- " vtv ;v:-Pf"m - v v-j ? f rao a. s jT -'tm hf . ' I ' .: is .1- r I; n r- - : s h': i. s- J-. I"- i ... C V . 'I Skorupa & Valasek -DEALEKS IN- Wlncs, Liquors Cigar GENTLEMEN:- We are Belling as good goods as anybody in town. If you donbt oar word, drop in and be shown. O. J. OflRLOW Lawyer Oficeorer Colombo Bute Bank Mb. A. M. POST tUtwrncu : at : Law DR. GfM8. . PLflTZ HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. P.O. Block : : Colnmbus mmmmmmmmm aVS&SCSnLV Mammwmmmmmmmmg I MS World's Fair Low Rates EVERY DAY The Union PaciGc will soil Round Trip tickets to St. Louis and return at follow ing low rates. FIFTEEN DAY TICKETS Every day to Nor. 30, good to re turn 15 days. 417.10 SIXTY DAY TICKETS Every day to Nov. 20, good to re turn CO days. 419.00 SEASON TICKETS Every day to Nov. in, good np to Dec. 15. 422.80 Inquire of W. I. KIWI, Igt. CORRESPONDENCE Bontel. Colnmbus, R. F. D. No. 1. (Cor respondencesEvery body came to town last Saturday bat granny". Franz Frese was in town Tuesday on business. Das Jessy has the material on the ground for a large barn. Henry Cattaa lost a large fat bog last Smaday, from the heat. Hiss Lena Schacker visited friends at Duncan from Thursday until Sen day of last week. The farmers on our route are near ly all throagh harvesting and are hay ing and fall-plowing. John Wurdemn, Sr. took the train Monday for Norfolk to look after some business interests there. Will Ernst is laid up with a sprain ed ankle which he got while trying to run a foot race at the picnic one day last week. The Independent Telephone Com pany has extended its lino to the Donn Creek valley, to the residence of Henry G. Lmeschen. The people of Doan Creek gathered last Sunday afternoon for social visit at Henry Lueschen's. About seventy five were present While tbero they took a vote on Roosevelt and Parker. A majority of the ballots were for Roosevelt. .VVVTI:!!!-VV!!:VVVVV!!-!!. w W" I Have Bought x T r X THE TAILORING BUSINESS J Of S. E. Baker over Commercial $ National Bank and am prepared J. to do all kinds of cleaning, repair Y. ing and dying of ladies and gentle- men's clothing. I also bare a full . and complete sample line) of rea- sonable woolens which is open for j. your inspection. I R S PALMER Birds-Eye View of the Colum bia River An attractive topographical map, in colors, giving a comprehensive idea of the country on and tributary to the Colum bia River. This map is in folder form, on the reverse side contains an interest ing description of the Columbia River route. Copies sent free by E. L. LO MAX. O. P. & T. A., U. P. R. R. CO., Omaha, Nebr., on receipt of four cents postage. $11 50 Te St. Louis ami Ketarn. The Burlington offers the above low rate for tickets good in coaches and chair cars (seats free). On sale Tuesdays and Thursdays during August and Sep tember. See me for full particulars. L. F. Rector, Ticket Agent. K. F. D- Ho. 3. R. F. D. No. 8 (Correspondence. ) A nice bright eyed little bov arriv ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Behlens, jr., on Friday hist. All in terested are delighted. Some things follow the flog, but in these parts the postoffico follows the nag. Mrs. John Jeldon presented Iter husband with a sweet baby girl last Sunday. E. R. Eisson, an old soldier on this ronte, received notice last week of an increase of 4 in his pension. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brunken were visiting the home of Mr. Brnnken's boyhood on this ronte last week. Mrs. Fred Seefeld leaves this week Thursday for a visit with her sister, Mrs R. Ranz, living near Fremont, Nebr. A great deal of grain still romainF in the shock, and if it remains there much longer some of it will be hard to find. Mrs. Elizabeth Erb received word Satarday evening of the serious ill ness of her daughter Rosa who resides at Beatrice. Mr. W. D. Benson and Mr. George Hall, U. S. mail carriers Nos. 1 and 2, attended a meeting of tho county letter carriers ac Platte Center on Sanday hut. At this writing we need rain, for we notice that some of the corn is fired quite badly where there is alkali ; also in a number of fields whero it did not have proper tillage the bottom of the stalks have a yellow appearance. We noticed in some tapcr tho other day, we forget which one, that this is the time to promulgate the doc trines of the vegetarian we mean during the great strike. Tho vegn- tarian claims that eating meat is a relic of barbarism, a disgusting habit, an indication of low culture and in verted appetite. The eating of meat makes man kind of the tiger, tho lion. the Thomas cat. The thing to do then is to cut it out. cease to eat meat. notwithstanding the learned discourse of Col. Thomas Benron Murdock en the benefits of grease as a diet. cleaned up to be in readiness for the fall term of school. North of Shell Creek postoflice the rends on some of tho worst hills have been graded up, making quite an im provement. Now if tho ftmfiowers along tho road could- b9 cut it would add much to tho looks or. tho roads not only but tothe farms in general. There aro a number of places along the Star Ronte where tho sunflowers are so tall and thick it is like driving through a tunnel, to drive through i the gauntlets they, form along the roads. Altred Lnesahen lost one of his work horses Monday nichr. The cause of its deatii was not known. Ilenrv Wilka gave us a basket of the finest apples we have seen this rear. Thoy were splendid eating apples as well as excellent cooking apples. Mr. Wilko has lots of bearing frnir treei on his farm, especially apples. Tho writer had occasion to stop at the farm of Adolf Grotelnschen Tues day ami to say that ho has an ideal farm homo is not overdrawing in the least. Tho honso stands on a slight elp vation from tho road and tho other buildings with nice widn lanes from tho roads to the honso and from the house to tho barn with ash grovo and a tine orchard. Mr. Grotcluschen in formed us that ho ran bo in tho fhntio at all times of tho day while doing bis chores Ho is quite an extensive farmer. Tho largo farm house of Rudolf Korto is noariiig completion. It is nil plastered and tho carpenters doing the framing work outside, aud when it is completed Mr. Ivor to will have a houso that is second to nouo iu tho community for size and beauty. Tuesday morning the danger signal wa out at Jos. Johnsons mail box and as tho conductor on tho Star Konte halted to Hud out tho cause why ho found tho lio lull of largo ."jnk-y peaches under wuich was a ronplo of letters to bo maikd and a nolo on which was written these words(pleat-e mail and masticate. )i is unnecessary to sav whether the latter instruction was obeyed or not. and such peaches! tho llavor would put California peaches to t-hamo but wo aro not goinir to thank Mr. .lohuson for these. They were in the mail bov and no stanps on them so wo follow suit of II. F. P. No 1. and uiastir-nto them, held for post ago. Tho rush lor subscriptions to the Journal for tho just ton days along tho Star Route, lias been second only to tho Rosebud rush, but every appli cant mndo a drawing of one of those f: maps. Thero aro no blanks and ovory one is pleased both with the Journal and with tho map. Owing to tho strike, hog meat is rather high, so Jimmy Jones and his wife nud his kids wers not in town this week. One day this week wo wero under tho painful necessity of holding for postage somo sacked oats at 1). Bytank- eu'. But that has como to bo tho cus tom, and wo believe in justice to all and special privileges to none., Dnrward Davis enmo homo Tuesday evening from Shell Creek, ho will re main at homo as it is so near timo for school to open. departed.'the yoaag photographer aw ing with them. Ed Meedel has come hoaM.nursin; a lame leg. S. Imhof . bought a new mower and hay Bweep in Silver Greek last week. Died: J. H. Pope, one of 'Silver Creek's most popular citizens.. Than day morning. August 11. J. G. Kummer is nuking prepar ations to build a fine bow barn. Mr. Kummer is surely enjoying hia of prosperity. The people of the German church of Duncan are going to hold a Sunday School picnio at the real-' dence of Wm. Ernst. Sanday, Aug ust 28. On August 13th the board of ex aminers will be in Duncan to examine applicants for the position of mail carrier for the newly laid out roate from that office. r- Grentlli is getting to be quit an important place. A photorgapher and two news piper reporterv,one for each of the two leading coaaty papers, and we will soon nave rural fret de livery. Tho women of this vicinity had a quilting bee some time aco and of course the girls had to shake the oat after tho quilt was finished. Fanny the girls always deny aay intention Newma Grave playHvweUaA will 81. eattejbom 'RJohlaad ami utf vltthity. Vieinity. (Corree- 8T0RY OF THE FLAG MOOIID OP THE UNION STAND v AND PROM ITS BIRTH. Misses Bdttba Miller and Mary Hig- of getting married and yet try awry J vWted ,nelr ,rleBd- MrB- Bart sign to find out who will be the first I Howls I iMakeBroadl I Good bread bakers, as I well as beginners, can I always learn something I I new about making bread. I Send for our bread book, I which explains "How to I Make Bread" with Yeast I Foam the best yeast in the world. H Good home-made bread I is delicioas, nutritions, and I &, and is justaseasy I m to make as pie or cake, if m L you use Yeast Foam and EM Rk follow the directions. jflnL m which is the first essential jl BY of good bread, imparts a M flavor and aroma of its own. H It's made of wholesome 'vegetable ingredients, and r liim the secret of that aweet, nutty, wheaty taste I which is the delight of all I The$ecretismth yeast I I Yeast Foam is sold by all I grocers. Each park age I H ceaAams7cakes eaoaghto I I make 40 laavei sad sells I aer 5 cents. It's the most ' ceanaakalaadthebest.re- I gaameatef cost. Write for 9k beak to-day. We mail I itfrr Ms BMte4. Ronte 4. (Correspondence). The past week has been very favorable for threshing and fall plowing. Farmers who stacked their grain have com menced tho harvest of their hay which will be a big crop. Some estimate their meadows will yield as much ns 3 1-2 tons per acre. Chas Zugler is building on extensive barn on his farm occupied by F. If. Schnlte. All that is necessary to make John Hilliard walk on air is to call him "grandpa". Enola Hall visited with Mildred Ohapin and friends at Oconee from Friday till Tuesday. The Rev. Angle held a very interest ing meeting in the Oconee church hut Sunday and Miss Bertha Chapin was baptized. The Misses Mary and Marguerite Deneenwho have been attending the North Nebraska Normal at Wayne, returned home Thursday. Ora, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carter, has been verv sics the past week but at ihis writing is improving very rapidly. Carpenters were at work last week re-shingling and otherwise repairing the school house north of Oconee neai Henry Hobnnsiefken's. K. A. Gerrard is improving hi; farm occupied by Chas Posegate, with a new granary. E. Dillon ol Monroe is doing the work. P. J. Keenan who has been living on the Bushman farm 3 1-2 miles west of Colnmtms has moved to Colnmbus. Mr. Keenan contemplates starting a livery barn in the near future. Ifland Bros.have commenced haying for P. Murray on his fine meadow in Lost Creek township. H. J. Aden has finished threshing his large field of winter wheat. The yield was about 25 bashels p;r acre and of fair qual ity. (Too late for publication last week.) Ronte 4.. Colnmbus. Nebr.. (Cor respondence. ) On Saturday Angus! fith while riding with his father on a riding plow, little Hiram Stndlev fell aader the plow and sustained a serious and daageroma injsry which came vary near being fatal, the roUer caught him in the back of the neck making a cat nearly 3 inches long and deep enongh to expose the large artery lo cated in that part of his neck. Had the artery been severed he would have bleed to death in a few minutes. Under the skillful care of Dr. Evans the womnd is healing nicely and the little hoy hi likely to recover. Houroo. Monroe. (Coiepimdenco. ) Mon roo isn't all puffed out of shnpo bo causo 0110 of onr citi.ans. Isaiah Lightnor, was honored by the nomin ation for lieutenant governor !v tho prohibition party. Hut should Mr. laghtner bo olecUd, wo feel safe iu saying that no 0110 from Monroe would over blush for any of his offi cial acts. Professor Alcock and Tainily return ed from Lincoln Fridaj. John Rood and family returned Fri day from a week's visit with Osceola friend". Marshall MoWilliams returned from a husiuuss trip to Omaha. Thnrsdiy evr.uing. Willie Head who has been visiting his undo W. T. Ciaig. returned to his homo in Friend, Monday. The bass ball gamo on our cr on nils between onr "kid" team and a Co lnmbus "kid" team, resulted in a vic tory lor tho visitor?. John Smith came down town step ping about a foot higher than nsual on Satarday moruiug. fnqnirv reveal ed tho fact that ho is tho father of a braud now bal3' boy, an eleven pound er. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill and son William, visited at the homes of Win. Webster and Howard Hill last week. Mr. Jlill came to attend n meeting of the board of directors oi tho Rank of Monroe. W. K. Colo and son Lron started Thursday evening for Komaueo, Illi nois, wboro they will visit for a few days. On returning W. E. will be accompinied by his father Joshua Colo and wife, who e.ect to make an extended viit in Nebraska. Platte Center. Platto Center, Neb. (Oorreipon deuce. ) Miss Alice Oonsodine return ed Saturday evening from a two weeks visit in Omaha. Miss May Hughes is visiting in Fremont this week. Misses Ada Bloedorn and Anna Nelson were Columbus visitors Mon-' day. Chas. Bloedorn leaves this weex'for the coast, being called there on impor tant business. Mrs. Thornton of Alliance visited last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Hughes. J. Bloedorn leit Monday for Frank lin, Neb., where he will attend nchool the coming year. " " ' ' Sepcial services were held at St. Joseph's church Sunday evening for tho purpose of dedicating tho new side altars. John McGnane and Mrs. Richard McGuano went to Beaver Growing Thuisday. called by the illness of Mrs. Riordou. ai'x" ,u Miss Marion Lamb departed for IU-' inois on Tuesday of last week. Sbe expects to remain until aboat Sept. 1st, visiting relatives. ' Mrs. B. J. Hilsabeck departed Fri day noon for Central City where she will visit friends a few days beforere turning to her home in Franklin. Dr. McMahon and sister Minnie of Columbus, and Frank Bebaa and Mias Mario Griffin of Omaha, were gnesta at Pat Murphy's on Wednesday of last week. Quite a number enjoyed an oatiog at tho river Sunday. A hayrack ride. a sumptuous basket dinner, bathing, fishing and hunting was the order of tho day. Grandma- Bloedorn died at her home Monday evening after a abort illness. She was 81 years of age and was the wife of Martin Bloedorn who died just one year ago. She leaves to mourn her loss two sons, Martin and William, and two daughters. Mrs. Smith of Monroe and Mrs. Meniece who lived with her mother, besides a largo number of grandchildren. ) Hot ys: cool Dry an n bane; dmety aa aver. Good for haying. . r8ohool open two weeks from next Cnnmllmenmd Valer ef Ofif nl TwHtoan State By An Act Urn Mini tripes Te That Number. Mr. and I2r Cd Yeaxkia entertain. edawaati Snndey. Joe Diachnex delivered grain here Tkarsday and Friday. Bart Stevenson had barley on the Oolambne market hut week. Mr. and Mra. Gas Clack spent Sun day with relative on Shell Creek. Adolph Klnck has erected a new windmill at his farm on Section 6. Pete Steraason waa perambalatiag .the thorough fares of Columbus Fri day. -Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henry of Schayler spent Friday with relatives I Miliar Bros., Clint Sievenson. and Ed Yoavie delivered grain here Fri- The Bisselltcam played oar 'crack er jacks" Sunday on the Richland diamond. Stevenson. Sammy. Mr. and Mrs.U. Ohldag spent the Sabbath with Mr. and Mrs. Julias f Klaok. north of town. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Morrow from near Columbus were oat driving in this township Friday eve. Robert and Nina Gresap and Mary Higgles spent a recent Sabbath with Marr. MoBride, northwest of this place. The Smith Center school hoase east of town and which was recently burn ed by incendiary origin will be re built aoon. The $400 insurance pay ing for the same. The young folks have already warn ed Pete Stevenson that to insure good lack to hia fine new barn he must give them a dance. Mr. S. nocording ly promisee to tender them a hop aoon. Don't feel ofTended if yon don't see your name in onr locals. We want to get yonr name in and not slight anyone. ' So please step over to headqaartera and inform us of any news. We are always glad to get . Oaring the electric storm of last week the Urge barn on John Wood worth's farm was strack and burned to the ground. Lightning also strack Mrs. M. O. Stevenson's bam bat did a damage except to split np the wood at tnrlMtt. Rente. (Correspondence. ) mmm in the Driaain dis trict is being painted and otherwise Monroe Route Jfo. 2 Monroe. K.F.D. No. 2 (Coircspon deuce. ) Farmers along this route are mowing tho roads. It looks good. Mrs.Gleasonhas her threshing done. Mrs. John Gibbs was in Monroe Monday. E. 13. Dannals moved to Newman Grove Monday. Daniel WiUon was iu Platte Center last Wednesday. Mrs. B. J. Baker was trading in Monroo Monday. Mrs. Anderson and children of Dun bar, Nebraska are visiting at August Swanson's this week. Wm. Pollard shipped a car of hogs Tuesday. Several of his neighbors helpeu him haul them. J. A. Vanght had a painful accident lact Thursday. His horse became frightened and ran away, going throagh a barbed wire fence. Mr Yaught was badly cut nud bruised though no serious results aro apprehended. Humphrey. Humphrey. ( Correspondence. ) J. W. Bender informs us that he is still working on that cave. H. Brewer of Cornlea was doing besiuass here last Thursday. We aro now having summer weath er, tho warmest of the season. Capt. Jens and family have return ed rrom their David city visit and re lort a nice time. v E. A. Brodblol and Henry CJarist enson passed through hem Saturday en ronte tor Columbus. """ ' Wo have had no rain for nearly a woek now and the steam whistle of the tnresher can be heard in all dir ections. ' ' Thos. Ottis has received news that his brother Frank is dead. He took the train Sunday for Montana to at tend the funeral. ' , Why do people have to carry "guns when they go into the country these days? Everybody is peaceful and the little chickens won't hurt them unleas they are cornered. . The element that have'beea kicking Mickey because he is a Methodist are up against the real thing, aa Barge is a Methodist aud attends the' same cbnrch with Mickey. The Columbus Journal charts are at tracting considerable attention at present. By the way, call on F..M.1 Cookingham when in Humphrey and be will tell you how to get one. Judge Scbueth has been !ookin after bis farm business in Boone county for the last week so everybody had to ba good as there would be no one to tax up the fiues and costs if theyiwere arrested. There is soon to be a wedding. The initials of the name- oft the parties is all I dare give and they are Ferdinand Lachnit and Mary Lang. I will tell all about it later. hoWthey have provided a home on upper Main street, etc. Marshall Dacy and Joseph Karth of Lindsay were in town Sunday ami at tended the bell game. They reported that they had been notified that, the case of the State vs. BrodboU had bean set down for Friday the 19th by Judg Ratterman in hia court. - r The democrats in this vieinity feel like taking a bath since the state con vention threw np the sponge And let a few office seeking pop have their state ticket A thorough democrat said to yonr reporter that if h lived T Irarywher and lack. The lir linfttsft Lew I ammer late. The Burlington offers excursion rates in every direction so low that there is do excuse for staying at home. Below is some of them. St. Louis and back: Three kinds of daily rates besides the special low rate coach excursions on Tuesday and Tnnrs- day during August and September. Chicago and back: Daily low rates either direct or via St Louis, with stop overs at St. Louis, Kanasas City, and Omaha. Louisville Ky., and back, $22.25, August 12 to 15. Boston and back the only chance of the season for a liv isle int to w England. $32.95, August 11 to 13 long limit. World's Fair stopovers at St. Louis on through tickets. Colorado, Utah and Black Hills resorts there and back practically half rates all rammer.. To California San Francisco, and back, August 15 to September 10, only $45.00. The only chance in 1904 to get this low rate. To Portland, Paget Sound and back, August 15 to 18, one fare for the round trip. To Miohigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Great Lake region, the ideal summer country daily low rate to take yon away from home. On the first and third Tuesdays of each month very low round trip rates to hundred of points in the northwest, west and southwest. Write or call, describe your trip; let me advise you the least cost. L. F. Rbctob, Ticket Agent AKhoagh the resolution by which th flag became n national standard was not otsclally promulgated by the secretary of congress until Sept 3, 1777. it aeema well authenticated that th ragttlatkm stars and stripes was carried at th battle of Braadywlne. fonght Spt 11. 1777. This shows that th contract entered Into by Betsy Roe must have been carried out with great expedition, and that the flags had been distributed among the line regiments of the levotattoaary army early in September. The flag flrst dis played hi battle at Brandywice Creek had thirteen stripes, alternate red and white, and as a union thirteen white stars wero displayed on a blue field. The flag 'Which vas carried by the men In blue and bug during the bat tles of the revolution remained un changed until the flrst day of May, 1795, when, by a previous act of con cress, two additional stripes were added to the body of the standard and two star to the union. These addi tions were made to represent the states of Vermont and Kentucky, which had just been admitted to the federal union. As no further change was man in the national flag until 1818, it follows that the regimental colors carried during the war of 1812 wer of this design. Thus the Amer ican flags surrendered by General Hull at Detroit, and those captured b the British at Bladensburg and Washington must all have displayed fifteen alternate red and white stripes, as well as the fifteen stars in the union. In 1818, by an act of congress, the stripes of the national flag were again reduced to thirteen, and it was de clared that the addition of a star to th union shc:Ud thence-forward repre sent each now state. A- newspaper of the time, still kept in the govern' ment archives, said: "By this regu lation the thirteen stripes will repre sent the number of states whose valor and resources originally effected American independence, and addition al stars will mark the increase of the states since the present constitution.- From this time on the increase of stars hi the constellation which formed the union was steady, and dur ing the war with Mexico, in 1846, twenty-nine white stars were dis played in the blue field. The flags borne oy the regiments of the northern army during, the four years of the great civil war had thirty-five stars in the union. This was tfie full number of states then form ing the national federation, as the United States government had re fused to recognize the constitutional right of a state to secede from the union. The retention of the stars representing the southern states was regarded ts a serious breach of mil itary etiquette by the more punctilious of the confederate leaders, and the capture of one of the federal stand ards was always well rewarded by the authorities ac Richmond. The regimental flags carried by the regular and volunteer regiments dur ing the Spanish war of 1898 displayed forty-five stars hi the blue field of the union, ten new states having been added to the federation since the great civil struggle which so nearly severed :-be republic. This was also the uVst foreign war In which the state troops of the reualted country appeared in the field together, and it was the first occasion on which for mer confederate officers of high rank resumed the uniform of the United States service. The great garrison flag which was hoisted over Santiago after the surrender of the city by the Spanish commandant measured twen ty feet in width by thirty-six feet in length, the forty-five white stars which formed the union showing dis tinctly against the bright blue of the field. VfVTffTTf Oolles1 One of Nebraska's Standard Institutions. Fifteen eminent teachers. Two splendid buildings. Thorough Collegiate and Academic Courses. Normal Courses leading to State Certificates. Superior Commercial, Shorthand, Typewriting and Telegraphy De partments. Beetadvantagee in music,. Expression and Art Tui tion low Board $1.50 per week. Room 50c per week. Books free. Delighted patrons. Growing attendance. Students hold good po sitions. Catalog free. Correspondence invited. Fall term opens Sept. 12. Addrera 19-5t WM. E. S!IKLL, 1). !., Pres., York, Nebraska. -a -a -a a -a -a a h a ft -ft ft ft ft ft -ft ft aSssstsstssssttt nyyyyyyyyYYTYYTTTTTT Boy GOOD Bed Pillows The best is none too ood to rot your head ", eight hours in every tunny-four. We .sell the f am o us Kuuuerieh " feather pillows, all bear ing this tig which is a guarantee of clean feathers and elastic durable pillows. Emmerich Cushfeas also bear the tag of quality and we lm e handsome covers for them in leautiful patterus. Henry Gass. WORLDS FAIR NO CHANCE OF CARS mf VIA H UNION PACIFIC 1 m In connection with the Wabash Railroad, tho Union Pacitiu m now runs through Electric Lighted Sleepers to St. Loub W& W and return. K mm Pasaeatera are heard at aula eatraaea of tho Kxpo- Ww flflj stttoa at a coBveateat hour la the uornlng. thu sanuic WM fflflj ubw mad expense on arrival at St. Louis, aa avoiding the Bflfl great crowds at the big Uulea SUttou. I MANY HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER ROUTE wA Illustrated Guide to Fair mm mk free on application to Am L W. H. BENHAM f aamnMfggKgKw CHANGE FOR A QUARTER. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. A girl can be fooled by almost any man that she wants to fool her. When a girl Is Interested in a mar ried ..woman It is a sign they are in terested In a man. When a man's suit Is favored by a girl's mother It la a sign be Isn't get ting aloag so well with the girl. It's mighty queer how a girl will carry on vim a muter is flying around the gas Jet and sit perfectly still while a mosquito Is chewing down the middle of her back. There Is hardly ,anythlag that can make a woman prouder of her hus band than to have him repair the mowlBg machine himself to save tweaty-flve cents, and break some thug la It that costs 2 to replace. New York Press. Capital with ST. LOUIS AND RETURN. Special Exeirsiras. Required to Comply Any Demand. "How much money does It take to make change for a quarter?" queried the man whose fad Is freak mathe matics. "Twenty-five cents, eh? You're away out. To change a quar ter in the various ways it can be done requires a capital of 70 cents. If a fellow wanted plenty of coin for his quarter he'd tax you for twenty Ave pennies. On the other hand, the man who wanted the least loose change for his quarter would come at you for two dimes and a nickel. The chap who wanted a diversity of coin hi his change would get Into you tor two 5 cent pieces, one dime, and five pennies, which would allow him to jingle copper; silver, and nickel in his Jeans. "Others might ask you to produce four nickels and five pennies, three nickels and ten pennies, two nickels and fifteen pennies, or one nickel and twenty pennies. If you escaped these demands you might be request ed to come up with five nickels, three nickels and one dime; oae nickel one dime, and ten pennies; one dime and fifteen pennies, or two dimes aad Ave pennies. There are Just twelve ways of "breaking' a quarter of current United States coin, and to be there with the goods for any demand you require twenty-five pennies, two dimes, and Ave nickels. In all, 70 cents.' Plan Tour Trip Early During 1904 several opportunities to go back East at greatly reduced rates will be offered Chicago, bv the Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. If you want to be kept pouted regarding low rates, dates of sale, stop-over privilege, and train service, ad vise me the probable time und destination of jour trip. Through train service from nny point on the inuin line of the Union l'acitic 1 tail road to Chicago every day. Folder free. r. A. MASH. General Western Agent. 1524 Farnam Street OMAHA. J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I I Soda Fountain.! CIGARS. These are just the summer time trimmings. An old re liable drugstore. Preacri tions filled by a registered pharmacist. Everything in the drug line and the best cigars in town. fW. Schupbach. iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii .......... .. rWWVW i DR. R. A. VALUER, p Osteopathic Physician Colnmltm, Nclir. X ONCE IN A LIFETIME. Loup and Platte Valley. Lsnpe & Platte Valley News. (Correspondence. ) People aro about through stacKing now and eome have commenced hayihg. flay is good. The young people of Grentlli last week met at the home of C. Bienz. Ice cream was served and every one present had a good time. The crowd had their pictures taken before they to vote this fall be would only vote for the Parker electors and that wonld he all. as the balance of the. ticket is fusion. -T ' The base ball game on th 13th be tween Humphrey and sTewm Gray was a "hummer"aad waa weU attend ed. The Humphrey bora fsayfl hall except in on inning wl horse and allowed ih to run in f onr score. were goose eggs cooked in th asm. The final score stood, Hamphrey ; On Tneaday and Tharaday, Aug. 9, 11, 16,18,23,25 and 30, the Union Pacific will run special Coach Excursion from Columbus, to St Louis and return at th low rat of $11.50. Ticket will have Anal return limit of seven days good only in day coaches on any train, regular or apreiil, IUaatrated gnid to Fmr free on application. Iaqnir of W. H. Benham, Agent womu PAH, Th Union Pneifio in eoaection with now ran throagh Electric Lighted Sleeper to St Loni andretam: rmnanasia are landed at entrance of Exposition at a conven ient hoar in th morning, thas saving tun and xneuwa on arrival at St Lonia, aadavi)adiathegreaterewdeatthbig Union Station. Many hoar quicker Koawaaaof aara to th Hair free on to K Poet Reg rata That Fortune's Favors Are Not More Liberally Bestowed. It was a pitiful mistake, an error aad and grim. I waited for the rail way train, the light was low and dim. It came at last, and from a carriage stepped a dainty dame, and, looking up aad down the place, she straight unto me came. "Oh. Jack!" she cried, "oh, dear old Jack!" and kissed me as ahe spake; then looked again, and, frightened, cried: "Oh. what a bad mistake!" I said, "Forgive me, maid en fair, for I am not your Jack; and aa regards the kiss you gave. I'll that night I've often stood upon the straightway give it back." Aad since platform dim; but only once In a a whole life do sues tilings come xm OITlTf A Cylinder Corn Seller Can do more and better work than any other sheller sold. Our wagons will not scatter your grain while on the road to market or overtax your horses with needless heavy draught. Nflntlcn 'l'hii A 'I'tioui' Ni. IS. OKk-.t, 111. luli mieat A l'.irljr lilix-Jt. .. i f t :-:-K:-::--w-:-:--x--:-:-'H--M-i- Hi will rtin-all jimrnrliMi and laioa; liiTiirfn ttf.wi in.ilicii.n f;tilrt. Biggies aid Carriages OF THE LaTEST AND BEST MAKES. Visit the Old Pelkj. On far plus 12 for the round trip to a great many points in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. Tickets on sale Septem ber 6, 13, 20, 27 aad October 11. Final limit thirty days. Seam for full par tienlara or write to L. W. Wakele j, Gen- FREE!! It rosts you nothing for DELIVERY of all kinds of 'oed and Hay. Low est prices and tip-top iualitieB. Ww have the lending Livery and Boarding STAB LE -AUKiadaof- FARM IMPLEMENTS. Com and look our stock over before buying : : : : L. F. Rncros, Ticket Agent lar-Blaekshiiih work ant! Horse Shoeing short wtiee LOUIS SCHREIBER. Drive one of our rigs once. Farmers, let us care for your team Riyht Ernst & Brock ORDER BY 'PHONE. PAY"AT" HOUSE WHEN FEED IS DEK. UVERED.- - IND. TEL. No." - V. t r 1 n , -i t I- L-- i ' t t".' - .- ( :.nl t fJ !.. .- .- . :. - 1 L-LgM.M 11 aaamliri - ?