The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 31, 1904, Image 8

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OdmBibaB, Boote 1. (Ckrrcspon
doe. ) Joaeph Henggler and family
vUted his daughter Mrs: John Shu-
maker at Platte Center last week.
Mr. aad Mrs. John H.Craon return
ed this week from Sherman county
wkere Mr. Craun went to look after
Us Cans.
TIm congregation of Rer. A. V. Frcse
keld their anneal mission festival last
Sendey in thej grove of Gerhard
Loeeke. The Rev. Maelling of Haw
berg end the Kev. Milken of Grand
Island assisted.
Mr. end Mrs. Albert Boettchor
drore to Betler county last Sunday to
risit Mr. Boettcher's sister, Mrs. G.
V. Meyr.
Rev. Frese has purchased a fine
match driving team.
The patrons on route three have pre-
ited their carrier with a new wagon
it'is a "bumper". We cannot
see why the carrier should not break
e bottle of champagne on its "bow"
and christen it.
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Columbus, Route 4 (Crrespndcnce. )
The weather continues to bo dry,
although it is cold and cloudy.
Farmers on this route have about
finished their shock threshing and
some hare commenced to thresh their
stacked grain.
Miss KatiefRotherham, who had been
visiting J C. Dineen and family.
rerereed to her home in Lindsay,
Thersday of last week.
Little James Bray who has been
visiting friends at Syracuse. Nelir.
for the past three weeks, returned
home last Thursday. He was accom
panied by his aunt, Mrs Lyman ttrav
who will visit the family of D. D.
Mr. end Mrs. O. W. Uolliuiicnd
end Mr. end Mrs. John Sacrider were
visitors et the Campbells' Thursday.
Miss Emma Smyres of Monroo is the
geest of Miss Mabel Campbell this
L. N. Hitchcock threshed barley
end oats on his valley farm this week.
The yield, we understand, was satis
factory. Ifland Bros, have put up over fifty
stackH of hay on the Pat Murray
meadow. They will finish in about
two days. The boys can put up as
seech hey es the next gang.'
School opened in District .", Monday
with Miss Meggie Dineen as teacher.
Mr. end Mrs. Fred Hill .-)ent Sun
day with Mike Campbell and family.
Boyd Dawson is haying on the
Brady meadow this week.
Star Soute.
Star Route. Correspondence. )
News items on the Star Ronfo are
aboet es scarce as pay days.
boat e week ago Henry Welch
corameaoed digging a ditch to lay a
pipe line from his elevated tank to
the hog yard for convenience, in water
ing his hogs. Ho said ho would have
it completed in two days, but after
e week's work, it reminded us of tlir
Innhmen killing rats, who said:
"Wheel get the onn I am after and
two more, I will havo threo. ' '
Alfred Lueschen who lost a hon-r
lest week, has purchased a fine animal
jhrreplaoB it.
t Carrier No. '' has a brand new
wagon, which he informs us was
to him by his patrons. It is
ee'ep-to-date wagon in every respect .
it is high-geared end is adapted to Ne
braska climate, es well as being built
vfor speed and endurance ; it is roomy
'eed ettractive. Long live his patrons
The Misses May, Grace ami Maud
' Readell were geests of Edna am!
Vernal Davies Sunday. Miss Uerrha
came ie Friday via the Star route,
returning Saturday.
Herman Lueschen went to Platte
Ceeter Tuesday to get a patent oiling
machine that had been niis-enrricd
We did not leant what the oiler wii!
be attached to but. presumably- to a
hoe or pitch fork.
One day last week a fellow wh.
seid he was tired and wanted to ref.
threw e ball of binding twine into
Oscar Lueschen's threshing machine
while it was running at full spec!.
breaking concaves and smashing
things generally.
Lest Friday Professor Siko tnok
passage over the Star Route to the
home of Rev. Granenhorst. near
Shell Creek. According to his custom.
he took his violin elong with him,
eed by invitetiion of the pilot, filled
the air with music as wo went, the
Botes falling along the road like gentle
eeow-fUkes on e Christmas eve. And
they neve been exploding under the
wheels like torpedoes ever sinco.
Mearoe Soute Ho. 2.
Monroe, Neb., R. F. D. No. 2.
(Correspondence. ) John Lind was in
Peace last Monday.
William Pollard was threshing Iat
Mrs. George Emerson and son were
ie Genoa Wednesday.
Miss Fellers and Mrs. Gregg were
jreests of Miss Sacrider last Friday.
Mrs. John Dickinson returned from
Mound City, Kansas, where 6be wa.
celled oe eccoBBt of the death of her
mother, Mrs. W. S. Kimball.
Miss Belle Leggett visited at Mr.
Fellers' Friday.
Miss Laura Ziegler and brother
Francis were at Mrs. Gleason's Wed-
F. A. Matson and children of
ere visiting Mrs. Matron's
its, Mr. and Mrs. Lightner.
District 44 end Vicinity.
District 44 eed Vicinity. (Corres-
.) The interior of the school
BBder the supervision of Bern
feeler, is bow second to none in
the eoBBty. The seats, desks and floor
heve beee cleaned. The painters have
eireedy completed their work, with
eeiase, colors and varnish.
The Oomptoe sloegh,near the house
ie the heads of Board
Welt Eesrmsw. end with the
Erie grader ead e nember of willing
the dreed of the Compton
is e thing of the pest, as there
ie bow e 14 foot grade across the en-
leBgtk, Bboet loo rods ana we j
be pleased to Jeter write the.
ji 13
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Cole's Hot Blast Stoves Here!!
Iw rhti A UK A 1 of the Original Cole's Hot Blast are ready. This is the stove that burns the gas in soft coal that other stoves waste, saving one half. Burns any kind
iyU4 iVlOUGlS 0ffuei without changing the stove in any way. Get one in your house mow. There will be many a chilly morning and evening. before real cold
weather and Coles Hot Blast will warrji things up and dry up the dampness with a few newspapers, a handral of kindling or a tew cobs. Keaa careiuiiy inc iniercsung
description of this stove given below. It tells why Cole's Hot Blast Stove makes ftjOO soft coal or lignite coal do the work of $Q.OO bard coal, and why it uses the half of
soft coal that other stoves waste.
FURNACE USERS.By purchasing one of these stoves for use during the early cold weather, you can start your furnace two months later and save J rom one to
five-tons of coal. This will also prevent overheating your nouse during tne cany com weatner, wnicn is uuavoiuuuic wu a luruaic.
Cost of Stove Saved in Fuel
As you know, fully one-half the carbon available for heat in soft coal
is -as, coal gas boins used to-day for fuel and for illumination in many cities
and towns in this country. The ordinary stove in burning soft coal allows
this as, half of the fuel, to pass up the chimney unburned, thus wasting
1 t- rt lir.if iM-rMiiTH"
SiSiSfi The Original Coles Hot Blast Stove by means of the patented Hot
si3&33 B,ast Draft used in connection with
other patented features, distills this gas
from the upper surface of the coal,
utilizing it as a heat producer along with
the fixed carbon or coke in the coal,
thus making a 3.00 ton of soft coal or
a 8100 ton of slack or coal siftings do
the work of a 0.00 ton of Pennsylvania
hard coal.
Cole's Hot Blast' is the most economical stove in the world for hard
coal and coke. It has twice the positive radiating surface of any
$50.00 base boner, and will five twice as much heat with less
fuel. Bums the gas, and is smoke-proof and gas-proof with this fuel No
change of fixtures necessary for soft coal, hard coal, wood or coke.
Steel Uaiaz
Cast Iran Lining
Heavy Fire Pot
Cone Ciate
k&vsv -3. vwni
Cole's Hot Elast is air-tight and
guaranteed to remain so. Imitations
open at the seams and leak at the joints.
Cole's Hot Blast is so perfect in con
struction that fire keeps all night, and
when the draft is opened in the morning
will burn two or three hours with the
fuel put in the night before. No other
sloe does this. Fire therefore, never
goe out, and the rooms are kept at an
even temperature all the time.
We guarantee every stove to remain abso
lutely air-tight as long as used.
We guarantee a uniform heat day and
night, with soft coal, slack, siftings or hard
We guarantee that the rooms can be heated
from one to two hours each morning with the
soft coal put in the stove the evening before.
We guarantee the feed door to be smoke-proof
and that the stove mil hold fire with soft coal
thirty-six hours without attention
We guarantee a saving of one-third in fuel
over any lower draft stove of the same size.
The above cuttwttee is mde with the awkntMNfiar that the
stove be operated accoidiactt directions, and act p with a good
Scientific Construction
The accompanying cut shows how the large sensitive
steel radiating surface, which responds at once to the fire,
is thoroughly protected from the direct action of the fire by
means of the heavy cast-iron fire box, consisting of a heavy
fire pot,' a heavy cast-iron lining extending seven inches
above, with a sheet steel lining from the top of this cast lining
to the top of the stove. This heavy fire box protects the
points where other stoves bum out first, and insures great
Smokeless Feed Door
This is the feature that makes soft coal fully as satis-
factory as hard coal. Cleanliness has been the clue! argu
ment in favor of hard coal, and now Cole's Hot Blast makes
soft coal just as desirable. This smokeless feed door is
protected by patent and no imitator has ever succeeded in
devising a door that works perfectly. No smoke, soot or gas
escapes into the room.
ShOTS Inside ConstniclftMi
II 111 ll JPjMI
'U"",.V 'IMP
Stows Sawkt-BrMt FMd Dear
Every purchaser of Cole's Hot Blast, pattern number 122, 152, 182 and 196, will get this dustless ash cover,
shovel and poker free. Permits removal of ashes without dust or dirt, and having this device, the Cole's Hot
m-ist utilize thP snace taken bv the ash nan in other stoves. This gives the stove its full base-heating qualities
and makes great saving in fuel. Use the dustless cover and ordinary coal hod.
M a Cole's Hot Blast has many imitations. But they all lack these special features because they are fully patented
. lNOie. and protected. ALL IMITATIONS soon open up seams and cracks which make them fuel eaters rather than
fuel savers. The name "Cole's Hot Blast from CMcagv" will be found on the feed door of each stove.
Be sure that you get the "ORIOINAL HOT BLAST."
Cut shows Patented Hot Blast Drait burning tiio cases initio fuel
""v pa " 1 i amxLb mmlv-n
GTt COai Lttjcsauic vyuru
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kMms Ask CtMr
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nauios of thopo who dniinted labor for
tlio work, wilh foams from ono !ay to
thrtn days faithful work. Thanks to
tlio spirit of iaijiic ontprprist.
lla Injx I'fiuiDPil frost, until full moon,
wo may eonsiilor ih corn ;afo until it
A number ol Juveniles aro Jiaviuj,'
as wjuoli ical jilnasnre fishing in tlio
Iitiko near (). K. Gov's (t': water
melon man) as mr of the older ones
can olaiin on tho I'iatto. They perch on
the Hood ;rralo. which runs thionh
tli lakf ami with rinlo mls and lit-1.-ir.
tarkle thev wm - uri- a hand-
Minu .strim,' (if humll lih, averairinj:
about ". im-ho- in lenyrh, mostly snn
INh. Wo noil saw a matron with in
tant Iili in arms (a pleased a
othfiM at takint.' Mi from tho waters.
Mr. and Mix Tit is V. Clark and
chiidron dmvi t i Crston, one dav
lar week, and will snend a f-v day
wit h his folk
Po no Turkey IJ"d i-eed liea: vas
shiiprd rart. the first of the woek bv
patiies troiu hrr'. with orders .for
more tree fr.nn rye.
Platle Center.
I'ontor. i Correspondence
Mrs. Olarv and little irrandson,
who havo been visitinp the family ot
M. (Jionin iho jrreiter part of the
Mimmcr. reJnriieil to their homo in
Omaha Int Wed!H".dn.
TJje barn danee at i.i .."-! Uoar'.
lavt Friday niRbt was attemiod by all
who loVe to dance.
O. 51. Grunthor.rdrs.IIonry Groisen,
Mrs. Max IJrnohoiJPr. and son l-Yauk
ilejuirtod Momlay uoiix for a few days
visit at the state fair.
Miss Abbio Iliirtrins has boon em
ployed to rnu th'j switch Ixiard fur the
Monroe Indenendent telerjione.
Miss Clara BIipdora i vieitinjj at
her home in Columbus this weok.
Miss Katii' Hennessey entertained
her pupils at her !uao Saturday af
ternoon. Ed Van Allen is tho proud owner
of a bran new $!r0 automobile. Ed is
one of those fellows who believe in
making others lmupy and is treating
all his friends to a rido.
Misses Annie Crouin and Alico Ziiifii:
chaperoned a picnic party, given lj
the little folks in honor of Mis Marie
McKeon. last Wednesday afternoon.
Miss McXeon r.ocomjsimed by her
irandznother. Mrs. Coway, departed
Friday for her homo in Memphis.
Miss Marie and Clara Mark are vis
iting friends at St. Edward.
Win. Bloedorn is moving his stock
of hardware into his brick building
recently vacated by Max Bnckner.
Miss Ollie Barrows of Linds.iy was
tho guest oi Mrs. T. S. Hoare the
latter part of last week.
Chas.Bloedorii returned from Seattle
Wash., Saturday evening accompanied
by his bride. They drove from Co
lumbus ami expected to get into town
unobserved but no sooner had they
entered the hotel than a sernado, con
sisting of guns, tin pans, torpedoes,
etc was begun and could only bo quiet
ed in the sual way. Chir. is a well
known and highly respected young
business man of Platro Center and his j Sunday.
bride a very estimable yonug woman
and their many friends wish thorn a
long and happy married life.
Miss Frances Hughes ojiened her;
school east of town Monday.
1 lamphroy.Neh. (Correspondence. )
F. S. Gorman, guardian, is con
templating for his ward, Marguerite
Monstuck, an incompetent, a new
house on her 200 acres of land near
Tarnov. This is a choice piece of land
and tho houso is badly needed and
will add to its value. It has increased
in value very much uuder tho careful
management, of Mr. German. He
called togothor tho parties interested
last Sunday afternoon, and those pres
ent concluded that the now houso is
noi-fssfiry for tho comfort of the old
lady and her son who rents the land
and cares for her at tho old home.
Mrs. I. G. Nicniollor was in Hum
phrey Friday and called ou Mrs.Cook
inghnm. The Humphrey baso ball nine has
met tho enemy and they are theirs..
It was on tho rNth. The Podge ag
gregation did tho job.
It is Humphrey's first defeat in six
games. They play well, bat if yon
want to find out how they got beat,
ak tho boys. Some are reasonable
and lav it to tho umpire whilo others
charge it to bad playing by some of
tho boy?. However, it was done, Dodge
scoring 7 and Hnniphrey 5.
F. M. Cookinghaiu and Henry Geit
"u attended the republican convention
at Columbus last Thursday, helping
to nominate the winners.
Theodore Wolf was attending conrt
in Humphrey last Monday.
Little Oscar, tho oldest son of
Joseph Lnchnit, died last Wednesday
night after an illness of twenty-four
hours Ho was twelve years old.
Interment was made last Friday morn
ing. I Ie was a bright boy and will bo
sadly missed by his parents and many
young friends.
sot a hmv wmxoa. decorated it
gathered the Sunday acbool aoaolaza
and hauled them to the picaio ground.
After a short sermon, preached by Bev.
J. B. Brawn, relrethaMata were er
ved ; presents were distributed to the
Sunday school soholarand the teach
era received gifts from the president
of the Sunday school. Mr. B. Wymaa
and family and John Imhof of Folk
county who formerly lived hare were
present at the picnic.
Richland and Vicinity.
Kicliland nud Vicinity. (Correspon
denco. ) (Io. Smith and sister Agnes
attended church at'Shell Greek Sun
day. Sam Miller, sr., was kicked by a
horse last Friday. Mr. Miller stood
at a distance from the animal or bin
knee would havo been broken.
Mr.s. Elizabeth Bell of Norfolk vis
ited Mrs. Burt Stevenson Monday.
John Keller has purchased a house
and lot in Schuyler where he intends
to move his family soon.
Miss r.osa Miller of. Columbus was
here last week to assist her sister
Bertha in cooking for threshers.
John Hosnor had wheat on the Co
lumbus market Saturday.
Miss Abbie Grady and her cousin,
Nellie Grady of Haigler, Nebr., viB
ited Miss Mary Higgins Friday. The
yonng ladies enjoyed a private picnic
i at McPherson's lake Sunday.
Our ball boys heat the Shell Creek
ers Sunday VI to 3.
Mrs. Maggio Stevenson entertained
several young ladies last Monday at a
," o'clock tea.
Ores ton. (Correspondence. ) Bora,
to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bages, Thurs
dav morning. August 24. a seal All
concerned are doing well.
A brother of E. T. Graham living
near Madison. Wisconsin, died Sun
day. August 27. Mr. and Mrs. Graham
were both at his bedside whan he
died. They are expected home the last
of this week.
Those maps the Journal are giviag
away with subscriptions are beauties.
Sidney Eastman will give you one
of them if yon will mention it to aim.
Dr. E. A. Jones aad J. & Brook
subscribed for the Journal tails week
and carried away two ot the Journal
F. H. Abbott, editor of the Journal
visited Oreston on business last Fri
day. Quite a number of our eitisensweat
to Lincoln by the noon train Moaday
to attend the State Fair.
J. P. Florer is around agaia after a
siege of illness.
Our boys went to Madison last 8ua
day to play ball. They report a good
game, the score being 8 to 4 in favor
of Oreston.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Clark went to Go
lumbus last Friday to visit frieads
and relatives. They are expected
home today.
Among the State Fair visitors from
here are John Barrett and wife, Was.
Barrett and wife, Vie Palmateer aad
wife, Theo. Plageman, W. Wenk and
J. H. Evans.
Mrs. Elizabeth Doresoh has made a
complete recovery from the scalding
of both feet some weeks ago. Dr.
Jones reports that she is able to get
around as well as ever. She is seven-
ty-nine years old.
Dr. Jones reports a boy at the home
of T. Brown, sevea miles southeast
of Oreston.
A. Mansfield visited his home in
Arlington the first of last week.
Professor Whithead returned from
Bonesteel last Saturday. He returned
to Fremont yesterday.
of their new houses. When completed
they will have two of the inest dwel
lings in town.
Miss Lena Morleld came to town
Tuesday evening returning Wednesday.
Mrs. E. Lavelle aad son Eddie, re
turned to their home in Sacnuueato,
California Wodaesdsy after spending
a month visiting her mother, Mrs.
Griffin. Miss Mamie Griffin accom
panied them as far as Oolumbus, re
turning home Thursday.
Miss Sadie Gogaa went to Silver
Greek Wednesday to attend the re
union aad to visit friends.
L E. Wemple aad Dr. Walker at
tended the republican convention at
Oolumbus Thursday.
Mrs. O'Grady aad children returned
from their visit at Perry, Oklahoma
Wednesday. She likes the country
and will move there with her family
Mrs. Gnstavasoa of Newman Grove
visited her sister Mrs. Fryer Wednes
day. Miss Caroline Warth went to Olarks
oa Saturday to visit relatives.
Mr. aad Mrs. P. A. Supaaoheok re
turned Monday from the 8t. Louis
exposition where they hadspeattwo
weeks taking in the sights.
R. W. 8aley is doing a good basi-
World's Fair stopovers at St. Louis on
through tickets.
Colorado, Utah and Black Hills resorts
there and back practically half rates
all summer.
To California San Francisco, and
back, August 15 to September 10, only
$45.00. The only chance in 1904 to get
this low rate.
To Portland, Paget Sound and back,
August 15 to 18, one fare for the round
To Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin
and the Great Lake region, the ideal
summer country daily low rates to take
you away from home.
On the first and third Tuesdays of
each month very low round trip rates to
hundreds of points in the northwest,
west and southwest.
Write or call, describe your trip; let
me advise you the least cost,
L. F. Rector,
Ticket Agent.
Loup and Platte Valley.
Loap aud Platte Valley Nows.
(Correspondence). Born to Mr. and
Mrs. Groves, a son.
The young folks of Engels were vis
itors at tho homo of Mrs. Chris Boss
Many of tho icople around Uardiner
and Duncan were taking in the ro-
union last woek.
Miss Anna Glussof Columbns is vis-
j iting with friends hero for a few days.
The 20th Century drng store has ' On account oi uuiavunmiu ".
establishDd a news stand. All the tho Duncan Sunday school picnic was
not very well attended, xney are mia
ins some of having it over again.
The Grenttli Sunday school picnic
was held tho 28th of August instead of
tho 4 th of September as was announced.
It was a success and the Sunday school
teachers deserve much credit. They j
latest popular magazines may be se
cured there.
Mrs."J. W. Lynch and sen Irl de
parted Saturday for their homo in
New Plymoth, Idaho, after an extend
ed visit with their many friends aud
Lindsay. Oorrusponoeaee.)--0. H.
Smith and family returned from
Leavitte Saturday where they have
spent the summer. Mr. Smith is the
principal of our schools aad hisdaagh
ter. Hallie. will teach in the priamry
Henry Lnchnit was up from Oolum
bus Friday and Saturday oa official
Frank returned from his
Iowa visit Saturday.
him Katie Botaerhaa returned
from her visit at Oconee Friday.
Mrs. Bea Schmlte has been
byRamaekers and Loeffler as dark
in their store.
Miss Lois Baodes of Newman Grove
is the guest of Miss Susan BrodholL
Mrs. W. Talbitaer is visiting her
sister Mrs. J. Baaseh this weak.
Wo. Gocan returned fro
sundav where he had beea visiting
relatives for a few days.
Frank Wiegaad returned to his
at Petersburg Friday.
Mrs. F. H. Huron visited with Mrs.
J. N. Saaithof Hamphreyafswaays.
P. P. Bieda aad Joan Fineh have
Miss Alios Boyle aad Mrs. Frank
Goaaellyeaca reoeived a new piano
this week and M. T. Bamaekers
bought a pianola.
A aew printing press has been in
stalled la the basameat below the
brick store aad Lindsay is to have a
second paper. A nun from Omaha
will run it
Miss Ollie Barrows is acting as
clerk in the post office, filling the
position recently resigned by Sarah
Dave Legcet who has bean in South
Africa for sevral years, returned home
last week.
H. H. Pease of Petersburg was ia
town last Friday.
The Utile girl of M. Benjamin,
living eight miles south of here was
kicked by a horse Friday, fracturing
oae of her legs. Dr. WestfaU set the
fractured limb.
Mrs. O. A. Gerrard returned from
n few days visit at Bellwood Monday,
bringing her little girl Maroella, who
has beea spending the summer with
her grand parents, with her.
Paul Brodboll was fined five dollars
and costs last Moaday at Spalding for
shooting out some wiadow ligata at a
school house near there last faU. The
costs unwanted to .
E. A. Stooaulager is running the
bank during Mr. BrodboU's absence.
8imoa Barrows, August Weetphal
and Joe Stibley went to Lincoln
Valuable Art Collection.
Charles L. Pendleton of Provldeneu,
has given to the Rhode Island School
of Design the art collection which he
has gathered through a great many
years of collecting. His collection
comprises eighteenth century English
and colonial furniture, pictures, an
tique Chinese porcelains, Chinese
?Mm of the eighteenth century, early
eighteenth century English pottory.
aaUaae rugs and sixteenth century
Origin of Spats.
Where did spats come from? High
land soldiers wore them first. Be
cause of the bravery of hlgblanders
at Lueknow aud elsewhere in India
daring the Indian mutiny the people
of England looked about for some
way to show their admiration. Scru
tiny of the highland dress disclosed
that spats were the most suitable for
adoption, so they were adopted and
have been commonly worn ever since.
Tuberculosis Experiments.
The Royal Commission (British) ap
pointed In August. 1901. to inquire
into the relation between human and
aalnul tuberculosis has found that
human and bovine tuberculosis are
practically identical. The commis
sion reports that experiments proved
that the disease produced in animals
by tuberculous material, whether of
human or bovine origin, was identical.
Because theHver is
neglected people puffer
with ConatiDatioB. biliuusnem.
headaches and f even. Colds attack
the lungs and contagious diseases
take hold of the system. It is aafe
to say that if the liver were always
t?pi in proper wonung oruer,
illness would be almost unknown.
Thedford's Black-Draught is so
Boccessiui ia curing sucn sicknetM
because it is without a rival as a
liver regulator. This great family
nieuicine is not a strong and
drastic drug, but a mild and
healthful laxative that cures con
stipation and may be taken by a
mere cunu wiuiuui m. poattDie
The healthful action on the liver
cures biliousness. It has aa ia-
vigoratiag effect on the kidnevs.
Because the liver and kidnevs do
not wore regularly, toe poisoaous
acids along witn the waste from
the bowels get back into the blood
ana viruieni conugion results.
Timelv treatment with Thed
ford's Buck-Draught removes the
dangers which lurk in constipation.
liver and kidney troubles, and will
positively forestall the inroads of
Blight's disease, for which dis-
1 ease ia advanced stages there is
no care. Ask your dealer for a
25c. package ot Tbedford a lilack-
I Draught.
Tuesday to attend the state fair.
Mrs. Bea Sohulte of St. Bernard ia
filling the position of clerk ia Ba
maekers Loeffler.
Many of the Lindsay young people
attended the wedding dance of Fred
Lachait Tuesday night.
Ta Iverywmert aad Bunk. ThaBir
liaftea's Law luauaar lata.
The Burlington offers excursion rates
ia every direction eo low that there is
no exeuse for staying at hosse. Below
is some of thess.
St. Louis and back: Three kinds of
daily rates besides the special low rate
couch sicursions on Tuesday aad Tnum
day during August and September.
Chicago and back: Daily low rates
either direct or via St Louis, with stop
overs at St Louis, Fssssss City, and
Great Wnlna Tunnel.
The Poland tuaael. SjOTl feet mug.
between the Agon frln and Lynx
creek valleys of Arlaona, has been
completed. 11 la for the purpose of
private mining development.
leliefu "PeeUfM" Remark.
Oae Sunday momlag the bishop of
Southwell. EUglena, aeaua his sermon
wMa these words "I feel n feeling
which I feel you will feat"
ieSoda Fountain.!
These are just the summer
time trimmings. An old re
liable drugstore. Prescrip
tions filled by a registered
pharmacist. Everything in
the drug line and the beut
cigars in town.
W. Schupbach.
I Breis I
I Sweets I
I WomenwhoueeYemtPosm I
arc always sacctsshdia the
art of bread-making. Their I
I bread is light, tcuthsssse, I
sweet as a nut, and fall of I
nutriment. Thrir mmiliss
have well-sjourished boaas
and good digestions. .
m ia the yeast. If you seem to
. have lost the knack of good M
iiTV oread, or are auxkms jlM
KjlYSfc to improve, try g&Ejmk
m3n.Awo-.nsaB i
WJJ&f the yeast that's LOl
WY made of wholesome H
W andhealUdulmak,bopsaad L
corn; the yeast that's free
I from brewery waste or other.
I harmful ingredients; the' I
I yeast that smells dufereat,
I tastes different aud never
I grows stale; the yeast that
I holds the secret of the
best bread you ever tasted.
I The stent is m the yeast I
I Yeast Foam is sold by all I
I grocers at 5c a package. I
m Each package contains 7 I
I cakes enough to make 40
loaves. "How to Make
!read,"rr. Jast a postal.
It costs you nothing for
of aliunde of Feed aad
Hay. Lowest prices aad
tip-top qualities. We
have the leading
Livery and Boardins
Drive one of our rigs
once. Farmers, let us
care foryour team R iyht
Ernst & Brock
Cylinder Ctra Shelter
Can do more and better work
than any other shelter sold.
Our wagons will not scatter
yourgraia whileon the road to
market or overtax yoar horses
with aeedlesa heavy draught.
Biggies aid Carriages
-All Kinds of-
Come and look our stock
over before buying : : : :
asr Blacksmith work and
Horse Shoeing done on short
A. a Osn, A. M.. LL. 11, Pies., 1
Paor. A. J. Lowbt, Prise
f. 1-
m m Mmmmmmmmtt
Endorsed by First Natl
liaak and bualness mea.
tmeSS in Roll Tod Desks. Bank VUta
.Typewriters. Students caa work fori
Send for free cataloKue. bound la alllntor.
finest ever publnh-l by a Uuslness CoUeyo.
KeoJ it. and you Mill attend tne N. B. C
The largest anufomiatton for good
roads was that made at the last ses
sion of tan New York legislature. It
was a million and a half.
InUmraan Phene Plant.
Eadaad, is about to
establish a great lutermuuldpal tele
phone plant in cooperation with a
neighboring towns.
and back, fSBdB,
Qualities ef Edible Plants.
There are SIC sorts of edible plants
knows, of which forty are lower pro
aucera aad twenty-one yield sugar In
paying quantities.
Louisville Ky.
August 12 to 1&
Boston and bask the only ehaaee of
thaaaawmfbr alow rata visit town
j England, fuUe, Aagaai 11 to 13 long , m
Ant Is Deadly.
The aat which attacks the cotton
hem weevil ia also said to a deadly to
URDAY from August ICth to Sep
tember 17th, inclusive, with final
return limit October 3lBt, 1901, via
Union Pacific
lie nitre your ticket reads
via Union Pacific.
W. H. BEMHAX. ArjtmX.
i.. -
Bl t- Kjr '
. .It-
iVSfS-C .