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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1904)
fViS - -, J . "fit r 4 f ' I -v -' ?: I. C " .' U a L- l.-i- ' It." :. - bA-V i '. i . The Ward of A Romance tf the yOTTlUE JL UUENCRANTZ. Copyright, 1303. br CHAPTER XV. What the Red Cloak Hid. la the vault overhead blue had deepened into purple, and all the sil ver star-lamps had been hung out, their dames trembling unceasingly in the piaying winds. By the soft light, the Jotun, who was striding across the Danish camp, saw a graceful boy ish form leave the circle around the King's fire and join a group of mount- ed men waiting on the river bank. some fifty yards away. "Ho there, Fridtjof." he roared wrathiully. The figure turned, and he had a fleeting glimpse of a hand waved in mocking farewell. Then the boy sprang into the saddle of a. horse that one cf the warriors was holding. and the whole band moved forward z. a swinging pace. "If you had waited a little, you would be less light on your feet," the Jotun growled as he strode on. strik ing his heels savagely upo-n the frosty ground. "Where is the King?" he demanded, as soon as he had reached the ring of nobles sipping mead around the yal A- i. Eric of Norway nodded toward the wattled hut beneath the silken banner. "In there; and I will give you this chain oH my nck if you can guess what he is doing." "It is likely that he is busy with messnsers. ' Rothgar said with an accent of vexation. "I had hoped to reach him before he finished drink ing, but there was a brawl among my men which " "Ke is playing chess," Eric said dryly. "Chess!" The Norwegian nodded as he swal- Towed. "Heard you ever anything to equal that? He has the appearance of BBSBCMt RSrSEC2Sl'4rr Sk SB " fll "JI m t' " B5, J BSflB P JSBBBBbKB? M rVSBBBBBBSU'k X CssneassWSlLi .. mKMm'yJi&- y- Before the sudden ury cf the onslaught, Edmund gave back a pace. a boy who has been released from a j lesson. Whether he is mad. or be witched, or feignin? like Amleth. it is not easy zo tell. ' "I do not think it is any of these." Rothcar said slowly. -I think it is because he likes it so well that he has got peace m which to amuse him- seli. Sooner right, any day would he hunt than , and I have often seen , hirn express pleasure m this manner." The Norwegian plunged again into the general discussion: and the son of Lodbrok stood listening discon- tenteuly. while he Kept a snarp watcn of the low-browed entrance. , Presently his patience was reward- ed. Within the hut there arose all i at ence a duet of voices, half angrily t accusmc. halt" laughingly protesting. Then the chessboard came flying : through the doorway, ronowea dv a ' handful of chessmen and the person ot the bic good-natured Jarl. still ut tering his laughing protests. And finally Canute himself stood under the lintel, storming through his laughter. "Blockhead, that you cannot keep your thoughts on what you are doinu! One might expect as good a game j from the tumoler's doc. You de serve " "To loe the honor of playing with the King." the Jotun broke in. mak ing a lone step forward. "Be so good as to allov.- me to take his place. lord. I have some words for your ear which are worth a hearing." "Rothgar! '" the King exclaimed with great cordiality, and stepped from the doorway to meet him. "Wil lingly do I make the change, for I have been wishing to speak with you this last hour. I have thought of a fine plan for to-morrow's sport." Laying his arm boy-fashion across his foster-Drothers shoulders, he swunz him around toward the river. "Bnt we will not go in there to do our talking. We will walk along the shore. To-nighr I feel as though I could walk to the rainbow bridge." As they strolled beside the mooniit water, the son of Lodbrotc listened in secret amazement to the string of plans that unfolded itself hunts aad horse races, swimming matches and fishing trips. "Bat where will you get the Ashing tackle, lord? And the hawks and the hounds for all this?" he ventured presently. They were some little distance np the bank now, where trees screened them from the camp-fires. Suddenly the young King made a leaping grab at a bough overhead and hung by it, loosing down at his companion with the face cf a mischievous boy. "How joyfully you will take my an swer! I have sent to Northampton for them. And I have bidden Elfgiva accompany them, with all her follow ing of maids and lap-dogs and beard less boys." As his foster-brother stood zazing at him in speechless dismay, he iangneu maliciously. wnere an. your manners, partner, that you do cot praise my foresight?" "King." Rothgar said gravely, "is the truce sping to last long enough to make it worth while to fetch those irinkets here?" His laughter vanishing, the came to earth in both senses of the phrase- "Now I do not know what you mean by that," he said. "You were with me on the island. You heard what was said. Yoa heard that -v-e made peace together to last the whole of our lives. Did yoa not hear that?" Rothgar kicked a stone out of his -ray with impatient emphasis. "Oh, King Canute Danish Conquest. f The Thrall f M the Lucky. A. C. McCLCEG i CX. yes. I heard it. I heard also how you sulkily. "You did not have the ap said that you would rather have the pearance of choking much on her tngiisnmans friendship than his kinsdom." The eyebrows had drawn down in to a frown rose ironically. "There is room in your breast for more sense. Rothgar, my brother, if you think, be cause I am forced into one lie, that I never speak the truth. he said. "We will not talk cf it further. "What are i the words you have waiting for my ! ears? I The Jotun's sudden frown quite eclipsed his eyes. "Now it becomes j clear in my mind what you have sent your black-haired falcon down the wind after to carry your order to j Northampton?" "Certainly it is." Canute assented. "But why is your voice so bitter when you speak of him?" "Because I have just found out that he is a fox." Rothgar bellowed. "Be cause it has been borne in upon me that he has played me a foul trick, by which I lost property that was al ready under my hands." "It is not possible'" Canute ejacu lated. "He looks to be as truthful as Balder." Rothgar uttered his favorite grunt- "Never did I hear that Loke had crooKed eyes or a tusk, and black hair grows on both of them. I tell you, I know it for certain. I have just been to find the English serf who became my man after Brent ford; and he has told me what he says he tried to tell the night before we left IvarsdaJe, but no one would listen to him without pounding him taat the servant-maid, who in formed him concerning the provision bouse, spoke also of a Danish page her lord had, whom he treated with I such great love that it was commonly ' said he was bewitched. And before j that, when the brat was telling you igs .l how the Englishman had saved him from Norman s swori, it occurred to n:e that he talked more as a woman talks of her lover than as a man speaks of his foe." "May the gallows take my body!" the King breathed. And he sat down upon a grassy hummock as sudden- ly as though a rock had been thrown at him that knocked the less from under him. Meanwhile the son of Lodbrok strode to and fro. declaiming wrath fully. "There is not an honest bone in the imp's body." he wound up. 'It iS certainly my belief that he was in league with the Englishman: and his freedom was the reward he got for ur2w'ns me off. " -Certainly you are a ve.-v shrewd aaa- Canute" murmured. But" some thin? in hia volce did not ?taad g. rm; his foster-brother darted him a keen glance. Kis suspicions were well founded. Canute's face was crim son with laughter; he was biting his lips frantically to hold back his mirth. The temper of the son of Lod brok left him in one inarticulate narL Turning en his heel, he would have 5talKed awaj: if the M nad no. made him the most peremptory of gestures. "No. wait! Wait, good brother! I will show you whether I offend you intentionally or r.ct! It is it is the the jest " Again he became unintelligible. Rothgar stopped, but it was to glower over his folded arms. "Because his womanish face has cauzht your fp.ncy. you will neither blame him yourself nor allow others to make a fuss " "That is where you are wrong." the King interrupted, with as much cravity as he could command. "When Fridtjof Frodesson comes again into your presence. I give you leave to take whatever revenge you like, and I promise that I will not lift finger to hinder you from it." "And not hold it against me?" Rothgar demanded incredulously. And not hold it against you," Ca nute agreed. "Will you wager a finger-ring against my knife that your mind will not change when my ward stands again before you?" The Jotun smiled grimly. "The wager shall be as you have made it; and may I lack strength if I do sot deal with him " He paused, blink ing like a startled owl. as his royal foster-brother leaped to his feet and fronted hist with shoots of laughter. "Yon dolt, yon!" Canute cried. "Do yon not see it yet? Frode's child is a woman!" Rothgar's jaw dropped and his bulging eyes seemed in danger of fol lowing. "What!" he gasped: and then his voice rose to a roar. "And the Englishman is her lover?" "Tou are wiser than I expected." the King laughed. Stamping with rage, the Jotun ham mered his huge fist upon a tree-trunk until bark Sew in v every direction. "King. I will give you every ring off my hand if you will give me leave tc strangle her! "Tou remind me that I will take cne cf your rings now," Canute said reaching out and opening the mallet- "ite fist that he might make his choice. Then, as he fitted on his prize and held it critically to the light, he added with more sympathy: "I will arrange for you a more profit able revenge than that, I will make a. condition with Edmund that the Stheling's odal shall not be included in the land which is peace-holy, and tha- t" ravage it shall not be looked upon as breaking the truce. Thenl can you betake yourself thither and si: down with your following, and have no one but yourself to blame if you fail a second time. Only" he thrust his knuckles suddenlv between i the other's ribs "only, before we get serious over it. do at least give one J laugh. Though she be Ran herself, the maiden has played as excellent j joke upon you." j "1 do not see how you make out I that it is all upon me. Rothgar said i stones. The King seemed all at once to re cover his dignitv. - will not denv ...t ; , . .. " mat. ne saia gravely; and have 1 not said that I expect to be anerv about it presently? That she should dare to offer her King that lying story about her sister's death " His face flushed as though he were remembering his emotion on receiv ing that same story; and his foster- brother's observation did not tend to i nollify him. "And not only to offer it," the son of Lodbrok chuckled, "bat to cram it down his throat and make him swal low it." Canute's heels also began to ring with ominous sharpness upon the , frosty ground. "She must be 12 he-self: Oh. you need not be afraid that I shall not get overbearing enough after I am started! Now, as ' I am a kins. I will punish her in a way that she will like less than ' strangling! I tell you. her luck is , p great that she is not here to-night." i (To be continued.) A WOMAN OF RESOURCE. Actress Had Her Way in Spite of Managerial Rules. A story is going the rounds about how a prominent actress satisfied her post-season thirst while playing in a special production after her winter's engagement was over. The young artist is very well known to theater goers, and for this reason her name will be omitted. A special production in which she appeared made it necessary for her to wear high topped cavalry boots as a part of her costume. During the week which the show ran the weather happened to Be quite warm. The management of the theater supplied the actors with ice water, but prohib - ited any of the members of the cast from taking stronger refreshments into the place. This actress is quite resourceful, and soon hit upon a scheme that was most ingenious. She was stopping at a hotel within a square of the the - ater. and this enabled her to work out her plan successfully. One night she went to the theater as usual, bur after making up gave a reat imitation of being horrified when she discoveerd that the cava ry boots had been left at the hotel. Summoning one of the attaches ol the theater, she sent him after the boots, with instructions to bring them to her just as he found them. Her instructions were carried out. and after bestowing a greatful smile on tut? uiesaeuser ue was aiioweu to ue- part, after depositing the boots in her j dressing rooms. As soon as the door was closed be- iiiuu iii.ii iiie auLresa eALracieu irom ) the depths of either boot, where she ' had placed them beforp leaving tht hotel, a large, cool bottle of beer. WEEOS USED IN MEDICINE. I Pests of the Farm May Be Turned tc , Seme Account. The extent to which weeds are used in medicine is indicated in a receni bulletin (No. 1SS) of the Uniteo States Department of Agriculture Most of those used are gathered ia Europe, but many of them are onlj too common in this country, ano while it is not likely that the farmei may succeed in getting rid of "hem it is possible that he may turn some of them to account. The prices paid on the other hand, are not so large as to induce a man to go into the business as a vocation: it is distinctly as by-products that the weeds ma return something to him who raises them. Among root drugs the bulletin names these: Burdock, dandelion, tht various docks, couchgrass and poke weed. Wormseed and black and white mustards yield their seeds for medi cal uses, and these weeds are named as supplying leaves, fiowers or seeds: Foxglove, mullein, lobelia, tansy, gum plant, scaly grindelia. boneset, catnip hoarhcund. yarrow, bleabane. blessed thistle, jimson weed and poison hem lock. ! The bulletin gives suggestions a; to the packing and handling the weeds and the prices recently paid for them in the drug market. As some of the plants are known to be poisonous, the farmer who gather them for profit should not use them without the advice of a physician. On "Classes" and Their Money. "That man who just went out," re marked the observant man. is a uuicuer. "He is." replied the storekeeper "You know him. probably?" "Never set eyes on him before." "Then how did you know that he i i .. i was a Dutcner; assea tne store keeper. "Simply by the way he carries his j money. I noticed that when he paid for his purchases he took a crumpled , wad of bank notes out of his trous i ers pocket. Butchers always carry their money that way. So do bakers and grocers, but I knew be was neither of them, and therefore con cluded that he was s butcher." The assemlhed citizens who sat round looked admiringly at the ob servant stranger and asked for mors information on the way different people carried their money. "Bankers carry their ssoaey fa nice new notes IsJ oat at fall length in a morocco poeketbook." he weal oa. "Brokers always fold their notes twice. Young merchants carry their money in their vest pocket, while sports carry theirs in their trousers pocket. Farmers and drovers carry their cash in their Inside pockets." And where, asked one of the men. wher' does sn average man like me. , who does not belong to any of the classes named, cs.ry his money?" I "In his wife's lockeC replied the , observant man. . I Gives Japs High Praise. ' A Troiu-nn-T, Pn?!! ??- L -- -- . . writer. Dr. Jliiier laguire. recently called the Japanese "scientific fanat-. ies and declared that "man for man i for and ship for ship" they "can beat any opponent in the world because of their superior knowledge." Care for Invalids From Slums. Thirty-seven of the sick and crip pled children from New York's slams are being cared for by the deaconesses in the Invalid Children's Home at Ver bank, N. Y. T Pass Under the Rod f ? An Old Favorite I I saw the young- bride. In her beauty- ana price. Bedecked in her snowy array. And the bright Hush, of joy mantled high on her cheek. And the future looked blooming and with woman's devotion she laid her fond heart At the shrine of Idolatrous love. And she anchored her hopes to this per- lsmnsj earm i BS" -ae chain which her tendernes wove. s i But I saw when those heart-strings were bleedins and torn, cham " a severed he had changed her white robes for the ' iTnflTf , t,.i-. r ,. But the Healer was there, pouring balm on her heart. And wiping the tears from her eyes: He strengthened the chain he had broken In twain. And fastened it flrm to the sides! There had whispered a voice 'twas the voice of her God "I love thee. I love thee pass under the rod!" rod! I saw the young mother In tenderness bend O'er the couch of her slumbering boy: And she kissed the soft lips, as they murmured her name. j wnne tne dreamer lay smiling in joy. j. a:L iu cu xuscuuu eacircieu wilu dew. When its fragrance is flung on the air. So fresh and so bright to that mother he seemed As he lay in his Innocence there. But I saw. when she gazed on the same lovely form. I The young man seemed to be of a particularly mild disposition and the straw hat he wore was not out of the ordinary, but the combination was the cause of a series of mishaps on a Sev enth avenue car the other day. And it was a closed car at that. The young man and the hat took a seat well for- . ward were sooa Jn deeP thought I at lemat tie TonnR man The j WM evidently cooking up mis- I chief. The chance came at last. It was I blowing a gale in the street and hats j wer njlng in all directions. The sight 1 probably fired the ambition of the hat ' on. the young man's head. I At Twenty-third street the car , stopped. A stout woman climbed on j the front platform and the motorman ' obligingly opened the door for her. With the woman came the tail end of ' a particularly fierce gust of wind t which hit the car plumb center. The hat arose from the young man's head. . seemed to pause for a moment in mid-air as though selecting a victim, and then started on its aerial night. It nipped off the eyeglasses of a choleric looking old man, caromed across the car and smacked a German woman in the face. Then, gathering fresh impetus from an open window, it sailed up to the roof of the car, tried to ring up a couple of fares on the register, and fell into the lap of Interesting and valuable archaeolog ical discoveries have been made on the site of the ancient Greek city Olbia. The site is situated on the southern bank of the Eoug, about mid- way between Otchakoff and Nicolaieff, and not far distant from the estuary of the Dneiper. This ancient city was a great center for Greek trade with the interior. It is generally main tained among archaeological author ities that a trade route extended from Olbia across country to the northern sea, and when a find of ancient Greek coins was mad3 it was contended to be substantial proof of the fact. Re cently, however, it was proved that these coins were spurious. Olbia was destroyed by the Getoa about 70 to 60 B. C. but it revived and when it was visited by Dion Chrysostum about 100 A. D. it was again a flourishing city. The excava tions that are now in progress upon the site of this city are being carried out by M. Formakovski under the aus pices of the Russian Archaelogical so ciety. M. Formakovski has succeed ed in unearthing extensive portions of the walls and foundations of the orig iaa. city, which date back from the When Time J. B. Southard, old-day miner in the Western El Dorado, lawyer at the state bar, preacher for a season, judge on the bench, but now gone over "Lethe's wharf" into the sea that sweeps away to an unknown shore, once found time hanging on his hands. He accidentally met one afternoon tmir-'nsr fripnrf and ev-nartner from the mines of an upper county. The judge had not seen Bill since they had shoveled dirt into a flume to gether back in the dim '30's. They .V..9 -Vw .-. - dropped all else and hugged each . oriental fervency. Then the jew with a whiz. Not in the !!- jh. u so rapidly that the nutes and seconds fell off the body 0 !, were iost ca e way. vr - - - t tho n-iHontai -- rhr th -.-.., M - - -. W- --. - judge was st home; thence to Frank Garda's, and afterward to the Pacific club now out of date. Then to tht other resorts frequented by the bo tTsfff of the town and the day. Without baiting they went over the rents again, harrying, harrying on When Stamps "When postage stamps first came into use." saia a veteran postal clerk, "the public didn't know how to han dle them. You remember how, when tea and coffee first appeared among tae people fried the tea leaves and " , 7 ' -JVL salt and pepper? Well, tie peo- PIe ,Hfred eir stiaips M hsarcT m 18a4. , ,. . Some folks would put the stamps mside their letters, out of sight. Here s ucjcjai nouce mat we issueu to r - n i tOT Tfrt4o " - i--- T-i Tor!r Trrlr tVvtti rTa Ar-m-n e- s , Jfct .-- VWVA A tT. fe , A .A OU rgea duiiu uias. saia: -The stamps upon an letters and packages must be affixed on the OUT SIDE thereof, and above the address thereon." He put back this bulletin and drew orth another one. "People would pin the sta ns on I Tnpir letters. inaTosi nf i i-ii them." he said, "and when they did gum thera, they would not do it right. Hat on a Frolic i i I Ml FTt! ll iT BBS SM Usflll UMsfsas i IIIVVIIIV III Alii inn ITIIIIIX MHaBaBaBilHHVHiiBVH, Pa!e as marble. anf -nn m mm. But paler and colder her beautiful boy. And the tale of her sorrow was told! But the Healer was there who bad stricken her heart. And taken her treasure away: To allure her to heaven he has. placed ic on high. And the mourner will sweetly obey. There had whispered a voice 'twas the voice of her God "I love thee. I love thee pass under the rod!" I saw a father and mother who leaned On the arms of a dear gifted son. And the star in the future grew bright to their gaze As they saw the proud place he q won: And the fast-coming - evening of ufe promised fair. And its pathway grew smooth to their feet: And the starlight of love glimmered bright at the end. And the whispers of fancy were sweet. And I saw them again bending low o'er the grave Where their hearts dearest hope had been laid. And the star had gone down in the darkness of night. And the joy from their bosom had fled. But the Healer was there, and his arms were around. And he led them with tenderest care: And he showed them a star in the bright upper world Twas their star shining brilliantly there! They had each heard a voice 'twas the voice of their God "I love thpe. I love thee pass under the rod!" a woman carrying a baby. From thence it dropped lightly to the floor, I evidently satisfied with its work. i The owner of the hat jumped after J it at the first stage of the desertion. .- fr- L" 4U"11-' u- 1V-VJ1U' iJa"t but was obliged to tack about the ?d at. tae same time cared torm stout woman whose entrance to the uat mnioj Vm rn.,v.7,i TiTt,.-,.. , . iioftu nuatrvi IUT iiuuuitr. llii. uc got by he failed to see the choleric old man, who was blindly groping for his glasses on the floor of the car and saying harsh things sotto voce. Therefore, the young man was hardly to blame whan his knee caste iato violent contact with the choleric par ty's ear, knocking off his hat. The young man, who was crimson with embarrassment, turned to apologixe, and. plunging forward In hia confu sion, stepped squarely upon the crown of his mischievous hat, which was re posing at the feet of the woman with the baby. The young man was still several blocks from his destination, and the rain had begun to fall; but somehow he felt that his Dresence in the car was rather embarrassing to the other passengers, so he got off. The chole- ric man found his hat and glasses, but not his temper. The German wo - man quoted Wagnerian selections while she prospected about her facs for possible scratches, and the wo - man with the baby said something that sounded like "chump." New York Press. seventh century, B. C. The masonry is identical with that of th rnina of ancient cities excavated in various parts of Greece. Before thi3 depth was reached two different strata of walls and basements bearing descrip tions of the fourth and first centuries j' B. C. were encountered. ' scntinuous cropping in corn, or in any The stone blocks composing the other one crop, or any number of non ruins of houses, temples, etc., in th6se leguminous crops, will sooner or later upper strata are of remarkably exact burn ouc lne nunius fcy exposing it area, square proportions and excel- to the air- This will prevent the lently dressed. The more solid con-1 tonner from getting his soil in the structive work is. however, found in Proper physical condition as well as the remains of the original city. At ase UP a veiT lar5e amount of the this depth there was unearthed a per nitrogen which it contains, fectly preserved wine cellar. Some ( Clover and other leguminous crops fifty huge jars or vases had evidently supply nitrogen from the atmosphere contained red wine, now turned to a ' and supply humus to zh soil, and light powdery substance. A large col- thus enable the farmer to cet his soil lection of valuable antiques in gold, in such a physical condition that the marble and ancient pottery has alsc roots of the plants can ut.l.ze the fer been found in these newly uncovered tility which it contains. Farmers ruins. These have been dispatched tc sow these crops not merely to furnish the Hermitage at St, Petersburg. JL nitrogen to the soil, but to furnish Jlormakcvski. however, is carefully humus and to get them in proper examining every antique unearthed, tc physical condition and you need not establish its genuine character, as it worry about anything else until the was on this site that the spurious tiara crops show that it is short of some of of Saitapharnes. now in the Louvre, the mineral elements. was- alleged to have been discovered. Some of the soils in southern Illi- Hung Heavy through the night. No account has teen kept of the libations that were poured out in that bacchanalian feast. Bill had frequently turned himself loose and made the golden dust fly after the clean-up, but this was faster than the best time of a mining town carouse. Along toward morning Bill began to break, and finally lost his feet. The judge carried him on around the stretch till his condition called impe riously for a downy bed and the re storer sleep. I When the hack had rolled off for the hotel with Bill the deserted and, lonely man stood looking sadly down i the street. The sun was flushing the sky over the green Alameda hills and the young day was finding its way through the city streets. Bat time had left no record of the passing night To hia an hour was as a second aad a century as a day. "What shall I do." he soliloquized: "what the thunder shall I do the rest of the night?" San Francisco CaH. Were New Hence tail second buHetrs," and be e4: " 'Persons posting letters should 2 fix the requisite number of stamps previous to depositing them in the letter receivers, as when posted in a damp state the stamps are liable to iub off and thereby cause the letters to be treated as unpaid. Do not pin on the stamps.' "Still." sa.d the clerk, "the public i didn t understand. Think of it it and no better definition cf "luck" can didn't understand the simple matter ( be given. It should be printed in cap o. sticking a postage stamp on a let-1 itals and hung up ia every office, ter. So we gat out a third bulletin." counting room, workshop and family The third bulletin, in big, impatient letters, said: "The simplest and most effective method of caasiag stamps to adhere 5rmly is, first, to moisten well th outside of the stamps and afterward the gum med side slightly, taking care net to remove the gum.' The clerk said that a philatelist had offered him $12 a piece for these three queer cuHerins. FAPM PCHAWan GAD "-iy 7. '"2lssV.-., ,. .. --v- -. mi " Ofr. Wrsgg tBvttee contributions et ay new Idea that readers of this de partment may wish to present, and woeud be pleased to answer correspond ents desiring Information on subjects 3fe used. Address 1L X Wrazg. Waa- VERY TIRED LAND. AH over the Middle West, even in the very best of it, we find some very tired land land that badly needs rest and doctoring, tenant farming is re sponsible for much of it. but not at alL Prof. Hopkins of Illinois in some of bis communications to the press tells of a field in southern Illinois that has been continuously in corn for twenty seven years and this year produced twenty-seven bushels per acre, and rentingfor fifty cents per acre; of a field directly opposite to it which has been rotated with corn and oats, and leguminous crops, and this year pro duced seventy-five bushels of corn: and opposite to this is another field to which was added some bone meal, which produced eighty-seven bushels. "So we have." to quote his own lan guage, "from twenty-seven to eighty seven bushels of corn grown this Just "V same I sixty bushels an actual umerence oi from twenty-seven to eighty-seven grown in the same type of soil." Nearly every time we meet fanners of Illinois we are told that their land is inexhaustible, that corn has been grows upon It for thirty or thirty-flve years, and this year's crop is as good as any before. We have always oeen skeptical of the real accuracy of these statements, believing that there were conditions, such as favorable seasons or a superior condition of the land, which would account for the facts as stated. While the farm mentioned is in southern Illinois, where the soil in j general is inferior to the central, yet j we have had no trouble in rinding . much worn-out land even in the very best parts of the state, and we will not feel quite happy until we are able ! to induce corn-growers in that state ' to abandon their evil ways and rotate ' their crops. It is to give them an i object lesson from their own state 1 and from one of their most nighly esteemed professors, whose opinions, . in the lines on which he gives his opinion, go as far as any man's of whom we know, that we quote the statement given above. There is no possibility of progress in farming until this one-crop sys- ' tern year after year on the same land i ia broken up. It must be broken up ' or it will eventually break up the men ' WCo own the land, as well as the men i who farm it. Notice in the above statement the wonderful increase ia production when leguminous crops, such as cowpeas. clover or alfalfa, have a place in the rotation. To un derstand the reason is easy. This t noia are deficient in potash: others in phosphoric acid. Where it is clear l ly ascertained that the soil is defi cient in these, they should be added in the cheapest possible way. ' There is nothing, beyond good seed, necessary to raise crops proportion- j ate to the season exc?pt to get the soil in the proper physical condition. That is the main reason why we grow clover and other grasses, the main reason why we rotate, the main rea son why we urge farmers net to plant . any crop until they get the soil in i such a condition that the plant can avail itself of the fertility therein con- , tained. Jlutton as human fjed is gaining rapidly in popularity Good authori ties predict that the ime is rapidly approaching when as many sheep and lambs will be slaughtered in this coun try as there are hogs and cattle slaughtered now. History shows that ia old countries muttcn is the poor man's diet because it can be raised st less cost than any other, and also that it is the best and most whole tome. Wool brings a good price, mut ton is in demand and the farm needs fertilizing. Then why not every farmer grow sheep, and those who feel so inclined operate a sheep h? It is a paying business. LUCK. DM you ever happen across Max OTtell's definition of "luck?" It may serve ss sn answer to some of those who refer to freaks of fortune: "Luck means rising at ? o'clock in the morning, living on a dollar a day if you earn two, minding your own business and not meddling with other people's. Luck means appointments you have never failed to keep, the trains you have never failed to catch. Luck means trusting in God and your I own resources." Max CRell never said a wiser thins living room It looks as if there would be much les? demand for labor in the construc tion of railways this year than last, and this lessened demand by the reads will to a certain extent affect farm labor. "Geniu3 is partly insp'ritfen. but mostly perspiration." Ed:soe. DRAFT MARES. It is noticeable that both grade and pure-Bred draft mares are very little appreciated if one can judge from the price at which they sell in the open market. They seldom sell for any more than the value of each colt that they raise; and this did not seem to be right, considering that they can raise a good colt every year for many years, if properly bred. Good brood mares are often sold off the farm to work in cities; but this is a very un businesslike thing to do and should be avoided if possible. Now that draft horses are so scarce and are bringing such increasingly high prices, good ll-ftf Mnflrt. I... t . T. and a pure bred mare, bred to a good stallion, can raise one worth from 1300 to $1,500. Whether grade or pujc ureu, me mare snouiu oe area to i.uK vrr ut staiiion ootainame. re- gardless of service fee. The increased value oftne colt will always much more than pay for the higher priced fee. A big colt matures earlier and costs no more to raise and will sell for a much better price than a com mon one. The good mare colts should be kept for breeding, if possible, and set to breeding as soon as they ma ture. They are worth twice as much for breeding as for any other purpose and should be kept breeding to the best sires as long as draft horses com mand anything like their present prices. It is a day of specialties. Those who succeed in professional life or in any commercial department, must have some specialty for which there is a demand. In early times the neighborhood physician was obliged to practice in all kinds of cases and also posed as a surgeon and dentist. Times have changed and the physi cian now makes a specialty and fol- lows closely to it. The same way with attorneys. We have some law- ' vers who are especially adapted to i meet the requirements of railroads, corporations, to practice in criminal I courts, and for the various other lines . of work which need assistance from the legal profession. The formers are keeping step in this march of progress. They have learned that in order to be successful they must have one special pursuit and thev natural- ly follow that m which they are most inturacfa.l m-Vi I. - .. s. l. . :,r i ' or stock, growing wheat, corn or fruit. SWINE NOTES. Don't keep 'era in a narrow, nasty little pen. A high-bred sire ought to enrich a town $1,000 if used right. At ruling prices the breedinir nn of caoice craves sncuia oe given a great impetus. Keep the sow for a breeder until she becomes awkward and too heavy, it she produces good litters. Next to grass nothing grows pigs so fast with skim milk as cornmeal. says the New York experiment sta - tion. Ring the pigs that are in the or chard. Then protect the tree trunks if they manifest a disposition to peel them. If the pig? root out dig a trench one foot deep beside the fence and tack poultry nets to the posts. Their sensitive noses will avoid it, A good trough for little piss can be made of a long, narrow and shallow box of any kind. The first feed of wet bran will make it milk-tight. In figuring up the profits of your farm operations for a year you should always take into account the house rent and good living the family has been provided with. If you do not know how much to credit the farm with on this account, go to town and ask some man with a like home and family to support, how much it costs him. Doing thus, there is quite likely to be a surprise in store for you. VINE BLIGHTS. A reader in Batavia, Ohio, asks how to prevent blights on muskmelon. watermelon and cucumber vines. The answer usually given is. "Spray with Bordeaux mixture." It is easy enough to give this advice it is far more dif ficult to make use of it In such a way as to save the plants when they are bound to blight. That the Bordeaux mixture affords some protection there can be no doubt; but in order to be effective it should be applied - quite freely and quite frequently. When we allow bun-s and beetles to riddle the plants, we cannot expect to keep our plants free from diseases that stand ready to attack them. I invariably add some arsenical poison (preferably arsenic of lead, or disparene) to the Bordeaux mixture, and thus make 3ure that insect enemies will not do much damage. Some of these blights are insistent diseases, and often take the plants Just as soon as we are guilty of the least negligence. Farmyard manure is a universal fertilizer, suiting all crops, climates and soils. In the case of leguminous crops where great difficulty has been experienced in arranging satisfactory artificial mixtures, farmyard manure has always given excellent results. SOAPSUDS FOR SCALES. Common soapsuds will go far towards keeping plants, vines and bushes free of scales and insects in general. On washday the soapsuds may be utilized to "douse" the leaves. With a common sprayer one can wet the under sides of the leaves thorough ly with the suds. Where it is possi ble to reach the leaves the treatment may be easily done. Make a soap lather and apply it to ail vines and bushes within reach by dipping them Into the vessel. Or take one handful of lather and with the ether hand draw the infested leaves through it, so that the under sides are wet, We hate a man who checlrreins his ' horse uncomfortably. Such a man is cruel, selfish, and unworthy cf re- j cct- ; u'"u """" aiC u ljr iat-' KIUi'1 aiU- mrected trees. In some peachgrow able animals on the farm. they can j iag states ms ,3 requiretl bv j do all the farm work and at the same , Every farm shouId nave time raise high-priced colts every . orchanl of choice fn,its of differenC year. A first-class grade draft mare , kIads an(1 vanetieS. at feast amIe to can raise a colt worth S200 to SSOO; , sunnv th ntk,u nf thA ,. DEN HORTICULTURAL NOTES. To get rid cf moss and Hncheas ad hering to the bark of. trees, gire aa application of whitewash. As soon as the trees in aa orchard! come into bearing all other crops ex cept grass should be discontinued. Clover is the best plan for tke orchard. It keeps the ground1 Inner and moist and at the same tiaae em riches and shades it. The growing of fruit trees is the growing of a valuable crop aa4 Ose trees deserve and should haTe rick soil, care and any needed fertilbsarJon. The only certain cure for "yellows' j in the peach orchard is to cut cut the Manure and plow the catch intend ed for early spring vegetables. Gather and destrov all the wormy fruit. It will pav i r, up to date and very careful ia packing fruit for market. Dig the spuds. If they are ripe they will keep better in the cellar than In the hill. If not yet done, clear out the olit raspberry wood. Banking the celery will scon be ia. order. Go over the young orchard aad re move the water sprouts and limbs that chafe. Never ceasing care in marketisc i required. It is a great thing to grow a crop. But it requires a higher or der of skill to sell it well. Cultivation is manure at least it behaves like it. For fruitfulness In an orchard tree? trim in June; if June was skipped. k it now. Shorten all the branches st little. It" Ben Davis orchards will persist in bin crops, and consumers will per- , sist in buying Ben Davis apples, bra'5 , it a good business proposition for orchardists to grow what they can expect with reasonable certainty and 1 what the people will take? That is 1 the way the majority of commercial growers look at it. This has been a hard season in many parts of the country for newly transplanted trees, etc. owing to pro longed drought. It is not too late tc mulch such trees and plants with a few forkfuls of partly rotted manure. The underlying principle for tan successful management of an annlt? orchard lies in keeping the soil toe and porous, so that air and roots eaa be filled with humus to hold moisture and maintain bacterial action. When trees are raised from seed? there is no certainty that the same identical variety will be produced. JIuch of the beauty of any business is in the profitableness of it: and yet , year after year with only the most meager profits. In the growing ol hoes or other live stock. ?ood pastur .,se and plenty of it is the cheapest ol . an iHefis, and M COO(1 as any tbM cx3 be devised for animal growth. Pastur age increases the profits by curtail ; $2g the cost of production, j THINNING APPLES. The thinning of apples has not aa yet come into general practice, but instances were cited by some of those present which went to provethat sue- thinnings could be profitably made. Hon. Theo. Wade told of their experi ence in thinning during the season just past. Their orchard of sixteen acres was set in 1S80. and during the; past season gave them a net profit of $125 pr acre. He said that as the season advanced and the limbs began to bend with their loads, it looked like a herculean task to undertake tu. thin such a mass of fruit. They suc ceeded In thinning four rows about half way up the tree, at an expense of $70, ami when the time for picking came the results were surprising. The fruit on the thinned portion was nearly all first-class, while on the unthinned portion of the trees and. the remainder of the orchard, there were quantities of culls, not wormy, but imperfect, undersized fruit. He estimated that $70 expended ia thin ning brought him in $L00 in cash, and that the neglect to thin the re mainder of the orchard must have Iost to him a great deal more than that amount- Low heading of art apple orchard is conceded to be the best- During oats harvest, if the weather promises to be unfavorable for dry ing cut the crop, which is ofttimes the case, we set from 3ix to eight sheaves in single file. When they have dried out somewhat, a day or two later we put them into shock of ten sheaves and cap securely, with) two sheaves, always laying the taat one on well broken and back to tie prevailing winds. This makes a' Ht- tle extra work, but the oat crosr is well shocked and cured out ia much mare for feed and seed the musty, bleached quality s found at our elevators. HINTS ON CORN FO DOCK- The corn plant is considered a grass; so far as It3 feeding value , it has been shown that the stains husks contain 60 per cent of all' taw digestible matter in the entiro sssnf. This proves that there is sora astrf-, meat in the sta!k3 and husks- acre of ground than in the sides being considered a waste prod uct, corn stalks have heretofore" an ally proved a great nuisaace. oa Zhs farm. If stock animals are turned loose in the fields after husking fc? done they waste at least four times as much as they eat. and often enc tract corn stalk disease, and leave the stalks lying in the field to inter fere with spring plowing. The dollar's worth of 3ugar Is tha halt -ahich traps more people ia the purchase of bills cf groceries than any other cne thing. They will blindly and foolishly invest in teas, coffees." snices. scans, condiments and shoo- bl - ckin. things about the value of ' which they know little or nothinsi if they can see a chance to get an extra ennd or two cf zm-it for a dollar. - .' j J .--v : ' , :-T I - -w 'ii L43- -