The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 24, 1904, Image 7

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99 Eleventh Street.
Milwaukee. Wis. C
- "A sitorf ime o found my com
dltiom very serious, I bad headaches,
mmia la the hmrlc and frmmnmmt Mlrw
ZZIiZ. L--L """ 'V
s-asasRHPGavasasaP z
-laaaB--B-MMsr t
T '
wmui grew worse Kvwry mtomia. , ..
I trie two remedies before Permna, ' enough money to purchase the prop
mmd was discouraged whea I took the erty, Fulton House, in Fulton town
flrat dose, but my courage soon ship, where the great American in
returaed. la less than two mouths ventor was born.
-y cmnn -" reszareo. .nrs. m.
The reason of -o man 'iiltires to
cure similar to the above Ls the
fact that dL-eases
peculiar to the
female sex are
not coinmonlv
recojraized a.-, beiny eautl by catarrh.
Catarrh of one oryan i exactly the
same a- catarrh of any other organ,
What will cure catarrh of the head will
alocarc catarrh of the pelvic organs.
leruna cures tue eao simply be-
cause it cures the. catarrh.
If you have catarrh write at once to
Dr. Hartman. ir'.vinga full statement of
yo"ur case, and he will le plesi&ed to
give you his valuable advice jrratis.
Addre-s Ir Hartman. President of
TheHartniaii Sanitarium. Columbus. O.
England's Grsst Artist.
Georiie Freu-rick Watts, the ereat
English artist, who died recently In
London, rarely worked from a living
subject, but modeled fragmentary
studies in wax and clay for particu- '
!ar parts of the figures of his pictures.
ThL: patriarch of painters said in ref- i
erence to his principal works that one ,
or his great aims was to take the ter
ror away from death.
If you don't sz the bippest and best
It's your own fault. Deriance Starch
1j for .saje ev.'ryrth-re and there is
positively nothing to eijual it in qual
ivy or quantity.
Steam Turbine for Pumps.
The steam turbine principle has
been adapted to ti centrifugal high
pressure pump. The action is re
versed, however the water entering
at what would be the exhaust end.
gradually accelerating as it passes
through the several fixed and mova
ble vanea, until it acquires a high
velocity at what would ordinarily be
the outlet end.
ftH'--Sin!rH- Hinder "'"traichtocciffar.
Aladf ot nne. niellow tobacco. ncn m
mialitx taat nianv who formerly smoked
NJc tlirars now 'smoke Lewis' "-single
Binder." Lewi-.' Factory, PeOTa, ill.
VVftst Is Kon-e?
Home is not a name, nor a form, nor
& routine. .It is u spirit, a presence, a
principle Mar-erial and method will
net and. cannot make It. .says a writer
ta the Ccokrnq School. It must get
its light aad swerfnesa from those
no '-rsa-r.t. u rrco nowers ana -sun-
n? E-v::-Pth--c natlllea
which. iS rioir exercise of sympathy.
.cap l2ras,ie:he tyranny of the broom,
"? - " ViiUiea scruu-
Jrrigsticn in Kansas.
Great state. Kansas.' There 15
ixejtfcer a ntouctatn cor a. marsh In all
her length acd breadth uf S2.000
aquar.a oijles. O-third ot her area is
almost a barren steppe, owm? to lack
of .rain'.5 Irrisrat.on will mak rh rirv
prairies a vrrltabie "garden of the
west," rals the ivansas com crop to
2,005i-9 bulJeis" and increase her
live stock valnauva tt JlSO,O00,GO0.
Sew Ycrk Press.
Earrings Indicate Nativity.
The earrings wera "by Italian organ-
grlsdkjjc women indicate the part of
Italy tin? wearers come from. The
longer tir? earrings, the farther south
the ori-jiaal homes of the woen. In
the tar nonh the ornaments are Quite
Instead cf Wedding Cake. ! gayety. Lady Minto was an ideal and his associates in the oil business
In place of wedding cake in Hoi-' woman in that position. In the United ' were face to face with disaster. They
land wedding sweets are -given States she was liked equally as well, i were getting beyond their depth and
-braJdzuikers" they are called. They 'She was a guest of the W. Seward saw that ere long others would secure
are handed round by children and are I Webbs in Vermont, of James J. Van 1 control of the property. At this op
srveii ia slower-trimmed baskets. I Alen in Newport and of William C. portune time Harkness came to the
"" Whitney. Lady Miato is really a J front with the sum mentioned the
Needs Cily a Little Thinking.
The ioe-1 of childhood Gften decides ,
whethtir oao is to cro-ar no well nour- i Wu Ting-fang Calls Son Home.
isaed and .hc-aiJiv or -waak and sick-" Wu Chao Chu, son of former Chi
lv from improper" food. jneie Minister Wu Ting-fang, has
It's- Just'-i-- easv to be one as the -changed his ' plans of entering the
ciier proved wo t a. proper start. ; University cf Pennsylvania and is
A vftse ufcvsician like the Denver ' hurrying -preparations to return to his
"Doctor wh kn-w aBou: foad, can ac-. native land upon orders of his father,
eo-n-jllsh wonders provided the pa- I who is e president of the foreign
tienr is lihnz to help and will eat ' beard, at Pekin. The young-man has
only prop? ZociL a !---of -m5' government office wait-
5peaXi2i; t.f thi& ease" the Mother S occupation at the other side of
aid "her T-tiie four year eld boy was tie world and the letter was a com
wuffering fruci a ;ecuiar derangement ! P-e surprise, as he had matriculated
of Che-'stcmaca, Uver and kidneys and " & university and expected to be
. fc?s-Jeet-Jecasie. so swollen ie ccmldr-'t . Sin his course in the falL
tak a e. ' "We CaSed a Doctor who ; '
-4id at ccce "rocast be vEry careful ' . Countesa Tolstoi Helps Husband.
"as td his. diet as" i'mprcser food was ' Countess Tolstoi does net agree
:--"bf- oriycause dfhis srekness. Sugar.-'5'-1-1 ber husband in all of his theo-.-especially-,
he forirli.. ' r-es- Dut sfce agrees with the world
--: -'"So the Br: nraS urr a diet and the f
principal- feed he prescribed was
. Grape-Nut anjj the--Boy, who was Very
."fond" of sweet .lyings took the Grape-
.Nus- readily wrthouL adding any
.-.agar. (r. explained "that the sweet
in Grae-Niits-is not at all like, cane
Yor bee sugar but is the natural sweet
-,.of tie grains-1)-
'- .i-"We-saw big improvement inside a
r.-few -days and now Grape-Nuts are al-
jaost 'his enly food and he is once
rxxore.-a bealthy, happy, rosy-cheeked
youngster with -.every prospect to
."grow, np Into astrong healthy man."
.'Nae. given by" Postum Co, Battle
je sweet of Grape-Nuts is the Na
- .tare-sweet known as Post Sugar, sot
digested in the liver like ordinary
" gogar, but pre-digested. Feed the
"joBgsters a handful of Grape-Nuts
Nature demands sweet ana
them to call for sugar.
There's a reason.
Get the little book "The Road to
ould preserve: house where
robert fulton was born
i3l jjcf'' ) e" fc at BB
saW. -a"2aaBBSBsaa5?aBBBSi?5 a
Robert Fulton's Birthplace
To commemorate the name and pre
serve the historic birthplace of Rob
ert Fulton, who perfected the first
steamboat. Hugh R. Fulton, of Lan
caster, Pa., representing a number of
prominent citizens, is again making
' an
effort to raise by snbscription
unrrov or.H innh Smith, who own
Battles of To-Day Not So Fierce as
Thoge of 0lden Times,
The losses in the land ngnting since
the Japanese crossed the Yalu must
by this time have reached a large
total, although it would be very diffi-
cuit'-f not impossible, for anyone out-
.. rh1 ,aian(,sp and
side the Japanese and Russian war
oflicas to estimate them accurately.
Terrible as s the destructive power
of modern rifies and artillery, the loss
of life in battles of to-day is never
theless but small as cumpared with
the losses in the days of the battle
ax and the longbow. In the sixteen
hours' strusgle against Russian artil
lery at Xanshan the Japanese lost
only 4.000 men out of CO.oou. and of
these only 750 were killed. At Coleu-
so in the Boer war the British losses
were only 1.100 out of 25.000.
Compare this, for example, with the
battle of Agincourt in 1415. Fourteen"
thousand Englishmen overthrew 50.-
000 French in three hours. The
French losses were 10.000 dead and
two or three
I of wounded.
times that number
At Crecy in 1346 the
English. numbering 30.000. again
s proved the effectiveness of their long
bows on 120,000 French, whose losses
were 1,200 knights. 1,400 esqujres and
34,000 men, the number killed out
right being no less than 30.000. At
Poitiers the French army of 60,000
had 11.000 killed. At Hastings 30.000
men fell on both sides and at Bannock
burn 38,000.
It was the close fighting in the old
days that made the battles so de
structive of life. The longbow's
greatest effective range was not over
1.200 feet, and when armies clashed a
1 commander uad little chance to recog-
' . ... . ...;;.. ; .!-,
- r
to disentangle his men. even if he saw
his doom. To-day victory is as surely
won, but at greately lessened cost to
Author Leaves for Scene of Macedo-
njan Uprisings.
j AIbert Soan!chsen, the author of
a Tnrfoc nrhnso insrifinhlp 'p5ir
for adventure does not let him rest
ia Qne left Vew Yq
where he ha, been for a Htt,e IesJ.
,v ,;., .;,,, i;.Q,.,.
- iuu. x c 9 vv-"lJc- fc.-ia 4.ttriiij
work. He is bound for Bulgaria and .
for the scene cf the Macedonian up-
risings. Mr. Sonnichsen has been act- '
ively interested in the Macedonian
patriotic movement during his stay in '
New York, and was secretary of the j
Macedonian deleaation there. A fresh
uprising of the Macedonians is imrni- I
nent. and Mr Sonnichsen will be at
the front, possibly as the leader of
one of the skirmish bands.
Mintos Popular in Canada,
tn October the earL and countess of
Minto and their daughters will depart
from the government house in Ot
tawa, and a new governor general
J will come in. This is a sad blow
1 socially to the dominion, for the
, were , in e afld ,
, made 0uawa seasoa tQe ,ivelIegt
known. Being young and fond of
beaaty. although in street attire she
dees not show, up well. In an even-1
i inc aown she is striking. I
T -
"-faica worships him. ana is very
proud of him, and very devoted, al
though her devotion has been severely
taxed in. several ways. She has copied
.yards of unreadable manuscript while
babies, of various sizes were pulling
at her skirts': she has translated bocks
into three or four languages, and frp
transformed all sorts of garments to
meet the needs of the changing six
teen, her children.
Justin McCarthy's New Work.
Justin McCarthy's long and varied
career has given him a seemingly in
exhaustible store of reminiscences.
He has dropped awhile work on his
"History of Our Own Times," which
has progressed as far as the sixth, vol
ume, in order to write out another
volume of his recollectioas. which will
be peelished in the falL Few living
tR-kera have come is contact with so
meay actable puhlie men. and Mr. Mc
Carthy has the gift of putting his
ia am entertaiaing form.
the Fulton property, have completed
arrangements to build a new house on
the site, but have agreed to wait sev
eral weeks before beginning the work
of tearing down this historic landmark.-
and have offered to sell the
place for $2,000. Several men of Lan
caster county and a grandson of Ful
ton in New York favor the preserva
tion of the property because of its his
toric value, and have offered to con
tribute toward the purchase of the
property as a memorial.
What Gunners Have Learned from Re
cent Sea Battles.
What is the lesson of the two re
cent sea fights in the far east? This
first: To shoot straight.
Straight shooting is the best de
fense, as well as the best offense, for
the warship.
A shot that hits from a five-inch
gun is worth more than a hundred
or a million shots that miss from a
twelve-inch gun.
The battle of Santiago, according
to Admiral Schley, was at 1.000 yards.
But the battle of Aug. 10. when Togo
wiped out the fighting value of the
Russians, was apparently at two or
three miles. Togo's gunners could hit
fairly often at that distance. The
, Russian gunners could not.
It is therefore plain that naval gun-
ners must learn to shoot straight not
I only at short distances but also at
long distances. The way to learn to
do this is to practice at targets.
, If any money spent on warshins is
wise, money saved on target practice
is foolish. Chicago Tribune
Engagements Now Announced in Style
Strictly Up to Date.
Formal verbal announcements of en
gagements at luncheons given for that
purpose are no longer in style. One
hostess recently concealed the an
nouncement of her daughter's engage
ment in a small cluster of flowers put
at each guest's place at the table. A
few days ago another happy mother
did the trick even more delicately.
The guests waited expectantly all
through the luncheon, but not until
they had finished the sherbet were
they apprised of the engogement.
Then. In small gold letters on the bot
toms of the glasses in which the sher-
bet was served, they saw the names
of the bride and bridegroom-to-be
linked together by the loops of a trae-
l lovers' knoL
Stranded Myor More Than Willing
to Sleep in Lockup.
Mayor Smith of St. Paul is perhaps
the only chief magistrate of an Ameri
can city who ever asked an officer to
,-.00r v,; i ,-,.. . i ....
wv.j. aaaaa au uiuw wai lit; iiiigaL Eel
a bed. His honor was on a hunting
trip up Brainerd way, and one day
"went over to the neighborhood of a
little place named Osakis. In the
evening he went to the village, but
found that the one little hotel was full
to overflowing. Nor co'uld he find a
bed anywhere else. Then he sought
out the town marshal and asked to be
arrested: but the man with thp rr
n'fiispd. and thA lrnm anH mun- .-.,
( . .. ,; maj
or nau to wait tor a tram next morn
inr. Timely Loan Saved Rockefeller.
It is said that the entire fabric of
John D. Rockefeller's enormous for
tune rests upon a loan of $73,000
which was made to him manv rnm
b L y Harkness. a liquor dealer
of C!evelaad. The t- Z
transaction oc-
curred at a time when Rockefeller
turaing point was reached and the
huge Rockefeller fortune began to be
Youthful Colonel.
Charles M. Kurtz, assistant art
commissioner of the St. Louis fair,
has been a colonel since he was about
a week old. He was born in New Cas
tle. Pa., while the civil war was in
progress. Next day Gen. McComb of
that city, a lifelong friend of Gov. Cur
tin. Pennsylvania's war governor,
wrote asking that "my friend. Charles'
M. Kurtz." be appointed a colonel on
the governor's staff. Mr. Curtis natur
ally supposed that the person referred
to was a man of some prominence, so
he forwarded the commission at once.
Nineteenth Century Sportswoman.
It is .believed that Miss Ethel M.
Russell of Augusta, Me., is the pre
mier sportswoman of the United
States. She is a capital base ball
player, being competent to fill any
place in the nine. At basket balL cro
quet. ' tennis and billiards she holds
her own with all comers, thinks noth
ing of walking ten or twelve miles of
a morning, goes on long snowshoeing
expeditions and is very clever with
the boxing gloves. Miss Russell stands
5 feet 9 inches in her bare feet and
weighs 155 pounds.
Kruger's Witty Remark.
The late ex-President Kroger waa
not an eloquent man, but he excelled
at brief and pithy sayings, many of
which, like the saying about waiting;
for the tortoise to stick out his head,
have passed into the language 01 na
tions. His answer to a aeafeew who
petitioned fcr a goveraatent aayaat
ment has often been quoted: "My
dear boy, I can do nothing for yoa.
Toa are. not clever eaoaga for a sab-
ordisate position and all the
oflces are filled.'
New York Police Report Prcg
Sensational Case.
Italian detectives think they have
truck the trail of Vlto Laducca, who
is believed to have in his. custody the
kidnaped boy, Tony Mannino, who
was stolen from his parents at New
York, Aug. 9.
Laducca is a deserter from the
Italian navy, a picture of him in the
service uniform having been found
among the property which the detec
tives captured when they forced open
his house.
Not long ago Laducca was employed
by Mannino, the father of the missing
Missing Erooklyn boy. described as be
ins 3 feet S inches high and weighing
tlfty pounds. He has black hair, dark
eyes, good teeth and a slight scar on
the chin. When kidnaped he wore a
blue and white cap. white shirt with
thin stripes an inch apart, and blue and
white trousers with pearl buttons.
lad, and it was partly through funds
contributed by Mr. Mannino that La
ducca was enabled to escape the
charge of murder which was preferred
against him in the "barrel murder
mystery." There is a warrant out for
Laducca. who is one of the men whom
Magistrate TIghe instructed Detective
Vachris-to bring in dead or alive.
The discovery of the trail of the
man who is believed to be at the
head of the gang that carried off the
Mannino boy came at the end of a
day that had been absolutely fruitless
of results to the police.
Baffled at every turn by the craft
of the kidnapers, Capt. Rooney de
clared wearily that he did not know
whether the child was alive or dead,
or that he would be any more sur
prised to see the lad walk in unat
tended than he would be to learn of
his dead body being found where it
had been thrown by the gang after
having wreaked its vengeance.
Hoboken, Jersey City. Paterson,
Newark and the more distant cities
are also being thoroughly searched,
and in the meantime the closest kind
of a watch is being kept upon the
haunts of the barrel murder gang in
New York.
All the members of this gang have
disappeared from the city completely,
and, to add to the perplexity of the
police. Mr. Mannino changed his atti
tude toward the officials, it is be
lieved, through fear of the gang, and
there were strong rumors, which were
borne out in part by an interview with
Giuseppe Cigretto. Mannino's part
ner, that the two men were in private
communication with the kidnapers
and hoped to secure the boy's release
without any assistance from the
Cigretto, Mannino's partner, in de
nying that they would treat with the
gang, said: "They have demanded
money, but they will get cone. It will
not be gold, but lead that they will
receive if we ever get our eyes on
The boy's father is in bed positively
ill from the strain that has weighed
so heavily on him for more than a
week. He is being nursed by his wife,
who is herself ill.
Big Life Insurance Policies.
According to the best obtainable
records two men in the United States
carry more than $1,500,000 life insur
ance. Eight carry 11.000.000 more. In
the $900,000 class is found one. In the
$700,000 class are found eight. The
$600,000 group has a membership of
three. The $300,000 list includes the
names of twenty-seven. Adding to
gether the above classes, it is noted
that there are forty-nine individuals
carrying $300,000 or more of insur
ance, the total sum insured reaching
the amazing figure of $26,000,000.
Musicians of Same Name.
Never was there worse confusion
caused by similarity of names than
between Strauss, the tone poet, and
Strauss, the composer of the cele
brated "Blue Danube" and many other
waltzes. What makes the muddle
more amusing is the fact that the two
Strausses are quite intimate with one
another, and when the tone poet is
congratulated as he often is on the
success of the waltzes he did not
write, he at once sits down and hu
morously relates his experiences in a
letter to his friend.
Wealthy Woman's Charity.
Mrs. Hbridge T. Gerry of New York
has a purse which is always accessible
to tae really needy and her ways of
giviag re originaL One day she heard
of a linemaa who had been so severe
ly shocked that it would be months
before he could resume work. Mrs.
Gerry promptly sent his family flO,
cayiaff it was the first of ten rfiPar
lrstaliments. At the same tiiav la
araer .to aiaeouraxe.aay feeliaa: of de
aaadeace, she employed tae linestaa'a
asife as seamstress.
mamaw MD
JmmW -Pm '
Iowa Girl Sent Far to Instruct Yserth
ful Chinese Prince.
Miss May Reynolds of Sibley. Iowa,
who in October goes to Pekia. Caiaa,
as instructor in English, to the grand
nephews of the dowager empress,
graduated with honors in the class of
1904 at Carleton college, Northleld.
Minn. Miss Reynolds was born and
brought up in Iowa, and began her
education in cne of the little white
schoolhouses of Wilson township, Oe-
ceola county. Iowa. Later she attend
ed the Sibley high school. She is a
member of the Congregational church.
The intermediaries between the royal
family and Miss Reynolds were Miss
Luella Miner, a missionary of the
American board at Pekin. and the
Carleton Mission Board at Northfield,
Minn. Her service is to be for the
term of two years. Her home will be
in a missionary family in Pekin and
he-r work will be in the royal palace.
Miss Reynolds is of Pennsylvania an
cestry. Her father. Carlos P. Rey
nolds, is a civil war veteran who. after
the war. became a pioneer home
steader and farmer in Iowa.
Report of Grabbing of West India
Island Is Denied.
The British cruiser Tribune on Aug.
11 landed a party under command of
Lieut. Threlfall at Aves, or Bird's isl
and. 127 miles west of the north end
of the island of Dominica, and an
nexed it as a British possession. Guns
were hauled through the serf and
landed, the British flag was hoisted,
and a royal salute was fired.
The Tribune then proceeded direct
to St. Vincent. The Tribune left there
next day, being ordered to Venezuela
to protect British interests at Caracas.
Dispatch from Kingston, Island of
St. Vincent, Aug. 13.
The British admiralty says there is
no truth in the report of the hoisting
of the British flag over Bird or Aves
island in the Caribbean sea, 127 miles
west of the English island of Domin
Society Woman's Neat Retort to
Tactless "Nouveau Riche."
The subject of "new people" is
nuch to the fore among the swell set
in New York these days and no one J
is more supercilious regarding late 1
comers into the sacred circle than 1
those who but a season or so ago '
were on the outside themselves. One
oZ these snobbish persons, talking to
a woman of long-assured social posi
tion, recently asked regarding the
standing of Mrs. Soandso. "A very
nice woman," was the reply, "ami
able, refined, accomplished and charm
ing in every way." But who is she?"
The society leader froze slightly as
she answered, "Thoroughly respect
able, I assure you." The luckless snob 1
rersisted: "Yes. dear Mrs. Blank, but
you know what I mean. Who is she?"
The leader's nostrils quivered for a
moment and then she answered cooly:
"My dear woman, I no more can tell
who she is than I could have told
..ho you were when you first ap
peared in society."
Heartless Russian Jest.
A young Russian Jew was obliged
o go to the war in Manchuria. At
first the father got letters from him
regularly, but presently they ceased.
One day the father was called to the
police headquarters where he was
told there was a telegram regarding
bis son. but that he would have to
pay 50 roubles to get it. He did
rot have the money, and it took him
some time to collect it from his
fiiends. When he finally opened
the telegram he found it contained
the announcement of his son's death.
Feature of Wedding Celebration.
The golden wedding celebration of
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hastings of
Princeton. Mass.. a few days ago is
believed to have had one absolutely
unprecedtnted feature. Mrs. Hastings'
father, John Dunton. was present. Mr.
Dunton. who was 100 years old last
September, journeyed from Lyndon,
Vt.. 200 miles away, to take part in
the interesting occasion. There was
a gathering of relatives at noon, fol
lowed by a reception which was at
tended by crowds of neighbors and
other friends.
Meerschaums Out of Date.
Pipe dealers say that the meer
schaum is a "dead one." No stoker
nowadays appears to covet the once
prized article requiring patience and
care and skill in the coloring. Women
seem to be the principal purchasers,
when they get the idea that they are
doing- the fine thing by a husband or a
sweetheart. But these pipes are soon
relegated to the racks or stowed away
In some cut-of-the-way place, while the
briar wood affords enjoyment for its
sweetness and durability.
f 1 1
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Beerboaa Tree tell that recently,
'wane playing golf, he had a particu
larly sileat and stupid looking cad
die, who followed close at his heels
without saying a word. But since si
lence sometimes speakers louder than
words, the actor was nervous, and
after a particularly bad drive he ex
"Claimed: "Did you ever see a worse
player on these links?" The caddie
said nothing. A still worse drive
from the next called forth the same
query, followed by the same silence.
Finally, "I say, did you ever see a
worse player?" The caddie stared si
lently for a few moments. "I heard
what ye said richt enough." he at
last slowly replied: Tin just thinking.-
Baron Alphonse Rothschild, the
most patriotic of Frenchmen, issued
a notice during the Franco-Prussian
war that he would present a nanff
some sum of money to any Jewish
soldier in the French army who
might capture a German flag. Such
a capture was made and in due course
the soldier came un for the promised
reward. After he had received it
Baron Alphonse invited the soldier
into his private room and askca him
to relate in detail the gloriors epi
sode. -Well. Mgr. le Baron, it was
this way." said the hero; "the Ger
man soldier who carried the flag was
also one of us, so we did it en the
joint account."
Last spring Governor Odell met an
old friend of his up in Xewburg. his
home town, and immediately asked
how he was getting along on the air
ship he had been working on for
years. The inventor had become dis
gusted with his mechanical progress,
and when the governor asked if the
machine was a complete success he
replied: "Well, not quite yet, I
have two things to accomplish Sefore
I can say it is." "What are they?"
asked the governor. "I have to find
out how to get my machine up la the
air and how to keep it there.
As there is a law against burying
in the city of Albany, the bishop had
to have a special act of the regisia
tare to be buried in the cariedral.
He was successful in having the act
pass the lawmakers, but his friends
were astounded and worried when
they read its text It Logan wfth the
usual verbiage. The ending was
something like this: "We do grant
that Bishop Doane be buried within
the precincts of the city of Albany
This act to take eilect immediately."
In a little bayou an old darkey's
flat-bottomed canoe was shelved on a
mud bank. The mud was too deep
for him to get out and push, and he
got madder and madder. In his exas
peration he saw a woman stooping
down at the landing some yards above
to fill her pail from the stream. "Get
out o dat!" he called angrily: 'ef you
takes a drop outen dis yere bayou
till I gits affoat agin I'll mek ye pay
fer it ef I hev ter wade asho' ter do
Onions for Insomnia.
Onions are recommended as a good
thing for insomnia. A favorite dish
in England is one of the oig sweet
Spanish onions cooked in milk. Cel
ery may also be used in the same way,
stewed in milk. It is good for the
nerves, and consequently for sleep
lessness. "Women who can't get a vote perhaps
may be satisfied with getting a voter
Half This Man's Sufferings Would
Have Killed Many a Person, But
Doan'e Cured Him.
A. C. Sprague.
stock dealer, of
Normal, 111.,
writes: "For
two whole
years I was do
ing nothing but
buying medi
cines to cure
my kidneys. I
do not think
that any man
aver suffered as
The pain in my back
i did and lived.
was so bad that I could not sleep at
night. I could not ride a horse, and
sometimes was unable even to ride
in a car. My condition was critical
when I sent for Doan's Kidney Pills.
I used three boxes and they cured me.
Now I can go anywhere and do as
much as anybody. I sleep well and
feel no discomfort at all."
A TRIAL FREE Address Foster
Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. For sale
by all dealers. Price 50c
Sometimes you can't tell, from what
she has on. whether it's a shirt waist
or a girl is going to bed.
Hundreds of dealers say the extra
quantity and superior quality of De
fiance Starch Is fast takin-r place of
ali other brands. Others say they can
not sell any other starch.
A man's idea of personal liberty is
his ability to butt into the affairs of
his neighbors.
Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as
a cough cure. J. .V. O'Baxrs. 323 Third Are.
X.t Minneapolis. Mian.. Jan. 6. 1&00.
A man may often thank his lucky
stars that he can't take the woman
who is presented to him.
The Marine Ej KnseCj Co.. Cblcajo send Home
Eye Book rree. Wr.te mem atmui your -e
Unhappily there are virtues that
one can only exercise when one is
rich. Rivarol.
hu4ilB Svns.
Tor children teeth&c. aofteaa the g-n-u. redacee !.
Kmypem.nraewTnricM;. xcftdutu.
Never say a horse was pulled. You
may have been dragged along.
Storekeepers report that the xtra
quantity, together with the superior
quality of Defiance Starch makes it
next to Impossible to sell any other
Women divine that they are loved
long before it is told them. M&ri
vaux. Many Children Arc Sickly.
used by Mother Gray, a nurse hi Children's
Home, New York, cure Summer Complaint,
FerTeruhness.Headachetoaach Troubles,
Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms. At
all Druggists', 25c Sample mailed FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y.
Women never weep more bitterly
than when they weep for spite.
ItaaaHaat a M
csfcfaHy eiexy boo of CASTObTA.
' for iafsats sad caiMxen.
a CSt
Every ezaarieace we undergo,
whether seemingly good or ilL is of
Over 3 Tew.
i Kaaft Toe Sot AJwajs amgbL
to aa later on.
ammmmmamWsWiTTfammmamama 4-
mmamamaWSGE.,lzz ll:r&&ammmmam
ammmmmmmmammmmmT amWamamWamWamamamamamamW1
H9. im(mm
mam B'mBW .r H-2 mmkma
MB ) JM? Ww
ammaw s "??-' -7Bt
aaauam 9 v a .
maammmT ' ---' I . .
aaaaaaawK 9 r..A .
maaaaaavr j,--.v m -
aaaaaaam-4 j- - t
.marnaWk X I S "? '"
amaaaaWC-'y l-i '"trV'-'i '
LWyy h -'K.: X - Jj&.'fi!i
.--; -r j 1 4 -u- vc V --.r-J-s-S? - -V i -vTi-y -"'"?ir.C- J
"rv -1- ---. -.. '"..- .-.-. -v"7-'-: ?"! -:i -V 1
- - ', :'. - . .-"--v -1-,- ?;
Mrs. Rosa Adams, niece of the late General
Roger Hanson, C. S. A., wants every woman
to know of the wonders accomplished by
Lydia PL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Dear Mh. Pixsham : I cannot tell you with pen and ink what good
Lydia E. Pinkhum's Vegetable Compound did for me, suffering from
the ills peculiar to the sex. extreme lassitude and that all gone feeling. I
would rise from my bed in the morninsr feelinc: more tired than when I went"-.,
to bed. but before I had used two bottles of Lydia E JPInltham's Vege .
table Con pound. I bejran to feel the buoyancy of my younger days return-
ing, became reg-ular, could do more work and not feel tired than I had ever
been able to do before, so I continued to use it until I was restored to perfect,
health. It is indeed a boon to sick women and I heartiir recommead it
Yours very truly, Mas. Rosa. Adams,
mamamamX aaaaamamm
aaaaaK-3&L'B&?v. laaar
aaav jasa7i wbbbjbh
aav 'Baati'Jiaw
few doses every Treek. for I find that it tones up the system and keepa ma
feeling- strong, and I never have that tired out feeling any more.
I certainlr think that every woman ought to try this grand medicine,
for it would prove its worth. Yours very truly, Hiss Euie Dasfobtb, 20a
De Scto St., Memphis, Tenn."
Dont hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkham. She will undenfaad
your ease perfectly, and will treat yon with kindness. Her advice -is
free, and the address is Lynn, Mass. Na womam ever regretted
having written her, and she lias helped thousands.
ApJf FORFEIT I to casnotforthvit P""nc theori-iia-il T iili n mil iltMlnwnf
"aTll aboTOtoKuaaaiala, whica will provs their absolute genuineness.
vfwUUU .j.. . -. .., Tjl , WrM -
Ia sheets of PURE ANILINE BLUE. Xobotnes. o paddle. Xowa.-Le. Gives the siat
ocoua; of blucinjr -va? or each waUt2a; A,1: your grocer for it or seed ICc for a book cf 2 leaves.
The Handy Btating Btok Gt.9 87 E. Lake St.. CNcagi, ML
The August Atiaiu: contains a
powerful and instructive paper,
which will surely attract attention
and create discussion, upon ""Lnpin
ished Commercial Crime'' tJie way
of the rich man in eludins: the law),
written by George W Alyer, author
of the recent mi'ch-talked-of Atlantic
paper on "Moral Overstrain." Bliss
Perry contributes-his striking- tribute
to Hawthorne, delivered at the late
Bov-dom coiige centenary celebra
tion. Daniel G. Maeon discusses Dis
sonance and Evil, a quaint analysis
of the connection between evil bounds
ana evil doings, and Martha Baker
Dunn oilers a characteristically amus
ing paper, on "Temperance and Judg
ment to Come." from the "down-east''
point of view.
Don't you knrw.- that Defiance starch
beti'Ies bein-r absolutely ."up'rior to
any other, it put up 16 ounces in pack
ages and sells at same price asl
packa-res of otiier kinds?
The financial editor is not necessar
ily pedantic, but he is apt' to indulge
in quotations.
Dealers say that as soon as a cus-torn-r
tries Dtiante Suireh- it is im
possible to sell th-m any ouier cold
water starch. It can be used cold or
TO '3
BacK-ase epeked to
Fair croudda.
Stopovers alIowel. All Agents can
route you via. th "ABASH. For beau
tiful "World's Fair folder and all infor
mation address
Gen. Ajjt. Pass. Dept.. Om-i-in. Neb.
jetrThMipsta's Ejt Watff
W. N. U.. Omaha.
No. 35 1S04
"follow -rae naa
aaeKCcasaayra?. TaKaa Good. CS tM
sal latUM. StiMaydrana. H
. :J
.- ..
S10 13th St.. Louisville, Ky.
Any icomen who are troubled witk It
regular or painful menstruation weak-,
ess, leucorrhwa, displacement or ulcer',
ation of the womb, that bearing-dowm .
feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, back '
ache, general debility, and nervous' proa-"-tration.
should know there is one tried"
and- true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkhaaa's
Vegetable Compound. "o other meuiciaa
for women has received Mich wide-spread .
and unqualified indorsement. No other '"
medicine has such a record of female cures. .
' Dear Mrs. Piskham: I am very pleased
to Lydia E. Pinkhanrs Vege
table Compound for womb and ovarian difficul
ties from which I have been a sufferer for years. It
was the only medicine which was at all beneficial,
and within a week after I started to use it. thera
was a great change in my feelings and looks. I
used it for a little over three months, and at tha
end of that time I suffered no pain at the menstrual
period, nor was I troubled with those distressing '
pains which compelled me to go to bed, and I hava
not had a headache tince. This is nearly a year
a co. I alwavs keep a bottle an hand, and take a
PILE CONE CO., Crete, Nt.
Leslie's Monthly Magazine for August.
Ralph Connor oegins a neqr novel,
"The Prospector," in the August Fic
tion number of Leslie's Monf&ljvMag
aiiine,. ajd- the Jirs.s chaptt-ra promise
a better storv than either "TrVe Sliy
Pilot" or "Black Rock.' THexe--are
eleven other in this., number,
by suck peoplVi as George Hibbard.
Henr C- Rowland. Alice MacGowan,
Holmai F. Day. H, L. Green-, and
Rex E, Beach, and they- cover near
ly every, variety of up-to-date .fiction.
J. Ada'cs B-ide, the humorist.'of the
house of. representatives, has a most
amusing- article" on "Tfce 5pe!lMad-ers.-"-"
whom we ail expect to
during the next few-months, ia yh.-cb
he tells a" number of "good stories-,"-'
The. girl -with naturally curly hair
is the only one who gT full enjeiv
ment out. of an ocean dip-.
Montana. -na Sue. fur irm? ll
f. I. Tir,r,K, mm antt mctm y.
maws hew important it a W
I tc use agocd itarcft. OefisMt M
.Starch a the oat starch 1
nude. It doca't stick (a Ib
the ircn. H gives a boetL I VI
ful soft S-'ciry stiflhes to lac SE
M dcth-x It wtl not blister' M
W er enck & Soods. - It sdk
I sal 'c 'o; 30ss fc--'7- -a m
vla morc e y w" at
yl irons. Dtiiancc Starch ct a9
'M grocers. 16 cz. Fcr 10 ctntL I
aw aa
TueDriiiwasTAaaca.' m
CUSES catarrh oi the
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