The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 24, 1904, Image 2

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The CoJurtis Jotrtal
News in Brief
Work of constructing the Panama
canal is about, to begin in earnest.
At Brussels it is reported that a re
bellion baa broken out in the Mon
salla river district of the Congo Free'
Stat and, that troops have been sent
there. ' " v I .
It is stated upon ofacial authority
that President Roosevelt has practic
ally decided to name a New York
fanner as assistant secretary of agri
culture. The Toklo correspondent of the
London Times says that the Japanese
marine association has 'resolved to
form a volunteer fleet of auxiliary
Sir Thomas Upton is paying a visit
to the Clyde for the purpose, it is
believed, of arranging for the design
ing and - construction of a fourth
The farm house of B. A. Dowllng,W
near Perth,-Oklahoma, -was struck by
lightning and burned. Four members
of the family were burned to death
in the -house.
The International Mercantile Marine
company at Liverpool has announced
a cut in steerage rates from Liverpool
on the Boston steamers to $8.75, a re
duction of $3.75.
Italy has 16,700.000 trees bearing
oranges, lemons and pomengranates.
Of last year's crop 844.329 hundred
weight went to Great Britain, 726,327
to North America,
The general staff of the army has
ordered that all the troops serving in
the United States, . excepting the ar
tillery corps, shall be equipped with
the full dress uniform.
Jacob Hussman, an aeronaut, was
drowned in Lake Alice at Fergus
Falls. Minn. He had made a balloon
ascension and on coming down in all
parachute fell into the middle of the
Au unknown Italian who attempted
to kidnap Helen White, a child 5 years
old. narrowly escaped lynching in Al
legheny. Pa., and was only saved
from serious injur in the arrival fo
the police.
Secretary Taft has fixed September
2 as the date for hearing of interests
involved in the appeal of the state
of Missouri to have the United States
take possession of the St. Louis Mer
chants' bridge.
Refugees from Asuncion, the capital
of Paraguay, declare that the condi
tions there are insupportable. AU
business has been suspended, the
streets are deserted and only the pa
trols -are visible.
The wealth of Russell Sage is esti
mated by some Wall street authorities
to reach $176,000,000, and as he was
t8 years old his last birthday, it would
nake his savings average $2,000,000
year for his life.
Jonathan P. Dolliver received his edu
cation in the West Virginia university
and then started out for himself by go
ing West and teaching school. He
apened a law office at Fort Dodge
when 21 years old. j
In the Washington bureau of ord
nance plans, are -being, drawn for the
resighting of all the guns of the navy.
The rapid fire guns will be fitted with
a new telescopic sight which will per
mit of continuous aim.
Three naval recruiting parties will
start on their itineraries -September 1.
Because the comptroller of the cur
rency decided that the navy depart
ment could not bear the expenses of
the recruiting parties.' It was neces
sary to arrange the itinerary-
A spark from a locomotive falling
oa dry leaves set a forest on fire in
western Silesia and the flames spread
to the parched country, destroying a
timber district of nearly 190' square
miles, belonging chiefly to Duke Ernst
4iunther of Schleswig-Holstein. broth
er of. the empress, and to Count Von
The state central committee of the
Montana, populist party has decided to
call the state convention to "meet in
Butte on September 19.
Fire in the plant of the Tuthill
Spring company at Clinton and Seaver
streets, Chicago, caused a loss of $50,
000 on the building and contents.
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson has
announced that as a result of his re
cent trip, west plans are in progress
looking to the establishment of a wire
less telegraph'-' system of Are alarms
In tie various forest reserves under
the control of the government.
Mrs. Ingersoll, widow of the late
Robert G. Ingersoll of New York, has
been given a favorable decision in a"
uit'to recover a large amount ol
money for services given by her hus-
- band as attorney in the settlement of
the estate of Andrew J. Davis, a"
' wealthy copper mine owner of Mon
tana. Senator Scott, manager of the
speakers' bureau for the republican na
tional committee, has arranged with
former Senator Thurston of Nebraska
to make several speeches in New
York and New Jersey and to spend
a week la West Virginia.
Former-Ambassador White, when
interviewed concerning the report that
he had been selected as a candidate
for governor of New York on the re
publican ticket, dictated a denial, say
ing he is "entirely and finally out ol
all political life, save as a simple citi
zen. Aa Algiers dispatch says that
eighty-three horsemen sent by the
Moorish pretender, Bu Hamara, to
Chief Amada of the Benl Buzzagora
tribe to ask his daughter in marriage,
were treacherously murdered by the
Senator Prince OdeecallchL former
minister, the Marquis San Giuliano
and' the Marquis Caarpans and ten
deputies have left Naples on board
the cruiser Lignria, to participate in
the international parliamentary peace
conference to he held at St Louis Sep
tember 10.
The grand jury in New York has
headed down an iadictBteat for extor
tion against Philip Welaseimer, the
leader of the strike of the BmUding
Trades Alliance. Welaseimer far -charged
with extorting $2,700 from George
William J. Bryaa lectured at the1
Liacoia (DJ.) to over 5.000
people, having for hie subject the
"Value of aa Weal."
The Cbaa gbverameat has acceded
to the request of Mexico for the ex-
traeklem ef Soler Pieero.
wkh the theft c Jewels.
A Destructive Gale Tears Down the
Valley ef the Mississippi at St Paul
ami Minneapolis Losses Foot Up
Into the Millions.
ST. PAUL, Minn. Death to sixteen
persons and destruction to property,
both private and public, estimated at
$3,000,000, rode on a screeching gale
which tore down the valley of the
Mississippi at about 9 o'clock Satur
day night from a point somewhere
near the confluence of the Minnesota
and Mississippi rivers near Fort
Saelling. At about that point the
fury of the elements seemingly di
Tided and, with a roar, descended
upon the twin cities and their envi
rons. Of the losses, St Paul suffered
to the extent of about $1,000,000,
Minneapolis is estimated at $1,500,000
while in the outside districts it is
reared that $500,000 will not cover
the damage done to crops and farm
- Beginning at a point below Fort
Snelling there is the first known evi
dence that the storm struck with
damaging effect it came from the
southwest and howling in its fury,
aprooted trees and demolished build
ings in its pathway toward St. Paul.
It tore off two spans of High bridge
completely. The bridge is connected
there with the high bluffs at West
St Paul and it is 180 feet above the
river. This mass of steel was carried
io the flats below, where flying steel
girders and heavy planks fell on sev
eral small frame houses of the flat
iwellers and crushed them. None of
the occupants of these houses were
Hurt, they having seen the storm
coming and taken refuge in the caves
in the hillside. The storm tore along
the flats, uprooted trees on Harriet
Island and, with a deafening roar and
fhe hiss and splash of falling sheets"
3l rain, it struck the city at Wabasha
street bridge. Here, at the bridge
entrance and on opposite sides of
Wabasha street, were located the
Tivoli concert ball and the Empire
ihearer, both of which were fairly
ailed with men watching the per
formances. Both buildings stood on
ihe edge of the bluff overlooking the
river, with the sides of the buildings
jpen, and were wrecked. The full
force of the tornado struck them.
rhe buildings began to sway and
-ccl;'a-:l tc audiences became panic-
stricken. Men and boys rushed over
ach other for the exits. The lights
went out and the sheet lightning
Bashes, one following another with
gunfire rapidity, illuminated a scene
of pandemonium, which was inten
sified by the crash of glass and the
(earing of timbers as the frame struc
tures gave way before the tornado.
The damage to property was im
mense, conservative estimates, plac
ing it between $500,000 and $1,000,
J00. The downtown busines district
was hit hard, many of the large office
and business blocks being completely
riddled and the. stocks of wholesale
nouses seriously damaged by the
floods of rain that accompanied the
The storm cloud, which came from
the southwest, first hit the ground
on the west side bluffs near the high
Bridge. Two spans of this structure,
which is of steel and which crosses
the Mississippi river at a height of
ZOO feet, were cut out as cleanly as
though done with a knife and thrown
into the gulch below, crushing in the
roofs of a number of small houses
situated on the flats along the river
General W!lmon Blackmar Elected
Commander-in-Ch ief .
BOSTON, Mass. General Wilmon
W. Blackmar of this city was elected
commander-in-chief of the Grand
Army of the Republic by acclamation
at the closing session of the national
encampment Thursday, and Denver,
Colo., was selected as the place for
the encampment of 1905. The other
national officers elected were:
Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief
John R. K'ng. Washington.
Junior Vice Commander George
W. Patton. Chattanooga, Tenn.
Surgeon General Dr. Warren R.
King, Indianapolis.
- Chaplain-in-Chlef Rev. J. H. Brad
ford, Washington.
Steamship Owners Protest
LONDON. Rea of Glasgow, owner
of the steamer Allanton, which was
captured by the Vladivostok squadron
on June 10 and condemned by a prize
court, has written a letter to the
newspapers in which he declares that
the vessel was seized while carrying
coal from Japan to Singapore. The
court has decided that the Allanton
having once carried contraband was
liable to condemnation if she was
afterwards seized. Hundreds of Brit
ish ships would be liable to seizure
on the same grounds.
On a Slender Foundation.
LONDON. The Constantinople cor
respondent of the London Standard
considers that the diplomatic triumph
of the United States in the matter
of that governmen's demand upon
Turkey rests upon a slender founda
tion, and proceeds to give in detail
the developments already announced
in the dispatches to the Associated
Press. The correspondent says the
council of ministers there recom
mended yielding to the American de
mand, but that the sultan absolutely
declined to agree to this step.
Four Persons Are Killed.
GLENCOE, Minn. A tornado struck
the townships of Rih Vstlley and
Bergen Saturday night about 8
o'clock, killing four persons Mary
O'Donnell, aged 13, daughter of
Patrick O'Donnell: the 7-vear-oId
OI Anthony O'Donnell, and Fred
erick Gross and his mother and de
stroying thousands of acres of grain
vaay barns, hoases and sheds.
The storm extended over many coun
ties. The wind storm was followed
by kail and a drenching rain, lasting
taaa aa hour.
Villagers and "Soldiers Killed in
- Sanguinary Encounter.
. The Tabriz (Persia) correspondent
of the London Daily News, am a dis
patch dated Aug. , says:
"On July 23 a band of Armenian
revolutionists appeared near Outch
kilissa. Turkish soldiers and Kurds,
finding an excuse, attacked, set Ire
to and destroyed the villages of
Outchkilisss, Koomlouboujak. Gou
gan, Karabzar, and Sayto, butchering
men and outraging women.
"Two large Armenian bands march
ing to Sassum to help the Insurgent
Scene of the Massacre.
?tar Indicates approximate location of
villages named tn cable dispatch.
leader Antranik attacked the garri
sons at Mossunzory and Goutchagh
for revenge on July 25. At dawn
bombs were thrown into these places,
killing many, and severe fighting en
sued. The number of soldiers killed
amounted to several hundred.
Japanese Cruisers Chitose and Tsu
shima attack Warship.
WASHINGTON The state depart
mentt received the following cable
gram from Minister Griscom at Tokio:
"Japanese fleet sunk Novik off Sak
halin today."
The following details of the attack
on the Novik have been received at
the Japanese legation:
"The captain of the protected
cruiser Chitose reports that the Chi
tose and the Tsushima attacked the
Russian cruiser Novik at Karakovsk,
Sakhalin island, on the morning of
August 20. On the morning of the
21st the Novik, which had been heav
ily damaged, was stranded and partly
sunk. The Tsushima was hit once
in the coal bunker, but the damage
has already been repaired. There
was no other damage, nor was there
a single casualty on either of the
Japanese vessels."
Democratic Nominee for Vice Presi
dent Receives Committee.
Va. Henry Gassaway Davis was for
mally notified on Wednesday that he
is the nominee of the democratic
party for vice president of the United
States. Mr. Davis accepted the nomi
nation in a brief speech reviewing
the political situation, expressing the
sentiments of Judge Parker on the
money question and expressing the
determination to be successful in the
John Sharp Williams of Mississippi,
chairman of the nomination commit
tee, delivered the notification address.
The ceremonies were held on the
lawn of the White Sulphur Springs
hotel, which affords a natural amphi
theater, the grounds sloping up from
the speaker's stand on all sides, and
sheltered by huge, spreading oaks.
The day was an ideal one from every
standpoint. There was a large attend
English Trademark on American Sil
verware Prohibited.
WASHINGTON The secretary of
the treasury has issued the following
American silver plate manufactur
ers have been in the habit of sending
their wares to England for the pur
pose of having the "Hall mark" of
England placed upon them, with a
view, as is stated, jf deceiving Ameri
can purchasers in believing the goods
to be of English manufacture, such
goods being permitted to come back
free of duty because this marking is
not considered as an improvement
The secretary of the treasury is
now informed by the secretary of
state that an act has been passed by
the British parliament preventing the
use of the English "Hall mark" on
American silver ware in England.
They Receive Official Notification of
Their Nomination.
NEW YORK Thomas E. Watson
of Georgia, the people's party candi
date for president, and Thomas H.
Tibbies of Nebraska, vice presiden
tial candidate, were fjormally notified
of their nomination here Thursday
night at Cooper Union. The big hall
was crowded when, at 8 o'clock, the
two candidates, accompanied by Al
fred G. Boulton of Brooklyn, chair
man of the meeting, appeared on the
platform. There was much cheering.
Chairman Boulton at once intro
duced General Samuel Williams of
Indiana, who made a speech officially
notifying the candidates of their selec
tion. General Nord Made No Threat
WASE "GTON General Nord
never threatened to repeat the mas
sacre of foreigners in Hayti in 1904,
according to Minister Powell, who bad
the denial from the president's own
Ups. On August 1, several American
merchants informed him that Presi
dent Nord had made such a threat in
a public audience. As this report
caused great alarm in all classes, Min
ister Powell, at the request of the
merchants, saw the president and
asked as to the truth of the report
fie replied that it was not true.
Brilliant Meteoric Shower.
WASHINGTON. The navaf oh
servatory reports its observation of
a meteoric shower, brilliant and in
many respects unusual. In eight min
utes fifteen meteors were counted, one
of which lasted five seconds, which,
according to the scientists, is an ex
ceptionally long time.
One Jap Cruiser Reported Sunk.
CHE FOO It is reported that the
Japanese protected cruiser Kasuga
was sank off Round Island In the re
cent engagement
Chinese Are Sore at Japan.
TIEN TSIN The reported violation
by Japan of the neutrality of China
in the capture of the Russian torpedo
boat destroyer Ryeshitelni at Che Foo
has resulted in alienating to a great
extent the sympathy of Chinese offi
cials for Janaa.
IOWA CITY The two-year-old son
of Frank Krob, living near this city,
is dead as the resalt of driakiag a
quantity of butter coloring which was
left within his reach. No fatal resalt
was anticipated, but the child died. .
EjPHSjM?irj' aetsjcvflHj
Acute "Anxiety Prevailing Regarding
the Situation Ample Supply of
Ammunition and Provisions Said
to Be at Port Arthur.
ST. PETERSUBRG Acute anxiety
prevails regarding the situation at
Port Arthur on account of the desper
rate character of the fighting re
ported to be taking place. The war
office, however, does not seem to be
lieve that danger of the fall of the
fotress is so imminent as is gener
ally asserted. According to advices
received by the war office there is
still an ample supply of ammunition
and provisions there. While it is
realized that the Japanese probably
outnumber the defenders six or seven
fold the great strength of the forti
fications, it is believed, will do much
to make up for the disparity in num
bers. N
Upon one point there is absolute
unanimity here, namely, that if the
fortress is so imminent as is gener
into the hands of the Japanese. On
this point the admiralty's instructions
are of the most imperative character.
Vice Admiral Prince Ouktomsky
has been ordered, should the worst
come, to sally forth for a death strug
gle and there is no question here that
these instructions will be carried out,
both in letter and in spirit, but if
for any reason a final sortie proves
to be impossible the admiral is to de
stroy his ships and to make certain
that there their wreckage shall be
absolutely irreparable.
In the meantime Vice Admiral Ro
jestvensky's Baltic squadron, includ
ing the battleship Orel, is standing
off Cromstadt with steam up. It is
popularly expected that the squadron
will sail at any hour, and it is quite
true that it is ready for almost im
mediate departure, but regarding the
question of sailing tuere is a differ
ence of opinion among the naval au
thorities. It is held on the one hand
that the immediate sailing of the
squadron would be the best policy.
Should the squadron arrive within
two months in the orient it would
find Vice Admiral Togo's fleet in an
infinitely worse condition than if the
Japanese were allowed the whole win
ter to repair and refit the ships.
The advocates of an immediate
sailing hold that the port of Vladi
vostock is capable .of receiving the
squadron, even should the entrance
in Port Arthur prove to be impractic
able, and they wish to treat the Port
Arthur squadron for the present as
a negligible quantity, letting the Bal
tic sea vessels meet the Japanese in
the present weakened condition with
out relying for any certain assist
ance either on Vice Admiral Ouk
tomsky or Vice Admiral Skrydloff.
It In Indicated by Information From
Various Sources.
CHE FOO That a general land and
naval attack was made on Port Ar
thur Monday is indicated by informa
tion from various sources.
The statement that the naval attack
was made at 4 in the morning comes
from an authoritative but not diplo
matic quarter.
Junks which arrived here say the
Japanese recently occupied the Liuuti
hills and Sushiyen, which is two or
three miles north of the fortress. Five
warships and seven torpedo boat de
stroyers, according to the junks, re
turned to Port Arthur the night of
August 10.
The receipt of the official dispatch
announcing the repulse of an attack
on Port Arthur August 10, received
on Port Arthur August 10 revived the
hopes that the fortress may prove im
pregnable. General Stoessel's dis
patch also dispelled the ugly rumors
current in the city that the stronghold
had fallen.
Captain of Militia Company
Demand an Inquiry. -
STATESBORO, Ga. The town and
surrounding country were quiet Sat
urday and no more disturbances have
been reported. The chief interest
cow centers about the attitude of the
Statesboro military company regard
ing its part in the work of last
Tuesday. Lieutenant Cone, who was
in charge of the local company, is
reported to have said that with his
forty men he could have protected
the two negros from the mob. Lieu
tenant Griner, second in command, of
the Statesboro company, is quoted to
the same intent. Captain Hitch, whofwater fifteen feet down the canyons.
was in command of the troops at
Statesboro, will demand, it is re
ported, a court of inquiry of his con
duct and that of his soldiers. Cap
tain Hitch, in his official report,
charges that Sheriff Kendrick and his
deputies betrayed all his plans to the
To Pass on Wisconsin Case.
MADISON. Wis. The republican
state central commitee which called
the last state convention in the state
university gymnasium May 18 met to
comply with the law that provides
that in case of a division or contro
versy in a party as to which of the
two conventions is regular, the com
mittee which called the convention
shall determine the question of regu
larity. It was decided to issue a call
for a hearing on September 12, and
invite representatives of both parties
to be present.
Banker Spalding is Free.
CHICAGO Charles W. Spalding,
the former bank president, who was
convicted and sentenced to ten years'
imprisonment for embezzlement, was
discharged from the penitentiary by
Judge Dunne. The order of the court
discharging the ex-banker "from cus
tody was based upon a technicality
in the original indictment. Spalding
had already served several years of
his sentence. Spalding will now pro
ceed with a contest of his father's
will, which has been delayed by his
Sues for Three Millions.
TRENTON, N. J. George Rice of
Marietta, O., has commenced suit in
the United States circuit court here
for $3,000,000 damages against the
Standard Oil company for the alleged
ruining of his oil business by the de
fendant company. Rice charges that
the Standard vil company compelled
him to charge his customers exorbi
taat freight rates, and in other ways
succeeded ia takiag away from aim
four thousand customers, aa oil re
fining plant worth $750,000, aad a
business worth $50,000.
General Shift Made in Salvation Army
"It Is officially announce! that la
connection with the recent interna
tional congress of the Salvation
Army numerous changes of territorial
leaders have been arranged. Among
others it has been decided that Com
mander Booth-Tucker will leave the
United States about the middle of
November. Arrangements' are being
made for him to conduct i farewell
meetings in the following cities: Chi
cago, Kansas City, EL Louis, Cleve.
Commander Booth-Tucker.
land, Pittsburg, Philadelphia. Boston.
Buffalo, Brooklyn and New York. An
nouncements will be made later re
garding the commander's successor
and his future appointment
That Appears to Be Program of the
BERLIN A dispatch to the Lokal
Anzeiger from Liao Yang Indicates a
belief in the rtirement further north
of the Russian army. The dispatch
says that the Russo-Chinese bank at
Liao Yang is preparing to remove to
Thieling and that the bank at Mukden
Is apparently about to close.
The authorities, the dispatch says,
have heard that 1,200 Chinese ban
dits are preparing to sack Liao Yang
as soon as it is evacuated by the Rus
sians. The heavy rains have converted the
country far and wide into a swamp.
The troops at Anshanshan, the dis
patch concludes, paraded on August
14 on account of the birth of an heir
to the Russian throne.
The Liao Yang correspondent to
the Tageblatt estimates that the Jap
anese forces in the field number 320,
000 men, of whom 100,000 arejnow In
front of Port Arthur.
CHE FOO Junks which arrived
here, having left Port Arthur August
12, brought reports that the Japanese
occupied new positions on that day.
The firing was heavy, but intermit
tent, and indicated that the assaults
were being continued. The Russians
at Port Arthur are reported to be
The men wno came on the junks
declare that the commander of the
Japanese fleet before Port Arthur in
formed the Russian commander of
the place that If the warships which
returned to the harbor, after the sor
tie of August 10 were sunk by the
Russians the Japanese would she
the town with lyddite.
A Chinese who has arrived here
from Liao Yang declares the casual
ties in the recent fighting in that vi
cinity have been enormous on both
Chained to a Tree and Fagots Piled
Around Them.
STATESBORO, Ga. With clothing
saturated with kerosene, writhing' and
twisting in their agony, screaming to
heaven for the mercy that the mob
would not show. Paul Reed and Will
Cato, negroes, two of the principals
in the murder and burning of Henry
Hodges and family, six miles from
Statesboro, three weeks ago, were
burned at the stake Tuesday. A deter
mined mob charged on the court
house, overpowered the military
guard, secured Cato and Reed, who
had been found guilty after a legal
trial and sentenced to be hanged, took
them two miles from Statesboro and
there burned them alive. The climax
came quickly and unexpectedly.
Cloudburst in Arizona.
KINGMAN Reports by telephone
from Layne Springs, fourteen miles
north of here, say that between 5 and
6 o'clock a cloudburst fell on Summit
Cernbat mountains, sending a flood of
carrying everything before it At the
Night Hawk mine a house was car
ried away and two men drowned.
George M. Bowers, a well known min
ing man, escaped from the building,
but was imprisoned in the tunnel of
the mine and dug out by fellow min
ers. Coming Peace Conference.
NEW YOKK President Belcya. of
Wicaragua, sUrto. ot Thursday for
Corlnto, says a Herald dispatch from
Managua. He will prepare to meet
the presidents of Salvador and Hon
duras, who will arrive un Saturday
next to hold the proposed peace con
ference. It is generally hoped that
some practical results will be reached
in this conference relative to former
Presidents Policarpo and Bonilla, and
several other political prisoners, who
have been for over a month confined
in Tegucigalpa.
Town Threatened by Fire.
VANCOUVER, B. C.-pForest fires
are burning in East Kootenaye. At
Fernie the coal mines are filled with
smoke. The flames are drawing
closer to Michael and threatening to
sweep the town.
Uncle Sam's Cash.
WASHINGTON Today's statement
of the treasury balances in the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,
000 gold reserve in the division of re
demption, shows: Available cash bal
ance, $149,389,269; gold. $44,158.46$.
King Edward has gone to Marien
bad. Bohemia, traveliag incognito aa
the Duke of Lancaster. If there are
acy rich American girls at Marleabad
they should at once be warned not to
waste any time making It pleaaaat for
the duke.
j. Pierpoat Morgan has receatlr
tadk Barrow escapee la gaaoUae
launches and aatomohlles. Russell
Sage will be inclined to tafak it was
good enough for htm, as loan? as he
wasa't wise enough to walk aad serai
mswZfl J w9e9lmV
InsBBBBBBBBBBBBBmf bsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkUSbesi
Society Sends Out Circular Advising
Them to Wait for Dollar Twenty.
LINCOLN Wheat growers in this
section have recently received a cir
cular from President Everitt of the
American Society of Equity urging
them to make a minimum price of
$1.20 a bushel for No. 2 red winter
wheat, Chicago market basis. Ever
itt estimates the winter wheat crop
in the United States at 365.000,000
oushels and spring wheat at 210,
JOO.OOO bushels. To reduce this to a
Hour-making basis there must be de-
lucted an immense quantity of low
grade wheat, caused from rust and
wet weather. Much of this, he says,
a fit only for feed. He estimates
the shrinkage at 25,000.000 bushels.
fie bases his figures on estimates re
reived from 12,000 farmers. Of this
lumber he says 11,122 say they do
lot need to sell at once, and he
ttrongly urges that the farmers unite
n controlling the market by hiding
he visible supply out of sight of the
levator men and wheat gamblers of
Chicago, and thus force prices to
heir own satisfaction.
bounties Whose Valuation Was
Raised Look for Flaws in Law.
LINCOLN A York county man
dated that there is a possibility that
Jie increases in county valuations
ordered by the State Board of Equali
sation may all be invalid, because of
e interference with the power of
.he county boards to raise revenue.
Jnder the statute for the regulation
f county levies, county boards are
Required to make estimates in Janu
try of the amount, of revenue which
they will raise for local purposes,
nd they are subject to a fine should
ey raise more revenue than the
estimate calls for. Under the new
revenue statute the state board to
equalize must of necessity interfere
with the amount of revenue raised
locally, and that fact, it is claimed,
makes the section granting the power
to the state board invalid, it is not
ret known whether a test suit will
De Instituted in York county. The
tucces of such a suit would cut down
the grand assessment roll of the state
ay about $4,000,000.
Many Applications.
S. C. Bassett of the state fair man
agement Is trying to make room for
All the hog owners who are seeking
space. The applications on file fill
e pens already on the grounds and
illow an overflow, but Mr. Bassett
promises to make room for all ex
libitors. The same situation is found
In regard to the display of agricul
tural implements, but the solution
will be found by making the indi
vidual exhibitors take less space.
The presence of Dan Patch on Tues
day, August 30, is expected to draw
an enormous crowd.
Carpenter Declared Insane.
WAHOO Frederick Anderson, a
carpenter and cabinet maker, was
prought before the board today and
adjudged Insane. He served a term
in the asylum at Lincoln in 1900, but
was released, having been pro
aounced cured. Of late he has been
seized with fits of insanity, several
times threatening violence to his
Teachers' Wages Have Increased.
The county superintendents' re
ports which are being received at the
office of the state superintendent in
dicate that there has been a large
Increase in the average salaries paid
ichool teachers, both male and fe
male, as compared with the figures
for 1903.
Ranchmen Are Worried.
Chief Clerk E. S. Mickey of the
governor's office, who has returned
from his Keya Paha ranch, stated
that the outlook for the ranchmen is
not very bright in the near future.
Even with the ending of the strike
he believes that there is danger of
a sudden rush to the market which
will glut the stock yards and run
prices down to a low level. He says
that many of the ranchmen are hold
ing their cattle, waiting for the end
of the strike. It is a serious matter
because from now on their cattle will
shrink rapidly.
Inspecting the New Cells.
LINCOLN The state board of
public lands and buildings visited the
penitentiary for the purpose of in
specting the new cells in the west
cell house and to pass on an estimate
for payment of work already done.
The cells are nearly completed and
are expected to be entirely finished
by October 1. when Nebraska will
have the finest cell bouse of any
city In the United States outside of
Farmer Gored to Death.
FREMONT August Bauman. aged
73, was fatally gored by a bull in his
pasture, three miles northwest of
Snyder, Tuesday. He was dead when
found. He lived in Dodge county for
a long time and was highly respected.
On a Tour of Inspection.
General Chaffee, the commander-in-chief
of the army, and General
Humphrey, the quartermaster gen
eral, visited r'orts Niobrara and Rob
inson on their tour of the west.
State House Notes.
Chief Clerk Despain of the State
Labor bureau is preparing a pam
phlet of Nebraska statistics for dis
tribution at the state fair. The offi
cers of the Labor bureau believe that
this plan will prove to be the most
practical method of disseminating in
formation concerning the state.
Blown Up While Blasting.
nett, who was blasting earth at a
brick plant here was blown up and
fatally burned by the premature ex
plosion of giant powder.
Pure Food Bulletin.
Commlsioaer Thompson of the pure
food bureau has issued his second
baUetia giving the results of thirty
two viaegar analyses. Every sample
was found to be deficient In acid or
colored distilled viaegar and con-
is illegal.
Siswey Have a Carnival.
fUDNEY September 6 to 10. inclu
sive, Is the date decided upon for the
Ms caralval sad street fair. There
will be a number of free attractions;
a hallooa ascension.
The Board of County Commission
ers of Johnson county have lowered
Four residences in Nebraska City
were visited by burgars the same
The plant of the Omaha Bedding
company burned last week, the loss
being $7,000.
The Seward county fair will be held
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
August 23, 24 and 25.
The Hanover church, near Beatrice.
was struck by lightning and damaged
to the extent of $250.
In a runaway, Miss Hattie Nestor,
of Johnson county, was thrown from
a buggy and severely injured.
John Saucerman of Hastings has
taken the contract for building a $20,
000 Catholic church in Greeley county.
Dr. D. L. Meehan of Seward county
has been held to the district-court
for criminal assault on Bessie Corco
ran. At Lincoln Mrs. W. J. Tobin was
stabbed in the stomach by her hus
band and is now at the hospital in a
dangerous condition.
Burglars ransacked the home of
Mrs. J. W. Reiber while tho members
of the family were absent. Nothing
of value was secured.
In Johnson county. Frank " Wagner.
21 years old. was thrown from a pony,
and. his foot catching in the htirrup,
he was dragged to death.
Old settlers of Fillmore county held
their annual picnic last week. The
attendance for each day was 5.000.
the levy from 13 to 12 mills.
According to the assessor's report
Gage county has 63.379 acres of win
ter wheat and 168.489 acres of corn
planted. Gage is second in corn acre
age and seventh in wheat acreage.
Attorney General Prout has been
requested to assist in the defense of
the injunction suit brought in Nemaha
county by Church Howe to prevent
the enforcement of tho 5 per cent in
crease in the valuation of that county
authorized by the State Board of
Farmers and property owners In
York county are very much incensed
over the order of the State Equaliza
tion board that all property shall be
raised 5 per cent in York county, and
accompanying the order was the state
ment saying that this did not apply to
the railroad valuation in York county.
The elevator men at Callaway are
hustling just now in order to get their
storage rooms in shape to receive the
mammoth crop which is being thresh
ed out in that locality. It is estimat
ed that the largest crop in the history
of the county will be marketed be
tween this and crop time next year.
A committee from the Grand Army
post of Adams went to Tecumseh for
the purpose of viewing the soldiers
monument and cannon in the court
yard. The outcome of their visit was
the placing of contracts with the Neid
hart Marble works of that city for ex
act duplicates of the monument and
mountings for the cannon.
The County Board of Supervisors of
Seward county will submit the court
house proposition to the voters of the
county at the regular election to he
held November 8. The proposition
will be for $100,000, $80,000 of whicli
will be for the court house anil $10,000
for a jail and sheriff's residence and
$10,000 for furnishing the buildings.
The residence and office of Dr. ;
Shoemaker at Clay Center was en
tered and two valuable rings' stolen.
Two suspicious characters are under
arrest. One of them has given two
different names, George Miller and
James Dayton. The value of the
stolen property is said to be about
The Burlington depot at Elk Creek
was broken into by burglars. The of
fice was ransacked and the money
drawer broken open. A few pennies
that were left in the drawer was all
that was found missing.
Ninety-two dollars per acre was
paid by Ira Parsons for a tract of
land on Maple Creek near Bethel
church. The buildings on the place
are poor and the price the largest ever
paid for Dodge county lands.
Thomas Zimmerman, a prosperous
German farmer, sold a load of wheat
in Beatrice, which brought 84 cents
per bushel. Mr. Zimmerman says his
wheat crop will average about twenty
bushels to the acre, the largest yield
yet reported in that locality.
Mrs. Robert KIrkpatrick, a sister
of David H. May, a prominent farmer
near Trumbull, and with whom shO
had been living since being separated
from her husband, became despond
ent from worrying over her troubles'
and left her brother's home Wednes
day night A search party was organ
ized Thrusday and the missing woman
was found sitting down beside a corn
field, where she had been wandering
all night.
John McDonald, an unmarried man.
51 years of age, residing at WLsner,
Cuming county, was taken before the
Board of Insanity for examination
and found to be insane. He was tak
en to the asylum at Lincoln.
The Omaha and Nebraska Central
Railroad company filed articles of in
corporation in Hastings. The com
pany is incorporated for $1,500,000,
and will build and operate an electric
railway line from Omaha to Hastings
by the way of Wahoo. David City,
Osceola, Stromsburg, Aurora, Giltner
and Trumbull.
The trouble between the Morton
Gxegson packing company and their
employees has been settled at Ne
braska City and the men will go back
to work.
Sheriff McBride f Cass county has
received a message from Special
Agent DeLong, of the Missouri Pacific,
saying that the roadr is having trouble
with car thieves and asking for a de
scription of the sixty pairs of shoes
found there last week. He stated that
a large quantity of shoes were stolen
recently from a car on the road south
of Plattsmouth.
Fire destroyed the barn on the farm
of Mrs. George Andrews, two miles
north of Syracuse, with no insurance.
Three head of horses, a number of
vehicles, and a quantity of grain and
hay was destroyed.
A distressing accident occurred to
the 5-yearold son of Henry Littleman,
a farmer living a few miles south
west of Leigh. The child was caught
in the tumbling shaft of a corn shelter
and before help could reach it the
machine had drawn the child in and
made an ugly wound on the right
thigh. The child will recover.
Won't Freeze, Spill, Break
Nor Spot Clotho
. mround in the Water.
The Cause ef Sleep.'. -
The man who is kept awake by
pain, or who suffers in any other wa"
from lack of sleep, can usually obtain
it by the use of a drug. Such sleep
however. Is generally regarded
natural, and- hypnotic drugs are
avoided when possible. But now comet
Mr. Raphael Dubois, a French physt-'
ologist who tells us that all sleep Is
the result of drugging.- the sleep-producer
being carbonic-acid formed with?
in the system.
Weight ef Dead Sea Water.. .
- A gallon- of distilled' water weighs -ten
pounds, of sea water ten and three-:,
fourths pounds, of Dead' sea water.-,
twelve pounds. There are eight sad.
one-half pounds of salt ia every 100, '
pounds of Dead sea water to two aad" "
four-fifths pounds in ordinary, -sea
water. - ' , -.-
Original Rough- Riders.
I? TTin Roueh Riders ante- '
dated the pony express by several :'
yars.' The Rifle Rangers themselves. '
ere rough riders, and Mayne'Reld
was a captain, leading in person maay -a
gallant charge' against the "grea -".
era." Apaches. Commancbes and SWUX.
Shouting Their Praises.
Friarpoint Miss.." August :22 (Spe- ""
c:al). Cured of Bladder "and. Kidney'' "
Trouble after 26 years of suffering.
Rev. 11. H. Hatch, or this place.'. Is'
telling the public the good news aad '"
shouting the praises -of the remedy.,
that cured him Dodd's Kidney Ptlla- '
Iter. Mr. Hatch says:
"I have been suffering, from Blad .
der and Kidney Trouble for 26 years.'
and I have tried everything that peo-.
pie said would do me good.' But. -nothing
did me any good "except :
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"I haven't felt a pain since I- took
Dodd's Kidney Pills. They gave me
health and I feel like a new man al
together. Dodd's Kidney Pills are
the best I ever had."'
All Urinary and Bladder Troubles
are caused by diseased Kidneys. The
natural way to cure them' is to" cure
the kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills
never fail to cure diseased kidneys '.
in any stage or place. They always -cure
Backache and they are the only
remedy that ever cured Bright's Dis
ease. The Halo and the Straw Hat.
An inventory clerk of a large Lon
don firm was put on to catalogue some,
pictures for a sale. One represented
a saint with halo complete. He en
tered it as "Portrait of elderly gentle
man in straw hat."
The Defiance Starch Co. will give
25 ladles a round-trp ticket to the St
Louis- exposition to 'five ladies'.!
each of the following states: Illinois,
Iowa. Nebraska, Kansas and Missou
ri who will send in the largest number
of trade marks cut from a 10-cent, lfc
ounce package of Defiance cold water
laundry starch. This means from your
own home, anywhere in "the above
named states. These trade marks must
be mailed to and received by the De
fiance Starch Co.. Omaha. Neb., before
September 1st, 1904. October and No
vember will be the best months t
visit the exposition. Kemember that
Defiance is the only starch put up IS
oz. (a full pound) to the package.
You get one-third mote starch for h
same money than of any othr kind,
and Defiance never sticks U the IroSw
The tickets to tho exposition will b
sent by registered mail September 5th.
Starch for sale by till dealers.
Memorial to Le Contc.
An appropriate memorial (0 tho
great geologist and scientist, Joseph
Le Conte, has been erected in Yose-
mite valley by the Sierra club of Ca!
Ifornla. It Is a lodge, built strongly
and simply, containing one large
room, twenty-five by thirty-six feet.
with a large stone fireplace at one
end. and a small room on either side
the entrance on the opposite end. It
Is at the upper end of the valley.
Less Than Half to St. Louis and Re
turn via Wabash R. R.
Tickets sold Tuesdays and Thurs
days in August; rato from Omaha
$8.50. Daily round-trip rate $13.80.
Correspondingly low rates from your
Tho Wabash is the ONLY line land
ing all passengers at its own station
main entrance World's Fair grounds,
thus saving time, annoyance and extra
car fare. AH World's Fair maps show
Wabash station, main entrance. For
all information address Harry E.
Moores, G. A. P. D. Wab. R. R., Oma
ha, Neb.
Legend on a Man's Arm.
"Falsehood, thy name is woman," ll
tattooed on the arm of a convict who
has just escaped from prison In Grata
The police have advertised a descrip
tion of him, of which the above tattoo
mark is the most salient feature.
For Your Perfect Comfort
At St Louis Exposition, which is very
Revere upon the feet, remember to take
along-a box or two of ALLEN'S FOOT
EASE, a powder for Hot, Tired, Aching;,
Swollen, Sweating- Feet 30,000 testi
monials of cures. Sold lv all Druggists,
Labouchere on Intoxicants.
"I myself never drink spirits, or. In
deed, either wine or beer when I can
get water," said Henry Labouchere
"I can understand the liking for beer
or wine. The taste for spirits, how
ever, is Incomprehensible to me. I
tried all of them. The experiment did
not succeed, but gin struck me as the
least nasty."
The Tailor Took Hie Measure.
"I was getting measured for a suit
of clothes this mawnlng." said young
Mr. Sissy to his pretty cousin, "aad
just for a joke, ylnow, I awsked
Snipem if It weally took nine tailors
to make a man. He said it would
take more than nine tailors to make
a maa of some people. I thought It
was quite clevah." Exchange.
When somebody takes the shine off
of yon, remember that there are plea
ty of bootblacks. Philadelphia Record.
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