The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 17, 1904, Image 7

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    . i 'J-3
4- - T
? J
Chicago Sweaty Woman Who Was to
Sick She Could Not Sleep or Eat
Cured by Dean'a Kidney Pi Mo.
M a r 1 o &
Knight, of 33
N. Asilaad
Ave Chicago,
Orator of the
Wert Side
Wed nesday
iClub, aaji:
This winter
when I start
ed to use
Doas'i Kid
ney Pills I
ached ineyery
bene and had
intense pains
is. the kidneys and pelvic organs. The
onne was thick and cloudy and I
could barely eat enough to live. I
felt a change for the better within a
week. The second week I began
eating heartily. I began to Improre
generally and before seven weeks had
passed I was welL I had spent hun-'
dreds of dollars for medicine that did '
not help me, but 15 worth of Dean's'
Kidney Pills restored ae to perfect
health." ,
A TRIAL FREE Address Foster-'
Milbum Co.. Buffalo, X. Y. For sale I
b. all d2alers. Price 50c. j
Steam Turbine fcr Pumps.
The steam turbine pnnciple has
been adapted to a centrifugal high
pressure pump. The action is re
versed, however the wa:er entering
at what would be the exhaust end,
gradually accelerating as it passes
throcn the several fixed and mova
ble vanes, until it acquires a high
velocity at what would ordinarily be
the outlet end.
The Tailor Took His Measure.
"I was getting measured for a suit
cf clothes th niawn ng," said young
Mr. Sissy to his pre'ty cousin, "and
just for a joke, y"incw, I awsked
Snipem if It weally took nine tailors
to make a man. He said it would
take more than nine tailors to make
a man of some people. I thought it
was quite clevah." Exchange.
Onicns for Insomnia.
Onions are recommended as a good
thing for insomnia. A favorite dish
In England is one of the oig sweet i
Spanish onions cooked in milk. Cel- '
ary may also be used in the same way,
stewed in milk. It Is good for the
nerves, and consequently for sleep '
Voice Frsm Arkansas. '
Cleveland. Ark August 15 (Spe-'
cial) Nearly every newspaper tells (
or some wonderful cure of some form
of Kidney Disease by the Great
American Remedy, Dodd's Kidney
Pills, and this part of Arkansas is
not without its share of evidence that
no case is too deeply rooted for
Dodd's Kidney Pills to cure.
Mr. A E. Carlile, well known and
hishly respected here, tells of his
cure after nearly a quarter of a cen
tury's suffering. Mr. Carlile says:
"I want to let the public know
what I think of Dodd's Kidney Pill.
I think they are the best remedy for
sick kidneys ever made.
-I had Kidney Trouble for 23 years
and never found anything that did me
so much good a Dodd's Kidney Pills.
I recommend them to all sufferers."
There is no uncertain sound about
Mr Carlile s statement. He knows
that Do-id's Kidney P11I3 rescued him
ire el a life of suffering and he wants
the public to know it. Dodd's Kidney
Pills cure all Kidney Ills from Back
ache to 3nght's Disease.
When a bride's mother weepe it
may be because her daughter didn't
marry a man with less beauty and
more money. j
Th Dnanre Starch Co. will give
23 ladies a round-trp ticket to the St.
Lotus exrsition to five ladles in
each of the following states, Illinois.
Iowa. Nebraska, Kansas and Missou
ri who will send in the largest number
of trade marks cut from a 10-cent, 16
ounce package of Defiance cold water
laundry starch. This means from your
own home, anywhere In the above
named stites. Thf trade marks must
be ma.Ied to and rceived by the De
fiance Starch Co.. Omaha, Neb., before
September 1st, 1304 October and No
vember will be the best months to
visit the exposition. Remember that
Defiance is the only starch put up IS
oz. (a. full pound) to the package.
Yen get one-third mere starch for the
same money than of any other kind,
and Defiance never sticks to the iron.
The tickets to the exposition will be
sent by registered mail September 5th.
Starcn for sale by all dealers.
A widow in usually more particular
aiK)ut the choice of a second husband
than she was about the first.
Less Than Half ta St. Louis and Re
turn via Wabash R. R.
Tickets sold Tuesdays and Thurs
days in. August, rate from Omaha
5S.50. Daily round-trip rate 113.30.
Correspondingly low rates from your
The Wabash is the ONLY line land
ing, all passengers at its own station
. main entrance World's Fair grounds,
thus avmg time, annoyance and extra
car fare. All World's Fair maps show
Wabash station, main entrance. For
ail information address Harry E.
"Metres. G. A. P. D. Wah. R. R, Om4V
ha. Neb.
If a man is always chaperoned by
his wife he is pretty sure to meander
along in. the straight and narrow
The Best Results In Starching
can be obtained only by usinj De
riance Stares, besides getting 4 ox.
more for the same money no cocking
When you feel like telling your
troubles write them down then, burn
the paper.
Do cur Clothes Look YeMewr
Then use Defiance Starch, it wi2
keep them, white IS oz. for 10 cents.
By means of a heavy sole we caa
give ail men a slight raise.
Oldest Ti
Th eldest tree in the war! is
th. Island at Kos. lying oC tlw coast
0f iim. Minor. The trunk is thirty
aa in. circumference. A wan C
ids aaa
ha. f am ataac
if" SaSBaP aBam SB H
Saajae cavefsSy erery boole of CA3T0BIA
a asf e sad asre xaacdj far isfiasi sbb cMUmb,
fr 'ESB ?ar Over 39 Yen.
The Ward of
A Romance f the
t rrnuE a uueucwuitz.
Copyright. 1003, by A.
"On the ton of the wave, my chief.
though it is mv" belief that he has
your mind toward Edric Jarl. for
all that Thorkel is ever on hand to
urge the value of his craft. And cer-
tainly it was exceedingly useful to
them at Assington. The Gainer ned,
with all his men. at the moment when
most King Edmund depended upon
his support; and in this way left for
Danish feet a hewn path where a for
est of battle-trees had stocd."
Rothgar took no part in tie stream
of questions and comments that
drowned the voice of the messenger,
until suddenly he launched an oath
that out-thundered them all. "May
Thor feel otherwise than I do, for I
vow that were I in his place. I would i other hand with a gleam of pleasure
raise Danish warriors m wool-chests ! I in his changeful eyes. "Welcome to
Is that the valor of the descendants of you. Fridtjof the Bold! I should like
Odin, that they zo not into battle until ' to believe that ycu are as giad to re
a foul-hearted tractor has swept the ' um to me as I am glad to receive
way clean of danger?"
Brass Borgar spoke with the utmost
deprecation "I say nothing against
your feelings, chief, and there are not
a few who think as you do, yet I ask
you to remember one thins. I ask you
to remember that no Dane has ever
held back in battle because he had the
Traitor's help. I think it Is because
he is out of patience with the war
that, the King makes of the Gainer a
time-saver It has been told me tint
he fights not for love of it, nor yet
for glory, but because he covets the
land of"
Like the bellow of an agry bull.
Rothgar's voice broke through his.
"Land! He who forgets glory in his
eagerness for property deserves the
curse of Thor!"
"Prepare yourself, then, for a thun
derbolt, Rothgar Lodbroksson," a clear
voice spoke up suddenly
None but had forgotten the red
cloaked ngure munchmz its bread in
the shadow behind them. One and
all started in surprise. And the chief
turned over his shoulder a face that
was livid with anger. "You you
dare!" he roared.
But Randahn's heart was too full of
bitterness to leave any room for fear.
At the moment it seemed to her that
it did not matter what happened. Her I
wonder was great when slowly, even ,
while his eyes blazed. Rothgar's mouth
began to twitch at the corners. AH i
at once he rolled over on his back j
with a shout of laughter i
"By Ragnar. there w,ill not be many
a ' ""aWBSm ',v !?& " a?!Sa(saaam"KaBaaaaVaaasl
i . 9H .saB 9bh. -sarSayKaTaaaaaaaar
it seemed to her as though she wer e passing cut of life into death.
jests to equal this!" he gasped. "That on the island, yonder; and there is
a titmouse should ra;3e its feathers the greatest sense in what he says.
and upbraid me! Here is merriment!"
He lay there laughing after the othefs
had joined in with him and his face
was not entirely sober the next time
he turned it toward her.
Yet when he had risen a change
came into his voice that brought every
man to his feet. "XVe will make ready
to so at cockcrow " he said abruptly
If "t were onlv a matter of a couple ,
at 'avs. I would wait, but since it will
u . " . i.,.,.. ., -o- fcfnro Ta ,.., a,
be at least a week before we can ex
pect them to give m. I thm.': it un
advisable to waste more time. As
scon as Canute gets the kingship over
the Ensiisfa realm. Ivarsdale will fall
to me anyway. Let the Angle enjoy
himself until then."
The Sword cf Speech.
No holiday finery cricked out the
Danish host where it squatted along
the Severn Valley that dreary Octo
ber day, neither festal cables nor
dimpling women nor even the gay
striped tents.
Of all the multitude of flags nt one
banner pricked the murky air the
Raven standard that marked the head
quarters of the king: and its sodden
folds distinguished nothing more regal
than a shepherd's wattled cote. Scat
tered dumps of trees offered the
weary men their only protection
against the drizzling rain; and the
sole suggestions of comfort were the
sickly fires that pacent endeavor had
managed to coax into life in these
retreats. Some, whom exhaustion had
robbed even of a flre-tender's ambi
tion, had dropped down on the very
spot where they had slipped from
their saddles, and slept, cloak-wrapped,
in the wet. And the circles about
the Ares were not much noisier.
Rothgar's face gathered gravity as --,CiC """T " . ,- w I-
".-fe - - victorv was without relish to him. and
he aained the crest of the last hiu - . . .
, . .. ., .v. --ir he was uesirous to regain their friend-
that lav between him and the atrag- . .
giing encampment. distinct -chuckle came from Ca-
The ram appears to fall as coldly i
.u u . . .., hoate, and some murmur about the
on their cheer as on their fires, he .. tt, ,-, -r
,. , ,. . 0-., iii-a i Ironsice s chin. Then he said, Go
commented. They hug the earth like i
the ducks on Yidey Island." J Jf- "f eTerf ?
"And look about as much like war-. remember-; and once more lay stamxg
riors who have got a victory," the
child cf Frode added wonderingly.
But tie son of Lodbrok was already
leading his men down the hillside to
ward the point where the silken ban
ner mocked at wattled walls.
Under the thatched roof of the hut
a still more striking contrast awaited
the eyes of those who entered. With
a milking-stool far his table and the
shepherd's rude bunk for a throne, the
young King of the Danes was bending
in scowling meditation over an open
scroIL At the sight of him the girl's
heart started and shook like a harp
string under the touch of the master;
and Rothgar. the stolid, the stern, who
had cosse to upbraid, bowed reverently
as he grasped the hand his leader
stretched out.
"King, I would not have kept away
had I guessed that my sword weald
King Canute
f TktTknltf LMto)
be useful to you- It was my belief
that you were entertaining yourself
with getting property in Mercia. else
would I have left all to come to you."
Canute half pressed the huge paw
i and then half spurned it. "It was in
my mind to gi- you a great scolding
when I got you again. You must have
gotten yourself fitted out for the rest
J of your life since at last you were
willing to leave."
"Lord." Rothgar began, "I have come
back to you as poor as I weat "
But the King interrupted him. as
at that moment, in the figure hesitat
ing at the door, he recognized his miss
inz ward. "Say rot so, when you have
brought back the bright blade we
mourned as lost!" He put out his
As she stood there watching him.
Randalin had been undergoing a
strange transformation. For four
months she had almost forgotten his
existence, he had been little more than
an empty name, while she gave every
energy of mind and heart to the
things about her. But now, behold!
One sight of his life-full face, one
moment of his dominating presence,
and those months were swept into the
land of dreams. His deeds alone ap
peared vital; he alone seemed reaL
She. the Etheling himself, were but
as shadows depending upon his sun
like career. If he should choose to
shine upon them, what dark evil
could come nigh?
It was in all sincerity that Randalin
bent her knee as she took his hand.
"Lord." she cried impulsively, "I have
brought you back a loyal heart! I
have been very close to the English
king, and he is unworthy to hold your
Canute gave a sudden laugh; but it
was a short one. and he turned away
abruptly to begin a restless pacing to
and fro. Pausing before Rothgar, he
jerked his head toward the scroll.
"Do you know what that is? That Is
a challenge from the Ironside."
"A challenge?" his listeners cried in
He seemed to take petulant offence
at their surprise. "A challenge. Did
you never hear the word before, that
you stare like oxen? He invites me
to settle this affair by single combat
Every one who has a man's wit is
tired of the strife: and if we con
tinue at it, there will not be much to
win besides ashes and bones. The
host is full of impatience: and I am
weary unto madness. Never do we
come to any end. nor ever shall until
that time when the wolf shall catch
the sun I I have nowhere heard of a
roore fooI5sh war ttan xMs- lt as
in m-v miad- 5"ou came in- l
would send a favorable answer to the
Englishman and get the matter decid
ed, one way or another."
Even Randalin uttered a cry: and
Rothaar caught his King by the arm.
as thought to snatch him out of bodily
"Only one way would be 'possible.
Canute! Your waist is not so big as
one of his arms. His sword would
cleave you as if it cut water"
I Half laughing, but more resentful,
the King freed himself. "Now do you
1 hold my power so lishtly? More than
once have I gotten under your guard.
If skill could accomplish anything, you
t would not have to wait long for what
' I should fix upon." He broke off with
a shrug and flung hinfself back upon
the straw of the bunk. "Let us speak
of something else," he said. "What
did the boy say about having seen Ed
mund?" Somewhat ramblingly, as uncertain
of his interest. Randalin told him of
her glimpse of the Ironside; and he
listened, lying back on the straw, his
eyes fixed on the ceiling. She had be
gun to think he had forgotten her,
when all at once he shot out a swift
question: "Did you never find out
what the wool was that Edric Jarl ,
pulled over his eyes
"Not unless one could guess it from
what King Edmund said. lord. that
the -Jarl had found them so much
T.T.Trs 1 a H'UsTx-A ti Yiie
at tne ceiling m silence.
He did not appear to notice it when
she stopped; the pause lasted so long
that Rothgar concluded that sleep had
overtaken their host and rose softly
to beta&e himself to such, cheer as
the fires offered. As he made the
first step, however, Canute sat up sud
denly, striking his fist upon the bunk.
"I will do it!" he said. While they
stared, he rose and recommenced his
hurried pacing, his eyes keen and far
away, his mouth set in grim resolve.
"Do what. King?" the son of Lod
brok ventured at last.
Canute's eyes appeared to rest upon
the pair without seeing them. "Ac
cept the challenge," he answered ab
sently. Then the utter horror ia both
faces brought him momentarily back.
"You need aot look like that. I would
not do it if I did not see a
to win. There are other weapon thaa
1 those which dwell im sheaths.'
1 "But if you lose?" Rothgar's aaram
' voice was discordant with estotiOB.
i "If you lose?"
The Kins silenced him impatieatly.
"I do not think I shall lose; hut if it
be- otherwise, then Fate will role it- I
prefer to risk everything rather than
to experience more delay." Catching
the bewildered page by the collar, he
pushed him toward the door. "Run,
boy. with all the speed of your legs,
and find Ingimund the Swimmer and
fetch him here. And you. foster-brother,
if. my fame is important to you. do
you betake yourself to those dumpish
oafs around the fires and try. by any
means whatever, to remedy their faint
heartedness. Ask them if they want
the host across the river to think them
turned into a herd of weeping bond
women. Ask them if they think thus
to show honor to their King: Tell
them that I take it as no proof of
their love; that I will have none of
that hairing faith which, limps up with
a great cry after the show is over.
Tell them Oh, tell them anything you
think worth while only that you get
some noise out of them! Evil will
come ot it if the Englishman is al
lowed to believe that he has beaten us
before ever he has struck a blow."
Rothgar sighed as he moved for
ward. "I am very unfit to speak words
of cheerfulness to anybody but this
shall, like other things, be as vou
(To be continued.)
One of the Obstacles That Prevent
Coming of the Millenium.
"Why," demanded the lady who de
sired to have the world reformed,
"should we have two standards of
morality? Why should there be one
rule of conduct for men and another
for women? Tell me that! ffag a
man any more right to be received
by society after he does wrong than
a woman has? Answer me these
questions, and I will give you the key
to the gate that shuts us off from the
millennium. The world forgives a
man for the very thing it condemns
a woman for. I demand equality. In
the name of reason, I cry out against
this wrong. Let us judge by one
code. Let us be fair to both, sides by
showing favor to neither.
"Very well," replied her meek little
husband, "I'm willing. By the way.
I understand that Tom Hanley and
Mrs. Grassington. who got themselves
so much talked about on account of
that affair they were mixed up in at
the Arlington last winter are to be at
the Rudmore house party next week."
"George Brinker, do you mean, to
say the Rudmores would insult me
by inviting that woman there while
I'm their guest? If she comes I won't
"Well, it may be possible that Vm
Mistaken. Perhaps it's only Hanley
tnat's to come."
"Oh. dear. I hope so, for I'd hate
awfully to break with the Rudmores.
They're such excellent entertainers.r
Chicago Record-Herald.
A Straight Tip.
Donald Foster Lloyd, one of the
local officials of the Postal Telegraph
company, overheard a conversation
the other day between two messen
ger boys that made him smile. One
of the lads was a very dirty looking
specimen. His badge was tarnished,
his shoes were badly run over and
almost worn out and his uniform
was frayed and covered with dust.
The other youngster was somewhat
the worse for wear as far as his gar
ments were concerned, but he was
brushed up a bit. and he wore a
somewhat soiled but very high col
lar, set off by an exceedingly loud
"You'd better watch out." he said
to the first boy, "or the dog-catcher
aill get you."
The dirtiest urchin's inquiry as to
why he need fear the collector of
canines brought this retort: "Be
cause you hain't got no collar on."
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Puff of Fame.
Justice Brewer is from Kansas, and
his state is justifiably proud of him.
Soon after his elevation to the su
preme bench a cigar manufacturer in
Topeka dedicated a 10-cent "domestic"
cigar to the jurist, named it "Our Jus
tice." and on the cover of each box
pasted a portrait of Mr. Brewer.
A few years ago the justice was in
Topeka on a business trip. The hotel
clerk recosmized him. and the negrc
bell boy, although he had no idea whe
the newcomer was, knew from the
way he was ordered about that the pa
tron was of some consequence. Going
up in the elevator the negro stared
constantly at the tall, dignified man.
Suddenly the black face was
wreathed in smiles, and the boy said:
" 'Scuse me, boss, but ain't yflu de
gemmen dat invented dem 'Ouah Jes
tice' cigars'"
This reminds one of the man whe
was recalling famous persons whe
"parted their names in the middle."
"And then," he said, "there is B
Pluribus Unum,' the man that makes
the bass drums." Kansas City Jour
Human Skyscrapers.
Tes, sir," said the doctor, "after
long years of research and patient in
vestigation. I have at last discovered
a method of treatment by which short.
people may grow taller."
"Is it possible?" exclaims the other
part of this conversation.
"It is the truth. The medicine is
simple, and pleasant to take, yet its
results are marvelous. Men. who are
hampered by lack of height have only
to take three bottles and they sprout
; up like morning glory vines.
"But I shall not stop with this. I
I believe I can carry the idea on to
( even more marvelous results."
I "You don't mean to say you think
' you can fix up a medicine that will
make people grow to be as big as
they think they are?"
A Book Infinite.
There is a young German teacher
in the West who thinks city children
are easier to teach than country chil
dren, in spite of the fact that most of
our great men have come from the
rural districts.
One day she spent an hour in de
fining several words. Among thea
was the word "infinite." After her
long explanation she asked finally:
"Now. who caa give me a sentence
with the word 'infinite' in it, and ex
plain why?"
A small boy's hand went up. At a
nod from the teacher he arose, hold
ing up a paper book, and said:
"This book is infinite because it is
If xthere be em, let m
that we are aot looking a
that we may bewail over it. bwt IhrJac
in a tisw of diaculty that w auaF
. T. T. Lyme.
Britain Gets Reply to
reply to Great Britain's representa
tions oa the subject of the British
steamer the Knight Commander,
sunk by the Vladivostok squadron,
while couched in the friendliest terms,
does not recede from the Russian po
sition as set forth in the prize regu
lations in regard to the exercise of
the right to destroy neutral vessels
carrying contraband in cases of
emergency, reserving the question for
discussion after the war.
At the same time Russia assures
Great Britain that the extreme re
source to sinking neutral vessels, as
announced, will not be resorted to
unless circumstances render it impos
sible to take them to a prize court.
Great Britain's proposal that the
British steamer, the Allenton. cap-:
tared Juyne 18 by the Vladivostok?
squadron, be lieberated upon the de
posit of security, has not been accept
ed, Russia replying that the docu
ments in this case are already on their
way to St. Petersburg and will have
to be submitted to the admiralty court
before further action is taken.
Russia has formally notified the
United States of the decision of the
prize court in the case of the Port
land and Asiatic line steamer, the
Arabia, captured by the cruiser Grom
oboL of the Vladivostock squadron,
but the statement from Vladivostok on
the subject leaves some doubt as to
whether all the goods consigned to
Japanese ports were declared contra
band or only the flour and railroad
materiaL The Russian government
manifested a friendly disposition in
suggesting its readiness to entertain
an appeal
The correspondent of the Associated
Press learned later that noth&g was
confiscated in the cargo of the Arabia,
which was not designated as contra
hand in the Russian declaration.
The Russian reply in the case of
the Knight Commander points out
that the prize regulations under which
Russia is acting were promulgated
nine years ago, and that Great Bnt-in
did not enter a protest until after the
nresent war began.
Committee Notifies Him of His Nomi
nation at St. Lcuis.
ESOPUS, N. Y. The worst rain of
the summer marked the advent of the
day on which Judge Parker was to be
notified of his nomination to the pres-
idency by the democrats.
The streets were deluged before
daylight From the tops of the hills,
where Rosemont is situated, the
water poured In torrent. Rain was
stffl falling steadily at 11 o'clock.
Judge Parker was keenly disap- , Mr Raphael Dubois, a French physi
pointed, as he had hoped for a fine , ologist. who tells us that all sleep is
day. the result of drugging, the sleep-pro-
One thousand persons were on the ducer being carbonic-acid formed with
ground when the judge's employees in the system.
began the decoration of the speakers' ,
8aad- -Jl- committeemen found ' irrigation in Kansas.
places of fifty-three seats reserved for Great aae Kansas! There is
them In the front of the speakers ueither a mountain nor a marsh in all
Btaad- ' her length and breadth of 82.000
Judge Parker's family was escorted SGaare miles. One-third of her area is
from the house to seats of honor by a almost a barren steppe, owing to lack
committee composed of National 0f rain. Irrigation will make the dry
Chairman Taggart and State Chair- prairies 3 veritable "garden of the
man Meyer. The same committee ac- i west," raise the fTana corn crop to
companied the nominee, who leaned 300,000.000 bushels and increase her
on the arm of Champ Ciark. I live stock valuation to $1SO,000,000.
Champ Clark, chairman of the noti- New York Press.
ficaxion committee, delivered the noti- j
fication speech. , ., . . ., .
Judge Parker was greeted with api IrTdtricWae great
gause at every period m his speech, , E whQ died receiltIv m
He was given most respectful atten- j worked a 1Wng
tton. He read the latter part of his aabject but modeIed -zenr?
suitress, xie apu&t; evenij, seiuum-
raising his voice above a conversa-
tional tone. He finished the speech at"
oth Parties Will Support the Same
Ticket in Nebraska.
LINCOLN The democrats and!
populists both held their state conven-
tions here the same day. Each made
nominations, the populists' convention!
naming five and the democratc three
of the state officers, as follows:
For Governor GEORGE W. BERGE, , tried all of them. The experiment did
populist, of Lincoln. , not succeed, but gin struck me as the
For Lieutenant Governor DR. A 7-r-,.r
TOWN-SEND, democrat, of Franklin- Ieasc nasr7
ounty. j
For State Treasurer JOHN 1L OS- , .,.,,,.. a u
BORN, populist, of Pawnee county. Weight of Dead Sea water.
For Secretary of State R. S. WATZ- A gallon of distilled water weighs
E. democrat, of Richardson county, ten pounds, of sea water ten and three-
tor Auflitor-J. S. CAN ADAY, popu-
list, of Kearney councy.
For Attorney General EDWARD
WHALEN, democrat, of Holt county.
For Land Commissioner A A
fTORSLEY, populist, of Boyd county.
For Superintendent of Public In
struction LBERT SOFTLEY, popu
list, of Perkins county.
Each party has a separate electoral
ticket in the field and both presented
The conventions were in session
many hours, and for awhile it seem
as if harmonious action could not be
had. but finally the two bodies got
together and agreed upon candidates
as above given.
T. H. Watson, populist nominee for
president, was an attendant upon the
populist proceedings.
PLYMOUTH. England. The Brit
ish steamer Manora, from Calcutta,
June 29, for London, arrived here
Tuesday and reported that when
twenty-five miles south of Cape Finis
terre, on the northwest coast of Spain,
it met a large cruiser flying the Rus
sian naval flag. There were guns
mounted on the cruiser, which evi
dently was one of the former German;
liners recently purchased by Russia. !
The cruiser bore down on the Ma-
nora and signalled the latter to hoist I
its ensign, When this was done the
Lewis Nixon's Mysterious Trip.
Press learns that Lewis Nixon of New
York, who has been in St. Petersburg
for several days, came here at the re
quest of the Rngcjaa admiralty and
that negotiations are progressing be
tween the admiralty and Mr. Nixon,
but whether for the sale of ships, ma
chinery or what is not ascertainable,
Mr. Nixes is going to Sebastopol Fri
day to confer with the commander off
the Black sea fleet.
Brilliant Meteoric Shower.
WASHINGTON. The naval oh
servatory reports it3 observation of
a meteoric shower, brilliant and in
many respects unusuaL In eight min
utes fifteen meteors were counted, one
of which, lasted live seconds, which
according to the scientists, is an ex
ceptionally long time.
One Jap Cruiser Reported Sunk. -
CHE FOO It is reported that the
Japanese protected cruiser TCama
was ssmk off Round Island in the rs
cent easagemenr.
Beware f Ottsaeats fcr Catarrh
that Coataia Mercary,
a m.itTT will weir destroy tta mom at mn!l
aad. completely deraaxe tte wbole (rura when
enierlBtr It throusil tile mucosa arfftce. SacS
nice houlil never tw ased except on prescrip
tions from repayable pbyslctaaa. aa Um j--i tSey
will da la ten fold to Qc good 70a caa paaalDlr de
riTe from tem. HaU'i Caurra Care, aaastaciared
br F. J.Cbeaer a Ca.TuIedo, 0 coatatna aa mer
eurr. and is taken Internally, actia directly upon
xixe blwd aed mueooa surface of thm ytem. la
bavin; Hall" Catarra Core be tan von get tie
genuine. It !a taken internally and made !n Toledo,
Oblo. bvF.J.CbeneyCa. Testimonial free.
SoldbvDraaBUt. Po. 3c per buttle.
Take Haifa Family Rlla Dor cosattpaCotl
Condemns Flannels.
Dr. Leonard Williams, in an article
in the London Practitioner, declares
that flannel underclothing is a fraud.
"Dry flannel," hesays, "is practically
unabsorbent, whereas linen, cotten
and silk are, in different degrees, very
absorbent." He concludes that "wool
en underclothing Is. of all others, the
best calculated to Induce a relaxed
and unresponsive condition of the
Try One Package.
If "Defiance ataxch" does not please
you. return it to your dealer If it
does you getone-third more for the
same money. It will give you satis
faction, and will not stick to the iron.
Cheerfulness and Grumbling.
How many people in real life there
are who are a pernetual drain on the
sympathies of their more cheerful
friends and neighbors! They like to
be comforted with strong, uplifting
words; they appreciate cheerfulness
in others. It does not occur to
tfiem that it is a cultivable quality,
hist as grumbling is.
Corn Birds Will Not Bother.
A well known farmer says he wets
his seed corn with coal oil before
planting it. and as a result the birds
and insects do not bother it before it
comes up. The oil does not injure
the germ and keep it from sprouting.
This has been proved by e-penence.
as he has never had to replant. Fil
more (Mo.) Lever.
Training of Japanese Wrestlers.
In the place of training to remove
superfluous flesh, as do the athletes
of other lands, the wrestlers of Japan
eat to put it on. Great size and
weight do not appear to interfere
with their agility. Instead it is one
of the principal means of overcom
ing an adversary.
1 Sensible Housekeepers
will have Defiance Starch, not alone
because they get one-third more for
the same money, but also btause of
' superior quality.
The cause of Sleep.
The n wto Ia iept awafee D?
pajn or Wh0 SUffers m aaj- other way
j ;rQm lack of 3leep, can usually obtain
u by the use of a drug. Such sleep.
j however, is generally regarded as un-
t natural, and
hw-nrH niiM 9a
avoided when possible. But now comes
studies In wax and clay for particu
lar parts of the figures of his pictures.
Thin Datriarch of painters said in ref-
( erence to his principal works that one
or his great aims was to take te ter
ror away from death.
Labouchere an Intoxicants.
"T mvcoTf rowr drink snirltS. or. in-
deed ther wine or beer when I can
get water," 3aid Henry Labouchere.
"I can understand the liking for beer
or wine. The taste for spirits, how
ever, is incomnrehensible to me. I
' ,,,-h, nnrfa nf Ded sea water
, .-.- r .
twelve pounds. There are eight and
one-half pounds of salt in every 100
pounds of Dead sea water to two and
four-fifths pounds in ordinary sea
Free From the Slugger Brought Out
a Fact.
"During the time I was a coffee
drinker," says an Iowa woman, "I wa3
nervous, had spells with my heart,
smothering spells, headache, stom
ach trouble, liver and kidney trouble.
I did not know for years what made
me have those spells. I would fre
quently sink away as though my last
hour had come.
"For 27 years I suffered thu3 and
used bottles of medicine enough to set
up a drug store capsules and pills
and everything I heard of. Spent
lots of money but I was sick nearly
all the time. Sometimes I was so
nervous I could not hold a plate in
my hands! and other times I thought
I would surely die sitting at the table.
"This went on until about two years
ago when one day I did net use any
raffee and T notion r
was not so nerv-
. w. '- -
nn. , rni , k,., tt i.
He had been telling me that it might
be the coffee but I said 'No, I have
been drinking coffee all my life and
it cannot be' But after this I thought
I would try and do without and drink
hot water. I did this for several days.
but got tired of the hot water and
went to drinking coffee and as soon
as I began coffee again I was nervous
again. This proved that it was the
coffee that caused my troubles.
"We had tried Postum but had not
made it right and did not like it. but
now I decided to give it another trial
so I read the directions on the pack
age carefully and made it after these
directions and it was simply delicious,
so we quit coffee for good and the re
sults are wonderfuL Before, I could
not sleep but now I go to bed and
sleep sound, am not a bit nervous
now, but work hard and can walk
miles. Nervous headaches are gone.
my heart does not bother me any
more like it did and I don't have any
of the smothering spells and would
you believe it? I am getting fat. We
drink Postum now and nothing else
and even my husband's headaches
have disappeared; we both sleep
sound and healthy now anL that's a
Masssasy Name given by Postum
Co, Battle Creek. Mich.
Look for the book, "The JLoad ta
is each pkg.
It is easy to find something good to
sar of success, but the struggler must
go a-begging for encouragement.
When You Buy Starch
buy Defiance and get the best, 15 ox.
for 10 cents. Once used, always used.
A woman has simply got to love
something, even if it is only a man.
Pico's Care Is the best medicine are ever used
for all aiectlons of the throat and Xusss. Wat
O. ESDSUT, Vaahurea. I2i. Feb. 1U, 1981
There is never much to talk about
after a smooth voyage.
kITSt oaBaajpCy cimL i stsorsvwcsBVBwanBV
W I 3IK Ctar ramat Dr. Kline- CrratHrrr.- McMQBk
r. Sand for FBEK S.OA trial txttx oad tn-adav
BmVaVU.Kun.Uil-.UasE&:KxeBC gmiaitlB;H.g
The greatest merit of some men is
their wives. Pomcelot.
Defiance Starch is pat up 15 ounces
in a package. 10 cents. One-third
more starch for the same money.
Lawsuits make the parties bare,
the lawyers fat. German.
Wra. Wtaa!owa SooCfctec Jyraaw
Tot c&Mrea ertiifnc. ufu-o the sunia. mlorea !aV
A safe secret is a confidential let
ter unwritten.
ft successml wife.
retain the love and admiration
of her husband should be a
woman's constant study. If
she would be all that she say,
she most guard well against the
signs of fll health. Mrs. Brown
tells her story for the benefit of
all wives and mothers.
" Dear Mbs. Pcthham : Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
will make every mother well, stronjr,
healthy and happy. I dragged through
nine years of miserable existence, worn
out with pain and weariness. I thea
noticed a statement of a woman
troubled as I was: and the wonderful
results she had had from your Vege
table Compound, and decided to try
what it would do for me, and umm! it for
three months. At the end of that
time. I was a dilferenS woman, the
neighbors remarked it. and my hus
band fell in love with me all over
again. It seemed like a new existence
I had been suffering- with indamma
tion and falling of the womb, but your
medicine cured that, and built up my
entire system, till I was indeed like a
new woman. Sincerely yours, MBS.
Coas. F. BBOW3T. 21 Cedar Terrace. Hot
Springs, Ark., Vice President Mothers
Clnb SSaaO forfeit If aritrinal of
ay 3mitnr.czz caanoz se srattucaa.
Medical Department Washington Unfversirj.
TJie tirst two yars are dutDted maly to
practical train.ncia laboratories of Anauinij.
Eistoloiry Embryoloiry ChsuMry Physiolocy
Patholoiry and Baotenoioiry by spcia.l;td ami
hJe-worUers In thc- branches. The la.-t two
vears are zrvea to Der-onal study of disease In
ciinieallaboratorte. hospitals ardli-p-nar:e..
not merely asuiatett. out snuer the rail control
of the Faculty for b-d--.ide catmctioc For
particulars and cataioirrn address the Dean.
1M06 Locust Street. St. LbUJa.
df-frmj II th"f?Iewaae
. .-w aarvw am ! 4iUPacunU Jr; fcJTTJ
Humf) in tUnlng room, slf?pin;r room anil piner "wjr
1 omi. ?jt iiii
gwl eBBswwBwfl IUXlt 'xUl aot 'lr
r" w!7vfcL LP injur arrrtnlai-
Tr?v llfTi ftnrt m?
! joh wtll nTer l-
ktfjtbrrt !- nt
prpnlil for JOr. f
HAJtllLIi "MaUUtH,
lilt IVKaib tws-av f
aresauj,i, x.
$?aar better Quality than moat 10? Ciftara
Tour jobber or direct im Fictorr ?eor!a. ET
rasas. 12a. lit. fle aad 33. Pirtraiti 30c, 50e
aad a?. Cata.orae and Sansplea tm.
TDn riB-nurr .. c . ia!.. -.. omen, iil
W. N. U.. Omaha.
No. 34 19C4
aisBBamJ VSB
BsV? 'if kik v S
To De
BSE ? -- ' -C AS -rfcBBl
ft if the purot cfcasoft starch nofe
it fet)C Of BTaJtTNMB Chcfl!Kib
t an be xd what ordawiy yo oidJfe vVjmi
to mt Hath of my knd
TJafs Defiance. Yow cer sdb i.
OaUrlA. NEB.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
"Y7R PHOEXEt WaEdns Chair
J holds the child securely, pre
enting those painful falls and
bumps which, are so frequent irhea
baby learns to walk.
The chair is provided with. re
movable, etniMiyr Torh tHaawfuVh
supports the weighs of the child
and prevents bow-legs sad spinal
troubles; it also has a table attach
mens which, enables baby to find
amusement in its toys, etc., with
out any attention.
asfilT ill ass
Is is so constructed that is pre
vents soiled clothes, sickness from
drafts and floor germs, and is
recommended by physicians and
endorsed, by both mothcrand baby.
Combines pleasure and 001117.
Kb baby should be without one.
Call at your fsraitara dealer
and ask to see one.
Can taty as sad sf ysar fsrsssrs Jsalar.
On Anirsss 3d aailSrd anilSeptcnjor
13tli anil -JTtn. rguail trip tltltew wi bt
oM via II. K.&V. R." v . Jrum. St. Lii'its.
Koasoa Cltv. aaU other His
sourt anit FCmM points, to Tn-lian Ter
ritory. OUaaozsa-asil Central and. Sett
ers, Texas, a:
Tie SoutaTist Is tavitlntr. The crops
are ,roI. conditions and prospect i-ra
never store 'avonble. Indian Territory.
OKIaioma and Teix. .ire In aertt of
people and offer plenty of oport..niiles
fur investments of capital and lubvir.
Taie advantage of tsia exceptional
Aai.iae about Tires-ami pnrticnlar.
VH Kladlr wnd 70U -lOnietairur ae-v la
printed matter aboitt tbe 5cutli-eai
Georje Maxim
Sen. Paa. antf Tid. St
;e eherke to World's
Stopo jra a!IoT-l. All Atxiazj caa
route ycu via. the 'WABASH. For baa
tirul -World's Fair folder xad U lcfor-
ib addresi
Ga. At. Paaa. Dpc. Otaiia. '&.
Montana. Srnil 3c for mas nd !nrarir!nTr m
1 1. 1. UIXST, Baal 1VT ApacT, BObac. &ia.
PjBaatGaamiBSTnjL TaauaGaoX. Ca
SBJ tattaaa. iout br laraaaaaav Mi
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