J. -tj. v ". - r-vstt? .vfi'ijmrei . - X-.?-- v ; F W P 1 V ., ... I- e r.v r. Vf. 'r. .3, 4 i. .r P. .r.. if : . i t li y. r?- ! . If.. l-H " It lr r? . tf: !t:- 1- r !fc !-: h. -. ii r:. v i: ; - &--; Ite CoImIis JNIWl By COLUMBUS JOURNAL CO. OOUOMBU8, 0 News in Brief Japan has more than two thousand newspapers; ten years ago not one Jules Verne says the great bulk of his work has been done by writing for three hoars before breakfast. The Royal Canadian Yacht club will challenge for the Canadian cup now held by the Rochester Yacht club. Two thousand cloakmakers em ployed In seventeen shops in Cleve land, O., have voted to gojan strike. There are many log cabins in the Adlrondacks that cost their owners over 1100,000 apiece. Even interior furnishings of some of them are of logs. A portrait of Crown Prince Michael Alexandrovleh, brother of Czar Nich olas II., emperor of Russia, is a fea ture of the Russian exhibit at the St Louis fair. The coal chutes of the St Louis Terminal association, located near the relay station at East St Louis, were damaged to the extent of about $50, 000 by fire. Secretary of War Taft arrived at Chautauqua, N. ., on the private yacht of President Chase of the Jamestown ft Lake Erie Railroad company. Vincezo Mannino, the Italian con tractor of Brooklyn, whose 6-year-old son, Antonio, has been kidnaped, of fers a reward of $600 for the return of the boy. A net Increase of 4 per cent is shown in the statement of gross postal receipts for July, as compared with July, 1903, at the fifty largest postoffices. An epidemic of smallpox has broken out in Zion City, the home of Alex ander Dowie. the so-called "divine healer." There are said to be fifteen persons ill with the .disease. Mrs. W. W. Tinker, mother of Joe Tinker, shortstop for the Chicago Na tional league base ball team, com mitted suicide at their home in Kan sas City. She was in ill health. Ambassador McCormick has cabled the state department the first official report it has had of the results of the work of the prize court at Vladivostok in the case of the steamer Arabia. A public subscription has been started in Holland toward repairing the ruined cottage at Zaandam, in which the Czar Peter the Great lived while he was working a navy in the docks. Mr. Jamezryce, member of the En glish house of commons, has received a telegram stating that the Kurds are invading the province of Bayazid and a massacre of the Armenians is feared. By the boiling over of a tank of varnish in the varnish works of the Travers-Bailey company in Brooklyn, James W. Travers, his sister, Annie, and William Slower were fatally burned. Eugene V. Bissell, a former captain of the United States army, committed suicide in his room in the Grand hotel at San Francisco by inhaling illumi nating gas. Hs body was found by a bell boy. The arrest of Alfred Burleigh Hart was ordered on allegations filed with the immigration authorities in Wash ington, that he had been convicted in England of a crime involving moral turpitude. Fire In the Printers Exchange at Minneapolis caused a total loss of 980,000 and serious injury to six fire men, among whom was Assistant Chief Kehoe. One of the firemen will probably die. No' decision has been reached at Rome regarding What nation will in future protect Catholic interests in the far east, in view of the severance of the diplomatic relations between France and the Vatican. Alfred Burleigh Hart, said to have been recently the pastor of a church in Brooklyn, is a prisoner on Ellis Island, charged with having come to this country from England in violation of the immigration laws. The Security Trust and Safe De posit company of Wilmington, Del., was appointed receiver of the estate of the United Button company, a Dela ware corporation which controls a large part of the covered button in dustry of the country, having several important plants, and it is said its assets amount to $3,000,000. Lewis Nixon of New York has clos ed a large contract with the depart ment of mercantile marine for build--ing ships for the Black sea. The cor respondent of the Associated Press is unable to ascertain the number or character of the ships to be built, but it can be stated that they will be con structed in the yards at Sevastopol. Vice President Velado of the Re public of Salvador has arrived in San Francisco on a vacation trip of six weeks. The Earl of Halsbury has completed the ninth anniversary of his third ap pointment as lord chancellor. He is nearly SO years of age. Brigadier General Carpenter, re tired, is dead. He was. 67 years old. W. A. Burns, secretary of the Ca nadian commission to the World's Fair, has been decorated by the em peror of Japan with the order of the Rising Sun. When the Tremont sails from Seattle shortly she will carry 174,000 tons of freight for the Orient, taking a vast amount of foodstuffs for Japan. The Dresden correspondent of. the Klein Journal declares that the condi tion of King George of Saxony gives rise to the greatest concern. It is stated in St .Petersburg that both France and Germany are sup porting at Peking the protest of the Russian government against the action of the Japanese torpedo boat destroyers in attacking the Russian torpedo boat destroyer Ryeshitelni in the harbor of Che Foo. A school of cabmen is projected in Austria. President Roosevelt received a per sonal invitation to visit the St Louis exposition, but said that it probably would be impossible for him to accept as he could not undertake to make such a trip during the campaign. Before final adjournment the con vention of the Structural Building Trades Alliance, at Indianapolis, de cided that Its board of governors would hereafter be guided in its deal ings with labor deputies by an arbi- ALL ARE ANXIOUS NOTHING HEARD FROM THE PORT ARTHUR SQUADRON. FICHTMC BUMORS C0NFL1CTIHC Russians at Port Arthur Said to Be Short of Ammunition Another Story Afloat that the Port Has Fallen. LONDON Rumors that Port Ar thur has fallen are again current, but apparently there is no further warrant for them than on previous occasions. It is regarded as Impossible that Port Arthur can hold out much longer, but there is no further news either con cerning the fortress or the fate of the Port Arthur squadron beyond the statement from Chee Foo that the pro tected cruisers Askold andl Novlk have entered the port of Kianchau, which is German leased territory. NEW HEADS OF DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE. wsBBflsl VV BftJk VHbbV BBBbV jBW OStV saaa .JBBTBTr Thomas Taggart, the new chairman sf the Democratic national committee, the most prominent Democratic pol itician in the state of Indiana. He has been mayor of Indianapolis, where he resides. Is the principal owner and According to the Che Foo corre spondent of the Telegram the Japs tried to blow up the Russian torpedo boat destroyer Rieshitelni and her crew had to swim for their lives. The same correspondent states that Lieu tenant General Stoessel, the com mander of the military forces at Port Arthur, personally commanded the forces in the fight for the possession of the Taku mountain, which was ac companaled by fearful carnage. The correspondent adds: "The Russians are short of ammu nition and the garrison is excited by Incessant fighting. If the Japanese continue their assaults with fresh troops the worst may happen." CHE FOO According to the latest information obtainable the Russian squadron has not returned to Port Ar thur. On the night of August 9 heavy cannonadiing was heard at sea in the direction of Port Arthur. Advices from the fortress say that the Japan ese bombarded the town, placing their batteries in dense kaolin fields, where they were effectively masked. The shells dropped mainly in the western bastn, where the squadron was an chored. Many of the shells fell upon the battleship Retvizan, but no serious damage was done either to the town or the fleet Later the forts got th range of the Japanese field batteries and drove them out from their shel ter in the kaolin fields. On the morning of August 10 the squadron put to sea, where heavy can nonading was heard for several hours. The result of the battle is not known and nothing definite has been learned regarding either squadron. GRAND ARMY RATE WAR. Railroads Striving for the Transporta tion Business. CHICAGO, 111. The rate war over the Grand Army business has broken out afresh. Monday the Grand Trunk made the announcement that its rate from Chicago to Boston would be $16.40 for the round trip and that under no circumstances would it re linquish the differential which it claims is justly due to the so-called dxflsrential lines the Grand Trunk, Erie, Wabash, Baltimore ft Ohio and Nickel Plate. The Immediate cause for the an nouncement of a new cut in the rate Is said to be an advertisement of the Michigan Central that the lowest rate announced over any line would apply over the Michigan Central. This was taken by the Grand Trunk to mean that the Michigan Central would not recognize a differential rate to the Grand Trunk and other lines, but would quote a rate of $17.95. Citizen Forced to Leave. VICTOR, Colo. Former Mayor W. J. Donnelly has decided to remove with his family from the Cripple Creek district in consequence of re peated warnings. "I believe my life Is In danger and I fear my store and house will be burned if I remain," said Mr. Donnelly on Tuesday. The objections to Mr. Donnelly's presence in the district are from the foes of the Western Federation of Miners, with which he has been an avowed sympathizer since the deportation of union miners was inaugurated. Nine Thousand Armenians Massacred. LONDON A report having been submitted to the house of commons by F. 8. Stevenson, member of the Eye division of Suffolk, that 9,000 Ar menians had been killed in the Mush and Sassun districts of Asia Minor, Foreign Secretary Lansdown has re plied that the government has receiv ed no confirmation of the report, add ing that it is difficult for consular of ficers to arrive at an absolute esti mate of the loss of life, but reports of such officials show the foregoing fig ures to be greatly exaggerated. Refrigerator Shop Burns. ST. LOUIS The repair shops of the American Refrigerator Transit company, including sixty-five refrig erator cars, were burned Tuesday, en tailing a loss estimated at $300,000, fully covered by insurance. The or igin of the fire, which is not posi tively known, is supposed to have1 been from a spark of a passing en gine. The cars destroyed were val ued at $1,000 each. In the building, which was a large one-story .shell, there was considerable valuable ma chinery and tools, which were ruined. BOTH ARE AGREED. Uncle Sam and Great Britain m Neutral Csmmsrca. .LONDON The Associated Pre learns that absolute accord exists be tween the United Statn ana. Great Britain in respect to the rights of neutral commerce and when the dec laration of Secretary Hay was pel lished yesterday the State department was informed - that it was In entire accord with the attitude of Great Britain. In order that Russia might understand the similarity of the brand of American views, Lord Lansdowne directed the British ambassador at St Petersburg to protest again the Rus sian definition of contraband trans mitted through Ambassador McCor mick. Great Britain would like the United States to-take steps to obtain an international declaration defining the-rights of neutrals, but it Is not thought at the foreign office here that Secretary Hay will do so, it being un derstood here that he proposes to re tain complete liberty of actios. r of the Indianapolis Sentinel and has large business Interests In the state. Urey Woodson, the new tary of the committee. Is the tucky member of the national commit tee. With reference to the constitution of a special admiralty prize court at the Russian capital to reconsider the case of the British steamer Knight Commander announced in the Associ ated Press dispatches from St Peters burg last night the British officials are confident it will reverse the deci sion of the prize court at Vladivostok; They maintain the decision declaring the steamer to be lawful prize was not justified by international law and that whatever the vessel carried. Ad miral Jessen had no right to sink it Great Britain will not accept a set tlement merely by the payment of a monetary indemnity, but insists a broad principle shall be established. This Russia cannot admit at this mo ment in view of the finding of the Vladivostok court but if the new court declares, as the British govern ment anticipate, that International law did not Justify the sinking of a neutral ship, then the question would be capable of easier adjustment WASHINGTON The fact that so far no. proof has been produced be fore the State department to show American ownership of a single pound of the cargo of the Knight Commander, the British vesser sunk by the Vladivostok squadron, has tended to diminish the Interest here In the financial side of that affair. But much interest Is manifested in the international question now under discussion between Russia anft Great Britain as to the right of a beligger ent to sink a neutral ship even with contraband aboard instead of taking it before a prize court ' According to officials here, the United States is so placed geographi cally that In the event of a war with a Europeon power it might be neces sary for our warships to take the Rus sian view of this matter of the right to sink else any idea of taking prizes or inflicting its merchant snipping must be abandoned for it is said to be impossible to bring a prize across the Atlantic with its own coat HEIR TO RUSSIAN THONE. Son Born to Czar and Czarina at the Peterhof Palace. ST. PETERSBURG A son and heir to the Russian throne has been born. The empress and the child are doing well. The accouchment occurred at 12:30 p. m. The child will be chris tened Alexis. The emperor and empress of Russia (formerly Princess Alix of Hesse) were married November 4, 1894, had previous to the birth of the child to day four daughters Olga, born No vember 3, 1895; Tatiana, born May 29, 1897; Marie, born June 14, 1899, and Anastasia, born June 5, 1901. Report of Russian Attack. GENERAL KURORTS HEAD QUARTERS IN THE FIELD, VIA FUSAN Unofficial reports were cur rent yesterday that a large force of Russians were advancing to attack the Japanese right Heavy firing heard in that direction today appears to confirm the report Russian sol diers, who have been taken prisoners, say the Russians were sometimes short on rations. Two days of hard rains have followed a fortnight of se vere heat The Japanese in the fight ing of August 1 were 990. Retail Meat Trade Stops. CHICAGO With an army of more than 300 pickets, the Ice Wagon Driv ers' and Helpers' union on Tuesday established a blockade of the. retail and cold storage meat market busi ness of Chicago. The union determi nation to extend the strike to the cold storage warehouses came as a distinct surprise to the packers, and this was accentuated by the action of the ice car helpers, who on Tues day declared an intention not to han dle ice for any dealer who patronizes the strike-affected packers. Violate Lottery Laws. BOSTON. John Marshall Barry and Francis C. Webster, officers of an organization known as the North American Trust, were arrested on Thursday by United States officers on a charge of conspiring to defraud the pubfic They are also accused of con ducting a business in violation of the anti-lottery laws. The concern has branch offices in a number of cities. In June Massachusetts officers insti tuted proceedings against the con cern, and the supreme court appoint ed Burton P. Gray as receiver. JAP FLEET WINS ADMIRAL KAMIMURA REPORTS SEVERE ENGAGEMENT. THE CRUISER RURIK IS SUM Twe of the Russian War V . cape to the Nortward Ships Be lleved to Be Badly Crippled Re ports That the Naval Battle is Sill Raging. TOKIO. Vice Admiral Kamlmura encountered the Russian Vladivostok squadron at dawn today north of Tsu island in the strait of Corea and at tacked the enemy at once. The battle lasted for five hours and resulted in a complete Japanese victory. The Rus sian cruiser Rurik was sunk and the cruisers Rossia and Gromobol fled to the northward, after having sustained serious damage. Vice Admiral Kamlmura cables the navy department that the injuries in flicted upon his vessels were slight The fate of the crew of the Rurik Is not known. It is presumed that many of them were killed or drowned. The strength of the fleet under Vice Admiral Kamlmura is not known, but it is presumed that he had the Ad soma, the Idsumo, the Iwfe the Takashiko and other light crnsers. Tokio is joyous over the news, as It gives Japan mastery of the sea and restores commerce. Japanese guns dominate the dock yards at Port Arthur, and in view of this fact it would seem to be impos sible again to make seaworthy or fightable the Russian battleships which have returned to Port Arthur. It is probable that the Russian battle ship Czarevitch will disarm at Tslng Chou. The best possible naval force that Russia can now concentrate at Vladi vostok is four cruisers. The Imperial prince, Hiroyasu Kwacho, was slightly wounded aboard the battleship Mikasa in last Wednes day's engagement The Russian ar mored cruiser Rurik was sunk in the engagement in the Strait of Corea. The armored cruisers Rossia and Gromobol escaped to the northward heavily damaged. WASHINGTON. The Japanese le gation has received a cablegram from Tokio saying that Admiral Kamlmura reports that his squadron, after five hours severe fighting with the three ships of the Vladivostok squadron on the morning of the 14th, in the mouth of Tsushima island, sank the Rurik. The other two ships, which appeared to have suffered heavily, fled north ward. "Our damages,'' says the re port "are slight" NEBRASKANS FIRST TO FILE. Prize Winners at Rosebud Begin Lo cating Claims. BONESTEEL, S. D. The Rosebud reservation was thrown open to civ ilization at 9 o'clock Monday morn ing, when William McCormick, No. 1, filed on a quarter section of land ly ing lengthwise along the side of the town of Roosevelt Three other towns have sprung up, Burke, Gregory and St Elmo. Talus Rugge, who drew No. 2, filed on a quarter section adjoining Me shed prior to the opening, as hundreds Cormick. There were fears of blood of squatters had gone on lots in the townsites and were defying newcom ers to dislodge them at guns points. Governor Herried arrived to tnvei tigate the situation with regard to sending troops. Probably troops will not be sent The county seat fight has already begun among new towns. Locating agents claim knowledge of towns to which the Northwestern railroad will build, though officials refuse to give any information. Among the first hundred several did not or could not file. The land office is protected by armed guards while filing money re mains Inside. Treasury Balances. WASHINGTON Today's statement of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000, 000 gold reserve in the division of re demption shows: Available cash bal ance, $150,425,598. SENATOR VEST PASSES AWAY. Aged Statesman Succumbs After Pro longed Fight for Life. SWEET SPRINGS, Mo. After lin gering for weeks between life and death former United States Senator George Graham Vest passed peace fully away Tuesday. He had been so near death for the last three days that the end came without a struggle. He was conscious until about 2 o'clock Sunday morning, when he sank Into a state of coma from which he never aroused. He lost the power of speech Saturday morning, but for several days before that he talked very imperfectly, and during the last thirty-six hours of his life his breath ing was barely perceptible. The flut ter of his pulse was all that showed life still remained. The remains will be taken to St Louis for interment Wanted for Murder in Nebraska. DENVER, Colo. George Van Hal ler, who Is wanted by the Omaha po lice for murder, was arrested by De tectives Saunders and Kenny. In formation as to the culprit was re ceived at the police department yes terday morning and every effort was made to locate the alleged murderer. He was finally located at a house in the neighborhood of Seventeenth street and Pennsylvania avenue and was arrested. Van Haller will be held until some word has been received from the authorities at Omaha. Matouseviteh Dies of Injuries. CHE FOO Captain Matouseviteh, the late Rear Admiral Withoft's chief of staff, who was wounded during the Japanese attack on the battleship Czar evitch, has died of his wounds. Only one Russian torpedo boat remains at Tsing Choa with the Czarevitch. The Japanese demand departure of ' the Czarevitch, but the governor of Tsing Chou replied that the vessel would re main, but would be dismantled. The Japanese consul ordered all steamers bound for Japanese ports to postpone their departure. Confers with His Lieutenants. WASHINGTON Chairman Cortel you of the National republican commit tee, who is in the city for a few days, had a long conference with President Roosevelt The chairman will return to New York on Monday. Secretary Hay was at the White house for some time Sunday night as was also Secre tary Wilson. The latter has just re turned to the city from the west and gave the president some information regarding the political and crop coa ditlona in that section of the country. DIE IN A WRECK. Lives en One Hundred Passengers Snuffed Out. PUEBLO, Colo.-The wreck of the World's Fair flyer on the Denver ft Rio Grande railroad near Eden, seven miles north of Pueblo, Sunday even ing proves to have been one of the greatest railroad disasters in the his tory of the country. Two crowded passenger cars and a baggage car were engulfed In the torrent that tore out a trestle spanning Steele's Hol low, otherwise known as Dry Creek, and, so far as is known only three of the occupants of these cars escaped death. Fortunately, two sleeping cars and a diner, completing the train remained on the track at the edge of the abyss and none of those on board were killed or injured. -How many perished probably will never be definitely known, for the treacherous sands are drifting over the bodies. Searching for the dead was begun about midnight on an ex tensive scale and is still in progress tonight All bodies found were brought to Pueblo and placed in four morgues here. At 8 o'clock Monday evening seventy-six bodies had been recovered and of these fifty had been identified. Dur ing the day bodies were recovered all the day along Fountain river from the scene of the wreck to this city. At 1 o'clock Monday afternoon two bodies were taken from the stream at First street Pueblo, more than eight miles from the point where the disaster occurred and it is probable that some may be recovered even fur ther down stream. None of the bod ies are bady mutilated and all are in such condition as to be recognizable. Many identifications have been made by articles found on the bodies, no persons who viewed them recognizing the features. Two carloads of human freight plunged into the raging torrent that destroyed the trestle over the usually dry arroyo known as Steele's; Hollow, near Eden, about 8 o'clock Monday. Two sleeping cars and the diner stopped at the brink of the hungry chasm filled with a boiling current that quickly snuffed out probably 100 lives. So quietly had the catastrophe been enacted that the occupants of the three cars remaining on the track did not realize that an accident had occurred until they alighted from the train. Then they were utterly power lees to render assistance to the vic tims who had disappeared In the rush ing waters. NO WORD FROM LEI8HMAN YET. State Department Has Heard Nothing From Minister. WASHINGTON The State depart ment has heard nothing from Minister Leishman at Constantinople since last Monday, when he cabled that the porte had promised to see that he received by today the sultan's answer to his representations touching the rights of American citizens in Turkey. If to day's enagagement Is not kept the de partment probably will send addition al instructions to Minister Leishman as soon as he officially reports the ad ditional breach of faith. In that event he is expected to go to Smyrna to communicate personally with Admiral Jewell, commanding the Europeon squadron, and perhaps to take up his quarters aboard the flagship Olympla, thus marking a diplomatic crisis. READY FOR NOTIFICATION. Former Senator Davis Starts for White Sulphur Springs. ELKINS, W. Va. Everything Is in readiness for his formal notification, so far as Vice Presidential Candidate H. G. Davis is concerned. Sbartly after IS o'clock Monday, accompanied by a party of his family and friends, he will leave for White Sulphur Springs In his private car Graceland, going by the regular trains of the Coal ft Iron and the Chesapeake ft Ohio railroads. With the ex-senator will be his brother. Colonel Tom Davis of Keyser, his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lee, National Committeeman John L. McGraw and sister, of Grafton; the Misses Sheri dan of Mount Savage, Md.; Mrs. R. C. Kerens and daughter, Miss Gladys, and Secretary Charles S. Robb. APPEAL FOR MRS. MAYBRICK. English Paper Urges a Free Pardon for American Woman. LONDON In the form of a letter from a correspondent, signed "Heath cote Hardinge," the Daily Chronicle Tuesday morning makes a strong ap peal on behalf of Mrs. Maybrick. The letter urges that Mrs. Maybrick Is In nocent and that she ought to be grant ed a free pardon, and contends that she never would have been convicted had there been a court of criminal ap peal In England. The Chronicle also prints an editorial which strongly sup ports "Heathcote Hardinge's" views of the esse. A bill was introduced in the house of commons Monday by two prominent lawyers providing for the retrial of criminal cases. Must Stop Shooting Birds. WASHINGTON. A cablegram has been received from Lieutenant C. S. Owen, commanding the detachment of marines at Midway island, the land ing point of the Pacific cable, stating that the employes of the cable com pany have threatened to leave the island by the next steamer if the or der of the navy department prohibit ing them from carrying arms and shooting the beautiful birds of the island is enforced. The department however, has replied that the order must be rigidly enforced. Distinguished Engineer Dies. NEW YORK George Clinton Gard ner, the distinguished railroad man and engineer. Is dead at his home in Richmond Hill. He was born at Washington In 1834. His father. Colo nel Charles J. Gardner, was formerly adjutant general of the army. Alexieff Seeks Safe Place. ST. PETERSBURG A dispatch from Harbin says that Viceroy Alexieff has passed through that place on his way to Vladivostok. Justifies Hay's Course. BERLIN Secretary Hay's course toward Turkey Is fully justifiable. The officials here expect that the sul tan will promptly yield to the United States' demand before the demonstra tion at 8ymrna reaches a serious as pect Stark Hearing the Palace. ST. PETERSBURG Dr. Rott the imperial accoucheur, was hurriedly summoned to the Ville Alexander at Peterhof this afternoon and announce ment thence Is expected hourly. WORK OF CABINET) THE TURKISH SITUATION CUSSED AT LENGTH. DIS- OUI HIIIISTER IS HEMP FROM After Several Days ofSllence Sends Message from Constantinople Ns gotiations Understood to Have Tak en a More Favorable Turn. WASHINGTON Foreign affairs, to, the practical exclusion of everything else, was considered at Friday's meet ing of the cabinet The Turkish sit uation was discussed at length and a line of action. In case Minister Irish man's efforts are unavailing, was agreed to, but its nature was not dis closed, i Secretary Hay also presented to the cabinet some important information cabled the state department by Minis ter Griscom at Tokio confirming the reports of a great naval engagement off Port Arthur. It Is said the dis cussion of the Japanese-Russian war was purely academic and not In any sense relative to the attitude of Amer ica toward either of the contending powers. After several days' silence. Minis ter Leishman has been "heard from through a dispatch dated at Constanti nople Thursday night, recounting the results of the exchanges between him self and the foreign office officials there. The state department did not see fit to make public the minister's communication, but did make the gen eral statement that negotiations had taken a more favorable turn and there was an expectation of a speedy and satisfactory adjustment There Is, however, a vagueness about the Turkish statements and promises that has caused the depart ment having in mind past experi ences in the way of promises, to in struct Mr. Leishman to see to it that these propositions are reduced to such concrete form and are made In such a binding manner that there cannot be aay question as to their fulfill-, ment hereafter by the Turkish govern ment. It is confidently expected that the) Turkish negotiators will accede to such a demand on the part of Mr Leishman and it is predicted that the negotiations will be concluded successr fully by Monday next CONSTANTINOPLE Naoum Pa sha, under secretary of foreign affairs, called on Minister Leishman at Thera pia, a town on the Bosphorus. nine miles northeast of Constantinople. He reiterated the assurances of the gov ernment regarding a speedy and fa vorable reply to the demands touch ing the rights of Amarican citizens in Turkey. Subsequently Izzet Pasha, secretary of the palace, and Minister of Mines Selim Pasha had a long Interview with Minister Leishman for the pur pose of determining upon the text of a reply which may prove acceptable to America. FOUGHT ENTIRE AFTERNOON. Togo Sends a Report of the Naval En gagement. TOKIO Admiral Togo has reported as follows: "On August 10 our combined fleet attacked the enemy's fleet near Gugan rock. The Russians vessels were emerging from Port Arthur, trying to go south. We pursued the enemy to the eastward. Severe fighting lasted from 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon until sundown. Toward the close the enemy's fire weakened remarkably. His formation, became confused and then ships scattered. The Russian cruisers Askold and Novik and several, torpedo boat destroyers fled to the southward. Other of the enemy's; ships retreated separately toward Port Arthur. We pursued them and it ap-, pears that we inflicted considerable damage. We found life buoys and other articles belonging to the Russian battleship Czarevitch floating at sea. The Czarevitch probably was sunk. We have received no reports from the torpedo boats and the torpedo boat destroyers which were engaged in the attack on the enemy. xThe Russian vessels, with the exception of the No vik, the Askold, the Czarevitch and the Pallada, appear to have returned to Port Arthur. Our damage was slight Our fighting power has not been impaired." FOREST FIRE IN NEWFOUNDLAND St. Johns is Threatened and Blue Jackets Aid Citizens. ST. JOHNS, N. F. The ravages of forest fires along the outskirts of St Johns continue and threaten the sec tion in which the asylum for the in sane, containing 200 patients, is situ ated. A force of police, with a detach ment of blue jackets, from the cruiser Charybdis and the French warship Troude, have gone to the scene in an endeavor to prevent the fire from de stroying the asylum and other build ings. The conflagration is so exten sive that railroad trains are unable to penetrate the forest Farmers Ask for Rates. SIOUX FALLS, S. D. A petition, has been filed with the state board of railroad commissioners bythe people of Twin Brooks and vicinity, protest ing against the high freight rates which the people of that place and vicinity have to pay when compared with the rates charged east of Mil bank and other towns. The farmers in the neighborhood of Twin Brooks are said to have discovered that the rates on grain from Twin Brooks have been too high, and efforts will be made for a reduction. Chinese Are Rest! ANSHANSHAN. Captain Ziezant zeff has just returned from a daring reconnaissance of the Japanese lines as far as Hal Cheng, bringing import ant Information. He says there are decided signs of unrest among the population of the country between the Liao and the Taitse rivers, following the Russian evacuation and the Jap anese occupation of Yinkow. He be lieves that it is due to the near ap proach of the Chinese General Ma's army. There have been two days of heavy rain in this region. Wheat Takes a Tumble. CHICAGO. Wheat prices fell 3 3c in a succession of reverses Sat urday, September selling down from $1.04 4 to $1.01 and closing with a net loss of Sc at $1.01. Persistent taking of profits by the holders of long lines, who were influenced by lower outside markets, and by reports indicating that the worst of the crop damage -advices which caused the, lower value were in. Though the earlyt market tone was strong with the, overnight bull enthusiasm, September opened unchanged to c higher. nNEWS IN FOURCLOUD HAS A BAD RECORD. Former Wives Either Die er Run ae Result of His Brutality. PENDER George Fourcloud, the Winnebago woman-killer, who is under arrest for the murder of Cora Elk. Is a young man about 24 years old, hav ing a criminal record. At the begin ning of his career he first lived a short time with the daughter of Mrs. John Hill. This girl he is accused of cutting with a knife, kicking and oth erwise mutilating until she died of these injuries. His next was Marv Ann Decora, a beautiful young Indian girl, who soon f succumbed to his brutal treatment. His third was the daughter of White boy. She was young and buxom, evading his brutal treatment when he was in toxicated, but finally ran away from him. His fourth was Dolly Bighead. To this girl he was legally married. Af ter he had pounded and bruised her until she was almost killed, she ran away from him also. Only two months ago he assaulted his mother while in a drunken brawl, breaking her arm and almost killing her. His fifth victim. Cor Elk, who was found dead near the agency a few days ago, was also a young girt. With her he had lived but a short time. In a drunken rage he is supposed to have kicked and bruised her until she died from these injuries. After he had killed her it is alleged that he dump ed her body into a spring wagon and hauled her some distance from the place of the tragedy and dropped her by the roadside, where she was found dead. John Fourcloud, the father of the accused, was a prominent Winnebago, having been a member of several coun cils of the tribe, going to Washington with other members to plead their cause to the Great Father. The career of George has been that of a vicious inebriate, having a pe culiar mania for women, and these the brightest of the tribe. He "has been bound over to the United States sourt and taken to Omaha for safe keeping. Small Boy Mangled. COLUMBUS Earl, the little 6-year-old son of Henry O. Stndley. a farmer living five miles west of town, met with a very peculiar and painful acci dent. He was riding on a sulky plow with his father. One of the horses stopped very suddenly to kick at a fy, when the little fellow fell from his seat. The team started as sud denly as they stopped and the rolling cutter ahead of the plow ran over the back of the boy's, neck, badly injur ing him but it is thought that he will recover. Get Pay for Cells. The Van Dora iron works of Cleve land secured $27,610 from the state treasury, the balance due on Its con tract for the new cells at the peniten tiary. The warrant was bought by the treasurer, which, together with others bought during the day. reduced the amount of money in the permanent school fund from $96,000 to $61,000. The treasurer also cashed $20,000 worth of warrants for payments on the university buildings. Touched by a Pickpocket. OMAHA Although warned that pickpockets were upon the train. Wal ter Fairbanks of 1435 Vine street, Denver. Colo., lost $1,100 by the time he had reached the Union station in Omaha He was returning home from the golf tournament in Minneapolis when robbed. Paroled by the Governor. NORFOLK Max Spabr. who was sent to the penitentiary from Norfolk for a three years term to pay the pen alty for cutting the threoat of a negro from ear to ear with intent to kill and rob. after having been paroled by Governor Mickey, escaped from his parole and has been returned to the penitentiary by Sheriff Clements of Madison, having been located in Penn sylvania through the agency of a sweetheart Canning Factory Starts Up. NEBRASKA CITY Over 300 per sons were given employment at the Otoe Preserving company plant when the company began operations canning sweet corn and tomatoes. Farmer Loses Arm. PLATTSMOUTH While working with a corn shelter Herman Smi$i. a farmer, stumbled and fell, and his left arm was drawn into the gear of the machine. Amputation was necessary. Troop A, Nebraska National Guard, has received new equipment and now has Krag-Jorgenson rifles, instead of its former ancient carbines. Hail Does Much Damage. NEBRASKA CITY The hail storm that visited this county did a great deal of damage. One strip eight miles long and a mile wide, three and one half miles west of this city, was al most swept clean, and great damage was done to the corn and fruit crops. Nearly all of the corn in that district was stripped of blades, and in many Instances the trees were stripped of their leaves, while the fruit was ail in jured or knocked off. Nearly two Inches of rain fell in some portions of the county. Horse Drowned in Torrent HUMBOLDT As a result of the high water caused by the heavy rains, Claude Fergus, a young farmer living a short distance northeast of the city, lost one of his team of fine thorough bred driving horses. Appoints C. E. Lawrence. LINCOLN C. E. Lawrence of Elk Creek has been appointed by Auditor Weston to succeed Mrs. E. R. Mat thews. The husband of the latter has teen appointed deputy United States marshal. Increase in Valuation Enjoined. AUBURN Hon. Church Howe, for himself and the taxpayers of Nemahi county, procured from the district court an order restraining the county clerk from extending on the tax rolls the additional 5 per cent valuation or dered by the state board of equaliza tion. FREMONT William Bleihl -of Xidgeley township fell off the separa tor of a threshing machine at Henry sjhomthor's farm In that township and was lastaatly killed. 3 THE STATE AT LARGE. Albion had a fire last week with an estimated loss of $2000. The street fair la North Platte, held for one week, was a very successful affair. The Royal Highlanders organized a castle at Geneva with fifty charter Extensive preparations are being made for the Cass county old settlers reunion to be held at Union August 19 and 20. Dates for the Ravenna harvest car nival aave beea changed, and the events will not be held September 14. 16 and IS. The wheat crop In the vicinity of Oconee Is not as good as anticipated. In an election at Oakland the light ing bonds carried. According to word received by Game Warden Carter prominent citi zens of Norfolk have been fined $10 and costs for killing prairie chickens. Mrs. Rush O. Fellows, formerly a resident of Plattsmouth, but now of Belle Fourche, S. D., has been nomi nated by the democrats of that county for superintendent of schools. Gus McDougall, a well known young man of Humboldt, had a thumb torn wnpm his right band while attempting to clean the chaff from a separator operated by himself and brother. At a special term of the district court, held in Ogalalla. Judge Grimes presiding. James L. Mahaffa was tried for horse stealing, found guilty and sentenced to three years in the peni tentiary. Bravely tugging at the body of a drowning companion. Horace English, a 12-year-old boy, of Lincoln, saved the life of Dewey Davis. The two were swimming In Salt creek, and the Davis boy was carried beyond his depth. Morris, the watch thief, who broke jail at North Platte, was captured again. Castell. who escaped with him. tried to board the night traiu east but when he climbed the blind baggage he was met by an officer, who ordered him off. He, however, escaped. Two men by the name of Gressman, aged thirty and fifty years, were struck by lightning and instantly killed. These men lived about eight miles west of Cedar Rapids and came from Missouri alont eighteen months ago. They were engaged in shingling a school house at the time of the stroke. The Omaha ft Nebraska Central Railway company has filed its articles of Incorporation with the county clerk of Hamilton county, giving Omaha as the principal place of business ami re citing that the company is incoriior ated for the purpose of constructing, operating and the maintenance of a railroad la the state of Nebraska. Fred M. Shaughnessy of Platts mouth, a Burlington brakeman, has brought suit against the company in Mills county. Iowa, to recover dam ages in the sum of $15,000. Last No vember be was stnick !y passenger train No. 13 in the yards at Purine Junction and sustained injuries from which he remained in a serious condi tion for six wt'eks. Herman Smith, living five miles west of Murray, had his left arm mangled in a corn shelter. He was passing the shelter when he stumbled and feli, and his arm was drawn into the gear up to his body. He was not liberated until boxes and shafts were removed. He stood with his torn and bleeding arm in the machinery for twenty minutes. Amputation will bo necessary. City Marshal Dargan, of Cnadron, according to telephone orders from Fort Robinson, arrested Tom Katkin of Company I, Tenth cavalry, as a deserter. He was taken back to the fort An inquest was held before Dr. Armstrong, the coroner, of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pellan of South Omaha, who were killed near Avery, while walking on the track. The Jury re turned a verdict that they were killed by the Union Pacific fast train No. 11, and placed the blame on no one. A severe hail storm visited Custer county, extending from the middle Loup near Walworth, twenty miles south, and from two to three miles in width. Most of the small grain was in shock and while it was badly beaten out the loss will not be so great as had it not been cut Frank Wylis, a young farmer living near Ellis, attempted to slide to tho ground fram a hay stack and struck on the handle of a pitch fork and was impaled until taken down by several farm hands who were working near by. For a time it was thought he could not recover, but at last ac counts was slowly recovering. While George Gudhardt or Sarpy county was returning home from South Omaha he was held op by three men near Sarpy mills. The men forced Mr. Gudhardt to take them to the R street car line. They did not molest him in any other man ner, w The story of the engagement and the proposed wedding on the Rose bud reservation of William McCor mick. the lucky man In the recent land drawing, is denied by his Lincoln friends. McCormick has gone to the reservation to make his selection. Reports to the effect that a number of fishermen have been violating the fish and game law in that locality have reached the authorities of Beat rice. The game warden or some of his deputies may be called on to make an investigation. Arrangements are well under way for organizing a farmers elevator and grain buying company at Straussville, a small station on the Missouri Pa cific, three miles northwest of Falls City. There are to be thirty farmers to take one share each of stock at $100 and pay a fee of $3. Dorothea Woods, the 7-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods, living three miles wesv of Be atrice, had one of her fingers torn off and another one broken by getting them caught in the pulley of a hay fork white la operation. W. L. Taylor, who disappeared from Table Rock mysteriously a little over a year ago, was seriously hurt by fall lag from a load of lumber near Jop Ha, Mo., where he bow lies In a criti cal condition, the wheel of the wagon running over him and badly l realise I tf V if. : V r ih i -v: - . .' '41 ? r"s . Lf L".i t T (T jr S 33 JK&, "&tM fei WSVl6v - at. . .