The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 31, 1904, Image 1

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Historical .selai.
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EndrMd mi the Back
iti yesr si2ie cLci?3t paid to you can
bi ipoiiftiI and nns2cfately
w.yoor accounr ae aroner- ia- is u Qm Soife.cnaimian of the farmer con
.von nare a bank-account. If oa have Tension. Prank Ward-man acted aa
ECt yon- sua! hustle aroend and set tne , gecretarr
eab tsc seme one -xho has. And even ne bnainess of the ccnTention was
ne niay ast i ai-xys able cr -sTdms to transacted in brief and harmonious
oalige. Why ncc have a bask act-'ocs?
C yenr a-m. i5iarc-one in
The First National Bank.
i nrcctnden.
rhe aGTantaces
arer7 marry
Time Table,
I.inrnl. . Dn"3-er
Omaha. Helena.
Cnlcags. . Butte
"&i..2Qwph, : Sail Lake City.
yanaa City. Portland.
It. Lcnia asd all 5 a n Franciacc
pctnta XUat and and all pcinta
Cttth:- "Wear.
.So-. ?Mtria9c. caiir Art-pc acsiiax
aic SI Xesyrnfr.i-itiHtjnST rtn: ? ercrpt
?To. 21 f1asiyr"r. aaily zcf pt acsiiay : 30 p. 21
II. SI AcoIeioouiuil, dlllij except
-tr .j . . 1J0 p. 21
nj. 12. Chicago spTa. 4i3 a 21
Nu. . Arlaanc rpr 4 JO a 31
5o ( aiszisax Local fT . 'iJj a.vsi
o 102. Fmt; Man . lis) p. ni
No 4. ETra Exs-u. . 222 p m
'o 2. Oruiaa Liitrtl 5.25 :
wsar Br.rxa. aury lxnx.
So 5. Pci2i' Lpn s . . .. 7p 2
No 11. Cola. pia. .. .. a 31
No 1I, ?Rt JLuI -J2Jii a 21
No 1. Ov-riaii Lacutl. E p n
N1 a, raKfnrjT.i 'T7r i p a
No 7. t'llnabui Locai ... 3 p 21
No. 25. Frisian ..tSisia
IV par
"o. A3. Pt-rr 1Jp 1
No. 71. ilizl . 7J5 1
No . P-r .. .. 12--3p 31
No 72. ilnl "itlp m-
No -IS. P seer ..'. tlO . 1.
No. 73. Hizad 4-JUi si
No 78. P- nar . . lip a
No 74. Jin. .. . ?fp 21
Norfair pn s.rr traini ran tiai T.
N rraiaj- ec Aiiiion asil apat.i'itng hrasct
CcinrsBoa Local Jail; ir-pr Scmia;.
W. H. Beth o:. Ajcc
R-prw-aiarivi Jo-ys W Bjcjtbki
Orx Jn tisir
ihtrf "&aoueJ 1 vaaii:
scpnat.'ciLuit .... L. H Lmr
X--r ..J'tr J iwuxi
JqiI. .. .. J. HE K.TTTCUlv.N
Tr-jt-unr Dias A. Bbchkb
Clrk f Cocrr . 1L RrEfTHici
Tenicer ..i H Mett
scrvtfyor . . L. Rh-hitsu
Dii.t.1 Joh tet. 'Tuurana
lhsr.2 Prrrss Bcndkh
Bu.t.2 2LTas rTErui.-u
Dmt. 4 . Fa.-K kira t
Dist5 teuoLTH . Mn..rB
Du.t, it7 . . .IjKl-i Ebj;. h. J fcii--i-'
Mraaci of l'osbcs. 2d Disttii.-t . J
Govprzor Jocn E. Ibctey -rrxarr J-tar.
Gjnr W. MarMi Asdiuir. t harit E. 'K' tn
Trcr-r P Morun-iE. Asnnw -"Tifra
rtiaJt N. Pr-tct. nr-natraii'nt Pabbr Ls-n-n--noc.
Williasj H. F-'wier- ( ornrrriiocer nbi.'-T.-i.i
Gonre L Foilracr
i toh- W A. Way
EzpaxszxTiTrrg 2ts Dts-urr pJ W BmJf r
Flovt Karaxsirr iim F F4iers.
COVGEFIxAXIONAI. sabbaaj -enwi. -C a.
I, li a. 3j. and ; p. sa J usior hD-
p. TH-
32X' p.
-r r. . )
laj -s.i p 31
ay 13 aca zioccii
U'viu . Pa.-r.or
L-.ii Xs.
iiiaij. irst W
aE3jU p.
PSHSHYTEEIAN tiWaiai Savl. a. 1
sersiaii. Uii . 2: senior hnu-iTir. 7-ip. ax
ywmitr rmc J p. 31 Pmyr Etcs ari?
ady or us- sanoiita tsacxu it m. -iJ . .
W U.TS3. N. Eaije:. Pa-tx
MZTEODIST P-acsi3ir. Ui.3. anil - r th.
soscxt scnou. limi. 31. Jc2ior Latitat. i p.
ic Epwiirtii L-a-rae. t p . P itt ai asr.
Tacrvrtr .tp ss. Laiit Anl icircy wry
odrf Wiieiay at2JU p. 2.
G. A. Lrcx. D D Pnrfi-j
GEBMAN EZFOEJtED scn.iay scao.ii. sdiJ
a. ss. Pti"- 10 JO a. ni. EmiTor 7 ja j
-7i, Laie licilil. 2r Tinria7 a aer 2:octii.
! p. 21. Exv Nnrsiiina. Parfor.
EAPT1SX sendax Scnoil- 1U a. -ss. rt30E
iiruU a.21. Jinr a i P U.3Xp.2u Ser
cs. iW p. n. Payr3i-jn2.30p
3xv E. J Cuoca. Potior.
GHAfE EPisk'OP U. Lw e-lefai-ira.ic t
. 21. acscay scaiu. 12) a. 21. Parnin..
llhJU a. zu ""'- -rria? -ii p. m. 5C As
(Ir"vr Hrocirti. -cnnij Tct-iay nf -ira 2mt.
Cvieiti? of sa --Cil Ta ay of tca
n'nr'' Ljulie titml. cnil WwKiasay of
amCS. 21C2I2. Set W A. -h. Rector
Prrocai22. W-n a. 21
Souay 2 p. rs. j-a
cat tv, each sora,
jot Society 2nt
Bit E- Mne-jT.ys. Pastor.
mijtt, 2ja aii rsirHi ar -u ams ao
o'ciocc. Sasilay ccooi asti tyiechcnoii r 3
o'eiucc TaJ S o aocfc aiiv- i? iixes 21 Pooj-is
-? -a so'docfc ai- aitersaiWy sG-rn- ami
fr-f1 7c car .- -v-ry aiccnas a: -o'cioc.
Fruiay ar 3:C o eiooc -taaoii!. aai;
'wmi'i "1 m CczS'- iop. Jiearti frocj 1 ti
o'cioc7 "i'ii 'iiqy asii troni 7 to 9 on xistlay
.??i 1 cci-io2 aiso scrritny 3101212' b
cr 2 o'ciiick 21-.
Foraxa Xhob VLB EjmxjLia. Pft.
1 JLwta 12. Odi F?Lai- aaU. --ami; a2i
fosrta Wd2Mday of nca 210221. 3Ir. Hand
DoaaeE. soble gnm; M. FairtsuM. crttary
TEUSNELDA Nv 12. t U E. . awy ti
imj 1 riJ " focrdi McEisay of f-va amcii in E.
of P. " Alois. Maitr. presidest al J E
JnhaTtlf " " 31. -atrial a2i frrta
MT IS OL X :iri. . iJUS ill-Hi. . . '
m B "- ! i "". -
KlTnESTAL.-LOrTE.So.2i.E.ofP.-He-t pcmrv for .he postmascer as the
yffvtBi t;- -" J.iLtnras.c. point cf oestEaasicn to open and traas-
C p. j.atcCirsi'.r3rj. ( mit its contentB through the rrlmlmss
WILDER LOEhje. No- 44. L O. O. F -- to the parry ts whan the letter smv
vwmrr Taw'fcr. V J1" haiL J- - be addressed: aad
SALHIGEIAN-I)EES-Na.l44.-Saetr'1 Wher8f f MKaf a
ti hT is ocai. Odd F-How- faaE. Carl law weald se a great beaefit to tae
'- r r.pgrr.nrT;yingr.g'creagr.
cauztSCS SCA3tPiCEST L O..O F-c
!- .-"rS1 j v IVI
B uaaii
tmr taw
Tie adjeamed repnbiicaii coonty
' cccTeaiion rsaesemcieu is tne conn
2 tfciock te
, g nomxaaaon at candidates. Tae
, convention was called to order by A.
tashion, hardly
bems taken np
more than an hour
by the proceedings.
After the cenvenrien was in order, C.
J. Garlow moved that they proceed to
zhe nomination of candidates Tiniifr
the cider of business, and the nomin
ation of a county attorney being in
order Mr. Garlow placed, in nomin
ation E. W. fiobart of Colnmbna. The
semination was seconded by F 3L
Cookmkam of Humphrey. The
mies were suspended and Mr. Ho hart
was nominated by acclamation. He
made a brief address to the conTen
tion, which speaks for itself. 3r.
Hobart spoke as follows, in part.
I rrvtTjir the convention for the honor
conferred upon me by this unanimous
nomination. It is an honor to be nom
inated for orSce on tne republican
ticket although it may be in the face
of an adverse majority I want to
urse republicans to stand by the ticket
and work hard for it. and not to be
ashamed of their principles. There
is a great deal to be proud of in the
record of the republican party and the
part it nas played m the hi3rory of
1 the country In the fifty years of the
republican party's existence and ad
, ministration cf the affairs cf the na
tion, the United States has come to
be the greatest nation cf the world.
The record of the party for achieve
men: has been more than maintained
by Theodore Roosevelt. He has kept
his pledze made at the death of the
mnrdereil iLiEinley Democrats, und
ine nothing to say against him, have
taken refuze in the indefinite, mean-
To 'juoce the words of tne great inde
pendent lawyer of Baltimore, Charles
J. Bonaparte, Roosevelt is mwatV only
to grafters and thieves , to the real
, busings interests of the caucx.k.
ia perfectly ssvfti.
In our present state rov
we have a zovemar who may hare
hL- faults, but he has proved that he
is a zocti man and lie has ziven the
rat1 a business-like administration.
Our state treasurer, Mr. Mortenaen, is
one of tee best treasurers the state
ha.- ever had.
The old cry that tne republican
party is under the control of the rail
rcacs is a revival cf the same cnarge
tnar was made in 1-1 when Seese,
who was not a corporation man, was
defeated. The republican party has
had cause to recret zhe acts cf some
of its officials, but wnere there nave
been crimes cemmittd they have been
punished. Its defauitms state treas
urer. Earziev, was prosecuted by a re
publican attorney genera- sent to
the penitentiary by a republican
juc:re. How dees tnis compare with
the record cf democratic officials in
Flatte county who utterly failed to
prosecute a defaulting democratic
countv ireasurer His crime was ex
actly the same as Hartley s ,
, iifference was in the amoun:
the only
of men-
,ey stolen.
In conclusion, I want to urge every
! republican present to assist his town
ship committeeman co roll z-a a ma;or-
, ity for BcGsevelt and to elect the re
publican ticket m Piatte county, and
put Piatte county in line wirh. the rest
of the state.
For representative. O. C. Shannon
nominated Joseph Henggler of Bis-
mark townsnin. me also was nomin
ated unanimously under suspension
cf the rules. Mr Hensgler was not
present to accept the ncminaticn in
person, but it was known that he would
accept it. though he had not sought it.
The following delegate were un
animously selectee to represent the
county at the float representative
convention W. A. McAllister, E.
H. Chambers, Henry Rodehorst, O C.
Shannon and David Tinma of Co
lumbus, Harry Lamb of Burrows, Ed
Hcare cf Lost Creek. Arthur Little cf
Mcnrce, Fred Meedel cf Loup and E
G. Strother cf Monroe.
A delegates to the senatorial con
vention the foilcwiag were named,
without contest
Garrett Hnlst, Hugh Hughes, Carl
Eramer, Howard Clark and C C.
Gray of Columbus . J. L. Sharrar aad
"els Olson of Crestcn, Xels Olson cf
Walker. F. M. Ccokingham of Gran
ville, and Chris Meedel of Butier-
C J. Garlow introduced and spoke
in favor of the following resolution,
which was adopted :
Whereas, a move is en foot to intro
duce and push to a successful cermim
aaan at the next session cf coawresa
a bill to be known as a "Postal Tele
phone bilL" the object "i Tmawrinw
of which is to enact a law prnTi?fny
for the issuance of a SDscial scaura
wnich. when placed uuen a leoar
tH unr tupnwirti v.ix .T :ii 1
country aad bcac the raxal
into more direct aad
aaon wxtn ais
-BTreT.I t rha
rereaae of the
wits aay aardjsup osi
say anaenaf
Tfcwefore, at ix
ralnasras im this
Nebraska to
for the
a lav, aid we
, sopyof tmia
rasoimtiac. be Bailed to
man and ss rnr ia this
A aotiaa was carried empoweriag
the cantral -ommittat to fill say -cancy
occurriac on tae ticket.
D.MNewmaa was elected secretary
of tne central coau-tittee and H. A.
Clarke treasurer.
Hanaony aw-'w tke entire prooeed
iaga of the cenrentioa, aad every dele
gate was wnthniiaarrr in praise of the
ticket nomiaated. Bepablicaas seem
ed generally impressed with the fact
that this is a year when things are
coining their way, aad that with a
strung ticket, unitedly supported, aad
active work by every repablican, the
Platte county T-arhfun which has so
long wazad fat in faarifri security
may be knnckwd thrown the ropes.
Mr. Hobsart's speech was oae of
common sense aad fact, the kiad of
argument that appeals to fateHigeace
rather than prejmdice. It was the
sentiment of every delegate present
that victory is within reach if the
same harmony aad unity of effort may
be continued through the entire cam-
Joseph Hngg was born on a farm
near Dubuque, la. , June 10, IsoT. In
the same year his parents moved to
Omaha, and in the year following to
the present home in Platte county,
nine miles northeast of Columbus. Mr.
FTp-aggler received his education in
the roniTsnn schools of Flatte cotmty.
Ee was in baaiaea. in Colambas for
13 years, beginning at the age of 30.
Then he returned to the farm where
he has since been located. Mr.
Henggler has been a farmer of the
scientific kind, a careful student of
agriculture and a wide reader. He
has never held office of any kind ex
cetst that of Justice cf the
He was a democrat up until the
paign of 15i when - ---Ti-e-Tfm
of Cleveland had dssaoaatrated the
fsllsrinnsnasg of free trade aad the
democratic warty strayed after the aew
craze of free silver. Since that time
Mr. Henggler has been a repablican,
because he has become convinced that
it is to the interest of the farmer as
well as the small business dealer to
keep in power the party which has
provided protection for the weaker
industries and has oppesed tne growth
of the moaopoiies which are now sack
ing the election af Parker, the Wall
street candidate.
Bainh W.
ia ls6o. Ele was educated in Kuuc's
College in Fova Scotia, where his
father was far many years United
States ccnsuL Later he was graduat
ed from the law department of the
University of Michigan at Ana Arbor.
He practiced his profess-on in Del
Rapids. 5. D. for ten years, coming
to Columbus in 1901. He has been
engaged in the practice of law since
his coming to this dry, having been
in partnership with J. G. Reeder and
later with L L. Albert, which latter
partnersnip still continues.
A warrant has been sworn out by
Joseph Lisco, proprietor of an Eleventh
street saloon, against Arphonsn Heintz,
for assault and battery. Lisco 's story
is that Heine, was requested by him
to leave the saloon last Saturday even
ing, and when the request was not
rampl'4 with he asarted to eject him
forcibly, whereupon Heinz threw a
heavy beer glass as him, striking him
on the ide of the face aad cutting his
face. The case was called before
Justice O'Brien aad cceadnaed until
Saturday morning.
Fire Department will meet at Fire
men's Eall as 12:20 September 5 in
full uniform with apparatus. Parade
as L p. m. 1- Colnmbna Band. 2.
Mayor and members of City CoanciL
3. Columbus Fire Department. 4.
Music by band
Address of Welcome by Mayor
Music by band
Adress f or Firemen by Edgar How
ard Music by band
L Boys Foot race 10 yrs aad under
2 prizes
2. Beys Foot race 15 yrs aad under 3
3. Men Free for all Foot
4. Firemen's foot race, 3 pziaec.
5. Potato race, 2 prises
6. Three legged
7. Sack race, 2 pri
S. Shoe race,
9. Barrel race, 2 prises.
10. Girls foot race. 15
aad un
der, 2
Ladies footrace, 2
ladies sail driving
TV"' gy aad
tkeUaiaad Stasis,
rssnlTsd, that tbs
of SKI
14. Fig-aee, Boys 15 aad under, 1
15. Straight away haae race
In. Wet hose race.
17. Beg-Jadcm aaok aad ladder raoa.
15. Water fight.
Dance in the eveaiag. priaae for the
aaaa of Aa city aad will ha am exhi
bitioa at the aaareaf B. Baga-zaad
4. ml wtsgiey oc auraare; aauvexea- --- - -- ---y -----. ---------.
9M -j in. mmWmm bmIIw the addsass. Thare wan a veeal damt 0-l--ba Smaday,
TTi ii ! Tii atsni T-" ay Mr. aad Mrs. Ezakrat, aad red- John Jaaiac left, hast -weak for an
-z i n t iiii i i - - x7 - - CX
naa as aaaama. mmamm sw -asBssa ri-si aauaa - -hmusu. -.- s - . - BBns
I rBaw. E. J. Ulmar mt the Baptist Mim Lattie Hnr-wahergai is back
Attempt at jail breaking ia haeaaa- mu wtu g-s -at in the assaaal frosa a week's visit with the fa-aily
iag a habit of with Hgeaa- . .mtfm the Low mt, Elkhaa a. Dr. TL H. Matz of Hamphrey.
prisoners. Last Maay, OaKthsr. the ic A-ar-i-i -a-aek --ill m .:. -- - - -. -
held on the charge at
the hone aad baggy
Wiaslow's livery
aad srrerdnd in sawing of
iron bars hot oae of a jail
before his acts were discovered. The
work was done -y the dav while
the prisoner- were oaoaade their eaa
Ed Rossi ter happened to walk
the court hoase Moaday night
before lea-ring for
the loosened baza. In
S-fcsriff Carrig imi locked Garther is
his cell but did not
wrong, if Garther's
wozkad, he would have freed
other prisoners, Weaver who is held
for slabbing Otto Kampf aad the
yomag man held an the charge of
entering burglariously the hoase of
Mike Casain on the night of the fire
at Gray's store.
A telegram received by David
Thomas last night, announced the
sudden death, on a train near Chey
enne, of Mrs. Thomas' mother, Mrs.
Jaae Taylor. The telegram --- -
no T-rt-"T-- and Mr. Thcaaaa, up
to the time the Joornal gaas to press,
has been unable to gee ia telegraphic
communication with other
of the family to
for the funeraL Mrs. Taylor was mors
than seventy years old at the time of
her death. Siie was born in Wales aad
came to Platte county with her has
band in the fall of 1ST3 aad settled oa
Shell Creea. Her first husband died
in the spring of 1S74 aad several years
later she married again. Eight child
ren, three sons and five daughters re-
sotted from her first
Thomas is the oldest dnugk
children living in Nebraska are
L K. Jones of Joliet, Mrs. Frank
gees of Crestcn, Mrs. Thos. Irwin of
South Omaha. Another daaghier,
Mrs. Davis lives in Laramie aad the
sons Edward, Frank, and Albert live
in the west.
A late telegram to D. Thosias aa that the funeral of Mrs. lay-"
lor. mother of Mrs. Thomas, will he
held in Cheyenne today.
Between Columbus and Grand Is
land, probably an the Monastery road,
a small, new hand grip. Finder please
return to Journal office and get re
ward. r
Is a preparation to keep the mes and insects away from animalf,
simply by spraying the liquid or rubbing it on with a cloth. It
works fine and if you once use it you will not be without it.
Large quantity cheaper.
Chas. Ii. Dack Druggist
The Journal's TREE CHABTS are
GOING FAST! 1,000 Charts will
not last 60 days at the rate they
are going.
If you are an old subscriber, pay
one year in advance and get a S3
Chart FREE ! If you are not a
subscriber- send in your subscrip
tion TODAY !
Wtat tfc Ctt Ct3 : I;
1st Page A handaome mulii-eoiored
map of the world, vaad, the
only T--p of the ?"3 pabiiafced. '
showing the saga and eoes-of-ara-s r.
of all nations. Retail price of thas '
map $!,
2nd Page A large and complete map r
of Nebraska. The beat and latest ;1
map cf the state pablished. In- ;
mspensanle to every Nebraska. ;
Retail price. 75c.
3d PageA large map of the Unitad '
Sases new. Os-Secee 40 per cent
more of the smaller towns than us
ually shown in a Unitad States i
map. The Electoral vote iaprixt-
ed is red jigvrev on. each atate.
Also fine half-taae Baeturas of all
the presidents from Waahf-gtm to
Eooaevelt with
Can, write or see one of our agents.
Columbus Joumal Go.
CsTYa-9 sraTrml IMIHIII TjOCAI. aaBsaBa-aeaaaB
M-B- Bec-ar of -nr-r ta-K -C.
Bar-Laoewtn take lor hit sahjact . -"cfrT? l I Mm
j . . l ? ox tae J isaat mcvaar arersManay. er
aa ane asseaBBBBB ia aae maaaaoim at -v
iy Poiaad China hog ale, aa page foar
AtteasuaaaarviaahaidiaFaak- "
tart aack awt ja-n--y af-Bfasan, Bcv. Stanley Maty, who has been in
- . . . . .... - Bn-IT 9nm ) w4
Daisy BaBaahaL win he gaae ahoat foar weak-, mmz
----J'"T hM f- ST naa-hr h Stk. -. r ri. t-iha hi.i1.. t --
" - ""- -- uossnuo.
wi OeJambas psap-s gaairslly will he Mrs. F. H. Rosche eatactaiaed
W3ww" o saww oat jkt. v. -l, twelve ladies as sapper last Friday
am wiHet-da regaiar pceaeaiag La hoacc ef Mra. a J. Dale who is
BBriiiia ia his eharch aaxt Saaaaay. -iaitiag at her hoaae.
TTT- n-iiriii hka IHt ia-aiiiiaiT . .-
Ktmmmn. . Z " , x" i:o 7 graniaar aaassu-w ia as
---L. Tl?-J--1jl Wrk " Tmd" tk5m
sapper and aoticai T -," .. Vf " anaa-y err-fiasK
Far a
will be held only in
s subject
will he "It
IDs amlpit was Hied
Bar. J. . Wrigley of
Milford, aad
fction wi
Becker, Hockeaberger d. Chaashera,
agaats, report the follow-
filed for record
lia the office of the county clerk during
the week ending Aag. .7, 1904.
W. L. Cook to Ida E. Selson, n
lt7 aad 8, hlk 153 CoL, wd tftOO;
Hiaa Wurdeseaa et al to Araeld Sch
aai, a2 ae S-lS-l E, wd $1500: Wat
I-wke to LE Chambers, pt It d,
hik 12, Flatte Censer, wd $400; A.
ft. Matson to Carrie Pearson, Its 4
sad 9, blk 9, Peazaall's add CoL,
w 91500; Frank Adams to G. Bereh
tald, aw nw 3-17-1 E and wi sw 3--1S-IX,
telOT; West Hill Praabytsriaa
akarch to Paleatiae Baptist charch,
ft seae3-lS-4 W, qed fLOO: John
n s9aa1rm-t ---B-rf -. kaMk
w- tLOt; Alex Ccddar to A. L.
Gihaoa. It 2 aad s. aw 4-lf-2 W. wd
C. K. Davies to H. Hoeksa-lt-,
blk 2, Hrgh-iarf Park
CoLfBOO; E. Flscaer to Stora
Co., at It 8, Uk IIS, CoL
Wm Eissers to Jac Krehs, pt
sw 19-20-1 W, wdSttrOhsviBeinke
te Aag. grmegar. Its 5 aai 6, Uk 173,
unL wdtaoo.
Glass to
a Bocg, ,
Vaateluhau, 22, Ca-ro-I,
Iowa to Barbara Fisher, 24-Hamphrey.
John T. Bar-man, 37, Detroit, Mich.
to Kate Amy Beatty, 31, Erie. Penn.
Chas. Miller, 54, Monroe to Dollie
G. Larrabee, 43. Oasaha-
There are other maps, but the
Journal's are the best.
E-STOBICAL: The oldest
in the county. The Indian stories
in the -Many Tears Ago" rteaas.
alone worth snore than the price of
POUTICALr The only republican
paper thas gives the news of the
entire eosnty.
i in The JoarsaL
REMEMBERi "The Journal eub
seripcua List iiiii ala the eaaa-
of The Joumal aad the
and as open to the
s-om'a -attnae- aaxt aaar m'-aa
aju -- - ... ..... - i umii -sum ii-iii r -. ,
T - - - kl I u - : T.I1. B--J.. -- - b.
I rtr -nil aw "it ta -aur . -b-mc-
----- al
me aKu. .
W-a W- r-wi- r-a Jnhn
M BUMP am niu MVHvt ic
Mim Mazioa South
arrived in Co-
Iaaba today,
from hsr
to raaaiae her work
in the Colambas arhools aa rancher of
Mrs. M. Whitmayer aad her two
daughters MTawa Florence aad Ger
trade weat to Gaaoa today to visit
at the hoaae of Mr. aad Mrs. Robert
C. Aadarson.
David Tin aaaa. who spent several
days this weak Inoiisf over his lead
in Joliet township, nays that he has
aever seen a better prospect for a
large crop of corn.
Mias Julia Miller of Omaha, who
has haaa visiting Mis Lottie Hocken-
, left Saturday far St. Louis
aha will visit the exposition
before raaatniag to her hoaae.
Dr. W. B. Evans of Pitt-berg. Fa
in Pol am has and will
the Arm af Dm. Martya, Evaaa. Evans
Jt Martyn, jr. He is a nephew of Dr.
G. D. Evaaa.
Ia Justice Cutis' court this morn
ing, August Wagner was fined five
dollars and oases far assault on the
person of B. P. Deify. Mr. Wagner
said that he woeJd pay the fine and
the oaae woald not be appealed.
Mrs. Frank Word-man of Boheet
will eater-tin at a hoase party.
Elate Fohl aad Lottie Hockea-
t mux go .many,- sua roni
isa Arlae Kavnaaaarh Satur
day, aad Mr. aad Mrs. Howard Clark
Willie Eockenberger entertained
fifty young friends last Thursday
afternoon at his home. They played
hearts and flinch. Prizes were won by
North JSvaaa and Helen Busier. Ice
cream aad cake were served, and they
had a dance afterwards.
Carle T. TfrKinnie reports from his
homestead in the Rosebud that he has
a team and wagon and feels like a
full-tiedged farmer. Otto Hacel has
filed on his land, but has not yet de
cided what he will do with it. Leo
Gietzea has pa sard up his right, not
considering it worth the trouble.
The Episcopal Sunday school had
their picnic yesterday at Stevens
grove. They wens on two hay racks,
bus the first section broke down be
fore the destination was reached and
had to return to the city far repairs.
In the evening the Idlers club wens
cue to the grove and had a dance.
Prof. Sike furnished the mssic
Two cases of scarlet fever have been
reported by Dr. Voas to the dry
authorities. They are the two child
ren of Raymond Eaney. living on
west Thirteenth, street, a girl seven
years old aad a boy one year old.
Ttte residence was quarantiuec this
a-oraing. The cases have not yet de
veloped snfideatly so that the serious
ness of the rfisrasr may be told.
A boy. sixteen years old, who was
working with a hay stacker os the
farm of Al Butler, northwest cf tows,
one day last week, was struck by the
arm of the acker aad knocked frcm
the stack. His head was painfully cut
aad he was u-Kcnscicus for some time,
hat his injury was pronounced not se
noaa by Dr. Martyn, jr. The accident
was ceaser by the breaking of a rope
which palls up the hay.
The Colambas crgam-arfnn of the
(-acholic Knights of America held their
aanaal haakar picnic last Sunday in
the heaanful grove of Joseph Hengg
ler. Ahoat oae-hnadred people, in
Hmliag the Knights aad th!- fimfTfrs
wara present. They -lied their baskets
for two -seals aad stayed tin eveaiag.
aad t-----n. sports helped to
this picnic one of the meat
eajoyab-e in the history of the organ---
Ia the eveadng Mr. and Mrs.
T-igg- invited in about two hun
dred yoaag people who enlivened the
with songs aac all kinds cf
The ball
a-alpfor the
10 to 6. Up
boys were un
to find the halL bat after they
text to the twist of she Schuyler
they pas him oat of the bcx.
for the home boys
high grade battery
tea. There
ia as the ante. Next S
ansae will he with David Cirr.
David City hoys
j between Co
resulted in aa-
so the foarth
ftars h)g.
(Frosa files of Joumal December 7,"
1370. y
P. Becker oar clever aad enterpris
ing townsBaaa has cammeaced work
on his brick yard. This will give
employmeetf to a geadly ih-- at
aad will be a aaviaar invest-
to oar worthy dti-aas.
Coon Darling is said to have the
beat pair of hocaes in all thiaregioc.
aoaaebocy -ersabonla is --T-y she
bafCalo; every large aad ahaggT head
of the acid of the plajae was thrown
oa the platform at the depot the other
We learn from E. R. Dean thas a
Blacksmith shop has beam epened near
his farm in Batler coansv by Capaain
Miaa Warren of nTtyjt
We hear from a reliable scarce that
as the French settlement on the Elk
horn ahoat forty miles ahrve Sor
folk, a party of Sioux came aova. for
the panaaa of -?- - i wHny
the mrrmmyr, BiI Tnf--i Tifa-
epca being fed by the Battlers
aad when denied this privilege, help
ed thaaaaelves. Therefore the settlers
armed themselves, selecting Squire
aa captain, and gave the Tertian
killing three and wouniimr
aeveral of the siioux, with only one
white -tan womnded. The Indiana
are now scarce en the fTT-Ttorn.
The qaescioa for the next Friday
evening debating society will be "Is
intemperance a source of greater evil
than war famiaa aad pestilence."
What do oar aaetarn talks who have
been told that Mebraeka was a cold.
bleak, hyperborean regioa. think of
farmers plowing right along until
December first, cr mosquitoes buzz
ing around of nights up to that date'1
Such are facts.
bTh-hi i Kelley Wilson are erecting
a residence for Mr. Marmcy near th
Congregational h-rr-r? They will
begin soon to build a business house
far Wm. Speice.
We publish the following, which i
made up from the list cf those who
advertise in the Platte Journal At
torneys, Laander Gerrard. C. A.
Speice, waw-- s Conroy. 5. L.
Holm: hanking, A. J. Stevens, black
Bmitha, L. M. Cook. Wm. Ecefelman;
boots and shoes, James Eanaa,Lcuis
Phillip, Bone teel Bro. : billiards. John
H. Bowaa:brewerT, Charles Bremer;
carpenters, Chas. H. Davis, H. C.
Hughes, slley- Wilscn: cloth in g and
gent's furnishing goods, -LBuharh , Wm
Speice, Boaeateel Bros. ; crockery and
glassware, C. B- Srilltaan, 6ettoa
W-aterbothaa-, Jno Sickly; dry
goods, Eben Pierce, Eoaesteel Bros. .
drugs and medicine-, CT. E. Stillaan ;
furniture, Sutton W lnterbotharr. .
fruit and confectionery, J. A- Baker
groceries etc. John Rickiy. P. E.
Becker, hardware, H. P. Cecil-ge,
Jno Rickiy , harness, Dan Faucets .
horses and stock. E. A. Gerrard Ce. ;
hotels. Clother, Pacific R. B. House,
insurance, S. L. Eolu-u Leander
Gerrard , wholesale liquors and to
bacco, AaleriHeller ; lumber. Turner
(S Hulas; mens and vegetables. S. J.
Marmoy, Thos. Flynnmiillinery, Mrs.
J. A. Arthur, professional nurse, Mrs.
VarhiTHa. Smith; physicians, J. C. j
Scillman, S. A. Eanesteel, p:u?,
Jerome McGinnis. SmitcJb Henderson ;
Pawnee gcois, L. W. Piatt. , ranching ,
stock. J. E. Beebe , real estate, A. J. ?
Stevens, Speice & North, Taylor '
Smith ; staves, tin etc.. H. P Ccci
idge, Sutton Wisterfcotham ; veterin-
ary surgeon, A. Heintz watches, A. '
J. Arnold; Wells, Lehman. Lawrence
(From files of Jcitrnal December 21,
On last Friday a horrible sighs met
our eyes. Lying en a beard m the
office of cur coroner, Dr Ecnesteel,
was the mangled corpse cf a nesro
man, prcoably about thirty-five years
old. who to all appearances had been :
well so do. There was no means of ;
identification, is is thought thas he '
had been stealing a ride en the east
bound train, standing between too '
cars. One of his fees was found, a
half mile from the body and the body
was horribly mutilated.
Polk couirsy, having voted bridge ,
bonds, now advertises for -Diana and
specifications. The south c nan-el is
always fordable but of ccurse bridge
is similar sc the Pioneer bridge
will be a great improve--ens worthy ,
the citizens of Polk county. The
bridge is so cross the channel
miles wess of she eastern boundary of
the county, aad the probable length
of is will be tiOO feet. '
Jac. Rickiy shipped two large hogs
to Bryan station lass Friday. One
weighed 366 and the other 404 pcunrN
Get a Jcarnal wall chars ycrseif i
and tell your friends hew to get it. .
Biris-Eje Vie" of the Colum
bia River '
An attractive tcpocraahieal map, in
colors. zivmr a cocipreiiensive idea of the
country on and tncutarv to the Ccinm-;
bia Eiver. This map is m folder form. '
on the reverse aide contains an interest-
description of the Colnrnbia Eiver l
route. Copies sent free by E. L. LO-'
MAX. G.P.:T. A- U. P. E. E. CO!
Omaha. Nehru on
receipt of four cents
$1L50 To St. Loxus aad Setza.
The Burii-gton offers the above lo-s-rate
for tickets good m coaches and
chair cars I'seata free- On sale Tiiesdays
and Inursdaya ennng August and Sep
tember. See me for fall particular?.
Ticket Agent.
it here. When yon save it at home'.
it's idle; it leges it's eaminsr power.
Make your saved-up dollars earn more
for you; set them workinff day and night
at oar bank addimr 3 per eect latere?.
compounded semi-acnnally to whirl yon "
have saved.
Start the dollars working t.-day.
The OM Reli-Me
Golumbus State Bank.
We own. and control 10.000
acre? cf the choicest land m
Thomas Countv Kansas.
Here ia what we claim for
thia country
It ia fine, smooth, well-erasecd
prairie land, rich, deep black soil
oc clay sabeoii; an ineifaanstible
supply of pire water, and the
most cealt-rai chn-ite in th state.
Gcod neighbors and sood sohoois.
The dairy will pay th- Thocd
county f;im:ers i30XXLL0 thw
seaejn. They raiee bnmper cropo
of all kinds over LX'Wt) bush
els of vheiit this seaoc. many
fields yieidins 4i) bushels per acre.
Other crops in proportion.
Thorna; is tae county of fat
cattle and hoes, fin horses and
mules, and the thrifty hen that
never :res sick in this country.
Price, oaly S10O to- S15.CA) per
acre, on terms to suit parcfaaser.
Isn't this just what you have been
looking for"' We coon investi
gation. ELLIOTT, SPEiCE & CO.,
Cohimba-u Xefar.
".". 'I V
in Farms
- r-
Parties desiring- to sell or .-ex- 4
change their hicn-pnced Idcds in X
Platte and adjoining- counties wil ,j
do well to examine our iands in ?
Sherman county. We ao have ZC
lands in Buffalo, Custer and titter
counties in centra- Nebraska. '
Prices 510 p-r acre for r&cra
unimprovud land to 5S) and 15 X
for well improved valley !aci. i
t B&GHER. ::
J 1-0GKEr.B&RGER & t
1 1 II II 1 1 IIIII 1 1 II I II III II
Has just receivai
a new stock or
I Fine Wall Paper!
We invite the pub
lic to look the Irae
over ibre bcvii!:
i Rogers' Stalifiaar Fm.
by asy yi:ta or otat r .t-.
A rrri 2ar2UM3sC -rzli
eiic:si2il a cr-scnpcuu-i.
Call en aa.
Manager. X
i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nun i
If a "Vfa- s Lcve,
If a Woman is tn Lcn.
But if they intend to ret married.
Columbus. Nebraska
Q-rre c csr door
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