The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 17, 1904, Image 5

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Hulst's Cash Store !
Now is
Tour Chance to
Save Money
the month of
on all Ranges and Cook
Stoves, Refrigerators,
Dishes and
Summer Dress Goods
Every Purchase Guaranteed
Hulst's Cash Store
H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 i i I I H , I
Fruit Canning Heeds
Mason Jure one-halt' jralloii u'omplct.-
Maon Jars ju:irt ( complete p.T d
Ma&on Jar pints complete) per loz
Mason Jar-, stone qiiarL iiinplett
Weir Jar. stone quart complete) per lo7.
Weir Jars, ston pint (complete) p.r dnz.
Maon Cup lxr. graile .".
Rnnlxr Iiliiir- for jars, pure gum, wide thmjr, pordoz
Hfalinir Wax jlr -tiek
Pure RcHneil Pamfine per li)
Plain Jelly Tumblers, tin cup per .ius
Table Tumbler for Jelly per iuz
Mb Tin Cans our vn make, heavy tin, per iloz
Jar Wrenches, that will hol.l, ea-h.
2?We arry a full ami complete line if .tone Ware
pint size to "20 gallons.
For Pickling
We know you want PURE VINEGAR
and PURE SPICES, not the adulterated
Kind. Ours are as pure as money can buy.
Crawford Pore Cider Vinegar, PEALll,v
SPlCfcS AMD SED.C. or nil kinds as pure as
nature ;rows them.
Dr. Prices Flaked Celery-Food,
Two Packages for 25c.
"We UotctTa short tfma ago to lay in a little stock of this iiour
Ike price is now 10 cents higher antL SLOO wheat Joes ntt sajrzes
aar lower prices.
i ! H II I I J I I I I I 1 I I I I I i I I II I
jHT itt..,
from 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 ii i 1 1 n i n n m 1 1 m
- ""?.
Columbus Journal.
ISAU advertisements in the Idcul
column r clutnjed aC Vie rate of 10
cent a line etch umve. Heavy face typ
double price.
Dr. Paul, dentist.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
Prof. Sike, teacher aicsic, Barber bldp.
A. W Clark risited in Lincoln last
Dr. M. T. Mclfahon, dentist, over
poatofice. tf
Mrs. A. J. Smith retnrned Friday
from a yisit Omaha.
Misses Ealalia and Ruhr Rickly vis-
ital in Lincoln last week.
Get a Joarnal wall chart yourself
and tell your friends how to jyet it.
Dr. Chas, H. Platz, homeopathic phy
sician and surgeon, postofSce building.
Mr. Evert Carrick visited bis sis
ter's family in Columbus over Sunday.
Do not fail to se onr 8-foot galvan
ized stwl mill for 832.00. A. Dussell &.
Son. tf
F. T. Walker reports the sale of a
Republican Valley farm to I. L. Al
bert but Friday.
Go to G. R. Preib for painting anil
paper hanging. First dear norh of
Pollock's drug store. tf
Miss Martha Turner attended the
Epworth Assembly ia Lincoln from
Mondav to Friday of but week.
O. R. Green returned Friday from
a two weeks visit, in Indiana. His
family remained for a lunger visit.
Cleaning, repairing and dyeing of
ladies and Gentlemen's elnthinj? at
R. S. Palmer's. Over Commercial
National Bank. tf.
Mrs. Wm. Speice retnrned Wednes
day from Harlan, Iowa, where she
had been visiting relatives and friends
for more than a week.
Two carloads of trotting horses
passed through Columbus Saturday on
the Union Pacific. They were being
shipped by express from SanFranciseo
to New York.
E. H. Jenkins has two dozen tomato
plants that have an average of .10 to
matoes to the plant. The Journal will
be glad to publish a better record if
there is one in Platte county.
For the latest and bst in art photo
graphy call at McAllister's stndio. We
do the latest in sepia and platinum
effects. We have the aristocrat and all
the new designs in mouldings. Up stairs.
Olive street. tf
A son of Editor Cixby. of the Mee
teetse Standard. Mr. and Mrs. John
T., passed through Cody coming from
Nebraska, last Saturday. We under
stand that he will assist his father in
publishing the Standard. Cody En
terprise. ATTENTION SMOKERS! Try the
Non-Nicotine Cigars. Its equal un
known. No tobacco heart. Does
not affect tbo nerves. A plfiasant and
satisfactory smoke. CHARLES H. DACK.
Joe Mahaffey returned Monday
from the Fullerton Chautauqua. Joe
says that the Sunday crowd numbered
about 5000 people. Colnmbns contri
buted about a dozen to this number.
Special trains from Albion and-Spald-ing
brought most of the crowd.
SELL OUT and locate over here in
Polk county where you can raise
winter wheat to perfection. Price of
land comparatively low yet, but con
stantly going up. Get a move on you
and call on us or write for bargains.
King & Eittner, Agents, Osceola, Neb.
The members of Company K of the
national guard went to David City
Saturday evening to attend the state
encampment. They went on foot.
The Albion company and the Madison
company also went through Colum
bus on their way to the encampment
A big concert and dance will be
given at Orpheus Hall on the evening
of August 2, under the auspices of
of the K. O. T. M. Cosgroves' Grand
Concert Orchestra have been engaged
to furnish the concert and the music
for the dance. The dance will be free
to all matrons of the entertainment.
A pleasant surprise was given Mrs.
Fred Scofield but Friday evening at
their home east of town by relatives.
The event was Mrs. Scolield's birth
day and was a complete surprise to
her. The guests were the families of
G. O. Eurns, Walter Scott. Mas Roth
lighmer and Geo. Winslow. Light
refreshments were served and a most
enjoyable time bad.
Miss Emma Bisson met with quite
an accident last Thursday while driv
ing to the hay Held. Her team be
came frightened at a hole in a bridge
which she did not see anil ran away
throwing her out and cutting a large
gash in the head. Dr. Evans dressed
the wound and took four stitches in
the same. She is congratulating her
self on it not being any worse.
Lee Jenkins, who drove to the Rose
bud country last month to register for
a homestead, and since that time has
been driving over the wheat country
further north, wrote to his parents
last week from near Brookings, South
Dakota. He says that wheat in that
locality has been attacked by black
rust within the but ten days and that
many fields which promised a heavy
yield two weeks ago, will not be cut
at alL He says that men are leaving
places where they had engaged to
work and going farther norths
H.L. Bowl by of Crete, whose father
is editor of the Crete Democrat has
been in Colnmbns a few days visit
ing friends. Mr. Bowiby has just re
tained from Soath America where he
has been engaged in civil engineering
work for several years. He will be re
membered as one of five West Point
era who in 1901 were expelled for open
ly reviling their off icers for punishing
oae of their claanasea. Mr. Bowiby
was in his semior year whe he was
expelled. Sir others were suspended
fcr one year and one hundred and
fifty more were punished less harsh
ly. Mr. Bowiby was a stadent of the
University of Nebraska ia '98. He is
taking a rest for a time aad has not
decided as to his fatare residence.
Dr. Nauru an n, dentist.
Alvin E. Pool, vwliikt. 'Phone GEL
When yon see the Journal nwps yon
will.want them.
L Gluck and daughter Teresa went
to Omaha Monday.
Dr. L. C. Yose, Homeopathic physi
cian, Colnmbus. Neb.
Gerge Fairchild aad danghter Mary
went to Omaha Sunday.
Dr. W. H. Slater, Veterinarian,
office in Dack's Drug Store.
Mr. Alfred Palme of St.Ed ard
visited friends in Colnmbus Smnday
Drs. Martyn, Evans, Geer, Hansen fc
Martyn Jr., office three doors north-of
Friedhofs store.
Messrs James Cuba. Clifford Davis,
Webber and Howard were Colnmbns
visitors Wednesday.
Ladies skirts and suits cleaned and
pressed, at Palmer's . Over Commer
cial National Bank. tf.
Miss Vera and Master Harold
Kramer will leave Friday for a two
weeks visit to Chicago.
Mrs. Carrick of Norfolk is visiting
her daughters, Mrs. Frickie and fam
ily for several days this week.
Theodore Friedhof and son Theo.
left Sunday for a visit of a week or
ten days in Chicago and St. Louis.
Miss Lucy Haywood of Lincoln is
the guest of .Mrs. J. G. Reeder this
week. She will remain abont two
Miss Gertrude Jaeggi who has been
visiting in Fremont Madison the past
three weeks returned home Wednes
day evening.
Charles Winship of Fremont was
the guest of John Wiggins Wednesday.
Mr. Winship was formerly a Colnm
bus resident.
For tine cakes that will not "fall"
when the cat walks across the kitchen
Hour, there is just one tlour to use, and
that is WAV UP, made by Columbus
Roller Mills.
Dr. and Mrs. Young are visiting rel
atives here. Dr. Young is one' of
tbe physicians of the insane asylnm at
Lincoln. Mrs. Young is a danghter
of Tbos. Keating.
Mrs. F. A. Farrand and danghter,
Miss Ethel, went to Fullerton Satur
day to take in the Chautauqua, which
is in session at that place. They will
remain over Sunday.
Some damage was done to a switch
track of the Union Pacific but Thurs
day evening by a car loaded with iron
which left the track. About 100
feet of track was torn up.
Mr. John and Miss Mamie Elliott
entertained last Friday night in honor
of tbe Misses Johnson of Omaha aud
Landquist of Chicago. Miss Birdie
Smith and Mr. Phil Echols won prizes
at cards.
Miss Getrrude Whitmoyer, who
spent a few weeks of her vacation in
Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago,
is at home for a few days before leav
ing for Park City, Utah where she
will teach music in the city schools.
Call at McAllister's stndio and peennr
samples. We have something tine in
enlarged portrait work in sepia, water
color and pastels. We guarantee our
work and give you a tine portrait at
reasonable prices. LTp stairs, Olive
street. tf
The Columbus firemen
are arrang
ing to celebrate Labor Day again this
year. Tbe date is September oth. The
boys are planning a program for the
afternoon, and a dance for the even
ing. The prorgam will be published
in detail in the Journal. Watch for
The Roosevelt League of Platte coun
ty will meet at the council chamber
in Columbus next Friday night, Aug
ust I'.. This meeting will have some
important business to consider and
every republican in Platte county
should try to be present. Remember
the date and the place and don't for
get to come.
There will be a union meeting of
.ill the protectant churches in the park
next Sunday, August 21, at I P. M.
There will be chorus music and
special music, recitations and speak
ing. The Rev. Elia B. Perkins .of
Chirks, Nebr., who will preach in
the Congregational church that day,
will be asked to speak also.
Tbe members of tbe neighborhood
Card Club were, entertained at six
band euchre Thursday evening at the
home of Mrs. C.S.Raney. The enter
tainment was given in honor of Mrs.
C. J. Burkett and Miss Pauline Bur
kett of Lincoln who have been visit
ing in Columbus for the past three
weeks. They will return to their
home m Lincoln.
The following new students have
enrolled in tbe Columbus College:
Wilbur Hutcainson, Valley; Roy
Eyars, Valley v Thos. Agee, Valley;
Aubry Davis. Valley; John Peterson.
Valley; Harry Smith, Valley; Wm.
Kirkpatrick. Albion; Carl Brittell,
Albion; Miss Grace Sillik, Albion;
Uriah Louden, Albion ; Earl Henman,
Albion; Allan Beer, Elgin; Miss
Anna Shaw, Neligh ; Miss Grace Hall,
St. Edward.
Sergiaa Stepniak, the famous nihil
ist political propagandist and refugee,
who several years ago toured this cenn
try as a lecturer, supplemented on the
platform many of the harrowing de
tails of tbe story told in famous books.
"Underground Russia." Through the
efforts of Stepniak and others of his
sort, the dramatic qnality in the Ufa
of the Russians baa become pretty
well known to people of the western
hemisphere, and there have been two or
three dramatists that nave been able
to prqfit by the fact. A widely smccesa
fnl Basso-Siberian play was "Michael
Storogoff ". Now there is a new one
and it is coming this way. "FOB
HER SAKE" is the title of the latest
of the plays having, to do with Bnssian
life, with the moving sorrows of serf
dom and the harrowing experiences of
life in the Siberian convict mines.
"FOB HER SAKE" is credited with
possessing as element which its prede
cessors lacked and which dombtteas
more than anything else has contritmt
ed to its phenomenal snecesa with
theater goers. It baa the comedy aU
mant clearly aad consistently jag ij
in its plot, and it ia said ta he a hian
class of comedy. The play will be
seen as aortn's opera
night, Augnst 29.
KfeMby HigM. tag. 29.
Jis. Pifgri- aid Litis Elliott's
Massive Pbodcctiox of
The Shsn's Greatest Shcciss
Presented by a company of uniform
excellence mounted with a scenic equip
ment of rare magnificence and beanty.
Dr. Gietzen, dentist.
Mrs. Caorline Speice retnrned last
Wednesday frcm m yisit to Harlan,
Mr. F. A Farrand and son. Homer
left Satnrdy for a few days visit with
relatives at Fremont.
Mrs. Karbiae of Omaha arrived Sat
urday fur several days visit with her
sister, Mrs. H. Frickie.
James W. Dawes of Omaha was a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Whitmoyer last Sunday.
Try the Non-Nicotine Cigar. The
Smoker's Friend. Only 5c
jnl20-.1t CHARLES H. DACE.
Mrs.F.H. Geer went to Grand Island
Monday night for a two weeks' visit
with Dr. Geer's mother and sister.
Miss Clara Hohl went to Chapman,
Neb. but Saturday to teach in the
county teachers' institute at that
Misses Anna Becker, Alice Lnth and
Elizabeth Sheldon retnrned Monday
evening from Schnyler whare they
had. been on a visit to Mrs. A. C.
"G. R. Brnen, a leading do on list of
the northern part of the county, pass
ed through Columbus last week an
his way home from tbe state conven
tion at Lincoln.
Try the Non-Nicotine. A scientific
production of Cigars. Sold under tbe
Uaited States and the English patents.
Try one of them.
jui20-5t CHARLES H. DACK.
Columbus people who went to Bos
ton to attend the national encamp
ment of the G. A. R. were Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Gleason, Mrs. Will Mur-
vay, Miss Ulara Ueecroft, hsert Galley
and Sam Gas, jr.
The nutritions part of wheat lies next
to the brail. GOLD DUST flour is
made bv a process that retains this part.
Cee it once and yon will have no other
for plain strengthprndueing bread.
Colpmups lUf.j.KU Mir.r.-.
Miss Bessie Patrick of Omaha arri
ved last Thursday on a visit to her
sister, Mrs. Clarence Sheldon. She
returned home yesterday. Miss Imo
Monroe of Seattle, Wash., also stopped
over on a short visit to Mrs. Sheldon.
Rev. Eliza B. Perkins of Clarks,
Neb. will preach in the Congregation
al chnrch of Colnmbns next Sunday,
Aug. 21, morning and evening. Mr.
Perkins is one of the two lady Congre
gational preachers of this Association,
and is highly esteemed for her Chris
tian character and her ability as a
preacher of the gospel.
The funeral of Franklin Hull was
held in Columbus yesterday, Rev. Luce
conducting the services. Mr. Hull
was an old resident of Platte county,
having lived here for lb years. He
removed from here to Fort Collins,
CoL abont a year ago. From that
place he went to Wenatchee, Wash.,
and then retnrned to Fort Collins
where he resided at the time of his
death. He has been making his home
with his daughter, Mrs. Horace Fobes.
His remains were brought to Colum
bus for burial beside his wife.
The Chattanooga Medicine Com
pany, with laboratories and general
offices at Chattanooga, Tennessee, and
branch hoases at St. Lonis, Min., and
San Francisco, CaL, has become one
of the largest proprietary medicine
concerns in the world. In the growth
of this great business two factors have
been dominant ; The merit of its pro
ducts Wine of Cardoai and Thedfor's
Black Draught -has been widely rec
ognized and the original advertising
methods adopted have excited great
comment. The publicity for these
medicines does not consist uf the catch
phrases and extravagant statement,
too often employed in advertising to
day, but instead the plain story of ex
perience with the medicines given in
the plain language of the people
themselves. The following letter is
a fair sample of the thousands of
Wine of Cardni testimonials published
during the past twenty years.
268 Eastern Avenue,
Cincinanati, Ohio. May 2, 1902. -
I consier Wine of Cardni a most ex
cellent woman's remedy. It is cer
tainly a specific ae a tonic and regula
tor. For eight years I suffered with
female tronble. I had intense pain in
the back and head, leaving me weak
that I was anable to stand at times.
Medicine did not seem to help me.
bat atfer all remedies had failed me
Wine of Cardni proved my one great,
trae friend. What a relief I exper
ienced! It came only a few days after
I started taking it. I used it faith
fnlly, for f onr months and gradmUly
grew stronger and better. I am now
regular to the day and for the past
two years hare enjoyed blessed heatlh.
I certainly wish every sick woman
could know of your blessed medicine,
how much pain and. suffering it would
prevent, and what a difference it
would make in nunaailfi of homes
wnem there is sickness and sorrow
arfay.if they had Wine of Cardni it
would bring relief and joy instead.
Greanmyar. it
jtfami Clears
(From files of the Journal, Norem
bcrl lti, 1S7U.) The heaviest frost of
the season fell last Saturday night.
The recslar meeting of the county
board of commissioners was held hut
week. George W. Galley, president
H. J. Hadson, clerk, S. O. Smith, J.
W. Early andtr. C. ttarnum compris
ing the membership, were all present.
On motion of Mr. Galley, the sheriff
hereafter will receive all benefits
arising from care of prisoners from
other counties.
Commissioners reported having
viewed the road as asked for by H.
Carrig and Clerk Coonce, located the
same and appointed. L N. Taylor to
stake it off. Mr. Taylor reported that
he found the road to be the same as
located and surveyed by commissioner
Becker on June 6, 1S70. On motion
Mr. Galley, Lost Creek precinct is
changed. to Shell Creek precinct. The
following bills were audited and allow
ed: J. E. North ISO for blankets for
use of injail John Haney, judge of
election, two years $4; C. A. Speice
for defending prisioner A. L. Stowe.
$30; J. O. Shannon services as school
superintendent. 930; J. W. Early ser
vice as register Lost Creek precinct
21 ; WVT. Strother services as regis
ter I23.S0; G. E. Willard judge of
election 92 ; Dr. Polly services as phys
ician to prisioner 92; A. J. Arnold
sheriff for boarding and guarding Thee
Russell 10.7. 70. Isaac Shivers Jr.,
was appointed justice of the peace for
Monroe prceinct and X. H. Welch con
stable. T. T. Taylor was allowed 973
per annum, salary as probate judge.
The county road running east from
Columbus to the bountlary line of the
county, was ordered opened to the
Three weeks ago Cornelius Haven
left Colnmbns with Major North's
team of mules and wagon to go to the
lower Elkhorn south of Fremont for
maple, box-elder, walnut aad ash
trees. Upon arriving at his destina
tion he took ill with pleurisy and ague
and was unable to be out of the house
for over one week. In the meantime
the Major, supposing that Cornelius
had run off with his outfit, which was
worth 50, telegraphed in every di
rection, and sent a man on horseback
to hunt up the supposed runaway.
However after recovering from his
illness Cornelius proceeded to fill his
wagon and returning home, arriving
here but Friday with his load.
(From files of Journal November,
22 1870.) Father Ryan has retnrned
from the west.. Ha reports large
herds of buffalo between Ogalla and
Big Springs. He remarked that one
of them weighed fortyhundred pounds
and was as big as a house.
The first bridge across the Platte
river was completed yesterday and is
now open to travel, free of charge.
Platte county enterprise has done
what no other county would before
attempt; the determination of Co
lumbus business men has accomplish
ed what even Omaha and Fremont had
not before sneeeeded in effecting; Cj
lumbns courace took hold of the quick
sand bugbear and exploded it. Tne lib
erality of our citizens has been shown
in tbe fact that the bridge has been
built by Platte councy alone at an ex
pense of 92.1,000. . . The commission
ers of the county advertised for plans
and from several which were present
ed they selected that of H. P. Handy
of Grand Island. This was done by
the board consisting of Guy C. Barn
urn, Samuel C. Smith and George W
Galley at their session in April last.
"The first days work was done on
September 3, and the bridge was com
pleted November 22 . . . .L. M. Beebe
with a hammer weighing ISO pounds
and having a fall of twenty -four feet,
drove piles. He was assisted by
Charles Eerry, Patrick Crea, Mr.
Briney, Anton Haerterick, Jared Ben
nett, Wm. H. Harshman, Chas. Deyo,
Charles Stean M. Coborn and Thos.
Ham. Frank G. Becher furnished the
cattonwood plank for the roadway.
John L. Means assisted by the follow
ing named mechanics and laborers
erected the superstructure : James Mc
Mannis and Peter Harity of Chicago,
Henry Keer, James Allen, Gilbert
Brane, Jacob Hoppeu, E. R. Dean, J.
N.Wilson. John H. Marvr D. Will
iams, Alonzo Shepherd, Rudolph Mar
tin. Augustus Cox, E. O. Blodgett,
Ole Olson, L. M. Magnison. Nich
olas Blasser, Rhnderic McDonald,
Chas. Perry, Wm. Horigan, Jerry
Keller. Daniel McDonald, Frederick
Blasser, Truman Freeland. Frank
Snick. Wm. Cruth and Benj. Collins
worth all of Colnmbus .... The
abolition of the "Mason and Dixon
lino" of Nehraska, north flatte and
south Platte, will work together as
one man for the general interest of the
state hereafter.
Tho following is from the Fremont
Tribune : "Leonard Sweet, who resides
on Cellar Creek, about '.1 miles from
Norfolk, sends us some pieces of burnt
clay found under tbe soil on his farm.
The space covered by this depoist of
L clay is about two reds square. Mixed
with the earth are pieces of pottery
handles of jugs etc., showing the
nicest workmanship. Tbe strangest
part of all is the fact that nowhere in
that region is clay of a similar char
acter to be found. From all indi
cations the place has been a pottery,
used by some racce of people far in
advance of our Indians, and the de
posit of soil on top of the clay and
pieces of earthen ware would indicate
that vegetation has sprung np and
decayed for centuries on the ground
where the potters ceased their labors.
By whom, and when this pottery was
used, must be a matter of conjecture,
but from the description we received
of the remains of earthen ware, con
cluded that the same race that made
the mourn Is found in Ohio, Indiana
anil Illinois, and which left ruins of
cities in Utah, California and Mexico,
also ranged over this section."
WANTED To buy a male St. Ber
nard pup. Adrees Sydney Eastman,
Crestoo, Nebr tf
Get all the News.
Look at Friedhofs announcement
Henry Ragatz & Co.
, Everything in the line of Groceries
and Queensware. If it isnt right we
will make it right or GIVE BACK
TOUR MONET. Our in variable aim
is to please every customer and we
will not allow any customer, large
or small, to be dissatisfied with the
service we give. PROMPT DELI
VERT is one thing on which we
pride ourselves. COURTEOUS and
FAIR TREATMENT is another.
Here is some special stock:
We have every kind of Fresh Fruit
and Vegetable in their season, and in
Are you putting up Fruit?
Get your FRUIT JARS here.
Look; at out1 line of
Cleanest, Biggest, Prompt-
K-M-t- M KK-K 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
Correct Wear
For Summer
anananana - aBfl&B
BflflflflflflEfiBiPJ TBflflflBflflaCa
HbSBBB ' tLlBBflflr BflT
BBB!a zse9SB&bBBb
STr Baflflflflfla&4BjBflflf
t-is3n ffijf
Cloihuxi Co.
i w w . C
505 Eleventh St. COLUMBUS
'mi in i iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininnmii
i A Few Specials For This Week
Mason Fruit Jars
i Special Prices This Week
PINTS .... 45c Dot
QUARTS. . . . SOcDos.
We also carry a complete stock of Jar Tops, I
.Rubbers and
Onr Telephone Nasibcr is 37.
X Eleventh Street
Lamps and (jltWWtfc.
M M 1 1 II II 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 IS
The choosing of cor
rect summer wearing
apparel is not always
an easy matter. Ton
will be considerably
aided in your choice
if you come here and
look at the
Correct in Price, Style
and Durability.
We also carry a com
plete line of Dry Goods
and Clothing, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, Carpets,
Lace Ctartauns, Win
dow Shades, etc. Call
and get our prices.
Sealing Wax.
Columbus, Nebraska i
-. v .; '
'' .'.;. "I
1 - -'.
.-. :-!
. 1.
on page six of this paper.
-,-,. ..-