The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 24, 1904, Image 8

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SIS Well Street,
. Hasxxette. il. Sent 25. 1908.
pt I was all inn down from nervoue-
It my position and take a test. I
found tnat l was not gaining hit
'strength and health as fart as I
jvntH wisV and an votrr Wine of
I Cardoi was recommended as each a
good medicine for the ills or oar
sex, 1 uougnt a uonie anu wgu
using it. 1 was satisfied with the
results from the use of the first
bottle, and took three more and then
found I was restored to good health
and strength and able to take up
niv viT-tr uritli nrnnwoil viirnr. I
i consideritafinetonicand excellent
for worn-out, nervous condition,
! and am pleased to endorse it.
S.KorthWJmnaln Hollaed Soetaty.
Secure a SUOO bottle of Wine of
TCardui and a 25c package of
.Thedfords Black-Draught today.
World's Fair
Low Rates
The Union Pacific will mil
Round Trip tickets to St.
Louis and return at follow
ing low rates.
I Every day to Nov. 30, Rood to re
turn 11 dui'a
Every day to Nov. 20, good to re
turn GO days.
Every day to Nov. 15, good up to
Dec. 15.
Inquire of
W. H. IEUM, Igt.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II II
Soda Fountain. i
These are jiiGt the summer
time trimmings. An old re
liable drugstore. Prescrip
tions fllled by a registered
pharmacist. Everything in
the drug line nnd the best
cigars in town.
I W. Schupbach.i
A. C. Oxg. A. M., L.U IS., l'res., Omaha.
PBor. A. J. Lowky, Princ
Endorsed by First Natl
Uuak and business men.
f . 8 in Roll Top Desks. Bant Fixtures and
80 Typewriters. Students can work for board.
Send for free catalogue, bound in alligator,
finest ever published by a Business College
Bead it, and you will attend the N. B. C.
Good yeast is the life
of bread without yeast
bread is cold, dead dough.
You never tasted finer,
whiter, sweeter, all
ronnd better bread than
that raised with Yeast
Foam. Ittasteseood.does
good, and stays fresh and
moist until the last
crust disappears.
contains the energizing
principle of leaven in its
purest form. It is made
from healthful vegetable
ingredients, malt, hops,
corn, etc., in the largest,
cleanest, yeast factory in
the world.
The secret is in the yeast
AU grocers sell it at 5 cents
a-package enough to make
40 loaves of bread. With
acoper care it never grows
stale. Keep it on hand all
the time. Scad for oar book
How to Make Mnmi,n Jree.
f jij-zj&oaeae,
ColasabM, Boats 1. (Corrofpon
deaos.) The ihock threshing is all
! dose on this roate and the fanners
are all bmsy fcayiag and plowing.
Fred Cattaa was on the soath side
of oor roate three days last week
ahelliajr corn.
D. G. Bartels has the materials on
the groand for an addition to his
Arnold Shaad is building quite a
large granary.
E. Buss marketed a carload of hogs
this week.
Ohas. Taylor, the cattle buyer, was
driving orer this route one day this
What makes William Ernst wear
that broad smilo? Ask the little baby
girl about it.
The first section of rorito one was
about an hour bite last Friday morn
ing, owing to an accident. No serious
result?, only a broken wagon tongue.
Edwin Fiedler went to look over
his farm ttareo miles west of Platte
Center last Friday. lie has a bump
ing crop of corn and oats.
W. G. Brommer and family who
have been visiting the family of A.
W. Frese. returned to their homo at
Omaha last Tuesday.
B. F. D. Ho. 3.
Golambns. R. F. D. No. ::. (Cor
respondence. ) Mrs. A. M. Mahaffey
has returned from her visit in Seward.
Mr. Pine expects to leave soon for
Colorado where he will spend the
Fred Bargmann marketed his fat
cattle Monday forenoon.
John Kamm. feeling somewhat in
disposed last week, fonnd it necessary
to take a few days vacation from his
duties as engineer with a threshing
Willhvn Menoke is building quite a
good sized combined corn crib and
Tom Adams was basy threshing his
oats Saturday and Monday, an outfit
from Syracuse, Neb. doing the work.
W. T. Ernst finished cutting his big
meadow of nay this week.
D. Beulen is arranging to seed near
ly 80 acres to winter wheat this fall.
These cool nights make the popular
discussion as to how soon corn will be
oat of the way of a frost.
The folks at Fred Windrup's bouse
remembered that the carrier was fond
of plants last week. Those found in
their mail box were delightful to us
indeed. The beaatifal flowers, the
lascioas apples, peaches, and the cool
drinks of lemonade we received from
the generous hands of onr patrons the
past week daring those warm davs
made the drive of their letter carrier
a whole lot shorter and more agree
able. And we hope that we may be
spared to carry their mail continuous
ly like Sisyphus who, according to
my thology, was given a job of rolling
a stone np a hill. But the difference
between as and Sisyphus is that be
wanted to strike and we can't.
Columbus, Route 4. (Correspond
ence. ) The school house in district
has been reshingled
and plastered
condition for
and put in first-class
D. F. Doaoghue has some of the
finest apples we nave seen. Ye scribe
had the pleasure of puttiucr his teeth
into several of them lately and can
vouch for their good flavor.
H. J. Eggleston has some tame
plums that for size and flavor put the
California varieties in the shade.
Some of them measure two inches in
Miss Magfge Hawk of Iowa stopped
off here for a few days visit with her
brother. J. F. Hawk, on her way to
Idaho where she will teach school the
coming year.
Chas. Chapin is building quite an
extensive woven wire hog pasture.
Ed Rowiter and his brother from
Omaha called on J. C. Dineen last
William Will's new house is inclosed
and will soon bo ready for the plaster
ing. Miss Lena Pharman has returned to
Henry Hoffensief ken's after a two
weeks vacation.
Frank Hillmer has gone to South
Dakota where 4 he will stay a couple
of months.
J. T. Hawk is nursing a lame lee
this week. Last Thursday Mr. Hawk
went to Boyd Dawson's to telephone
for a doctor and a vicious dog attack
ed him, biting him in the ankle. A
physician dressed the wound and it
is thought there will be no serious
Robert Blorr of Oconee was visiting
friends in Golambns this week.
Mrs. Maud Shaffer was shopping in
the county seat last Thursday.
Parties are circulating a petition
praying to have some much needed
grading on the roads west of Colum
bus. Let the good work go on.
Star Soute.
Henry Welch of Shell Creek was in
Colubmas Monday.
R. F. D. No 3. writes of the arrival
of a bright eyed boy baby and a sweet
girl baby like one with authority,
owing to Mr. Barron's previous declar
ation of the stand that he had taken
on the subject of babies, it wonld be
in order for him to call No. 3 down.
Daward Davis has gone to Boheet.
Hsaxpects to remian about one week.
Some unkind person who appeared
to be a doubting Thomas in not the
least reserved manner declared to a
group of companions on the street one
eveaJag recently that he doubted the
veracity of Mr. Barron's statement
about the sun flowers upon a certain
street in town; now we are in possess
ion of all kinds of evidence to sub
stantiate Mr. Barroas statement. AU
along oar Roate are fine specimens of
jast sach sunflowers as Mr. Barron
told yon about but the farmers are
waging war on them in somelooalit
ies, one man in particalra, Peter
Tamhel Down, whose name is with
held from pubiioatiou has been work
ing on one of these monsters for nearly
a wash, and has aaoossdsd' la chop
ping It tally half way through on one
the) aasmrsby to
be on the alert as he expects it to fall
the first still day we have from the
northwest. Mr. Tamble Down hails
xrom'the coal fields of Penn. and knows
how to wield an ax.
There has been trance stillness
about Shell Greek postoffice for the
past three weeks tbat is not generally
prevalent under similar circumstances.
Robert Welch has daring this time
kept very much in hiding and enly
when taken by sarprise could we
barely get a glimpse of him bat aside
from thinking it jast a little strange,
paid no more attention to it until Sat
urday morning when an auntie came
into the postoffice and holding np a
sweet littie bright eyed baby girl of
two weeks told the writer to look at
Robert's baby, well we finally came
too. cr at least sufficiently to speak.
The auntie in charge vanished, so with
a determination to see Robert and
find out all about how it happened we
stared ont doors but there was no
Robert in sight. All was as still as
death out doors, but on driving away
we caught sight of Grandpa Welsh
peeping through a crack in the old
blacksmith shop, just as though he
thought he might be to blame in
some way. Now, we don't want to
accuse Robert of being ashamed of
his baby, for he might well feel
proud of her. Perhaps it is just a
slight embarrassment that ho will
overcome sooner or later, as the case
may be.
Last Saturday morning tho fast mail
on the Star Route slipped an eccentric,
going down the hard pull just at tho
corner of the Johnson farm, and had
to go on the repair track. Mr. John
son came ont and seeing how badly
we felt said he would give us a couple
heads of cabbage to cheer us up, say
ing that he wonld rather give them
to a man than have the wormB eat
them, and hinted that he would pick
a pocketful of plums for us while we
put in a new brass. Of course we
hurried as last as we could for fear
he would think we were intentionally
slow, but Mr. Johnson must be swift
at picking plums, for he had a flour
sack full of them loaded into the
wagon before we could possibly get
started. But we will try and not let
it happen again at Mr. Johnson's.
We met J. E. Dischner coming to
town with a load of hogs. He re
newed his subscription to the Journal,
and said ho was an old line democrat
but likes to reaa the Journal.
Among others who subscribed for
the Journal during the past week,
were August Kerkman and CarlKorte.
The latter expressed himself as being
very much pleased with the wall
We are under obligations to Mr.
Gerhard Rosche for a sack of fine
apples found at his mail box Monday.
Loup and Platte Valley .
Loup & Platte Valley News. (Cor
respondence. ) Everybody hi busy hay
ing. The Misses Lida, Rena and Gladys
Turner of Columbus were visiting
among friends and acquaintances in
Grenttli a few days.
The Sunday School of Grenttli will
have their annual picnic the fourth of
next month, at the home of H. Blaeer.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Plagemann, Henry
Seip and Miss Lena Plagemann of Co
lumbus were Sunday visitors at the
home of F. Meedel.
M. Bruggerand family accompanied
by some of their friends made a trip
to the country one day last week iu au
automobile. Automobiles are not seen
evry day in onr vicinity. They stop
ed at the home of G. Bienz to get a
G. J. Kummer is hauling the build
ing material for his new barn, pretty
nearly all his neighbors turning out
to help him. R. Giesen and J. Gaff
ner have the contract to build the barn.
II. E. Babcock and O. C. Higgins
went to Omaha yesterday on business.
Mrs. C. Wentrch and Mrs. Jobu
Smocker and son Fred were guests at
the house of O. Bienz over Snnday.
Hubert Adams of Gardiner received
a nespatcn irom bngland recently
announcing the death of bis father.
He will start for Englaud in about
ten days taking his son Thomas and
brother Edgar with him.
The three Columbus ladies who
visited in this neighborhood last Wed
nesday, decided to go to Genoa to vis
it the Indian school, Mies Lidia Eiee
nmann going with them.
Creston. (Correspondence). The
ball game hist Sunday between Co
lumbns and Creston resnlted in a score
of S to 0 in favor of Columbus.
Sidney Eastman returned the end of
last week from Okoboji, Iowa where
he Had been for his vacation for the
past ten days. He reports a very en
joyable time, fishing and boating.
He says that a resident of Lake
Okoboji tells a story about catching
a fish hist season tbat weighed two
hundred and forty pounds. S.E.
thinks it must have been a whale.
The baby of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Nash has been quite sick for the past
two weeks, r
The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Eastman
has been quite sick for several days.
Nels Hasselbach, the St. Edward
merchant, was visiting in Creston
Sidney Eastman still wants to buy
a male St. Bernard pup.
Miss Katie Luchsinger who has
been living at the Eastman home
nearly all summer, has gone to Cedar
Rapids,. Nebraska to visit her sister
Mrs. Casper Scheets.
O. F. Buhman was in Omaha last
week being initiated into the myster
ies of Aksarben.
Jim Riley and wife who left here a
year ago, have returned to stay. They
think there are worse places than Ne
We hear that J. H. Evaas has been
appoiated Second Lieutenant of com
pany F. Madison National Guards.
He is now at David City attending the
encampment. Jake might get to be
Colonel yet, one can't tell, strange
things do happen.
The K. P's. of Creston had a rip
snorter of a masting on the 9th of
this month. Jim Nichols, the eathas
last, wai over from Madison and gave
the beys a talk that wa will stag re
member. He talked on Pythianiam
for forty miaates, but his spiel and
ready flow of speech is always so in-J
teresting that the time did not a
to exceed five minutes. At el
o'clock a nice luaeh was served and
cigars coming after, we all vowed we
had had a very enjoyable tilt.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Graham retaraed
from Wisconsin last Satarday night.
Herman Carlson who had his arm
broken two weeks ago, by falling off of
a load of lumber is getting along
nicely, but will not be able ton
that arm for some weeks to come. San
day night was so cold that it was not
very many degrees removed from a
Chas Wagner is wearing the stars
of marshall, but he can't stick oat his
chest so much as one of onr former
Monroe Route sto. 2
R. F. D. No. 2. Monroe. (Corres
pondence. ) Mr. L. J. Hendry and
party of Kearney called at the home
of carrier number "two" last Sunday
in a handaome new automobile, mak
ing tho trip from Colouibus to Monroe
in forty minutes.
Mrs. Vore visited at Mrs. Peterson's
last Tuesday.
Mrs. Win. Nansel was in Monroe
last Wednesday.
August Lindberg was hauling oats
t J Genoa Tuesday.
Farmers are busy plowing, getting
riady for fall wheat.
Mrs. W. Busbee of Omaha is visit
ing her brother, J. O. Gillan.
Miss Emily Parker and brother of
Plainview, Neb. are visiting at the
home of K. J. Pugsley.
Mr. L. J. Lee of Kansas City wsb
in Monroe Monday on the way to his
Mrs. Bloedorn, mother of Mrs.
Ancuht Smith, died in Platte Center
and was buried in the Shell Creek
cemetery Thursday.
Mr. Emerson of Providence, R. I.,
who ha9 been visiting his brother, G.
E. Emerson, for sotno time, left for
St. Louis Tuesday.
Platte Center.
Platte Center, Nebraska, (Corres
pondence. ) Misses Kitty Gentleman
and Man Moriarty visited in Colum
bus Friday and Saturday.
Rev. Heido and family, Wm. Bloe
dorn and Miss Ada Bloedorn attended
the Piatt a County S. S. Association at
Palextine Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. J. W. Lynch and son Irl visit
ed with Misses Anna and Aagasta
Nelson frcm Thursday till Sanday.
Quite a number of onr young people
attended the dance in M. E. Coony's
new barn last Friday night.
J. E. Cossairt has commenced the
erentiun of a 24 by 26 residence on the
lots just west of Lew Hoar's residence.
Goo.Scheidel, sr., expects to locate
in Norfolk soon. His house will be
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Braasch.
John L. Clark arrived here Wed
nesday evening for a short visit with
friends, and while here is making
himself useful at the Signal office.
Mr. Allen having mashed a couple of
fingers in the press.
Work on the plumbing and heating
plant in the High school has began
and all will be in readiness by Sept. 1.
On Monday evening a large crowd
of young people gathered at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Higgins south of
town and enjoyed themselves as only
young people can. in dancing, singing
and eating.
Miss Alice Zingg went to Columbus
Friday, returning Satnrday.
Richland and Vicinity.
Richland and Vicinity. (Corres
pondence. ) The wisbed-for rain has
Mrs. E. C. Morrow visited in these
parts Tuesday.
Tom Higgins and M. M. Bride did
business in Columbus Friday.
Mrs. J. Maca was taking in some of
the bargains of Columbus dealers Sat
urday. Wm. Longwortb of Schuyler was
taking fruit trees to our farmers last
Oor skimming station is closed on
account of the scarcity of lacteal fluid.
Thursday evening the clouds over
shadowed us and blessed us with a
rainfall sufficient to lay the duBt and
debris that had well nigh choked us
for the past foar or five weeks. The
temperature has been quite enjoyable
ever since.
Miss Ruth Butler of Belgrade, Nance
County has been here to gladden the
hearts of her cousins, the little ones
in the home of Mrs. Clint Stevenson.
Farmers are rushing their fall plow
ing since the recent rains.
' John Bell drove" to Columbus Wed
nesday where he met his mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth Bell of Norfolk, who will
visit relatives here two weeks.
Miss Isabelle Kluck has Miss Pansy
Anderson of Elkhoin as her guest this
airs. Ed Niewohner and daughter
Blanche of Columbus spent Thursday
afrernoon with Mrs. Clint Steventon.
The Richland Juniors will play a
game of ball next Sunday. Come out
and see how they can play.
Mrs. Wm Brocklesby was shopping
in Columbus Tuesday.
Pete Swanson had three loads of
hogs on the Richland market Monday.
The public picnic which oar citizens
naa planned to nave snnday was a
"fizzle" on account of the rain.
Rev. J. E. Hutchins again disap
pointed a small audience here Sunday
eve. Twenty miles is a long distance
for one' to come and then have to use
his muscle to pry open the door of the
Lord's house, as was stated by oar
Free Lance reporter. In John Wes
ley's time the preacher drove Satan
out, but not so now.
Vou should begin to plan to send
that boy or girl to schooL The sum
mer will soon be past with its season
of toil, and the day for the opening
of the business college at Columbus,
asd also of the Fremont Normal, will
be here. No bank on earth pays so
well as deposits made by oar schools
in the minds and souls of our youth
Every dollar paid by a father to eda
cate his son or daughter will yield a
hundred fold more than money pat
in lands and bequeathed to them as
their sole stock in trade.
Tom and Will Higgins, Clarence
Brocklesby and Robert Keller are
among those from -hers who
entering coUsga soon.
Hamrjsy,gakOorraspsaslat). y
ffca case off B. A. Brod son. whereia:
had Mm arrested tor
was, tried before Ooaaty Judge Katter
maa last Friday, and resulted in the
India of said Brodsoll guilty as
charged. Both nartiaa had a large
number at witnaaws who drove to this
place from Lindsay and took the train
for Colanieue. I presume the Tele
gram will call this the Banker and
Doctor matter, ant I have never heard
that Ed Fitasimmons ever had a di
ploma. However, the banker and Ed.
have had soma cattle deals which at
this time mem to have " been unsatis
factory. Lladmy seems to be a lively
town, and every effort apparently is
used to keep its people law abidiag.
Lindsay it entitled to hava'tbe court
house: they are furnishing the bus
iness. Attorney Cookiagham was transact
ing legal business in Columbus Friday
aad Saturday last.
John Johnson nnd wife, now of
Seattle: who' formerly lived on the
farm which they still own here, are
visiting their many friends.
Tho ball game. Hamphrey vs How
ells, on the 21st was well attended.
Resalt. Humphrey 9. Howells 3. Oor
home team has not been beaten now
for several suecaive games. Howells
has played sacoeaefally, this being
their first defeat. They came on a
special train with their brass band,
aad demonstrated that what they
were short in ball playing they made
good in music.
Chas. Oharaqnist, Albert Carlson
and Joe Korth of Lindsay attended
the ball game and other sights, tak
ing in the Indian ball game in the
Dr. Walker of Lindsay passed
through here Satnrday evening en
route home from Columbus where he
had been called as a witness in the
case of State vs BrodboU.
John W. and Joseph Bender were in
town taking in the ball game. It is
aid that J. W. tried to induce the
Indians to come back election day. as
he might need their votes. He also
will ran well ia Howells.
Chris Schoeaig moved last week in
to his new house on upper Main street.
Mrs. J. 0. Graves returned from a
two weeks visit, and Jay is now smil
ing and happy.
Oar Hamphrey base ball team met
their first defeat Sunday night They
attempted to play the Sioax Indiana
in a game of their own after night.
Soft ball, short bases, owl lights. Our
boys are generally ia bed at the hoar
they played, and are need to regala
tioa ball, bases and the light of day.
On Monday morning none of the ball
nine could tell the score. An outsider
said it was 18 to 3 ia favor of the
NUrht Hawks or Sioux. It was a nov
elty game, however, and enjoyed by
the crowd that assembled.
F. a. German was ia town Monday
on basiness.
Lindmy. (Correspondence.) Mrs.
Wemple left for Gresham Saturday,
returning Thursday. 8he broaght
her girls. Irene aad Blanche, home
with her. They had been visiting
their grand parents there for the
Mrs. Jake Bodewig went to Hooper
Satnrday for a two weeks' visit with
Attorney ITaggi of Albioa was in
town last week.
John Johnson of Hastings is home
on a few days visit with his pareats.
Ed Fitasimmons left for David City
on business Monday.
Miss Ellen Adamson of Newman
Grove is visiting her cousin, Mrs.
Frank Harmons, this week.
Mrs. James Dncey returned from
Omaha Satarday eveaiag where she
had spent three weeks visiting with
E. A. BrodboU went to Albion
Mrs. Ben Winkler and Mrs. E.
Lavelle were Newman Grove visitors
Wm. E. Mogan was a Humphrey
visitor Friday.
Mrs. E. A. Baker of Oakdale is vis
iting friends in town this week.
Chris Steiner returned from New
man Grove Monday noon.
Mrs. Hemmeuway and children re
turned to their home in Chicago Sat
nrday. She has been visiting her
mother. Mrs. D. Uucey, and other rel
atives here.
Mrs. Lew Wahl was down from
Newman Grove Satarday aad remain
ed over Saaday toatteadcharcb here.
O.A. Johnson went to Cedar Blaffs
Satnrday to see bis brother Charles
at that place, who is reported qnite
ill. He will take his brother to a
different climate for his health.
Misses Frances Galligaa and Kate
Rotherman went to Columbus Friday
and took the teachers' examination
Miss Katie Rothermaa went to
Oconee Saturday evening for a few
days visit with friends.
Otto Swarts returned from San
Diego, California last week. He has
speat the summer visiting at that
place. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Gallon
Wilkinson nnd family of Lynch are
the guests of Rev. aad Mrs. Gallon
this week. Mrs. Wilkinson is a sister
of Mr. Galon's whom he has not seen
for some time before.
Thomas Eiathel, presiding elder
from Neligh was her Sunday holding
quarterly meeting.
JohnO'Shea of Humphrey was ia
town Tuesday.
Fraakie Weigand came from Peters
burg Monday evening to visit n few
days with relatives. N
Born to Mr. aad Mrs. Ohas. Ohara
qnist last Thursday, an eleven pound
Ed Happ caaght his foot in the
separator of his new threshing autch
ine this week aad half his foot was
taken off. Dr. Walker is attending
to hiss.
The oass of the stata against Brod
boU was decided in favor of the stats. -BrodboU
was fined 3 and costs. He
appealed the esse. The witnerses
front hen wars Dr. Walker, Jos Her-
Jos Dacy. OUto Barews.
In Lee Building
I have just put in a car load of tho celebrated Bush & Gerts Pianos,
modern and up-to-date cases, with the Wessell, Nickel & Gross action
one of the best Pianos in the market for the money. Fully warranted for
the term often years from date of purchase.
Sold Cheap for Cash, or On Easy Terms !
Also have some very good SECOND-HAND ORGANS at all prices:
I wish also to state that I am in position to sell you a Piano FOR LESS
quality into consideration, as I am
I respectfully invite the people of Columbus and vicinity to call and
inspect my goods and get prices and terms before purchasing elsewhere.
I AM HERE TO STAY, as this is a fine distributing point for central
Nebraska for our goods, and I have the controlling agency for the Bush &
Gerts Piano within a radius of 100 miles from this point.
All Mail Orders given prompt attention. Come in and see as fine a
Piano as you ever looked at, or heard, and be convinced that the Bush &
Gerts Piano has no equal, either in TONE, TOUCH, DESIGN or DURA
BILITY. Remember the place Palace Cafe.
Come in and Hear the CECILIAN PIANO PLAYER !
Special Agent Bush
Hoadsy to sse his sob who is attend
ing school then.
Great prepsrstioss are being marie
by the ladies of the Catholic church
who will hold a bazaar the 3lst of
Asgatt anl the last of Septessber.
There will be a fancy store, fortaae
telliag foantaia and Caledonian games,
meals will be served ia the school
hosse, all kinds of refreshments will
be foand on the groaads and mnsic
will be famished by the Van AckreH
aad Losffler orchestra.
Kami Estate Transfers.
Bscher. Hockeaberger and Cham
bers, real estate ageats, report the
following real estate transfers filed
for reoord in the office of the coaaty
clerk daring the week ending Aag.20,
1904: Joel Warner to Presbyterian
ehnroh. It 11 blk 1. Oregon, wd
$1000; A. M. Geer to L. R. Latham
e3 It 8. all It 9. blk 3. Tarner&Hnlat's
rabdivision of Oat lot 9. Colambas.
wd $2250: L.Oerrard et al to O. Stone
wall, Its 1 & 2 blk 11. Highland Park
add. to CoL, wd $550; L. Gerrard et
al to J. E. Falmer, Its 3, 4. 7 4b 8.
blk 1. Highland Park add. to OoL.wd
$1000; B. L. Parmelee to J. E. Cossi
art. Its 5 & 6 blk 8. 1st Addition to
Platte Center, Nebr.. wd $1175; P.
E. McKillip to B Eokholt. Its 1 and
2 bl 4 Fedd. Ad to Hamphrey. Nebr.
$700.00: John Mirra to J. K. Kopietz,
It 3 bl 11. Lindsay, wd $100.00.
It colts yon nothing for
of all kinds of Feed and
Hsy. Lowest prices and
tip-top qualities. We
have the leading
Livery and Boarding
Drive one of our rigs
once. Farmers, let us
care for your team Right
Ernst & Brock
Cylinder Corn Shelter
Can do more and better work
than any other shelter sold.
Oar wagons will not scatter
your grain while on the road to
market or overtax your horses
with needless heavy draught.
Biggies and Carriages
-All Kind of-
Gone sad look our stock
over before baying : : : :
ssT-BIaeksHitk wrk
Hrte 8kMiag e short
car NEW
Old Stand of the Palace Cafe,
vtral dtwrs west of Meridian Hotel
fc Gerts Piano Co.
of Nebnuiku'd Standard Institutions. Fifteen eminent
Two oplitiulitl ItiiililinL'ti. TlmmtiL'li Colleinute and
Academic Con moo. Normal Courses loading to State Certificate.
Superior Commercial, Shorthand. Tyre-writing and Telegraphy De
partments. Beat mlvantngoH in music, Kvpression and Art. Tui
tion low Board Sl.fJI per w-l;. J.'ooni r0c per week. Books free.
Delighted patronH. (I row ing attendant. Students hold good po
sitiona Catalog free. Correspondents invited. Fall term opens
.Sept. 12. Aririr mi
WM. K.
mr i i.T - i -v i y
flr.T; r x -iv i I - . "i
f V.asassasSa$l . A 'I h H
lipsP ml
o Wfl i
also bear ;!it tag of quality and v.e have handsome covcri for them in beautiful patterns.
Henry Gass.
The Journal's FREE CHARTS are
GOING FAST ! 1,000 Charts will
not last 60 days at the rate they
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2nd Page A large and complete map
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map of the state published, in
dispensable to every Nebraskun.
Retail price, 7.1c.
3d Page A large map of tho United
Stntee new. Contains 40 per cent
more of the smaller towns than us
ually shown in a United States
map. The Electoral vote ia ftriul
eil in red figures on euvk slat'.
Also fine half-tone pictures of all
the presidents from Washington to (
Roosevelt with their autographs. ;
Call, write or see
Columbus Journal Co,
Sto r e !
Columbus, Neb.
SCIIKMi. I). II.. lrrs.,
York, Xtthraska.
The Jjcst is none too
good to rest 3-our head
on. eight hours in every
twenty-four. We sell the
fa in o u s " KmiiK'rich "
feather pillows, all bear
ing this tag
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Emmerich Cushions
Why You Sfii.li1 Havi
IIIKTMMCAL: Ti. oldeat parer
iu th county. Tho Indian Htorieu
in th "Many Venrs Ago" itemo,
alone worth more than tho price of
Hiihscnption, ."Jo a week.
POLITICAL: The only republican
paper that iv-s the iichh .r the
entire county.
advorlisi; x:
The best business men
Tho Journal.
CKMKMBEK: The Journal sub
scription list represents the com
bined lists of The Journal and the
Times and is open to the inspection
of our advertisers.
one of our agents.
sSStfcSfc e
anSn5J 2-4r
. - .