afmrarnn at 2 o'clock at the
r-.'n Rjifnrm chnrch. a very large
r-nwi? . tf frirfiils attending the. services.
Se smarter her pastor delivered
addr mb ic German and Eev.
Munro spc'ke ia
Vrriia Utrs'Cftl -
-w i i mi mm -
lections v-l? gien by
th ehurch
rfaoir and al by the Maennerchor fo
ciety. The pall bearers were- E.
iRagatz, A lTeintz, Chas. Segelke.
I . i-. nr rr T3u
August Boett.'her,
Thos. Wade, L- SchT&iber and Otto
Merz. The fiowers sent by friencs
were proruse ana. w""- -c"
mains weri- laid to rest in the Co
Iambus cemetery.
Creston, Xeor., 'Special Telehane
Message i -The infant child of Her-
man irang, a ianai-i ack uii"
nearly lest its life yesterday morningl
from'cofcalt or Sy oison. The child
m some way got hold of a saucer con
taining the liquid poison and drank it.
Dr. Jam's of Crestoc was called and
by hard work saved the child' s life.
Woman Club.
The general meeting of the Woman's
club will h a helti with Mrs. Oeer on i
Saturday afternccc. October 1st, at
.; o'clock sin trp.
F.oll calL Vacation Notee. Instru-
1 mental Solo, Business, v ccal M3io.
I ,2.T,-.,T,-
; -"-
afternoon from the German J
A fair-aized crowd saw Codambus
defeat Schnyler Samday ia the final
of a three-giat series. Up to rhe
eighth inning it was an naasally good
exhibition of ball aad p to aere the
visitors had the best of the argmsens
by two scores, ams in tae secoesl half
of the eighth Taylor, Joaea aad Lour
scored whicn place th locals oae
ram to the gwL aad this is held good
to the ead.
Duriag practice jast before the game
called, a man earned Hoffman, em
ployed in the UniM Pacific bridge de
partment, was hit by a balL He was
strack aqwrely on the nose and the
blood flowed very freely. It was as
first thongnt his nose was broken, bnt
examination revealed that no bones
were brokam although a wait waa
raised ahoat as large ss a home grown
Here is rhe score by inning :
Columbus 10000103 x 3
Schuyler 0 0 0 0 3 i 0 Q 0 I
Errors: Colnmbus i, Schnyler -t.
Bxteriss - Columbus, Loar aad Jack
Corbeet ; Schnyler. Lewis and Palmer.
Umpire : Mahaffey.
The Omaha league team are sched
uled far a game here while oa their
barnstorming toar of the state, and
President Lawrence says they will
probably play Saturday, October i,
BfhoTgh this date may be changed
later on. Mr Lawrence also promises
that taere will be something doing
in base ba here next season
Golf Tooxaaaeat.
. p. McKinnie returned last night
from St. Lauis. where he was entered
in the international golf tournament.
jfr. Mc&Tianie bad already won
the St. Louis championship and the
amateur champiunahip at Detroit. Uut
he won richer laurels than ever in
the coatest last week that brought tke
world's greatest athletes together to
anticipate in the Olympian gams.
ife Woa a cup in the "-putting"
osntest; a medal and cup aa the semi
n' ; and a team medaL He was
anally "pan ont" by Egaa, naticaal
aaampiou and western and inter-col-lfr
champion, in a thirty-six hale
ecatest. He was beaten only by a
score of four up and three to play, sad j
KS Egln wasteatrn -;; lycn
lo cpion golf and cricket ,
'T ui ZfTu. - ,-- for-six
.!. I J ,r,TmTa I
piayer, wuu u 7- .
rs aid. while McKinnie
(down in the twenties
This was the first international golf
i coatest ever held ami it may oe cae
jut for some time s the Olympian
. mAV art to (nllU COUntZT tUe
icllh: mb r -
f .
narz rime. W&3R JJOlf 13
next time, whre ,lf is not played.
Prizes valued at
.. . iu. - k
s St. Louis coatettt.
Mr. McKinnie is a nephew of M.
.- -r PT hre with his.
K. lumer tie is ---
farotl "ST Carle T.
Mcfiinme. who re -
cently drew a good
fiosebud home-
'ESSOBX T ClteE Tooat-
WEEJ'T D. - H:h LI32
1J1S- Close U 'W May. met 1M
Low 1.12 Close l-10 a
C0E5 Dec Hi, 51"-
Cloee 31. May. Hign
45. Close 49.
OATS Dec High -'a
Close 20. May. i sh
32'.,. Close Si-PORK-
rw Eigh II. '
Lnw o)1.
Low 30 4.
ni 1 1 -
-. Jt '
Low 1L4S.
Close 1L50. Jan. High '- Lo"
13.15. Close 1S.I5.
Koos Eecpta. IS.1X1).
Cattlk - 27JHW.
Caieae Grmim MaceiwU.
Wns.iT 67 cars: Coax 11
Oats lotf cars.
Calu.Tnbus, Neb.
5 -, - WZ?A
jtfcxp llcars Jtf.
(From Journal files March 1, ISTI).
E. J. Baker has laid the foundation
of his new business hous en Nebraska
Pririe chickens are abundant. It
in aoc uncommon to find a dozen at a
time in one trap.
Speice & North moved their office
Saturday to eleventh street, two doors
east of the Journal office.
The Loupe broke up cue nigh: last
week " made a detour toward Bam
usa's, carrying away the bridge near
his dwelling.
Married at the home of the bride's
parents, on Wednesday evening. Feb
ruary 22. by Elder Eudsoc Mr. James
H. Galley and Miss Helen Hudscn,
both of this city
The Journal will from time to time
publish such items of local interest as
gather in tin way of news history and
business. We will begin with gcod
hearted, clever and
friend, J.
A. Eaker Joe came to Nebraska in
la60, settling twency eignt miles from
Columbus on the road Kearney. His
nearest neighbors lived, seven miles
away. Mr. Baker came to Columbus
... , 1 2.2 !.. ...
fin lafrt anil aas remiieti ae;B cci
since. During the summer of I"64
occurred the great Indian excitement
we have all heard so much about.
The Indnvr nrst attacked, a train of
eleven wagons at Plum Creek, killing
all the men, borning tne wagons, rak
ing awav the stock, with two women
and a little girl, prisoners. The raid
sems to have been a concerted measure
among the Indians far simulsuseous
attacks were made by them at du-er-ent
points in she Valley, two hundred
mi firtv miles acart. All was excite
ment. General Mitchell who was in E
command of this district telegraphed (
to Gov. Saunders to send troops to Co-
Iambus for we were in danger of an E
immediate attack from the Tonaakton
Sioux who, it was supposed, were E
ecly some seven miles from hare. In i s
the'grahic words of Mr. Baker, "the
whale country wec af us gat up and E
skedaddled" Columbus was incicseu
with a oicket fence of cedar posts, E
W1EU a DiCXeu 4.II1V.C vu. v- r t .
-a-li. k from Shell Creek to 1
the South channel of the Platte was.
corrall ther at night, and a guard. ,
Q . in p of M. t
sex " -
The Indians, however, ne-
:ever mane
any demenetration upon Columbus,
but they did attack a party
of hay
soakers who had camped near the
lawnee Eeservation and were making
I i s .i... .., An c.iA rmn .
. -. -J " r: " T.
iw mm asr v vwaar aesM- j -
i --j. r;w . .
tnn LGirs- ixisni uiilu w-t
in five different places, and died next
Grins, woundeu oy an
; . swc
' ko
t" - - -
' weess a;s- sm.
i .j.
sufTenns. Isaac
Morran had set arrow snot into nis
hiTJ, and Mrs. Xurray was severely
C. D and George ' Clotner. rath - '
er and son are proprietors of the Cloth -er
Hotel, a new building, well arrang
ed, neat aad orderly. The hotel,
which stan. is due north of tha Tmon
Pacific depot, was opened June 1-.
liD, ani has received ever Since' a
very liberal public patronage, doing a
business of twenty , thousand dollars .
in the two years. Mr Clother came
tn ?,brai!ka from New York eleven
J -gg jyj waen he landed had no
money whatever, and now he is worth
about eleven thousand dollars, besides
the vlne of his business from year to
Henry P. Caolidge is cna cf th
cleverest men m the burg, as well as
one of the most active, wide awake
business men tc be found m any com-
munity , always reaIy for er-ery pab-
lie enterprise, giving freely cf his
time, money anc labor If we were
on the brink cf despair for work cr
money or victuals, we should gc to-
Coolidge, far with a little bedy. he
has as big a heart as yen can nnd js
anv casket. Our friend came to N
fcraska from Iowa in iJ." aad har
-iied in Columbus since iIr Dur
tng the time ne nas been iere his be
ints nss amounted to Sll4..J a vear.
I He is recently moved his hardware
store frcci Washington Avenue
corner of G and Eleventh strees
to the
1 At tne regular meeting of the ministe
rial association neid ilocday. the foll.jw-
( mg resolutions were passe.;.
j We. the members of tbe Columbus
Ministerial association, do nereby ex-'
press our regrets that our brother co-
j laborer in carnsoau work, our presicmg
officer for three years. Eev (. A. Luce.
i jks been cai.c to acoscer nm e
ever found him loyal to the cause of
Chnst. broad minded, sympathetic ami
conservative. With definite purposes '
and plans, he was a hard worker and
rejoice with him m the many v.dencts
which he leaves with his work m his
ohnrch and field, of his industry wis-
I dom. and dmse guidance.
i We xisn th best thing for ha future.
I tha he may find enlarged usefulness.
i that his heart may be made glad by
seeing his wife return to health, and that
a long and happy hf may be their iot.
Far the-e things we meet earnestly
Wateii y. Eai.-Ex, Vict Prssi'dtfct.
GecvBge A. Mcxao. Secretary.
Tisiz tke Old Folks.
On fare nlus S2 for the round tnn to
a great many points in Ohio, Indiana
and Kentucky. Tickets ccsale Septem
ber 6. 13, 20. 2.7 and October 1L Final
limit thirty days. See me for full par-
ticnlars or write to L. W.Wakeley, Gen-1
eralP assecger Agent, Omaha. I
L. F. Rzctob. Tickat Agent.
Call at the Journal office and
away a fS wall chart FREXL
seaaBBSBBBawsHBBBBasaawsBBBBBBaBiaawsawssaBBak $
wJm L9 iai h9t afcDaB
VZwZr Jem.Qr-saL AjfitMalUaKaaiaal
that opening' an acccoant
with this bank srft prove bene- .
tieial to every merchant, firm.
corporation, treasurer of socfe-'.
ties or school districts in this
We base oar belief up"
the fact that this bank is run
strictlv under the recognbed
ralees of safe banking:.
We issue demand certifi
cates, discount commercial pa
per. Loan money on time ir
call upon approved collateral
security and make all collections
Your banking- business cO
liciietL Th Old R5liaB)l
GolL'inbUw State Bank.
E We own nnJ control 10.000
E a.ort t the choicest LmL m 5"
E Thorna? C.mntr Taiu?as. j
E Elere i- wba we rfaini for ?
E this country- 2
E It is fine sratolb. weL-crjaeed s
E prone land. zich. deep tljck soil E'
on clay snbsoil. an. inexhaustiole
supply of pure water, and the S
meet; heolthfu. climate in the state, a
Good netghbors and gcd caooa, S
The dau-v will pav th Thomas
couctv farmers SlM.W)).0) this g
seaoc- The raise hamper crops s
of all kinds--oVijr 1.C1H,W'1) hush- E
-Is of wfieat thu ceaJC. many s
fields yielding 4k) bntceis per acre. E
Other crops in proport.1:- E
Thomas is the count." - 'ut E
cattle and hoes. fic lorsK.',- d s
mnies. and the thrifty ben t- S
never ets sick in this conntry.
Price. on!y .G0 to S15.0O per J1
acrt. on terms to suit purchaser. 5
Isn't this just what you have been E
looking for We court mvesti- E
ga.oc. t
Colnmbus, "ebr.
in Farms
Parties desi-in to sWl or x- -
change their cign priced land in 2.
Platte and auioicm counee will V
do wbu u czurruae our ieUlils ic -C-
- . ,
Sherm.n county Wtr also have j. .j-.--"
lands m Bunalo. Custer and oth A- . '.
-incties ic cectnii Nebraska. jt . .""!
p ? SI'i per acre for rotiirti 4 - . - -.-
tt.Z- ""d lad to 3) lid t
ior 'veil imp - -
B&GHER. I : -.
t ':f,
i .-:' 'A
- .-. .: f .
, 4-
1 1 1 1 1 i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m ii 1 1
v a
si.-t r;cfcivni
a nt"
j Fine Wall Paper ;
We in-vire the pu
iic to kxik thrj iinti
over befers beviag.
Rdgits' Stainfiaar Raisi t
sulii ia .1.1 -.cuif j asei;nall
br 1H7 cai2t or otsnr CU3j.
al. oa aa.
I I I I I I I II I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 III II 1 1
a Man is in Lirre.
If a Woman is in. Lov.
But if they intend to get married,
NoTA2Z Pr314C .XI Tr?WC3fG
Cdumbus. 2eacaska
Oli-ra 5C Joortii ijr aati o fin? .ssaaussh.
- "
- -
- . - -
- " t
. -.'.
. -.- .".
'. ,-1 '
i ..
. ".-
... -.
v .- - -. -
.. - - -. .