The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 17, 1904, Image 4

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CUANUE IN ADDKESS-Whea ordering a
chance in tlie address, Mubecribers ahould be Bare
to give their old aa well aa their sew addreaa.
RMblican Tirttt.
Presidential Electors
F. A. BARTON, Pawnee.
A. C. SMITH. Douglas.
A. & ABBOTT. Dodge.
T. L. NORVAL. Seward.
W. P. HALL, Phelps.
M. A. BROWN, Buffalo.
H. H. WILSON, Lancaster.
J. C. ROBINSON, Douglas.
National Committeeman
CHAS. H. MORRILL, Lancaster.
United States Senator
Lieutenant Governor
Secretary of State
Attorney General
Land Commissioner
Congressman, Third District
j. j. McCarthy.
We are still waiting for particulars
iathe matter of "Railroad Joka."
"No auui is above the law aad so
below it." Theodore Roosevelt.
Tom Watsoa has always been a thorn
in 'the democratic flesh. He has suc
ceeded iu convincing his followers
that he is honest.
Lightning strack Tammany Hall the
other day and it is cnrreatly reported
that the lightning was badly damaged
St. Joseph News and Press.
The popnlist of Nerbraska look to the
democrats for help ; the democrats look
to Bryan; Bryan stays after the Par
ker wagon; aad Parker annoanees in
his acceptance speech that he will
have to depend on a repablican sen
ate for legislation daring his entire
term of office if he is elected. How
mach simpler for a popnlist to vote
rue repablican ticket ia the first place.
"No Nebraska democrat can offer a
valid reason for his failure to support
Jadge Parker" Telegram.
Perhaps not. Here's Bryan's reason
four years ago. Perhaps it is aot
"valid" sow." I said, as yon remem
ber, that under no circumstances
would my vote be given to a man
who would use the influence of the
executive to fasten the gold standard
upon the American people" W. J
Bryan ia his speech acceptiag the
aomiuarfon of the national silver
party. m
Osssgrasrmaii McCarthy was in Co
lumbus Friday afternoon shakiag
teds with friends. Mr. McCarthy
is set worryiag about his chances for
He is no grand-stand
m no boasts to make to
hkeoastitaeate. But Mr. McCarthy's
f riawas and the voters of the third
district who have paid attention to
his ooagreasional record know that he
"did things" ia Washington, gaining
a reputation for beiag a hard worker
aad getting things that he weat after.
It will not be very eatertaiaing read
tag tar certaia democratic politicians
iathe third district to read of the
vote registered by McCarthy agaiast
aoertaia railroad sub sidy of $140,000
when Nebraska's democratic conereas
maa found it convenient to be
absent ;or will it be pleasant for them
Co read of the old soldiers claims
hoved through by Mr. McCarthy
after a fusion congressman had lain
down on them. Nevertheless that is
the sort of madias that third district
voters will have to read if they are
permitted to read the records.
Farmers, do you want to send a
congressman from the third district
who will help President Roosevelt
lower and equalize freight rates on
and flour, or do you waat a con-
who will spend his time
bailing air-castles about government
waetahtp, which he and every one
else knows we cannot get. at once,
while freight rates, the real trouble,
are left unharmed. Congresimsn Mc
Carthy believes in using the Inter
state Commerce Commission and in
easting that they act now and if they
have net sufficient power, he would
give them power to fix aad equalize
august freight rates. McKillip is out
tar "meat" for the farmer but he has
Us sights raised to kill accidentally
of the mountain. The
re before McKillip could
aa an caaan. McGarthv
relief in the matter ef freight
i aad he has his sight, lowered
teaaarythiag within raage. Farm-
Ma will ywa select to fet
The reupblioaa convention that is
to' place in nomination candidates' for
county attorney and representative,
is at haad. The question is. what
will this convention do? Will it act
on the assumption that the republicans
in Platte county are in a hopeless min
ority aad therefore that good should
not be sacrificed for these nominations
or will it nominate itscleanest.Btrong-
est, I men and fight for their elec
ta individually and collectively till
November 8th, forgetting the faction
al strife that has spilt the party in
the past? w
Republicans, are yon gnilty of the
cowardice of believing that with every
thing on our side in the coming cam
paign, we cannot win? Roosevelt
ahould carry Platte county. And those
who believe in Roosevelt must, if
they are honest, vote for candidates
for congress and for the legislature
known to stand squarely for Roose
velt's principles.
Do yon expect ever to win Platte
county while asuutaing it can not be
done? Will you continue to remain
divided against yourselves, narsing
imaginary wounds, allowing private
basiae6s interests to determine wheth
er yon support your own ticket or vote
with the democrats? Will yon after
this convention go out and do as yon
have beea charged with doing in the
past, work againct your party candi
dates? The opportunity of years is
the. republicans' lot . this fall. The
repablican platforms, in state and
nation, stand for honor and prosperity
aad for exact justice toward individ
uals regardless of wealth or condition
of life. The democrats are disrupted,
diagraatled, disarmed, discouraged.
disheartened, despondeat. No demo
crat can tell you where he stands or
what his party standB for. There is
no democratic party. In this situa
tion, republicanism should win where-
ever independent thought and not
Wall street gold directs the vote.
Platte coanty has a 915000 debt that
pleads eloquently for a change in the
couaty administration. A good place
to begin the reform is in the office of
the coanty attorney.
Republicans, it is up to you I The
Journal is with you, if yon mean bus
iness. But if you put np straw candi
dates, as an excuse for you to vote for
democrats, the Journal will not raise
a finger for their election. On the
other hand if a clean strong candidate
is nominated, and any republican is
found working aginst him, that re
publican will not only be openly ex
posed by this paper, bat openly oppos
ed ahould he afterward seek a nomin
ation for office.
This is no time for mincing words.
Platte coanty republicans must have
first, organization; second, harmony;
aad third, enthusiasm, if they wonld
win. And we believe that the repub
licans of Platte coanty will rise to
the occasion, nominate clean, strong
men at the couaty convention and all
join hands to redeem the county.
Platte county tax-payers have bad
to dig np the largest amount the law
would permit during the last two
years, to pay their county taxes. And
that is not all. The county adminis
tration his exceeded the limit of the
law and placed aa additional burden
of nearly $150,00 on the. shoulders of
these same taxpayers, to pay the ex
penses of a democratic county ad
ministration. Democrats, like republicans pay taxes
and they are equally interested in
leaning the reason for this $ir,000 de
ficit in the county treasury.
The Journal repeats 'the charge that
this debt is due either to the defects
in the old revenue law or to the ex
travagance of Platte county super
visors. -
If due to the former cause, demo
crats who waat the county on a debt-
payiag basis, will be forced tc vote for
a repablican representative, for the
democratic representative is pledged
to vote to repeal the new revenue law,
bnt for which, Platte county tax
payers would have Leen plunged still
deeper ia debt next 3 ear.
On the other hand, if our super
visors extravagance is the cause of
this debt, will tax-payers be foolish
enough to continue the oration of
the democratic machine in Platte
coanty, which has placed this burden
on them?
Tax-payer uo yon think this is an
empty newspaper charge, made with
out regard to facts and for political
effect? If yon do, call at the connty
treasurer's office and find out for
The Journal asserts again that it
wiU not knowingly misrepresent any
public officer or administration of
any political party, and we stand
ready to publish an explanation of
Platte county's debt that may be meet
that our readers may have both sides.
The Telegram still refers to "Onr
beloved Bryan. " Is there another in
the state who yet cherishes this ten
der affection for tho silver-tongued,
gold-standard advocate? Has Mr.
Bryan ever asked anything from the
democrats or populists of Nebraska
that has not been granted him ? Have
these two parties ever forsaken this
plutocratic gentleman when he was
pleading his own interests and prom
ising deathless allegiance to the
cause? These two parties which are
as unlike as day and night the ultra
conservative and the ultra-radical
have they not sacrificed their respec
tive principles aad tied up with each
other year after year, solely for the
sake of Bryan and Bryan's personal
advancement? Nobody can deny it.
Ia return for this self-sacrificing
suppoit, what does Mr. Bryan do
when the crucial moment arrives?
How does he regard his deliberate and
solemn promise that never under any
eircuaastances would his vote be given
to a smaa who would use the influence
of the executive to fasten the gold
standard upon the American people?
He swallows a gold candidate aad
platform, tail .and hide. Thas does
Our Beloved Bryan.
It required a display of moral cour
age far a democrat to declare for
in 1896 to 1900. Jadge
ilaaa fl artluraaa aaaa.
" aaww BMivt enaaaw
iU those Team FwlUrrna I
! 1
If your feet are to be guided by the
lessons of experience I beg yon to re
member that the men who broke their
pledges then are tho men who want
to make new pledges now. 1 say if you
aro right yon ought to stay by your
principles till yon win or stay by them
till vou are whipped." Tom Watson.
"I want it thoroughly understood
throughout the country, so well un
derstood that misunderstanding in the
futuro will be impossible, that I am
for the gold standard of currency and
that if elected I shall do all in my
power to maintain that standard.
A. P. Parker.
"I can appreciate the feeling which
animated those who assembled in the
Silver Convention and turned their
backs npon the party with which they
had formorly been associated. More
than a year ago, when wo were en
gaged in the stugcle to bring the
democratic party to the endorsement of
free coinage, tho question was put
to me whether, iu care of failure, I
would support the democatic nominee.
if he were a gold standard navocate
running npon a gold standard platform.
I never believed that tho democratic
party would endorse tho gold standard,
but when those who asked me were not
content with probabilities and arked
again, I said that under no circum
stances would my vote be given to a
man who would uso the influence of
the Executive to fasten the gold stand
ard npon tho American people I
would no more join the ranks of those
who would proposo to fasten it upon
the American people than I would en
list in an army which was marching
to attack my home and destroy my
family." From William Jennings
Bryan's "First Battle" (page 427.)
Mr. Watson's comment is not start
lingly new, bnt it comes from a new
source. Ho was ono of tho original
populists and stands almost alone
among the membeis of that party as
a man who has always fought for
principle, regardless of immediate
party success. No populist will fail
to heed the words of Tom Watson.
If Mr. Parker can explain, and will
explain, why he believed in freo s Ivor
enough to vote for it in 1 81M and I'.KK),
and what has changed bis belief on
that snbject, possibly he may estab
lish some reputation for political
If Mr. Bryan can explain his present
acceptance of a gold candidate on a
gold platform, in the light of his
solemn pledge that ho would never do
so under any circumstances, possiblv
he may recover some of tho confidence
which Nebraska peoplo formerly re-
1 posed in bim.
A railroad wreck, a menanrio turn
ed loose, a Joseph's coat, a pied case
of type tho English language utterly
fails to fnrmsh any metaphor which
will even faintly illustrate the pro
sent condition of tho once proud, con
siatent.conservative democratic party.
Somehow, one is irresistibly re
minded of Bill Nye's famous work,
"Forty Liars and Other Lies."
Talk about the democratic party
favoring government ownership ! Have
you never read history? Has not the
party of Jefferson and Jackson always
been against centralization of power,
in whatever form? Why did this
party resist tho national bank and the
regulation of interstate commerce liy
congress, but for the- fear of govern
ment encroachment on the racred
rights of the states? Why floes Bryan
favor state ownership of railroads and
oppose government ownership? Be
cause he is still a disciple of Jefferson
in many things. Why docs McKillip
favor government ownership and not
state ownership? Either because ho is
more populist than democrat or because
he is willing to pay tho price of in
consistency for a few votes. The re
publican party and not the statos'
rights party is the ono that will favor
government ownership of railroads
when the proper time como.
The same democrats who waut the
state to own the railroads, wanted
the republican state board to assess
them at $70,000,000. Would yon advise
the tax-payers of Nebraska to buy the
railroads at that figure? Bonds issued
for $70,000,000. Well, after all. that
is in line with democratic policy.
Interest on these bonds at 4 per cent
would be only $2,800,000 nunallv.
Besidep, the railroads would have no
taxes to p-y. And onr constitution
limits the state to $100,000 indebted
ness. And yet the democratic party
stauds for consitutional limitations!
O muse, inspire us with a poom on
consistency !
"The Telegram believes ten thons
and republicans who love their state,
men who have become alarmed at the
reckless action of republican officials
in plunging the state into a debt of
more than two million dollars, will
openly repudiate the machine ticket
at the polls" Telegram.
The Journal believes fivo hundred
democrats who love, their pocket books,
men who have become alarmed by the
reckless action of democratic connty
officials in plunging the connty into
a debt of more than ten thousand dollar--,
will openly repudiate the demo
cratic machine ticket at the polls.
When the government of the United
States to be entrusted to the guidance
of a cheif executive thero is nothing
more sane as an issue in the election
of an incumbent to that office than the
man himself. Upou his honor, cour
age and common sense everything per
taining to his ofllce depends absolutely.
The people of the United States have
nover been given reason to doubt Mr.
Roosevelt's possession of the qualities
named. They will vote for him.
Baltimore American.
The more you think aboat it the
more yon see a strong family resem
blance to the ostrich act in the atti
tude of the democratic convention on
the money plank. The democratic
ostrich stuck its head iu the sand,
deluding itself that it had fooled the
people. The candidate labeled it in
the most conspicnops place, and the
label is still there, where those who
run may read. Kearney Hub
Parker's speech of acceptance forci
bly reminds us of the breakfast-food
editorials in the defnnct Omaha Re
publican, that invariably estied up
with "and we desire it distinctly
understood that we do not wish to bo
understood.' Omaha Press.
The Democrats concede Nebraska
to Roosevelt by from 40,000 to GO. GOO
and yet claim to .bs able to elect fus
ion state officers as well as congress
man. Wouldn't that scorch you?
Genoa Leader.
. Tho New York Sub is a desaeoratio
paper, but one that is always inde
pendent and is not controlled by Wall
Streot. This paper has published an
editorial article giving the reasons
why it will support Roosevelt and
Fairbanks. That its argument may
be fully apprciated. we reprint the
Sun's article :
"The campaign ia now on. Both
parties and both candieaUes have spok
en. On the ono side, a coawervaiiv
party, with a radically inclined and
erstwhile too strenuous candidate for
president, and behind him for the
vice-presidency a man of undoubted
capacity, sound opinions and mental
and physical promise of eadeuranoe.
Ou the other side a radical party,
with an iufinite capacity for mischief
and a stupendous reccrd of mishcief
actually accomplished, present's for
president a conservatively inclined
candidate of irreproachable character
and attractive personal accomplish
ments; and for vice-president one
whoso extreme ago is tho sole but
sufficient reason for apprehension in
enso of his succession to the presi
dency. Such is tho choice before the inde
pendent voters, and it is the independ
ent voter who will decide this elec
tion. He cannot take Judge Parker
on the repablican platform and record.
He cannot reject Mr. Roosevelt with
out beckoning to the distant Huns;
without helping to open the gates of
power to political forces of
ed destructive potentiality. It
better to maintain unbroken the wall
of defense which the first election of
McKiuloy established.
Two things might have happened to
make the choice of 1904 a choice be
tween individuals rather thau be
tween parties standing on their re
siiectiva records. Neither of the two
things has happened. The first oppor
tunity was deliberately avoided by
the compromising tricksters at St.Loa
if;. The second was deliberately
thrown away at Rosemonnt yesterday.
Barring Judge Parker's gold telegram
of l'.KU. offsetting m some degree his
two free silver votes for Bryan in
1SW. and 1900, and barring a politic
anti -second-term pledge, which might
have been made perhaps more grace
fully in an inaugrual address after
election, nothing has come from Judge
Parker's lips or pen to indicate that
he tossesses a single political idea
marking bim as a statesman of inde
pendent initiative, of courage super
ior to the St. Louis brand, of stature
to command and lead. With the
two exceptions noted, he is aa echo
of the convention and naught beside,
lie is yet the unknown quantity that
ho was throughout the preliminary
period of silence prescribed by judi
cial dignity. Instead of rising above
the platform, Jndge Parker has craw
led pretty ignominiously beneath it,
in our reluctantly expressed opinion.
He himself has decreed that the
choice of the independents shall be
one of parties and records and prin
ciples rather than of men.
To stute the Sun's position and its
reasons therefor requires no meta
physical subtlety of explanation. The
main consideration is as broad as the
nation's interests. As the case is now
made np, we prefer the impulsive
candidato of the party of conserva
tism to the mildly conservative, tem
porizing opportunist, representative
of the Run. vote in the background
We have more faith ia the distinct
promises of the Chicago platform,
not ignoring the many serious defects
of that document, than we have ia the
miserable bell broth of dih water and
dynamite concocted at St. Louis a
month ago by a parly afraid to renounce
its criminal follies, and tasted yester
day at Esopus by a respectable can
didate who declares with gusto that
its favor is admirable. We shall
therefor advocate the election of Roose
velt and Fairbanks and advise the
defeat of Parker and Davis, preserv
ing onr own absolute independence
of organic control and our freedom of
jndgment as to every specific question
ocsurriiig. And may Hon. Theodore
Roosevelt's present mood continue,
and if he is elected may the discour
ager of precipitancy stand alwavs at
bis elbow.
' ' In the politics of the Empire 8tate.
ho far as they concern state matters,
wo shall support the candidate, what
ever may be the partisan designation
of his ticket, who seems to us the
more likely to give the people of New
York tho honest and competent admin
istraiou their public affairs so griev
ously and to wipe ont the grocery
shame and evil of existing grocery
conditions-of Albany."
Soawof tacaedara Port Artaar will b caaw'
tared for aare. and thaa aobodr wUl'beUere It
A choice between two Iriahawa for coasraas'
aad two prohibitioalats for coTeraor. They at
raaaUHC a Uttlo bit rockjr f or na Genaaaa.
We don't want to aeeaa tomb it "la, especially
wkhearoldfriaada,bat we caat bdp aakia
Brothar Howard aow he likaa the idaa of Totias
f or a praUbttioa-aopaliat'f or governor.
Oar correspondent from t be Star Koato accatea
tela departawet of aariatt swiped aoaeof Ida
material ia order to make "poetrj" eatof K.
Wa ackaowleas the coaplaiat coatalacd ia the
word, bat we deaf the charge.
Did aay man In Platte coaaty ever before hear
of any of the seatleawa who were aoaafawted oa
the faaioa state ticket last week? We aae heard
of Bere becaoee we lived ia the aaate town with
him for a while. Can anybody identify another?
TaeUentleaMalyMr. BUbypayaas the com
pliment of sarins; that we are alone amoac newe
piper men of the atate ia defease of Bishop Pot
tjr and the Christian aaloon. We take the liber
ty to wonder how many more there woald be if
it were aot for the reetrainiae: iniaence of com
mercial consideration. O Tempore!
Of coarse it ia nothing to aa whether people
cot their weeda or not, and Thirteenth atreet ia
oat of oar fixed orbit anyway; aot we ware great
ly toarhed by the story told oae day laat week by
areaident of that district. With the lean running
down Ida aoneat d ace, he aaid: MI dida't
mind it eo mach wli.-u the weeda crew np and
killed all my cottouwood trees by ahnttiag them
oat from the sunlight. These treea were planted
by my grandfather aad were h'ghly prized, bat
I reHected that everything moat perish some
time. 1 dida't coaplaiaeveawbea they totally
obecared the light of day aad tamed aside the
breeaeaof heaven, eo that we -had to keep the
lamps bo rains all day aad fan the chickens to
aave them f rom aaaocatioa. Bat when oar cow
atrayediato thie wilderness and was lost for a
week, ia coaaeqaeace of which two of my
children died of atarration, I felt that it wa
pretty toash. And only yesterday a wind storm
came op which blew down one of the-e weeda
aad killed my wife. 1 kaow aot where this will
end, bat I feel that 1 have had aboat my share.
I ahall lay my case before the board of aldermen
of thie metropoliaand the W. C. T. U."
Herbert Spencer's First Oath.
That Herbert Spencer was a really
keen fisherman cannot be doubted. If
it were it would be set at rest by aa
anecdote which he tells without ap
parently being hi the least conscious
that It Is siauslag. During his trip to
Loch Doon his jlae, became entangled,
and, at lengtaC "loetag all patience, I
vented an oath." The man In the
boat, who was precentor in the kirk,
reproved him, "which drew my atten
tion to the fact that, being then 36
years of age, I had never before been
betrayed into iatemperate speech of
such a kind, thus making me more
fully aware than before of the irrita
bility produced by my nervous disorder."
Traits ef Indian Children.
A teacher. In an Indian school
writes: "A little girl got her finger
mashed on recently In the cogs of the
mangle of our laundry. 8he never ut
ters a sound or complaint about the
pain. An Indian doesn't appreciate a
favor. If you give him bread to-day,
to-morrow he will ask for two pieces,
and the next day will want coffee
thrown in, and if you refuse will be
greatly offended. -One of the hardest
tilings we have to do Is to teach the
little Indians to say Thank you.'"
Kansas City Journal.
Mad Hie Suicide Dramatic
A stranger who had taken lodgings
for the night at a hotel off the Rue
Traversiere, in Paris, committed sui
cide by taking poison. He had cov
ered himself with a large quantity of
roses, ani in a note left on the table
begged to be buried with the Sowers,
addicg: 'I am a mystery, come from
mystery, aad return to mystery. I
have come to Paris to die there, unbe
known to my family. It is love that
kills me
Swiss Concrete Floors.
In Switzerland concrete floors are
made with hollow beams, which are
one part cement to four of coarse
sand. They can support four times aa
much weight as wooden beams, are fire-
proof, aad easily placed. Being hollow
they protect against extremes of heat
and cold, and may be wanned by pass
ing hot air through them.
"Never has the administration of
the government been oa a cleaner and
liigher level; never has the publlo
work of the nation bean done more
honestly aud efficiently. "Theodore
The Japs have purchased the entire
Chilian navy, as they needed a boat
about that size to cross the Manchur
ian creeks with. Central City Dem
ocrat. a-
Mr. Bryan is trying to patch the
democratic troupers with aa off-colored
cloth which shows np very plain
ly. Kearney New Era Standard.
Edith and the Lord's Prayer.
Edith's father was anxious to know,
as she began to grow np. whether the
traditional family imagination had
been handed down to her. He was
thoroughly satisfied on that pout one
night when, as she came to the ead
of the Lord's Prayer, he overheard
her saying: "Amen, two men, three
Unjust Jafjaneee'Cuetem.
When a robbery Is committed In
Japan the ruler of the hamlet sum
mons the male population, and they
must write oa a paper the name of
the person they suspect of havlag
committed the crime. The one who
receives most votes is duly punished.
If McKillip is a man who places
principle above partisanship, then he
should declare for Watson aad Tibbies.
Genoa Times.
Crchids Car to Grow.
Many orchids ave not tlc dimcult
flowers 10 grow that most people sup
pose, says Country Life ia America.
There are at least fifty out of ten.
thousand varieties of these regal
blooms that may grow in the domestic
people make their religion
bargain days come on Sunday.
The guiding star must not be wor
shipped iastead of the Soa of God.
The waves of public opinion do not
affect the tides of God's purposes.
Ton cannot take the stlag out of
the saloon by cutting off Its rattles.
gar hvk:
We still have left a few dozen of our
Blue and White and Red and
White Stripe Work Shirts
All sizes, 12', to 17,
Price to CLOSE OUT . . .
Men's White Unlaundered
Sizes 14', to 16,, 50c Values, J MTT g
Price to Close Out ... .
Our line of Summer Vests, nearly all sizes, on sale this week at
$2.50 Straw Hats are now going at $1.25.
Odds and ends of Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, Irom 10c to 50c
exceptional values.
Men's and Women's Oxfords (all Pingrees) on sale at LESS THAN
COST, and this is just the weather for low shoes.
Men's Cassimer All-Wool Pants $5.00 pair now $3.00 $4.50 pair
now $2.50 $3.50 pair now $2.00.
Forty Boys' Two-Piece Suits, ages 10 to 15 years, your choice for
$2.50 ($5.0O values in these.)
Nice summer Men's and Boys' Madras Shirts, good patterns, sizes
122 to 17, for 50c.
A full line of White Coats and Aprons
The Journal's FREE CHARTS are
GOING FAST ! 1,000 Charts will
not last 60 days at the rate they
are going.
If you are an old subscriber, pay
one year in advance and get a $3
Chart FREE! If you are not a
subscriber, send in your subscrip
tion TODAY !
Wlwut, nnw N2
Wheat, olil 84
Com 4i)
Outs i IhihIioI 2ii
Rye V 1iihIi1 4H
Rsirley s "28
IbH-'. ctvt 4 20Q I 50
Fat Htaera $! wt 4 OOtfj 4
St;k Htforrt -jt ewt 2 K!Q li frfi
Fat cows- y uwt 2 IM 3 05
rotation y pk :io
Huttor -W fit lltfilG
E!n TP ilrtzon.... y.ift
What tin Chart Cwtaiis;
1st Page A bsnilsonie multi-colored
map of tbe world, varnished, tbe
only map of. the kind published,
showing tbe flags and coat-of-arms
of all nations. Retail price of this
map $1.25.
2nd Page A large and complete map
of Nebraska. The best and latest
map of tbe stated published. In
dispensable to every Nebraskao.
Retail price, 75c.
3d Page A large map of tbe United
States new. Contains 40 per cent
more oi i:ie smaller iowub iuhu us
ually shown in a United States
map. The Electoral rote is print
ed in red figures on each date.
Also fine half-tone pictures of all
the presidents from Washington to
Roosevelt with their autographs.
Why Yh Shi.t. Haie
HISTORICAL: The oldest paper
in tbe county. The Indian Htories
in tbe "Many Years Ac" items,
alone worth more than tlio prico of
subscription, !lc u week.
POLITICAL: The only lepuhhVan
, paper that gives the iiuv.h of tho
entire connty.
BUSINESS: Tho brat biuineso men
advertise in The Journal.
REMEMBER: The Jonrnai buI.
scription list represents the cont
inued lists of The Journal and the
Times and ia open to the inspection
of our advertisers.
Call, write or see one of our agents.
Columbus Journal Co.
Tickets to St. Loiiisi and return,
Good iiftwn daH I7.0l
Oix.d wxty uayn 19.IHJ
(imhI all Rummer, , 22.00
For full information about train wr
vico and other dotaita Bee "the- ticket
The St. Lonin Evpoflition the great
est show tho world has ver euen is
now complete ami in harmonious
operation, and it will ho a Iirtim'H
J regret if you fail to wo it.
L. W. Wjikkm:.-,
(Jeneral Pnaaenger Agent.
Trip tiricfttii to St. Louis nnd return at
following low rates:
Every day to Nov. .0, goml to return
15d.iyH. $1 1.10. . ,
Everyday I o Nov. 20. irum! t r ,.,.
tiOdajn. SIOOO.
Inquire of W. II. I'onliaui, Agent.
Tin f.ll..inir in.tii f ,
..f tl.. Plate f.r J,, l,fiu,kn.a Urejnaftcr l f.,nh
in fiill i Hul.mitt! I.. tl. .Itf,.r II,., Hll
. !ti., t ,. Il,l 'U.-Uy, NW,U r H.A.U.
(Hwtk Fii.i: :;,.
Tbe wumtk of a ntaa'a heart can
not ba told bjr the taaiparature of his
If you do not Iotu folks you will not
ba happy In hearea, for It Is full of
The earth ts the Loral's, but a ssau
noes aot show his religion by tryiag;
to gut Stall.
A living character affords the only
colon ha which God could palat his
of a
Hr Way.
A woman's vay of saying to the
minister tnat she would like to whale
her bo;, who has Just knocked over
the water pitcher, is to declare:
"Dear little chap; be. Is so .full of
innocent spirits." New York Press.
Irrtnatian In Idaho.
-The valleys cf te Payette and
Bois livers, in southern Idaho, arc
soon to be the scene of a stupendous
irrigation work, by the government.
The - lject is to reclaim 372,000 acres
or land.
Thera aevar will. he a poor prayer
satiac so loa aa there ia oaa hear
rich wkh aatftadw.
It ts better t oa th setting of
prosperous drwaliatiis .than tht
Jewel of, a pure character.
It ia not wlM to nut oil your eaer
gtea Into uutalat for old rebels to
tha Mgtect of naw recruits.
Mam who aro adrsrtisiag that they
walk with tha dsvll now wftt ho anx
ious to atovo an alibi sobm day.
A friend of mine was prevented
from going to India on account of
nalMag a letter without a postage
stamp on it The other day at the
nostoaTsce, while investigating this
subject, I was shown letter after let
ter containing bills, coin and money
orders, wnlch could not be delivered
either to the addressee or the sender.
It Is enough to take one's breath
away to think for one minute about
the amount of trouble caused by un
delivered letters. I was shown a reg
istered letter, ready to be sent to the
dead letter office, which bad been to
Sweden and returned to Chicago, but
the party sending it bad moved with
out leaving his address. The letter
was fat and probably full of bills.
Earl M. Pratt.
Sanitary Dwellings.
The German government has pre
pared a bill to promote the erection
cf small dwellings, unimpeachable
from sanitary, moral and social points
of view, and at the same time obtain
able at a reasonably low rent. Lon
don Engineer.
A l.ill Tor a.l,.n,t ..lnli..n rwi,,.n,lins;
..I.-.t,..,. ,.r ,...., r f, liMamrJ for r
.-tkTuriht a rout wit on lo rt-vtM, , , ,
H.;... Ilr r,,..H;.,.,M. of c,::is'"urkL
in :ir-rorl.ii-. will, Sn-tion .'. Ar.iil,, I-, f ,7
ViiMtiiiition.rfll.Siai..r sU"n"k" '
That it Ik i1ttk- nr-M-nry to call fl ,
Htitnlion of th-rtti.teor N,.l,mrn "' ' 'n-
1. Tlutt tl.i-.-l. rli.tH j,,,. n-coiiiim.Bjkd t . .
.it Urn next Action of Urn .J,
We hav so tight to upbraid ma
I for awing tho world unisaa wo aro
offsrlng thorn anuiothtag more lov-
I able. Kam'a
Three Old Saws,
If the world seems cold to you,
Kindle fires to warm it!
Iet their comfort hide from view
Waiters that deform It.
Hearts as frosen aa your own
To that radiance gather:
Tou will soon forget to moan.
"Ah! the cheerless weather''
If the world's a wilderness.
Go. build bousea la It!
Will It help your loneliness
On the alodi to din it?
Raise a but. hbwever slight;
Weeds and brambles smother;
And to roof and meal invite
Some forlorner brother.
If the world's a. vale of tears.
Smile, till rainbows span it!
Breath the love that life endears,
Clear of clouds to faa it!
Of your gladness lend a gleam
uaia sows uu aauver;
taeas how Sorrow's stream
Blends with Hope's brightrlver!
Why I Hope.
I wish more of my experiences had
been real experiments in place of
blunders. But a German friend told
me when we stopped making blun
ders we stopped growing, and that en
couraged me a little Earl M. Piatt.
Abolish 'no Marriage Fees.
Many countries have now abolished
all marriage fees. This is the case
in Norway, while In tho Netherlands
certain days in the week are set apart
when persons may be married without
"L" Traffic Increases.
It Is aoted In New York city that
tbe Increase ia the passenger-carrying
traffic takes place on tbe elevated
roads that on the surface lines re
maining at a stationary point.
i n,ir.- ior or lurim-a a convention to r..'i
"f" NM, r'kn ?"13" l'"U ,tUal,"tt Ut ,lw
the l-, ou.the K-.Hot of rh Sw,
lotineat Mirh I-tio. Khali he prin.j or wriu
-n in -...I, manner that the Sector can imllnSZ
I.ih ..r-fcrenre 111,.1-r the law th words- MR
railing a con twit ion to roviM n..n.l 21 1
k-r-rn-iVrri-r' &xi
k.. -m.l AfaAI.VH allitiK ;, corivf-ntiou lorM r.n.1 rima th-ronMifmion of ,W
.Stat- j,r VJMwka';- and if ,jo,ir X,A1
at m.i.1 , rti.,i. , Hh.ill kot for a ro,ntfoa tl
law fr ral'ins- ll.- fam... "",l" "f
,. ' r'"I ? N'T"''. rn-tary of Htatw of Ik.
SIM- .l, do htrehy c-rtifv ,kZ !fe
Ifirii'itinif .rttkj.u,jl .A.I
t on of th- HIM of M-Ika. ! pVovi, Dlf for
"J .".nvt,"t',n fi,r "T wMonor tcueUiEfiiV:;
t WIT Olilll? HI imiMUtM lia ..
Visit the Old Folks.
One-fare plus S2 for the round trip to
a great many points in Ohio, Indiana
and Kentucky. Tickets on sale Septem
ber 6, 13. 20, 27 and October 11. Final
limit thirty days. See me for full par
ticulars or write to I. W. Wakeley, Gen
eral Passenger Agent. Omaha.
L. F. Rector, Ticket Agent.
ro'jrf thi. nriRinal -nroll! bin r-i Th
TwratyivMh Mion of the UriS,S th
Htatrf .Vbraka.a it a,,,, L.mUt.J
nai inn, on tile in my oftW, nnrt that nsid ;.
r-l luiirailiwat ami n-vion of b Jwnuit
Hon of the State or N,-I,ra,k , i mhtU,Tu,tfc
nn.?.?;,TV,r 1 "k ' h'rpBto wt n.y hn.f
x2!l" !,i..LinC"iB,,iX,,h ,LV "r '- i" th"
ITt 2? mr J'"?' 'I8 Thoaaaad jjiBW Hn..lrl
2? . .?r,Af '.'? 'kK-nilonre or the Unitt
Stat? the One Ifnnilml an.l Twenty-Ninth and
.r this State the Thirty. KiKhUi.
(OUEAT MEAL.) . H. W. MliSH.
Secretary of Stile.
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