to l ,v tmat cmowi 7 T7J -4jHHBBBK eWuVaanm Cos C' i " rr I. AUG.. St, I sWfhnalj MlfilH.- BBtl taiwd ahaauaan aa bam. "Watch aw fee unite oCaaeJa him waMiu nhohoif eaaaan tMin beam gate. Vor 7. ! lil oar--huuing trip" iril waucwAia-Tw pmal baa beea NMiiri e to Jen. t Kt to Feb. 1, IBB aad soon. Whan nayi ie MtWdjmfctt MNta mm TMaOQKTIMDAMCBa-giM nailhli i am wiHeoatieae to reeeivetes Joaraal arwiaea ar istnai ie aaai imm ma dnxtf I Th f- irail 1 atianrit fnr annthsr esse mt- sersse uss nun ut aaa nwn, yen BWIM previonsly notify ae jo iliacnBtiaaii k. CHAMQE IN ADDIWU when erderiac a iaw mi aha address, sail i Hum ehualil he aare toveteetfoU as well aa their I ewBBnBfBjeswmaj hJ(Bh " THEODORE BOOSE VELT. Vtoe-rreoidant CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS. groaidential Electors F. A. BARTON, Pawnee. ' .A. C. SMITH. Douglas. A. C. ABBOTT, Dodge. u T. L. NORVAL, Seward. " " W. P. HALL, Fklfk ' M. A. BROWN. H. H. WILSON. J. C. B0BIN8ON. lfeagiae. .National Oemuutteemaa ' : CHAS. H. MORRILL. Lanceter. STATE. United 8tateo Senator v ELMEB J. BURKETT. Governor J. H. MICKEY. Lieutenant QoTBCBor .-" : E. O. MoQILTON. Secretary of State A. GALUSHA. Auditor- . E.M.SEARLE.JR. PETER MORTENSEK. Superintendent - J. L. McBRIEN. Attorney General MORRIS BROWN. Load Commienoner H. M. BATON. Third DuArict- j. j. McCarthy. ."MICKEY. THE RAILROAD TOOL. RAISED THE RAILROAD IN NEBRASKA. 70 CENT. MICKEY THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE OF NEBRASKA. RAISED THE .ASSESSMENT OF THE PEO PLES' PROPERTY. 64 PER CENT. PEOPLE OF NEBRASKA CHRISTIANS. THEY WILL MEAP COALS OF FIRE ON THEIR ENEMY'S HEAD BY RE-ELECT-INO HIM THAT HE MAY ROB THEM SOME MORE. ar ia whack thetus ewaaty lost in all tad la which a demo administration bad eoa- 5000 towaM that "shameful aunt." Hare ia the "ao deieit" crow, juntas it leaked whea ear brother owailewed it. Tata photograph is takea froaa the reoarda: i Platte ooaaty taxpayers are paying 7 per eeat iatereat oa warraats a atoaatiag to $13,235. The Telegram says there is ao de ficit. The aaaaawd valaation of Platte ouaaty ia 1903 was f2.754.fi30. The levy for 1903 was 13 mills for eoaaty purposes. The law permits a levy of 15 mills. Aa iacreaae of 2 mills in the 1903 lery woald hare yielded $5309. This weald have redaoed the praaeat deficit to ahoat 8000. Ia other words. Platte coanty'a in- coald aot hare been made large ia 1903 to meet the coanty'a conditions as they oTehwaTJHBVQaV BQaP' Mawat aWtW TIMSal Vfahaaaaaa aw -- - x an aUaaaaMaa Uanawawsfjam ia aha memory O where, ie Coal Oil John' Wo are etillwaitiag for partloalara tathoaaattarof atailroadJean. promiaaa to he aa Mr. Owvataad aaa Jadge Parker Meed-thirsty aa tariff ripper. Eteby eaya "the Taaaaore Rooaerelt the feat like Totiag far Parker. ' wa knew of a't The ama who thiafta Roosevelt i-t carry finite ooaaty oaaat ta talk to aome of the will Headquarters. i ao hope at carryiag aay of the Alleghaatas. Jadge Parker aa the democracy ia The eaJy troaMe arrives foar ta that the Tatars that coming party. it alwaTa The aew camaat getter oa the west aide of Olive etreet from twelfth to thlrteeath is a great improvement to the etreet. Pavement mast come aext. a "Oars ia a world power" amid Jadge Parker ia hie speech of acceptance. and he might hare added, "thanks to iaaam af'' The Panama nanal ta UBotheraobive- whtoh democrata oomplaia it repremnta repahfieaa ability tariRpple with aarpleiiayand diMoalt problems. The etacthm of a democratic coa- thia year will he followed by reigaef cheap prodacta l ltM ta 1M97. of these prodacta will he That the dameeratie party belongs. reaches, to the traate ta ao ; eff the demonratlc voter. It ta a eaadittea which ta dae etmplTtothe David Belmont Hill ta ia Lot the parry and that William JnenaBryaa betrayed ata The Joaraal repeats that this con dition ta dae either to extravagance or to aa inadeqaate reveaae law, or to both. It ta ao aaswer to aay that Platte coanty'a ezpensea were nnatoal and accidental, A aonnd reveaae system will gnard agaiaet the "anasnal and aooideataL The Telegram charges the Lord with the"aanaaal"expensea of Platte coan ty. bat does not J itemize the aeooant. The Joaraal believM that Platte ooanty tax-payers woald like to see aa itemized acconnt, even if the Lord is williag to waive the formality. The Telegram seems to think there ta a oopartnerahip in state affaire be tween the Lord and the "republican machine." for the Lord's acconnt in the state debt ia omitted. Here ta aa itemized acconnt of the aaasaal expanses of the state from 1901 to 1903 that go iato the debt charged to the "railroad machine': KebaUdiag the peaiteattary. bant ed Feb. 28, 1901. f 118.200; wolf boaattee, partly accamnlated nnder a faaioa administration $10,000; de acieacy from faaioa administration, 18S.735.97; retara of First Nebraska regimeat from Saa Fraasiaeo. $47,370. 75; addition to Hastiags asylam. $55,- 000; aiae eaprema oonrt commisisoa- md their aaabtaats. $89,800: for the Buffalo expocttioa. $10,000; per amaeat locatioa of the State Fair, $35,000; iacreaae ia the appropriation to the atate aaiveraity. $527,000; msk iag a total of $1,105,107.72. .From 1897, the year of complete faaioa coatrol till 1903. the x year of complete repabUcaa coatrol, the state debt had iacreaeed $68,787.35 Dedact those "aaasaal" expenses from the state debt as the Telegram woald from the ooaaty debt and the repablieaa atate administration wonld ahow a gala of a half million. Aaaia, the"apalliag record" of the Dietrich legtalatare shows that legis lature to have coat Nebraska taxpayers $113,000, while each' of the two pre vious faaioa legiahUurea cost them $130,009, Apaliag. indeed. ' Agate), the lowest a as raiments the railroads ia .Nebraska have had for twenty years, were made by adraiatatratiOBa. Compare this record with the last assessment has raised railroad taxes 70 per while ratafag the taxes on the net of the psoparty in the state only H per cent. Look at this record aa taxpayers aad aot as partisans aad ask yourselves which party baa the best railroad record. Look at Platte coaaty'a debt through the same glasses that job view the atate debt and the least or saost that yoa can my in explanation of that debt is that Platte coanty. like the atate. is in debt bocanse we hare had a defective revenue system. Face this condition as taxpayers and not aa partisans, aad yon will never vote to send a democrat to the legis lature, pledged by n democraito con veetioa to repeal a revenue law that will lift off your burden of interest. both ia ooaaty and in state. Go to the county treasurer's office. Mr. Beoher is aa honest man. Ask him if the Journal's- statemeBhi agree with his reoarda. then draw your own ooBclaeioaa aa to who ta" trifling" with the taxpayera of Platte county. ROOSEVELTS ESEJtlES, that he hre-. It has mte to make law-breakers, of New York requiring that ca Sunday. about it ; the New York City r aha Irst time of man: aad Rooaevelt exoaediagly unpopular with lawless aakwa keepers aad patrons. Jast so has it bea with the trusts nad Wall street sharks. As president, Roosevelt found certain statutes sap posed to be ia force. He proceeded to pat them ia force good and plenty. He baa amrie himself obnoxious to the law breaking capitalists of 'the enrt. If Theodore Roosevelt had been a poli tical trimmer, if he hail been any thing else than the most fearless, in dependent and nntaumeled president since the days of Lincoln, he might now have the enormous financial-backing which is given to Mr. Parker by Wall street. It ia not a matter ot great wonder that the charges made against Roose velt by the opposition ore of (he most far-fetched and ridicnlons nature. What else can be fonnd to say agaiaat him9 What rational and hon est accusation can be made against him9 Here they are: First, he enter tained at his table Booker. T. Wash ington, the man who three years ago was the commencement orator at the Nebraska State University, by invita tion of the grndaatiag class. Second, he favors the maintenance of a stand ing army which is absolutely necess ary, which is almost microscopic in comparison with thoco of other na tions, aad ia which enlistment is en tirely voluntary. Tnird, ho has proved himself to be unsafe by assum ing that when congresu enacts laws it ia hia business to enforce them, no matter whose toes may be stepped on, and no matter whether the trust mag aatos like it or not. REPUBLICAN DUTY. A month ago we had tho nerve to predict that Roosevelt would carry Nebraska by fifty thousand and Platto coanty by five hundred. The democratic papers now admit on all sides that Roosevelt's plurality in the state will be fifty thousand or more. They have aot yet conceded Platte county, but it takes time to convince democratic editors. It took time to coaviace some of thorn that tho gold standard was a good thing and that Oar Beloved Bryan was either off his net or dishonest in his free silver shoutings. If there is no other argument that will coaviace our Jacksonian brethren of Roosevelt's ability to carry Platte ooaaty. we must wait for tho election returns. The fact that tho republican have never made a determined and harmonious campaign in this coanty baa led to the opinion that there is an invincible majority of seven or eight hundred againt them. This year the republicans of Platte county are unit ed aad determined. .Evorythinc is in our favor. Tho real democratic ma jority is not half of what it has been supposed to be. and with tho donhlo assistance of the national ticket and strong local candidates it can be over come. It will mean work, vigorous and united work, but it can be done. We hope to be able to mako cood on our Platte county forecast, as well as on the state resalt. It depends on the republicans of Platte county. 'Enough democrats are already in line for Roosevelt and for an honest and capable county administration. absolutely iamjoasiase ta aat- kj-j g taweaam- The Telegram blio.")8 tho now Ne braska revenue law was created by the railroads, fur their own benefit, and that the law has beeu interpreted lv Governor Mickey and his associates ia harmony with the wishes of the railroad attoraeys." Telegram. Mark this! The Telecram believps that railroads or Nebraska aro so gen erous that they had Gov. Mir key and his associates raise the valuation of their property 70 per cent whereas they insisted that other property should be raised only 51 ier cent. That compliment to the railroad should bring a pass. "As a whole we believe the law to bo a good one. and to have been framed with tne object of reaching all proper ty in the state and to impose upon all taxablo property its duo share of the nublio harden. That it inav fail in some instancos does not repairs ns to condemn it as a wholo." From Chief Justice Sullivan's Opinion on tho Revenue Law. "It to oacile free trade with said Joseph Ckazaberktfa, the Colonial Secretary of flreat The uaioa labor leaden ta try rucogaized the force ef this truth eight years ago when they sue their mfloeace to the repablieaa ia favor of protection. The mea baa had a hitter experience with the deatocratic advance toward free trade in the Wilson-Uormaa tariff bill. which was aot free trade bat was meant as a step ia that direction, aad it paralyznl iadastry for nearly foar years. Ia his report to the aaaaal conven tion of the Americas Federatioa at Labor in 1S3J Samuel Gomperr. tho president, said :': Since Augoat of thia year we have been ia the greatest industrial depression the countrv has ever known. It is no exaggeration to say that more than three millon of oar fellow toilers throughout the country are without employment aad have been so since the time aamed. In lSitT, after tho inauguration of SIcEinley, Mr. Gomners said: "The terriblo perioJ for the wage-earners of this country, which began in 1898 and which left behind it such a record or horror, hunger and miserv, practi cally ended with the dawn of theyeat 181)7. It is agreed by all that the waso-earners are the principal con sumers of American produtcs, aad it necessarily follows that a reduction in the wages involves a dimiautioa ia the power of consumption and conse quently a proportional decrease ia pro duction, and naturally also ia the force of labor required for- produc tion." In 18!K) Mr. Gompers raid in hia re port: "It is beyond question that the wages of the organized workera have been increased, and in many instances the hours of labor reduced or at least maintained." The democratic orators will again appeal to oreanized labor to elect a democratic president and congress because prices are high and because the nnions have ordered strikes in var ious prfrts of the country to secure ia created wages. The leaders of orgaa izod labor, the Joha Mitchells aad. Samuel Gompers. are intelligent aad experienced mon in tho affairs of the labor world. Xhoy know tho exper ience of tho country in an effort to bring about cheap prodacta. aad recognize the lorce of Joseph Cham berlain's remark, that free trade and trade unionism nro absolutely irrecon cilable. They know that high wages tend to make high prices for the pro ducts of well paid labor, and that cheap manufactured prodacts ily reduce tho wages of labor. Labor unions have grown ia hership and influenco more since the election of McKinley t baa ever before. because thero has been work for every man who desired to work, aad the wage-earners have been able to organ ize to compel employers to grant their demands regarding pay. hours of work aud regulations for the safety of the workincman. With free trade, or even the democratic advance toward freo trade, the union wotkiagmen have the cheap labor of Europe for competitors, and strikes here will be of no avail against the importation of chenp products from abroad. Oaimam Wibij far "resaatac ta siawtaabiMwbJssj provided tar the eaaatieaofaamtao of Aavaaam Lia- waeaseMerVselaefthoavcnar which tho great aaa grewltaa; oa- naiatiof iilum" saw fittoeriti staa. Aad she joe of it ta. that at the time whoa that bill was nreeeated itqaioUyaadeheerfallyaadtaeoalv oaastreettoa today la' that the officers of the Senate aad House neglected to affix their signatures, aa emtmloa whtoh delayed bat cannot defeat tho project. The fact that the baly sla of Gov ernor Mickey to which the ooaven tioa could attract attention waaaot hta eia at all proves rather conclus ively that he ta a very satisfactory official. -Ex.; ' x Fred Good, the faaioa candidate for taftalataro la Webster eoaaty, fully deserves hta surname. Mr. Good oecapies a unique position ia the pol itical hiatoiv of Nebraska: he eajoya the distinction of- being the first her 'of the opnositioa party to before an assemblage of his partisans and Ml the trath ahoat a republican measure. 8ays Mr. Good, la hta speech of acceptaace: "This new reveaae law baa re-acted agaiaat those who foamed it. Too railroads dag this pitfall aad aow they have fallea iato it them aelvee aad are being compelled to pay tar -mora tbaa their juat proportioa of taxes." Tho ti leans which greeted this ptaia etatemeat of a veryapper oat fact ahowed Mr. Good that he had violated all ethics by being truth fal. aad he closed his' brief but inter esting speech with the remark that it waa growing late aad all the delegates were doubtless tired. ' 'Ex. FRIEDHOF&C2 DRY GOODS CLOTHING SHOES FURNISHINGS We snUbave lefts w oosenoi r Blue and White and Redand . White Stripe Work Shirts All sizes, 12'; to 17. Price to CLOSE OUT . . . 25 c Men's White Unlaundered Shirts Sizes 14'. to 16'a 60c Values, W J -CT g Price to Close Out ... . The Omaha Newe ataa a rocky road between Governor Mickey aad a re eleetioa. The News says the railroads are agaiaat him. haviag foaad that he taaot auheervieat to their iatereeta. The aaktoa league of the atate ta aad ever aaa beea agaiaat bias. The gam blers of Omaha have also decreed that he ta aot the mea for their beet Iater eeta aad wi'l have to go. All these elements against him meaaa the loss of away vatea. aaa yet ia a sense it Is to hia credit. It proves that he ta good aad honest. Whea corporations, gamblers aad thaga are agaiaet a oaa- dldate it ta a pretty good alga aad boaaat people oaa amfely aapporthiau Albion News. LOOK AT THESE SPECIALS ! Our line of Summer Vests, nearly all -sizes, on sale this week at HALF PRICE! $2.50 Straw Hats are now going at $1.25. Odds and ends of Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, from 10c to 50c ezceptional values. Men's and Women's Oxfords (all Pingrees) on sale at LESS THAN COST, and this is just the weather for low shoes. Men's Cassimer All-Wool Pants $5.00 pair now $3.00 $4.50 pair now $2.50 $3.50 pair now $2.00. Forty Boys' Two-Piece Suits, ages 10 to 15 years, your -choice for $2.50 ($5.00 values in these.) . Nice summer Men's and Boys' Madras Shirts, good patterns, sues 12', to 17, for 50c. JUST RECEIVED! A lull line of White Coats and Aprons FRIEDHOF & C2 "I have nothing to take back. I have nothing to withdraw of the things that I have aaU agaiaat the awtbodspar sued to advaace hta caadidaoy. It waa a ptaia aad deliberate attempt to divide the party. The New York plat form waa vague and parposely ao, bocaaee the advocetea of Judge Parker were tryiag'to scare votes from among the people who woald have opposed hia views had they kaowa them. The aomiaatioa waa aecured. therefore, by crooked aad iadefeaai hie methods.' '-William J. Bryaa. "The Commoner." July IS. 1904. Tho democratic papers are gradually of theesalted i displayed by Mr. Parker ia to decline a aomiaatina -it woald be impossible to allow him code- nallex- by the a that the hereto tint of trick nf Mr. Hill has The arena- s there- beeV withdrawn from tateinci- -'oBnttaantta aow devoted to the of Judge Parker. This the the only thtaveryemaoth boeaaumewhat dimmed Platto ooaaty republicans will meet in convention tomorrow. The Journal believes this will he a notable meet ing. The repablicaas will nominate their strongest mea for the offices of eoaaty attorney aad representatives. They will do thia realizing that there ta aa excellent prospect of electing Every repablieaa ia Platte ty who oaa possibly do so ahould this coaveatioa. Republicans this year are especially glad that they are repahlicaaa. They know that there ia ao democratic party ia the field ao far aa Nebraska is concerned nad that for that rery reaaoa hundreds of mea who have voted with the dem ocrats or popalista, mea who like to have their votes stand for something. will vote the ' republican ticket straight Let repaUicaae gather ia- from the advantage they get together tomorrow to laaatiatioa to oae Judge Parker's speech of acceptance advocated mild revision of tho tariff. It was the voice of Jacob but the hand of Emu. The democratic party is the party of free trade, not revision. dnarln aave anu tasaart that "efamrSJa The eeneorats woald revise the atria with aa an nr aa tha Hnn !' T,-Tf fy .".7 - A Obamp Clark nuggeated. with dyna f rTTT. . !HT.-!,f . woald "destroy the pro nsanaahni samsT naadeMtaaBtritaT- Utiain f ft"" to foaada- evaniaatatalBhataahegreweld Aadoilwe knew yet about Judge erbwmewmtt. aWyaaanBaatttalSM. nwkar.a iasaetal views ta that he aaaasjtodaee he baa aot breemu It. Tetad twice far. free silver aad aow Wa aa ef the opinion that Mr. Parker naaattethe snaad currency standard TeV and the Turk. President Roosevelt scored a strone point when he forced ncqiescence of the sultan in the demands of the Unit ed States for the privileges to be enjoy ed by American educational institut ions and citizens in Turkey. The sultan promised, delayed, promised agaia'aad kept up exasperating tactics. at last Presideat Roosevelt ordered the Earopaaa squadron, to Smyrna. Thereupon the unspeakable one began to" hump himself, "as they say on the street, with the desired result. The method and the result are rath er disappointing to the enemies of Mr. Roosevelt. Ho exhaustod every means known to diplomacy before giving evidence of impatience, and when the time came to act he acted promptly. He not only tolu the sul-J tan there would be a "rough house," but started the program. It was the only way. Aa n result, long-delayed indemnity has been paid, the unbank able oae has "recogaized the dignity aad force of the charter granted by the State of New York to the Protec tant Medical College at Beirut, and baa placed it on aa equal footing with the Preach college in tho sanie city aad has givea satisfactory guar antee that Americans will get n fair deal ia the future. If President Roosevelt had been the hothead hia political adversaries bold him to be. -ho woald have employed tho arte of war long before he did. aad the reaalt aright have beea rather aa- Parker's Acceptance. Judge Parker, in hia speech of ao reutance, did not add to the aam total of human knowledge concerning hia position as a democrat who ia better and more courageous tbaa bis party, ilo thanked tho committee oa notifi cation for the confidence shown by tbe convention in not reconsidering bin nomination after be had telegraph ed that ho considered the gold stand ard as irrevocably fixed by law. This was substantially an nnpology for that telogrum. The Ju-Jge did not further offend the Brran wing of the party by reiteratinir his conviction regarding tho stability of the gold standard law. or by xpanilinc nls views on the financial question. lie rested on his telegram and in all other things fol lowed tbe motto of bis political men tor. David B. Hill.' 'I am a democrat." He is a democrat on the labor ques tion and will go with bis party whea he know whether it is for or against tho labor nnions or tho employers of Ialnr who oppose the nnions he is n democrat oa imperialism and will not with the party, on any policy regard ing tho Philippines when he knowa what thai, policy R whetherfor im mt'cliato scuttle or an indefinite time and condition for the inauguration of scuttle policy ; be is a democrat oa tho tariff aud in favor of tariff re form but explains to tho oppoBeate of that policy that they need not fear for the republican senate will protect the country from such a democratic policy during hta incumbency of of floe if he' should be elected and he gives farther assurance bv declaring that he will not ba a candidate for reelection so ns to endanger the future by con tinning a democratic administration after a republican senate may have bcn removed as a "brake on free trade. Ia fact Judge Parker takes ao defi nite stand on any question beyond that of assuring his party that he ia a democrat now as he was ia 1896 aad 1'JOO, notwithstanding his offense ia sending n telegram to the coaveatioa stating that be believed the gold stan dard law irrevocable, after that con vention had deliberately refused to adopt that position. Judge Parker straddled every ques tion at tbe iEsue which he discussed and did not even mention that most recent democratic if sue regarding the Panama Canal which Gorraaa raised in the United States Senate last win ter by holding up the treaty with Panama and accasin g tbe administra tion of irregularity and complicity ia tbe revolution on tbe Isthmus. Bid tho candidate consult Senator Gor man and follow his advice ia thia silence or did he find it impossible to straddle the Panama Canal like an other Colossus of Rhodes? The effect of Judge Parker's sneech of acceptance has been to emphasize tho contest at to the coatrol of Coa gross. If the democratic party should be nble to coatrol the legislative branch of the government, Judge Par ker as presideat woald be a demo crat aad siga whatever bilb Congress Now Mr. Tibbies has takea a leaf oat of Mr. Bryaa'e book aad like the tat ter will give foar reueona why he will support hta party's eaadidatee aad forty roatoaa why no' oae viae ahould do aa. It begiaa to look aa though tbe Parker alaggera aad tbe office-hunting brigade might better have allowed Mr. Tibbies aad hta fol lower to remala ia the atlddto of the road, for aow they will ereaa the road entirely aad do thiags to the eratic candidates which will them to look pained ia the eold grey dawa of the atoralag after. Ex. Tho official record of Governor Mic key afforda little or ao room for just criticism. Hta admlaiatratloa baa beea basinemlike from start to finish aad the iatereeta of the tax payers of the atate have beea cart ally aafe-gaard ed at all tintes. Fladiag aothlag ia his record upon which tosaakeafight. tke faaioa orgaae have begaa a system of pasillaatasoaa aad petty peraoaal attaoka anna the governor. Theae will do more harm to the people ia whose iatereat they are made tbaa to the oae at whom they are Biased. Kearney Hub. Tbe habit of putting rich old fossils oa the national ticket for second place ia eoaalderatloa ef a generous sub scription to tbe campaign fand ta growing oa the demoorata. Ia fact it baa become a settled policy of that party. It atay be aefely aaid that thia tathe only aetUed policy the demo crataaow have except that of being alwaya opposed to want the repabltonaa are ia favor of Ord Quiz. The respective pnronnlagos of ia creaae of amaafaotares aad trade dar ing twenty yeara have beea aa fol lower England. 8 per eeat; Germany. (St per coat; Uaited States, M0 per oent The difference betweea 8 per cent aad 300 per eeat ta the difference betweea free trade aad protectioa. Pallertoa News JoaraaL Ii Jadge Parker's nomination waa secured by ' creaked and indefensible aethods"aa Mr.. Bryan has woald bo Interesting to know how, ia addition to tan aominattaa. heeooured Mr. Bryan's supportNorfolk News JoaraaL Yoacaa paste it ia your old hat that Bryaa dwaecrsta will aot belle their work by voting for Parker. It will be either a oerateh or ao veto. Now ba-Staaaara (par. ) Mr. Parker. Tho followlag ta aa editorial ex preaaioa from Oollier'a Weekly, a periodical wkich ta iadepaadeat of politico: "There ta comiag to nam ia regard to the Parker telegram ahoat what waa to be expected. It aaattera aot whether they are for the jadge'e eleetioa or agaiaat is. ordiaary. clear headed Americanism mast safer a reactioa after being worked Into ex- citoawat over allegatloaa that are absurd. They mast oome to aeo facto ia the more or lam dear light of oom eaoasaBee, They observe tho part played by Mr. August Belmont ia the pressat campaign.- They read that Senator MoCarrea receives a salary ot a0.000ayear from tbe Standard Oil company, waetaer tans no true or not, it ta eertala that the mentor ta a vary "omooth" ama. .They kaow something of tho atatory of the adroit Blae-eyei"Bllly She-hen aad a good deal awe of the history of David Beaaett Hill. The principles of Boarke Oockraaarenotahrondedin mystery. Theae ama form the groap Bearcat to Jadge Parker: most likelv to kaow aad iaflaeace hta eouBcile : moat likely wore bo prseiaeat. to comnoae or aag hta cabiaet Now. mea of this p aecured tlm aomiaatioa of Judge Parker at St Louis, ectiag aa hta Gertaia nrominm and promiaVe were aeoeemry too btaia the prize. Whoa the aomiaatioa waa eecure,end ooald aot be takea away, without pattiag tbe daasocratle Barry in the pmitioa of eeemiag to reject a ama beeauao he favoed gokl.the jadge sat hta tetagraaa. He waa lately hailed by that part of tho which ta primarily tatareated ia eta aa a hero who had bean willing to aeoriaoe the preaidsacy tohiadaty. 8eoh idiocy moat have its reboaad. Bryaa'e cross of gold metaphor which drove another clam of people iato freazy, had itau reactioa. although evoa it, fallacioae aa it waa. had a ranch eolider foaadatioa tbaa the childish story that to offer iback a anminatioa whea it eoald aot possibly be withdrawa withoat absurd disaster waa the bravest deed ever perpetrated of that kind ia American politics. In anities of teat kind never pay. The people amy become excited fnr a rnoBMat, bat thea they settle down to coatemplate with disgust ttMsaeetacIe they have made. Jadge Parker played good politics, or he did ao who tried to tara him iato a hero did oil they ooald to tara him into an i The aewspaper which ta trying to prove that it forced bimaead tho tele gram it aot dolag him aay more harm tbaa tho others which aro stiU hailing himaaaCambiaaca. If tho deaaocrata wish to carry New York ' not to talk of aay western atate. they laid better get buy and ahow that Jadge Parker is tarn of a rlutocrat aad more of a demm rat thea Themlnre Ifnn ! COLUMBINES. P.J.B. WekBTeodoeiitwhetaTrUiatiBfaatdaatt tioa was ftnt fowlti by a miaUUr whoa srimio r ware in the habit of hriatmx tke Banna to charch. lie tallow coaleVJoet arrange it ao that he voeJdbeeaaleenretbsdtiawaaheiaataeUiaa'. ptioM. Ultra woald UaoBMxa diBkahyaheat Bt sad Early to KMapropoMttoa. A BMaweiaBoyd eoaaty has fcrcn aoeueated ticket tettoksialetare. tor cea? for the oajee of atate land coauabsiom- er. We weald aaaat that the faaioa party aught elart a gmaniag cohtaat or imawtlilng to try aad atUact a few aew aabaeribera. Why ahoald the deatocratic preea ba makiag each fraatiedeaialeof Mr.Brrse'a pmhibitioa atatiBMBta? Even body kaowa that both Mfckry ad Bern are prahihitioaiata. bat that has nub ia to do with politics. A bmu ia dfacrriae of admiratioe, rather than apologetic dehiala. wont. Bvia ia peiitiea. he peraiatoia a belief which wuttead to luainUtical disadvantage. A qatatioa ariaM: Whea a paratVaph head has ao iwpiratiaatohejaatiaediatheaiaatof the Lord in illia ap a colaam with what ia technically kaowa as bog-wash, or flapdoodle? Newspaper am kaow that ehwtrotyped plate ur he parehaerd for ahoat thirty eraU. which will eive the aafortaaate reader awrh valuable iafonaatioaoatheaabjett of the hoc iadaatry ia Japan, aa wen as last weeka aewa from the wtof war. The great Bisby aerd to baveeei- atie rheaaiatii. aad oa each occaaioaa he coald roeetChriatiaaSciMee. Thea be aecd to get hia atore uotaoahiad aide to, ao that whea he tried totakeaaother bite be apUled oat the fonaer bite. taeachBKiaaeaUoraoaMeetroyiacaeoBy he woald reel off a toaehiac ditty oa tbe iafer iorityofteathbaildidbyBViHalhBada. Bat the ordiaary panwrapher baa aot tbe varied talent of the great Biz. Whea hia spirit ia cast down aad the beefsteak ia loach, he feels more like haadiacoBtaaiswtallateator the rood old pio. sear Paritaa doctrine of eteraal torment rather thsaaoawthiacthat may serve to entertain II weak-minded. Ia f aeh esses we are firralr tS ine opinion mat ne shnaM save his vocmha lary aatil saeh time aa his inspiration may axnin be ia workiac order. COLUMBUS MAJUUTTB. Wheat, aew 80 iore ---.................. 40 Oata-bnehel 25 afro ybaehel fig Barley, 27 Hoga-y cwt , Sff 4 50 Fatateera Vewt mgiJSt Stock ateeray ewt 2le 3 55 Fatcows-Vcwt 2 9J0 S 06 Potatoee-y pk at -- atts.;: .-.. ii4ji6 Kgge Vdosen. 13 TO HUffTLDe, Him MlTftS &T.LOUI&. VIA BURCINOTON ROUTE. Tickets to St Loais aad retara Good fifteen days, '.$17.0 Good sixty uays. i9iW Good all summer, 22.00 ror tall information about train ser vice and other details see tho ticket gent Tbe St Louie Exposition tbe great est show the world has ever eeen-io now complete aad in herssfta,, operation, aad it will be a Ismtiarn'o I! regret if yon fail to see it ' L. W. Waxfxbt, General Paaawaner Aaent- ""M aaBKmnmnj, of elect ii A vote for fliagr MeCarthy will bo a vote for PreaJileal Roosevelt aad his policy. Fat a peg there. Central City NoapareiL Tho aominattaa at Jaaco Parker virtually aalliftea tho antitmat ptaak. Willinma Jeaaiaga Bryaa. Acarefal study of Jadge Parker's ipeech pavea tho way far from him oa theaightof November 8 that while he may be die apaoiatod ho ta aot aarprtaed. every time "Splendid DcaBocratie tbe newspapera priat, Crop Proaeecta" headliae, Jadge Parker intimates that tho extatiag aati-traat lawn aro onMeieat. mriralla sartj ati la caeca, a. aa. car iae parpoeo newer tan Saarnma law? wraa ---- iaariaa: eaadiitatoa ao a unree aad aa ateaaapt anvta to aa- aey, renramntatlve aad each other care tta snjlaianwaonjl uTiaaath ahe baetaaaa aa aaay preaerly coaso batata xruam Bnanjanoa eawst M awTBr MbubwI saa aanvuaanaa. The adjouraed meeting of tho Platte ooaaty Repablieaa coaveatioa will be held at the court house ia Cotambar. Nebraska, August 25, 1904, at for A :0. seaefo, Ohair- ia The foUowiag recent report of our Coaaaal-geaeral located at Gal oatta, Iadto. will bo of iataaae iater eat to wheat growers ia ihta country: "According to the Government's WcfT?0!??- ! wkeroTi of 190g-t tho aenaoa has beea excea ttoaaUy foveraale for wheat ami the good crop of last year has beea ex ceeded by 30 per cent in area and 31 5 ; percent ia yield. la the principal rm. B"wei iracn ox aortBem India, waere the ctod ia anas, timiin,. nnairom wnien tae annaliea for e. port are ao largely drawa. the area is tho largest oa record, the tmm AVM the hinbeet other yeara bein.r975.nrm acres ia tho United Pieviacea ami ai?i?80.?e,"B to !. . caltivatloa exteaded oa tho Cheaab !f,LJhS " ta --tarof yield this crop stnada preemiaeat. and the total. 9.SJ0.M0 toaa, tal.fi00.000 toae more tbaa the targe errp of 190. S. The crop haa beea lease successful ia Bombay, bat fartanatelv tkss.. favorable coaditioaa wore moet pre valent where the area ia wheat i not imenrtan. aad Stad baa had aa ex trseaely good crop. Tho exports of wheat the la . yeara have beea aa followa: la 18UU- 1900. 485.304 t0Be;!J00-1901.2.o0l team- 1901-2. 9!S,091 toae: 1903-3. r.14.007 toaa; 1905-4. 1.395.5M toaa. Jadaina by the quaatirv exported froaa last year's ereft (1.295.5M toaa. or nearly iM,9sa,mw annnnMBi inn exunrt from the crop of tale vear-ia which there crops of all food fi bo Bsore than doanla. aas nananty. wnica will go to Karono aademao into compstlthm with the onortad from the Uaitad "-B. F. Fatteraoa. Ooaanl. Jaao9,l90i. W01XD FAIB LOW SATH. EVERY DAY Tho Union Paoifu w;n -u 13CiSrto. LS?1 ?- d at FIFTEEN DAY TICKETS SIXTY DAY TinKETS , SEASON TICKETS Inqnire of W. IL Ifenham. Agent rawTOSCw 4MTITrr toMfU. rlatsnnajT. "nfc The followinr prniwe.! anwadmeat. tn . thy ijati..f fritfi2Zfgg in fall, ia submitted to the eWCX r2.r2f!h? Neltrneks. to be voted apoa at "- "'" rtioa t.. b held Tihv.XvembTr STS! tBE-vvrr nut No. 114.) t.AtiIKUir,'.r J"jai " ,u,lf recomawadiae? to tl elnrtor, f Km, .tub. to vtrfTit tZrSS? electma ..f mtmler. f h. IZ2L!rlr rfifitiit..n .A . : ! " sxaioet a n-yise. amead aad rhnnKP.thef..n.titnli.i f th ate ofJlSLiH 111 arr.mUni wit!. Secth.n r. Ariele U& CoiMtitutHm of tin. Kinte . f NwVraskL " A'UfZfr"' '"" ""? tke S,ar, slitntion of the KMIe IfNeUrask- t0 -- .a iTTvrsrvriaarn an h!.ur: &mrs79tSZ ffaehna?- 'J-ssvwrr; .1 T,'?t.t ?" -lrtioa of mill 1 .j tlie.lKislstureoa tbe bmll.j T.J, JSTy." entiaw t wch elertim. shall he && Z!i? ten in ncl. manner that theeeetorWh7 lu-j pn-ferecre niuler the wthea-!JSs? ?lling a r.ventk tn ZZiL"-. i uveet MJB,provii aave toaa mrae graias. retaMlag wheat $U.M1a It Leaia nad letara. The Burlington offer a the above low rate for tickets good ia coaches and ebatrears(asatafrM). OasntaTaeodaye SaidTharedeya daring August and Sep- reate .w ft5&5SS.vS vxsguzz I. tlf.t W. Msn.h. rWictar fcSa.1-e5l2Tk3 Z t .f the Htmi. H.t.S7Srrz. j ' ?ante- roDvnf tho r!Mi TT..?AI"" nan correct tioa. the rovideby nt Male of the See am for full particulars. LF.Sscxonv posed amendment and revisMaTVn!! IZSJT qasJiSe.1 voters of thTSSLy SSlt r their adopt.oa or rejetST21!lflr tioa to be held laeeS ttirirSSe k vembsr. A. D. Wit. " " N- la teatimne .lf a . aad aBlzMt "- - - " set my haaa "wd the Great Heal of. the ttate if Ne- (OBZAT SZAL.1 "- W- Mi9B. Secretary of Stale. Subscribe for Tbe Jcmrnalooa St. Joseph News aa to him. t : iJ.Z&t. fa. , -. - - g- ,-rV "& Is. T