The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 31, 1904, Image 7

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. Curtails Students' Holidays.
A movement is oa foot In Russia to
. dimmish tke excessive number of hol
idays for students. During a four
rears course at a Russian universi
ty the work done covers onlv one
.rear and 295 days. In France the
..time covered is two years, eeventy
four days; in England, two years. 158
oays; in the United States, two years,
210 days; In Germany, two years, 230
.Cays. Denmark stands at the head of
the list, with two years. 264 days.
The flrt tWO I11 a.r Acr1A iMtnlT
-Pcllcl trainlag in laboratories or As&tomT
SP?'?87' Embryology, CbeKiMry. Physiology.
ratkology mad Bacteriology, by peciUts axu.
.life-workers inthctc branches. The last twe
year are given to personal study of dine&seir
. eJiicallaborator1es.ho.pitliiarKllispecsaris.
. toot merely aSUated. but under the lull control
of th Faculty for bed-side instruction. Foi
articular- and catalogue HriiT5ii tte Dtac
C Locust Street. Sr Loui.
i ? . . The. Day's Length.
-.. "Ely a .simple rule, the length of the
lay and night, any time of the year,
siaybe ascertained by doubling the
lime.ot the sun's rising, which will
rive'the length of the night; and dou
ble the time of setting will give the
ergth of The day.
Greatest Misfortune of Life.
';'" Mayors appear to have had their
troubles two centuries ago. At liiele-
'Wd, Germany, there is a tombstone
with this Inscription: "Here lies Jo-
'-tiasnes Burggreve. who considered his
- rlectfoc as burgomaster of this city
"the greatest misfortune of his life."
irs. tiizaDetn n. I nompson
of Lillydale, N.Y., Grand Worthy
Wise Templar, and Member of
W.C.T.U., tells how she recov
ered by the use of Lydia E.
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound.
" Dear Mes. Pznsizasi : I am one
of the many of your prateful friends
who have been cured through the use
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, and who can to-day
thank you for the fine health I enjoy.
When I was thirty-fire years old,I
FcfTered severe backache and frequent
bcariagr-dovc-n pains; in fact. I kad
womb trouble I was very anxious to
pet well, and reading of the cures your
Compound had made. I decided to try
it. Itookonlrsixbottles.butitbuiltmo
up nd cured me entirely of my troubles.
Mj family and relatives were
nnturallr as gratified as I was. My
ricce had heart trouble and nervous
prostration, and was considered incur
able. She took your Vegetable Com
pound and it cured her in a short time,
and the became well and strong, and
her home to her great joy and her hus
band's dcltjrht was blessed with a fcaby.
I know of a number of others who
isave been cured of different kinds of
female trouble, and am satisfied that
your Compound is the best medicine t
ior fcicK wosicn. .uus- tr.izABETn u.
TnnMFcov. !Vx 10.".. Lillydale. N.Y.
iSOOO icrtnt if cricincl of atii letfr $rm!a$
"From the cradlo to the baby chair"
If so, yon ought to fcsve a
OUR PHOEXIX Walking Cliair
holds the child securelv, pre
venting those painful falls and
bumps which are so frequent when
babv learns to walk.
The chair is provided with a re
movable, sanitary cloth seat.which
supports the weight of the child
and prevents bow-legs and spinal
troubles ; it also has a table attach
ment which enables baby to find
amusement in its toys, etc, with
oat any attention.
"As iasspsataM as a sratfts."
It is so constructed that it pre
traats Had clothes, nSTiif front
drafts aa4 floor gena aaa is
byphysiciaas aad
K o oaby abomlC be wittwat
Gall at yovr furmitmrs dealer
gk TteOQKMAL ,
rHLKEEP wwrr
CATAiGucs race
.Sxow!5 r?Ls. uc er caaiccrrrs asre hats.
A. J. TCV.-ER CO., aosren. mass., u.s..
7cu nciclcc ever tziie. ".V
,1 hendrrd of sfcen Issve
I been tola la the un!:eJ st fci
s zie ver. t-c:l:ni.e. fccir-
b:m. -let bela:ae. diiilaes. b2
lriti or tin-it. and eve-T :J
bo zri'iz Irjtn s di-orJred
rosarfc MSseUsfed or ccrM bj- H'?ai Ta!a;-i
' ae will peaera'.lr elvc relief within treaty ni-
see. The sve-rai paeia?e 1 caosfc Icr --
. gr-i .'mt. All irusslt cH iie-
cn Crow Rcs
er vat ion in
Knntawa. esd Mc lur cisp cat! lvm;itl.-a n
j.? Tr7TT'i p"' F Ar'"'i S-'l,-i,3ca
CURES catarrh of ifcc staszzsh.
aaVJr m. iaaat aaaa
BttaSOflflVBaHBpaahaCf- rmmmmWVLBSJummm
aLV L "i m. fc a " iaaH !
Airs. Elizabeth H. Thompson,!
rocv a
- .aTsaUBBv .r"-
rz "-.'
Real Wonder.
"Great guns: What terrible piano
playing! Is that the girl you said was
"It is."
"What is wonderful about her?"'
"Why, it is wonderful how she keeps
the neighbors from assassinating her."
Couldn't Spare Boy.
Willie Pa, can't you spare money
enough to buy me gun?
Pa My son, I am going to get you
a gun when I can spare a boy, but not
VA I'' A
i A aHalakks. -m. Sm
Teacher Johnnie, name a bird that is now extinct.
Johnnie Our canary. The cat extincted him.
An Unpleasant Reminder.
"What does Bifkins remind you
"I hate to tell."
"Because it's a reflection on Bif
kins?" "No. on me."
"I don't understand."
"Well. I'll explain. Every time I
see Bifkins he reminds me of a little
bill I've owed him for over a year."
Evidently Needed Teaching.
The vacation schools and the warm
weather brought an obnoxiously odor
iferous youngster to teacher, who sent
her home to be washed.
On the returning, less aromatic, said
the youngster to the teacher:
"Me mudder wants to know if I
lome here t git teached or git
amelled." New York Sun.
If It Was Good.
"What did Columbus do that pleased
the king?" asked the kindergarten
"He stood an egg on an end," re
plied the smart boy.
"And what did he do then.?"
The smart boy thought for a no-
. ment and then responded: "He ate the
Lets Like Him.
; "He's quite an active political work-
er. isn't be?"
"Oh. no; he has not reached that
stage yet."
"Why, he talks of nothing but poll
. tics."
"Yee; he's merply an active politi
cal talker."
"No," she declarer, "I will never
marry any man who hasn't grit
enough to go and ask papa for me."
"That's all right, but you ought to
remember that your father has a weak
heart, and sudden joy has often been
known to prove fatal in such cases."
Good News if True.
She And are you really so much
Letter since you returned from your
trip abroad?
He Yes, indeed! I'm quite an
other man. I assure you.
She Well, I'm sure all your friends
uill be delighted to hear it.
' Poor Artist.
Art and Drama met.
"There are not so many young men
, wedded to me as formerly,' said Art.
"I suppose they could not support
' you?" interrogated Drama.
"No, the trouble was I could not
support them."
I Just a Slap.
Miss Knox I think Mr. Noozey
wants to surprise you with a birthday
gift soon.
I Miss Passay Indeed? Why?
Miss Knox He asked me if I knew
when your thirty-fifth birthday would
At the Seaside.
Younger Sister If you don't intend
to go in the water why did you put on
your bathing suit? You don't look
at all well in it.
Elder Sister I know it. but one has
to make some sacrifices to be in style.
Mr. Boreleigh I've got the physical
culture craze in my head. Do you
think there is anything in it?
Penelope I certainly think there is
something in physical culture. Judge.
True, Indeed.
Ostend "Earthquakes turn houses
upside down. How do they look then,
Pa "Oh. just like any house when
the husband is keeping bachelor's hall
in the summer time."
What Did She Mean?
Reggy "Bah Jove. I wonder if
Miss Rose knows that I don't drink
anvtti-g but scft stuST."
Clare "I sup:jon .-". I heard her
say yea were a soft drinLor. '
Circurr.ctar.t:l Evidence.
Bridget Is it thrue. aus, the mas
ter's give up drinkin?
Mistress Yes. but why do you ask?
aricset Autnm . mum. only the 1
cloves te goin" faster than iver. Pick-Me-Up.
Imprcving Gradually. ;'
"Your wife is improving with her
balling, isn't she?"
"Oh, yes." s
"Her calies andtpies now arc gcoc
enough to -eat," eh?"
A Kind Chaperon.
Tess "My chaperon was just as
Lice as she could be. She told me
while we were at the shore I must
keep Jack Huggard at a distance."
Jess "Eut I thought you liked
Tess "So I do. She meant
him at a distance from her."
Honk-Honk Harmony.
"Runnybout has a beautiful auto
mobile suit and hat, but no auto."
"No. he is having the machine en
ameled to match the clothes."
A Difficult Process.
"What are you doing?" asked Maud.
"Studying Russian." answered Ma
mie. "Do you know. I believe I have
riisrnvp'-sl tvn- v..-v r..: ,.
--... .. ii.. iuc iiu?aiiuib are ae-i
xuicu st onen. sen a Russian gen
eral gives a command it must con
sume a lot of valuable time to get out
a lexicon and translate it to the
troops "
Dark Secret.
La Montt When I see a chap in a
big black Windsor bow I always specu
late. La Moyne Indeed! I suppose you
speculate whether he is an artist or
an actor.
La Montt No. I speculate whether
he has on a shirt or whether he has
Setting Traps and Caps.
"Yes. the foreign duke was conspicu
ous among the beach smart circles."
"You don't say: How many women
were after him?"
"But there are only fifteen
ladies at the beach."
"Yes, but each has a mamma.'
Mrs. Oldstyle It's strange that you should recognize me. You haven't
seen me for five years.
Mrs. Newstyle I didn't know your face, but I remembered your hat and
dress the moment I saw them.
Sure Sign.
"He's had good luck at poker late
ly." "How do you know."
"I heard him remark this morning
that it's a mistake to say poker isn't
a thoroughly scientific game."
"Senator Kraft is talking a good
deal about the need of reform in poli
tics." "Yes: reminds me of a drunken
man handing out temperance tracts."
Slang Tabooed.
Clara Our club bars out gum-chewing
and slang.
Bertha It does?
Clara Yes; women who chew gum
and Talk slang oughtn't to cut any ice
in a literary club.
Popular Remedy.
"Eay. Colonel, what do you take for
the malaria down here?"
"Whisky and quinine, sub."
TVo!'. s-icsp the remedy fails?"
""Tn2 I sto? the ccinino, suh."
Sure Test.
Ztliles Standish was figuring out
how he stcod with PrisciHa:
"I guess I'm ace high." he refected,
"because I notice that she doesn't
take me around and introduce me to
the other girls."
One Wcmana Way.
iliggles My wife never says a
word when I go to a lodge meeting.
es -NUiiiC LUa iUiiltf. tai
she makes. up .for i:
when. I come:
home about 2 a. si
-Mk 'jdlfcV
' Wat a License All Right,
But your dog license has been paid
for this year." said the department
"Strange." remarked the forgetful
man. -I'm sure this string around y
finger was to remind me to cone here
for my license."
"But its been paid; probably by
your wife, or "
"My wife? Oh. that's it! It was my
marriage license I was to get to-day."
Truthful Young Man.
Lady I bought a calico wrapper of
you a few days ago and you warranted
the colors to be fast.
Clerk Yes. madam; I remember it.
Lady Well, the moment I put it in
the washtub the colors came out .
Clerk That proves the truthfulness
oi my assertion, madam. There cer
tainly wasn't anything slow about
those colors".
To Be Sure.
Little Johnny Say. pa. will
buy me a pair of roller skates?
Pa What in the name of common
sense do you want with a pair oi
roller skates?
Little Johnny Why, pa. I want to
use them for mowing the lawn in
summer and shoveling snow in win
ter. What else could I use them for,
Unwonted Activity in the Shop.
"Now, that is what I like to see,"
observed the rural merchant to the
proprietor of he great department
store. "All your clerks are full of vim
and energy."
"Yes." replied the proprietor, with a
sarcastic smile. "We close at noon
to-day, and they are getting ready to
go out."
He Was a Terror.
Customer Say, I want
watch dog.
Dealer I have one that will just
suit you.
Customer Is he savage?
Dealer Is he savage? Why, he ac
tually chews holes in his own pants.
Only Obstacles to Him.
"What a beautiful road this Is."
said the fair visitor, "the overshadow
ing trees are so perfect. Don't yoa
just love these grand old trees?"
-No, I don't," replied her host, who
was just learning to run an auto,
"they're forever getting in my way."
Forced to that Conclusion.
Caller You never play the violin
in public I presume, then, you do it
solely for your own amusement.
Host I'm afraid I do. From cer
tain remarks dropped by the neigh
bors I have been led to think it
doesn't amuse them at all.
Just for a Bluff.
Him Would you scream if I at
tempted to kiss you?
Her Indeed I would if any one
happened to e looking at the time.
Worrying the Landlord.
Clarinda You can't keep a dog in
your new flat?
Florinda No, we had to give Fido
away, but Frederick had bis dear little
bark put in our phonograph. Cincin
nati Commercial Tribune.
"Do you think the modern girl is
benefited, by an athletic training?"
"Yes," answered Miss Cayenne. "It
enables her to get in and out of a
hammock without breaking her neck'
Patient Do you consider this
trouble fatal, doctor. You know my
means are limited and
"Well, as a rule, the patient suc
cumbs to it after about $2,000 worth
of treatment." Life.
Good Wife and Gcod Husband.
"Mother thinks you'll make me a
good wife," said the girl's intended.
"Indetd?" replied the girl, with the
determined jaw: "yon tell your mother
I'll innke you a grod husband
-That's the new mansion of one of
our wealthy sugar refiners."
"Ah! Another house built upon
"Xo; rather upon the rocks he made
cut cf sand."
Falsely Accused.
"You are nothing but an idler,'
the industrious ant, scornfully.
"Xot me," replied the grasshopper.
"Why. I have been' on the jump ever
-I sicca L was bom." -
' 7:
Dean's Kjdney Pills
Brought Strength
and Health to the Sufferer, Mak
ing Him Feel Tventy-?ivs
'" Years Younger.
J. B. Corton.
-armer and
lumberman, ot
Deppe. N. C,
says: "I suffer
ed for yea: j
with my back.
It was so bad
.that I could not
walk any dis
tance nor even
ride ia easy
j. a. coktos. uuggy. i ag ;
sot believe i could have raised ten
pounds of weight from the erousd. the
pain wes so severe. This was my con
dition when I began using Doan's Kid
ney Pills. They quickly relieved me
and now I am never troubled as I
was. My back is strong and 1 can
walk or ride a long distance and feel
Just as strong as I did twenty-five
years ago. I think so much of Doan's
Kidney Pills that I have given a sup-
ply of the remedy to some of my
neignoors ana iney nave aiso iounu
good results. If yoa can sift anything
from this rambling note that will be
of any service to you. or to any one
suffering from kidney trouble, you are
at liberty to do so."
A TRIAL FREE Address Foster
liilhurn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. For sal?
by all dealers; price. 50 cts.
Sultan's Titles.
The sultan of Turkey has seventy
one titles and on the parchment con
taining them are the words "as many
more as may be desired can be add
?d to this number." Among the titles
ire "Abdul Hamid, the Eternally Vic
arious." "the Eternally Smiling."
"the Eternally Invincible," "Distribu
tor of Crowns to the Heroes Seated
on the Thrones" and "Shadow of God
3n Earth."
Men as Actresses.
Japan boasts of several brilliant ac
tors, but, strangely enough, she af
fords no encouragement to actresses.
Women's parts are played by men.
and played excellently well, too. Jap
anese boys who are destined for a
stage career are brought up entirely
by members of the feminine sex. By
the time that they are midway In
their teens they have acquired all the
usual female characteristics.
Deer Swifter Than Electric Car.
A deer was found on the car track
at Sturbridge the other day which
when startled ran swiftly along the
ties ahead of the car. The motorman
opened the controller to the last
notch, but the animal led the car for
a full quarter of a mile and then
leaped lightly over the fence and dis
appeared. Word "Weigh" Too Much for Him.
A London juryman fainted the other
day while the judge was charging the
body. The Judge was saying: "You
must give the statements of the wit
nesses for the "defense full weight,"
At the words, "fuH weight," the jury
man fainted. Later, it was found that
Lu was a coal dealer.
Kentucky Man's Duty.
Jamboree. Ky.. August 29 (Special), i
After suffering for years with pain '
In the back Mr. J. M. Coleman, a well
known citizen of this place, has found
a complete cure in Dodd's Kidney
Pills. Knowing how general this dis
ease is all over the country, Mr. Cole
man feels it is his duty to make his
experience public for the benefit of !
other sufferers. f
"I want to recommend Dodd's Kid- i
ney Pills to everybody who has pain i
in the back," Mr. Coleman says. "I
suffered for years with my back. I .
used Dodd's Kidney Pills and I have
not felt a pain since. My little girl
too complained of her back and she f
used about half a box of Dodd's Kid- !
ney Pills aEd she is sound and well."
Backache is Kidney Ache. Dodd's
Kidney Pills are a sure cure for all i
Kidney Aches, including Rheuma
tism. Not a Lucrative Business.
Dr. Smiles did not leave so much ,
noney behind him as did Sir H. ii.
Stanley; but in his case more than
.n Stanley's the amount is likely to
represent literary earnings. At any
rate, $370,000 is not considered a bad
recompense for "self-help," when ap
plied in a calling which, apart from
xe more signal successes of a few
lovelists and playwrights, rarely
eads on to such fortunes as are made
a soaps or pills.
Disgrace to Lose Mustaches.
Two Mohammedan criminals at Ol
aautz were in consternation on hear
ing that, like all other prisoners, they
arould have to have their mustaches
shaved off. They pleaded that that
would be an indelible disgrace, and
that their wives would leave them.
rhey were finally allowed to keep
After U With a Net .
"What on earth are you a-doin' with
that 'ar crab net?" asked the farm
coman behind the gingham apron.
Tse Just a-lookin for people what
:asta their bread on the water," said
tinerant Ike; "ala't you goin' to do a
little castin' this axrning, mum?"
Keep Valuable Secret in Family.
When the originator of the genuine
eau de cologne died, age 80, he gave
his secret to fcU nephew and heir.
Since 1709 only ten persona have
seen the recipe, which ia kept in a
box trebly locked.
We An All In the Apprentice Claas.
When a simple change of diet
brings back health and happiness the
story is briefly told. A lady of
Springfield, 111., says: "After being
afflicted for years with nervousness
and heart trouble, I received a shock
&ur years ago that left me in such
a condition that my life was despaired
of; I could get no relief from doctors
rr from the numberless heart and
nrve medicines I tried because I
ditin't know that the coffee was daily
cutting me back more than the Drs.
oonld put me ahead.
"Finally at the request of a friend I
tefl off coffee and began the use of
Fostum and against my convictions I
&r? dually improved in fceaith until izr
He past cr S months I have been
an'.ire'y free from nervousness and
! '.'rose terrible sinking, weakening
apejls cf heart trouble.
"3Iy troubles all came from the use !
sr coffee whicn I had drunk from
childhood and yet they disappeared ?
when I quit coffee and took up the
use of Fcstum." Xame sivea by
Postum Co Battle Creek. Slich.
M2ny people marvel at the effects
of leaving off coffee and drinking
Postum but there is nothing marvel
cus about it only common sense.
Coffee is a destroyer Postum is a
rxbuilder. That's the reason.
Lock ia each pkg. for the famous
little bock, "The Road to eUvUle."
XE liIr "
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Deuance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time, because it
never sticks to the iron, but because
each package contains 16 oz. one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up in -pound pack- I
ages, and the price is the same, 10 i
cents. Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals. If your grocer tries to sell you a
12-oz. package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance.
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand
Defiance and save much time and
money and the annoyance of the iron
sticking. Defiance aever sticks.
Longevity in Europe.
Of all European countries France
i the most favorable to longevity; of
every 1.000 persons forty-four reach
the age of seventy. In Norway the
rumber is forty, in Sweden thirty
three. Italy thirty-one. Switzerland
thirty, England twenty-seven, Ger
many twenty-six. Spain twenty-four.
i Austria twenty-three, Hungary eight-
ctru. i
Insist on Getting It.
Some grocers say they don't keep
Defiance Starch. This is because they
have a stock on hand of other brands
containing only 12 oz. in a package,
which they won't be able to sell first.
because Defiance contains 16 oz. for
the same money.
Do you want 16 oz. Instead of 12 oz.
for same money? Then buy Defiance
Siarch. Requires no cooking.
Many Proverbs About Luck,
The proverbs on luck are numerous
and expressive in all languages. In
English we say "It is better to be
torn lucky than rich." The Arabs
convey the same idea in the apt pro
verb, "Throw him into the Nile and
he will come up with a fish in his
mouth," while the Germans say. "If
he flung a penny on the roof a dollar
would come back to him."
Toad Net Wasteful.
Some time ago I saw a toad shed
his old skin. First the skin split in
a straight line down the middle of the
back, and the toad with his hind legs
pulled it down and off as one might
pull off a coat. Then, rolling up the
el in intn e ca-ivv5 -wf rll Vft TiromntJv
cmtmtu. ,r Bnv.m i,, Hi.pHna.
! . ' , z w, .
tion to waste anything even his cast-
off clothes. Ernest Harold Baynes.
Buying Rubies in Burma.
The peculiar business methods of
Oriental merchants are illustrated by
the manner of buying rubies in Bur
ma. In the examination of rubies arti
ficial light is not used, the merchants
holding that full sunlight alone can
bring out the color and brilliancy of
the gems. Sales must, therefore, take
place between 9 a. m. and 3 p. m., and
the sky must be clear.
Cant Interfere.
"Your daughter plays a great deal
of classical music in a rather orig
inal way." remarked the man with
gold glasses. "Yes." answered Mr.
Cumrox. regretfully. "She bought the
Iiano and the music out of her own
spending money, and I suppose she
i feels that she has a right to do wh-t
the pleases with them."
Value of Moderate Eating.
No matter what kind of food is
taken, the quantity should be small.
The human body can live and thrive
snd work on a surprisingly small
quantity of nourishment. Great mod-
I eiation in eating Is. therefore, one of
' the keys that unlock the doors of
lung living.
A Misfit.
A correspondent sends us an inter
esting natural history note. On open
ing his wardrobe the other day he
found a moth in his dress coat. The
effCt- he ec'ares was ludicrous, as
Va rtj-ioT- tt-c rf-f riiTcc Ttinnn trr r?e
the coat was, of course, much too big
for the moth.
Ccld Baths vs. Drunkenness.
In the course of a discussion at the
sanitary congress Mr. Weaver de
clared that it was almost impossible
tor anyone taking a cold bath every
morning to become an habitual drunk
ard. London Telegraph.
lilt Brraaantly rami. 9ofii
1 rilwCrstdAT'aaaeofDr.Kltar'aGm.tyerrFKatoi
T. Sal for FBEESt.M trial Dottie nd tnatMb
tw. cl. m. uox, uo, hi Arei siren. rauaotipwB, r
Hunt Treasure at Mont Pelee.
Treasure hunting has become the
principal occupation of the islanders
of Martinique. They dig day and
night among the ruins caused by the
eruptions of Mont Pelee for gold and
other valuables.
Mentality Shown by Laughter.
High mentality is shown in a laugh.
There are savages in Africa who
t never laugh; they grin, that is all;
and this lack of the quality of laugh
ter is a symptom of their low men
tality. No Dutiful Wife Will Do It.
' Once when a man loses all love for
his wife is when he holds a straight
flush against four aces in a little po
. ker game and she has the four aces.
Cincinnati Commercial Gazette.
Raise Hogs for Chinese.
In the hope of making profit ort of
the Chinese who have displaced them
from the Transvaal mines, some Kaf
firs have taken to bog raising, so as
i to gratify the Celestials' love of pork.
More Flexible and Lasting,
won't shake out or blow out; by using
Defiance Starch you obtain better re
sults than possible with any other
brand and one-third more for same
Those who love with purity con
sider not the. gilt of the lover, but
the love of the giver. Thomas a'Kem
pis. You never hear any one complain
about "Defiance Starch." There is none
to equal it in quality and quantity. 16
ounces. 10 cents. Try it now and save
your money.
When a man puts out his shingle
on the roof the Lord is likely to let
him sit down in the basement awhile
and think.
Too manv people waste their time
;? on th ni;.;Mi o i,:
..E "- J"w-c iit -G.ll.lUg,
! for the band wagon to come along.
Lucky is he who marries a widow
whose first husband was mean to her. I
I do not believe Piso' Cure Jor ConTOr,- cr- '
Hu-zn. Tr.i.::y i'z.T.. izw . rct. :.".. :;o
Faith is the only eje v.-'tli which
it is safe to look at the future.
-, vrl!!?: T:.:r?ow'".Soot?,nr Syra'
ivnmfcr..n.irTtpca.carsj-sriadcwi. -jscs.t
The man who lives bv
tricks fid"
them to be back-handed traps.
Dr.DaTld Ensnll'l Vnwnr'tm Svkm.. .
GrrJ KUlnrj and IJer tnr. WortJ ruwu. 'VVrrs. IT. I
A man gets fame in heaven
gcod deed dene in secret.
by i
Tie Mcrizc J.jt Kenj:r vc .'c'.cn. wi! Her:
Ljc ikct :rct. Wrlur tLti tct rjtr
The crael are always cowardlr.
AfetjdatfcRcpafaiiDR&rAs- H
Promotes DtronJChwrfur-
ittssandRmlMtaias rater
OpmaOfoxylavM norriueral. H
Apedecl Remedy rorCosstipa- H
lion. Sour Stonach.Diarrtoea
Worn.Conviusions.FcvrTish- H
nrss and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of H
yjsw york. a
AU B Ahan. rmu
to tit Imi nieat
& y liVK&&SS.
y.vLtSr iSt Jjr 9V-V
AvlV-jwk.- X
fSBJii7 t &
vijBL lyAaaa iBBV
xRaraaE -.' t' s-r m.
XmLjmWmmXiirai i
Sdf T 3flaEadkCsamaABA?
DonYforget when you
order starch to get tint
best. Get DEFIANCE. No
more "yellow" looking clothes.
no more cracking or
doesn't stick to the iron. It gives satis
faction or you get your money back. The
cost is io cents for 16 ounces of tne best
starch made. Of other starches you get
but 12 ounces. Now don't forget. It's at
your grocers.
Great Reduction in Rates via
Home visitor? excursions sold every Tuesday in September and October
11th. Half fare (dIus J1.00) for the round trip to all points in Indiana,
points in Ohio and Kentuckv.
JS.50 St. Louis and return, sold Tuesdays and Thursdavs, also September
3rd. 4th and 11th.
VZ.V) St. Louis and return, sold daily.
T31.25 Baltimore and return, sold September 3th and 10th.
S27.15 Buffalo. Niajrara Falls or Toronto and return, sold daily.
$21.50 Detroit and return, sold daily.
$20.00 Chicago and return (one way via St. Louis), sold daily.
Longr limit and stop over allowed at St. Louis on ALL tickets.
Schedule oi our Fast trains.
Read down.
7:43 a. m.i'6:30 p. m. Lv.
8:00 a. mJ6:43 . in. Lv.
7:33 p. m. ": a. m. Arr.
7:30 p. m.7:13 a. m. Arr.
These trains run dailv
The Wabash lands all passengers at and checks bag-sage to its own
station at main entrance of World's fair grounds. Think what this means:
quick time, extra car fare saved, and a delightful trip, and you are not all
tired out before entering- the Exposition rrounds.
All Agnt can route you via the Wabash R. R. For beautiful World'!
Fair folder and all information address.
G. A. P. D.. Wab R, R.. Omaha. Xeb.
People who never give more than
chicken feed to the church are the
first to complain if they don't get
chicken pie in every sermon.
Of course you hare been unable to
dodge the fool man who insists on
talking about himself Then yen wzn;
T.'j !:
";'s mirlity looKs't to ?ci so arx-
ions about saving the whole wcrlci
t rhrr rm hnrpr': Timp tr dn
for your own ward.
Some men are never happy except'
i i .i .tti. i. ...i. .
vaen UIV luiur. i-uw iai.u-u u.'te
i the ether fellow has it.
Everybody says "Amen" to thet
who prays to be ta:en cut of
LLlia .ZLA HUilU
Deuance Starch is guaranteed bipr
ge?t and best or money refunded. 25
ounces. 10 cents. Try it now.
Turn your back on the sun and you
must live ia the shada?.'.
For Infanta and ChiMr .
The Kind You Have
Always Bwghi
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
SIS! S3.50 & S3 SHOES St
the mart uhaoi lutkuii.
$2.50 Police. Thpcc Solcs. S2.50 mho
$2.50, S2.CO AND S1.75.Bo VS. FOR
Drcss and School Wear.
W. I Dongls sm&m and nell more tnaa
SCOuud 93.00 kbtH-ftthnn any other tuanu
facturrr in the world. The rrivin tbrr aro
tbe greatest Millers i. they ar mmta of th Ursi
leathers. holl their lia. tit better, wear longer,
ami lic.-e' more Talue than any other hoes.
V. lruj;ln guarantees their tMud br stamr
insr hi. name anil price on the bottom. Look for
it .take no tubtitute. SoM tv shoe dealers
c vcrra here. I'ut Color Eutlti uttd rxr(iutrry.
Jfretofor Av iw wmrimg 9T.09
acx. I pmrchmstt m pmlr mf W. I. DmagtaM
3.SO rx. t?AicA M hao tmmrm vmry am fmr
rMf- mmmthM. TAey ar am amtlafmcfry i 4m mmt
tofntf tm rmtmm mmrm mmwmiv .
WM. CJtJtr KMOWLSS. Jtmat. Citp Jmllelfr, PhUm.
a eainsafsadafRe Man's fftnrf-siftCirTr if fr "r"
W. I BaIas saw reraaa Caltaaia la I Stmd for Catalog airing full i-
felt la raaevtea I rtrwctirmm Immto mratr bm mail.
Ltatker wu. w. L. Seagiaa, avacataa, l
breaking. It
Read up.
Omaha Arr. &:00 p. m.!8:M a. m.
Council fluffs Arr. 8:45 p. m.!8:00 a. m.
World's Fair Station Lv. &;15 a. ra.'7:45 p. m.
St. Louis Lv. &:00 a. m. 7:30 p. m.
Compare this time with other lines.
ir yoo tare traik are, fallla
sunt, granulated n-lt.euci o-r
iHe je or acr ares or jvt k'.ni,
cataxrli or dearbeia. rltr fail lf
trrtptlca of yr c- aal trial
trt&Uaens wlil be teazjoa
r tr . .r.--r-.t
rc- -,f Jji a'Olorlt'.te.(ik. i- V ..ji(.
-OiUtUUt ilJ-J. Ci
car lis., w 1st.,:.
Year icbter or direct i roc Fictorr, Peoni. m.
V e ZiT
Y. N. U Omaha. No. 361904
5S " uiets ftsSt all fctit ".L. fii
tS la tLse. goto iT dregggm. igf
,-.. .